I'- PAGE FIVE Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salvia, Oregon. Thundery Morning. March 13. IS 45 i a -. 1 QBn8nffs The Oregon Statesman Tolcphon 9101 Professor Clark Speaker "How ! Oregon Came to Be Scenic" Is the title of the lecture Prof. Herman Clark of. Willamette university is to deliver "at ' tonight's , regular - monthly meeting of the - Salem Geological society in room 124, Collins hall, on the Willamette university campus; The meeting, .which starts at 8 o'clock, will' be '"open" to the interested public. An over-all picture of-the geopoical history of the entire state will be presented, which Is to serve as a framework , into ; which may . be , fitted the more detailed and local y features of future studies. Purpose of Professor Clark's address to night a. to treat Oregon's varied scenery as the result of forces and processes' that have been working through the ages, constantly mod ifying and changing the surface of the earth until there have been ... formed the- features seen today. Our Insurance Service is as close to you as your telephone, Richard , G. Severin Every form of Insur- ; ance' including Life. Constant, de pendable service. 212 N. High St Tel. 4016., Res 82)3. . : ,- -. ... f. ' r-. - ' Three; Homes Authorized Per-v- mits" for construction , of : three dwellings in Salem were Tissued Wednesday from the office of City Engineer J. Harold Davis to Clar ence W. Hill, each to cost $4000 and to be located at 1340, 1360 and 1380 Jefferson street Other per mits issued include: to N. J. Ble r vins to alter dwelling at . 870 North 20th, street; R. D. Wilson to alter a - dwelling at. ;1470 - North 18th street at a cost of $500 and to C. M. Belje to alter-a dwelling at 637 Breys avenue.- - -. "Cyn" Cronise Photographs and Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. -To Inspect Loader A mechan ical loader, designed to handle rock, but which will also clean ditches will be viewed Monday by members of Marion, county court; one of the machines being in op eration at Portland. County Com , missioner Roy J. Rice said the equipment, if it will clean ditch- . es effectively, is the answer to major problem in maintaining the 1500 miles of road in the county. For home loans see Salem Fed j eral, 130 South Liberty. 1 Haoser Here Herbert H. Haus- 1 er, former secretary of the public ! titilities commission now connect . ed vith the offices of the inter state commerce commission at Spokane, was a Salem visitor Wednesday. . His son. Dr. Max Ha user, graduate of Willamette university and of Oregon 'Medical school is a first lieutenant in. the , army medical service, now station ed at Camp Pickett, Va., he said. Wedding pictures taken at the church. 520 State. Ph., 5722. : Boy's Leg Broken Robert Pickering, 9, of 408 W.' Rural ave- nue, Vrednesday received a broken left leg, between the knee and hip. when a bicycle he was riding col lided with a car driven by John Fi Baiter, route three, Salem. The accident occurred in the 2100 ' block on South Commercial street. First aid took the injured boy to the Salenl General hospital. 7 hr. developing & printing service at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N Comt Anniversary Party Due The West Salem Legion will celebrate i birthday anniversary this even- ng with a j no-host dinner and program. Members of the King Vood post and the auxiliary will take part iiifthe party which will Mortar to Silverton County Commissioner and Mrs. Roy , Rice of the Roberta community plan to" move to Silverton about the first of "April. No special signifi cance is to be . 