The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 08, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    ! . i :
! Great flames appearing in the
list of weekend radio Dersonal-
ities include Marian Anderson,
Rudolf t Serkin, John Charles
Thomas, Jean- Tennyson and
Richard Crooks. The New York
Philharmonic-Symphony ,will be
tinder the direction . of . Artur t
RodzinskV and the Philadelphia
.orchestra, under Eugene Orman
dy and the NBC symphony un
der Dr. Frank Black. '
Today's programs include:
' 8:30 j (NBC) Stradivari orches-
ter includes works, of , Brahms, f
Rjomberg, Jacobs-Bond, Handel,
' Youmans and,Tchaikowky in
program today. . r. . .
11:30 (NBC) John, Charles
; Thomas will -sing "Something
'Like You" by Worthington-Fo-'
ley, "Green Eyedi Dragon" by
Charles and "Begin the Beguine".
by Porter. The Ken Darby
Chorus will sing "Me and Mar
ie" by Porter,, and Victor
Young's orchestra will -play sev-
eral additional' numbers. -
1Z:00 (CBS) me muaaeiprua
New York Philharmonic-Symphony
will be heard in Bethov
en's "Caroilanus" -, ovei"ture, and
the Scherzo in G minor from the
octet for strings by Mendelssohn
and overture-fantasy from "Ro
meo and Juliet" by Tschaikow-f-ky.
" :
2:00 (NBC) Dr. Frank Black
will again be on the podium to
conduct the NBC orchestra in
,'the "Tall City Suite" by Spi
;alek and the Gershwin Concerto
in F with Earl Wild as piano
S soloist.
t 2:30 (Blue) the Metropolitan
j opera conceit will be given as
' usual. ;
6:30 (NBC) semi-classics by
Kern, Coward, Herbert and oth
jers are listed on the "Album of
'Familiar Music" program:
7:00 (NBC) the 30 piece all girl
orchestra under- the direction of
'Phil Spitalny will play "13tb
Century Drawing Room" by
Scott, as orchestra numbers.
.Vocalists will include "Waters cf
the Minnetonka," "When Day Is
Done," "Ave Maria" and "Home
on the Range" in the program.
9:30 (NBC) Beatrice Lillie,
comedienne-singer, will appear
on the "Music America Loves"
. half hour singing "Mad Dogs and"
' Englishmen" by Coward and oth
' rs. Popular singers are also on
the program.
Monday is a good listening
clay. At 5:30 Richard Crooks will
sing "I Know of Two Bright
Eyes" by Clutsam, Through
the Night," the aria from "Pearl
Fishers" by Bizet and "For You
Alone" by Giehl. The orches
tral numbers will be Prelude ' to
act III of Jewels of the Ma-
donna" by Wolf-Ferrari, "Scarf
Dance" by Chaminade, and
Strauss' "Artist Life."
Marian Anderson - will be
t guest soloist at the 9 o'clock
with Bell symphonic orchestra on
NBC. The, program includes
"Bright Phoebus" by Hook, spir
ituals, "My Lord, -What a Morn
ing" and "Wake Up Jacob," and
finally, "Humble f ille ces
..champs" from Halevy's "Charles
the Sixth."
Miss Hudson Is
Given Party
A surprise birthday party was
given for Miss Grace Hudson on
Friday night by Mrs. Roger
- Quackenbush and Mrs. Dana
Stoddard at the former's home.
Spring flowers were used to dec
orate the house. A late buffet
supper was served.
Those honoring Miss Hudson
were Mrs. Douglas Chambers,
Miss Ethel Reddem, Mrs. Burl
Cox, Miss Lois Riedesel, Mrs.
Melvin Flake, Miss Julia Zeller,
Mrs. Dan Stoddard, Miss Mar-
- garet Lapschies and Mrs. Roger
1 Quackenbush.
Book 4 Red stamp TJ through XI
food through July 31. Stamps T5
tii rough X5 good through April 28;
Y3 and Z5 through D2 good through
June 1: E2 through J2 good through
June 30; KJ through P2 good through
July 31.
