PAGE EIGHT T OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Ortega, Saturday Morning. April S3. 1945 m From TiSfafe Mt. Angel Play Is Presented At Hospital MT. ANGEL The Mt. Angel college preparatory dramatic club went to Corvallis naval hospital Wednesday night and presented the comedy "Taking the Count" for the convalescing servicemen. The play was , presented here at honte Sunday. The cast, director, heads of the college and seminary and between acts entertainers "were transported to and from the camp by a navy bus. They were guests of the hos pital staff at dinner. Those making the trip were Rev. Gabriel Morris, director; Rev. Method Korn, dean of Mt Angel college; Rev. Damian Jentges, rector of the seminary; Miss Helen Keber, pianist; Miss Pauline Saalfeld, vocalist; Leroy Obersinner, accordion player, and the cast which included: Mary Saalfeld, Dorothy Meissner, Viola Duerr, Elaine Prosser, Joyce Ros- no, Mary Bean, Delbert Ditter, Clarence Erwert, Jake Hubert, Robert Christensen, Richard lin ger, Alton Zoller and Bud Seiler. Henry Franke Dies Friday 7 Services fdr Henry BenJ&min Franke, 90, who died at his home, 2097 State st., Friday, will be held Monday at J:30 p.m. from the W. T. Rigdon chapel. Franke, a resi dent of Salem for the past 35 years, had been ill for some time. He came to Oregon from Wiscon sin at that time. Surviving are four children, Mrs. Verna Frohmader, Mrs. Elva Gruchow, and Arthur Franke, all of Salem, and Mrs. F. C. Fritzie of Berkeley, Calif., and 12 grand children. The. Rev. M. A. Getzendamer will officiate at the services and burial will be in City View ceme tery. Portland Man Gels Five Years on Rape Charge PORTLAND, April 27. (JP) Lewis C. Mitzel, 31, alias Le Roy Smith, was sentenced to five years in the state penintentiary today af ter pleading guilty to raping a 14-year-old girL Presiding Circuit Judge Walter L. Tooze said leniency was not warranted because the man in sisted his "name was Smith, al though investigation of previous felonies showed his real name was Mitzel. Marjorie Tye Will Present Varied Extension Program "Why We Behave as We Do' discussions will be presented by ; Marjorie Tye, home demonstration agent for Marion county, at Cen tral Howell and Silverton Hills this coming week. "There is a rea son for all our actions, sometimes clear and sometimes confused, sometimes physical and sometimes mental," Miss Tye says. "The aim will be to help each person un derstand herself." Tuesday, May 1, the Central Howell Farmers Union auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Silas Torvend at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Cleo Keppin- ger is local president Wednesday, May 2, the North Howell Home Economics club will meet at the grange hall at 1:30 Miss Tye will present a demonstra tion on "Care of Electrical Equip ment". Mrs, James Jackson is elub chairman. Thursday, May 3, the Silverton Hills Home Economic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Alvin Hartley at 1:30. Miss Tye will lead the discussion on "Why We Behave as We Do". Mrs. Rosa Parrish is chairman. rxiaay, May 4, a sewing ma chine clinic will be conducted by Miss Tye at the Scotts Mills Odd Fellows haU for the the Thomas Home Extension unit Mrs. Carl 'Herrisstad is unit chairman. Friday night Miss Tye will show motion pictures at the Swegle ComrJftnityjclub, which will meet at the schoolhouse. OPA Officials Will Explain Meat Ration PORTLAND, April 27-UP)-The Portland OPA office will send of ficials throughout Oregon next week to explain the new OPA meat ration order. A meeting will be held at Salem Monday noon and at Eugene the same evening. DHJi OIAN . . LAM Dt.r.TSjmJJ. Dr.G Clua-N.0 CTrL'.ESE Herbalists 211 North Liberty . Upstairs Portland General Electric Co Office open Saturday only 10 a m to 1 p.m.j to 1pm Con mltaUon. Blood pressure and urlna tests are free ol charge. Practiced s since 1S17. IRQ In w I nmr rt-i -t mmmmmmam mmmhmhww - eitte Valley Calendar SATURDAY, APRIL 28 . Yamhill county Farmer Union, chamber of commerce, McMlnnville, 1 JO p.m., no host dinner. Polk county Pomona. Fort HUL Rickreall (range. MONDAY, APRIL 3 Tennessee Extension unit Mr. Ivan Ayres. TUESDAY. MAT 1 Central Howell Farmer Union aux iliary, Mrs. Silas Torvend, 11 ajn. WEDNESDAY. MAT Marion county school board. North HoweU Home Economics club, 1 JO pjrL, grange hall. THURSDAY. MAY 3 Silverton Hills Home Economics club. 1:30 pjn- Mrs. Alvin Hartley's home. FRIDAY, MAY 4 Thomas Home Extension unit. 10:30 