The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    The .02EG03 STATESMAN. Solta., Oregon, Sunday Morning. April t. 1845
pace ram:
, Wi llainefte; Ve
From The; Statesman? siCotnm Cbrresvondenis
Gates Residents -
Hear About Power
, GATES Thursday night Har
ry Rowe, district manager, and
J. A. Putnam, extension manager
of the Mountain State power lines,
explained to 70 of the families of
this district about getting power
in the community. All families
signed up and as soon as ap
proved, they will start installs
tion. Rowe is from Stay ton and
Putnam from Albany.
Mrs. C. D. Johnson retumed-4
home Wednesday from a visit in
California. '
Mrs. ,Fred Ratzeburg of Salem
is helping her sister, Mrs. Ted
Lake,' care for Lake who has
been ill for a number of years.
Valley Briois
14 Marion County 4H Clubs
WiU Demonstrate on Tuesday
Four Marion county 4-H demonstration teams will present demon
strations during the morning session of the Homemakers Spring Festi
val Tuesday, April 10.
' Ten other teams will give demonstrations Tuesday afternoon at
the Gas and Coke company auditorium on South Commercial street
in Salem. Helen Cowgill, assistant state club leader, will judge the
demonstrations. . -
The teams . scheduled for the j
tival are from Salem Heights, Lib-!
erty, 'Middle Grove, and Salem ad- (
vanced club. The . demonstrations
rVfflTbe fftyen'Llrftm ll to 12 at the
Veterans' of Foreign Wars hall on
Hood - st - where ..the festival is
held. These are as follows:
: Salem Heights Cooking II club
led by Mrs. Edith Bates will pres
ent a demonstration on "Prepara
tion of a Waldorf Salad."
.iberty "Rip and Sew- Cloth-
- lng II club led by Mrs. Mary Lucas
will present a demonstration. '
' Middle Grove Health club led by
Mrs. Ethel Ramus will demon
strate. . An advanced club tram led by
Mrs. Carmalite Weddle will dem
onstrate the proper way to set a
table. ;
. Ten demonstration, teams sched
uled for Tuesday afternoon at the
gas . company are from dubs, as
follows: ;
. Auburn "Tidy Cooks' Cookery
club led by Mrs. Agnes Stowell.
, Labish Center Camp Cookery
club led by Mrs. Edith Page.
r Auburn "Five Stitchers" Cloth
ing II club led by Mrs. Ruby Lar
gent. - -
L Auburn "Needle and Thread"
Clothing I and II club led by Mrs.
Naomi Steed. ,
Auburn Sewing I A club led by
Mrs. M. E. Rahtz.
'Middle Grove Sewing club led
. by Mrs. Paul Bassett
Willard Clothing II club led by
Mrs. Clara Aasheim, "How to
Make a Mitered Corner.
Marion "Sew and Sew" Cloth
ing club led by Mrs. J. H. Smith.
- Lake Labish Health club led by
Mrs. J. C. MorrelL f
Second team from the advanced
' club in Salem led by Mrs. Carma
lite Weddle.
JEFFERSON -- Mr.; and Mrs.
John Kins are parents of a seven
poundVjfour ounce daughter, Lin
da Louise, born April 4 at the
Armfield maternity hospital. Al
bany. There is also a boy David
John. s. - ;
School Badset Group The Jef
ferson school budget board named
at .the school board .meeting' this
week are J. T. Jones, Oliver
Stephenson and G. A. Robison.
They will meet with the school
board May 10.
Setting rosts Men of the
Swegle school district are asked
to meet Wednesday at the school
house after working hours to help
set posts. Women of the commun
ity will serve dinner after the
work is compete. If rain' makes
Wednesday undesirable the next
nice day will be selected.
Tetehers Accept Contracts
Ethel Ramus, principal, fend Sadie
Roth, lower grade teacher, at Mid
dle Grove have cacepted contracts
for the same position the coming
Lumber Destroyed S e v e r al
thousand feet of lumber was de
stroyed in a fire of undetermined
origin at the McPherson mill at
Lebanon Tuesday night Twenty
men have been employed besides
those in the logging department
Damage was estimated at $12,000.
Recovering Mrs. James Mul-
key is recovering at the Silverton
hospital from burns received a
week ago when the Mulkey home
was destroyed by fire.
MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. a
lo Tuers are announcing the'birjth
of their;: second son," Douglas
Frank,- March 29 at the local hos
pital. He. weighed, six pounds.
