The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 13, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Thm OSIGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Moralng March 13. 13U
Joseph Bernt
Co-op Leader
Dies Sunday
. MT. ANGEL, March 12 Fun
leraV services for Joseph Bernt,
78, who died Sunday, will be held
following 8:15 requiem mass at
St . Mary's church Wednesday
morning. Rosary will be recited
at 8 pjn. Tuesday night at Unger
funeral home. , j
Mr. Bernt was one of ML An
f el's most active workers in co
operatives, was an organizer and
first president of the Mt Angel
flax plant and served as presi
dent for six years, was On the
board of directors of the ML An
gel creamery from February 8,
1928, until his resignation July,
: 1944; was an organizer and served
for a long time on the board of
directors ; of the Farmers Union
Oil company, and helped organ
ize the local Farmers Union. He
was for 12 years a member of the
school board of SL Mary school.
Mr.- Bernt was born December
28, 1869 and came to the United
States at the age of 9 years with
his' parents and lived in Nebras
ka until he came to ML Angel in
He was married to Anna Rohr
In 1891 and they had seven chil
dren. She died in 1911 and he
was married November 1919 to
Mrs. Anna Lorenc and they came
the following year to ML Angel
Survivors are the widow, Anna
Bernt, and the following children,
Mrs. Charles Diessner, Mrs. Frank
Dieter, Mrs. ; Arthur McLain,
Nebraska;j Mrs- Edwin Schaeffer,
Woodburn; and a step-daughter,
Mrs. . Lyman Eder of Gervais;
three tons, - SgL Edward Bernt
now at Santa Barbara; Alfred and
Joseph BernL, at home. Two
daughters! Elsie and Cecelia, are
deceased. There are also 27 grand
children, j
Other survivors are a brother
and two sisters in Nebraska, John
Bernt, Mrs. Anna Glasser and
Mrs. Rose! Walsh; also a third sis
ter, Mrs.j Julia Franker, Okla
Verrionia Folk
Visit in Amity
Former Home
AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Orille
Bobbins and family of Vernonia
were recent guests of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Robbins west
of town. Robbins is athletic coach
in the Vernonia high school and
Mrs. Robbins is teaching there
this year. They are former Amity
residents. h . . .j
1 Mrs. E. OJ Morse spent two days
in Portland with relatives and
'friends last week.
Mrs. Mary Sproal has accepted
a position in the post office to
fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Evelyn Thorpe.
- Faith Emerson of Portland spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. Emerson.
Mrs. Martha E. Brown is in
Salem to visit her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivan
Brown. She has been confined fo
her" home with rheumatism all
winter. .''!'.
Mrs. A. R. Glandon has returned
from a week's visit in Portland
with her sister, Mrs. Ivy White.
Mr. Glandon was an overnight
guest at the White home Satur
day. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glan
don were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie York in Sa
lem. '
.; Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Polhemus
of Garibuldi were guests last week
f of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
and saw many friends here. Rev.
: Poehemus was pastor of the Amity
Methodist church before moving
to Garibaldi last year.
-Falls Gty Visitors
For Week Entertained
FALLS CITY Mrs. Katie Wat
kins has been a guest' the past
week at the Pete Westbrook home.
. Ehe lived here many years ago but
is at Oakridge ' now.
Fred Dornhecker, Jean Williams,
Don - Diehm, Elmer Gish, Vera
' Bchlimmer and Kenneth Wilken-
' ton of the navy; and Art Mack of
the merchant marine visited rela-
, r j-i-p
Cosy as we are with meeting wartime frame de
mands, it's always a pleasure to serve you in any
way wc can. Make United your travel inforaia-;
tkm headquarters.
' , ' . ' - r
Telephon 3343
'TVTo H ; TTvTT b Tl
Family Party
Held by Amitie
Qub Members
f anuly" dinner of the Amitie
club members and their families
was held Friday night with. Dr.
and Mrs. Roy Scofield.
