The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Hi OSSGON STATESMAN. Salem. .Oregon. Friday Meaning. May i. ISIS
t 1
t . ail nr i ii
Guests Will
Visit Here
f. LL Ray Farmer arrived in the
capital Thursday- morning from
; Fort Riley, Kansas, where he .is
f ' stationed with the officer's pack
Cutlass, attached to the calvary, to
' fiend his leave with his mother,
-. Mrs. Velma Farmer. LL Farmer
will be here lor ll days.
Arriving tonight by plane from
San Francisco to spend several
days with Mrs. Farmer will be
Major and Mrs. F. X Schwarz
. enbek, jr. Mrs. Schwarzeabek
will be remembered as Lenore
v Staley, who formerly made her
: .
- home here. Her husband recent
ly returned from two years serv
- Ice in England.
in England.
Sunday afternoon devening
lends have been: invited to call
informant t th vrmor hm
on North Summer street to greet
the out-of-town guests. Calling
hours are from 4 to t o'clock.
Also here from out-of-town'
for the occasion will be Colonel
and Mrs. H. - G. -Maison, Mrs.
Kelton Lowery, end Miss Louise
Goodwin of Seattle, who is at
tending the University: of Ore
gon. . ! f.
Program Tonight -In
YMCA Lobby
r Salem Federated Music clubs
will present the-regular monthly
program in the , lobby of ( the
YMCA tonight at 7:45 o'clock.
The public is invited. Musicians
are from groups led by Sacred
Heart academy, Dorothy Pearce,
William IFawk, Mrs. Pf F.
Thomas;"; Charles , O. Hargrave,
Lena "9 e 1 1 e Tartar, Margaret
Hogg, Margaret Hood. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, Mary Talmadge
Hedrick, Mrs. David Eason, prof.
T. - S. Roberts, Frances Virginie
Melton and Crescendo, club.1
The Virgin's Slumber Song
int luunarops story
Treble Triad
Toy Soldiers -on Parade MacLachlan
Robert FerreU 1
Three Blind Mice Thompson
; Kosemary Starr
De lores H1U
Shadow Dance MacDowell
Tarantella .. MacDowell
Joella Shields f
AprH Rain i Speaks
remple Bells
' Finden .
Phyllis Blake Hall, vaice
Gladys Edgar, acctompanitst
Charraantc j Groton
Barbara Owens I
American Gypsy Dance. ,.Mowrey
reggy Burroughs i
.... . ; Van Slyke ,
1 Diane Perry - -4
Sonatina No. 1 ., Schubert
Phillip Rlanken&lUp, violin
Jewell Guetfroy, accompanist
Nocturne i Chopin
- Frances Baum I
Pastorale j Scarlatti
Gwenda Boyec j
Prelude op. 28 No 13 , ; , Chopin
Joe Brazle . j
Jean Claire Swift
tea for Two
..L. Youmans
Connie Keller. Gleam Allen.
Jtterenice jsttana. vocalists
;- -i . . .
Mrs. Powell a
Glub Hostess
Mrs. Bingham PcweU enter
tained members of : her bridge
club at dinne Wednesday night
it her home in Lebanon. The
winners of the last jseries enter
, tained the losers. Cards were in
play fter the dinner .hour.
Attending ! were !Mrs. Donald
Armpriest, Mrs. Wj Gerald Nib
ler, Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Mrs.
Robert Powell, Mrs. Andrew
, Halvorsen, Mrs. Kenneth Galla
gher and Mrs. Albert Ott.
1 Trotters Club
Dance' Tonight
i j -
, Event of tonighf will be the
Trotter's club dance at the Vet
eran's halL The semi-formal af
fair will be from 0 to 12 o'clock.
The committee in charge of ar
rangements includes Mr. and
, Mrs. Emory Hobbs and Mr, and
' Mrs. Fred Pickhard. i " i
Additional Society
News on Page 10
Today's Pattern
Des ed to slim you! Pattern
4925, ; trim- jacket over smart
Sress, Pattern includes lnstruc
ons f or sldrt with built-up top,
lso. ::' ; ;; w-'r' - iL-
Pattern 4225 comes in sizes 12,
14, 16, 18, 20; 20, 22, 24, 23, 28,
40, 42, 44, 48, 43. Size 28, dress
and jacket, 4 yards 29-inch,
Send SIXTEEN CTNT3 fa coins for
this pattern to The Oregon States- .
man, Pattern Dpt. StUem, s Ore. -print-
plainly SIZE, NAMS, : AX
- Send iirrtZX C1-N13 more for I
the Anne Adams Fall - and Winter
Pattern Boo it, fuU of smart, fabric
saving styles. I'ree pattern for hat.
and mutt-bag printed rigiit ia book.
