PAGE TEN Salem Churches BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage at D street. J. T. Ol thoff, DD, pastor. Sunday school :45 .n. George Schirman, superintendent. Morning service at 11. Sermon subject, "The Understanding Christ." i Youth tneets at 6:45 p.m. Mrs, L. H. Fisher has charge of the boys' and girls meet ing and Rev. Francis Fisher will speak to the young people. Evening service at 730. Sermon subject. "Have You Counted the Cost?" Evangelist L. H. Fisher preaches at the morning and . evening services. Special music by the Fisher party with Mrs. Francis Fisher at the piano at all services. Baptismal service at 7:30. ; j " CALVARY BAPTIST ------4-" South Liberty and Miller streets. Dr. Charles Durden. pastor. C. - Howard Smith, assistant pastor. Sunday school 1:45 a.m. L. H. Handle, superintendent.-Morning service at 11. Sermon subject. "He Took Ship for Tarshish." Baptist Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Evening service at 7:30. Sermon sub ject, "Too Busy to Work," by Dr. Durden. Wednesday , at : pjn. church night. ; . FIRST BAPTIST -! Liberty at Marion street. Irving A. Fox, DD, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Ray Cates, superintendent; Morn ing service at 11. Sermon subject, "The Twelve Sent Forth, or A Divine Mis sion.' Evening service at 7:30. Sermon subject. "Christ's Table Talk, Or Who are "Invited?" 6:30 p.m. BYF meetings for all age groups. Adult discussion rmm leader Mrs. Irvnc Fox. Tuesday 6:45 p.m. men's council banquet- Wed nesday 7:30 p.m. annual Parent-Teacher-Pupil meeting of the church school. IM MANUEL BAPTIST Corner of Hazel and Academy streets. Warren C. Hale. pastor. Sunday school :45 a.m., Eunice Hart, superin tendent. Morning service at IU Even ing service at 7:30. Sermon subject. "Moses, the Man of Faith." Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 JO p.m. . rmiBT STREET CHRISTIAN ! J7ti at Court street. W. H. Lyman. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m; Mori- lng service at ju :ou. sermon suujtrti, "How Did That Happen?" Christian Endeavor hour 6:30 p.m. Evening ser , vie at 7 JO. Sermon subject. "A For tune to Share." Mid-week church night Thursday tM p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN Center at High street. Dudley Strain. castor. Clav J. pomeroy, associate pastor. Sunday school 9 JO a.m.; Leslie Carson, superintendent. Morning ser vice at 10:50. Sermon subject, "The Cross In Everyday Living." I Junior hurh suDDer snack at S:30 p.m.: Youth meetings at 8:30. Evening service at 7 :30. Sermon subject. "Two Essentials In Christian Living." Dudley Strain. Boy Scouts Monday at 7:30 p.m Church night Wednesday 6:30 jp.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL ! Marion at North Cottage i street David Nielsen, pastor. Sunday i school 9:45 a.m. Morning service at 11. ser mon subject, "Christianity's Mission in America." Young people's meeting at 6.30 p.m. , KNIGHT MEMORIAL ! CONGREGATIONAL 19th at Ferry Street. Willard B. Hall nastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. r Morn- ins; service at 11. Sermon subject, "A Lenten Journey Equipment We Need.1 Pilgrim Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Church and Chemeketa streets. Holy communion 7 :3Q a.m. Junior church and classes 9:45 a.m. Prayer service and sermon at Tl. "The Crucifixion; by John Stalner, 4 p.m. Wednesday, Holy communion 7 and 10 a.m. in structions 7 p.m. ; i HIGHLAND FRIENDS ! Nerth Church- at Highland avenue. Herman H. Macy, pastor. Sunday ' school 10 a.m. Clifton Ross, superin tendent. Morning: service at 11. Ser mon subject. "Going Away. Coming Away." Junior CJ E. at 4 p.m. Youth prayer meeting ml e. senior J. e. :jo. Evening service) at 7J0. Prayer meet ing Thursday 7 30 p.m. . j SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS South Commercial and Washington streets. John and; Laura Trachsel, pas tors. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Max I Pemberton, superintendent. Morning services at 11. Dr. Sam Cassells of the Sudan interior mission, Africa, speak- ' er foor closing exercises. Evening ser vice at 7:30. Sermon subject. "The Transforming Touch." Laura Trachsel. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m. j JASON LEE METHODIST i North Winter at Jefferson street. S. Raynor Smith, ! pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service at 11. Ser mon subject. ( TGod and the ! Cross." Church membership class at ; 5 p.m. Youth Fellowship at 6:30. Boy Scouts Wednesday at 1 p.m. AMERICAN LUTHERAN 343 North Church street. M. A.' Get zendaner. DD, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service at 11. Ser mon subject. "The Cross of Jesus and Religious Fanaticism." Luther j League l p.m. Leader, ; Miss Jackie Torgerson i CHRIST LUTHERAN (ALC) ' SUte street at 18th. F. H. Theuer. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing service at II. Sermon subject, "Pa rental Responsibility." Lenten service Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation class Saturday! at 9:30 a.m. ; LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial at Myers street. Joseph Knott, pastor. Sunday school 1145 a.m: Morning service at 11. Ser mon subject, "Worshiping Jehovah." Youth Fellowship meetings at JO p.m. Evening -service at 7 JO. Religious drama, "The i Lost Church. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 pjn. r FIRST METHODIST t Church at State street. Dr. 3. C. Harrison, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Nursery and youth church at 11. Morning service at 10:50. Sermon sub ject, "Man's Greatest Ambition Made Permanent." Evening service at 7:45. Sermon subject, "A Great Man's Greatest Thought" ; WESLETAN METHODIST ' 15th ,at Mill street. Lowell Gilger. puior.. aunaay scnooi 10 a.m. Morn ing service at 11. WYPS 7 pjn. Even ing service at 7:45. Prayer meeting weanesaay ai 7:43 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa at Winter street Chester W. Hamblln, pastor. Sunday school at - S:45 a.m. J. J. Fitzslmons. surjerin- tendent. Morning service at 10:55. Ser mon subject "People are Different. Evening service at 7 JO. Sermon sub ject. "The Children's Christ" Youth Fellowships at :15 p.m. Monday. Boy Scouts at 7:30i Thursday at tM mis sionary a inner meeting. FIRST CHCRCh"oFCHRIST, SCIENTIST Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day school 11 a.m. Morning service at ii. sermon subject substance. ' Eve nlng service at S. Sermon subiect. "Substance." Wednesday meeting at S p.m. wsumonies of neaung. tteacung room its souu iiign street ENGLEWOOD CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST North 17th and Nebraska , street J, M. Goodheart pastor. Sunday school :4S a.m. Mrs. Lowmiller's class In charge of opening. Morning service at - It Sermon subject "A Stranee Like ness." Intermediate CE. YPCES, adult CE at :30 p.m. Waning service at 7:30. Sermon subject "Dark Valleys. Youth Singsplrauon at tO. FIRST SPIRITUALIST i K ;'-' 243 North Commercial street Maxine Boberts, pastor. Services at 2:30 and 7J0 p.m. urcia at a. ; j : Firsl ; E lofliodisl Church Down Town The Tall White Spire C .Tm 1 rt.Cfl "Maa's Greatest Ambttion bwMoUV w.vJ t MAdes Permanent" V Sermon by Dr. J. C Harrison C -rch Schssl 9:45 ; Zzxzirj ciJ YcdH Chsrcli 11:C3 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED FIRST CHURCH OF THK NAZABENE - Center at 13th street. Sunday school 9:45 am. Milford Stun, superintend ent. Morning service - at 11. Sermon subject, "Christian Certainties." Youth groups at 630 p.m. evening at 7 JO. Sermon subject. "What Will vi Da With Jesus?" Wednesday 7 JO pjn. prayer and praise service. Satur- I day 9:45 pjn. ine uaiuean nuiu, KSLM. CHURCH OF CHRIST - . . Milium and Baker