'attached to the move of the county commissioner, they state. Z ' Curtain cleaned Elderly ' lady wishes board r and room in comfortable home, close to down-town area: Box 609 States man. , ' ':; : ' - . - , i. - Phone 5109. : Line Extension Approved The Portland General -Electric com pany Wednesday secured approv al of the county court for a 1000 foot extension of its power lines on the north side of county road 739, a stub line in the Auburn district. : Notice! Doeffler sales yard at Union and High will be open af ternoons from 1 to 5, specializing L'i camellias and rhodys. -. Heart Attack Fatal Lou Bra- ley, 50, of CoquiUe, died at 3305 Portland road Wednesday at- 6 p. m. while living in a rented '-cot' tage. First aid was called when Braley .was seized with a' heart attack, but he was dead when the first aiders arrived. Zonta club rummage sale Friday and Saturday at 342 N. Com'l. Site Leased The county court Wednesday signed a -five-year lease with Asel Eoff for an acre and one-half of ground at Jack son Hill for a site for a rock stock pile. The county is ' preparing to take out 20,000 yards of rock at that place, Fried chicken, steaks. By reservja "The Homestead." Phone 21194. Grand Jury Called District At torney Miller B. Hayden notified the seven members of the Mar ion county grand jury Wednes day tnai tney snould convene, March 20 at 10 a. m. Borkman Lumber and Hardware Co. opening soon. 2460 State. Quit Business William G. Mor rison and Ruth D. Morrison filed a certificate . of retirement Wed nesday in the office of County Clerk Henry C. Mattson for MoT rison's Auto Motive Service. .:!--.- . Rummage sale, DeMolay Mother': club, Mar. 16 and 17, 470 Com'l. Busick's Market iTfre Dealers Meet Salem tii-e dealers will meet around the din ner table at the Golden. Pheasant tonight to discuss preparations for; national "check . your tire , week' which" commences Monday, March i. .' ' - H; Specialized brake service, auto & truck. Stevenson and - Mefford, Court and Church." Ph. 21931. .' Misslnr Woman Returns4-Po- lice reported Wednesday that Mrs. E.' R' Bedwell who ; was " reported missing from her home had re turned. She had been visiting in Portland. ' I. -.- ' . Flay Wagon Stolen Sherman Bostrack, 1790 North 19th street, reported to police Wednesday toe th'ft of a small, rubber-tired play wagon. i , ' r - Ace Beauty Parlor 1915 Statij St, h. $870, Helen. Hammond., i;. ! i ..- ; . . ":. ... , Woman Cuts Finger, Op a 1 Schick, 1620 Ferry ptreet, cut the forefinger of her left hand J7ed nesday an after reteiving1, einer gency first aid treatment was tak en to Salem Deaconess hospital.' ! Removed te HomeMrs. Frank Kinsman and infant son were re moved Wednesday i from Salem Deaconess hospital : to their home at 2330 N. Liberty street I . i i. !r ' '. Income tax assistance. See Beva Carr, 160 W. Myers, Salem Ph. 6867j Appointment not necessary. ,Sn Born Mr. and Mrs.fcBen- jamin Harrison, sjl637 Wfnona" Court, Wednesday , became the parents of a son,; born at 9:40 at. m. in Salem Deaconess hospitaL i: I ' ' 4 - - . Leave Hospital Mrs. Warren Coates and infant 'daughter 1061 FJin streetj were moved to their home Wednesday.! from - Salem Deaconess ihospital.! - I Hickok t Conralesclnc Guy Hickok, manager ol the Salem branch of the First iNationalfjank, is convalescing t Salem General hospital following J surgery there Tuesday" . : ; if , r - ' I Leslie Exceeds Goal Oversub scribing their - goal of ; twenfy-f ive cents per pupil, Leslie junior, high school students raised $155 In the recent Rgd Cross drive. The total gave the school an average of over twenty -eight cents per pupit Women Work To feeat Men UNION HILL The subordin ate and juvenile granges will meet Fridaynight for a hot supper at 7:30 p.'5 m. Grange 'wul follow.' , Mr. and Mrs. Byron McElhaney, Mr. and - Mrs.- H. H. Peters,-Mr. and as. Verny? Scott,'; Mr. . and Mrs. jflec Doerflei- and 'Mr. 'and Mrs. It. M. Gilmour are-tbe com- mittee j;in charge-of the supper. r r The jwornen will furnish the lec turer's'; hour program in competi tion tol the men's program In Feb ruary. Victory Garden Gas Requests Due Soon PORTLAND , March' U.-&)-Applicatiqns for gasoline for gar deners will be received' by local OPA boards March 26, the district office said today. ? ! I Andmn ......... .a ' . ; t At the- residence on route four. Polk countyi Gertrude Alma Anderson, age So. Survived by- husband. iVarl -Ander son. - Salem, and children. : Wilma An derson. Marie Moody, Homer Anderson.. Violet- Anderson. Marjone- Anderson, all of Salem, and Floyd W. Anderson of the U. S. navy tn California; moth er. Mrs. Afnes - c Rood of cnetipa. Kaiis.; .two sisters, Mable Williams of St. Joseph, Mo., and May Rood of Man hattan.: Kans. Funeral announcement! later by the W. T. -Rigdon company. Bereman i ' . : : . In tan city March 10, Emu Bergman, late resident of Astoria. 