The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tb OSEGON STATESMAN, Salem. - Oregon, Friday Morning. March 30. 1945
i '- -: . -
1 "
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Lt. Estep and
Bride Visit ;
In Salem ;
Lt Merlin Estep, Jr., United
States marine corps, ton' of Mr.
! end Mrs.' Merlin Estep of Salem,
' was married to Miss Helen Ol
son, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Olson of . Whitehall, Mon
tana, en March 17 at St Paul's
Methodist: church' In" 5 Helena,
j Montana.:. . . .- ' ,
: The double ring ceremony was ;
? read t 8 o'clock by Dr. George
' B. Morrell before an altar bank-
d with palms and. many lighted
i candles. Mrs. Betty Crabbe sang
i "Always" and 'I Love You
I Truly". -."'..v.- - ; ' .
J For her wedding the bride
-chose a white faille taffeta gown
fashioned with a full, gathered ,
skirt which ended in a train.
The bodice was made with long
sleeves with points over the wrists
and a sweetheart neckline. Her
fingertip length veil of lace was
arranged in a coronet -of lace
and caught . at the sides with
orange blossoms. She . carried a
bouquet of Talisman roses.
Mrs. James Latach was her
sister's matron of honor. She.
wore a pink chiffon gown and
carried a bouquet of .blue and '
violet, sweet peas.'
Mr. Joe Estep of Helena stood
with his brother as best man.
Ushers were Miss Sharley Hasi,,
Miss Kate Sea grin and Mist
Ruby Jenkins.
A wedding supper for the
bridal party was ; held at the
Joe Estep home immediately af-.
ter the ceremony.
Lt end Mrs. ! Estep , came to
Salem on their honeymoon" and
are at the home of his parents.
For travelling the bride wore a
powder blue suit with matching
The bride is a graduate of
schools in Whitehall and Butte.
She now operates a beauty shop,'
in Helena. Lt. Estep' attended
Willamette university and the
University of Washington. He re
ceived his lieutenant's commis
sion in QuanUco, Virginia on
March 14. The next day he left
by plane for Helena.
Lt Estep will leave Sunday
for Camp Pendleton, Calif., to
report for duty. '.Mrs.. Estep will
return on Monday to Helena
where she will continue with her
Mrs. Eugene Reed ef Portland
was In Salem Thursday and a
guest at the party for which
Miss Barbara Compton was
hostess last night. Mrs. Heed will
return to Portland, today.
Texas Faniilv Are
Rickreall Guests
RICKREALL Mr, and Mrs.
Harvy C. peaver and baby Shar
on of Pyote, Texas' are here for
a short visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Beavefc. He must
return next week but Mrs. Beaver
nd Sharon will 8iqi the sum
mer here. j
Mr. and Mrs, Fred jS. Crowley
and family are moving to the Joe
Simmon place. Thej Crowley
old their place to Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Palmer and they are mov
ing there next week.
1 Half the fun of crochet is
working toward a. goal. Watch
these pineapple squares grow in
to spreads and cloths of breath
taking beauty. .
Whether you make lot for
large pieces of a few for small
ones, the squares are fun to da
Pattern 591 has direction; stitch
Send ELEVEN CENTS ta coins Sot
Ihu pattern to Thm Oregon lut
rnan, Needlecraft Dvftt., Salem, Or.
Print plainly PATTERN NUMBEB.
rour NAiu .ana aoursss.
fifteen cents mors brings you our
new 32-pa neetueorart cstaiof
broidery, knitting, crocliet. quilta,
133 Illustrations f tfesigsa (or
frrn tzzi cl
CIrlsr Women! n you lose so much disr
In monthly period that you ioet weai,
''dragged out" ttls may be duo to low
blood iron. 80 try Lydla E. Pl&kham'a
visuTsone of the best home ways to
help bmld trp red blood ta such cases.
Ptakham's TabUt art oaa of to great.,
t blood4roa tonic you can buy.
e'oUow label ctreotioo. .
Music . . . The Home
Wemea's Editor
Pages Come
By Plane
To Visit
Arriving in the capital for a
visit Thursday were Mr. and
Mrs, Wilmer H. Page and seven
weeks old son, Michael, of Port
Townsend, Wash who are the
house guests of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer C Page.
Mr. Page, petty officer sec
ond class. United States coast
guard, is stationed on the Wash
ington coast The visitors, who
came by plane fro m Seattle, ,
' were met Jn Portland by Mr. and
Mrs." Page. They will be hera
for ten days during Mr. Page's
leave. . ' .
" Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page
entertained Informally at dinner
Thursday night at their Cheme
keta street home in honor of
their son and his wife. Other
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Hill. Mr. Hill, Who is in the
navy,' is home on leave from
the South Pacific and recently
saw the Page's other son, Rollin,
who is also in the navy and in
the South Pacific.