Mrs. Tuers is the former ' Mary
Fencll I-
SILVERTON Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Adams, a son,; Alfred
Lou, at Emmanuel hospital, Port
land, iApril 3. The baby weighed
six pounds and IS ounces. ;
Thef waltz, most popular, of the
19th century dances, camf from
Germany, though v several . other
countries claim it- j
Roberts Residents
Discuss Peace Plan
And State Opinions
ROBERTS Dumbarton Oaks
proposal is only a framework for
a more' positive structure of world
government for. more cooperation
among nations and less force, the
true basis for peace, the Roberts
Farmers Union at an open forum
at the meeting Tuesday night, de
cided. - ' .
Sgt Paul Johnston, attached to
Baxter hospital, Spokane, gave 'a
brief sketch fcf army life in. the
south Pacific and a more detailed
account of the work of rehabilita
tion of disabled soldiers at the hos
pital. Two new .-members, .Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Bidgood, were given
the obligation. .
The social hour was sponsored
by Mrs-'Schubel and Mrs. Evin
Daley. ; : ?;'v:-- r.: .': '"'-
Homemakers Festival Tuesday
At VFW Hall on Hood Street
Nineteen groups participating in the home extension program In
Marion county will be represented in the second annual Homemakers
Spring Festival Tuesday, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall in
Silem. . ." .!..' .:
I Registration starts at II ajn. and will be in' charge of North How
ell women. Decoration of the hall will be by Stayton women; decora-
and luncheon table, Salem
Heights; serving, Central Howell;
Associated Country Women of the
World display,. East Salem. j
- Home extension projects will be
exhibited as follows: Keeping Well
Wth , Vitamins,' .Gates; Sewing
Short Cuts, Aurora; Housecleaning
Aids, Edina Lane; Sewing Machine
Cleaning and 'Adjusting, Marion;
C4re of Clothing, Pratum-Mac-leay;
Repair of Inner Spring Cush
ions; Liberty? Forestalling -Delinquency,
Union Hill? Food Preser
vation, .Thomas; Control of Pests,
West Woodburn. v . v I
.Workshop exhibits will be as
follows: slip covers, Hubbard; bet
ter dresses, Roberts, Sidney-Tal-bot,
Silverson,' and Silverton Hills.
Other exhibits will be women's
land army by Mrs. .James H. Turn-
bull,- farm labor assistant; over
seas can sealing service from HDA
office; victory garden display by
Mrs. H. R. .Woodburn, war emer
gency i food, assistant:- dresses for
house work from U. department
of agriculture. ' j
Exhibits are arranged by Mrs.
James Keys, Mrs. Verney -Scott,
and Mrs, H. R. Woodburn . of the
county committee and Marjorie
Tye. home ' demonstration agent.
and will be on display after .10:30
ajn. ,r I
Marine Recruiter Will
Be Silverton Speaker
Ringland of the U. S4 marine corps
will show new war pictures Moo
day at the Rqjtary luncheon. James
dough is program chairman. ' ;
. Rusty Cummins, of radio sta
tion KSLM, told of bis experiences
in China with the Flying Tigers
and American Air Forces, at the
recent Rotary luncheon.
i The inner or sensory wall of the
jreball is the retina.;
Valloy Obituaries
. SILVERTON Funeral ser
vices were held Saturday morn
ing at Eugene for A. A. Stee, who
died at the Lutheran Sunset home
there Thursday. He was 88 years
of age. He and his wife went to
the home from here ten years ago.
Mrs. Stee died a year ago.
Frances Bevler
! MILL CITY Funeral "services
were held at the Fairview ceme
tery Thursday at 2 p.m. for Mrs.
Frances Bevier, 75,' . of Albany.
She was the' widow of C. A. Bev
ler, who died Jan. 17. Walter A.
Bevier of Mehama is a son!
Dikes Family
Has Reunion
GATES Kenneth Dike, avia
tion chief radio technician, and
Mrs. iJixe are visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dike
ana otner relatives while on
leave. He has been stationed in
the Aleutians and will go to Seat
tle from t here. His sister, Mrs.
Robert Steele and children of
Portland are here too. This is the
first time in three years that the
family -have been together. Mrs.
Dike has been living near Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ross have
sianey t. Hayes 01 fortiand as a
guest. He is preparing to con-
siruci a large cnicken nouse on
the old George Ross place.
Olefin Henness is logging a
number of small tracts of tim
Norris Thomas reports the sale
of his piling.
Albert S t urtevant, merchant
marines, visited Mr. and Mrs. H.
