- 3; PAGESEVEI Vim OUTGO! CTATXZMAN. Sdtxa. Oregon. Tuaadcry Morning, March 13. 1343 :i. i - School, Tax Bills Favored By Gommittee A Joint meeting of the senate assessment and taxation commit tee and the ways and means committee Monday approved house bills designed -to raise $10, 000.000 in two years for educa tion and institution building, add $3,000,000 to the school support fund, and tax cigarets 2 cents a package. - ' A measure providing for a spe cial election On June 22 also re ceived favorable consideration. All four of the measures will be sent to the senate today with "do pass" reports. Sen. Lew Wallace suggested that a five cents a pound tax also be imposed on coffee while Sen , a tor W. H. Strayer asked why the cigaret tax should not be broad enough to include all tobaccos. Sen. Earl T. Newbry said of the cigaret bill that "This is nothing more nor less than a sales tax.' Under the school support bill the public schools would receive $8,000,000 a year from surplus state income tax surpluses. Of this amount, $5,000,000 was au thorized by the 1943 legislature. 1 Approximately one-half of this would be distributed on a teach er basis while the remainder would be distributed on the basis of average daily school attend nee. The two-mill elementary school tax would continue in op era tion. - The $10,000,000 for the institu tion and higher board of educa tion building program would be divided on the basis of $4,000,000 to the board of higher education and $6,000,000 to the institutions. The committees decided .that at the special j election in June only - two bills. One providing for the 5-milI tax for the building pro grams and the other, the tobacco tax, should be referred to the voters. Sen. Dean Walker said such action would give the voters additional time in which to study other measures and constitutional ; amendments referred by the cur rent legislature. Bills Passed Monday: KB S60 provides tor taktaf out el xcess Income tax sufficient fund to max Up additional money for school for advalorem tax reduction purposes. HB 261 provides for taking out of excess corporation excise tax funds to make up additional money tor schools for advalorem tax reduction purpose. HB 259 plans an additional $3,000, 000 for school so that it accrues after S3.000.0O7 cushion is set aside for property tax reduction. j allocates siu.ooo for per diem Jn the House Committee for. Tax Study Given Fund Of $20,000 for Job The house approved and sent to the governor today a bill ap propriating $20,000 for expenses of the 13-member interim com mittee- to' investigate the state's tax structure. ' ' The investigation was request ed by the governor. The requested appropriation was $25,000, but the Joint ways and means committee lopped off $5000 of it SHORT FORM FAVORED The senate assessment and taxa tion committee Monday reported out favorably a house bill provid ing a short state income tax form. legislative expense. tuj 3 allocates S900.000 for state emergency ooara. HB 424 allocates S78.20O for exnensea ox nnr dosuri oeparcmem. -KB 423 allocates $18,000 -for humane society and similar purposes. HB 42o allocates simo for state flax and linen board. HB 427 allocate 1180-906 for nation. al guard. $156,690 state guard. HB 42 allocate $19.10 for expenses puouc uuwx commission. tw azs allocates $143,900 for secre tary 01 state's of ice; $354,993 for build inga and frrounds; $10,000 for Blue Book; $93,627 for elections; $21,500 for ixaie prinunr. hb 430 allocates 17 34.500 for tax commission expenses. HB 431 allocates $12,000 to meet claims against state. HB 432 allocates S964.I11 for state prison: szz4.B33 lor HUicrest girls' (school: $564,623 Woodburn boys' school: swMUO r airview rtome; S3,i42.45fl state hospital: S1.S12.390 eastern Ore eon state hospital: $300,390 