Society .... Clubs
Music .... The Home
Maxine Buren
Queen's Tea
Highlight Willamette ,
"MX T"1 - 11 hi
t GStl VltieS
. r - ... - . .
' The 39th annual May weekend
the i Willamette university campus rwith many social events calen ,
dared in honor of Queen Betty Hanauska and Princesses Emma .
I01 Et and Wilma" Froman and the high ; school seniors who .
will be on the campus for the occasion .fj r
Coeds in the sororities and nana
luncheons and breakfasts during
the weekend. Opening the May
weekend fesUvities will be the
presentation of the Junior class
play, "Yeu Can't Take It With
You," at Leslie Junior high school
auditorium tonight
Saturday morning the May
Day celebration will get under
way with, the annual campus
YWCA breakfast from 9 to 11
o'clock. The affair' will honor
Queen 'Betty TH and her court
wth high school guests and stu
dents attending. Weather permit
ting the breakfast will be served
atj small tables on the lawn in
front, of Chresto cottage. Basket
of spring flowers will be. used
foff decorations.
iQueen Betty will be crowned
a1j a colorful ceremony in the
outdoor flower decked May court
a 1:30 o'clock Saturday after
nkn. Hundreds are expected to
attend this annual affair.
Tea to Follow Coronation
j immediately after the corona
tion Queen Betty III and her
court will be honored at a re
ception at University House on
the campus from 2:30 to 3:30
' otlock. All . guests and visitors
on the campus for the affair are
invited to the tea.
Greeting guests at the door
will be Helen Craven and Vir
ginia Case. Roberta Jean Yocom
will introduce the guests to the
line which wilt include Mrs.
'George Herbert - Smith, Queen
Betty Hanauska, her sister, Mrs.
M. Stenhenson. Princesses Wilma
3 jJ
dants, Janet Blake, Von Kauff
man and SaUy McClelland.
(Mrs. William E. Kirk, house
mother of the queen's - sorority.
Alpha Chi Omega, will preside
at the tea table. A group of coeds
from the sororities will assist in
the serving. The table center
piece will be of spring flowers
ia. pastel shades. Miss Jean Webb
Bowpn will play piano numbers
' during the tea hour.
! Thyra Jean Currey heads the
. directorate for the affair and
assisting are Dorothy Hoar, dec
orations; and Dorothy Kenney
djining room. - 1
Qoeen's Ball Saturday
Queen Betty , Hanauska and'
her princesses will rule over the
formal queen's ball Saturday
night The ball will be held in
the Willamette gymnasium from
8 to 12 o'clock. The royal party ''
will be heralded at ' ten o'clock
tb be followed by the grand
march which will be led by
Oueen Betty III and King Mar
vin Goodman. ; .
J Al Benning's orchestra has
been engaged" to play for the
affair. Decorations will carry out
the spring theme with the) gym
nasium .turned into ' a flower
garden.: Garlands of spring flow
ers, red and white crepe paper
streamers and two murals in the
spring mood by Frances Sopp
Will be arranged about the halL
Arlene Schwartz and : Joe San
lord have designed the dance
programs, which are, pink and
- blue. ' j. ' i ; " -'
I 'Patrons ' and patronesses are
Lt and Mrs. Marshall E. Woo
dell. Dr. and Mrs; Robert M.
Gatke, Dr. and Mrs. R. Ivan
LoveU, Dr and Mrs. Robert H.
Tschudy and Professor and Mrs.
Stephen C. Smith. Stan Buch is
making arrangements for th e
Iance. ,
Sororities Te Entertain Gaests "
I Sororities are planning several
Arge social events for the week
end in compliment to their out
bf-town guests.
Alpha Chi Omega Coeds will
be hostesses for a May Day ban
quet in honor of Queen Betty
Hanauska ! end Princess Wilma
Froman, members of the soror
ity. The banquet will be held
Saturday night ' at the Golden
Pheasant at 530 o'clock.