Book 4 Blue stamp X3 through TS
and A3 and B3 good through March
31. Stamps C2 through Ga good through
April 28; H2 through M2 good through
June 2: N2 through S2 good through
June 30.
sCgak: i' , ,
v Book 4 Stamp 33 valid for fire
pound through June t. Next stamp
scheduled to be validated May 1.
SHOES: . - -
- Book 3 Airplane stamps 1, 3 and
1 valid indefinitely. -
GASOLINE: ' '-"-J-
A 13 coupon good everywhere for
four gallons each through June 21.
rrrx oa.t -" :t :
Period 1-S - (Incl) coupons valid
through August 31. Not more than It
per cent of season's rations should
nave been used to aate.
Dr. T7. C. Jackson
Kelp Mineral - Baths and
treatments. A wonderful Im
proved system of b d 1 1 7
elimination and purification
that frees the system f poi
sons sod morbid matter, de
stroys inflammation, drives
way psla and restores bed-
11 tlsor. - -"
Call for Appointment. .
fhont tZZS ' - -
, ,
Donald Webster Blake, son
of Mr. and Mrs: Donald Blake
who was christened at the
First ' Congregational church'
on Easter'Sundqy.
MetKodist Circle
MGGtinQS Slated
Circles of the Women's Society
of Christian Service of the First
Methodist church will meet Wed
nesflay afternoon. , .
South Central circle will meet
for a dessert luncheon at 1:15
o'clock with Mrs. Joe Wood, 1089
South . High st, with Mrs. J. C.
Harrison assisting. : ' . . .
. West Central circle will meet
in the Carrier room of the church
for a dessert luncheon at 1:30
o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs..
C. J. Jackson, Mrs. Effie Addi
son and Mrs. Zela Roggy.
East Central circle will meet
with Mrs. Rose Evans, 765 Mar
ion street for a dessert lunch
eon at 1:15 o'clock.' Assisting will
be Mrs.' B. Kumler and Mrs. L. B.
Yew Park circle will have a tea
meeting at 2 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Orval Graham, 2155 Uni
versity street, with Mrs. J. Lap
pin assisting.
Naomi circle will be entertain
ed at the home of Mrs. Emmett
Welling, 980 North 16th street,
for a dessert luncheon at 1:15
o'clock. Assisting will be Mrs.
A. L. Lindbeck, Mrs. Deral Jones
and Mrs. E. B. Millard.
Lucy Ann Lee circle will meet
at the home of Mrs. Carl Ab
rams, 1547 Chemeketa street, at
1:15 for a dessert luncheon. As
sisting hostesses will be Mrs.
O. W. Emmons, Mrs. V. E. Mes
kimen and Miss Kate Voice.
Music Group to
Make Debut
The vocal ensemble of the Sa
lem Business and Professional
"Woman's club will make its pub
lic debut at Waller hall on Tues
day, May 8, as an event of Na
tional Music week. '
Jessie Bush - Mickelson, well
known piano teacher, choir di
rector who has been active in
music circles in Salem, is direct
ing, the ensemble. Miss "Gladys
Edgar whose years of experience
has made her an understanding
and talented accompanist, . will
play the piano.
The personnel has been elected
with an idea of producing the
best possible tonal quality and
harmonic balance. All the sing
ers have had vocal training and
several are outstanding soloists.
Besides the numbers by the
ensemble, a skit will be given
and a group of piano soloists giv
en by 12-year-old artist, Edna
Mae Hill.
Members of the ensemble are
Mrs. Effie Arehart, Arbutis Bar
hyte, Harriet Bush, Nola Clark,
Martha Fischer, Peggy Hobbs,
Emjly Howard, Margaret Jor
gensen, Mildred Neuman, Elea
nore Roberts, Monica Rodakow
ski, Eleanor Sholseth and Rose
Wilkes, s ' . "
Miss Ruth Moore is in charge
of ticket sales. ,
Oregon Gamma Pf Beta Phi
mothers will meet for a no-host
luncheon7 at the chapter house
on State street Tuesday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Ray
Yocom will review Ellen Berlin's
book, "Land I Have Chosen."