university tubercu losis Hospital; $549,445 Oregon state tu berculosis noSDital: S419.041 eastern Oregon tuberculosis hospital: S38A.969 deaf school; $288,241 blind school: $6000 ouna commission; sbuuu Dlma persons rehabilitation. t HB 433 allocates S101.619 for parole ana pronation Doara. Ho 434 provides for expense of 43ra legislature, t SB 118 defines more closely proper ty declarable as nuisance under liquor laws. , - SB 285 provides for prohibiting of property held in violation of liquor laws SB 219 opens part of Yaquina river to commercial shad fishing. . SB 236 limit taking of shad from Columbia river and tributaries. SB 277 provides that written per mission of owner shall be filed before others use containers marked for pri vate brands. SB 278 provides that wr'fctn er- mission of owner shall be filed before others make use of i registered con tainers. . i , . SB 282 exempts'" weighing of hav and grain at public .warehouse If weighing. and Inspection have been done at point of origin. so 2oi compels Multnoman county to pay $s mommy tor cnuaren com' mitted to charitable or benevolent in stitutions. SB 299 appropriate ' $20,000 for study of state's tax structure. SB 315 provides that executive di rector of postwar development com mission snail serve as executive secre tary of Willamette basin commission SB 310 same provisions . as SB 315 amending- otner part of law. Repassed: HB 329 continuing wax-time plan of taxing ships. hb m -regarding salary of Oregon City constable. HB 9 extending use of unemploy ment benefit fund under reimburse ment provision. HB 182 property to be tax-exempt must be so filed with state treasurer. HB 101 authorizing detention of per sons on parole. hb 104 extending tan for riling of affidavit of . prejudice. hb 399 creates advisory council for study of hospital. HB 390 provide for taxing domestic insurance companies.' Adopted: ' : SJM 3 memorializing congress to In stitute compulsory military training. : Do pass" committee reports adopted: SB 225, 242, 121, 138, 178, 181, 270, 272. 275, 290, 297, 320; SJM 3. Taken from table and re-refer red: SB 3 (Multnomah psychiatric hospital). Referred: SJR 9: SB 135, 175, 265, 294, 300, 303, 312, 328, 321, 304. 313, 241, 309; SJR 21. Introduced: SB 304. 313: SJR 21. HJR 15 (Wells and Sen. Lee Pat terson) providing for a study of fed eral and state laws and agencies re garding veterans. Emergency Unit Members Named aen. Jtxnesx a. j auana 01 con Added Hitch I. Voted to State Tax Discount The house Monday passed ibflls (HB 259, 260, 261) which provide. that in event the voters reject a five-mill, two-year property? tax levy,!-which would be cancelled out of income and excise tax: sur plus, the $10,000,000 surplus would not be used for discounts to in come taxpayers. j The property tax levy is desig nated to provide $4,000,000 fo the higher education building program and 36,000,000 for state institution buildings. .. i The new bills increase the "push- on for future property tax. re- l!n e Ann nnn 1 K nrn rT ",vuu'ul"' 4U HB 390-reduces from S,i to 3 per 000. Excess income revenues be- j cent tax on insurance companies and vond those nMl to ram the Ptrtedtwnestic i companies under the act. i it Z .. I xlB 3U1 provides lor uie M elementary school tax and other i mortality t 1 :V on nnn nnn m i Irate. With buiie levies, ao.uuu.uuu lor propeny him T F tax relief in school districts, and I SB 241 fixing salaries of Wasco vie rrrv nrtra m j.tl. v. tuuiur uuiiib. uie propeni ww.i -309delintag powers and duties reuei cusnion would go into a 1 of state- board of . higher education. - i ?i a i I SB 325 provides for election of leg oiaic auu suumjr kuwi aim? "u i-utor. ; hv numbers In- Multnomah wouia oe given to uie counoes to i county, . i: ..... 