Chi Omega members will en
tertain .their out-of-town guests
. at a May luncheon at their chap
ter . house. Thirty guests have
been invited to the buff et lunch-
- ieon between 12 and one o'clock.
Delta Phi coeds will hold their
annual May day banquet Satur
day night at 8 o'clock in the
Marine room of the Marion hotel
' in honor of their guests,
j Slated for Sunday morning is
the annual May Day breakfast
for which the Pi Beta Phi coeds
will be hostesses at the chapter
house on State street in honor
of out-of-town and Salem guests.
;Forty have been Invited to the
breakfast at 9:20 o'clock, .
Mrs. "Harry Bornside and Mrs.
D. C Washburn of Forest Grove
Are visiting in Salem lor several
days as guests of Mr. and Mrs.;
Edward Burnside and Mrs. Wil
iiaa C Dyer, Jr.
: m -
Jeryme English
Society; Kditor
and Ball Will
celebration, dll open today on
will entertain guests at dinners,
, "
f r-mi . . K '
W 1 Ol TrYTC; A TG
v AOA Lf'L 0 i jrkL
Herefrom :
Miss Nncy, Wallace arrived
Thursday Inight from Seattle to
spend the Weekend with her par
ents, Mr. 44 Mrs. Paul B. Wal
lace. - Miss Wallace Is a fresh
man at the TJhiverslty of Wash
ington ana W member of PI Beta
pw. r - tllir' T. .i
Miss Ediaai Sterling Is expect
ed in' Salem Saturday from Seat
tle to spend a few days with Mr.
and Mrs.-Widlace at their Wal-.
lace Orchards home.
1' H f-
" ?: "j 1 !
Woman,! Belief Corps, YWCA.
S p.m., (nitiauon.
WRC btisiness meeting and Ini
tiation, YMCA a p.m.
MONDAY if ' T ' ,-' :
Hal Htbbard camp and auxil
iary. Vrw hall 8 p.m.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae wtth
Mrs. Paul Hendricks, 1810 Fair
- mount. 6:30; dinner.
Junior Guild. St. PauTs EpU
copal church, "UO sewing, par
ish, house. i j ,
American Lutheran guild, at
cuhrch, 2 pan. .
Mystery Mothers
' GiVen? Dinner
The "Mystery Mothers' of the
Beacon !;uild, First Baptist
church, were f entertained at a
May Day dinner at the home of
Miss Carolyn Davis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey F. Davis..
The roomj were decorated with
spring flowers. Dinner was serv
ed on small stables. Lighted blue
and Iwhitei candles were on the
mantle, guild colors. The ad-;
visors, Mrs.lJohn Seitz '.and Mrs.
Lee Cross, ierved. : .
After dinner the members of
the guild exchanged gifts with
their, My$tery Mothers. : The
monthly business meeting was
conducted :by Miss Carolyn Dav
is, after which Miss Cleo Scheidel
led in devotions; This was fol
lowed by tj talk on missions by;
Miss Jean I Hatfield, and Miss
Mary Reimann gave a talk oa
Members of the Beacon guild
attending were Misses Jean Hat
field, Mary . Reiman, Ada Mae
Tee!, Cleo Scheidel, Joanne Blax
oL Betty i Page, Marjorie Coe,
Wilma Dunn, Shirlee Reimann,
and Carolyn Davu.
Guests attending were: Mrs.
Marlon Curryt Mrs. Milton Coe,
Mrs Frederick Broer Jr Mrs.
James Manning, Mrs. John Gib
son,; Mrs. Ed Lucas, Mrs. Gerald
Christoferson, Mrs.' Walter Lot
tis, Mrs. Gus Lindstrand, Mrs.
Oswald Mcfley and Mrs. Dewey
Davis, i t,1 1
Today's Menu
Sliced salmon will be the day's
mam dish,! as a red point saver,
j but the dessert will be the feat
ure; tj. f ...
1 Lettuce chunks
Sliced salmon
Baked potatoes
I Buttered asparagus
' Froiea prune whip
' " I If " ,
2; egg whites ,
H teaspoon salt -.
M cup sugar
1 eup prune pulp
2 teaspoons lemon Juice.
