Thm OSEGOll STATESMAN, Satan. Ongtm. Wda0mdaT Morning. Uarck 23. 1945 PAGE TEN Financial - Farm - Markets - Classified .it t Air Medal For Valor Given Cronemiller Lt. Donald O. Cronemiller, co . pilot of a B-25 Mitchell bomber, in the Mediterannean theatre of . war, has been awarded the air medal for proficiency in combat, according to word received from the headquarters of the 12th Air Force. The citation, by Maj Gen John K. Cannon, reads: ."For meritorious achievement, while participating in aerial flight as co-pilot of a B-25 type air craft, during an attack on- military objectives at Arilla, Italy, on 28 December, 1944. Lieutenant Crone miller's proficiency in combat re flect great credit uon himself and the military servic of the United States." Lieutenant Cronemiller, who went overseas in November, 1944, is the son of Mr. pnd Mrs. L. F. " Cronemiller of Sajem w- ' Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. WitaeL 1599 Market at. are in the service overseas. Top is T5 A. G. Witsel, who returned home from the Asiatic Pacific for a 30-day r ecu per tion period which he will spend with his parents. His children, Leslie. Ronald and Lindsey will - visit him at their grandparents' . home. Witsel is with an anti-aircraft nit and has been overseas for eight months. He enlisted soon after the beginning of the war, The elder son. Chief Petty Of ficer Arel L. Witxel is now based with the navy in the New Hebri . des. He has been in the navy for 11 years. His wife and two sons live In Seattle. Salem Marine Wears Charm - - Is Lucky By Second Lt. Diggory Venn (Marine Corps public relation officer) 1WO JIMA-(Delayed)-lt may look strange, but Sgt. Berthal R. Clark. 24, of 2655 South Summer t, Salem, Ore., swears his good luck charm has . kept him safe through the battle for Iwo Jima. He wears a 50-franc piece in his ear. He first adopted it during the fighting on Saipan with the Fourth and Second marine divisions. With three other tooks, he biult field galley six days after the landing. Japanese artillery de stroyed one side "of it the, night It was built. "Guess my lucky charm worked all right," said Clark. "The galley was hit, and not far from our foxholes, but none of us was hurt. Roten Promoted MILL CITY Mrs. Florence Ro ten has received word 'from her husband, Edward Milton Roten, telling of his , promotion to -sergeant. He is with the 11th air force, re-supply squadron station ed in the Philippine islands. - DCS. CHAN . . LAM DctJIuUHJI. BTjaXMMMji CZINTSS Herbalists 241 Nerta Liberty Uoslrs Portland Cnral Detr1c ! Oa Offtc open Saturday on ly 10 into 1 m ; to ip.m t-o ultaUon. Blood pressure and urine tnU are tree ! charga. practiced ttnem IVll. ': . .-:! ' . i X One of the first woman marines to I - ' ' iM ' ! a - J ' : ; X n-i - ' ' , - I y " r ' 'I "I ' ' ' ' ' f , s If I - private first class, is shown here at her telephone switchboard at the new Moanaloa ridge marine women's reserve encampment In Hawaii. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Scharf of PerrydaJe, she is a graduate of Perrydale high school and a former student at Orecon State college. Prior to enlisting in the marines she was em ployed in Portland by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Navy Screening 17-Year-Olds for Signalling the launchirfg of an gram designed to boost the Oregon priority enlistment branch radar will drive its opening wedge in the today at Salem high school with full day of screening examina-". tions scheduled for several score 7-year-oJds, deemed tentatively eligible for radio technician train ing. Similar preliminary screen ings will extend to an additional 25 high schools included m the Salem area, it was said. An ever-increasing demand for radarmen, by