7 .... I HR ! cancel ine siu per census icnua Additional liquor oniroi ApproTea The house Monday approved two don and Reps. Burt Snyder of more senate bills to aid me aie Lakeview and Stanhope Pier of liquor commission in closing ; il- Portland will constitute the emer- 18" ulor Premises, yne oiu gency board! under appointments provides ; lor crmiiscauoa; oi au announced in the senate and house equipment and . fixtures, and the Monday. - other bill strengthens the law for Ex-officio members will include abatement ol nuisances. Sen. Howard Bel ton, senate presi-1 , dent; Rep. Eugene Marsh, speaker i Veterans Preference chairman, of senate ways and Measure Approved means, and I Rep. Henry Semon, chairman, of house ways and means. ! The senate passed and sent to the governor Monday a bill to In the Senate give veterans preference! in em ployment on public works. Bills passed Monday: HB 29 increasing salary of Multno mah district court constable. PILES (Hemorrhoids) flstala - Fissure ft; Prolapse and other t y p e a of Rectal A Colon conditions treat ed without - loss of time. QUICK I ; RELIEF ' HB 26 outs Into general fund that ttmrt nf linnnr sarmli revenue allocated 1 property levy xor scnoox purposes, j to ernes no longer incorporated. From all appearances, iffthese Oreton,1mmL. iW bills become law there will be no I HB 2S0 bars wage d educations for . , , , nirivn permission. whether or not the voters approve HB 342 gives war veterans prefer- A.1 e - A nAH nan A. M . ti :U I ZTICC XT1 SUW ilODl, we fiu.uuM.uuu tax xor vie puua- i HB 4oBlibw, .ucces&ful claimants ing program. The discount Was 75 I attorneys' fees under workmen's com- j per cent in 1944 and 30 pet; cent "umort2 certain city cen- in 194 ;i I suses for liauor fund allocations. Sis zs autnonzes game commission to install screens and by-passes. Repassed SB 219, 236; HB 113. Adopted: HJM 8 asking federal expenditures be limited to presidential estimate In budget; Do i not pass" adopted and fkjf ! 'I 'in j measure inaermiteiy postponed: l1 nn i.Tl Pit. r nVm SB 200 broadening powers of cor- porauons commissioner. The hriuse Monrlav adontrl 4S Referred SB 103; HB 259, 280, : .T " I MM i - tn-fl th canatft infnt memorial I 0A "Do NO HOSPITALIZATION Call for examination or write for FREE descriptive booklet. Dr. R. Reynolds CHnie Nature-Proctolorist 211 N. Uberty SU Salem, Ore. Senate Gncurs in Balanced Budget Plan . The senate adopted 28 to 4 Mon day a house memorial asking for constitutional amendment re quiring the government to operate on a balanced budget in time of peace. . PORTLAND BILL "OUT , Mayor Earl Riley of Portland and chamber of commerce presi dent David B. Simpson announced Monday that the bill to authorize cities to carry out such projects as Portland's 32-block civic cen ter will not be introduced in the legislature Instead, they said, a similar measure will .be presented to the Portland' voters at a special election June 22. t Domestic Insurance Finns Will Be Taxed The senate Monday passed a house bill to compel domestic in surance . companies to pay the same tax on premiums that out- of-state companies pay, and re ducing this tax from 2Y to 2 per cent The tax had to be applied to companies with - home offices In Oregon because a supreme court held the tax, as applied only to out-of-state companies, was discriminatory. IIccI: T7esl Insiilalicn Installed under pneumatic 4 pressure. AND- Metal Interlocking Weather Stripping Saves ap to 40 la your fuel. Free Estimate - No Obligation I. D. Campbell 1615 Roosevelt i Phone 84SI i FISH STUDY APPROVED tee Monday voted do pass re port in connection with a resolu tion providing for an interim com mittee to study commercial fish ing resources on the Columbia river and its tributaries. . The senate resolutions commit- Beware Coughs f frca cczsca cciis I That Hang On i Creomulsioa relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to heU) loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid Mture to soothe and heal raw, tender. In- .lamed hmnchlal mucous mem branes. Ten your druggist to sell yon a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding yon must like the way It quickly allays tne cougn or you axe to nave your money doc. CREOMULSION for Coachs. Chest Colds. Brondiit ? ? ? ? 