N. Wilson this week. He stayed
at their home and attended school
one winter.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Heath have
received a letter from their son,
Lt Harold Heath, stationed in the
Hawaiian islands now.
Valley Calendar
Marlon County Homemakers Sprint
Festival. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.. VFW hall.
Salem. Dr. James Millar, guest speaker.
Salem grange, social. H. D. Smith-
son. 235 N. ISth. S D.m.
Silverton Home Extension unit, Ku-
Cene Field ichooL 1 .20 p.m.
Hazel Green Sunshine club, Mrs.
Albert Ferns.
Turner WCTU.
Polk County Federated Rural Wom
en clubs. Oak Grove.
Gates Women's club, schoolhouae.
1 p.m.
Hayesvule Farmers Union, S p.m.
at school.
Brush College Helpers. Mrs. Joseph
Singer. ,
East Salem Home Extension unit.
home of Mrs. Harold Holler, 1 :30, pro
ject leaders.
Turner WSCS. Mrs. Robertson.
1) 11 EfflllT?
Many of "
oar items
MM mill nf Hnimii Wnsila m a vt n
Ql w factured on oar looms at Salem,
Oregon, and sold "
in our store for YOU
,. Virgin rtcall ?tl, 95 & $14.55
lC , Cruisers $p .a
Ilea's ;. lne,,eb$ u--:
uea . rt..?an.
10 y-
4. per :
TIios. Kay Ucolon I3H1 Co.
- 260 South 12th Street
Salem, Oregon
afsii sias
f - jNew Arrivals
; Every1 day brings neiv merchandise to ow different departments, V jTN JJJj A i l
I and to get the things. you are looking for you must come in often, ti JI U 'f
I. ' The personnel in each department will be only too glad to show I v V SS
' I u new tnngs f yu come eacn "j-
f i
.... H
Beautiful models for social and casual wear. Chinas
and Milan models in straw cmdmcmy other exclusive
blocks and materials. You -will be pleased to look oyer
tho many new things on display that have attracted o
many new customers to this out- ' r
standing department. Prices range Ci C . CO
' i to sf J
4 f
i '
Goats and Suits
I -
Chester Barrie - - Complete line of famous, English im
ports that we have sold successfully for so many yeqrs.
We are the largest users of this yell-known line on the
Pacific coast and serve our trade all over the staled We
will be pleased to show new customers this
proven line.
$69f5 to $115
5 6
As soon asyoircire through
with your fur coat -and other
furs, bring them jn for storage,
moth-proofing,: and' complete
repairs or restyling. We offer
you the finest scry ice at reason
able prices.
While we have a complete line for present showing.
we. would advise selecting early as we will be limited
krter In the season.! . Our lines include Habitmaker,
L'Alglon, American Golfer, Tom Boy, and all the better
lines of summer cotton wear. - Each garment attract
ively priced. " ! f
Sports j Department
Slack suits suede jackets, 'skirts and sweaters. Also
playclothes and th beautiful new Catallna Swim
Suits. ' Come In early and make your selections: while
th line is complete J Popular prices. !
Print and! Plain
Colored Dresses
We are now showing a gorgeous selection of better
dresses from pur . exclusive resources that have sup
plied us for many years, thus enabling us to shovl a
wide selections through these trying times. Come I in
arid visit our ready-to-wear departaenL I
Presses Cfl C CCtDi
priced to "9?ai-
Graduation and sophisticated dinner dresses ' white,
black, and pastels. Designed by the foremost fashion
houses in New York. . Sized from 10 to 44
fefIy $9-30 to SS9-5P
Visit Our1 ,
Beauty iSalon
All kinds of permanent waving. Complete
line of dermetics. Revlofa and Chen Yu pol
ishes and lipstick. Most modern methods
in the most modern shop in Salem. Phone
your appointments hi advance so you may
be assured of a convenient time. All servi
ces at popular prices.
Lucien LeLong !
Perfumes j
New shipment Just arrived direct from Paris and ready
for your inspection. Perfume, Cologne, Soap and many .
other items.
We are now showing the most exclusive lines of better
Jewelry - - Eisenberg, Adele Simpson, Kaufman Ruder-
man, and many other well-known j
jced S1.95 S4S-00
7 Nylon
Assorted col
ors. Come and
get them while
they last All
sizes. Limit of
two to a cus
tomer at only- -
9 ) )
L x
m - J, - r
lust arrived.
Wonderful riew
of "fine
4 Carde'.-
and other ma
terials. Many
of" them popu
larly priced at
' and up
zzns5 nonin liiDEDiyc: