Tit OS2GOJI STATESMAN. Cdean. Oregon, Wednesday Mommg, March tX 15U Reservations Made for Benefit . One of the first large affairs to follow Easter will be the ben- efit bridge party for which two Girl 'Scout troop committees sponsored by Women of Rotary win entertain on Monday, April 2, at tiie Salem Woman's club. Proceeds from the affair will be used to aid the Girl Scout fund. A dessert luncheon will bt served at one o'clock to be fol lowed by several hours of cards. Among those who have al ready made reservations for the affair are Mesdames Bertram Thomson, Merrill Ohling, Lester Barr, Ralph Campbell, Russell Bonesteele, Carl Charleton, F. Ivan Brown, Arthur Knox, R. D. Wood row, Harry Schenk, A. D. Woodmansee, Edward A. Lebold, A. I Adolphson, Frederick Hill Thompson, Harris Lietz, E. B. Notick, A Volchock, H. Perlman, A. Weinstein, S. Levene, Abner K. Kline, Robert L. Elfstrom, A. F. Marcus, Charles Fowler, Ar thur Hay, Ivan Stewart, Ivan Lovell, Harry B. Johnson, Wallace Bonesteele, James T. Brand, J. Lyman Steed, John Taylor, Clayton Foreman, Leon Lassers, Elmer Bramlett, Paul Lindholm, Gilbert Bates, Nela Tonnin&Y Leroy Pauquett, Paul Bale, Oscar Phillips, O. E. Mc Neil, Fred W. Lehmer, Percy Kelly, Homer Carpenter, A. A. Krueger, Glenn McCormick, Frank Doolittle, Karl Kugel. Ar thur A. Rogers, George Ross man, B. F. Williams, Ercel Kay, Carl Pope, Hollis Huntington, K. H. Pickens, B. E. SLsson, James Sears, Miller B. Hayden, B. E. Owens, E. Stinnette, Kenneth Bell and L. V. Benson. Twin Sisters Complimented Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards entertained in compliment to the twin sisters of Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Lester Larsen of Salem and Mrs. Lynn Norgren of Glenwood, for their birthday anniversary Thursday night with a dinner. Bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Larsen, Mr. Preston Wood, Mrs. Ruth La forge. Mrs. Lynn Norgren and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. Mr. Ben Wedel called later after seeing his son to the train following a furlough spent with Mr. and Mrs. Wedel. Staff Sgt Frank Wedel, who spent his first time home for almost three years of action in service, is go ing to San Diego for further training. . j Mr. and Mrs. Lester Larsen had a dinner honoring her sis ter Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Norgren and Miss Je annie Norgren of Portland. Miss Jeannie Norgren invited her mother and aunt to a dinner at Schneiders Saturday night, to which Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Nor gren, and Mr. end Mrs. Lester Larsen were present , Beverly Mett, iaagater of Congressman and Mrs. James Mott, is home fur Easter vaca tion from her studies at Mt. An gel Academy. j , Today's Needlecraft ; I V v. 4! Br Lava, WWtler . A "cheerful little earful" these crocheted ear-muffs take only a bit of your time, bit of .knitting worsted. So easy and to practical! , The young crowd will love these flattering, warm, crocheted earmuffs. Pattern W5 has direc tions; stitches; list of materials. Send ELEVEN CENTS la toins tor uttem U'Tha rVMum r . mn, Needlecraft Dent.. Salem. Ore. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Fifteen cents mere fcrmg you eur New S3-pg Needlecraft Catalog . . broidery, knitting, crochet, quilts. 133 UlustraUoat of design far eta- Too Oil who suffer from simple e asm la or eho loaa a mucn during fnoathly psrkxU you (eel tired, weak. . dragged out" this may be due to low !oort-troa-o try Lycua E. Ptnkhsm'e VA&LETS t one. PUULtem's Tablets . ftre one of tbo eerjr beet booae mmym to fcalp buUd up red blood to gtw more . trengtti ana ar5y la auea, eaaoe. Plaxham Tableu ant one of tba fTMteat blood-troa tonics you can buy I kxUow label direction Society Clubs Music The Home E. Maxine Buren Women's Editor CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Woman's association, first Presbyterian church, t p.m. Navy mothers club no-host dinner at ' Salem Woman's club, I'M pm. Ladies Aid society Knight Me morial church meet In church parlors, 1 pj&, luncheon, 12:39 pm. Wtwnmn'm Tfnlnn Virvt rontfre- SI gattonal church, meet at church, .3:30 n.m. AAUW recent graduate with Mrs. John Taylor, 433 North 17th street. S p.m. Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs. H. W. Knight. ISS North Winter street, no-host luncheon, 12 :M p.m. McCormick class. First Metho dist church with Mrs. Floyd Bowers. S63 Norm 13tb street, dessert luncheon, 1.13 p.m THDUDAT Woman's Belief Corps card party with Mrs. Florence Shipp, 1880 Nebraska street, 2 to 8 p.m. Mrs. Bye Named Chairman SJX.VERTON Mrs. Perl Bye has been named chairman of the annual Rose Ceremonial of the Junior Woman's club. The date has been set for June 4 with Mrs. Immanuel Kellerhals and Mrs. Ida Brady as assistants to Mrs. Bye. Plans for the affair were begun at the Monday night meeting. Mrs. Melvin Brendon, Mrs. Larry Ernst and Mrs. Harvey Kaser were appointed as nomi nating committee and will re port back at the first meeting in ApriL Mrs. Perl Bye and Mrs. Louis Wavre were hostesses Monday night at the Wavre home and following the brief business meeting a surprise shower was given1- in compliment to Mrs. Harvey Kaser. Special ' guests were also invited for the shower. A pink and blue color scheme was used in the dining room where the shower gifts had been arranged. Present at the party were Mrs. Harvey Kaser, Mrs. Jack Spencer, Mrs. Wesley Grogan, Mrs. Lester Jackson, Mrs. , Vic tor Hadley, Mrs. Immanuel Kel lerhals, Jr., Mrs. Walter Claus, Mrs. Casper Oveross, Mrs. Ida Brady, Mrs. Melvin Brendon, Mrs. Henry Rudihauser, Mrs. Lloyd Greenfield, Mrs. Larry Ernst, Mrs, Robert Mobley, Mrs. Howard Coomler, Mrs. Peter Haselbacher, Mrs. Don Kuenri, Mrs. Merl Bye, Miss Lucille Tschantz and the hostesses, Mrs. Perl Bye and Mrs. Wavra. Recent Bride Honor Guest Mrs. Glen Shedeck, Mrs. Har old Wegner and Mrs. Pearl Reed were hostesses for a miscellan eous shower at the -former's home Friday night in honor of Mrs. Glen Moody, the former Doris Burger. The marriage of me couple took place on March 10 in Vancouver, Wash. Mr. Moody, water tender, first class, United Slates navy, has retura td to active duty. The guest rooms were' decor ated with bouquets of spring flowers in shades of yellow and white. During the evening games were) in play and guest wrote their favorite recipes for the bride. A late supper was served by the hostesses. Forty-three guests who were present were employes of Ladd and Bush branch. United States National bank, where Mrs. Moody has been employed the last four years. Pinochle Club at Walker Home Mrs. Todd Walker entertained we nappy Hour Pinochle club and their J hand at a buffet dinner at br home on Broad ly. Spring flowers decorated the individual tables. Pinochle was in play during the evening with prizes going to Mrs. Ethel Morrison, Mr. Archie Bones and Mrs. L. M. Wilkerson, lrpent were Mr. and Mrs. Li M. Wilkerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kortemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. C White, Mra. Sarah Chamberlain, Mrs. Ethel Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walker. Jeryme English Society Editor Novelist to Visit in CapitjaJ Arriving in the capital Sun day will be jRuth Eleanor Mc Kee, well known novelist, who will be the house guest of Pro fessor and Mrs Murco Ring nalda for several days. Miss Mc Kee is coming west from Wash ington, D. C.J where she is his torian with thejwar relocation authority. She is on a tour of Inspection of the west coast. , Miss McKee has written two Hawaiian nojvels, "The Lord's anointed" and "After a Hundred Years." Three of her other pop ular novels are "Three Daugh ters," writtei at the time of World Wa X "Christopher Strange," a novel of California history, and J "Storm Point," a novel on modertt psychology. Miss McKee was formerly a lecturer of mbdern poetry at the University of Hawaii. Past President Is jHonorfed Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer, immediate pst ; president of the Salem Junior Woman's club, was the honr guest at the an nual past president's banquet Monday night at the Marion hotel. Mrs. Schwabbauer was presented the General Federa tion of Jun or' Women's clubs past president's pin by Mrs. James C. Pike, club president, who was opstmistress for the banquet. ' Other past presidents who were present! and honored were Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Jo seph Carldnf of Portland, Mrs. Carjeton Rjoth, Mrs. Joseph Fel ton. Miss Hatlie Bratzel and Mrs. J. A. BroWnfcon ; and Mrs. Rob ert . Boardpan,: past advisors. Letters were read from Mrs. Lenard Kephart, who now re sides in San'Lorenz. Calif, and Mrs, Tho H. Hammond of Miami, Fl ida. both past presl- dents. The tallies were decorated of daffodils and with bouquets daphne w strips of quince and