ajn.. Odd Fellows hall. Scott Mills. Swegle Community club, schoolhouse p.m. Miss Tye. guest speaker. Macleay grange. S p.m. Pratum Women Get New Ideas On Sewing PRATUM The Pratum - Mac leay Home Extension unit met Tuesday afternoon at the home of "Mrs. Theo. Olson of Macleay. Twenty women were in attend ance for the demonstration on "Short Cuts in Home Sewing' presented by Marjorie Tye, home demonstration agent for Marion county. Ways to speed up sewing time without sacrificing quality were demonstrated, and inexpensive sewing equipment was exhibited and discussed. Wilma de Vries conducted the business meeting and gave an AC WW report on behalf of her sister, Evelyn de Vries in Southern Rho desia, Africa. The nominating committee in cludes Mrs. A. L. Bow en, Mrs. Tom Burton and Mrs. Theo. Olson. It will report at the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. H. H. Paget Tuesday, May 22. Miss Tye will discuss "Why We Behave as We Do". r- Valley Obituaries William II. Ehlen AURORA, April 27 William H. Ehlen, 69, died at his home in Aurora Friday morning. Funeral serv ices will be held at 2:30 Sun day from the Miller Funeral home here. Rev. E. W. Kastan will be in charge of the services and burial will take place in the fam ily lot of the Aurora cemetery. He was born April 6, 1876, in Aurora, one of eight children of lr. and Mrs. Henry Ehlen, Aurora pioneers. He was married Octo ber 15, 1906, to Harriett Will, who survives him. Their only son died in 1920. Besides the widow one sister, Mrs. W. H. Monroe, sur vives. No. 6-2S Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Zurich Fire Insurance Company of New York, of New York, in the State of New York, on the thirty-first dav of December. 1944, made to the Insur ance Commissioner of the State of Ore gon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received, $883,804.23. Total interest, dividends and real es tate income, $50,419.52. Income from other sources. 1180. 876.30. Total income. $1,115,096.09. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid Dohcv holder! for losses. S475.595.39. Loss adjustment expenses, 121,833.99. Agents commissions or brokerage $248,296.76. Salaries and fees officers, directors. home office employes, $95,787.48. Taxes, licenses and lees. S28.524.S7. Dividends paid to stockholders. None. Dividends paid or credited to policy - noiaers, none. All other expenditures. $38,574.87. Total disbursements, $908,617.16. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). None. "Loans on mortgages and collateral etc.. None. Value of bonds owned (amortized). Value of stocks owned (market value t. szzi.S6o.oo. Cash In banks and on hand. $807,- ois.y. Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1944. $41 301 .21. Interest and rents due and accrued. lU.Ui7.33. x Other assets (net), $10,752.34. Total admitted assets, $2,799,896 43. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND --OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $172,060.00. isuma tea loss adjustment expense iur unpaid claims, s4.auo.uu. Total unearned premiums on all un expired risks. $345,543.96. aaiartes. rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc- due or accrued. None, Estimated amount due or accrued ror taxes, $26,500.00. Commissions, brokerage, or other cnarges due and accrued, $7,500.00. All other liabilities. None. i(Total liabilities, except capital. $556.- Capital paid ud. tl.000.0o0.60 . Surplus over all liabilities. 81.243. 892.49. .Surplus as regards policyholders, $2.. Total. $2,799,996.43. BUSINESS IN OREGON ' -. , FOR THE YEAR - et premiums received. $659.63. Net losses paid. $1,374.27.' . Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. Name ol Company. Zurich Tire In surance Company of New York. Name of vice president, Harry H. Fuller. Name of comptroller. Chas. F. Baler. Eggs TJanlcd Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance Ship or Bring Tear Egg te FDED IIEYER EGG DEPOT 131 S. E. Alder St Portland. Ore. J Va Cbrresiwndent Zena Farmers Union Meeting Held at School ZENA The - Spring Valley Farmers' union' met at the Zena school house. Delbert Folk of Brush college was admitted to membership. ' ; . Mrs. Greta Hiatt was pianist for group singing led by L. I. Mickey. S. B. Dodge, . secretary-treasurer, gave the month's report and also reported sending a letter of condo lence from the local to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and family and a letter to President Harry S. Truman pledging continued sup port