11usaVaatldicaeteB?sBa8d Cp Essistaact lisst Sack Distress! XiTdla R Pt&khamli Vegetable Com pound is famout not only to reUv moathly cramp, hasdaefca, harlaicha, but aiao aooompaaylag uerrou ten. Ion, cranky, resUea. ttrsd. "draggad out fadings whan due to functional monthly disturbances. Ptnrham's Compound kwhat Doctors call a tUerise BtAatiot because U has a soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Taken rgtuarty--thla rreat madldna help build up reslstanee against such distress. A eery aeasttX thing to dol It' also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. Buy todaji VECnASU COJAPOUND Military Work Approved in! (SJM 2) asking compulsory! mili tary! training, but the proposition was ! sharbjy amended and will go back to the senate for further ac tion. ' i . adopted: SB 220; HB 281, 285, 177, : HB 280, 388. committee reports 358, 60. Calendared today: HB 422, 423, 424, 425, 428, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434. Rep. Warren Erwin led a battle to re-refer the memorial tof com mirtM 1nr rfpWinn tit the hmisa amendments which would give Study of Veterans' r2S,f "Sar LegbMon Sought through R. O. T. C, the national guard, or summer camps, instead of in. army encampments but the motion was lost 48 to ' 8.3 The amendments provided for compul sory training of j, anyone i who reaches the age lof 21 without meeting basic standards. 1 I Rep. Robert Behnett of Port land opposed the! memorial "in liny fprmw as contrary to demo House joint resolution 15 to cre ate a seven-member interim com mittee to integrate, for the infor mation of the legislature and-the executive branch of government, all veterans legislation, both state and national, was 'introduced by Rep. Harvey Wells and Sen. Lee Patterson Monday. The report of the committee would enable the director of vet- Jratic principles and Bep . John I assemblie, to have all J piv.aw.1 A ruu?.u cxxc , ui tinent legislation at their finger- more step w tips, Wells isaid. Tees. KSUI KOIN KG? KEX (1390 kc) (97 kc) (629 ke) (1199 ke) C:0 News News Farm Fair Bugler "X" C:is . . i Stars ' Je Music Time KOIN Klock News S:4S News Jour. Living - News News Fletcher (Roundup Boys f :1S Orchestra News Headlines (New 7:3 News Bill Haworth Choral Singer I James Abbe . I:4S Voice of Hope News (Sam Hayes IList'ng Post :t Haven of Restr l User News Stars Today B'fast Club S:1S Haven of Rest Valiant Lady James Abbe S:3S - News laght World Music of V'nnaf S-.4S Song Today Aunt Jenny . - 1 t:M News i Kate Smith . (Voice Nation j Glamour :1S M. Downey IBig Sister Larry Smith :Se Pastor's Call 1 Helen Trent Personality Breakfast t:s I Gal Sunday -. " 1:M News pVJfe Beautiful Ruth Forbes Tony Morse 1T:15 With Lopes IMa Perkins News Stars of Today 1:M Paula Stone IB din Flynn Homemaker True Story IS:4S Orchestra Goldbergs Art Baker 11:0 11:1 ji-.je 11:45 Ced. Foster (Joyce Jordan Safety Prof.. Two en Clue Never too Old I lit. naione Orchestra 1 ITena. Tim Guiding Light Children In White Hymns Baukhag Ethel Ladles Noon Top Trades News ' - Women of Am. Correspondts 12:1 ' News Neighbors Ma Perkins Rosa Rio 12:3 Hillbilly Horizons Young family J. B. Kennedy 12:4S Music Bach. Child'n. Haopmess Ranch Boys 1.