The no-host dinner at 7:30 was
served at small. tables decorated
in" keeping with SL Patrick's day.
A short business meeting follow
ed at w h i c h hostesses for the
year were chosen. April's host
essses will be Mrs. Jack Koch and
Mrs. Vernon Van Cleave; Mrs.
Lee Dow and Mrs. Emory Goode
will direct entertainmenL
Present at the Scofield home
were Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Smith,
Mrs. Harris AulL Mr. and Mrs.
William McAnninch, Mrs. Jack
HyetL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed
and Jimmy, Robert Bartruff, Dale
VanLaanen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Kuenzi, Joyce and James, Mrs.
Florence Wright, Mr. and 'Mrs.
John Cage and Marvin, Donald
and Barbara ScotL Mr. and Mrs.
Emory Goode, Yvonne, FJvin and
Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. John Van
Laanen, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dow,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scharf, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Hammer, Mr.
and Mrs. August. Wirsching, Mrs.
Paul Bassett and Donald and
hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Scofield
and Gene.
Women's Grcle Meets
At Fruitland Church
Circle met at the church annex
The hostesses Mrs. Olga Gerig,
Mrs. Emma Gydesen, and Mrs.
Ellen Gerig had competitive games
with prizes. Later luncheon for the
group was served.
Joe Crahane of Oakland, Calif.,
has been visiting with his sister,
Mrs. Norah Kufner and other rela
tives and friends of this eommun
ity. He used to live in this district
30 years ago.
. Cbas. Yergen and Herbrte Min
ier were recently in the Coos Bay
area where they invested in some
property. -
Snow Stops, Lofting Fourteen
inches of snow at Snow Peak was
reported by the Roaring River
section which had planned to start
work Monday , after a shutdown
for repairs. jCutting on lower
timber lands was stopped because
of the high wind which made fall
ing dangerous. I ,.
Date Is Changed Brush Col
lege will have a minstrel show
and pie social Friday night,
March 16. The date was advanced
a week because of a misunder
standing. The Brush College
Helpers will give the program at
the community club hall.
Valley Obituaries
MONITOR The body of Mrs.
Ada Baumgartner drowned at the
coast February 22 while vacating
with relatives from Monitor was
found Thursday south of Taft by
Edward Battleson of - Scobie,
Mont., was drowned at the same
time when a large wave swept the
two into the ocean. His body was
recovered short time after the
accident. Mrs. Baumgartner's fun
eral was held Saturday at Canby.
She was a sister of Ingval Edland
of this place.
Carl II. Williams
Tax Consultant and
Public Accountant
Olhella G. Purvine
Income Tax Reinrns
Suite 20-21 Ladd Bash
Bank Building
-Phone S654
126 South Commercial St.
Salem. Orecon
Keizer Grange
Has Meeting
Agricultural Reports
Presented Members;
Members AccepletJ
KEIZER The local grange met
at the hall Wednesday when eight
new-members; were given he ob
ligation y the master, H. . Keef-
They were Mr. and Mrf. Stev
Browh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Purdunv'Mr. and Mrs. A. it. Ma
son i. n, Murpny, iueanor t ran-
cisco. fti . I
Stars were placed on the ser
vice flag by jMr. and Mrs. Olof
Harold, honoring their sorjs Her
bert who is now in the infantry
inj Germany, and Julian in train
ing at FarraguL A star was placed
fori Luellen Brown by Mr. and
Mrs. Steven Brown.
The agriculture committee gave
quite a complete report on all
phases of agriculture. Fred Wolf
reported ; on laoor ana spraying.
Mrs. Durham told of news trends
in freezing fruits and vegetables.
An interesting report on bees and
their value to fruit raising was
gijveh by A. B. Black. Fred Mc-
Cfill told of a jiew wax spry, still
inj the experimental stage. f It has
been tried on some cherrjr trees
and increased the size 30 pfr cent.