toward winning the war and for world peace. Ralph C. Shepard, president, conducted the meeting. Debate was presented on " the subject, "Why the juniors should have an active part in the senior organiza tion's program". Russel Hicks and Sam Barker, president and past president of the juniors upheld the affirmative; Ralph C. Shepard and L. I. Mickey, president and past president of the seniors, up held the negative. Mrs. Alma Knower, state edu cational director of the Farmers Union, spoke. W. C. Leth, county agent, pre sented moving pictures of Polk county farms showing various crops in the field and gave a de scriptive talk on each subject. Of general interest was his talk on the rehabilitation of long unused land by the sewing of fescue clov er, which thrives on ever the poor est soil. At the social hour the committee members were the Harry Phillips and the Thepdore Burns. Silverton Lions Plan for Circus SILVERTON The Lions club met Wednesday night at Toney's Joe Land, president of the Salem Lions Club, and Burr Miller, Lions club zone chairman, were special guests. The visitors spoke on the com ing Cascade Area Boy Scout circus in Salem May 11, 12 and 13. Re ceipts from the circus will be used to develop the Scouts summer camp. Later club members adjourned to the clothing collection center and helped pack clothing for ship ment. The drive will last through Ap ril 30 and the local center will be open until then. Dr. A. L. V. Smith is local chairman. The local Lions club plans to sponsor a contest among non Scouts before the circus. , Robert Miller and Ivan Luman are in charge of the contest. Valley Births AURORA Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hurst are the parents of daughter born Thursday, April 26 at the Oregon City hospital. She has a brotner. Tne father is in the navy construction battalion in the South Pacific. Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. April 27 (API Butter AA prints 46-46'ic, cartons 46-47c: A rrade prints 45',i-46c: cartons 4546c; B grade prints 45,,-454c; cartons 48-46'ac. Butterfat First quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 52-52 Vie; premium quality, maximum of 35 of 1 per cent acidity 52-52'ic; valley routes and country points 2c less than first or 50-SUaC. Errs to producers: Large A 40c; medium A 34-35c doz Eggs To retailers: A A extra large 48c; AA large 44c; A Urge 42c; A medium 38c; small- (pullet). 35c dozen. Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 1 lbs. 31.8c; fryers 2 to S't lbs. 313c; roasters over Zt lbs. 313c; Leghorns 283c; colored hens all weights 283c; old roosters and stags ls-22'ic lb. Country meats Rollback -prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-19,ic; vealers AA 22c; A Jl'ie; B 194c; S 15-174c; culls 12-15c; beef AA 214c; A 20'4c; B 18c; C 16'c: canner-cutter cows 13W4c; bulls canner-cutter'14-144c; lambs AA 26c; A !4',c; B 22Vc: C 10 20c; ewes FS 13'ic; M 12c; R 104c. Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 293c; daisies 29.9c; loaf 303c: triplets to wholesalers 27c: loaf 27ie FOB. - Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Government takes sup ply, market nominal. Onions Green 65-70c doz. bunches. Onions sets, eastern 32s 7.65; plants. Walla Walla. 60 bunches (.00 30. Potatoes Deschutes culls 3.00; Klamath Falls culls 3.50 cental: 50s 1.60 bag: local Is. 100s, 330; Maine Potatoes New Texas Red Tri umphs 3.62 per 50-lb. bag; Florida 3.16 per oo-ia. Dag. Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1944 peel 15c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Ray wholesale price nominal: Al falfa No. 1 or better $34-36: oats- vetch $25 ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) $33-38 ton; clover $22-23 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, April 27 (AP (WF A) Salable and total cattle 25; calves . none; market active, fully steady; few light stocker steers 13.50 1430; light cutter steers down to 930; good-choice ted steers quotable 1535- 11.00; canner-cutter cows 7.00-iu.oo; fat dairy type cow 1135: old sausaee bulls 12.00; rood heavy beef bulls quotable to 1330; good-choice vealers salable 15.00-16.00 Salable hogs none, total 540; market nominairy steady; harrows and gilts salable around 15.75; sows salable i.; good choice feeder piss quot able 17.50-18 00. . r " . . aiaDi sheep none, total 400; mar ket nominally steady; good-Choice wooied spring lambs salable 15.50 16.00; good shorn ewes quotable 7.00 aown; wooied ewes eligible to 8.00. Valley Briefs Grange