cam as extending the length of tables. Yellow ta- pen in c Irstal holders guarded the arrang lents The Tr . triple trio and chorus u the direction of Mrs. Virgifiia1 Ward Elliott sana- a HrouD of numivn fra t r rence Fitzierfald carrivl mi tK. theme of ihel banquet "Sicns of the Zodiac!' by lookins into the crystal ball and tellinc the h!rh lights of tach past president's El i bji --- a year. Misi Margaret Hood Played a group of her oririnal piano selections. Mrs. Fred Gast was general chairman of the Banquet. "Frd3h as an Easter Daisyl fi ' V 1:1 i'S? - ...... VV : . I F ) and aive . agakm tot ibe RED CROSS 466 Stale! Give! I t - MODE Mrs. Wilbur To Visit YWCA - : ' -v-, A -Mrs. Helen Wilbur, staff mem ber of the national board. Young Women's ; Christian Association, New York, will arrive in Salem today at noon to visit the Salem YWCA for the remainder of the) week, according to announce ment made by Mrs. Neil Brown, Girls work secretary of the Sa lem YMCA. , . Mrs. Wilbur! is a consultant on program for the Girl Reserves, the junior members of the na tional board, YWCA, of which there acre some 300,000 in more than 500 communities, rural and urban, throughout the United States. Mrs. Wilbur came to the national board in 1944 from the faculty of the University j of Pittsburg where she had been Held supervisor in group work since 1939. Mrs. Wilbur will suggest activities in the YWCA program which will help keep the girls steady and healthy tin der the abnormal strains and problems which are being brought about by the war. Mrs. Wilbur will meet with the Girl Reserve committee mem bers at 2 o'clock this afternoon and with Girl Reserves' mothers at 3 pjn. to discuss "Understand ing the Adolescent Girl in War time". Meet With Girt Reserves ! Thursday noon she will hive luncheon at the YWCA with Girl Reserve leaders. In the after noon she will meet with GR dubs at the Deaf school, public schools and School for the Blind. ; Friday morning the national YWCA staff member will meet with the GR committee, of which Mrs. G. A. Reeher is chairman and who is her hostess while she in Salem. The group will dis cuss convention issues concern ing younger girl. Friday noon Mrs. Wilbur will be principal speaker at the Marion County Social Workers' luncheon in the Marine room of the Marion hotel, j using as her subject "Concerns I of the Adolescent in Wartime as they Relate to Inter-Agency Planning." p Friday afternoon the Tri-Y cabinet and council will have tea with Mrs. Wilbur at the YW and she will end her Salem visit Fri day night with an Easter supper and ceremony with seventh grade Girl Reserves at the YW.I Mrs. Wilbur will spend a portion i of Saturday at Chemawa. j j The Girl Reserve committee making arrangements for Mrs.! Wilbur's visit includes Mrs. Re.! her, chairman, Mrs. C W. Park er, Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. Stewart Miner, Mrs. j Blaine Brown, Mrs. Mary Noland, Mrs. Milo Taylor and Mrs. Neal Brown. Mrs. Montgomery Goes East Mrs. Louis, Montgomery spent : Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Bad ger at the Palace Court apart ments. Mrs. Montgomery is j re ' turning to her home in Marsh field, Missouri; for an extended i vacation. : ' i j ; j : She has been employed at the Salem. Deaconess hospital the past year since her husband Pfc. Louis Montgomery left for over seas. He was stationed at Camp Adair and -left with the fist last March. He is with Mark Clark's Fifth army In Italy. I i -j - n Smart simplicity is the fashion high light inj these love ly garden flower prints; J . . French crepes' j. . . crisp ' seersuckera . .. and gay colorful spurn Trinoj, youthful and rich in stykl detail $o right for home) day-time I wear . . "Of course, . washab to 44. le.M Sizes 12 SLIPS! Tailored styles in soft ! ere pee and sleek rayoa : satin. Sizes 32 to 44.1 1 .90 O'DAY Street 39 - ". i s . 