ShyTeals Wild Wood Duck Investigates Homing Situation Small Ponds In Nearby Polk County District 17 iis vrawioM t i Utfran News Correspondent LINCOLN Old timers here are puzzled by the contradictory weather when so many signs denote an early spring. The beautiful plumaged wild wood duck has been seen investi gating the housing situation with the evident intention of setting up housekeeping in some big, old tree with plenty of room on the big limbs for their offspring to play around on Until able to reach the ground by llying. The shy wild j teal ducks are , hunting the small ponds and lakes and settling down as though faady to start the business of raising a family. These wild fowl are always welcome visitors here and be come quite tame; And last but not least, the early peach trees are beginning to show the faint, delicate pink of the blossoms. ; Dies, Funeral Set Saturday Funeral services for Truman E. Waldorf, resident of Salem since 1911, who died at his home, 1125 North 16th st, Thursday will be held from the W. T. Bigdon cha pel Saturday at 13 p. m. Con eluding services will be held in City View cemetery. ; Waldorf was born in Bee town. Wis Feb. 23, 1ST, and in 1853 moved to North Dakota where he operated a farm until he came to Salem. He married Hannah i Pe terson in 1891 . at Bismark, ND, and in 1941 the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here Surviving are the widow : and seven children, Mrs. Clara Groh and Mrs. Bertha El well both of Portland; Mrs. i Marie Eggstaff, Mrs. Edna Cleveland, Mrs. Emma Pearce and Arthur Waldorf, all of Salem; and Grant Waldorf of Camas, Wash, and eight grand children. Another son, Francis M. Waldorf, died in 1940 as a result of injuries received in an- auto mobile accident, i : i . Prime Growers Discuss Prices Representatives of prune grow ers in the Willamette valley met Thursday in the Farmers Union building to agree upon recommen dations to be forwarded to the OPA at' Washington relative to a price for fresh prunes for the coming season. Committee members Were nam 4 by Ronald E. Jones, president, od included Amnion Grice. Glenn Hogg, Frank Crawford, L. H. Mc- Bee, Walter Winslow. Walter Leth, and J. P. Smart. BicDaniel Brown, OPA district administrator, and Verne Livesay, agricultural advis r to the OPA, also attended the meeting. ,- "Jp .. After goirg over 'various cost figures, it was decided to ask for a minimum price to the grower f $61.40 per ton, plus a -j margin for other incidentals. Last year's reflected price was $55. ' t 3 "1 A i , v. . ! I . f ,- -.: ) 'I 'I HA SPRING Matlaa nctara Actress Irene Dunne wears . a veiled hat aad smart suit one ef ker spring aatfits. Mrs. Wayne Wobcl Visits Her Sister JEFFERSON Mrs. ! 'I Wayne Wood of Aumsville is visiting; her sister, Mrs. E. P. Stearns and family. Her husband, Wayne Wood, coxswain in the" navy, has been overseas for nearly four year?,1 ; with; the exception of about two months and is now in Germany. ; - .- Mr. , and Mrs. W. E. Campbell received word last week from their son, Delbert Campbell of the army artillery, who is at Ft. Meade, Md. He has had scarlet fever and is in a hospital. Valley 1 Briefs PackEi is believed sible for u oi Airs, iwc Gates lasf kins wei s where th t said. . Thi trolled. t t at Work A pack rat to hare been respon ding a fire in the attic uisa Romey's home In Saturday. Only pump- stored in the V place fire started, the owner fire was quickly con- i Fractuifed Bip Heals Mrs. til lian Chriktopherson, 