Meeting The Macleay grange will hold its social night meeting at the hall tonight. Boy In St. Louis The Lloyd Hardmang of Gervaia completed the purchase of .the Tillie Siverson place in the St Louis district Remodel Building Joe Bonn, near Gervaia, is remodeling a arge building to be used as a crossroads garage and repair shop. Linn "Leaders Visit Vivian Hansen, Linn county home dem onstration agent, . and H. John Hansen, Linn county 4-H club eader, were in Salem Friday to take in the Marion county spring show. The Linn county show will be held May 11 at Albany. State leaders at the Marion show in eluded. H. C. Seymour, state club leader, and Helen CowgilL state girls club leader. Grain Market Declines on Profit Gashing CHICAGO, April 27-jp)-Grain markets rallied after an uncertain beginning today, but profit Cash ing appeared on all the hard spots and at the finish most quotations were on the off side, some of them down a cent or more. The trade, particularly in rye, was nervous and price trends changed frequently. The wheat market was quiet. Pit traders were on the short side at the start and some selling was believed hedging against cash pur chases, Primary receipts of wheat to day were 1,571,000 bushels, com pared with 2,034.000 bushels a year ago. At the finish wheat was higher to 4 lower than yester day's close, May $1,7474. Corn was off to up Vi, May $1.15. Oats were up to down 1, May 66- 667s. Rye was unchanged to m lower, May $1.3574-3-s. Barley was off Va to , May 98. Buyers Send Stocks Ahead NEW YORK, April 27 -IP)- In vestors returned to the buying side of today's stock market and gave a substantial lift to selected rails, liquors, aviations and assort ed industrials. Transfers ottaled 1,360,000 shares, compared with 1,370,000 Thursday. Recovery inspiration was found partly in the revival of postwar prosperity psychology. Meeting of American and Russian armies in the heart of Germany, to observ ers spelled the quick doom of the nazis and the return of home in dustry to civilian production. Dis sensions at the United Nations conference brought a tinge of bearishness. The Associated Press 60 -stock average was up .3 of a point at 64.7, with the rail and utility com posites making new 8-year peaks. Portland Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore April 27 (API- Wheat: No futures quoted. No cash grain quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.52: soft white (excluding Rex) 132; white club 1.52',i; western red 132. Hard red winter: Ordinary 132; 10 per cent 1.54:1 per cent 1.62,; 12 per cent 1364. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 131; 10 per cent 1.54; 11 per cent 1.60; 12 per cent 1.66. Today's car receipts: Wheat 22. flour 4. corn 6, oats 1, hay 1, millfeed 11. Stocks and Bonds April 27 STOCK AVERAGES 20 10 1$ 10 Indus Rails Util Stks Friday 85.9 413 "48.0 64.7 Previous day 85.7 40.7 42.8 84.4 Week ago 85.5 39.3 42 8 63.8 Month ago -.80.4 353 " 403 593 Year ago i70.4 27.0 35.8 51.1 1945 high 86.4 41.3 43.0 643 New 1945 highs. BOND AVERAGES 30 Rails Friday 100.5 Previous day 1003 Week ago 100.0 Month ago 99.4 Year ago 87.1 1945 high 100.5 IS 15 60 Indus Util 1043 107.7 Fogn 72.7 72.7 72.4 104.8 107.8 104.8 107.6 105.1 106.9 105.2 1063 1053 1073 71.0 66.0 723 Salem Market Quotations The prices below (uoolied bv cal grocer are indicative ef the daily marcei prices paid to growers by sa lent buyers but are not guaranteed oy ine statesman: BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY (Sabject to chaage without aetlee) BUTTERrAT Premium , 34 No 1 3$ No. S -- 36 BUTTER PRINTS A B - --. -U Quarters : EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards Pullets Mk " 37 34 33 32 , , 34 Cracks POULTRY No. 1 coloied hens No. 2 colored bens ' 2S30 24 00 31 80 3130 - 1330 . 64 to 06 Bakes Colored frya Lambs - Ewes . . Cows, boners and cutters .04 to 66 Cows, common 1 M tt N Cows, top dairy . to Of 50 Cows, bee type 3 te IX Veals to . 1430 Bulls ,3$ to XI Hogs. I8U. to 270 . 45 45 Sows T to 143 Financial $600,000 Plant to Be Constructed at Eugene PORTCAND, Ore, April 27.-UP) Construction of a $600,000 plant for the International Cross Arms Co, Chehalis, Wash, on a 10-acre Eugene, Ore, industrial tract, was hinted today by a Portland ' con tractor. A. D. Ford & Son said the Wash ington company had retained their construction service for the plant and office buildings, which will include a dry kiln, a cross arms factory, creosoting plant and ware house.. - No. 21-26 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Twin City Fire Insurance Com- Sany of Minneapolis, in the State of linnesota. on the thirty-first day of December, 1944. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $371340.43. Total Interest, dividends and real es tate income. $74,072.78. income from other sources, fl3.499Jl. Total income. S460.1 13.0s. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid Dolicvholders for tosses. 9199.60014. Loss adjustment expenses. tS.S29.68. Agents commissions or brokerage. S110.258.Z7. Salaries and fees officers, directors. nome ornce employes. i,M3.73. Taxes, licenses and fees. S4.565.5Z. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, 130.000: stock. None). S30.000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. All other expenditures. S37.736.43. Total disbursements. $395,524.47. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $31,636.28. Loans on mortgages and collateral. etc.. SS.74Z.03. Value of bonds owned (market). Sl. S62.S1S.61. Value of stocks owned (market value). $591,760.00. Cash in banks and on hand, $83, 773.58. Premiums in course of collection written since September 30. 1944. None. Interest and rents due and accrued. $10.96131. Other assets (net). $1,600.00. Total admitted assets. $2,291.38 83. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $128,590.62. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. None. Total unearned premiums on aU un expired risks, $334,49438. Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued. None. Estimated amount due or accrued for taxes. $29,955.00. Commissions, brokerage, or other charges due and accrued. None. AU other liabilities. $89,178.68. Total liabilities, except capital, $382. 218.68. Capital paid up $500,000.00. Surplus over aU liabilities, $1,209, 170.15. Surplus as regards policyholders, $1, 709.170.15. Total. S2.291.388 83. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received, $3,487.45. Net losses naid. $452.44. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. None. Name of Company, Twin City Fire Insurance Company. Name of president, C. S. Kremer. Name of Secretary, L. B. Van De Wall. aianiiDir resident iiwrncr iur sr- i vice, insurance commissioner ox ure gon. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Mar ion County. Probate Department, his duly verified Final Account, as exe cutor or the estate oi J. w. ue lp. deceased, and said Court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of May. 1945, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day. as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said unai Account and all objections thereto. Dated at saiem, Oregon, tms zist day of April. 1945. Executor of the estate of J W. De Lap. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover, . Attorney for Executor. 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. Ap 21-28 My 5-1T-19. In The Circuit Court Of The State of Oregon For The County Of Marion In the Matter of the Estate) No. 10045 of Joseph HUler. Deceased.) Citation I To Barbara1 Hiller. To The Alien Property Custodian. To any and all other heirs, devisees. legatees, persons, unknown who may be interested herein. In The Name Of The State or ore eon. You and each of you are hereby commanded to appear in Probate De partment oeiore tne uonoraDie cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Marion, at the Court House in the City of Salem. Oregon, within 10 days from the date of this Citation upon you. if service thereof is made upon you within said County of Marion, and within 20 days from tne date of service oz tnis imita tion upon you. if service thereof is made upon you within any other County of the State of Oregon, and within 28 days from the date of the first publication thereof, if this Cita tion is served upon you by publica tion thereof, and show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made by said Court authorizing and directing Robert G. Clostermann, the administrator de bonis rton of said above entitled estate to sell at private or public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, or on terms to be approved by said Court, all of the real proper ties belonging to said estate, for the purpose of distribution and to protect the interests of this estate, as prayed form tne pennon herein. This Citation is served upon you Sursuant to an Order of the Honorable co. R. Duncan. Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made if and enter ed in tne apove enntiea ; court ana matter on April 5th. 1945. 