Tk OZXpU STATESMAN, Salts Orsion. Tusdar MoraIni March IS. 1843 pacz nam Wheat Leads Grain Market In Advances CHICAGO. March 12-i?VMay wheat, up 14-cents, was within half a cent of the tea son al peak at one time today and other rains were firm to strong with general commission house buying and light offerings accounting for most of the gains. The shortage of cars apparently was still the most potent factor in the trade. Cash interests, unable to obtain sufficient supplies in 'cadi markets, bought wheat fu tures persistently, , and the fear that little grain wUl be available for delivery on maturing contracts -curbed bearish activity. The demand for wheat centered in the nearby contracts with brok ers who frequently act for cash interests making the largest pur chases. Presumably some of the buying was to cover sales of flour to the army in southwestern mar kets Saturday. Another factor in the trade was ' the action of the Canadian wheat board in increasing the price of wheat for export 21 cents per bushel during the week-end. Corn, off minor fractions at the start, rallied when wheat turned strong. After shorts had covered the demand lagged and during the final hour prices dropped to near the previous close. Cash handlers reported 54,000 bushels bought on f a to-arrive basis, i At the finish wheat was Vi to 2 cents higher than Saturday's close, May '$1.71-1.70. Corn was un changed to up May $1.14. Oats were to higher, May 66. Rye was up to 1, May $1.14-. Barley was higher, May $1.11. Naturalization Course Will Be Offered UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, March 12-(Special)-Tak-ing part in a nationwide move ment to help all foreigners be come naturalized citizens of the United States, the correspondence division of the general extension division of the state system of higher education will offer a class for candidates for naturalization, it was announced at the extension division offices on the University of Oregon campus. The course will be given in co operation with the United States immigration and naturalization service and is expected to serve those out of reach of city classes or unable to attend because of work ing hours. A no-credit course, it contains 21 assignments based on the text "Our Constitution and Govern ment" issued by the federal gov ernment. The move is in line with that of extension of divisions of universi ties and colleges throughout the nation which, in supervising this course, are acting as agents for the government. Turner Druggist Visits With Son TURNER Earl Prather, local druggist, has returned from Min nesota where he saw his son, Stan ford, who is trying for a navy officer s commission at St. Peters. He went with his father to Du- luth, Chicago, and other points of interest on a nine day leave. They also went to the town of Kirk hoven where Prather was born. They located the house where he was born and the hardware store that his father had owned, still operated by the man who boughi it 44 years ago. They visited two aunts in Wilmer and Krikhoven. The Turner man learned that his son will be in his present lo cation for 16 more months when he will be commissioned and re ceive a college diploma under the V-12 naval program. Prather left here on Feb. 21 and returned home March 8. ' V ' ' ; GET YOUR . Extra Points: ice For ' every pound of used fats get 2 red points bonus I Used fats are still urgently needed to make battlefield medicines a)nd other iMala, w ''- r"3a n-T CHAU . . . LAll Dr.T.TXaaMJ. Dr.G.ChanJJ CH2NES2 Eerfcallst , : - 241 Ncrto Liberty .. , ' Crsta'r Fcrt:j-.J General Eleetriel Co. Olfica c - n ? turday I 1U am. to 1 r "J-i 13 7pn" ..ittation. r.ij pressure and urine a tests are tree c( enargs. Fracuceo sines mil. " C- nV In"1 Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, March U (AP) Butter AA print. 4'kc carton -T,kc: A frade prints s-r; cartons 43i-46ic; B grade prints 4l.s-4Sic cartons 46-iC J; Butterfat Fir quality, naximum of .C of 1 per cent acidity, delivered la Port Land 52-52 lie; premium quality, maximum of JS of 1 per cent icldity 53-53' ic; valley routes and country Doints 2c less than first or 80-51 Zen to retailers: AA extra large 4c: AA large 44c; A targe 43c; A. me diums 38c: small (pullet) 35c dozen. i?m dred ooultry Buying .prices from producers: Broilers up to l lbs. 31.40c: fryers 2 to 3'i lbs. 31.40c: roasters over 31 ids. ts"' 27.90c; colored hens all weights 27.90c; roosters and stags 18c lb. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: 'Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 91-l,ic; vealers AA 22'i.c: A 21Vc; B Wit; C -":; culls 12-15c; beef AA 214C' A 2c; B lVc; C lSc; canner-cutter cowt 13-14c: bulls, canner-cutters 14-14ic; lambs AA 26c; A 24'c: B 22ic; C 10 20c: ewes FS 13'ic; M 12c; R 10ic. Cheese . Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies 28 9c; loaf 30.2c: triplet to wholesalers 27c; loaf 27Vic FOB. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailer! 44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Selling prices to retail ers: Dressed hens and toms 43'c lb. Turkeys Alive: Government ceil ing buying prices: Hens and toms for government sales 39.20c; for civilian trade 38.20c lb. Onions Green 80-90c doz. bunches; Onions Idaho 3-inch 2.25; do No. 1; local Oregon 2.25 per 50-lb. bag; boilers 20s 34c; sets 7.65 sack. Potatoes Deschutes culls 3 60; Klamath Falls culls 3 65 centel; No. 2 and culls 1.60 per 50-lb. bag; local 2s. 100s. 3.50 . Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1944 peel 15c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. " Hops Normal contracts, 1944, 85c tin- 1MS. 75c: 1946. 55c: 1947. 50C lb. Hav Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 2 or better $34-36: oats vetch $25 ton valley points; ttmothy (eastern Oregon) $35-36: clover $22-23 ton. Church Census Cards Pouring In for Sorting More than a third of the 12,000 cards given to church workers for the city wide church census taken Sunday afternoon have been re turned to the headquarters at the YMCA, Dr. Charles Durden, chair man in charge, said Monday night. Workers from some church groups have turned in as much as 50 per cent of their cards, while the balance are kept . for "check tips" on those who were not at home on the first call. The cards will be sorted according to church preferance and given to the pastors of the churches concerned. Part of the work of the office staff now is copying information from cards where two different denominations are represented in one family. Peterson Will j Head Foremen Directors of Salem's new In dustrial Supervisors (nee Fore men's club) Monday night elected Leo Peterson of California Pack ing Co. as president; Louis Law rence, Reid Murdoch Co., vice president; Stearns Cushing, jr., Keith Brown Building Supply, recording secretary; Walter Toft, Paulus Bros., treasurer; C. A. Kells, YMCA, executive secretary; Virgil Gearhart, Valley Motor Co., m e m b er s hj p chairman ; Ludwig Beimel, Oregon Fruit Products, social chairman, and Charles F. Davis. Oregon Pulp At Paper Co., publicity chairman. By-laws, prepared at the Mon day night directors' meeting will be presented to the club at its next session, Friday, March 23. In cluded in the recommendations will be that for change of name to Industrial Supervisors. McCulloch Resigns as Assistant Forester W. F. McCulloch, assistant state forester In charge ot administra tion of the Oregon conservation act since June, 1942, has resigned, effective April 1, and will return to Oregon State college as profes sor of silviculture. McCulloch, who came to the state department on leave from the college, completed a study ofitate to the sections wher facili- Oregon timberlands with relation to the 1941 act early in 1942, Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Administratrix of the estate of Antone Tuss, de ceased, has filed her final account' in the office of' the County Clerk! of Marion County, Oregon, andi that Monday the 19th day of March, 1945, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, in the Circuit Court Room of said Court, has been appointed bv said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. f Dated January 22, 1945. ; Date of first publication, Feb-K ruary 13, 1945. J Date of last publication, March. 13, 1945. - r MARY TUSS, ' I Administrator of the estate of Antone Tuss, Deceased: BUTLER & JACK , j Attorney for Administratrix ! ' 1 Address: 200 Butler Bldg Oregon City, Oregon. 