Committee for the affair includes
Mrs. Robert Brady, sr., Mrs.
J. M. Lamb, Mrs. S. B. Laughlin,
Mrs. Guy Smith and Mrs. Carl
Schneider. .
Hollywood Lions auxiliary will
nieet for luncheon on Monday at
1:15 at the Lions Den. The West
Salem auxiliary will be guests.
Mrs.' James Tindall will speak on
"how to organize an auxiliary.
A musical program will be given.
Today! Phone 058
Continuous from 1:45 P. it
-v. o .o-
Ton Wont Forget This"
m frrt '"n 1
"Marine Raiders"
Pat O'Brien Knth Ilnssey
-v ALSO - For the Childrea
Chapter -"King ef the
llauntiei"- Cartoons News
' - Th
- : Ccnnp Tin Girl
? i Column
" y x ' '
Tawasi Camp Fire group, met
with their guardian, lArs. Esther
Cavender, March 29, Mrs. Emma
Maxwell, executive, spoke to the
girls about Camp Kilo wan and
told them about this season's
plans if or camp. The following
new, officers, were chosen: Fran.- r;
cis Burton, president; Norma
Jean iBowder,' secretary; Betty
Anderson, '. vice president; Lois'
Roseler, treasurer; and Joanne
Swallow, scribe. r ;
; Taklma group met March 29
with the guardian, Mrs. W; T.
Bromley, for their council fire,
at which time beads were award
ed. . '';-' :.
Tekakwitha . group met ! with
their guardian Mrs, Albert Bar
ry, Wednesday. At the meeting
the new Camp Kilowan folders
were given to the girls and plans
were announced for a general
camp i; rally to be held at the
chamber of commerce April 13.
, Manuka group met with, their
guardian, Mrs. C. S. McCollam,
Thursday and completed ; their
oriental book bindings. The new
officers were also installed.
The" Waditaka group met with
their leader, Mrs. John Fasnacht,
Thursday to participate in a
treaure hunt planned by Nancy
Doughton, Joyce Ratenkrantz
and Edna Mae Manning- Follow- '
ing the treasure hunt the girls
went swimming at the YMCA
and then returned to their guard
ian's home for a supper. ! "
The? Wahita group met March
31 at the home of Mrs. Ben Lit
tle. Mr; Ben Little spoke to the
girls about England, telling them
of the" customs, sports and habits"
of the English people. He had
many (souvenirs collected whlie
he was living in England, to il
lustrate his talk to the girlsVAf t
er the meeting Mrs. Little served
popcorn balls and punch. ' The
meeting was planned by Marjor
ie Little as part of the national
birthday project of Camp Fire
Girls. ' j
A skating party is being plan
ned for April 12 at the Capitola
rink by all junior high . school
Camp Fire girls from 6:30 to 9
o'clock. Each girls may invite a
guest,: either a boy or a girl. Pre
liminary plans were made by the
junior high inter-club council.
Council representatives then met
with their own groups to com
plete pdans for the party which is
being -participated in by all jun
ior high Camp Fire girls.
Tanda group met with j their
guardian, Mrs. Philip Merriom
and elected the following offi
cers; Carol Hunt, president; Twi
la Stevens, vice-president; Ro
berta 'Boyer, secretary; Carolyn
Seay, treasurer and L a v o n n e
Brennenstahl, scribe. "
The Salem Camp Fire girls in
their individual groups are start
ing a project for the Netherlands
aid society of collecting spools
of thread, cards of buttons, bars
of soap, shoelaces and balls of
yarn. i Charts are being given to
all interested groups on which
to record their progress.
Verda Olmsted
To Marry
At the supper party Miss Ver
da Olmsted was! hostess Friday
night in honor jof members of
the Ecclesia club she announced
her engagement ! and coming
marriage to Mr. Leo Weir.
Guests t found folders with pic
tures of the couple hidden un
der their plates. The marriage of
the couple will j take place on
June 24.