'i . Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court, affixed this. 5th day of April. 1945. - H. C. MATTSON. Clerk of the Circuit Court. By Alice J. Baillie. Deputy. ROBERT G. CLOSTERMANN, Attorney at Law, 320 Lumbermens Building, Portland. Oregon. Ap. 7-14-21-28. My. I. TAXPAYERS NOTICE The Board of Equalization meets on the second Monday in May of . each year for the purpose of examining, cor recting, and equalizing the assessment rolls of Marion County. Oregon. All persons desiring' to protest any assess ment on said rolls must do so accord ing to the following provisions of the law: "Petitions or applications for the reduction of a particular . assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the applicant- or his attor ney, and be filed with the Board with in 1 week from the time it is by law required to meet: and any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." . R. "TAD" S HELTON County Assessor for , - Marion County. Oregon. A 28 My 5-12 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion. .Probate Department, her duly verified Final Account, as execu trix of the last will and testament and estate of Katherlne N Nelson, deceas ed, and that said Court has fixed Mon day, the 28th day of May, 1945. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Mar ion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all ob jection thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 28th day of April. 1943. - 01ve Sofie . Aldrich. Executrix of .the estate of Katherine N. .Nelson, deceased. Ronald C Glover,, Attorney for erweutrix. ?05 Ore eon Building. Salem. Oregon. Ap 28. My S-12-lS-p - Farm - MODEST (A-201 Uo sags : 'All wook A " HtWltl&9m assaLsaTj asS "Rush it thtvtigh, will you? I'm getting mar ried in June. n Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per tine. $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify" The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake accurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman 1. not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Cow. heavy milker. 4 years old. Near Brush College school, 2nd house south, L. S. Christison. FOR SALE: Fresh Jersey heifer $80. SV mi. So. on 99 Hwy. Hugh Harris, FOR SALE: 3400 lb. team matched grays 6 & 7 yr. old, gentle and well broken, work single. Also yearling colt. Phone 23162. FOR SALE: 2 bay saddle mares. Gen tle for women and children. 1675 Yew St or Phone 7591. WHITE Giant rooster wanted for J. Meyer. 2161 N. Front. breeding. Ph. 3481. WANTED: Beet and canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm E I. Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road Ph 21345 Morns or eves IF You want to buy anything listed in this column and need the cash to buy it with then do what hundreds of other neonle do Dhone Salem 3191 and ask for the money on the Per sonal Finance company s special X l nance Plan. 518 State Street. CUSTOM HATCHING: Order early for Best Dates I Small orders, ducks. wild came, a specialty. Baby chlcas, N.H. strain. C E. Milton. 85 Lansing. Ph. 9526. RABBITS WANTED, top prices. Bring them In. Furs bought. Breeding stock, does and young for sale. Harder Rabbit Farms, 3405 Cherry Ave. Phone 2-1234 or 2-1882. Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Male and female attendants, both day and nieht shifts. Board, room and laundry furnished in addition to salary. Phone Super' visor Matron at 9158. or write Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Oregon. MILL Workers needed for essential work in union woodwork shops. Un skilled workers 90c per hr semi skilled, machine feeders, etc, $1.05. skilled workers, cut-on sawers. etc. S132tt. Swing shift 4c per hr more. Vacations with pay, rest periods, clean shops, - steady work, equal pay for women. Apply at Labor Temple. 445 Center si SODA Fountain manager, male or female. Give experience and character references. Must be eligible lor Dona Box 385 Statesman. $ TURKEY HELP WANTED Notice to Willamette Packing Co. Employees: Plant will begin opera tions Monday. Apr. ,30th. at S am Plant office at 696 Bassett Ave.. West Salem. Open all week to register old and new applications. - WANTED: Turkey pickers and hour workers to - register now for turkey work which will start about May 1st. Northwest Poultry 8c Dairy Products Co, 1505 N. Front. . Help Wanted Male Workers now mploye tn war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment DJ em oJuyers advertising in this section ' WANTED: Mill warehouseman. Per- manent posifaon. Phone "P WANTED: Experienced Parts Man. timikl b familiar with McCormick' Deering parts and 'equipment. James H. Maden Co., 44 Silverton Rd, Salem, Ore. -.