Beat egg whites and salt until
stiff; gradually beat in sugar;
fold in prunes and two teaspoons
lemon juice, Pour into refriger
ator tray, and allow to freeze at
coldest tempera ture"f or several
uourm. 5; 1 .e :
aiiicievt-snooTN-ao ici cititau
laixpiMtiri-siii te eeee
EtlJOYi nAIfltlG IT
ad frsase sasfsn4 mi. miSk,
tAtBr 9& fva9 20 faaHa'aV
; - ANO '
v" " -"'flaata etk yaw aracaf . 4
U p .. : : r.;i::..,V A
Ft ". fl f---ww-i . - X ' - ,i lfa . . Nxt J
Church Rites
Performed j j
Thisday 1 ' j;
Miss Berthalene Btrausbaugh, ...
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Strausbaugh, and Mr. Clarence .
Paul Kuper, seaman first class,,
United States navy, son of Mr. :
end Mrs. Henry. Kuper, were
married at a lovely spring wied- H
ding Thursday night at the Beth
el Baptist church at 8 o'clock. .
The bride's grandfather, Rev.
Wiley Weathers, performed the
ceremony assisted by Rey. X. J. "4
Olthoff. The altar was banked .
with baskets of white, pink and j
blue spring floweks and bios-
aoms. TJghtJng the! candles Were r
Deloris Dickey end Peggy Hed
gesy who wore pink bouffant -;
dresses. Mr. Henry. Newman
sang "The Lord's Prayer and ;
Miss Sylvia Reischke sang "At :
Dawning. Mr. Newman and
and Miss Reischke gave a duet,
"O Promise Me. Miss Lois
Schrenck was the accompanist
and played the wedding mar
ches. -' -j j O'i: f '.'
The bride, "Who was given, in
marriage by her father, wore a
white marquisette gown fash
ioned with a full skirt and court
train. The fitted bodice was ,
made with a high neckline de-
signed with a sheer : yoke and
eyelet lace embroidery at the !
shoulders and waistline. Her fin
gertip length tulle veil was arr
ranged in a crown of lace which j
matched her gown. She carried 1
a bouquet of pink rosebuds lil- j
ies-of-the-valley and forget-me-1
nots. - ' ; - ' ' f - t ". j
Mrs, Earl Strausbaugh; Jr. was ;
the matron of honor. She wore a j
pastel blue marquisette g 0 wn
and carried a cascade ; of blue
flowers. In her hair was a
wreath of flowers caught to a
short blue veiL Miss Clarissa
Caspar was the maid of honor.
Her gown was of pink marquis
ette and her cascade bouquet
was of pink flowers. She wore al
pink shoulder . length veil ; with a
wreath of flowers in her hair.
Attend the Bride 1
Bridesmaids were Miss Carroll
Gragg, Miss Helen Elmlund, Miss
Viola Perlich land Miss Patricia
Powers. Their dresses were of
marquisette in .two shades of
blue. They carried pink nose
gays, and wore wreaths of pink
flowers and pink shoulder length
veils.- vi-X ' . :" !!
: Sedonia Burton in a pink dress
and carrying a basket of ; rose
petals was the flower girL !
Mr. Elton Kuper stood with his
brother as best man. Seating the
. guests were Mr. Donald Straus
baugh, Mr, Roy Littke, Mr. Roy
Kuper and Mr. Tom Harmon. . i
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Strausbaugh chose an aqua
silk crepe gown with white bead-!
ing. Mrs. Kuper's gown was also
of aqua j crepe. Their corsages
were of pink rosebuds. j
At the wedding reception'
which followed in the church
parlors Mrsih Tom Burton! and
Mrs. Marlon Zimmerman cut the
bride's cake.: Mrs. Phillip Put-F
nam presided at the punch bowl.