13-20-27-M-4 - 13. ' - : i. Exa Diviicnij Users save betweeyi; nower'billipgs a;: year Portland Portland Grain RTLANp, Ore, March 12-4AP)-. Nfe wheat futures or earn grain Med. "S - -- teaah wheat (bid): toft whit 1.83; oft white tfxcluding Bex) l.S3;iwbite ciib 1.53; western red 1.83. - ard rea winter : uroinary j.w r cent Li i per : cent 1,90; u t cent 1.64. - f' d white Baart: orainary; w. 11 per cent 1.53; 11 per cent LM; Today's car receipts:! Wheat 3d. bar y 7. 1 flour . corn , oaU 1. hay t. nWlfeed .--( 8 - ortland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. March 12 (AP) (WT A) Salable catUe 1800. total 2300: c&ivea salable and tpt1 30C: market en; fed catue including gooq cows bulls steady; lower trades all classes steady with last week's close. 2; to 0 cents oeiow a weex ago; 100a fid steers largely 15.00-16,23; two loads gbod-choice 16.50; common - medium Ktsdes 11.00-14.50; common -- medium rsszers xu.w-Adn, uvu icu pcucii ll. 00-15.50; one load good to jnosUy choice 16.00; new recent high: fanner and cutter cows 6.5O-9.0O; shells down 8.50; tit dairy type cows$ 10.50; edium-good bulls U.00-13.00; odd tt bulls up to 13.50; cutters; down 8.00; good to choice vealers 15.00-50; id heavyr calves up to 15.00.1 Hogs salable 450. total 1250; market tive. fully steady; good -choice 1S5- 3)0 lb. 15.15; heavy weights and sows I3.uu; gooa-cnoice iccoer piss argeiy ip.00; few choice around 123 lb 17.50; mo stags !. Salable sheep 300, total 1300; iiarket ;tive; larhbs 25 cents higher ewes f-ady to 25 cents higher; good -choice poled lambs 15.50-16.00; good." shorn tnbs 14.73-15.00; medium-good grades .00; culls down to 10.00; good ewes 30; choice grades 5.00-50. tocks and Bonds ,i March lOCK AVERAGES 20 : Rails rpnday .A 82.S revions day 82.1 t'eek ago 84.1 Ifontl) ago' 80.7 $ar ago , 73. 15 high 84.5 1945 low 78.6 944 high ii 79 2 m jow L 69.1 l&ND AVERAGES ' I I " 30 I d v Indus. Lfnnriav , M 1 revious day 99 0 nth ago; 98.1 i rear ago ,:, tu.s 945 high ? 99.0 945 low 96.2 44 high : 86.5 j 944 low ,..795 ialem Market 0. luotations The prices below supplied by a ie-- al grocer -are indiraqve of the daily lancet prices paid to j growers ; oy sa- em buyers but are t not guaranteed ine statesman: i TtES, EGGS AND POULTRY ndresen't' Baying Prices (Subject : U chant ! without? notlcs) UTTERFaT tremium No 1 o. 3 UTTER PRINTS Quarters 4- JtGGS si Rxtra large J7 J4 .33 33. M 31 3 Mediums Standard Pulleta . Cracks olored hens No. 1 o. 2 colored hens olored frys Bakes tarlon Creamery's Buying Prices HSnbiect ta chants' without? aoticel ffryers 11 : L Jl 1 ;.j -? H I Farm Helpers Need Housing j Farmen and ranchers who ex fjectj to have sufficient labol to op erate this year shbuld have hous ing, furnished, foi-jfamily groups, nd room with bard or suitable patching: facilities for single men, Recording to word -eceived in Sa fem Monday by Mrs. Giadyf Turn bull, emergency jfarm lalor as sistant. J. R. Beck,! state supervis or of the emergricy farnj labor ftgency in a lettei' said thi is the fnost pressing problem confront ing users of itinerant labor. J "The government has informed Us that 7,000,000: fars ha been Junked since the 1 ast new one was knade, with the j ate increasing lharply during IJie past! year," Beck wrote: "Andj the bid part pbout it is," he Wrote, "thit most pf the cafrs junkedj during hepast year belonged td j itinerant farm paborers; Now thier are afpot and iwlthout household equipment paturally a maii with a family working in agriclilture up and pown the coast is !going td gravi- kiek are furnished.' IcCreas in Montana For Funeral Service I SILVERTON, March l Fun eral services were held at he Ek fcoan Memorial chapel Sunday for Mrs. Kate, Wright; 78, who died tSaturday night, j the" boy was shipped to Terry, Mont, foi burial. The Rev. Schwable of SAlbahy spoke at the services arid Mrs. P. Scarth sang, accompanied Mn.'Alvin Legard. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv C. McCrea accompanied the Jbody t Terry and wiU return! the lastfof the week, following; jwhich McCrea will leave for his new Work as city mahager at! Coos Bak Mrs. McCreiil her daughter, Jean, who is in high school,! and Mrs Mc- Crea's father, Thomas Wrijht, will remain Silvertpn for , time. tMn Wright lswith the Rev. Schwables at Albany during the McCrea's trip to Montana. He was not well enough j to accompany them, i . ' Jj.j ft l II P il . 