75, who suf fered a broken hip irt a fall three weeks ago, was. able to sit in a wheel chair for a half hour at her home in jHayesville this week, j Four M Club MeetsThe mem bers of the Four M club and the husbands will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Magee at their home Saturday night. ' Grange Plans Party The Rob erts community will hold la "get together" at the grange hall March 24. A ncj host supper will bet served at 6:30 jp. m. Mrs. Melvirt Trin dle, Mrs. Glenn Bidgood and Al bert Blankenship are members of the committee in charge.; j hottUxt Camp - Down---3etroit logging Icamps are down, because of snow! in the logging area. Friday night at S o'clock, Herman Lafky will speak on "The Legal Aspect of Making Wills." . Mr. and Mrs.' E. D. McKinney and Mrs. Joe Hackett are the com mittee on arrangements. , v : ; " Valley Obituaries Lincoln Community To Ilear Herman Lafky ! - - . - . . - . LINCOLN The Community club will meet at the school house Dorothy Lonise Klees . -t LEBANON Dorothy Louise Kfees,; 19, daughter of Mr. and Mks. A. T. Klees, died at the local hospital Sunday, March 18, and ws buried in Belcrest cemetery Is Salem Wednesday after serv ices in the Howe chapel in Leba non, Rev. Charles Losie officia ing. She had lived in this vicinity the past four years. She Is sur vived by her parents and the fol lowing sisters and brother: Mrs. J. A. Fuller, Powers; Mrs.' S. L. Austin, Bemice and Marian Klees, Sweet Home, and Leonard, army air force, ini France. V. Gebhardt of : Willamina is her grandfather. Amu Claypeel LEBANON -Anna Claypool, 81," daughter of pioneer linn county pioneers, F. R; and Amer ica Crab tree Claypool, died at her home where; she lived alone. Che was found Ilad the morning of Sunday, Match 18. She was born near here in 1864 and had spent practically all her life In this vi cinity,. Interment was in the IOOF cemetery Tuesday afternoon. One sister, Mrs. John Griggs, survives. C CUSalflOliilS This OldTfMtmrat Oftan Bring Happy Raliaf Vuv antferm rdUrt WMtghit Ufa irieklr, eeca hmy d-oprer tt t k- ml MM mt tWr tnmbto Bay b tnd kjdaa. Inctb ba Amaru of kiomt rn000".?wT,-T Bktur to nnul la jour vooa, w J fticta,l nanac bthm, iImmM Im. awfOluK. PttSuM aadac tM and ifimni I fumm mt with i.rti 4 WabC wkh poor kfaM9 r blaadar. . Doo't waiU Aak rour inntimt for Dooal; Uk, wmA ouooully by miluooo f or oror 4a mui. Tfcey pr happy rolief Md U Wptt Uadka oi-kidiMy Uboa imh oat powros HMHoaWMwkWNwMicy J Gates Family Has Visitors Grants Pass Woman la Guest of Shepherds In Marion County GATES Mrs. Ingram of Grants Pass and. Mrs. Susie Kearns of Stayton are visiting the A. A. Shepherds this week. They are relatives of Mrs. Shepherd. Mr.- and Mrs. Glenn ; Hennese entertained Mrs. Roy Taylor of! Sisters and Mr. and Mrs. Albin Rafke Sunday. Mrs. Taylor came over on the! bus from Sisters to Lebanon ; last Saturday and from Lebanon with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shearer and "family who visited the-C. D. Johnsons. Mrs.' Rex Harmon of Oregon City and baby , daughter visited Mrs. Cora Harmon. Rex is over seas. " " -' i ' "'- ' : U : Miss Verna Stoffel has returned to Portland to drive bus again for the Portland Traction Co.. . Mrs. Trudie Mason Rafke and husband Albin, visited her parents and friends in Gates and Mill City. He is the Sea bees. I J; 'JTSl azUzr vihzldtiy cf tho v;::!