. Assisting were Mrs. Elton Kuper,
Mrs. Arnold Kuper, Miss Viola1
Schrenck, Miss Betty Lou Kay-j
ser. Miss Nadine Sohn, Miss Al
ice Bealls and Miss Dorothy. Hol-f
don. A quartersang "I Love You
Truly" and "Sweet as the Years"
during the reception. .1 !! j
The bride plans to remain in
Salem with her parents after her
husband leaves for Seattle to re
port for further duty. Mr. Kuper
-arrived this: week from duty sn
the South Pacific.' The newly
weds are - graduates of Salem
schools. ' !' . ' ij j
. ' ' . V i! 1
Mrs. Homer Goulet, sr pre
sided at an informal luncheon
Wednesday at the Marion hotel
in honor of Mrs. Frank BrowneU,
a newcomer here from North
Carolina. Twelve young matrons,
.who formerly resided in the
south, were bidden to the affair.
arc ats, rATS. arcj -
Book 4 YS and ZS through Dl good
through June J; 13 through 31 good
throuKh Jun SO: Kl throueli Pi ood
through. July 31; QS through Vt good
uirousa Augun u. . i
Book 4 H2 through MS good through
June 2: Nl through SI good through
June 30: TS through XS good throush
July 81; Y2. Z2 and Al through CI good
mrougn August si. . -
Book 4 SUmp SS valid for five
pounds through June i. SUmp 34 now
vaiux. , I i
Book I Airplane stamps 1, f and
s vaua uaeiuuteiy,
GASOLINE: '-.':." .
A IS coupons good everywhere tor
sour gauons eaca uurouga June u.
ruKi. on.! ii i
Period 1-S (lncl) coupons valid
through August 31. Not more than 7
per cent of . season's rations should
nave eeen usee to gate.-- ; ; t j.
v Mr. and Mrs. I W. Danserean
of Vancouver, B. are- spend-,
ing several, days in the capital as,
guests of Mrs. F. W. Lehmer at
her Royal Court apartment The.
Dansereaus, who were friends of
the Lehmers when they'i resided '
in Puerto Rico, are enroute to :
southern California. '
Mrs. Cecil E Teams; wm hm
tess to members of her bridge
club Wednesday : night I at her
home on North 14th street
Mrs. Miller
A, Luncheon i
Hostess j
r . j - j .
Mrs. Harry U. Miller will pre
side at a smartly arranged lunch
eon this afternoon at her! D street
home in compliment to! a group
of friends. j j ..
Arrangements of spring flow
ers and tulips will provide the
decorative note. Contract bridge
win be in play: after the lunch
eon hour. :.. . ;
Covers will be placed for Mrs.
Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs; ? Fred
Stump, Mrs. F. W. Lehrner, Mrs.
Custer Ross, Mrs. Harry Craln,
Mrs. Donald C ) Roberts, Mrs.
Henry V. Compton, Mrs. Burton
A. Myers, Mrs. William J. Bu
sies: and Mrs. Harry TJ. Miller
8ILVERTOPuns ire being
completed this week for the an
nual Woman's dub luncheon and
the installation of the new offic
ers headed by Mrs. George Chris
tenson, president; The luncheon
will , be held' at the First Chris
; tian church on May 14jat 1 pint
Mrs. Clark Bachmah ii the out
going president
fiCA- I ; WW yrr
t il ., , V. k
s - ' - '.
0l!::rSI:r:3iiniEhIIicii23iiL9.95, 24.95; 29.95, 39.95
CI EirJa Eire:!
Mothers to
Eugene for
-. Junior weekend on the Uni
versity of Oregon campus is at
tracting, a number of mothers '
and dads to Eugene this weekend.-
. . ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vande
neynde will be on the campus
for the weekend celebration. Mr. '
Vandeneynde, president of - the
Oregon Dads, will preside at the
business " meeting of the group
on Saturday. The Vandeneyndes
will be registered at the Osborne
hotel. ' " , - ' I
' Mrs. Roy H. Simmons and Mrs.
Karl Becke are leaving tonight
for Eugene to spend the week
end with their Pi Beto Phi "
daughters,-Mary Jane Simmons'
and Mariam Becke. ' The Salem
matrons! win be at the Eugene
hotel for the weekend. !
Mrs. Taylor . Hawkins lis also
leaving today to spend the week
. end with her daughter, Harriet,
at the Kappa Alpha Theta house, i
Mrs. William J. Busick is go
ing Saturday to Eugene to spend
the Junior weekend with her co
ed daughter, Jeanne. Mrs. Leo
N. Quids and Mrs. John H.
Carkdns are leaving today, for s
Eugene. Mrs. Childs win be with
her daughter, Betty, and Mrs.