units of. the fleet, surface craft and submersibles, as well as by divisions of the navy's air-arm, prompted the unprece dented campaign for qualified young men, according to Mel Ken nedy, recruiter in charge of the Salem recruiting sub-station. A major contributing factor to the growing need for more radar men, is the large number of fight ing ships and planes coming from commissioning docks and assem bly lines as construction yards and factories rapidly approach peak production in an all-out effort to supply Pacific combat fleets with the critical materials of amphibi ous warfare. ' Training Valuable ?The navy needs men for radar training," Kennedy said. "Needs them right away, men who are keen, intelligent, quick to learn. fMen who can qualify may consid er themselves extremely fortun ate, because of the unlimited post war possibilities of this amazing new science. Men trained by the navy as radio technicians will be in on the ground floor of a great new field ; versed in principles that will still be unknown to most commercial engineers." It was noted that a technical background is not necessary to qualify, but a knowledge of high school mathematics and physics is essential. Experience with radio is also helpfuL A man who satis fies the requirements starts his naval career as a seaman first class, and is sent to a naval train ing center for indoctrination, fol lowed by nine months of special ized training and a petty officer rating. The four principal post war employment fields open to radio technician graduates in elude: television, radio engineer ing, industrial electronics, and av iation. Seventeen-year-olds and those between the ages of 38 and 50, in addition to inductees who have passed their pre-induction physi cal examination and meet navy standards, may take the Eddy test Inductees who qualify, are assured of assignment to the navy for ra dio technician training. Full par ticulars regarding radar, may be obtained from the navy recruiting station, post office building, Sa lem. , Lt. Sclinell Home After Year in Pacific War Zone Lt (jg) Russell C. SchnelL son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell of 595 Leslie, is spending a 20-day leave at home as a respite from a harrowing year in the Pacific theatre of war. f Lieutenant SchnelL engineering o mcer aboard an escort carrier, participated in the naval and navy shore battle incident to the invas ions of several Japanese-held Is lands including Saipan, Patau and Leyte; was In the sweep through Ungayen gulf, and was an officer aboard a ship engaged ; by the main units of the Japanese fleet at dose range. Eggs Uanlclh To? Prices Paid! Prompt Remitttnee Ship or Bring Tear Egg U FEED iieyeq" ; EGG DEPOT. S31 S. C Alder Si. Portland. Ore, - J: i' m 4 serve verseas, Dorothy Scharf , a Salem High's 1 Radarmen intensive statewide recruiting pro district to, the top of the navy's the Salem navy recruiting facility search for radio technician talent r 1 Sgt. Edwin DeWayne Appelgate. son of Mrs. Gladys Jewell, who was killed on March t in Ger many ; While in action with his infantry division. He is surviv ed by his mother, who lives at 1945 Oxford st, and two broth ers, Sgt. Clarence L. Appelgate now in Italy and Staff Sgt. La Ver in France. ' p Tom Reiling in States SILVERTON Mrs. Tom Reil ing went to Astoria Tuesday to visit her husband, Tom G. Reiling, seaman i 1c, who returned there Monday: from eight months in the south Pacific war area. Reiling injured his" right wrist in combat duty and is confined to the hos pital at Astoria for the present.; , ADDITIONAL SERVICE MEN'S FEATURES PAGE It h Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. March 17. (AP Butter ff AA prints 4S-46'tC, cartons 4ai-47',ic: A rad prints 49a-4fic: cartons Sic; B grade prints 45-45cJi cartons 4-4'ic. Butterfat First ouality. maximum of of t per cent acidity, delivered in Portland SJ-52'ic; premium quUity, maximum! of .35 of 1 per cent acid ity S3-53tc: valley routes and country- points 2c less than first or 50-51 ,ic Cut -4 To RetaUers: A A extra larca 4c; AA Urge 44c: A larce 42c: A me dium 38c;: small (pullet) 35c dozen. Lrve poultry Buyinf -prices from producer Broilers up to S lbs. 31.40c; " jcn no, : ids. u.wc; roasiers over 3a: lbs. 31.40c: Leghorns 2740c; colored hens all weishts 27.90c: roost ers and stags 16c up. country roeau RoUback prices to retailer : i Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. l-19',4c; vealers AA a2ic:lA Jilic; B 19',c: S lS-17c; culls 12-lSci beef AA ll4c: A 20c: B 18ic: C :16ic; canner-cutter cows 13-14c; bulls canner-cutters 14-144c; lambs AA 26c: A 24ic; B 22'ic; C 10-JOc; ewes FS 13'ic; M 11c; R 10c. Cheese S-ir SelUne price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29 Jc; daisies 29.Sc; loaf 30 2c; triplets to wholesalers 17c; loaf 37,c FOB. s Rabbits M Government ceilinc Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live price to producers 22 -24c lb. 4'r imriceys selUns: prices to retail ers: Dressed hens and totns 43'iC lb. iur;eys Alive: Government ceil ing buying prices: Hens and toms f or government sales 38.20c; tor civiuan trade 38.20c lb. . ijf Ontonst-rGreen 75-83C dot. bunches. Onions t Idaho 3-inch 1 15-225: do No. 1: local. Oregon 2.00-2.13 SO-lb. bag. plants. Wala Walla S 00-4 .50. Potatoes Deschutes culls S.S0; KlamaUi rails culls 35 eentol: Ko. S and culls i.SO per SO-lb. bag: local XS, 1WS,!, Wool 4 Government . control. Cascara! bark 1944 peel ISe lb.' Mohair lt4. 12-month 45 lb. . Ht I Wholesale rieee nominal: Alfalfa Ko. 2 or better S34-M: oats- vetch $25-, ton valley points: timothy (astern uregoiv) ton: clover $22-29 ton. ' ----- Portland Iirestock " PORTLAND. Ore,' March ST. (AP (WTA) Salable and - total cattle 100, calves 23; market very active, steady to strong steers scarce: good-choice -fed steers Quotable te Monday's top of ii. or: lew eomtnon - anecuum neilers is.oo-u.oo; cutters down to 9.00: a ner-cuttr cows 7 .00 -9 JO; tat dairy type cows 10.00-50: good bulls 135: common grades 10,00-25: good - choice vealers Salable hogs 108, total COO; market ac uve. steady; au barrows and gilta 15.75; sows mostly u.oo; good 400-57S lb stags 13.00-50: good-choice S0-10S lb. feeder pigs 17.00-50. - Salable wM total sheep 100: "market active, steady; on lot good-choie S3 id. sprtnsr lambs, rurst of season. 16.WK few medium-good woo led lambs 11.00; tommcs - medium grade Il.00-i3.oo medium ' ewes 7 00; good ewes salable .W-S. 1 .'it y X Sat. Herbert J. Schmaltz, 21. US marine corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hons Schmaltx, killed Feb ruary 19 at Iwo Jima. I Bill Close, radio man 3c, is home from the south Pacific and hopes to be in Salem today, Just one year after he sailed from San Diego. He will visit his sister, Louise Close, seaman 1c, also in radio and stationed at Bainbridge Island and then come here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Close, 1745 State street, while on a short leave. 1 PFC Helen Ngmun Tayiie, WAC, is now in New Guinea,'; she has written Mrs. W. L. Close,! 