The bride-elect is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Sarah Olmsted. She
is a graduate of Salem and Mc
Minnville schools. She is con
nected : with the secretary of
state's office. Mr. Weir is a gra
duate of Stayton high school and
Northwest Christian College in
Eugene. ;
Attending the announcement
party-were Miss Alice Mathey,
Miss ijrene deLisle, Miss Edna
McElhaney, Miss, Golda Whee
ler, Miss Doris -Krueger, ' Mrs.
Sarah McElhaney, Mrs. Paul
Heath, Mrs. Leonard Peterson,
Mrs. Mary Staudinger, Mrs. Dor
Is Johnson,-Mrs. Ray Abst and
Mrs. Louis Cass. . !' m
' Marion-Polk medical auxiliary
will be entertained at the home
of Commander and Mrs. Verden
E. Hockett Tuesday night at a
dessert supper at 6:30 o'clock.
Assisting hostesses will be Mrs.
Roscoe Wilson and Mrs. Wilmer
Smith, Commander Hockett will
speak, on his personal experien
ces with the navy in the South
Cocktail Bar Opens i P. M.
Dinner Served from f P. M.
Flor Shows t and U P. IL
, Open Erery Night
; Until 12 e-aock
. Saturday and Sunday
r Cocktail Bar Opens 2:t
PaclXlc nighway North
Girl Reserves
Corner I
r GIri Reserve of the Parrish
eighth grade had an 1 outdoor
party in the back yard of the
YWCA Tuesday night." Commit
tees were appointed to plan a
'visit ' to the state penititiary
next Monday after schooL -
Leslie eighth GRs are complet
ing plans for the penny arcade
" to be sponsored . at the YWCA.
String j, events were discussed,
k and a tentative date was set for
v: a bicycle ride and picnic. -
Phyllis ; Keith, president, of
Leslie ninth "Girl. Reserve club,
appointed committees s Wednes
day at Leslie school, to plan for
a backwards party April 21.
Members of the Ann Guthrie
chapter of Tri-Y had a super in
the fireplace room of the' YWCA
Monday. Dr. Lawrence Riggs, of
the psychology, department from
Willamette university, wfll lead
the group in discussion f p"When
Johnfty Comes Marching Home.'.
Dr Riggs was a guest t Grace
Elliott chapter Wednesday, lead
ing the same discussion.
Abbie Graham Tri-Y members
enjoyed a fireside supper at the
YWCA Wednesday, and final de
tails for the skit, "Women at
Work in Wartime" were comple
ted by the chairman, Janet Mil
ler. 1 if
Plans are being made by com
mittees appointed by Marjorie
Lundahl, president of Rhoda Mc
Cullough chapter for a dance, a
bicycle ride and picnic.
Roberta Meyer, vice-president
of Margaret Meade chapter,
presided at the weekly tneeting
Thursday at the YWCA. A com
mittee was appointed to plan a
spring hayride. J
I i
Install Officers
For Guild I .
i 'i
"Gardens" was the theme of
'the Installation of officers for
the Beacon guild that was held
at Miss Marjorie Coe's Tuesday
night, Mrs. Floyd White, cen
tral Willamette valley adviser,
installed the officers and gave a
talk "on gardens. Spring flow
ers decorated the. rooms and
each new officer was presented
with a corsage. The new offic-.
ers are as follows: President,
Miss ; Carolyn Davis; vice-president,
Miss Wilma Dunn; secre
tary, Miss Helen Brown; and
treasurer. Miss Cleo Sehiedel.