( yen ' ITfgsv trSSW )!fT7 I shz? yc-r cf L snvi::ss! LabisH Center Group Meets LABISH CENTER Mr. and Mrs. ' Henry Harris entertained members of the Kum-Join-Us class at their home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kurth and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker , were in charge of arrangements. , Present were Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Boehm, Mr. and ; Mrs. Rubem Boehm, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bib by, Mrs. Kathryn Daughei-ty, Miss Grace Klampe, Mr. and Mrs. Na than Kurth, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy, Mrs. Harvey Aker, Mr. and Mrs.. Noble Ragland, Mr. arid Mrs. Pete Russ, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Tontz, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lovre, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Push, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rasmussen, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Harris. . '::. -vv Te April meeting will , be, held at the Ralph Badger home with Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Lovre as ho?t3 and Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Boehm and Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Tontz on the entertainment com mittee. - . . . - .-; Onion Growers SeekMexicims LABISH "CENTER -f A large group of onion growers met at the schoolhouse Monday night and discussed plans for getting Mexi can labor here for next fall's har vest. ' J A. F. Hayes, Nathan Kurth and Gus Harris are representing ; the growers in the matter.; Approxi mately 250 Mexicans will be or dered for the Labish area, for the month of September, it was de cided. ' Former Jefferson Teacher Released From Prison Gamp - JEFFERSON " Friends -here . have learned Constance Bolder sion of Portland has been released , from a prison camp at Los Banos In the Philippines. Miss Bolder- . aton has many -friends in Jeffer- . n, where she taught schools. She taught in a giris school at Klanila for ten -years before the : Japanese invasion, after which she waa held a prisoner at Los 'Banos. -; In a letter written to Portland friends she said her:' condition was fine, although she weigked but 100 pounds. Miss Bolderston did not know that her mother had died during her - imprisonment, addressed her letter to Mrs. Mary L Bolderston, and it was re ceived by a cousin In - Portland. Her many friends in Jef f enon are happy for her release. - Wood EheJ Dear Falls Carol Gavette was seventy lacerated when a door fell from the school wood shed at North Santiam. She W. H.. Humphreys Observes 90th Birthday Sunday McALPTN Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys and -son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Darby of Victor Point attended the 80th birthday party for William Henderson Humphreys in Stayton Sunday. A large birthday cake decorated in red and white, and ice cream was served to the four generations rep resented. I - .! v 'I' Mr.; Humphreys is the son of pioneer Oregonians, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humphreys, who crossed the plains in 1855. . He was their first chOd born in Oregon in what Is now, Linn county.. Following his marriage in 1877 to Martha Jane Darby, he moved to the Waldo Hills district where he lived dur ing his married life. Mrs. Humph' reys died in February, 1923. Of their ''four sons, two, Harry and Orlo, are living. The fourth generation is represented by 11 great grandchildren. The . farm which was their family home here is now owned by his son, Harry, Humphreys is active and spry. walking