It is used to prevent rrjoisture
is m . . Ti
evaporation irom uie iree.jj
Mrs. rred Wolf displayed a
primrose plant in full bloom,
grown in her small greenhouse,
also some anemonies grown from
seed last year, which were bf good
color and size. Mrs. Wolf also
gave Ideas for the vegetable gard
ner. -( M
iW. E. Savage and E. A Kurtz
told briefly of the happenings In
the legislature. I
The grange gave $15 for the Reb
Cross war fund. I
wuiert fiowden gave a com
plete report on the recent nut
growers meeting nem at nail nere.
Mrs. Lena Ettner and Mrs. Ada
Bowden served refreshments.
' : I '
Brooks Sewing Qub
Guests of Mrs. Bosch
:u i
BROOKS The Sewig club
met with Mrs. H. H. Bosch. The
afternoon was spent seeing by
Mrs. Harry Singleterry, Ms. Wil
lard Ramp, Mrs. Elmer Corn, Mrs.
R. L. Davis, Mrs. William JCottew,
Mrs. N P. Vinyard, Mrs. Jay
Bartholomew, Mrs. A. M. fiunlavy,
Mrs. Howard Johnson and daugh
ter Wanda Fae, Mrs. A. p. Side-
bottom and Jimmy Hodgkijnson.
Free transportation to Seattle, Washington,
f.!en especially needed.
sznvics pmzz op tes uah iiaiipoveii cors::i
Those now engaged in essential war work
Valley Calendar
i Sidney-Talbot Horn Extension unit,
home of Mrs. A. R. Blinston. S p.m.
west woodburn Home Arts ciud.
p.m. Project leaders. : '--
i Laurel Social Hour club. 1:30 p.m.
Mrs. T. X. Hoereth.
Men'a nleht. Red Huls grange, din
ner 1:30 pm..' - , rr'-
i Silverton Home Extension unit, home
of Mrs. George J.tescnke, 1:45. -
: Salem grange, game party, Mrs. M.
D Smithson. 235 North 15th.
Hazel Green Sunshine club, Mrs.
Ralph ; Gilberts.
Roberts Home Extension unit, home
of Mrs. R D. Davenport. 1 JO. Project
leaders. I
Calif ornians
Visit! Monitor
MONITOR Mrs. George Si
card went to the Silverton hos
pital Thursday afternoon for a
major operation.
Maj. and Mrs. Bruce Gillanders
and children from Victorville, Cal,
visited friends in Monitor Wednes
day. ;
Mrs. R. ; L. Welsh of Portland
spent Wednesday and Thursday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Reed Conyne.
Mrs. Jessie Nelson and Nancy
of Laurelwood spent Thursday
night at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Harry Rushold.
81st Birthday Is
Marked by Party
FALLS CITY Warren Frink
was given a birthday dinner at
the home of his son and daugb
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Frink of McMinnville, for his 81st
birthday, j
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Frink, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
WestbrooJc and Iris, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Frink, Mrs. M. L. Thomp
son and son Hal; Mr. ' and Mrs.
Jess Plankinton of Waldport, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Frink and Virgin
ia and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Adams
of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. W
A. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Ennie
Frink, and, Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Leavitt of Newberg, Mrs. Allie
Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Shinn of I Salem.
Accident Results in
Injury jof PupiPs Toe
a sixth grade pupil, had the mis
fortune to cut his foot severely
with an axe early this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wallman
drove to j Portland last week to
visit Mrs.' Harley Oddie and baby
daughter. .
Help Build the
IIAnCQ 13-14-15-16
Physically qualified women also eligible.
Good pay Excellent workin conditions. r
i Yea xtXX be paid while train!
Help huHd America's ccst needed bis fcec&er.
Used Qothes
Sent Overseas
MONITORThe Dorcas Society
met with Mra-vHarryS Rushold
Wednesday for an all day meet-
tegi A : comforter was tied and
clothes packed for' foreign relief.