-0S. News - IHouse Party IBackst Wife. Time Views 1:1S Lum n' Abner I Stella Pallas . Radio Parade l:3e T. Harris Tim Mus. Gateways Loren. Jones News t:4S Music . I i tWidder Brt 1 Hollywood News lNewspaper Girl Marries What's Doing t:lS Melody Time Portia 4 - 3:3 Music . ' (Meet Missua Plain Bill Church S.-4S Radio Tour - Front Pag T. Tucker 34 . News News (Road of Life Grace Elliott J:1S Concert Hour SUte Trstfle David Harura News J:3 Concert Hour Showboat Plea. Time Appt. with Life S:4S Johnsons ' World Today I Aunt Mary Band 4:M Fulton Lewis I San. Martin Dr. Kate Symph. Swing " 4:IS . Rex MiUer ( E. Winters News R. G. Swing 4:3S Hse. of Myst. I Melody, Hour Rhythm Stage Door ' 4:4S Orchestra - Day Foster Hop Harrtgan IM News Mary Marlin For Release Pirates S:IS Superman : Red's Gang IChas. Barb Dick Tracy : S:M Tom Mix " News (With Judy Armstrong s ; S:4S News Wire News -r- y Cap. Mldnrght IM , G. Heatter , Inner Sanctum I Mystery Condon Sings ' g:lS J. Fiddler ; J .. " S:3 Forum Panpy-Smfth IF. McGee Bands S:iS Forum. Hello Soldier: t , ....... tM Forum The Front Bob Hope i Trans. Qui .1:15' L. Thomas"..'-- . 1:S Red Ryder-' SeeU'a TeU Hildegarde Man's Family v : :4S .-I.' - - Bed Ryder ; ' - I - ' S-ea LS. HUIglits J. fUrkwood t Supper Oub Ted Malan S-lS Orchestra Mutc IFleet. La wton Lum'a Abner S:M Concert Prog. Romance jPresents Alan Young - t:e News (Big Town For Boys News :IS Ren Millar 3t - Our Duty Mlllloa Dollar Hollywood Headlines t:4S News ! ' t - Sammy aCaye !: Fulton Lwrto- IS Star Final ' New Blue Pastels lt:lS Orchestra - Veterans . Town New i News. lft:3 - News . 1 Edwin C. HID Gardening Orchestra 1S:4S Orchestra I Ten. Rangrs (Barbara Orchestra - llt True Detect. Mas Jordan Also Serv Concert Hour 11 lis Talks Orchestra m , . i Air-Fio Orchestra Organ v U -4S .. i ii -iii Orchestra ' . - . Il-SS ' ';- News .New . New 12 e Sign off TMusic, New ' War New a plan rone ictatorship." e-referraj, but when that fioUon iNommaUon by 1'oSltlOn as lost he voted for the memorial ADDrovpn bv Senate faa the best thing I've got tb vote Mi j ' n." Erwin refused to vote for The senate, 20 to 8, Monday ap- Ihe curtailed nlani i Droved and sent to the house a bill I Voting i"no" on the araended under which candidates for tiie legislature! in Multnomah county would be nominated by position rather than enmasse as provided l by the existing law. There would I be 13 representative positions and Ml ii ll Ii! . live, senate posiuons. memorial were Reps. Bennett, ferady, Condit, Dickson, Erwin, I'rench, Harvey, Jones, PierS Sny- per, l nomas. i Controversial Issues pang's Disease Bill ps Granted Approval The senate agricultural 5 com-1 Still Up to Senate puttee voteo. unanimously jwonoay house was nearing the end m recommena lavoraoie senate of its work today but the senate paction on, the bill; to tighter! con- still; faced several controversial Jtrol of Bang's disease in dairy bills which the house dumned in- herds a source of undulant fe- to the senate last week. These in- ?ver but left pending until; today elude measures to enact the clgar- laction on the companion meas- et tax, 5-mill property tax, civil lire requiring pasteurization of service for, state employes, and re- ilk from 'chronically- infected tirement pay for public employes. Sierds. . '. I J i I ii ; p 1 Erwin Objects to Bill For Prison Facilities I Rep. Warren Erwin, Portland democratl was alone in voting I'no" Monday on a joint ways and ii.-L"' . 111 A . ! A - l aCelly Given New Duties f".d, !? ter- K T ii w I tarn" Anril 19 ' wn jiver uasin orpup KOAC TfJFSDAT S5 ste. ltt New 18:15 Th Homemaker; Hour. 110 School ef Air: a U 30 Concert Halt U00 News No.F"m Hotn-. 10 Ridin" the Range.t M Has ten th Day 130 Variety Tkne. 1:00 AA0W; 3:30 Memory Book of Miudc: S:0 New; J.15 Music ef the Msnters 40 Adventure tn Research 4:lj Red Cross Girls; 4:39 Here Comes Stayton WSCS Meeting Held at Mrs. Ruggles STAYTON The Methodist! Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice met with Mrs. Starr Ruggles : Thursday I afternoon. Mrs. W. J. t Wright was co-hostess. The guests were Mrs. H. J. Rowe. i Mrs.; Gabe DeJardin. Mrs. Ed Omeans committee I bill to fcppro- Ipriate $9,248,334 for state-insti tutions. He objected to an item j SchUes. Mrs. Clifford Stavton. Mrs. I oi i67,uou lor improvements at Rosa Hushes. Mrs. L. H. Wriffht. i-the state; penitentiary, including Mrs Addie Palmateer. Mrs. Alex f"private ;toilets," f asserting that Harold, Mrs. Nora L. John and Ethe state should "make It as un- Mrs) W.P. Wanacott. comfortable as possible" foe crlm- The quarterly birthday tea will inals. i "' - i ' I be held March 22. Hostesjiex will I be announced. Mrs. L. H. Wright f ! - i The house sent to the governor today a ways and means commit tee bill; providing that John W. Kelly, director of the state post war readjustment and develop ment commission,! also shall serve as i secretary to the Willamette river basin commission, f Kelly thus would take over the duties of John HJKipp. BILL SENT TO COMMITTEE The bill to provide a 100 -bed psychiatric hospital in Portland, if the voters approve, was taken from the table in the house Mon day and: sent back to committee for further consideration. The sen ate has - approved the project to cost $500,000. ' - l Band 45 Shall We Walter 1:00 On the Upbeat SdS Vincent Lope. S:4S London Letter. S AO New. S:1S Kve- Ring rarm Hour. TM Southland Sing-f tar; T:19 Listen to Leibert; 7:30 Cam- pus Becital: S World in Review;? 1:30 Music That Kadures;. 9 J9 News; 13 Evening Meditations-. 10 0 Sign; Off, - . - ". I Lc:!r xl Yczr ELzzz Yliiiri cf , STUBHLEFZE1D SHOE SHOP 15S S: .Commercial - .'' rf ' " rw?ja 0sswarssS! aa -sr..- r- 0 C) Westinghouse " fcwafejpi m ssiiiiiiiiii Hal ilinil , . t f, - 1S3 on Yota- Did " OMBB NfeMsaMasSsMMSM 1- ;;ic':': ( RAINY VfiM$ WHEN) (M? fT fi'i Skids cant go Sf V '$i 16 ' XX ) BLONDIE raOMflDBCHt BASE. HAVE KrlOCKEP CUT THE EhfMYtf H10QEN REUX..FK3M wMCH THC HAP SEEN SeaZETiy KiWN6r owe HOW PIP THty UCUYE.K, inc ksoe weor iieiMa "APTilPf D NK BOWBEl.. EA IM DOWN, CAPTAIN SMITH KtHE OX. JUST TIED THE FACT TO6THEfc...ANp WT THE JAP- POT. WO CHET; WEkc ... &ETTK. HJZZ EM, FDK AN I AiimraM avunvrx. f miMD AH I .JBsawn B v. r 4.1 risn rr -nKJ nmrMPV TUP I I : I s rrtm-,rtLmAi -1 r rv v i- , tuat .af huudc she fame n i ill IXC (Al sWI 1 nC llri tmy-l I oil frro kv. 1 1 UE AW fXJR PIAHE$. IN A St 1 1 1 UU9 UnklabBl? P If, I 1 A I I rW ' ii sMTs n I X I mi i a tot nwiorw J 'a, Wy mmm w z-rw x-fass V I i CiI 'aJ "S j - ! r 1 1 c jcsk to scat tw l I w xrt'e,w s(ymf?-a - : feeScZ HW r m (D M i c4jTjPy mm pJatWsW- MICKEY MOUSE : I J 1 i J- ;,V ,u Pt . 1 1 - . ii v i i iv-ka- 's. i t ii rvisiaivjr-r i ;- u ?VOAV -It II v -i I -mr ' - THIMBLE THEATRE ; Irish Orchids to You -I ' ' "A Salem Orchid' Lady? Ulaybe You Will Be One Listen to Breneman's . ii, BREAKFAST IN HOLLY - j WCOD, at 90 over KEX, I Monday through Friday. Drop a postal . givlnaT name, I address, age and birthday to KEX, Portland, before midnight, March . 15th. i ' Aq orchid to the oldest lady writing in each day. . I : i ALLEE TTME BOSS EES I I " i aiENOS COME EATEE AV J,-. J DCINIE ALLEE SAMEE jyyj .gtnuKE wolves- ; r .IV-t .1.. L 1 LITTLE ANNIE EOONEY OOWT WORQY. SINS. WHEN ALL THE SERVANTS MR. LACY ADVERTISED COME YOU CAM ri IT EASY fl crto ii jr.wnN un i j ' L" lVf SORRY! YES, I REALIZE ITS IMPORTANT. N0-N0-NO! WELU TRY TO MAKE. IT. GOODBYE : : JTS-ri I THE IDME CANGtB.TONTO C ' ' EE hunt FOR A CAMP SITE- - PACKER A LESSON M DEMN6- WHCAWVOV, J (jACOJT7 7 I SILVER 77? TUE LONE HANGER HOVtOWOKTHEY CAiLTHJS'BrrTEJ? CKBCVWRES HAKuUr Nvf VTER .1 EjtwiA'T.J. ft IT'S PC0B ABLY FULL WrOTSS' RAjrt THIS VS THE f 1CST TIME TYE WtR UWTCO . siii J 1 It