'Graveside services wUl be held at the IOOF cinv tery Thursday. March 15 at-10:30 . m. Direction w. T. Rigdon company. Rev. Chester w. Hambun will officiate. Vancouver, Wash. Area Infested With Rats I I VANCOUVER, Wash, March 4.Sr(JP)--Ai rodent tontrol sanitar ian' counted tails of rats In this busy warboomed; port area and today shook his . head after- com pleting the survey. I . I Grain elevators; fruit packing plants, housing areas and harbor and dock' facilities are infested inc the city dump Us teeming with Jthe j rodents, says;D. V. Tiarkian, Seattle sanitarian - I 3Mrs. jack Henninsen jWiU 3 lanage .Quelle Announcement was made by the owners on Wednesday that Mrs. Jack Henningsen, has takh over the management A of the iQuelle restaurant. Mrs. Henningsen was formerly ; dietitian i at the Deacon ess hospital. - . ... s FranK J Chattas; ) former gowner, has gone to Cali'c niia where he ha business interests demanding his attention. The former name of Quelle has again been restored to thej "restaurant. " ' r Obiluaryv Sveck H. Burt Speck, late resident or 2o Fisher road; at a local hospital March 10. Survived by wife,' Sara, of Salem, and one son. Robert H. Speck, comdr. U. S. navy, private services will oe held Thursday. March 15. at I pan. from the Clough-Barrick chapel 'with interment in Bcicrest Memorial park. The family requests .that flowers be omittrd. : - i -. - - ' Richardson:! . -f"iT 4'' In this city March 12. Georee W Richardson, at the age of 82 years. Survived by a daughter; Leta Rich ardson - ot Portland. Funeral ' aervlcea wiU be held Friday. March 16, at 2 J, m. - from the Christian church at efferson. Ore., with Rev. James Earl rLadd ot Portland officiating. Interment in me Jefferson cemetery under tne 'auspices of Jefferson Masonic lodge No. 33, A.F. Sc AM. Direction of W T. Rigdon company. ' : Students May Obtain Merit System Jobs The state merit system ..council, under Its program, of continuous recruitment, ' is making ' possible immediate employment . Of high school 'and college students upon graduation.this spring. , Examina tions probably will be given April 14-for the clerical, -casework, and telephone operator positions in the state unemployment .compensation commission, public welfare com-nxissions'-state ' and county boards of. health," and the crippled chil- dren's diviskm of .the Uhiversity of Oregon Medical school Prosr pective graduates will be admitted if otherwise, qualified. Appomt ments can be "made, to successful applicants immediately upon grad uation.' . " ,. " I' "..;. Also included in this series will be an examination Jdr.aditurdstra- tive secretary, which.requires high school graduation and. five years of stenographic experiende. Appointments under the imem system include tenure,-paid Jv-aca-t Uon, sick leave, periods, and pro tected employment. . Career serv ice!; is encouraged by promotion within the agency tor, satisfactory employees. These positions with theJ state provide safeguards for the; employee- in preparing for' a substantial and responsible ctareer, To be included in this examina tion, applications must bejreceived by ;.the . merit .system .council, by March i I . Detailed formation can be obtained by writing. Prof. William lriffim,'61f M,ead build tag, Portland.., Oregon.: CPan DdQB "DB u?(ii)D'dl s ciscurr court r Wrlfht Mrs; Maude Wright, at Port Orford, ure., aiarcn 12, survivea -oy nusDana W. . WriKht. Port Orford: three sis ters. Mrs. C. E. Lake. Salem, Mrs.. J S. Smith of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. 'W. J. Towers. . Detroit, Mich.i three ' brothers, C. W. .Woolpert of Escanaba. Mich.. Will R. Woolpert of Los Angeles, and A. A. Woolpert of Detroit, Mich. Funeral Services will be held from St. Paul s Episcopal church, Thursday. .March 15. at 10:30 a. m. under the direction of the Cloueh Bar- rick company. Bishop Thomas Jenkins' will officiate. Interment in City -View cemetery. Ruth Elaine West vs. Erland Leonard West: application for place ' on trial docket. i e Ore eon Bonded Credit Bureau. Inc. vs. Clarence L. Cosser and wife; tran script from Salem Justice of the peace VVUK UWUt i ?. ... ..... E. W. Anderson vs. Fern Anderson: divorce complaint; alleges - cruel .and inhuman treatment:: defendants an swer admits and denlesi - Maude Flatman vm- Al Lulay: appli cation for place on trial docket. Lillian m. Warwick vs. Hoy e. war- wickr' divrcc eomplaint; llesa cruel and inhuman, treatment; asks custody three minor children with S30 moathly ; for supports of -each.' $75 monthly permanent alimony, $150 . at torney lees and va court costs. , Echo farmentier. DV-leaia parmen- tier, euardian ad litem, vs. W. R. iRan- som and Clyde Roulton: order arant- tng defendant until i March si vo- me motion for new trial: a Jury Tuesday returned a verdict ot S6000 lot the plaintiff. .'j..-,- I- $ . ,.' . winona Bennett vs. James a. sen- nett: defendant In letter from .Camp Roberts. Califs says be has no objec tions to. a divorce for plaintiff If he is granted the right -to visit bis child ret- PROBATE COURTI " V; ' Anna. W. Cable estate: order author izes - United States -(National Bank of Portland to present for redemeption four S1000 series G war bonds, proper ty of the estate. 4 j-:' - Mary EsKeison estate: decree oi final settlement enterea. ! 8 ; - . For Portland The 1945 state convention of the Future Farmers of America will be held in Portland March 29 and 30,1 with chapters limitetl .to one delegate each. Earl Coo)ey; -state supervisor of ' agriculture educa tion, announced here Wednesday 'The state executive committee will meet March 27 and 28 to com plete plans for the convention: i Officers who will participate In the meeting include Reed - Voll- stedt, president, Albany J Don Tyk enson secretary, Newberg; Ken neth Logan, .treasurer, IHillsborO, and Delbert Pratt, reporter, En terprise. Newton ' I . . - In this city March 14. Nettie F. New ton, late resident of 1316 Elm street. W. Salem, age 60 years. Wife of W. L. Newton o West Salem; daughter of V; J. HaU of Salem; mother ' of Wallace E. Newton of the Vi 8. army and Gerald, L. Newton of the V. S. army air corps: sister of Hugh HaU of Ppst Falls. Idaho. Abo survived by two r grandchildren. Member , of the Methodist church.- Chadwick chapter No. 37, O.E.S., and P.E.O. Sisterhood of American Falls. Idaho. Funeral an nouncements later by the W. T. Rig don company. ; be held at 6! gion home, b300 p. m. in the Le- The auxiliary will furnish the Imeat'for the dinner. Puipwood wanted. Peeled white "fir. HemlockL Ceiling price $14.00 card Dlv'd. Oregon Pulp & Paper Co. Box 789, Salem, Oregon. " Cnmininrs te Speak Members of the Salem Lions club at their Thursday noonday meeting at; the Hotel Marion will hear Capt "Rusty" ' Cummings, formerly of the US army air forces. Cummings saw service in China and Java and in addition to talking of those as signments will also tell of his ex periences in the Spanish revolu tion., Zonta club - rummage sale Friday ' and Saturday at 342 N. Cornl. Deed Change pkehed The county court Wednesday, follow ing ihe wishes of Walter G. Kern and wife, agreed to convey a deed for 10 acres of. land to Ray F, Congdon and wife. Kern and his wife bought ' the land from the county and resold it,; the new . owners making the last payments on the contract price. . , ' Men wanted for defiydrator. Ph. 9224 or apply Blue Lake Cannery. v:v v..-'.' , v ; ' -1- . ' . I ' '" -' . I1- .. ' ; Ferry Not Operating Wheat land ferry is down again, accord ing to a report of state police who were informed by the county en gineer that the boat was out of service Wednesday. - Lc:h a! Your Skses . . . and Think cf Help Build the EUR ' . .: (THE BIG NEW BOEING BOMBER) MNICXTAL COUKT - - ; Clarenca Irahey.l transient; charge vagrancy; defendant rearrested Wed nesday! after being sentenced to M days tn aU Tuesday on a similar charge.!; the sentence being suspended. Arthur T. Classen. . Dallas; charge fail to give right of way. i ; : . Oonaki Chaster Mauldinc star route, Silverton; charge driving with four to front street: bail $5. . , MAatatlAGE LICENSE ' AJvia Hinchl-M. farmer, and Hilda M. . A. t Wieland, 2S. domestic, both, of ' rea 6 -VV . x 12 pf yicrcal Cases i Found in 1W0 Group PORTLAND, March 14.