m fi if, fags seven tm OSEGON STATESMAN. Oregon. Wodaesday Morning. Marca S3, 19-CS IT" ' . Rebekahs Take New Member Salem Rebekah lodge met at the Oddfellows hall Monday with Mrs. Emil Otjen, noble grand, presiding. Mrs. Ada Byers was admitted to the lodge by transfer card. Mrs, W. J. Beard had charge of the program. The past dis trict deputy president of Salem and visiting lodge were hon ored. Mrs.. Vern Suko and Mrs. Estella Hess played, Mrs. Gavin Hill and Mr. C. Hauge sang and Mrs. -Gavin HOI gave some pointers on the etiquette of the flag. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, chairman of the decoration com mittee, was assisted by Mrs. Carrie Chaffee and Mrs. Goldie Kyle. Ladies auxiliary to the Patri x arch Militant and cantons met for a 6:30 no-host dinner. At 8 cm. a business meeting was called by Mrs. Howard Hun- saker. . L- Mrs. Wishart a Club Hostess Mrs. Paul Wishart entertained members of the Book and Thimble club' at her home. Thursday. Hospital bedside bags will be made by the club for the Red Cross. The guest for the afternoon was Mrs. Dan D. Adams of Fay etteville, NC. - Members present were Fern Morgan, Mesdames L. -F. Brown, Ross Dainrell, Conrad Fox, Her bert Kane. Fred Kubin, Edna McCarthy, Charles Schwartz, Charles Adams and the hostess, Margaret Wishart. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. McCarthy on April 5. Au Revoir Party For Mrs. Strause Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gustaf aon were dinner hosts Sunday night in honor of their niece, Mrs.; Fred Strause, who is return ing to her home in Great Falls, Montana. Ensign Fred Strause Is with the naval air forcer in the Pacific. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gustafson, Beverly and Joy, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wane and Maureen Gustafson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gustafson of Portland and Mrs. Emily Gus tafson of Belt, Montana, called later in the evening. - Royal Neighbors sewing club will meet today at the home of Mrs. F. C. Pratt, 1155 North 16th street for an all day meeting and , no-host luncheon at one o'clock. i mm i m 'i iif. ; ; ly . . ' i-V ' : . - ' ; I 1 1 -. , t t- ' U ' I r , - I "V S - . - - I tr ' i i - I. V it 1 i t. UNUSUAL MOJ AVE WEATHER-snow biankeu the irroond and a Joshua tree an unusual ssifht at the Marine Corps Air Station. Mojave, Calif. as Field MaslcUa 1C Pearlo, Z. Cavanaurh of Shreveport La pla cfa co,ors Union HOI Club Witt Meet at Heater Home UNION HILL Mrs. Hollow of Salem will entertain members of the Union Hffl Woman's club at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Heater, Thursday after noon. Mrs. Richard Hauge will en tertain members of her club to night at bridge and a late sup per. Mrs. Emory Hobbs is a new member of the club. Mrs. Edgar Pierce was host ess for a dessert supper Tuesday night at ther home in compli ment to members of her drama class. ' MIDDLE GROVE In compli ment to Mrs. Bernard Wilkinson (Edris Van Cleave) a shower waa given Friday night at the Carl Snyder home, by Mrs. Ar thur Case, assisted by her moth er, Mrs. Carl Snyder. Games preceded the opening of gifts. Arrangements of daffodils dec orated the rooms. Invited to honor Mrs. Wilkin son were Mrs. Vernon, Van Cleave, Mrs. Helen Dow, Mrs. Esther Van Laanen, Mrs. Min- nie Goode, Mrs. Anna Hammer, Mrs. Vera - Bassett, Mrs. Evelyn Reed, Mrs. Medora Hyett, Mrs. Julia Ault, Mrs. Gracia. Kuenzi, Mrs. Ida Otjen, Mrs. Leona Kep penger,' Mrs. Geneva Scofield, Mrs. Lena Bartruff, Mrs. Flor ence Wright, Mrs. Gladys Cage, Mrs. Mary Herndon and Mrs. Lydia Scharf. RawsonCliapiii Is Re-elected President . m - DALLAS Rawson Chapin of Perrydale Was reelected president of the Polk ! county chapter, na tional foundation for infantile pa ralysis. Clfrde Gibbs, vice-presi dent and Mrs.; R. Chapin, secreta ry-treasurer.. The executive com mittee includes Mrs. A. F. Utter-: ly, Mrs. HI A- Peterson, Dr. A. B. Starbuck and Oscar Groves. A committee composed of Raw son ChapipJ Miss Gertrude Lee and Clyde jGibbs was appointed to investigate! the purchase of an ar tificial transporting lung which could be jused to render aid to patients uhtil such time as they could be transported to a hospital and while being- transported. The lung I which will be, cen trally located in the county, is ex- pected to: cost between $800 and $1000 and (will be purchased from funds received from the 1944 and 1945 March of Dimes campaigns, While a t complete report of funds raised id u r i n g the recent drive cannot be made at this time,' because the returns from the national-found at ion of the county share, of funds raised in local theatres, has not been re ceived, according to Chapiii nearly $2400; was raised over the county, half iof which goes to the national foundation. Debt Free Hall Is Dedicated; AtSilvCTtorill i SILVERTOTT Dr. Penn Cium Of Hood River, department of Or egon commander, gave the dedica tory address of the new American Legion home Monday night and closed it with presenting the debt- free deed .'for the property to Gladwyn Hamre, commander of I Delbert Reeves Post No. 7. jj Other state and district officers j present were Frit Nissen, depart ment adjutant; Percy Barbour, commander of district; Mrs. Mae Whitcome, department secretary; Mrs. Stanley Kreuger, Salem,; de partment junior activities !; cl air man; and Phaen Sayre, Aurpra, vice commander of district 2. Mrs, Dora Reeves, gold Btar mother for : whose son the post was named, was introduced, and she presented a large flag, to1 the Legion andj auxiliary f or ; their new home. 1 ! .. ill !i Past presidents and past com manders were also honored. jDr. R. E. Kleinsorge, first commander of the post, presided. He was : ask ed by the program chairman, ; Roy Davenport, to explain the legis lative action for the building pro gram. ;l !; i - i More than 225 guests were pres ent from Portland, Salem, Stayton, Mt AngeL Aurora, Philomath, Corvallis and even San Francisco. Mrs. Maude Price la president of the auxiliary which' is assist ing the post in the purchase! and decoration of the new halL Empress Poppaek stands between Marcus Superbus and Nero, played respectively; by Claudette Colbert, Fredrlc March and Charles Laochtonin Paramonnt's modernized production of "Tha Sign at the Cross," starting- today at the Grand theatre, Tha great spectacle, produced aid directed by Cecil B. DeMille deplete Komaa Ufa ia the year Cl Attendance Down Due to Illness ! CLOVERDALE Many children have been absent from : school during the past two weeks. Some! are suffering from colds which settled in 'the ears and eyes in several cases. Little Narene Krei- ger returned to school Monday af- I ter two weeks absence. She had to have her ears lanced by a physician. Anita Booth also has been absent for several Weeks due to a relapse from the flu. Farmers Welcome Chance in Weather CLOVERDALE Good weather. for a change, has brought joy to farmers in this area, with a great lot of plowing and late seeding underway. This appears to be the latest year for some time around here, with no gardening done so far. As a rule gardens ; art up nicely by April. It is not true this spring as - weather conditions do not permit the early working of the ground. 1 I MS OF PORTLAND. OREGON Merchants of Credit for 00 Years Condensed Statement of Head Office and 40 Branches as of March 20, 1945 i RESOURCES 229,441.12 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks $ 1 1 5 JJnitcd States Bonds, including U. S. Government Agencies-. . 253j636,904.45 $368,866,345.57, Municipal Bonds v Loans and Discounts Stock in Federal Reserve Bank Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures r Other Real Estate Customers' Liability on Acceptances Interest Earned Other Resources Total Resources .......... 58,482,718.0Q 47,311,321.86 300,000.00 2,585,638.22 None , 10,010.16 752,270.42 228,925.66 $478,537,229.89 LIABILITIES CapiUl. $4,500,000.00 Surplus... 