M. L.jpnes Has
96th ".Bkthday
Mr. M. L. Jones, formerly of
Salem, celebrated his 96th birth
day in Portland Thursday at the
home of his daughters, Mrs.' An
derson Cannon and Mrs. John
Withycombe. Mrs. Ronald Jones,
daughter-in-law of Mr. Jones,
and her son, Ronald, were in
Portland Thursday for the occa
sion. They are remaining until
today when they will meet Mr.
Jones on his arrival from a busi
ness trip to Washington, D. C.
Mr, Jones, Mrs. Cannon and
Mrs. Withycombe were all guests
at the Jones home here earlier in
the week. , '
Mrs. Duane Gibson has re
turned from a week's 1 stay; in
San Francisco and other points
in the bay area where she was
the guest of friends and rela
tives. While in the south Mrs.
Gibson visited with Sgt. Roger
Wagner, who is now at Dibble
General hospital, Menlo Park,
Palo Alto.
V JssH ssgffiA
o2:-st B- "rH
CiSlzh Sired : HiRX ! " ' ; Salcn, OrccaN
i-l i
1::- ! i :tf - ,
i - ; 1 I t? -
Jeryme English
i Society Sditor
Mrs. ; Weekley : i
Cltib I Hostess - j
-' - i-i : -i
Waconda Community club met
Wednesday with Mrs. Wade'
Weekly on Spruce street Mrs;
Charles Gflbert, Mrs. Wilms Loe
and Mrs.: Gilbert Fones. Prize
at cards irent to Mn. William
Kraber, Mrs. A. L. Lamb and
Mrs! Arch Boyles. : J
The next 'meeting of the club ,
Is at the ! home of Mrs. C. C
Russell, lp78 : Highland avenue,
on April M. ; . ;,; r
Missj Ross ;
Is HdF
Miss Nancy 'Montgomery, whe
is home from Oregon State col
lege for the spring vacation, en
tertained a group of coeds at a
delightful j informal party Tues
day night ftt the home of her par- -ents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mont
gomery, 1 on North 18th ; street. .
The honor guest was Miss Rosa-
belle Elizabeth Ross, who recent .
ly announced her engagement to
Mr.j James Roger White, United -States
navy, j
A linen! shower honored Miss
Ross during ; the afternoon. A
late supper was served by the
hostess. Bouquets of spring
flowers provided the decorative
note about the rooms. i-l
Honoring Miss "Ross were Miss
Mary Ana Bollinger, Miss Bar
bara Crawford, Miss Patricia
Viesko, Miss Joan Beakey, Miss
Arlene Frogley, Miss Evangeline
McKinley, Miss Betty Staab,
Miss Corrine tWade and Miss
Nancy Montgomery, j j
Bridge Club Is jj
Entertained If
Mrs. Ronald Jones was hostess
to members of her bridge club
Wednesday night at her country
place. A i dessert supper was fol
lowed byian evening of cards. ;
-i'Mrs. Kenneth Bell and Mrs.
John Beakey were special guest?.
Members: are Mrs. Karl Becke, .
Mrs. Edgar Tiij Pierce, Mrs. John
J. Elliott; Mrs. Ralph Hamilton,
Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. Walter
Kirk, MrsJ F. W. Poorman and
Mrs. E. V. McMechan. .
G ubs
Pete Mrs.
j . - I . iii . : -
The home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence N. Brown on South
High street , was the scene of a
. smartly arranged party Wed
nesday night when Mrs. Brown,
Mrs.- Melvln J. MQiett and Mrs.
Reed D. Carter . entertained In
; honor of Mrs. Richard Rentfro.
; Cards were In play during the
' evening and: a shower compli
mented Mrs. Rentfro. A ilate
: supper was served by the; host
. esses. The diking table was dec
orated with pink and blue ap-'
. pointments end bouquets of! c&-
mellias, quince rand forsythia
were arranged about the guest
rooms. ; i-,
Honoring : Mrs. Rentfro were
Mrs. N. R. Thornquist Ms.
Verna Graham, Mrs. Carl Soos,
Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, Mrs. Bruce
Carkin, Miss Roberta Jean Yo
com, Mrs. J. M. Rentfro, Mrs.
Cecil Manion, -Mrs. Kenneth
Carr, Mrs. Eugene Rentfro, Mrs.
J. L. Eaton, Mrs. Thomai N,
Eaton, ! Mrs. Louis Lawrence,
Mrs. Dick; Krohn of Newberg
Mrs. Einer i Christenson of j To
ledo, Mrs! Ross Courier of Rick
reall, Mrs. Virgil Danison (and
Mrs. Michael Leahy of Portland,
and the hostesses, Mr. Melvln
MilleU Mrs. Reed Carter
Mrs. Lawrence Brown.
