I f ' L f - ' -if Society -Cplubs - "'Music iMMiiBill t i i i - ! t ".if, I i i . c'r. I Miss Nancy. Walac8.arrivf in ,Salem "niurs day from Seattle, .-whfre. "sheets a. freshgicm. .jcrt" the .University of Washlhcton, tq spend, the Weekend- at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8. Wal lace: She is a member of Pi Beta" Phi sorority. i .Weekend guests pf Mr. and Mrs. .Harrison W. Elgin, jr. are her moihe'r and sister, Mrs George Win slow and Miss Harrietje Winslow of "Tiilamooki ; . elcomed Ixick to Salem are Mrs. Donald , Dawscn and children, Kathleen and Stephen, who have been living in Portland for several years bit have now taken a house on Fairmount Hill. Mrs. Dawson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gra benhorst Mr. Dawson will be in Portland until June when he completes the school year as a mem ber of the Benson Polytechnic high school faculty. OCennell-Ellis photo). : Wedding Date Set Details have been completed for the marriage of Miss Gayle js Crazier, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crczier. and Staff Sgt. ;!j Arthur Leroy Prim, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priem, which will ',' be an event of Friday, April 20. Jl Sergeant Priem is expected in the capital a few days before '! the. wedding. He is stationed at Scott Field, Illinois. His bride i1-. plans to return east with him. if The ceremony will be performed at the Court Street Chris ticn church with Rev. W. H. Lyman officiating at 8:30 o'clock., Mr. Raymond Armstrong will sing and Mrs. Gordon Randall will 't , be the organist. Miss Mary and Miss Martha Weller will light ; the candles before the ceremony. t : Miss Marjori Priem will be the bride's maid of honor. Heri bridesmaids will be her two sisters, Mrs. Lyle Cave and Miss' ' Carol Crczier. : "Mr. Frank Jeppill stand with Sergeant Priem as best man. , He will select his ushers after his arrival in Salem. A wedding , reception in the church parlors will be held after the ceremony. I 1 Nile Benefit Slated . . . I Ah annual event of the spring season will be the Salem 1 Daughters of the Nile bridge benefit tea'on Thursday, April 19 at the Masonic temple. Cards will be in play starting at 2 o'clock 1 wth the tea hour following at 4 o'clock. These. wishing reserva-; tions are asked to call Mrs. Harris Lietz at 4229. Guests are asked ; to bring their own card accessories. Proceeds from. the affair vill be used to assist in the woik carried on by the Daughters during the year tor the Shrine hes- pital in Portland. During the last yaar the Saiem club has pur-; chased several sustaining memberships in the Shrine hospital. Regular projects carried on during the year by the club are mak- -; lng and mending of gowns and accessories fcr the hospital, rais-; ing of money for braces and clinical purchases, taking children 1 to and from Marion county to the hospital for treatments andf mending once a month at the hospital in Pert! and. The main project carried on this last year by Nydia Tem-- pie, Daughters of the Nile in Portland was the building and lur- nishing the school room at the hospital. The Salem club assisted J In this project :; - , i- - ' . I I. 1 1 .-. j-, T v. I i - 1 i v.'!-, - :.. : " -- f S . . . ' ' ... - - .. i . f - ' - - r- - f - .-r- -.r. ( ' Y .i I'- ; - - - A v . ' i - - - ' - r'Alfr." ; .v. :t " V,.- ' . 5 ; e i.jS "Ni 4 J-''-. S3 ..... .... 5 1 . 1 inn ! 1 i, it,t'fJf t - 1 I L Col. and Mrs. Meredith Huggins pictured with1 ) , their daughter, Meredith Jean, who recently left for Santa Barbara, Calif. In May they, will go to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,' where Colonel Huggtos ;will . take advanced training. Mrs. Huggins and her j daughter resided in Salem with her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Frank Doolittle, while Colonel Huggins was i in the South Pacific theatre of war for: nearly three, r years. (Kennell-Ellis photo), 1.1 - The Party Whirl ... ' Socially speaking the last few .days have- been filled ith numerous events, including. teas,' dinner and luncheon parties, j; One of the' largest parties last week was the informal ted on Friday afternoon for which Mrs. Henry" A. Cornoyer and her daughter, Mrs. James Clay Mobleyt were hostesses at their North Summer street residence in compliment to Mrs. Jchn L Rand. Mrs. Rand, who has made her home in Salem for many years, is leav ing this spring for Portland to residej i She has purchased a home near her son and daughter-in-law, Senator and Mrs.' Irving Rand. Bidden to the tea were former Baker residents, friends of Mr$. Rand's when she lived there, and a group of Salem friends. Guests i called between the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock. ' ; Presiding at the tea urns during the afternoon were Mrs. George A. White of Clackamas, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. W. S. Levens and Mrs. Russell Catlin. Arrangernenis of cxrrhellid3 and other spring flowers provided the decorative note about th guest rooms and on the tea table. - Assisting in the dining room were Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. Donald Burke,! Mrs. Roger D. : Woodrow, Mrs. Wilson Siegmund arid Mrs. J. Ei Law. . . , . 