1745 State street. The Oregon WAC flew to the new station j just , re cently, i! Stock Market Conies Back From Slump NEW YORK, March 27 -JP)-Leading stocks enjoyed a modest rally in today's market after two of their ' worst sessions of the month, i Short covering and buying was based mainly on the idea the list had been oversold and was due for at least a technical comeback. Gains ran to 2 or more points in the first hour when activity was most pronounced. Prices; then backed away as a batch of victory rumors flooded boardrooms. There was a subsequent recovery when General Eisenhower, while dis closing that Nazi western defenses had been broken, warned that un conditional surrender was hardly imminent. Transfers totaled 1, 110,000 shares compared; with 1,- 390,000 in Monday's sharp drop. The Associated Press! '60-stock average was up .3 of a point at 59.3 following the Saturday-Monday reaction of 1.5 points. Of i953 issues registering, 474 were gains, zei losers ana iva uncnang ed. Western Pacific common and preferred jumped 1 and ! 1, re spectively, when directors ; voted four dividends on each stock. A pleasing profits statement helped lift Douglas Aircraft 1. Homestake and Dome Mines rose a point each as talk of boosting the price of gold would hot down. Portland Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. March 27. (API- Wheat futures and cash grain unquot ed, ji h Cash wheat (bid): soft white 152: soft white (excluding Rex) 1.52; white club 1.53; western red 1.53. n Hard red winter: ordinary 1.52: 10 per cent 1.54: 11 per cent IM: 11 per cent 1.64. Hard white Baart: ordinary 12; 10 per cent 1.52: 11 per cent 1.58: 12 per cent 1.64. Today's ear receipts: wheat SO: flour 1; corn 1; millfeed 3; flax 1. Stocks and Bonds March 17 :! 10 ' 10 Rails UtU 35 4 i 40 J 35.1 j 40.1 37.0 i 40J 36.9 ! 41.S 17.0 j 36.9 38.1 ii 41.1 , 32.9 i 39i STOCK AVERAGES 20 Indus 10 Stks 593 59 0 60S 61.1 51.8 62.8 Tuesday 79.1 Previous day 7 4 week ago SI. 7 Month ago 83.1 Year ago 71.3 1945 high : 84 3 194S low 7S, 8 574 t BOND AVERAGES 30 19 IS Ralls Indus! Util P fogn 70.8 Tuesday J -.98.9 109 J i 106.S Previous day Week ago Month ago U Year ago .MS .99.6 1054 1054 105.4 105.1 105.S 104.6 ! 107.0 i 107.1 104 714 .99.4 107.6 1 105.6 i 107.6 i 1064 114 654 714 .86.1 1B4 high 194S low . 94 .94.2 S8.1 Salom Market: Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are nMieativo or bio oaiiy marKet prices paia to growers cy m kern buyers but are not ; guaranteed y jne acaiemmeji: BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY S select to chaato wltheat netlct) UTTSKrAZ I Premium ' 44 No. . 1 ' i 4 No. 1 46 BUTTER PKIMTt Ik i. ' A B .46 .43 Quarters ;. EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards) MM XI 44 43 Pulleta Crocks POIXTBT . No. colored bona Colored trys rryers , , ,.- . , Lambs :i , Kwea i ' 43 41 40 40 ; 1340 44 to 46 Cows, boners and cutters LM to 46 Cows, common to 46) Cows, top dairy ; JB to J0940 rows. tMef trot .00 to JS Veato , to J446 Bulla J ; 48 to 41 Hon. ISO to 270 .. 15 45 Sow 13 to 1446 Grains Have Jitters But Qosej Strong CHICAGpl March 27-flP)-Gram markets had peace jitters today, starting firm and then undergoing a sharp dip on unconfirmed rum ors ! of an armistice. Wheat and rye broke a cent or more from the early top, but short covering gave the: market a firmer tone and most of the losses were recovered at the close. - 1 - . i Moderate buying of wheat short4 ly after the opening, attributed tq mills,' combined with the report that the government would be in the market early next week for additional flour, gave the market a firm tone at the start Then came peace rumors and the decline was aided by free selling of July wheat attributed to large milling firms; Short covering brought a late ral-f Corn was steady at the start, on commission bouse selling but broke with other grains. At the dose wheat was Vi toH higher than yesterday's close, May $1.6814. Corn was to lower, May $1.10; Oats were H to higher, May 63. Rye was un changed ! to Va higher, May $l.l'6-. Barley was IV to lht lower, May $1.07. U. S. National Records Gain The United