a considerable- distance each day from his home on' Wash ington street in Stayton to the of fice ef his son on 1st and Water streets '.,--;-- t-'-V . U- MINER STRAINED 3S I r POWDERED CANE i SPRINGDELL OREGON FRESH SANKA, CAFFEINE FREE l-Lb. Pltg. IP no. 2i Caa FISHER'S FINE SPUN CAKE 1 flOUQC 2-U. Sack ( t-lb. aaek 10c 2-tb. sack 15c Fisher's Farina. Fisher's Pancake . Fisher's Zcon Iim-i. 19 C H O Oats Quick er Reralari ..SmaU pkg. 13c H O Oats Quick or Eernlart...Larra pkg. 24c No Finer All-Purpose Flour at Any Price A. v4 Mi) C6. SGii FLOUil i j - I - Enriched flour at its best, scientific ally milled for every home baking j purpose. Sack 50c - 50-Lb. Sack 2J2& and cooking 10-Lb. 25-lb. sack 1.15 IK No. Ill oi HOT JUST TODAY DDT EVEDY DAY lCs DERBY BARBECUE SACCE CUB MEAT 8AUCK ! j S-oa. betUe LJ-a. DERBY CHOF SURT SAUCX i-9M : DERBY WOSCHZSTES SAUCE s-m ui DERBY STEAK SAUCE! t-es . Ui 1GA MUSTARD - j -a. Jar- 1 21c lCc ICs SPLIT PEAS 1-Ib. ceHa... IGA -PLAIN SALT- IdA IODIZED SALT.; 2 f:lb- ic- , pkra. BZOWN SUOil s 1-1K' pkg-.... .a. BAKER'S DELUXE COCOA ' C 1 - BORDEN'S - BEMO 1-lb. Jar . Car T a r t y Plaaoed Roberts grange will hold a card party Wed nesday April 4 at 8 p. m. , : s;r.:rt2 A3 1-2-3 Ciww Dwcht f4t fx ixfaBMtL ycria t krgieacl TWi fo4tr cirw dec- ittUnrinaf. DeUghrfuIl fnp, to kno a RU-ok (UiucW 4or. tco iict Swufaaary M fmt anaqr Wack. AS DrogjifH. (Cr:iwlf!lil) Bring Spring to your table!! Fancy, tender. Rushed to our stores Irom the sunny sruth to assure Iresh- ness serve creamed on toast or a dclightul crisp salad. '' i NEW SPRING !- bunches 1 CARROTS IN BULK. .. , Serve raw carrots in salads; crisp and tender. .3 lbs. 19c Das. 29c 1 Case 29 - Case 4.S8 ;W have found this size, 252', to be the ideal size for maximum amount of juice. Buy them by the case. j OLD SOOTH : " Blended Jnico CHDBCETS ! Grapa Jdjco HERE'S HEALTH I VcgelaWo Jiucou...n.; HERE'S HEALTH i VegDlahlo Jdco JOAN OF ARC BED" ISdnoyl-Boans TASTY PAX Pork & Beans SANTIAM FANCY : Green Beans.,: ELSINOBE Whole Kernel Corn NEBLETS VAC PACK Whole Kernel Corn PICTSWEET LARGE j Sweel PeasL ... ROYAL GUEST 4-Sieve Peas .. FREENDSWOOD , Piniienios CELESTE STANDARD lomaioes STRAND r Ulule Ileal Tuna .Na REGULAR noniimj Ililli SPECIAL nomihrjl-BIIr.-- BOY-AR-DEE; Spaghclti Dinner IGA FANCY ' Spinach.. - IGA WHOLE I Green Beans. ...... j , Am & Ilaancr Scda No. J can No! 2 can :No.:2', can Yt can Package No.f2i can '...'.- i f No. 2 can - 3- Pkxs. Crp!d Ucddkj 0alsjjj Spiry YcIIdt; Cera lied. Powdered Cen Arii. Pcrcx Eswl deer Esraxo Cleaaa Dirty Hands .U-ec kf. i JLarsja' ks". - h : sack lie JNm. 1 caa 14c 12c JifeJ 1 caa AM C Ref. GC Lars. 3 far -ru. 12c HOODY Peanu! Butler 25c 45s j Creamy or crushed. KERR'S ASSORTED 1 PRESERVES 1-lb. Jar 33C Pure fruit product. KERR'S ASSORTED JELLY 1-Ib. Jar 25C Royalty of the table. LIBBrS Apple Bntier 290 No. 303 Serve on toast for breakfast PLAIN OR CHOCOLATE ! OVALTOIE Large size 61c Scall size 33 c , TASTY MAID CBACEEDS -lk. bex 20c Oven fresh dainty soda wafers. WOODBURY'S .' Soap Deal - 4 cake. 27C . 4 cakes for the price of S. THOMPSON'S CHOCOLATE Hall: I31i Lb. J"7 jar Oaf 0 Save at IGA every day. Crcn cl Ut:d 220, 23-oz. Jar - minutes or reeular Same low price. IGI Shrcs Elovojlou Prices Every Day . h -r 27SKor2im9li Street !- -i'- ' r IZZ IlcrSh Coaaerded Ctrett ?. - " j : About One East cf Ctato Jlotpilal East Center ct t:i ct i , n 1 fy r I2C3 Ctali Clreet 1 -I v L 1731 Center Cireet was taken toa phys'din.