1 , f yl rs. Qayton Steinke and children, Susan and Gayton, who have returned . . i to Salem live at tlie Morehouse, family home on South .Commercial street while Lt. Steinke is in France with the tactical air force as a B-26 pilot. Mrs. Steinke is the former Beth Morehouse and for the past few months has been living in Tacoma with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Ltm- ' mon. (Kenell-EUis photo). yi. ii I Travelers Highlight News ... By Jrym English .a Statesman Society Editor si ! The comings and goings of travelers and visitors are a highlight of. interest to Salem folk, who are busy greeting newcomers or 'bidding farewell to old friends. Arriving in the capital Saturday were Mrs. Gordon Wright and small -sons Eric and Michael,, who have come to make an extended visit with her parent, -Mr. and Mrs. George Aiken. Mrs. Wright and children have been visiting in "Snoho mish, Wash., with her husband's family. - i ii The Wrights have been making their home In .Washington, where he was with the stale department In December he was sent to Paris as vice-consul with; the American embassy. This summer ? Mrs. Wright and her children expect to join him in Paris. Mrs. Wright is the former Louise Aiken, a graduate of the Univer sity of Oregcn. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wright of Snohomish accompanied their daughter-in-law and her children to Salem "and are weekend, guests at the Aiken home. Mrs. Bla?k to Return u j Mrs. Gordon Black, jr. and daughter, Diane, are expected home Tuesday from ' Milton-Free water where they have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. S. Rinker for two months. Mrs. Black iand her daughter reside here with her hus band's parents. Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Black, while Lt. Black is in the South ! Pa cific, with the marines. Mrs. Black Is arranging an informal "welcome home" party for her daughter-in-law and granddaughter on Friday afternoon from; 3 to 5 o'clock at thsir home on Nebraska jstreet, . - li ! Mrs, Asel Eoff and sen, Joey, Will return the first of the week from ; Palm Springs, Calif., where they have been sojourning during the winter months; i ?The Eoffs go south each winter season.) Surprise Housewarming Mr.! and Mrs. William G. Stacey were honored at a surprw housewarming Saturday night at their new home on East! Nob Hill when a group of their friends entertained. - j During the evening the'Staceys told of their recent 4rip td San Francisco. ' A late supper was served by the hostesses. i-. Honoring the Staceys were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Heinlein, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mr. end Mrs. Millard Pekar, Mrj and Mrs. H. P. Gustafson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Waterman, Mr. and Mrs: John Emlen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mr. . and Mrs. F.ilvan . ' Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahn and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ball. Tivq Dinner Parties ! , j ! Tvo informal dinner parties were events cf Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Srxrulding entertained "at their Fairmount Hill home for a group of friends. Bridge was in play after the din ner hour. Guests of the Spaul dings were Mr, and Mrs.7 John Caiig hell, Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Stadt?r, jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Urlin S. Page, Mr. and KIrs. Wesley-Stewart arid Mr. and Mrs. Hal RandalL S i Dr. j and Mrs. James L Sears presided at dinner Saturday night at their North Winter street home. Later in the evening ta- -bles of contract bridge were in play. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. L Adalphson. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Burdette, Mxi and Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs. Edward A. Lebold ' and : Dr. and j Mrs. Sears. : " Mother and Daughter Tea 11 Monday afternoon Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and her daugh ter, Mrs. Melvin T. Hurley, who recently returned to Salem to re side from San Francisco, will entertain informally at tea at jtheir home on North 14th street j j ; . A group of mothers and daughters have been invited to call between 3:30 and 5clcck. Arrangements of early spring flow ers will provide the decorative note about the rooms. ! j! r i r To Leave ForiSouth ff j Mrs. Robert Wilson (Margaret Macy) is entraining Monday for San Frqnciscd ' where she will meet Lt. Cg) Wilson Vho has been at Pearl Harbor and with tie third fleet in the South Pacific for thMpast 21 months After a week in the baylcity the couple will return to Salem to 'spend his leave at the home of her father. Mr. O. A. Macy. -1 .--ff- .' .' tlr- Au revoirs will scon be said to! Mrs. Edward' Raff ety and daughter, Sunan, who are leaving in a fortnight for Lang Beach, Calif., to join Mr. Raffety, who 1$ al-' ready in businesi there: Accompanying them will be Mrs. Raffety' s mqthe Mrs. Agnes Miller, whb plans to make her home. in the south with her son-in-law and daughter. The Raffety s formerly Jivfd in Long Beach: i.T'.v,r" i I Mrs. Raffety Was honored at dliner at the Friendly Farm when members oi her bridge club Entertained Wedriesday night , Later, cards were in play ;at; the home 'of Mrs. Geotge Mischler. - Other guests were Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs. Tyler Brawn, Mrs. Klony Smith, Mrs. Ralph Kinzer, Mrs. Hugh Hall and Mrs. Earl Holt J Visiting in the Capital M ; . Mrs. C. C. Gee'cis a visitor in Salem, having anived from San Lorenzo, Calif, on Thursday, where she has been living with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Kephart and daughterf Nicole. Mrs. Geer will remain here for sevt eral weeks at the J. A. Kephart hop? in Salem Heights. Her son-in-law isstore keeper first class petty" officer at the navy supply depot in Oakland. Visitors in Portland and Salem fare Captain and Mrs. ; Kimball ' Page and daughters, : Stephanie and Kathleetil The Pages reside in Phoenix, Arizona, jwhere he is stationed at Williams Field. -Mrs. Page and daughters arrived in Oregon Hast week and are now in Portland. Gaptain Page is expected here the, first .'of; the week. Stephanie' Page was in Saleni the past week as The guest of her grandmoth er, Mrs. V. Scott Page. They will be in. Salem the latter part of the week forja yisil at me heme of Mrs. Page. . " ; j j " ; $ j Silver ; Wedding! Dinner . . ! 1 I Jr. and Mrs. Waldo C.'Zeller are today announcing the en -rgagemerit.ol iheit only daughter Miss Mary Patricia Zeller,:; above to Mr. John E. Dowd; pharmacists mate third class, United; States navy, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Dcrwii. The bride-elect is now wearing .a diamond en her left hand. No plans have been; made fcr the weddmg. , , ' , ,- Miss Zeller is a graduate of Salem high school and is a fresh-; man at Oregon State college.' Her fiance also attended Salem? schools and is now. stationed at Shoemaker, California, 'awaiting: ' further orders. For the past year he has been at .the Long Beach: .. naval hospital. "-,-' Calendared for Tuesday: night jwill be the silver wedding anniversary dinner in honor of Rev.f and Mrs; Weaver W. Hess in the Mirror room of the Marioa hotel at 7 o'clockj 'Invitations haye filready' been extended, with over 200 :guest expected ta atterid. :.v-- X - - i ' . ' Rev. Hess is pastor .of the First Church cf the Nazarene. Members of the Con gregation are arranging me dinner with Mr. nad Mrs. Charles Edwards acting jas --. Rev. and Mrs. Hess were married in Alhambra. CaliL, on Arail 8. 1920.! They have two sons, James, a junior at Salem high school, who will enter the service ta June, and Ralph; truartermaster third class,, who" is serving in the South Pacific With the navy.. Rev. and Mrs. Hess have .resided in Salem for four years. Having come : here from Walla .Walla." : t- . " " T N 1 . TT . ' V isiion In Salem nave ceen'Mrs. Robert Baidccfc ana herchfl - ' dren. Janet and Robert, of Spokane. They, were the hous guests of her husband's parents, Mr." and Mrs. R. It Baldock. , Mrs. Baldock will "be remembered as Elizabeth Vcruhcrvjddugls ter of Mrs. Lillian Vaughan, formerly of Salem, who now residas Irj PullmanXWash. (Kennell-Ellis photo). . ; , ' " j , j -; - - ' - i ( ..... ; -'V - .v - 1 j :--4:i . -' -"' 1 . 1- - - - ' ' . r ' if - 'I' -A - ' - " . .- r - - i s- - J - - - . t ; t - . , . . c ' ! vi - i rt . . ; vf - . W - ' fi" o i . ' ,: 1'-' - ; " " '.1 ' ' ' r' ' ' -X . , . j, . , . J