--u--.-.i BOY tn vicinity of Grant school to mow lawn and turn, own mower. Ph. 4878. : - ; . 1 BUS BOY, morning shift. Marion WANTED: Good all around mechan ic, top pay. 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 7110 BUS BOY, day shift. The Spa. EXPERIENCED gas Island attendant Walter Zosel Co- cnemeaeta ac n4 Help WantedFen-ale EXPERIENCED fountain fhi. be Spa.- ;,;," .,',-," - ,.,-j'n, -, SANDWICH and salad lady, tn Spa. WILL give home and wages to girl tr. .-h.n fn- oar nf An child. Call Sat or Sun. afternoon. RL 1, Box fiaV-Ph. 37. ---- Markets - MAIDENS 0HAH Help Wanted Female WAITRESS combination. Experience preferred. Day shift. No Sundays. Bright Spot Cafe, 360 Center. COOKS for resort hotel. Man and wife or 3 women. Pleasant surround ings and resort privileges. Good pay. M. D. Bruckman. 19S0 Virginia St., Salem. LADY wanted for fountain work. Day time hours, no Sundays. Exper ience not necessary. Steady employ ment. Apply in person. Wiles Drug Store. MATRON, age 45 or under. Full time cleaning and maintenance work. See Mr. Henry. Montgomery Ward. GIRL for lieht housework and care of children. 285 Chemeketa St. WANTED for Saturday and Sunday night a girl to work on grill. The Blue Bird - WAITRESS wanted. Day shift Court Street Dairy Lunch. 347 Court BURROUGHS bookkeeping! machine operator. Permanent position, local of fice. State qualifications, experience and salary expected in first letter, Write Box 377. Statesman. HOUSEKEEPER. Good home. Man and daughter. School age. Phone 6478 alter s pm. SALESLADY for chilrlrens wear dent, Permanent position. Write Box 374, Statesman. WANTED: Saleslady between 35 and 40 yrs. Reference. Phone 3030 after 10 A. .M. WOMAN Wanted. No experience nec essary. Salem Laundry, 263 S. High EXPERIENCED fountain girl The Spa. WANTED: Experienced waitress. Marion Hotel. WOMAN 45 to 55 yrs. for maid's work. Apply Hotel Salem. Steady work Wanted, Saleswoman in Retail Dept. Should have also a good working knowledge of elementary bookkeeping. shorthand 8c typing. Ask to see Mr. Pickens. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. HELP WANTED: Energetic women 18-45 yrs. in good health and Inter, ested in retail business Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start Apply today Room 206. McGilchrist Bldg.. Safeway District Office. Situations Wanted Real Estate Salesman Have had real estate exper. Ph. 5939. GARDEN plowing and discing. Ford tractor, rn. zwtj. irpen drag saws, new and old bucking and falling saws expertly conditioned for logging purposes or wood cutting. My work will be of the best. Give me a chance to convince you. Open all work days. Hans Christensen, 364 No. 12th St, saiem. EXPERIENCED director wishes choir or choral work Box 381 statesman. PreSchaol Playschool; 1381 Stat Ages 2 8 Part or all day. Ph 8438. Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU . APPLY TO General Finance Corp. ; .FOR Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security. Up to 12 room, to repay. Tlpohor. fiisa State Lie. (S-138) 138 S. Commercial St PRIVATE MONEY Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars at trucks regardless of age No delay- bring car and title ana get the money You retain possession ox vehicle. 1 to 15 months to repay. Aftcj t o'clock . unone 3361 or 21143 tor appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state Com 1 St Phone 9188 138 S M 1521 AUTO LOANS Use your car as security. No long rigamarole. Prompt private service. $18.08 per mo. repays to 12 months $180. Come in. or save time by hon Ing at your application. When approv ed make Just one trip and pick ui your cash immediately. Personal Finance Co. Room 12S. Second Fir. New Bligb Bldg aia state at. rnone: aaaem am Lie S-122 M-163 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of Personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also maae real -oxtate loans and buy real estate contracts, ror quick and etfl eaent service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 212 Guardian Bldg. Salera I -."I-. LS 216-34223, ... Classified Money to Loan Auto Lotn , TPillamtt CjrrAit Co. JTH fLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD WO UkS ., For Sale Miscellaneous .n , "I'TP ittv Vfr.n4arf nun. food SxlS and x$ rug, also new 8x12 rue pad. 1160 Garnet St. - a PT. riinina- rm. set. Ixc. condition. $150. Ph. 9660, 145 N. 17th. MAN'S pre-war bicycle $40. 