4 fil&zzl Lidilily 1 3 cud 4 Electric; 2 J 1 10 10 10 Indus UtiJ Fogn 36.2 41.1 1 1 35.9 41.1 60.7 37 4 41.6 62.3 34 9 40 8 59.7 27.7 37.0 53.1 37.8 4 hi 62.6 32.9 39 2 57 8 34.5 39.2 58.3 22.9 35.1 49.5 f 15 18 60 Rails Uril Stks 105.1 107.2 71.8 105i 1071 71.6 105.4 107 5 71.7 105 J 1075 .69.9 105 J 105 5.1 105.5 107.6 71.9 104.6 106.9 68.1 405.7 107 Z 68.8 104.6 104.7 63.2 44 Ball j 1 Negiy 4C4 I cone Some Stocks iry limuuy For Recovery i "vrmtr MnK tf tac lected stocks continued to reach somewhat timidly for' recovery in today't; market although many leaders! were Indifferent l The ticker tape frequently was at a gfendstill after an improved openirii. While gains nuining to 2 or Epre points were widely dis tributed in the forenoon, top marks were Reduced in most cases at the close and there was a smatter ing oi losers. Transfers of 920,000 shares I compared with i 2,060,000 Friday! and were the smallest for a full session since November 28. Bidding was based mainly on the idea the relapse of the previous week! had served as a healthy technical correction of the long drive So new highs; for nearly eight mean. Pressure of idle money for erhbloymentagain "Was a bull ish factor. I Reconversion doubts persist, however, in the wake of tha cheering war news and some j customers were content . to hold Woof.; .Thj Associated Press 60-stock average was up .4 of a point at 61.1 of 896 issues registering, 565 were in the. plus ranks against 331 downl pr unchanged. Visits Turner On" Vacation TiMNER, Anna Lou Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Millei-j and a former student of Turner high school,, is home on vacation from San Francisco where! she is a post office em Ployee:. ' Mrpj Ulyin Denyer is in New berg I recoering from a serious operation. Her daughter, Mrs. Len ard Kamner, lives there. Mrgi Cordell Ball entertained the WSCS Friday. Mrs; Lou Small gave a report on the sub-district meeting and Mrs. Nellie Gunning on the book "West of the Date- line. j i Thwsef present were Mrs. M. O Catalih, Mrs. Wallace Riches and two t lildren, Mrs. Nellie Gunning, Mrs. Tom! Burkland, Mrs "Don Burkljmd, Mrs. Arnold Phillips, Stella Milleri Mrs. Clara Mrs. J. O. Russell, Miss ne Vick, and ! Mrs. Cordell ; Monday night a quintet of singers from ) Rust College egroes in Mississippi gave a i-t here last week. They are ur to raise funds for school buildings. The college was found ed Methodist missionaries. Daugliter Born Navy Pilot's Widow in Salem It -I ' : JacRueLyn is the name given the daughter born Sunday at Sa lem deneral hospital to Mrs. Jack Lewis Lobney of Albany. The child weighed eight pounds and 10 dunces: and is the granddaugh ter pt Mri and Mrs.' M. J. Looney of Aipanyl The father. Lieutenant Loohy, navy fighter pilot, was killed in j an accident out from San Ipiegd. last July 8. MrS. Jack L. Looney is the for merf Evelyn Henson of Texas who matred Lieutenant Looney while he was an instructor at Corpus Chriti. Texas. Shie came north with I his parents 1 following his deaJH and now has her own home in Albany. ft and Mrs. M. ;J. Looney, the grandparents, were in Salem Mon day lo vksit their ' granddaughter and! iher mother. By the Rural Reporter fiear that the pacific Cooper ative Poultry Producers ;is work- on plans for a new feed mill ugene. This mill will be mod land up-to-date in every re- :i with a carjacitr eaual to or ter man tne rjoducer g Port land mill. The cooperative has bought a half block bordering ra and Madison streets with Southern Pacific trackage the full length of the property. Eventually this 'place will also house ah egg recpjving and packing plant e cooperative, during the past has purchased a site in Sa lem L for a future! branch build ing, opened a branch at Medford and iworked on plans for an ex- Ive addition and modernizing at tne Roseburg plant. e ccc wool j. purchase pro- has been extended officially to (June SO, 1948. jit provides for the purchase of the 194S clip upon th sam schedule of values as applied in 1943 and 1944, with 9 minor exceptions, r ! definite stand is being taken regard to off -wool. Under the of the handlers'; agreement, raisers will be instructed to feBpls pHas sJntcrscksBorhfye4i f. r hi t,u...iii.i.i M .wefeaeaa raSet. Toaar aaad BMdt. C SMseadart.shies strata, : iliiama Md ' Mrs. i Gissfj Lorri for M I j Ie on w SancH Ramblings mtWijt j 1 P5 VsflHIas 'ftlsSsiaatl V kutaricatea aad satteaa. nvtaUUm m M 3 iaan-dwrBfia, se eaayf mm. Cat aaaaiai F M hrmmn't liaadii 6utniul'ii at yat U F maa j Jii atiMM aaa SttO j financial Classified AdTertislag Statesman I ! Classified Ads Call 9101; Three Insertions per line 25 c Six; Insertions per line i ' 40c One month per line,., .... $133 Minimum charge 25 c; 3 tL min- toum 35c: 6 tL mhl 45c No dopy tori this page accepted un tn C:30 the eveninf before publica tion foT classlficaUon. Copy ra cetyed after this tune will be run under the ; heading "too , Late i to Classify- - . , Si i- The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at fault trill reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mittake accurs. M l) : The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It 1 further; reserves the right to plaice aU I advertising under the prdper classification. s A -Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for arriad- dress -is tor the protection of ItheMJ aayeniser ana musi uieraoiv uw answered by letter. The Statesman not at liberty to divulge inior- maroon as ra un racniiij oi .1 J . imiiMiii Livestock and Poult Heifer, lust fresh sh S58 sow wiul 9 pigs. Rt. z, box zos, eizer 'Los WANTED: Beet and canner hull and veals. Will can at urm E. Ii Snethen. 3370 E. Turner Road Ph 2134S Morns or eves s FOR SALE: Iron nay saddle mare a nlH :Hntl for anvom. Extra good western saddle and bridle 1673 Yevi St Ph. 7591. i YOUNG GENTLE family cow. JTesh 4 wieks. with or without calf. Mission Bottjom, Rt 2, Box 219. Robt. Cole. c6oD FAMILY COW. chain and hal- ter, j2 welding helmets, 2270 Simpson at. rtiSTfiM iHATrHWO! Order earlv for Best Dates! Small orders, ducks. wnq game. N.HL strain Ph.l 9526. snecialtv. Baby chicks. C. E. Milton. 85 Lansing. Help Wanted shift 4 to 10 p. m. Apply at The Blue Bird. WANTED! Cook. Senator Coffee Shop WANT a ! lob with a Dost war fu turf? Inquire at Firestone store. 393 N.. liberty. Help Wantetl Male Workers now emoloved tn war pro duction should not apply and will not o iconstaerea ror employment oj n Ployers advertising tn this section WANTED: Retail route salesman. Permanent. References required. Dairy Cotjop Assn., 810 S. Com 1.) j Willamette Valley's Largest Appliance Dealer I ' " it. 1 Authorized agents for Maytag. Easy, and Bendix washers. Ironrite Ironers, Frljgidaires. Refrigerators, and ranges. Want men to uain for electrical ap pliance service and saleswbrk. Men Interested In preparing themselves for a permanent poitwar position. Receive? pay whUe learning. Free schooling. EsssnUal wok. j ; ) Apply i i : 0GG BROS, 264 State St Salem. Oregon A-lAUTO mechanic. Top wages. your own boss, boh to ge water. w .saiem EXPERIENCED man bookkeeper with some! knowledge of store work. Steady employment to right man. Give age. experience, salary expected and family status, box aiu. statesman. txp milker. Schlndler pros Dairy LOGGERS & SAWMILL MEN NEEDED GOOD LIVING CONDITIONS. BOARD AND ROOM AVAILASL&4 Cobbs and Mitchell Co. VSlsetz. Oregon. See Ike at the U. S. Employment . Service. Salem. 4m WEST Mushroom farm wants man to work steady. Good hrs and good pay. Rt. e, bx us. : 'j ....... . . .... . - - t man : frr A9rifultural machin ery. Must nave experience in parU. catalogs, and general store-ir2ninff- -John Deere and "Cater pillar" Dealer. : INTERSTATE IKAUUS Of - EQUIPMENT LU. 140 (South Liberty Street ; Help Wanted Female OMEN , needed. No i experience ry. L Salem Laundry Co., 363 High. 'ERECNCED waitress.! day shift. Sundays or holidays., i 341 Court. Street Dairy J-uncru -. i ERIENCED lingerie ! & hosiery saleswoman wanted. Apply Schlesinger Co.. o court st. j RELIABLE lady to live tn my home care for baby while , work. Mrs. 1 Sheldon, 475a s. winter. ISH WASHER and waitress, night work. 162' N. ComX Chinese Tea Garden. . . H deduct upi to 3 per cent df the eight of the original bag clips here off-wool is not packed sep- tely and plainly tharked as Off-wool Is described as black. gs, dead, clippings, bucks, etc. Notices are going out through the extension services,, count farm bureaus,! and soil' conservation committees." ": ; The order establishes the CCC the sole i purchaser of ; all - wool produced in the United States up t6 June 30, 1948, with the excep tion of wool produced Jn a few of the AUanUc stotes.1 , S1CHCFA use S 5S cold PnpataUon a$ xrece4 - Farm ) - "Strictly Private" FACE WSKT m? WE A AS HCNtf "TUA15 60INS H5.E61CES IM SKawtEOTHENJAY I LOOK. VOW Sx ismlos Help Wanted t THEM Saps KttBJE. fi Tfcsl JOUlXM I MvlMfi-- m '5ATISRE5 Tb BE. 160 EWWCftlASTlC .