Following installation the reg
ular business meeting took place,
and spring activities were dis
cussed. Later refreshments were
served by the hostess wjth the
: assistance of her mother Mrs,
'Milton Coe, and aunt, Mips Alta
Davis. S
Those attending were; Miss
Mary Reim'ann, Miss iJoanne
Blaxol, Miss Cleo Sehiedel, Miss
Wilrna Dunn, Miss Carolyn Dav
is, Miss Shirley Reimann, Miss
Mildred Coe, Miss Marjorie Coe,
and Tthe Beacon guild advisers
Mrs. John P. Seitz and Mrs. Lee
Cross. i
Grand Shows
Son of Flickd
Packed with action, swift as the
wind, "T hunderh ead Son of
Flicka," 20th Century-Fox glor
ious new technicolor hit, based on
Mary O'Hara's best-loved best
seller, and featuring Roddy Mc
DowalJ, Preston Foster and Rita
Johnson with, an outstanding cast
is now; playing at the Grand the
atre. I '
Thrill-filled with a new, Singling
screen excitement, "Thunderhead
Son 'of Flicka" is being acclaim
ed everywhere as greater in every
way than the successful "My
Friend Flicka." 1
The film is filled with the sweep
and power of a boy's dreams and
his dogged determination to make
a racer out of the wild, white colt
Flicka had brought into th world.
It is, too, the story of a woman's
love apd one man's courage.
James Bell, Diana Hale,? Carle-
ton Young and Ralph Sanfprd are
also featured in the cast of the
film. I
Weather Wins j
At Four Corners
the stormy nieht an eptr rnast
was enjoyed Saturday night at the
nome j of Mr. and, Mrs. ! Ernest
Walker, on Mohrfcavenue. a huge
bonfine, and steamjng kettles of
eggs and coffee' were finaUv tnn-
quered by wind and rain, so sup
per was eaten an the house.
Those present were ' Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Stewart and Jimmy, Mr.
ana Mrs. si Cable, Mr. and Mrs.
Now Showing t
Bee the Snake Kiss
Ongsn. Eadar Mondaj. Afd
J '
: -
K ' . '
V- Vl-H-
"Thanderhead Son ef Flicka," 20th
F1icka.M now snowing at the Grand theatre. Starring Koddy McDowall, Preston Foster ana Kit jonn
son, the film based en Mary O'Hara's best-loved best-seller, flames with the excitement ! Ufe and
the nrge to adventure that is the west
i;: ... y
It's fiud AbiMJ.t and Lou Ccstello. in cue of the UAU7 : Irilarions epi
sodes from their new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring filnv"Lost
in a Harem," which takes tnem to a mythical kingdom in the mystic
east - - as Hollywood talent scents. The picture, which features
Marilyn Maxwell, John Conte,
Dorsey and his band, are now showing at the' Capitol theatre with
companion feature. " i
'Music for Millions' With
Margaret O'Brien, Durante
Opens Today at Elsinore
: "Music for Millions," the newjM4G-M attraction at the Elsinore
theatre, should provide fun nd enjoyment for many millions indeed.
Produced by 4he celebrated; director-producer combination of
Henry Kpstcr and Joseph Pasternakj and starring Margaret ("Lost
Angel") O'Brien With Jimmy
Durante, Jose Iturbi and June Al
lyson, "Music for Millions" is a
heart-warming comedy with mu
sic. It relates how a ' little girl,
played by Margaret O'Brien,
comes to the city to stay with her
big sister (Miss Allyson) and pro
ceeds to become part-and-parcel
not only of the lives of her sister
and the latter's fellow (or girl)
musicians in Iturbi's symphony or
chestra, but of Iturbi himself and
Jimmy Durante, the band's bus
iness manager.
At about the same time that
Margaret discovers that June is
going to have a baby, the other girl
learns that June's husband has
been reported missing in action in
the South Pacific. How this is kept,
from the mother-to-be and the un
expected developments that lead
to a most happy ending make for
tender and charming cinema fare
for the entire family.
Margaret is her usual sensation
al self, charming, wistful, tearul
whatever the script calls for and
100 per cent on the beam. Durante
is, of course. Durante, the inimit
able Schnozz at his best June' Al
lyson plays her first dramatic role
in "Music for Millions' and gives
a fine performance.
Add to these the comedy antics
of Hugh Herbert and Marie Wil
son, the harmonica playing o(
Larry Adler and the serious act
ing support of Marsha Hunt and
Harry Davenport, among others,'
and you have all the ingredients
for a piece of top-notch movie
Homer Bales, Mildred and Geral-
dine, Mr. and Mrs. Tate and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs.; Ross Chrisman,
Ruth and Jean, Mrs. O. Cable and
daughters, Mrs. Wra. Schaich and
Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker
ana iamiiy. , ,
The Picture hTtt
t Has Everything!
f.l-rgeret O'DRIEIl
iturbi -DunninE-.