States National bank, according to its official statement of condition reported to the comptroller of the currency as of March 20, 1945, shows deposits of $472,640,093.42 and resources of $493,102,161.18. This large Oregon banking in stitution, which maintains a sub stantial branch in Salem, also re ports a gain of $70,043,501.79 in deposits over the spring call a year ago as well as a gain in re sources of $72,530,012.26. In the opinion of D. W. Eyre, vice-president, deposits in Salem have paralleled the steady growth of the system as a whole. No holder of an insurance pol icy with Lloyd's of London has ever lost a cent through a mem ber's insolvency. Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads ' Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line w.40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c, No refunds. Copy for - this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify " ; - The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished hi its columns and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further j reserves the right to place all advertising .under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore bo answered by letter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as-to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry WANTED: I Beet and canner cows bulls and veals. - Will call at farm E. I. Snetheh, 3570 E. . Turner Road Ph 81345 Morns or eves. CUSTOM HATCHING : Order early tor Best Dates! Small orders, ducks. wild game, a specialty. Baby chicks. N ti. strain. C E. MUton. ss Lansing Ph. 9526, I S Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY "GIVEN THAT the Final Account of Lois Keefer and Harry S. Keefer, joint executrix and executor of the e tate of Daniel S. Keefer, deceased. has been filed in the Circuit Court for Marion! County, Oregon, Pro bate Department, and that the 20th day of April, 1945, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, A. M. has been duly appointed by such Court as the time and the Court Room thereof as the place for hearing of objections to such Final Ac count, and the settlement thereof, at which time any person inter ested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto 4n writing and contest of same. Dated this 14th day of March, 1943. i LOIS KEEFER HARRY S. KEEFER Such executrix aed execu tor. J -William "J. Linfoot Attorney for Estate Salem, Oregon. M-14-21-28-A-4-11.- ; NOTICE OF SPECIAL ItEETING Notice is hereby given that a Special: Meeting of. the Members of the Mutual Federal Sa vines and Loan Association of Salem will be held at the office of the Associa tion at 142 South liberty Street, Salem, Oregon, on Friday, Apri) 13th, 1945, at 730 o'clock: P. M. of said day for the purpose of ratify ing: the action of the Board of Di rectors to amend the Charter per taining to Additional Lending Power and , changing Section':, pertaining To voting rights of members, and the transaction of such other business as may le gally come before the meeting: All members are requested to be pres ent, M-28-AD-4. - ....... "Strictly Private" . ii . .. i . i ''''.I r, . TW THINGS THESE. WDUCTEES BBRfi TD VERCQNIICALjONE &5i A EY SiUtt. KEEP THE WWS WM UP HE SAID - vour sou I . -A De J- aOli ft- I. TELU HE t& KEW IN THE AEAY.. si ot. Livestock and Poultry SALE OR TRADE: Iron fray saddle marc. Gentle lor anyone. yrs., luuu lbs. 1675 Yew St Ph. 7591. Auctions STAYTON AUCTION I Sales Every Thurs., ! 