Car kin will be the guest of her
daughter, Jean Carkin SanesL
Mrs. Busick and Mrs. Childs will
be registered at the Eugene ho
,Mn. George BL 8wift left early
' in the week for San Franciscoj to
Join Rev., Swift, who is attend
ing the sessions of the United
JNations conference. Mrs. Swift
Cotton Jaequard
y . -
, V - i - a
has gone on to Los Angeles to
visit her aaugnxer,
Payson Smith (Alice Swift) and,
her young son. '-; a 'j-...
Coed Betrothed
To Navy .lvlcin
" The engagement of Miss Fran
ces Foote to AS Donald Jeppe-.
sen. United States navy, was told
Saturday night at the Lei-Day
dance given by the " Associated
' Students of Willamette univer
sity at the- Elks temple. The be
trothal was rerealed to Miss
Foote's Pi Beta Phi sorority sis- .
ters earlier in the everting when
a bouquet of red rosea was re
; ceived at the 'chapter house.
Miss ' Foote, the" daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Foote, . is
from Chester; Calif. Her fiance
Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Jeppesen of Eugenes. He la sta
tioned in the V-12 unit on the
- campus. . No plans have . been
made for the wedding. r
Tea Planned 'fori;
War Mothers
The auxiliary to the Veterans
of Foreign Ware win honor the
war mothers with a tea at the
Veterans hall. Hood and Church
street this-afternoon.
May. 11, from I to 4 o'clock,
the past presidents club of the
auxiliary win assist about the
rooms. Mrs. Arwin - Strayer,
Mrs. Leon Hansen and Mrs. Vir
gil Bolton will be in the re
ceiving line. ,
Mrs.1 George Lewis and Mrs.
Dave Furlough will pour.
Harmony House Qnality
Woven textured cotton in soft, desert colors.
Wtnev green or blue on natural tan back
ground. The perfect choice for a man's or
boy's room. 88 inches wide by 102 inches long:.
Woven of Excellent Quality Soft,
Sun Cotton Yams. 76"x
riA1ewAf1 Striped and Figured in
llUUSpryaU Design. Rose and Green.
TImJmmmm Rose, Green and Blue with
JJeospreQcl white stripe. grxior
Generous 20x26 size
Good looking, heavy 8
unci featherproof art
ticking fitted with buoy
ant, finely crushed chick
n i feathers. Attractive
beaded edge fer ieng
' ': ' ' --a " '" ' ' "' 'r ' ""' ' ' .
v Full Or Twin Size
i .. ....... ,. i l
j ( f I v2)(2)
" ' ?y yMO OWN
; . . Usual Ourrying Caarre
Good cbnstructimrwith firm, deep tufts which
hold filling securely in place. Years of wear in
the smartly patterned floral cover, of closely
woven sheeting. Trimly taUored.Full!40-pound
50-Pound Slumbersound
Full or Twin Size
Buoyant, restful comfort for you
ieuea cotvon manress. ueavy
Neatly tailored rolled edsre and
Foil or twia size.
Shower, at
Mrs.. Hugh Morrow entertain
ed with a delightful informal
party Thursday, night at hei
State street home in honor of
Mrs. Kenneth Van Dyke. Guestj
were the women employees 44
the Salem pubUe library.
The evening was spent Inform
ally with a late supper serves
.by the hostess. The supper ta
ble Was . centered with a pansy
ring centered with forget-me-hots
and flanked by pink, whitt
and blue candles.- ' The guests
honored Mrs. ' Van Dyke with a
shower during the evening.
Mrs. Morrow's guests were
- Mrs. Van Dyke, Mrs. Myron Van
' Eaton, Mrs. Fred Needham, Mrs.
. George Weeks, Miss Dorothy
Dohm, Miss Lucille Barnhart,
Miss Ann Foster and Miss Faith
Tuttle. -
Ghristening to
Be Sunday
A christening service will hi
held at St Joseph's Catholi
church at 3 o'clock Sunday after
' boon for John Metschan Wilson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wil
son. Fattier T, J. Bernards will
. Godparents will be Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Metschan III. Great
aunts, Mrs. Anna Cattanach and
Mrs. Jessie M. Flanders wil
serve at the reception to be held
at the Wilson home, 381 King
wood avenue, following th
service. ; -, - I
in this deep 50-pound all
AUA ticking for long life.
two rows of side stitching.
Vtezi 9103 .
Vw Each j a
2.98 II
-,i ll
1.19 U
iii is
13 I