JUNE ALLYSOniffngf!.
It's a Thriller! '
'Strangers la the Night1
Century - Fox's spectacnlar technicolor thriU sequel to "My Friend
at its best
Dourlass Dumbrille and Jimmy
Neic JTAC Is Honored
Witli Surprise Affair
At Middle Grove Home
of. neighbors with refreshments,
surprised Mrs. Jack Stevens, niece
of the Roy Scofields, who has
joined the WACs. Mrs. Emory
Goode and Mrs. Lee Dow were
in! charge of arranging the sur
prise and directed the entertain
ment Mrs. Stevens has at different
times made her home here and
made a number of friends.
jPresent were Mr. and Mrj. John
CSge and Marvin, Mrs. Paul Bas
sett and Donald, Mr. and Mrs.
John Van Laanen, Mr. and Mrs.
Wl H. Scharf, Mrs, Mary Herndon,
M-s. Harry Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Emory
Goode, Yvonne, Elvin and Wayne,
Df. and Mrs. Scofield and Gene
arid Mrs. Jack Stevens.
AKCS " '
- ill
ivj y v-
Marcaret O'Brien A starred in a story of a little riri's lastinr faith,
"Music for Mllliom," with Jose Iturbi. Jimmy Durante. and Juno
Allyson, starts today at the Elsinore theatre.
Looney Butte Soldier
Home From California
On 21 Day Furlough
Grim is home on a 21 day furlough,
from Victorville, Calif. He I drives
a fire truck for the army air
ft . mJ I
lurces ana is mc mjii ui mi . auu
Mrs. Earl Grim. Dean was for
some time in Australia. ;
Elmer Keller is improving fol
Continuous from 1 T. M.
How Showingi
; . . And Leaded with Fan!
How Playing!
Star-Studdcd Urogram!
.1 -
...feef not so ovMsf
f with f !
J lunksir ,
: . THAT y- tr-'
Randolph Scott
Gail Patrick
"Ely Favorifa
- 'I
Comedy Heads
Capitol's BiU
Abbott uid Costello are "Lost In
And.. when. these clown princes
of screen and radio cut loose
among the cuties of the J harem,
ttiara ar no staffs
barred! They're
out to set a new high in fun-mak
ing; and the stratospnere . 13 xne
umit An th film;-which is now
playing at the Capitol theatre.
It Is against this colorful back-,
ground, the most lavish of any
Abbott and Costello laughf est, that
the Ho, 1 comedy team of the films
returns to the screen after a year'
absence, caused by the illness of
Costello.. I r ; ;
A spectacular musical setting,
highlighted by Jimmy - Dorsey's
band, sen es as the ideal stepping
stone to stardom jfor. Metro-Gold-wyn-Majer's
new pin-up favorite
and glamour queen, Marilyn Max
well. , : . '
Opposite her, as i Hollywood's
newest find among young leading
men, is John Conte, famed radio
nartner ct Frank ' Morgan's air
show. ' I - .
The Europeans whq first visited
Australia, Polynesia, ffew Zealand
and America found ithe natives
hadTlbmesticated dogs. '
j ?
r ' -, -
lowing a recent illness. - -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Royston
visited . at the J. E. Clark home
and also--Mrs. Carrie Hochspeier.
They left for their new home on
the coast Thursday. L
Continuous from 1 P. M.
How Sh3V7lcg!
1 f 7 AD)
Filled wMi m
new, tinsHni
, rutin . iin
Plus! 2-ReeI Featurette!
-20 ThrUling Minatea
with Olga San Juan
m Technicolor
Sewsl EatUe ( Germany f
Jill r jj H 3
'vniuiuus ironi 1 r." Rl
Meniou 1
r r nnnn
jast ceyond underpass
11 11