Hunts for
Highlighting the social calen
dar this weekend for members
of the younger set will be Eister
parties and egg hunts.
Jo Ann Hoover, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hoover,
and Kaye Tomlihson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. T. Harold Tom
linson, have invited a group of
their friends to an Easter party
this afternoon at the Hoover
home on West Myers street
' During the afternoon; the
guests will enjoy an Easter egg
hunt and later refreshments will
be served. Bouquets of spring
.flowers will provide the decora
tive note about the rooms. I
Party on Saturday !
Valerie Sevillier, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Sevillier; has
Invited ten little girls to an Eas
ter party Saturday afternoon at
the home of her parents on South
Commercial street.
After an Easter egg hunt re
freshments; will be served to the
- Hal Hibbard camp and auxil- I -:
lary of United Spanish War Vet- I
ran S pjn. VTW hall. j I
I McDarinel-Nelson
Vows Read
. The marriage of Mrs. Mabel
Nelson, daughter " of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W, Lamka, sr and Mr.
, Dale .McDannet son of Mr. M.
C McDanneL all of Salem, took
; place Monday night March 28 "
the First ' Methodist church t
parsonage with Dr. J. C Harri- .,
son officiating.
The bride wore a beige silk
, suit and accessories and carried
bouquet of Chines lilies.
- Two matrons of : honor were
Mrs. Arthur W. Lamka, jr, of
Portland and Mrs. Raymond W.
Lamka of . Salem.' The former
wore a rose ' dress with black
accessories and the latter wore
. a green and brown dress with',
brown accessories. They Carried -nosegays
of j Chinese lilies.
Mr. and Mrs. McDannel will
make their home in Salem where
he is connected with Reinholdt
and Lewis.
Ramps Will
Be Dinner
. .,- f . -
ISr. and Mrs. Charles Ramp
will celebrate their 31st wedding
. anniversary on Saturday night
when they entertain Informally
for a group !of friends at dinner
at the Marlon hotel.
. After dinner the group will go
to the Ramp home on Kingwood
Drive for aa;; evening of cards.
Bouquets of, plum blossoms and
.daffodils will, b used ; to decor
ate the guest rooms. . '
Guests of !Mr. and Mrs. Ramp
wnrbe Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pe-
; terson, Mr. and "Mrs. Harry
Crawford,' Mr.' and Mrs. Bert B.
Flack, Mr.'and Mrsl Duane Gib-!
son, Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Gibson;
and Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Craw-;
Capping Service
On Monday
Seventy-two Red Cross volun
teer nurses aides will receive
their caps and pins at an im
pressive ceremony Monday night
April 2, at th4 First Presbyterian
church at $ ofclock. This is th
largest class to graduate in th .
three year history of the nurses
aide corps.!
Judge George Rossman, presi
dent pf the Marion county chap
ter, American Red Cross, will -preside-
and Mrs. Charles A,
Spragu win be the guest speak
er. Rev. SLjRaynor Smith will'
give the invocation. Mr. John
Schmidt will sing the "Star
Spangled, Banner."
The Interested public is Invited
to attend the ceremony and the
reception which will follow - in
the church parlors. - '1
Shop Fred Meyer' Easter Parade of
(Fashions and Fashion Accessories
i i-
i ' ' '. " -
Cardigan end
.90 and TF
Sixt 32 re 40
Slipover and cardigans to be
worn together to maJt a sweater
set or on at a time. All 100
wool and .a Urg rariety to
choose from. Th cardigan hare
a. grosgrain ribbon trim down
th front and ribbed .bottoms to
Kll orw th hip. Th slipovers
v snug neckline and square
wide-ribbed shoulder yoke.
SSL" Sfiirs-s
Wool and rayon skirts. Wear these with
a sweater and you will be swinging
along In fashion. Plaid and plain colors
in new spring shades. Sizes 24 to IS. ,
At Alt Fred Meyr
! Apparel Seetlen
Tnl Tl
14J It Liberty Drug BuSdlag
NeW YorKer
Interested I
In Youth . j
Plana for "full employment"
after the war include returning
servicemen, war. workers and
women-but leave young people
entirely out of th picture, said
Mrs. Helen S. Wilbur, ; staff
member of the National board
- of the Young Women' Christian
association who Is In Salem for
Mrs. Wilbur' Is here In the spe
cific Interests of Girl Reserves,
and ' Is observing trends In
thought across the continent
She is talking with thinking
young girls, and will , take back
to the head office, ideas to be
used later as a basis for lead'
ership and ' training material.
Too few adults are taking an
interest in vocational guidance
for- adolescents, believes I Mrs.