730 N. ComX . - DAY BED. rood srxincs and mat tress. 349 Academy St. Peterson, RL . Box $89, mi. So. Fruuiana enure n. . wu-.t rs n . Aii l fl aV j W ouiwi wimi w ;- tanK. Kitcnen stove. u"nvf, chair, tent 12x11 Sat afternoon and 1 Sun. W. - Robinson, iu. a, box. ft mile-east miliaria. .(. m cw . . xawii anntf Austrian - Manlicker, 49 Colt Auto. 38-40 Colt DbL Action. caugt rarxer uoi. BBL. 20 Gauge Ithica DbL BB1., 12 Gauge DM. BBL Ste ens. aU guns with -ammunition. rtw n- Gauge single Shot at.814J5. Triple. Dual Ac Single Auto Hons from $1.45 . vi a.a Dstij Miinnl.t. nlava uy. rviu - . excellent. 825.00. Like new outboard motor with canvas ooat. vioun. i in toned, with -case & bow. Model A Ac B Ford sedans with 21- St 16" rubber. 1930 & 31- Chev. Trucks. MMmter. S.W3. Dual Truck. Don Madison, 590 No. High. BABY basket fruit Jars. Ph. 6308. BATOINETTE. good cond. 1745 State CHROME dinette set, misc. items. 1830 Roosevelt TRAILER House 18 ft., 2 roooms. " eerx four, furnished in good condi tion, $375. 2286 Lee St, Salem. WELDERS New or used A.C.-D.C. At last a general purpose are welder, the first practical underwriters approvea weia ing machine built to operate satisfac torily from 110 volt power supply. GAS & ARC OUTFITS FOR RENT. VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. 197 So. Commercial ELECTRIC brooders, intermediates and finishers. Call evenings or morn ings. 22425. 6 MTD. deer heads. 891 N. Com'L FARMERS I TRUCKERS! Get your season's oil requirements now ... in Wards DRUM-LOT SALE ends Satur day! Finest Perm. Oil 60c gal.: best California Paraf in base ' Oil 49c gal. in 55-gal. drums plus Fed. tax. Greases also reduced lowest prices in history! Montgomery-Ward 155 N. Liberty St LARGE ASSORTMENT . tin Da In ted furniture, prime coated for easy paint ing or durable plastic finish. PICK ETT'S CO-OP FURN- 13th & State. CUT tulips, all colors. Ph. 8016. IT Fairview Ave. GENUINE River Silt free from foul seed. Commercial Sand & Gravel Co. Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon Phone 5391 Yeara ef evrwrienes .nihlH ii. . give you guaranteed workmanship. Air conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters. Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and repairing. FREE ESTI- ... ... Colonial Jr. wood range. 1260 Nebr. ENAMELED kitchen circulator with coils and water tank. Ph. 21908. 200 FT. hardware cloth, is mil. lets now laying. 7 rabbits, hutches, cheap if you take them all. 2 white ducks; folding baby buggy, metal frame. $10. A. B. Pederson. 3615 La- Branch, near Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 3143. REMINGTON 22 rifk. new 17 Sim set Ave. . riRV hmh K.,n, Onm.tUl J arms, Rt. 7. Box 143. Salem. Chrysant plants reaa. 175 Garden Rd. 10 FT ckntmc. Si AA ........ ui - . - "T ... V.Jt fjg. Aimoray uzone 1. rn. S421. . T . .w nv. Wicker kirri . trm A. .- e aa vi.. razor blade shrpnr. $3.50. Table' $i.50. Camera No. 116. $15.00. Elec. waffle iron iuu. nt. t, box aa. INTAI1i nn. Wntl il(. child's med. tricycle to trade for larger and pay difference. Mrs. Geo. Corby. Rt X Woodburn. . LARfiE ri9trnnn- Kl.i ...1 . --.. ui rauui, Imr !- Si. h4 Kl .-f round oak dining table. chairs , with. i -ii inenaeaeta. 2 LAWN Uimiw. ,,KK.. wheelbarrows. garden cultivator, dresser, trailer. 1680 N. ComX BEAUTIFUL Grand Pt.n tv. u Dallas. - -v, MAN'S Bicycle. 2110 State St tftri rTcrvrf ji . . . . . fc gifts. Estes Dress Shop, 2003 N. Capitol FOR SAT.- --,- . K.w 4. wr-vlll iul ana BLUE Wilton K-a41a Z ' . . . " uiwnHin. occasional chair, bathinette. oriental throw rug! "4 ?-, RI.AfTC r,fMtraf t-.-.l-l si .. $3. Ph7 iini. . - oio. T.TSFT1 flirn4,i. a .1 cxtcui swves ana i --" - . v - -"" mv.j , v BIT Pinri H 1 k, 7, iV i r "r v V" f act kitchen ??XV& etui: cabinet: 9x15 woofrug d; m-. bicycle: 1-wheel trailer; BUt teno? saxophone Ac case; 2-burner gas plate- daVMinnrt P "-. quet S-ti -kUcheA- slnTVcSdr?. Auc tioa -fftrlri xi e TT,7Jl CAS T-tnsFaft aU a w Uchnt 'iSilly tosted oven with ?Porc1la tificate. SH4 .5." Morr Ward'' BbS .trawberry z . " -j ixnnn xuu puns S Liberfv" at Victory Cafe. 168 tttr r,nm. niu - - " -. vroou. condition Reimann s Garage. 3250 Portland Road! tn tar-v v..v ' . 1 r ' ' '-' laSa s.ra""V,r' '. Tk -eiSn491 MAN'S Rhock proof wrist watch witti StesnSal W - win m -ooory a. rurnit-re Mkt Ph.- Sua. - FULLER Brushes 174 Grant P 8357 ' mnrprrm nstr "" " - - . ' . vow union St . nooorya MKl.. 1CC3 N. ,, e.