streets. L. L. STttsSL song practice at i. sermon ai iw. Bible study Wednesday at 7 30 p.m. . church of christ - North Cottage and Shipping streets, f i.n, .t sermon .subject, "The Crucified nb-ThooVaith" Young people's, meeting and Bible study 30 pjn. ...; CHRISTIAN AND j missionary alliance . North 5th and Gaines streets. Rev. am xoeuieius ui '- -"''"f school 9:45 a.m. Morning service ai ii. i Evening service at 730. Wednesday at ,ay gjght' the sound film, ,Jour 730 p.m. prayer and praise service. T-,colom r511 K' r,. evangelistic TABERNACLE iSratrrVsnel Walter S. Fred- erick, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. ".rS?!1: service at . Sermon subject, "if St. Paul Came to Salem. i pilgrim "holiness I 975 Market street, faui nennj, nastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn- ins service at 11. Rev. E. P. Dixon. speaker. Evening young people's "er- vice at 7. Message by the pastor at 730. Wednesday prayer meeting 73U. at va-rinTTBMv 241 State street. Maj. F. P. Stevens. Dastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning I service at 11. Evening service at 7:30. Services Thursday, Saturday pjn. FOURSQUARE North 19th at Breyman street. Charles E. Tate, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Morning service at 11. Ser mon subject. "The Remarkable Plan of Jesus Missionary service." Evening service at 7:45. Sermon subject, "Good Looks." Tuesday 7:45 p.m. prayer and Bible study. Friday 7:45 p.m. prayer service'. TRUTH CENTER 336 SUte street. Olive Stevens. MsD. pastor. Morning service at 11. Sermon subject, "Building the Temple." CALVARY CHAPEL FULL GOSPEL 1273 North Church street. Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning ser vice at" 11. Afternoon service at 2:45. Evening service at 7 :45 In Veterans hall. Dr. Maurice G. Brock preachin . . 1 on "What wiu Russia do After Crer- many Falls?" Thursday service at 7:45 D.m. Saturday Bible study and prayer meeting ;s PTuy trough Fri- uay .m., piajr7r mwun,. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Cottage at Hood street. Rev. H. A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Junior church at 10:45. Morning service at 11, Sermon subject, "The Evening Light." Evening unified ser vice at 7:15 Sermon subject, "The Hidden Life." FIRST EVANGELICAL Comer Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart, pastor. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. R. H. Ermel, sup erintendent. Morning service at 11. Dr John Carrara will preach Sermon Professing and possessing Christian." 1 Youth groups meet at c.30 pjn. Even- ma; sci vit.c at s vi, 4ii i wiu preach on "Why A Preacher and Not A Priest. Prayer and Bible hour Thursday at 7:30 p.m. FREE METHODIST maT.L.. xt.i. H:4-KM 4..v n-. M. P. Knigge. pastor. .Sunday school j 9:45 a.m. Emory Goode, superinten- ...hwt "Tn-M.nt n fhri.f. i t 1 Week." Evening service at 7:30. Ser-I EST. n.'u.btjlh "rSe Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Silverton Churches CALVARY LUTHERAN Jersey street. O. C. Olson, pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes at 10 a.m. Olga Johnson, superintendent. Di vine worship at 11. Topic, "The Hand- SSdV rvtcJT Tbit 2 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSION Ait Y ALLIANCE North Second street. B. A. Franklin, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Worship pastor, sunaay scnooi iv a.m. worsmp UiL1fJTf45eopl " 6:45 pm-Evwi PILGRIM HOLINESS Knights of Pythias hall. Omar V. Fenton, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Divine services at 11. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Second and Park streets. William W. Ring, pastor. Sabbath school Saturday at 8 30 a.m. Mrs. G. . louts, super intendent Worship at a. TPS at 3:30. t pii;i ( riTunnr . Pine and Grant streets. Father John Y?l "h.e A'JKS!? a iu iv, luuuwcu uj irsrtffUaVi.i'u. Tuesday and Friday at 8:13 a.m. other days at 7 a.m. Lenten services Wed- nesday and Friday at 7 -J30 p.m. LATTER DAT SAINTS I Modern Woodman hall. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Worship at 11. MIA at 7:30. assembly op god 0 "m.L, -'p!V Sv,,!I e?i o: p.m. fvanceiisuc at B. CHl'BCH OF GOD North Second at A street. O. R. Bak er, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11.' Children's hour at 7 pjn. Bible study at 7. Evangelistic at 8. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Y South Third street. Sunday school 1:43 a.m. Worship at 11. MARQUAM METHODIST Marquam and Scotts Mills road. Pierre Smith, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Mrs. J. L. Jones, superin tendent. Worship at 11.- . FIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST Park at First street Russell Myers, pastor. Bible school t:9 a.m. Ralph Peoples, superintendent. Worship at 11. Services at 7:30 p.m. TRINITY Second at A Street. M. J. K. Fuhr, pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes at 10 a.m. Divine worship at 11. Sermon topic. "God's Way of Salva tion." 4 Luther League at 7:19 p.m. Topic, "The Source of Strength. METHODIST Main at Fiske street O. Leonard Jones, pastor. Church school : a.m. Fred Baker, superintendent Worship at 11. Sermon, 'The Cross. Destiny Not Fate. Youth Fellowship 7 pjn. DtMANVEL ' North Church street S. L. Almlie. pastor. Sunday school 1ft a.m. "Divine ervice at 11. Topic. The Jesus Law of Greatness. Luther League Fellow ship at 1:30 p.m. Topic, "The Source Of Strength." . . - Tbm Go toChurch Sunday Featured Tllis Week by Salem Ministers . -The Cross In Everyday life" will be the second in a series of Sunday morning; messages by Bev. Dudley Strain at the First Chris tian churchy Center at High street. This fore-Easter' theme will" be MmnlkmaniA hv ttnnrAnrfotft fnilk f f"1!" rTt -T " lie from the choir and the organ. Hage? line mornuiK sua win wig , Lord la Mv Sherjherd " by tiddle and the choir under the direction j 0f John Schmidt,- Jr, Will Sing "BeJ4ce Greatly," by Woodward. ' Thft Sunday, named as ''Go to Churgh Sunday" by the ifalem Ministerial association, markes the hpsiriiintf of an intensive evaee- I ust eiuputtiis. wui nig - ure g w era a corbs of evangelistic teams will ; i,nmM onntsptoH through the -.! rri Vt suis j -"M'"' v. sented in fihe church sanctuary. This IfuU length film depicts the journey of sthe boy Jesus to Je- and is taken from the original play by Maxwell Ander- jM -urao Wni H mail fnrl admission. vT -Doii iirt' Marrh 2S thf? Tinst UegJ ling Marcn ZO ineJJlTSt Christian church Will COridUCt a j nrpxehinff with mMsaees; OI. PreacninK wiui mrasages mgnrjy Dy ine nev. uucuey oiraixi i and music directed by; s John 5cnmjai, jr. This will serve as ji;mi: n t lnni rtarrMrl nf 1""" T personal ana group evaiigensiic ! efforts on 'the part of the local church. iM - 31 i'; Aarhus Home lvotnti titi.19v liol is '. -.t''- Instrtictorg Plan Juesilay Session STf .VERTON Immanuel ILuth- .- f I -ranf Snnrliav arhnnl tparhpr will s . OT ,... meet at we raser Aariius-iioinc TnAav at R n m 1nitn Pr- TmiLanilpl m church Wednesday at 8 pjii.! with fnr Pil'tP"' f i Irrpnanuel senior guild wUi " h- i i i A M .4 aaactt vuuwuaj v viw i the church. Mrs. Nels Henjum and Mrs. O. G. Elertson will be , . , , il held, Thursday at 8 p.m., Sluntor I rnatlon classes meet Saturday at 8:30, Methodist Boy Scouts I meet . . ; j Monday at 7 p.m the ChoiT? Wed nesrfnv at; R n m and the Loval If: - ' . Guards Thursday at 2 p.m. A rummage sale is planned for Sat- uTday at the old J. C. JPenney buildinf Choir rehearsal at Calvary r.nfKoron Anrrh will K Wvlnos-I davlat 7:30 n.m. ! Mrs. J6hn Dybevik Will be hostess for the Trinity mission circle Wednesday. Lenten ser vices will be Wednesday ! at 8 P-" taiqir rroearsju liiuisudj choir 1 with MrSii.Tom Anderson s as Ql- reefer. ifinity Sunday school teachers will meet Tuesday. Confirmation classes will be held Saturday at 9:3? and 10:30 a.m. 1 nrt TtTf A wo Alissionaries Will Speak Sunday At Friends Church Dr. Sam Cassells, a medical missionary under the Sudan inter- ior mission. Africa, for a number oi years, wiu e we guess spean- at 'IL 211 1 it. .