5,500,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves... 71,883,908.31 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc.. ... .. Acceptances j. J'; Interest Collected in Advance ........ j . . . . .: Other Liabilities. ............... ... . . j. k. Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank' deposits) Total Liabilities .... ....... 4 17,883,908.31 1,468,164.36 10,010.16 139,767.13: 248,390.28 458,786,989.65 $478,537,229.89 Affiliated with Th First National Bank of Portland! art tight additional banksvWKosa total;: Depositsas of Match 201945 wert $23,201,410.73, ;!and total Resources $24,367,303.35. t; These figures art not Included In the above statement of The First National Bank of Portland : The locations of these banks re as follow t I !! SrMt Home . . . Soasiio . . . Silvtrton . . . Cottagt Crove . . . Fortst trove . . . Prinevitte . .;. Sclo . . . Seflwood (Port!ail, Osborne Visits In Qoverdale CLOVERDALE James Oa- bornt of Depoe Bay spent the past two week at his home here recently, vacated by' the Olin Large family. Osborne ia redec orating: the house before selling it , V ! . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brown and son, Walter, of Charleston, Ore, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Drager. They were on their way to YambilL They came north to attend a fun eral, f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hensell of Portland 1 1 have " been L spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j William Hensell. Fred is resting: ; up after another attack of malaria fever.' He contracted while In the islands in army service, and has the fever the U.S. been given a medical discharge. Consolidated Clubi Meet at Petersen' s CLOVERDAIX The 1 Consoli dated Four Leaf Clover club and Turner .Better Homes and Gar dens club met -Wednesday for an all day meeting at the home -of Sad-re Petersen. A large crowd in attendance, including ar iber of visitors. . , , e next meeting will be oa ril 14 at the home of Fran- Whitehead, north of Salem. Wsm) si" Rfrahlnr raaults with trlpU action Crtaa Doachs powder (or tntlmat psraonal hrrin. This dow dC! daaoaea tHactixtlr, aootliMl smioU tlve tismiM, and is daodorlslac llrhtfulLr bmcraat, too lotrea no na dioinat doocha odor. KoOAoaleai. Mail pleas or moaar baok. All Crugslats. maaEfiO'. tir Oesf sir. It&ro 19A5 ore01' tell joaoric that W poopl is&do Oreoft it 1 today- BtcaM' ... ..i .nod -.-I tasv-' ... ion .wrr y ; ,a, lor - . .j .n, tor Si ? ; tixo- ,111 bo whole area. booause u ilia a outatandlai aax pull rot t0eter oat put fort our a. k alUt w ar. 0U ,rodced bere. rep Jurs s If ' IT ."- 2 SOHNCVIU.E SAM r . . . proud of its War Record looks with confidonco to tho futuro ; OMOON Is loeUaalMs4 seagJaanly . sad with sMiad reueai dM Ortgoa atatket is eat hadr4 ihoatsad tichljr eadewsJl squsf milat popwlsisi with a aailHoai aasV a-durd sjnbttious peopU. It k aet a eltf, oos-iaoWfy, eat rwoMfca, waf4yta '' Ow ahlpyank hars rspsatsdtf set wssU rsrat--(or spssd ia sUpbailcaag, foe ' leweM ovsr-sli cosh; far fewest naa hiwat who lam helped at a tat that records art the aasst type el eitiaeat aa Udas trisilf grewiag area could ask far aad 21 art skiUed werketa, Maay turn alfsedf JaveHtd to Ortfoa hoaMt aad fawat. , Wkh the WM-bota aowhiesttoa'el aaaa agemaH ' competes Uboa actabibhed plsay aal smlioaltei aUetrie powts. Ore goa psfds will be sobast seaapseiiioa vadst pescctisM ceadicloat ia shipbaikUag aad abac Ueaa. Oac intmf ' she ttaadug heaber iadaMrf (11 efatt kabsc ia MS.) assds ae , sad she 4e after icajr wMl with peseMisM ptedactiea. ' Tbt haraetsiag af aVs CeJaasbk liver fs m the1 gratis hfdUs slacuk pstsa Mai ia sba aetioa. Usiag abet powes. arr Jadatup grtw rspii . . adiiasag ear astwfal feasants af fsh, an'aaialt aad weed. These iadawrist yltaasd tW'eseasioa, Divaniisd faaalag U a food fjoeasalag, the pat lag fataaa ikad faeav It ahewiag Ottgoa it grewiag niLSf aad rpUlf Ongoa waatt te'grow, hat the lawkkhasi wish which at i Oae Wswapspsr AWeys teads i ' rOKUAMO, OIIOON aC9lwf4 wwwWlBIBSy lMpi Sw iM9djJaaa i ' aaj 4 i.w-f,si.-f' 7 LMWMWil'tlTlti'