1 F .. j " t Mrs. Helen S. Wilbur Silver Tea Given At Rowe Home The regular silver tea of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Stayton Methodist church had the observance of birthdays for the past quarter year as a special feature on Thursday afternoon, March 22, at the home of Mrs. H. . Rowe. Mrs. L. H. Wright and Mrs. D. George Cole were also hostesses. A letter from Miss Edna Hold, er, a missionary, was read. She wrote from Spain with her final destination as India. Piano and vocal music were presented as entertainment The rooms were beautifully ar ranged with spring blossoms and the serving table was centered with a decorated birthday cake and a bowl of camellias. Each honored guest received a small gift from the president of the so ciety. Those present were Mrs. Su san Gunsaules, Mrs. Clifford Stayton, Mrs. Wilbur Porter, Mrs. Ed. Schlies, Mrs. Ross Hughes, Mrs. A. C. Stowell, Mrs. Nora L. Jhn, Mrs. W. P. Wana cott, Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. L. H. Wright, Mrs. D. George Cole and Mrs. H. J. Rowe. , The next silver tea will be held on the afternoon of April 26 with Mrs. Ross Hughes and Mrs. D. George Cole as hostesses. A mis- sionary talk will be a feature of this meeting. The regular monthly business meeting of the society will be held on April 12 at the home of Mrs. Ed. Schlies with Mrs. L. H. Wright as co-hostess. . Mr,. William E. Kirk enter. tained members of the Theatre Arts group at a dessert luncheon Tuesday afternoon at the Alpha Chi Omega chapter house. m m . fm .lit w ' - Lloot itl o "vjorMiorsd' I , ' : i ;; " j of tho raili-oads ; 11 111 . - ! ' ' HI 1 eee it bristling with Sherman tankaj 105 mm howitzers, 10-ton trucks and jeep, like the flat cars and gondolas. It's just modest workhorse doinf one of the Uggeat war transportation jobs of suT.1 ! Yfam y ou see a mile-long string of boxcar jurt tlrink of this. These plain, onaasuming cars are carrying the waf to Japan. Inside are sdrplaMehgmea, parte to out fit ahipe, medical supplies for our knen in the Pacific mlfliona of ton of foodstuffs and ammunition and small arms. t I ( . For nearly all the war cargo that goes to sea, goes by rail first. And this huge transportation job i just as Important as fast production in our' wa factories. ' The humble box car best aymbiliaee the fact that transportation i not the job of one railroad. If a the job of all railroads working closely tojcthar-poolini their resource and exchanging equipment and fuglittV, i . That ia why you see on Southern Padfic rails the bor cars of nearly every railroad In the country New York i Mink Home Scene of Party The home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mink on South 15th street will be the setting for an informal buffet supper party . Thursday night when Mrs. Mink entertains in honor of her husband's birthday.- , The supper will follow the Elks drum majorette contest at the armoryt The table center piece will be of daffodils and yellow candles. The Easter mo tif win be carried out in the ap pointments. - ' Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mink will be Mr.!and Mrs. Lee Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fel ton, Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mr; and Mrs. Cecil Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fitts, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heater, Mr.' and Mrs. Verne Robb, Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Schwabbauer, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Warner. Lt. Re Texas d to. Wed Girl MILL CITY Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lockhart of Galveston, . Texas have announced April 7 as the weeding date of their daughter, -Josephine and Lt John Warren Reid, medical corps, U.S. (army. Miss ; Lockhart is a graduate of the University of Texas, where she j wa affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. Lieutenant Reid is the son of Dr. and Mrs. David W. Reid of Mill City. He is a graduate of Baylor j university, College of Medicine, Dallas, Texas, and served his iinterneship at Good Samaritan hospital in Portland. He is stationed at Mason Gen eral hospital, Brentwood, Long Island, ; New York. The wedding will take place in the east.1 Initiation Held at Pi Beta Phi House i j t ? ; Oregon Gamma chapter of Pi Beta Phi initiated 11 new mem bers at a formal initiation cere mony Friday night at the State street chapter house. The tradi tional "Cookie Shine" followed the initiation. New; members are the Misses Geraldine Schmoker, Patsy Schneider, jSarah Ann Ohling, Marilyn Hjprt and Mary Laugh lin of : Salem, Bettie Olson of Milwaukie,jFrances Foote of Chester, Calif, Barbara Cutler, Katherine Karnopp and Char lotte Turville all of Portland. Not glnorou, pot a "abw-ofrj , the unpretentioui box car. You nevMr : Miss Frances Faber Is arriv ing today to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felton for several days. Miss Faber, who has been making her home in Los Angeles, has been visiting her parents in Central Point She plans to go south to San Francis- co next month. Miss Faber is a .Willamette university graduate and Delta Phi sorority sister of Mrs. .Felton. - : Mrs, Sellard Home From Texas Mrs. Dan Sellard, the former Winona Bennett, ; has returned from Dallas,' Texas, where she was married on February 24. The wedding took place in the par sonage of the ; First Methodist church .with Rev. Allen Moore officiating. ' The bride wore a wool suit of brown check, brown and white accessories and a corsage of gar denias and roses. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Robinett Mrs. Sellard is em ployed by the Southern Pacific. Cpl. Sellard, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sellard, went into the army with the national guard and has been stationed at Ft Stevens for several years. He is now in the east, awaiting over seas assignment Both are graduates of Salem high school. Mr. McCullough Is Guest Speaker Mr. C. B. McCullough of the Oregon State highway depart ment spoke to Women of Rotary at the regular luncheon meeting Monday afternoon at the Golden Pheasant. He talked on long range planning for the city of iaiem. Miss Jewell Gueffroy played a group of piano numbers during the luncheon. The tables were decorated with lovely arrange ments of red and white camel lias, the white ones having been grown from seed by Mrs. Wil liam M. Hamilton. Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin and Richard Mitchell were special guests. Members attending were Mrs. Ivan Lovell, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. C. H. Fowler, Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, Mrs. Hariand Brock, Mrs! N. S. Rogers, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. R. L. Elfstrom. Mrs. Leif Bergsvik, Mrs. Mabel Stil weU, Mrs. Robert Lehman, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Homer Smith, jr., Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mrs. George Grabenhorst Mrs. Ralph Mitch ell, Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. Lyle Leighton, Mrs. Willard Bartlett, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs. Howard Maple, Mrs. Melvin Geist and Mrs. William L. Phillips. Central. Erie. LAN TiWf. tr t. V Southern. Waaitara Tmfl J afew. y r; :. - - :r. A thai rw.; T-. mmma mm i ease, jun nU eee tm " --ng number of war freight, rodng Soothem Pacifk'a 15.000 nn-fi;-. p.-a- -1 It. . w fxaa southern Paoflc serve, the major Wert (W porta of exubarka tm and more military and naval eeUblitlunmU th "y other railroad. -oei When yoa see ths trmi. J: " ... re worrinr -lnaa!w il r- v w ufntin ii i . j. B - w vn umei ' t. lj , Jr.1h:niPc:in: Salem Man Weds in ,i QUI til Of interest , to the groom'i many friends in Salem is the marriage of Mr. Thomas Robert Eaton, jr., sc. Xc, United States navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn as R. Eaton, srn of Salem, and Corporal Winifred J. Allen, Unit ed States marine corps reserve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George . Allen of Madison, New Jer sey. The ceremony took place on jiaarcn - s oanui . surgemui Ranch House chapeL California at 8 o'clock, cnapiain norman J. Darling, USMC, performed the nuptials. ' i '., j ' The bride was given in mar riage by Chief Commissary Stew ard A. Maxson, USN, of New York -City. Her wedding gown was of white satin fashioned with a train, long sleeves and a sweetheart neckline outlined in seed pearls. ; Her bridal veU of illusion was arranged in a pearl juliet cat. She carried a bou quet of white calla lilies 1 and white camellias. - Sgt LaVerne MacGrath, US MCR, of Sacramento, Calif, was the honor attendant She wore . a pastel pink lace and marqui sette gown and carried a bouquet of iris and pink sweet peas. Chief Commissary Steward, C. R. Small, USN, of Jacksonville, Florida was best man for! Mr. - Eaton. ' Sgt Wilda Johnson, USMCR, sang "I Love You Truly? and the organist was Corporal Grace Weber, USMCR. The chapel was with spring flowers. A wedding reception was' held at the Camp Pendleton reception center. The couple will reside at 201 Wisconsin avenue, Ocean side, California. i taltec .taste gieat lorititn, fowl, meats) aiMl economy meal "'"H oera raciac. a A . ' . ' - r, 'yoawO eee a i inneeeunnsr sumoea . oeuver the stuff j - mm IE? Si i m SALEM, OREGON tj.i L 1 wJmv i l.JUr l... itsaJJestas&eaei lit: l9