-aV-'. t er fat th South Salem Friends church at South Commercial i -j i, . street ana Washington street Sun- HaJ,!, P0nn0l day morning. Personal experiences onfthe field will be given. Accompanying him will be Miss Olive Thrones, under : appoint- melt to the same mission, - They will also have charge of the clos - ing exercises of the Sunday bwiowi. - ; : John Trachsel, pastor I of the South Salem Friends I church, starts a revival in the Newberg Friends church Sunday. The week- iTZt"" .71..' I " cnapei oi faciuc college. Th revival will run through March 25. II XM 7ill When Ilillcr Sunday, March. 18 7:45 P.M. Ucar Dr. -Crcclx j ONE Noted Radio Preacher and Interpreter; of re; World Events i : ? I. - ( Dr. Brock OSEGO STATESMAN, Salem. New Pastor Here -a' -- i - I-"' Sev. W. S. Frederick9 of Alberta, Canada, Is the new pastor of the Evanr el t s 1 1 e Tabernacle, 13th at Ferry street; He has had a j varied experience, ii pastoral, evangelistic, and church exten sion! work. Over a period of year! he served his denomina tion In executive capacity, speaking at conventions and re ligioas gatherings. T)r! TTn crh flnwrl Dr. Hugh Dowd, Salem physi cian and member of Calvary Bap tist church, wU speal? to the vvoivittvvi atiSjiA S7aawav. wa aA wviiap Adult Fellowships Sunday at 6:30 pan. His message is entitled Ex periences With God." : The Pio- Ileer feiiowsnip wiu ronauci - . . . 1 n V r special service OI tne oeryice men who have Bone from Calvarv - " ' Church, Mrs. Norman tlark and the PubUcity Group are in charge. . --i. U t ? ""J - Dr- -Charles purden, pastor of 11 t a - :ii i a l L. ui ;, BCIVtLCA OUllUdJ . 113 IUU1V, 111 . - . , the morning is fHe Took Ship for j1?" a nigT l, speak on "Too; Busy to Work 'I 'hA C M I r V 1111 M nhif KATh . J . by Stainer. Special services will be held at the church during I Passion week. tairities TcfBe Subject Sunday morning i at the Jl o'docl servicelat the Church of azarene,! Center ) at 13th streets, the pastor, the Rev. Wea- ver W. Hess, "rill preach on the topic, "Christiah Certainties." Willard Friesen, tenor, will sing the solo, PI Shall I "Not Pass This Way" by Ef finger! The choir antheitn- will be "Crown Him LordjPf All" by Wilson For the 7:30 p.m. evangelistic service the pastor's topic is "What Will You Do With Jesus?" A wo men's trio, June Buell, Ruth and Delores Pederson, will furnish - 1 ! J AI . 1 I 51, special music snu uw uiuir wiu also sing "The; Way of the Cross Leads .Home" by Gabriel. Dr. jj. E. B a t e s of Pasadena, Calif.:' and former district super intendent of the North Pacific district, will speak every night fro;. Palm Sunday, March 25 through Easter at a special series 1 of services. I S i .a . t - aw I InvAriinla rl i L"fc VlOVCrUaie iTIdKCS Rpfl Cvfiaa Oiintn r r i : . CLOVERDALE The Red CJross war fund solicitation j Is nearly 1 complete. Quota for Cloverdale distrtrt was $160, which has been cAceeueu. ociiv uiaKcr uuu oci- 1 nice Wipper were the; local Red I Cross workers- James Bishop, county 4H club leader, showed moving pictures 1 I lernoon. xieaitn sno swiuenis ui i the homes were especially era- 1 phasized in the pictures. Rossia Do ; Is Dcfcalod? x, : VV-, NIGHT ONLY f ----- '4 ' - . ii ' . VoIororiliEI-ill - TJood and Church Streets; I . Sponsored byJDalvary Chapel ; . later, and Mrs. Oaade C. Cell, Pastors k ; ' . ; ' Orecon. Sizturdcrr Moroiacj, Mcoch 17. ISIS j ' . ' . . - ' - - ' ' ': ' ; ' 1 i : , . i Four Leaders In Educationr Dinner Guests Four leaders of the Christian educational movement