- ..srr.BfeWMkNa, J, OsWSMCM:- i : :rM. h, I, SURE WSS AV flKAWX AAURIEUMOaI' . -JM CKE0F1ME GU US 0AVN6 A UDW ! . f'B HELP WANTED MEN ! AND SPRING WORK IN HOPS STARTING. CONlrTNUOUS WORK GUARANTEED. CABINS. LIGHT AND WOOD FURNISHElb IF YOU WISH TO LIVE ON FARM. DAILY TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED TO OUTSIDE WORKERS FREE OF CHARGE. I i s PLEASE WILLIAMS Ac TH ACKER. ' EOLA RANCH. II WIL-HART RANCH. FAIRFIELD.' 135 ILLIHEE RANCH, SALEM. 40 ACRES c. a. Mclaughlin ranch, independi WILLIAMS Ac HART MAIN OFFICE ; . BUS WILL LEAVE CHEMEKETA AND AND THACKER , RANCH. AND LEAVES WHITE'S STORE AT 7 .-45. ! Help Wanted Female 1 WOMEN to learn press in e at City Cleaning; Works, 1245 State St. Apply in person. BEAUTY Operator. 5859 or 5033. OFFICE assistant over IS yrs. Good starting salary. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. - it HELP WANTED: Energetic women 18-45 yrs. in food health and - inter ested In retail business Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start. Apply today Room 208. McGilchrist Bldg. .Safeway District Office. Salesmen Wanted FIELD INTERVIEWERS for inter esting magazine research work S32 per week: 2 wks. each' mo., exp. not es sential. Write fully; Reader Analysis Bureau. 250 Park Avenue. New York 17. N. Y. i j Situations' Wanted RELIABLE lady wishes full or part time work. Filing or general office work. Box 313 Statesman. CHILDREN cared for. Ph. S643. HONORABLY DISCHARGED veter an, married with: family, wishes posi tion of selling or clerical work, in or near Salem. Marion Hotel. Room 317. HOUSW)RirbyThou HOUR . work 75c - hr. Ph., 8235. , Preschool j Playschool; 1381" State Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430. ORRIN S. PINNKY. contractor. . Designing and remodeling homes.' Ph 9493 Rm 220 Oregon Bids BE WISE MODERN IZS Money to Loan Quick Cash Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity Repayable in 12 months j Company Is locally owned and Managed. - r GENERAL FINANCE 1 CORPORATION S 138 ' Phone S168 . '' US S ' Commercial St. ; Salem PRIVATE MONEY Auto And ; Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced ' Money for new -and used ears w trucks regaidlest of as No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. . 1 to U .sooths to repay. AXtei o'clock unone saat or SUi for appointment ; ROY H. SIMMONS Regulated by state 138 S Core l St Phone 8168 (M ISSi INCOME TAX LOANS Dont borrow unneeessarUy, but If a loan for Income Taxes or any other worthy purpose) is to your advantage, 'Personal' would like to serve you. i Sensible Payments , Sensible monthly payments yon can afford -are arranged. For ex- ; ample: $10.05 per mo. repays a $100 loan in 13 mos. Loans $23 to $500 made to men and women oa salary. ' furniture or auto. Prompt, friendly attenUon. Others not Involved. ; Come In. Phone or Write- 6 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Room 125. Second Fir. New Blign Bldf 518 State St i Phone: Salem 3191 Lie S-122 M ISS K. GaUinger. MgT $ MONEY $ r REAL ESTATE LOANS . PERSONAL LOANS . ' - - CAS LOANS Wt Buy Real Estate Mortgages and .. . Contracts. . .... STATE FINANCE CO. tie. 8-2JS M-222. 212 Guardian Bids ,Dr. P. D. Duller Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 131 New'BUgh Bid?. ; Off. Pin 7905 - Res. 8028 :marhels: - By Quinn Hall UJL fa I CANfT SEE "ID DO ANY GCCO Help Wanted WOMEN v PI ONE ACRES HOPS. PH. 8759 or 2-1331 AO HOPS . j. PHONE 22681 J PHONE 22631 HOI ICE, 360 ACRES HOPS. PH. 27F2 3. PHONE 9225 CO! L. AT 7 JO A. M. FOR WILLIAMS GERTH'S CROC AND WALT Money to Loan Auto Loans rillamette Credit Co.- FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE W M 198 SaleMiscellaneous DIAMOND ring: Cost $300. bargain for llcasfu box 314 Statesman. AKFAST table with 4 chairs. like newt Red leather chair seats. Also pre war! bicycle. See - at i 1030 Wilbur St. GREY OATS $45 per ton. Peter zieiinsu. Fh. 22017 KE like new 835. Ludwie Pearl drun outfit $200. Wul Uke trade on eiiner. zw i. tomx 1934 CHEV., Coach, excellent in. out motor k tires.' Violin, beautiful toned with case and bow. Estate Heater fine condition. T Gal. Jeep Serv. Cans at si-za. (New "Not Reconditioned ) 2, 21" ((Tires, Tubes It Ford Wheels. 90 original .tread. 2. 18' New Chev. a Ford Wheels, recapped tires V tubes. 4', J', 6' A 8' steel reinforced step lad der. 5 4 8 Ton Hydraulic Jacks. Gal vanized Garbage Cans. 40-41 Ford De Luxe or Mercury Air Conditioned Heat er. New. Single. Dual Triple Horns. 4 point Wheel Wrenches. Electric Fan. G.Ei 12". Flash Lite Batteries. 45 Colt Automatic, 32-20 Colt Revolver both perfect wtih ammunition 8: holster. 32 20 Frontiersman. 2 Single A two Dbl. Bbli. 12 Gauge -Shot Guns. 1 Model 87 Winchester, with case, cleaning rod I shells. 30-40 Krag Snorter Myr tle jVood Stock. 30-30. model 04 Win chester. 330, 44 j 29 S Weaver Scopes, with T, B Stith mounts. Salmon Rod. Reel at Line. Bausch Lomb Binoculars. 9x39 with solid leather case, new con dition. 38 Spl. S A W holster A shells. Don. Madison. 590 No. High. BLACK SEAL fur coat size 18. Per feet condition. Fur trimmed hat to match $110. 250 S. Cottage, manager. D 9-TUBE cab. radio. CaU eves. t at 2485 Laurel Ave. ASHING Machine Service. an makes, parts And wringer rolls. Truck pick up and celivery. Prompt service. 25 ! years in business. Division Hard ware Co.. 363) SJ E. Division St. Portland, Ore. V t lODERN Bed Davcno. Phone 8294. WAYS a big stoen- Wdbdry's Furniture- Mat Ph. 8110 EFFICrENT Two-UrSt Concrete Sep tic flanks. Sewer Pipe. OREGON GRA VEL CO 1405 N. Front St Ph. 3417. Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon Phone 15391 Yjears of experience, enables us -to five you fuaranieea workmanship. Air' conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters Eay trougha. Skylights. Smoke stacks Taans aod repairing. FREE ESTI- VTES. ABBIT Hutches 4 does and 1 yong buck. Reasonable. 1047 Fir St .- i . ijtEW black suit size 18. $18. Black sap t aize is. sis. . aiS4. , ELECTRIC -Dobro- Hawaiian ruitar with amplifier, prac new. 623 N14th. IANO: . Excel, cond. 411 McNary. WJ Salem. Tues. St Thurs. bet 7 At 730. ft RE-WAR davenport Ac chair. King- I Drive Kd. ku j. box m, u. k. Clark AS and wood comb, range. 1293 i 5th. ' ! - r JASSINETTE tt play pen. Ph. 7202. SIDE ARM Gas water heater, pilot ligiht A chain pull attachment complete with fittings and 35 foot of pipe. 320 W. Superior or phone Hunt Clark. 3345. - ONE 7-oteee Lullaby bedroom set. Including 2 youth size beds complete wifn, springs ana mattresses, ra. M61 DIRT suitable for flu. 75c yd. within cny iimns. rn. PC. DINING rm. set like new Claude St. j radio. 1001 Parkway Dr. Ph. 4522. WAN i 111 AT Mir. ina Ilif... mmJI trunks, men's good 42 - and 44 suite. snpea ana man. aunaaies, Z93 tt. Com L . if, nut wi fvnuap. - - r ttee CwWr SniHul . u m, son Ul, etecKoaie Start let. Rt 7. Bx 3 IB. 4 ml N. underpass. Stove renalrtna a. nr. Wpodry'8 Mkt. 16.3 N. Summer St T - i 1 GOO or $a !ksTtLUMINUl pancake and steak griddles with detachable handle. Yeajter Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. w Classified For Sale -Miscella neons POTATO Sacks, used once. Blue B'rd ResUurant. Ph. JJJj: CAS stove, bousehold size. Ph. (J71 Blue Bird Bestaurant. - , - : FRESH Christie N. H. eggs for Uble use and hatchm. 1980 f4brr: ' WESTERN Saddle. Ph. 7640. ' DOUBLE disc Van Brundf drill, 8 ft Fred. Buchholx, Sheridan. Rt 1. BABY buggy! red wagon, new waffle iron, toy horse, rug 8',xl0'i. 28 Chev. 4 dr. Sed. 238 S. 14th. 1 MATTRESS, t dole, beds, $10. 4 bed. springs, mattress. $12, Wood range. xui rug, porcn cnairs, lawn swing. 450 S. CapitoM 4oTJtonBCHHRand"H Dreadnaught MM Rds. Sqs. Flat Hex. Strip Stain, usts avauable. attractive prices. Seaboard Steel Co.. New Haven. Conn. . '.