7:30 P.M. COWS. HEIFERS. CALVES. PIGS. CHICKENS. RABBITS. FURNITURE. AND MACHINERY. BRING WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL. ALWAYS A GOOD CROWD OF BUYERS. Help Wanted MEN and Women for hop yard work. Bus leaves Chem. & Com. at 7:30 mm. Gerth Groc. and Walt White's Store. West Salon, at 7:43. Williams & Thacker. STENOGRAPH ERS. TYPISTS. CLERKS: for PERMANENT positions with the State apply at 616 Mead Buildine. Portland 4 Final filing date March 31. Positions locally or through out state. WANTED: Silk finisher and presser. Peacock Cleaners. Ph. 3992. Help Wanted Male Workers now empinyea in war pro duction should not apply and will not bo considered for employment by em nloyers ' advertising in this section WANTED 1 All-Around A-l Auto Mechanic Must have knowledge of all makes of cars. A real deal for a good man, Bird and Zysset Auto Co. 1211 Broadway WANTED: Janitor. See Mr. Lawrence Rm 3. basemt. 1st Nat'l Bldg. Ph. 8624. KITCHEN janitor, steady employ ment, good wages. Marion Hotel JANITOR at 235 S. Com'l St WANTED: Reliable man for pound master. Inquire City Recorder's of fice. For full time Job on auto lot. Must have drivers license. Reference re quired. : EVERSON MOTOR CO 54S Center St MEN WANTED, Willamette VallejCs Largest Appliance Dealer Authorized agents for Maytag. Easy. and Bendix washers. Ironrite Ironers, rrigidaires, Refrigerators, and ranges Want then to train for electrical ap pliance1 service and sales work. Men Interested In preparing themselves tor a permanent postwar position. Receive pay while learning. Free schooling. Essential work, J Apply HOGG BROS; 260 State St. Salem. Oregon LARGE Company wants credit and operating man with or without ex perience. Perm, position. Give full de tails first letter. Box 341 Statesman. MEN wanted for hop; yard work. Truck leaves Ladd & Bush Bank 6:45 AJd. Ph. 9623 or 23052. RAILWAY Express wants night driver. 6 PM. to 3 AM. $174 JO Mo. 44 nr. wk.i Steady Job, vacation and pen sion privileges, critical industry. WANTED: Man or boy to drive in valid woman's car. good wages. Mrs. L. Gates. Jefferson, Orion. WANTED: Retail route salesman Permanent. References required. Dairy Co-op AssnSlO 8. Com' ax - CARPENTER to build homo for pri- vate party. Ph. 2-1172. 111 VrIT THM UANf i ftimini . Avmilahl in tire and auto accessory dept. as salesman. Excellent chance for right man to advance. This is permanent, ror interview sea Mr Priacebouse. Tire Dept. at Ward's. SEE I Herr all-Owens Co., Pontiae dealer. If or a good paying Job new. Wo need two auto mechanics at one, If for' any reason you have disposed of the i tools of your trade, we can show you bow to obtain them for essential work now and steady em ployment after the war. Come in and ask for Mr. Tabry. our Service Man ager, and talk it over. , HerraU-Owem Co, Pontiae Sales & Service. 233 S. CoraT Across from the Marion Hotel. Salem. Ore. FRUIT and - Vegetable man. Good pay fc Start. Permanent. Will teach business to alert and ambitious man. If you know this business you draw the highest pay In food business. Sav ing Center, Portland Rd," ... - STEADY WORK, good i hours. pay. West Mushroom Farm. Rt. 8, Box us. rnono xuvrii. .....- DAIRY hand. Schindler Bros. Dairy. By Quinn Hall U.S. ARMS' FT. fcfcMNlMO, GA. Help Wanted- Male MIDDLE AGED man to work in fur niture store. ; Part time on delivery truck. Must be Qualified to -repair and set uo furniture. Hogg Bros.. 160 State St. Help Wanted Female LADY for housekeeping. Small house, 2 adults. Ph. 8480. WOMAN for general housework good wages. Mrs. E. L. Gates, Jeffer son. Oregon. RIM. rrocerv clerk and checker steady, good pay. Saving Center, Port land Road. EXPERIENCED CASHIER Wanted Price's. 135 N. Liberty. WANTED: Experienced waitress. Marion Hotel MIDDLE AGED or older woman Private room. Very little cooking. No washing. Family of 4. 