The Elliot Prairie Aid Society
met with Mrs. Hazel Tyler in
Woodburn Thursday. A covered
dish luncheon was served at noon.
Two. baby quilts were, quilted for
the hostess, j Visitors were Alma
Timm, Anna Lenners and Jimmie
of -Woodburn.
Members present were Kate
Payzant, Valda Burkert, Leon a
Hughes, Magna Hanson, Irene
Harrison and Myrtle, Lucille Cran
dall, Mrs. Kappler, Mary Thyker,
Mary McKee, May Harrison, Car
rie E. Tyler, Juanita Baker and
Barry. j
Blanche Norton, Helen Hanson,
Josephine Ball weber arid Carol
Caseyne attended - the' Rebecca
lodge meeting at Hubbard Friday
night. The district president made
the annual visit to the chapter.
Retail Food Costs
Up 44.5 in Portland
PORTLAND, March! 12- (JP)-
Retail food , costs in Portland in
mid-January were 44.5 per cent.
more than during the i same pe
riod of 1941, the bureau of labor
statistics reported today.
As 12.6 per cent decline In egg
prices between midj-December
and mid-January was reflected in
a slight drop in the current price
index, the bureau said.;
Jack Hyetts Sell Farm
To Colorado Family
property turnover in tpu com
munity is the 18 acre farm home I
ofMr. and Mrs. Jack Hyett, sold
last week to Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Andrews and family, recently of
Colorado. j
- The, Andrews have three ''chil
dren, two daughters, 9 and 11
years, who will be in grade school
and a son. 14, who will) be in jun
ior high school.
Loyal Woman's Class
Entertained Thursday
FALLS CITY Mrs. tthel Guth
ridge entertained the Loyal Wom
en's Bible class Thursday. Assis
tant hostesses were Mrs. F. Wiens
and Mrs. Clarence Hetwick. De
votional were led by Mrs. L.
Goode. j
Others present were Mrs. A.
Freer, Mrs. I. Bartel, xs. C. Ben-
efiel, Mrs. J. Letterman, Mrs. E.
I T. T ir
need not apply.
Lebanon Scouts
Have Birthday
Observance -
LEBANON Observance of Girl
Scout week, - March . 11 to 17
started with ' attendance : at the
morning service -at the Presbyte
rian church. ' Rev. J.- Harvey
Schmidt spoke on "Taking the
Same View," his message was a
personal one rather than a part of
the scout theme of the week that
scouting builds world "friendship.
Leaders ' and members ' of -;the
council as well as members of the
troop attended. H;' - tK
Tuesday night each troop will
have a table which they will dec
orate themselves for the father
daughter - banquet in . the : social
rooms of the' Presbyterian: church.
A covered - dish dinner will be
served and a scout birthday cake
will be the gift; of the counciL
Saturday, March 17 will be
Girl Scout tag day when an ef
fort will be made to get public
support for the many additional
scouting activities made neces
sary by : the increased member
ship. All money raised by this
sale of tags will be used in the
local program.
Members bf the local troops will
wear their scout uniforms to
school as well! as while partici
pa ting in the various programs
planned in observance; of the
birthday of girl scouting during
the week.
The Lebanon scout program
began in 1924 with two patrols of
eight members each. Now there
are 164 girls in the work. This was
the first troop organized in the
valley outside of : Portland. Mrs.
ohn Gill began the work, here.
Mrs. Ralph Reeves is the present
girl scout commissioner.
LaDuke, Mrs. J. Ward, Mrs. Cora
McCoy, Mrs. F. E. Driggs, Mrs.
Laura Horn, Mrs. Eva Teal, and
Mrs. Joy Calavan. The April
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Horn.