-.i', , HOTPOINT electric Iron, small tri cycle, - baby walker, man's - bicycle. Hoosier kitchen cabinet sink and cab inet, 74" metal V-bUnd. car heater, cur tain rods, cabinet radio, mine, items. Woodry Auction A Furniture Mkt.. 1605 N. . summer. WRINGER Rolls tor all makes of washing machines. See Mr. Ellis at Nelson Bros ; Turn. Co 313 N. Lib erty St r ui : . -V 1 TRAILERS tor rent 50c per hr. Woodry't Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. LAWmOWER Sharpening a, Ad- Justing. s . woodry MgL, iwa 1. summer st ATMORAYS OZONE, sen and rent. 8 C Push Ph 2-2458 P O Box 463. WE Buy ti sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes,; motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIG MAN'S. 285 N. Commercial. Ph. B8&5. FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P 8357 Wanted- Furniture CASH for used furniture. Ph. 7598. State Street 'Furniture Store. Household food, elec Irons, radios, clocks. Huss. 413 Ferry. Ph. 2-1029. D7 YOU have . furniture to seU , 1 Russ Bright Ph. 751L 453 Court Wanteds Miscellaneous -BIKE: Anyi condition. Ph. 21985. WANTED: Little girl's Ice skates size 10. Ph. 4256. I . W aIJteD : S aw rniU timber ! W e have clients who WiU buy 1st. 2nd growth Fir timber any size. Tract from 1, 000,000 to 10.000.000 ft Lump sum or ctumpage. Notify Mr. Boyd. , Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High St Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 ELECTRIC MIXER wanted. Ph. 3952. SERVICE MAN wants electric phono graph. Write -Box 311, care Statesman. WANTED: Portable radio for navy boy. Ph. 3598. ELECT, washing machine. Ph. Mt Angel 149 collect. I WILL Pay your price (within rean son) for good used furniture, radios, stoves, guns. 5 trailers, etc. Ph. Glenn Woodry. 5110i for immediate service. Woodry Auction Mkt., 1603 N. Summer St 29 years in Salem. WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash. WANT TO; Buy. Oaeo cameras it lenses McEwin Photo Shoo 435 State. WANTED. Pianos. Tallman's. Ph. 6707 UStD FURNITURE Ph 8185 We Buy Furniture TRADE -WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE, WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED j Pianos Furniture and Appliances Call 9149 for appointment HOGG BROS. 260 State St WANT TO BUY trailer house from private partyl Will pay cash. Factory built preferred. 710 Breyt Ave. Ph. 4554 CASH for useO piano at otner mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co 191 S High. Miscellaneous INSTRUCTION. Male. Would like to hear from reliable men who would like to train in spare time to overhaul and install Refrigeration and Air Condi tioning equipment Should be mechan ically inclined. Will not Interfere with your present j work. 1 For information about this training.: write at once giv ing name, address, age and your work ing hours. ) UUhUes Inst Box 302. Statesman. H i ALCOHOLICS Anonymous informa tion available Address P.O. Box 726. WILL care for children of working mothers, in country home. Ph. 3687. INSTRUCTION. Male. AUTO BODY and FENDERl work, including metal work, welding and spray painUng Look into itM-one of the most profit able branches of tremendous Auto in dustry offering chances for good Job or your own business. Train in spar time. -Write for FREE facts. UtiliUet Inst. Box 3C. Statesman. DISKS and: disk plows machine ground. 3 mi west on Dallas highway to sign. ; BUY RIGHT-NOW CLEANER From Your Grocer, Use It for more sanitation, WOODWORK, Dishes. Laun dry Ac General Spring House Clean ing. Willamette Gro. Supply-all sizea 25c. 50c. $1. I ENROLL new In our sewing classes. A complete course in dressmaking only $10.00. .We rent sewing machines and have a complete repair service. Singer Sewing Center. 142 S. High. Ph. 3512. VETERANS? Information Service. Chamber ot -Commerce, 1 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Disabled Amer. Vets. A. L Brewster. Service Officer. Ph. 4338. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST ; I CASES Bring or Mali Your Plates for Repair. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldgj State Si Com. Ph. 2311 For J Rent Rooms SLEEPING I Rm. 653 N. High. SLEEPING RMS., single and double. Bus at corner. 1208 Court . NICE heatlrm. Women. 960 Marion. For Refit Apartments FURN. housekeeping rrn-adulU. no drinkers. 470; King wood Ave. ; FURNISHED housekeeping rooms to rent, lights i tt water furnished. To man only. 271 D St - S RM. Furn. $22 JO. 1620 Ferry. 1298 Oak. Phone J276. yN. APTS. 255 Division. i 4 RM. FURN APT. Ph. S444 or 714 after 6:30 PJtf. , HSKP. ROOM. Phone 4498. SMALL furnished ept for working firL ,671 H.i CapiVoL v