Wilbur, It i th social agencies.
schools; and parents who. will
have to cooperate in figuring
out a program for the youth im
" mediately following the war.
Whei asked if the northwest :
is behind in considering the fu
ture of its youth, Mrs. Wilbur
reluctantly admitted that it
seem to be. Little is being done
toward planning for those young
peopie, she said, who have been
. drawing large wartime J wages,
and will be the first to be dis
charged When servicemen return
in numbers. ;: ;
; Speaking of opportunities for
ghis, Mrs. Wilbur said-that here
la 'a great future in such agen
cies as the YMCA, for girls who
are interested in dealing with
"youth. Young persons can direct
leadership r groups,, teach crafts
and other skills as beginning
training for the future, i
Mrs., Wilbur has been In the
northwest since the first of Feb
ruary and Is obtaining an over
all picture of youth in this part
of th country.
She i has met with various
adult j committees and youth
groups during the past two days
in thej local YWCA.
"' From San Diego' cornea j word
of th birth of a daughter to
Lt and Mrs. James M.; Houck
(Nancy Dutton), on March 28
in the southern city. Mrs.
Houck: formerly resided here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Dutton, who now live
In San Diego. Mr. a n d Mrs.
James Houck, sr., of Eugene are
the baby's paternal grandpar
ents, and Mr. A. R. Hunter of
' Salem! is the great grandfather.
Lt Hduck is with the army air
corps fn the South Pacific.
14 1
. 'I
ELSCTRONICSEWE R-EUlae Kirkweed, weraer
to GooiricAkren. O. plant -lUhe op" a j!
synthetic material ea aa electronic sewing machiae. Seams are
i fused wltheet thread by heal appUed lateraally. .
I ' " . .....
Today's Menu
Green! beans salad can come
from the frozen food locker to
begin today's meat Ji--:';;'
: Green bean salad '-'
- Fish loaf, egg sauce ' -Buttered
j Hot cross buns
Orange " shortcake
i-egg;;--'."-- .1
? .cups "flaked cooked or can
ned fish - ;
1 cups mashed potatoes'
v -tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoons salt ' e
' tf teaspoon pepper
1 cup -evaporated milk
"Beat egg. Stir in fish, pota
toes, lemon juice, salt and pepper.-Add
sufficient milk to bind
mixture and moisten .well. If
fish and potatoes are Very moist
less milk will be needed. Pour
into a greased loaf pan. Bake
in a hot over (423 degrees) un
til brown, about 30 minutes.
Serve plain or. with egg sauce.
Yield: 6 servings.
t tablespoons flour
1 cup water, broth or vegeta
ble liquid -
1 cup evaporated milk
Vt teaspoon salt
TJashjOf pepper
2 hard cooked eggs, diced
Stir water slowly into flour to
keep smooth.-: Bring mixture to
a boil, stirring constantly to pre
vent lumping: Add milk and
seasonings set over boiling wat
er and; continue cooking " until
thickened, stirring occasionally.7"
A ! -
y Sixes' M
32 to 30
Apparel Section
Prices HfectiYa
Friday Thru Monday
if j -,.v v,, ' ' l ,
immmmm . '' ' , 1 a, " mm . ...
',.""1 . S' ,-
Book 4-Rd Stamp Q9 through
food , through March 31. Stamp Tl
mrough XS good through April 18;
YS i and Z through OS good through
June J: IS through JS good through
jun M. :
raocESScn foods: . . i
' Book 4 Blue stamp XS through TM
and AS and BS good through March
3L Stamp Cl through Cl good through
April 28; HS through MS good through
Jun 1: NS through SI good through
June SO. . . . .
sugab: ',. - ; . '.
Book 4 SUmp U valid . for flv
pounds through June S. Next stamp -scheduled
to .b validated Mjr 1. r .
SHOES: - " i -ii" M
Book S Airplane stamps A. t ad
S valid indefinitely. : -
GASOLINE: "'"-', ;
A IS coupons good everywhere for
four gallons each t through. Jun It ,-
FUEL OIL: ) ...
Period 1-S (incl) eoupona valid
through August 31. Not more than 3
. per cent of season's rations : should
have been used to date. - ' " - '
for. fish, fowl, meats
and economy meals
Brown and $71.98
RlaMr ! rVf
NoveHy styled with strap handles and metal
: frame. Genuine leather styled to suit every
! woman's taste. Will bold everything ompletelqr i
land eoastaatly.
Large aaaorUneat to ehooee fresa for W or a t
gift. SciatiUaUng stmolaUd fist cut stones fe 1
various colors, i -
on the uplift principle. Adjustable
and straps.; Tearos only.
. .. 1 1
sizVs'sH la ion
.. .