2 boys 3 and S yrs. Box 338 Statesman. STENOGRAPHER -Recorder wanted in registrar's office Willamette Univ. Apply Eaton Hall EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear sales lady wanted. Steady position. Apply Schlesinger & Co.. 409 Court St. 9 WOMFTN to lurn nresisine at fitv Cleaning works izto state at., Appiy ill person. GIRL for light house work and care of children. 285 Chemeketa. HELP WANTED: Energetic women 18-45 yrs. in good health and inter ested in retail business Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start. Apply today Room ZOO. McGilchrlst Bldg Safeway' District Office. j WOMAN 45 to 55 yrs. for maid's work. Apply Hotel Salem. Steady work Situations Wanted GARDEN Plowing. Small tractor. Rt 3. box 353. Melton Stevens. Ph. 49F21 LAWN cared for. garden spading and other odd jobs. Ph. 5562. MIDDLE AGED lady will take oosi tion as Vtousekeeper-companion for woman alone. Box 330 Statesman : WANTED: Work in greenhouse or bulb farm. Write Box 339 Statesman. CHILDREN cared for. Ph. 8645. SEWING and alterations. Ph. 3775. PreSchool Playschool, 1381 State Ages 2-8 Part or all day. Ph 8430. Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION whin you APPLY TO General Finance Corp. FOR ' Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable security, up ' to iz mos. to repay. Telephone 9168 State Lie. (S-138) 13S S. Commercial St PRIVATE MONEY Auto r And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money tor new and used ears ot trucks regardless of age No delay onng ear ana nti a no get we money You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to IS jnonths to repay. - After - 9 o'ctovS! unono 3381 or I114i for 'appointment ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated b state 138 S Oral St Phone 9168 M 152 You Get CASH PLUS With a loan from us Dont borrow unnecessarily, but If a loan will solve a problem, consider these 5 extra advantages of borrowing from 'Personal'.- 1. Loans made on salary, furniture or auto. r 2. Complete privacy always. . All 'Personal' employees trained In courtesy and efficiency - to give Hvwn , utenuiy service. 4. Loans made in lust one S. Nationwide. Cash Credit Cards asuaa ana nonorcg ncre. Come in. phone or writ today, r LOANS I2S to $300 Personal Finanr f!n. Room 125. Second Fir. New Bitch Bldg. sw mow: stiea mi ' Lie. S-122 M-18S Money to Loan WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans maae as mau as sjuu. see us about rwinancing you , present contract mortgage. - - A . .- .... Leo N. Quids, Inc. 344 State St Phono tOto $ MONEY $ REAL ESTATE "till tut 4- - PERSONAL - LOANS .. .. . CAS LOANS v Buy nu Esiaie saortcages and STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. E-HS M-222. 213 Guardian Bldg Auto Loans Willamette Credit Ho TTB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILD IN t -..-:-., Muuoa ai. as tsa For Sale -Miscellaneous rt iCTl i. TfiHTS eomnleto with bat teries Veater Apphanco Ce 255 N. ELECTRIC Washing machine, baby buggy. 1980 N. Church. inrrvtrt fiMnilMtne Cmt bowl. Por celain finish. Ph. 4521. 1001 Parkway dr. NEW Ch-U blegc wool coat size 14. 1 i Elgin electric shaver. ' 1 link bed spring. High tank toilet. 48S M. 14th St. J BAND Saw for sale or trade for grinder. Phono 5144. - VENTILATING AND exhaust ; fan. Veater AppUanee Co., 253 N. Liberty. DAVENO. Camp bed. blow torch. BB gun. wash - boiler, elect. - toaster. iron, rruii ars, aisnes. oaas t enas. 1447 Chemekota after noon. JCONGOLEUM Rug. 9x11, SS.95. 1 GEVURTZ FURN1TURK CO. 1 175 N. Liberty St. Ph. MIS Lwnmwr $10. Ph. 2152S. 145 W. Luther FLUORESCENT BED AND vanity lamps. Y eater Appliance Co.. 255 N. Liberty. WITl i n flm iwtalrtM 1M lha tf On Swegle Community Store. Ph. 2-2391. ORGAN.' 1279 N. Church. Th. B958. Reconditioned DICTAPHONES 1 $50 and up at Loehr Office Equipment, Corvallis. Ore. Phone Corvallis 1494. WOODircuUthigheat GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4618 LANG Kitchen Hester. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 461S ! EFFICIENT Two-Unit Concrete Sep tic Tanks. Sewer Pipe. OREGON GRA VEL. CO..! 1403 N. f ront St. Ph. 3417. ALWAYS a big stock.' Woodry's s Furniture Mkt- Ph. 8110. Shop Co-op and Save Practical things for the home In unpainted .furniture or with durable plastic finish. Pickett's Co-op Furni ture. 13th and State. roANBc circu yeater Appliance Co.. 253 N. Liberty. rToVETrepalrlraiplunsr " Woodry's ; Mkt, 1605 N. Summer St. WRMJcSritoUr washing machines. 1 See Mr. Ellis at Nell on Bros Furn. Co- 315 N. Lib erty St. rTRAaERSorreiT'sOcDer hr. Woodry's - Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. FULLER Brushes 1743 Grant P 8337 IRON Cords and heavy duty rubber extension cords. Yeater Appliance Co. 335 li. Liberty. LAWN MOWER Sharpening & Ad- lusting. Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer St. I OIL circulating heater, 4 to 5 room Capacity. 979 95. i GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty St. Ph. 4611 I SUNK RAFT and Sperti ultra violet sun lamps. Yeater Appliance Co.. 358 N. Liberty. Johnston Sheet Metal Co, 1410 S. 12th. Salem, Oregon . Phone 5391 Years of exnerlenc enablxa ua 4a give you guaranteed workmanship, i Air conditioning., furnaces, uuttera, Eave trouehs. Skvliehts. Smoka ctarka Tanks and repairing. FREE ESTI- HA1S. ! ANTIQUE square grand piano Jo, Rosewood. Ph. 9875.. I PT . A iTir Rnla n.i.l Yeater Appliance Co, 2S5 N. Liberty. ! AUTOMATIC gas water heater. SO gallon. $83.25. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 275 N. Liberty SC Ph. 461S I LT. Navy, taffeta slip, hand tailor er. never worn, sire 38. Ph. 5778. j Wrecking house 267 S. Church. Brick, 2x4s, ceiling and flooring. I PORTABLE fluorescent kitchen unit ind fluorescent desk Umn. Yeatar Appliance Co., 2S5 N. Liberty, Enamel 19.65. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. . 275 N. Liberty St Ph. 461S Solid, walnut dintt ut a .k.lM an Walnut desk f 12. 570 Rosomont. COMBINATION nt Hnn t . ii man's bicycle. Ph. 7003. 1293 N. 5th. Veater Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. " ,twA WALNUT., hed ranm two writing desks. Ph. 2-2531. SWING Rockers. $39.75. GEVURTZ nrRMTTnjv r-n 275 N. Liberty St. . Ph! 4611 J SASH'wtodowsand fraiTl3oT. Liberty. Sunday or evenings. 1 ROUND oak 'dinine M XuZl bottom chairs, single Iron bed and Serines, oavannnrt K1 u. Chemeketa. i r VlCraOLATiaBtaWa ''iTwm.IJ Stove, furnace, chair, washing ma- " Mmrmm . Mow i-aurei Ave. iDKNBed complete with mat- i CFVTIIT rnsurnn' 275 N. Liberty St. Ph." 4S1S makes, parts and wringer rolls Truck Bick un aiwl uliiunf . , 25 years in business. Division Hard- PortUndTorr on St. PRE-WAR htrnam eubiUir wui heat 3 room, comfabry. Pb-, 471 or caii at 248 S. UOi. , ! ATMORAYR nrnitis- . -. TTT t- pugn i Ph i.24sa 9 e t- in BIIU rmL- - w wa T.. J WE Buy it sen furniture, tools. iiTJhT.' motor- radios. Electrli atAirs, 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 9885. ; Wanted Furniture Z inaiim a lore. in. YOU have furniture to sen im ftuso Bright. Ph. 7S1L, 45J 1 Court. 7 I BARITONE horn S15. 1435 N. 17th. TLralSiSrnis Ave. LARGE ice box 820. 2307 LaureL WantedMisceUaneoum j WANTED To buy : Good used vidw. jnswaitoe. . CaU 'iaSjiT' WwrttePTeskT ama.1 safe. Phono 4SS9. Hr'9"-1 food V?: .t!. 1 fcurnr elec.-hot plact. "01. Olson, after t.-ot PJ4. . jWantiuaU tricycle. Ph. 5S17 after . 4 WANTED: Figure - skates. Any - rixe. JoVEN teermoeter and mnv movte camera. Phono 7198, iStoi". -hears. Plu 3775. SSO" iT'trlcycles mi electric irons, ant mmuh'k. I- - - - -,.il.,.,..l,,-l-,,n7"' ' j WXEj Any condlUon. px gjgga. ,