in; India, Presbyterian Mission college president, and the other three na tional leaders of India, jwill speak at a dinner meeting at - the First Presbyterian church Thursday March 22 at 6:30 pjn.; The group includes Dr. C Herbert Bice of Lahore, India; . Ralla Ram, Miss Zillah Soule and Khazan Singh.' Dr. Rice is the principal of For- man Christian college of Lahore, ndia, who. first wentyto fndia in 906 as a short-rterm worker at Forman Christian college, trie: was appointed to ; regular; missionary service in 19 JO. At Forman Dr. Rice developed the first .psycho logical laboratory; in northern In dia. He was invited ;to teach at the Punjab government funlver' sity and became vice-prulcipal of Forman Christian; college j In' 1920 he was elected principal o the newly .reorganized Allahabad Christian college and was trans ferred to that city. 1, 1 ; Dr.- Rice was bom in Iowa, graduated from Woosterl college, Ohio, and Auburn Theological seminary. He has also done gra duate work at Columbia: and Princeton. Mrs.. Rice is fa sister of Dr. , Arthur Compton winner of the Nobel prize la physics. This dinner will be no-host for which arrangements are' beine made by the Women's Mission ary society. Mrs. D.jB. Xleihege is chairman of the committee for this event !l I Qiurch Plans Jdr Parent-Teachiy 1 il Meetings The church school of the First Baptist church will hold its an nual Parent-Teacher-rPupil meet mg Wednesday night, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. Exhibits of the year's work and a social hour Nvill fea ture the evening's . program. J cordial invitation -is extended to all parents and friends to attend. Lawrence Riggs, -professor of education at Willamette univer sity, will speak at the j monthly banquet of the Men's council, at the church Tuesday at 6:45 pjm. Dr. Irving A. Fox, pastor of the church, speaks Sunday! morning on the subject, "The iTwelve Sent Forth, or a Divine Mission." His sermon theme will 1 be! "Christ's Table Talk, or Who Are Invited?"! at night ij 1 r .Good Morning Did you say you Vfere good enough without accepting Christ? Did anyone ever become a citizen of this Country by being good? Tihey all had to meei the U. S. standard. Jesus laid "No man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14, 6. I i Rt 6, Box 241, Salem w I L Ni 'Ei Xi T I S A T 0 R D L B E H V. n E A iMCSSCoCEl A Meeting i .... i . ; " - i ' ; j . . , EiikilliMiirclir ; r . -. i : . i'S - -r-':- . 'f-"- l' "y-:"". ' . : ;-..'- r : r - -. .:..;. r . Carrara Will End Services "Why a Preacher and Not a Priest," the life storyf of Dr. John Carrara will be the sermon topic Sunday at 7:30 pjn. at the First Evangelical - church, Marion at Summer -streets, i ' . Dr. Carrara will speak on The Difference Between Professing and Possessing Christians" at the 1 1 a jbu service. . ! : - ,The services ; Sunday will con clude a 10 day preaching mission conducted at the church under the eadership of the v tninister, the Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart Dr. Car rara is from Fairview, NJ. , Mrs. Carrara will hold the con cluding service of the Junior church revival at the 11 ajn. Sun day service of the Junior church. This part of the Evangelical church y o a t h program is con ducted each Sunday by , Mrs. J. Kenneth Wishart, Mrs. E. H. Leach, assisting. ; A nursery for all children un der three years of I age will be conducted in the church parlor. Mrs. Ralph Eyre is in charge. Valley Churches SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Community hall. T; C. Stannard, pstor. Sunday school t ,10 a.m. Morn ing service at n. HAYESVILLE BRANCH OF FIRST BAPTIST Hayesville school. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Fred Broer, superintendent. FOUR CORNERS BRANCH OF FIRST BAPTIST I East State at Elma street. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Ben Swinford. super intendent. :''$ KEIZER UNION (Undenominational) Granite hall. Rev. David Hamm, pas tor. Sunday- school 10 a.m. Morning service at 11. Keizer will be host to Middle Grove. Swede and Waconda Sunday schools, no host dinner at noon. Afternoon service at 2. Evening service at 7:30. Rev. Peter J. Becker, speaker. . ; . Comer of Hood ' ! ' I --T-':'i I . ; ! . 1 The lews-What Will Happen to Them? WILL . Go to the Church of Your Choice But Go The church census tvas very successful. 520 workers covered the Salem field and cards are note sorted and ready for the pastors of all churches, including those who participated and those who didn't in the census. notice: for Personal Evangelism at the First Church Sunday, March J8th, at 3 P. 'At this meeting a full report of the census statistics will be given. Plans will i be outlined for the Personal Evangelism campaign of each church. In this phase of the work the churches will work separately, j . ' This Message Is Brought tajfou by the , - S Visitor , Guest At Luncheon " Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan was a lunthecb hostess Friday after noon t her home on North Cot tage street in honor of Mrs. Nor man Brown of Carson City, Nev ada. Colonel and Mrs. Brown have jbeei visiting in the capital at th home of Colonel and Mrs. Elmer, V,; Wooton.' The luncheon table was' cen tered i with a bouquet of .quince, . narciiisusj and hyacinths., . . "" Coersj were placed for Mrs. Norman Brown, Mrs. ; Elmer V. iWooton. &rs. Carleton Spencer, Mrs. Rafph E. Purvine, Mrs. Hugh Adjams, Mrs. Harold Hauk and Mrs. iBrennan. , JlATiON CALENDAR MEATS, FATS, ETC.: Book 4 Redr stamps Q5 through S5 good tlhrough March 31. Stamp TS through XJ good through Aprd 28; Y5 and ZSiand A2 through D2 good through Juhe 2: E2 through Jl good through June 30. PROCESSED FOODS: Book; 4 Blue stamps X5 through Z3 and Al anl B good through March 31. Stamps C through G3 good through April 28; H through M2 good through June 2: N2 through S2- good through June 30. SUGAR Book; i-tamo SS valid for five pounds! through June 2. Next stamp SCheduJ led tp be validated May 1. SHOES -I i - i Book S mrniane stamns 1. I and 3 valid Indefinitely. OPA says no plans to cantel any. gasoune; A14 miinnni i s-ood evenrwnere ior . . - ... four r gallons eacn xnrougn mircn B-5, ClrS. B-6. C-. B-l ana c-7 cou pons good j everywhere ior live gal lons each. FUEL PerW d one through five coupons good f&"SLili& every season A iP Jmx BB t.a ms avw and Summer ' ! . THEY PALESTINE? to Church! - Today's Menu Green beans (either canned or fresh" frozen) 'will b amortf the vegetables listed for the weekend menus. Here are three' days meals: ! ..:- j; . TODAY , , r Pear-nut salad : : . Eggs Florentine I'S . ' Hot biscuits ' French fried; potatoes s, Lemon. turnovers SUNDAY - Cabbage salad . ; . Broiled lamb- chops ; ; .. ; Baked potatoes Spanish, green beans . , v Applesauce cake . Ice cream yy?. r: v f -.t ' "' t -'rZ': '4' V-r MONDAY ,1. Mixed vegetable salad ' Creamed onions and peas ' Boiled potatoes Sausage cakes Mixed fried fruits - Cookies EGGS jnLOENTIN15 , 3 cups, cooked ispinach . , ( 6 eggs ::-- ' -; ' ' Salt i 1 cups evaporated milk or top milk jl . ' 14 pound .American cheese 2 cups buttered bread crumbs Spinach should be drained well after heatiny, theii cut very f ipe; Turn hot spinach! into a shallow baking dish, i Make six depres sions, pressing spinach well up on the sides so that a raw egg may be dropped- into each.- gprinkle eggs with ! I salt Prepare a cheese sauce by; melting the cheese in the milk over boiling water. Heat until cheese is just melted. Pour hot cheese sauce over, eggs and spinach. Top with buttred crumbs and bake in a moderate oven (3X5 degrees) un til crumbs are brown, about 25 ' minutes. Yield: i servings. . - '.If. ; t Sunday Mar 7:30 Pi M. TO ; $ Presbyterian M. If !. 'I;. ! z. I , j f TUB i