-(ff)-Oregon boys ahd Sgirls 15 to 20 years of age represent 12 percent of venereal disease' cases reported last year, Dr. lederick D. Striek er state health Ibfficejy said today. ; More than4.b per cent of.' in-. fee ted ; personsf .were ; under 25 JUSTICE COURT I - State vs. Leon Cunninaham: charge non-support; held to Rrand jury fol lowing preliminary -hearing. -State vs. Arthur Herscbbacn; charge poaseming and receiving stolen prop-; erty: held to grand jury. SUte vs. Edward . N. Scheel: charge truck speeding and defective clearance lights; continued, f i : ' ' - Nettie Newton Dies Following Long Illness Hettie F. Newton, 60, 1516 Elm st, West Salem, died at a Salem hospital Wednesday .following a lingering illness, i She had resided in Salem since 1928; except for an interim of four , years in Buena Vista, Ore., between 1932 and Born April 13, 1884, in Maplej Minn., she spent most of her early life in the middle; west and .fa Washington and Idaho. - She was a member of the Methodist church. the PEO sisterhood of American FaUs, Idaho, and Chadwick chap ter no. 37, OES of Salem. Surviving are! the widower, W. tl - Newton of West Salem, two sons, : Wallace E. Newton of the US army and Gel-aid L. Newton of the US armyl air corps; ' her father, V. J. Hall of Salem; a brother, Hugh Hajl of Post Falls, Idaho, and . two ; grandchildren. Funeral announcements will be made later from the W. T Rig don company. i I I- 9- . NEW ROOMS lit a f m g . . "V -M saasr fftssU f XX ..a i.1 ONE COAT COVSRS MOST j WALLPAPERS . 2; APPLIES EASILY 3. DRIES IN ONE HOUR 4. MIXES WITH WATER 5. WASHABLE t ALWAYS BUY IT AT A PAINT STORE TOR HELPFUL. (El 'im i - an m hiniss iimmp i TO mam votm house a Home 375 Chemtketa St Did S221 Sherwln-Williaxna Podnte ExduslTelT BOEING REPRESEIITATIVE HOW INTERVIEWING III SALEII t tlARCII 15-16 i TV Free transportation to Seattle, Washington. i it Men especially needed. H i ;'.y. "-;'.'r" ; -Ti-j-'il t '" r -...,-!' .- ' : y Physically qualified women also eligible. Good pay Excellent working conditions. TYcti wi:i be paid while training.' j: . - ! 1 Help bui!d America's most needed big bomber. :-'. I ii , - i ; ; j It - - - r - I i i i. & V .;! ; i .. DOII'T DELAY! APPLY AT TOE UNITED STATES EIPL0YIIEI1T. SERVICE OITICB OF THE YAIt IJAWPOYER COIUnSSIOn, , . 710 FER0Y STREET 1 Those now engaged in essential tear, work need not apply - - ' ' ' " (''' '"2m ytn-" ti r. iii, 1 " ',' 'I ' - ! : -1 wrt Bflii'"' fi i ' :- i . a r . i i - lou're rolling along through mountainous west ern country. Suddenly your train stops. Ahead a signal light has turned rexM The "talking; fence" has flashed its warning to the engineer. Technically known as the "slide detector fence", -it is erected parallel to Union Pacific tracks - , as a protection against falling rocks, trees or other possible obstructions. Any such object striking' the fence breaks an electrical con tact, "letting up" signali xailes down the track to warn trains approaching in either ' direction. A trainman must then make a thor ough inspection before trains lean proceed Union Pacific uses eyery possible! precaution to1 safeguard its passengers end jfreight . . .V troops and war materials . . transported oyer its1 Strategic Middle Route uniting the Eastwith the Pacific Coast f - ! The"talidng fence" is but one of thW many safety devices developed by our nation.a railroads. : Such improvements result from enierpxis and initiative: characteristic American traits thai btili . i -.. ...... .- - . i - ' the Union Pacific . . . that built Yaur America, land of equal opportunity for all. iMam fc "TOUH AMERICA radio proQiaai a Uataal aahoawide swrwetk mrmrt Suaday aftaraocsw " Cratdt you local aawppxior tho and siatjem. Tffii&octesstrr :t 'rrAlLHOAD 1 j 1 V'...; -(-- . i. '(J : STUBBLEFIELD SHOE SHOP 156 S. Commercial . . r 1 i 'j, 1 'KLP.EIW fCI VCTCXT Y ' ' j v. i; . 'if Mi - . .. !