1 EQgGQ gq B OH) 1
RICHFIELD fuels have always been leaders . .
on land and aloft. Tho fuel that povcro the
Jet Propulsion piano is still another example
of j Richfield I leadership in tho production of
aviation fuels. Richfield was FIRST to produce
a fuel specifically designed for Jet Propulsion
engines. Its production, in volume, is dramatic
proof bf the vision and versatility of tho
petroleum industry. Jet Propulsion fuel is
one moro western contribution to !ho iobbf
maintaining American mcstcryof the sides.;
Lebanon Woman v
In Nurses Corps
LEBANON Ha Bahrke has re
ported for duty at Palm Springs,
Calif., after army training at
Madigan ' General hospital, 4 Ft
Lewis. The course- at Palm
Springs, is braining, for overseas
work. - ,
Miss Bahrke is the daughter of
Mrs. Harold Rodenberger and
after graduation from the Leba-
noon high school she studied at
Walla, Walla college and later the
nurses training school - of Eman
uel hospital In Portland. She
was graduated in 1944 and work
ed for a short time in Astoria and
later , at Virginia Mason hospital
in SeaUte.
Her older brother, MSgt Ver
non Bahrke, is with the third
army in Germany. - , V
Fruitland Community
Program Is Presented
ity club presented a program by
the men .which included musical
numbers by Otis Shepherd, Tilman
Foust, Herman Amort, Lois Shep
herd, Evelyn Peterson, Don and
Eleanor Bis bee, Leonard Mosser
and E. Lt Scott .
Mrs. Peter Erickson gave a read
ing The Old Norwegian Woman,1
and Osborn Slocum gave an im
personation. Mrs. Frank Lappan,
new teacher at Fruitland, was in
troduced to the community by
Don Bisbee.
A pie ;. social was held after the
meeting' with the. men serving.A
large group attended the meeting.
Mrs. Lloyd Girod and sons, Al
len and Jimmy and Mrs. Anna
Girdo left last week for California
to join LL Lloyd Girod, U. S. navy,
stationed there. r - ' '
Men Give Programs-Red Hills
grange will have an open meet
ing for the men's night program
and supper Tuesday night at Lib
erty. Two educational films will
be shown and other numbers will
be provided by the men.
Earl Reeds Observe
Ttvo Anniversaries
Mrs. Earl JReed of Silvtrton,
held an anniversary dinner on
theif 37th wedding anniversary
and the first birthday "of their
grandson, Victor Earl Reed, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed of
this community.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Reed, Victor and Jimmy, Mrs.
Mary Swingle (maternal grand
mother), Gay and Claire Swingle .
and Noel Swingle of Swegle; Mrs.
Martha Fletcher, Roy Reed and
son, Kenneth ol Salem and Miss ;
Emma Reed Portland. . -
Brooks! Woman U 4
Completes Visit
BROOKS-i-Mrs. ,Willard Ramp
has returned from Klamath Falls
where she spent a week with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Ramp'. He is in the navy.
The program ' presented by the
Brooks Farmers Union at the f
Brooks schoolhouse Included
reading, Gu$ Harris; recitation.
Sonny Phillips; harp solo. J.
Sheets; violin solo, Muriel Fitts;
song, primary pupils; song, Larry
Powell; talk,! Mrs. Orr, and group
singing. Sheets was the auction
eer for the -baskets. One basket
brought $7 ' Jand , proceeds were
$70.50, which; will go to the fund
for educational purposes.
Cecil Wright 16-year-old son
of Mr. and .Mrs. Loman Wright,
underwent af major operation last
week. 1
.j --
Big Penicillin Shipment
Going toPacific Troops
- WILMINGTON, Calif., March
12 - (yip) - More than $1,000,000
worth of penicillin, one of the
largest shipments of the drug to
leave the Upited States, recently
was placed aboard a refrigerated
ship at the Xos Angeles port: of
embarkation bound for an over
seas base to treat American sol
diers wounded in Pacific action.
SaUni Alrprt - -
cif rca ticrcxt L
) , - t - '
j , ' . ; I