'J? 1 1 i ' T&GS TV7ZLYZ v Brake Safety Program Set For April 15 ' Law enforcement officers in this "vicinity wilt join similar agencies '7C in ; virtually every community 'In the,j nation .In 'Ja brake emphasis iprogram during the period April 15 to June 1, Chief of Police Frank . A. Minto announced today, v , .-The program: is sponsored na- -tionaily by the: international -As--7 sociation of Chiefs of Police and ' has as its purpose the emphasizing .'7' .of the importance of checking - brakes periodically to assure high ! "est possfbile efficiency in their op- Jeration. . ' . , 7"7..'- ' ., 7. . "Thousands of motorists are .'driving, motor vehicles that are ':---', several years older' than they ,', : wotJd drive under normal condi . ;tions," Chief Minto said. "Brakes : on: older cars may well 'be so far : , : - out of, adjustment as to constitute . a menace toN other traffic on our , highways and streets. . Often, the 7;- driver does not realize that his .brakes are not properly adjusted ' .for .safe stopping. "It is to call the public's atten tion r to the importance of good 7 ; u brakes and to cause our drivers , ;v to determine whether their own , : .brakes are adequate, that this cam- gaign Ja being sponsored.' : . 7 ' .Chief Minto said that traffic en- for'cetnent, officers would make it . simple check on .vehicles stopped , during routine traffic enforcement r" procedure during the period April .ISrJune 1. The check, devised by ' automotive. engineers for the? In : ternational Association, is design ; ed to show the motorist, and the police, whether, the -foot brakes are adequate to stop the car within . , ' the prescribed lawful distance. "The check consists of placing a ' small, slotted block of wood, one inch thick, on the floor boards un der the brake pedal," the chief . . said. "The pedal is then depressed ' and if the pedal strikes the block before it starts taking hold, it is Evidence that the brakes need at tention. Engineers have determin . ed that if brakes donot start tak- ing bold, till there is only an inch of pedal travel left, they ar not adequate for safety." Large Class KC To Be Received Here oh Sunday; ' Knights of Columbus of the val ley have a full day's program planned for next Sunday, March '11 when the conferring of the three . degrees of the order will take place on a large class of new members for Salem council. The initiation will commence promptly at one o'clock at the St. Joseph's hall, and will continue throughout the afternoon followed by buffet supper. Preceeding the conferring of the degrees at 11 o'clock in thie morn ing," a state officers meeting of the Knights of Columbus of Ore gon has been called by Clarence Brown, state deputy, of Eugene. It will be held at the Marion hotel. Plans will be discussed for the 1945 program of Columbianism in Oregon. The days program will be under the direction of William J. LaRoche of Salem, district dep uty, assisted by Gordon Coffey, grand knight of Salem council. Merchant Mariner Duane Isaac son has written his mother, Geneva Isaacson, 1555 North Summer street,5 Salem, that he is now tak ing advanced training in the en gine department. He also prac tices gunnery. The 135 II. Commercial For Waris as well as T Corns Simply ri g e Schaefer's Corn Remedy, same as corns. Come In and we will, gladly explain it' to you. : . ' Sold the Schaefer Way ,K Cure, No Pay 250 r' .' B ERCJH T ESC AD EN VI L L AS Mountain villas nestle aalnst the slope at the edge ef the town of Berchtesgaden, la southern Germany, near-Hitler's Berghof hideaway, i 'Vi' :-:.::.-;'::'t- fe::::ii:-A:i;.:i' C - RATIONMOULDS durinr a school i v : fx airy y-4 r I If ! If -;v ) ;.V-V:.( WEST. .AFRICAN DANC EMembers of a West African front in Burma, near newly taken Akyab, put on a tribal dance Original "YELLOW FRONT Sole Agents for Penslar Remedies for Marion County Prescriptions Filled 1899-1945 Rubber Gloves J . . . . . 49j " -' ' ij . :- : ." i'' ::;'"7;r - . :7i f,.i;;.'i'V'-;' r : sf Schaefer's ii . 3 ?' nerve and Evervlfcffig for BONE LINIMENT i v! n,lT -For the relief .of the discom- IHB liaOJ M eneismUM gaUonL: We W a eomplete llne of oTmuSles 50 C .nrf S 1 B"d for babies, tet or muscles www and 1 A u fill your prescriptions. T l8. f11 ar Remedy stoW for Marion county. Yox wiU find these preparations of highest quality and guaran teed to be exactly for what they are sold arid represented to.be. 'ir"-nm r - - fster C-ration cans as moulds FilipinA children make mud pies recess. Picture was made at Manaoag, Luzon. P. L 7f :.r vr 7 x Drug and Candy Special Again! May we suggest that you should 'al ways call your, doctor if you are ill or injured. Then bring your prescrip tion to us; by years of experience 7 we are prepared to fill them expertly and accurately. : .3 - . OTZQOU STATETI-lAir. Cclta, 1 a 0 division stationed on the Allied for: a ceremonial occasion. Store 5137-8723 For Coughs and Colds j Herbal Balsam SOC and S1.00 Sure relief for that tickling cough and for coughs due to colds. . ' lleuralgic Pain? Ty Schaefer's Pain Tablets I 43c and C9c ; "Sr?1 iicsd cow Oregon. Friday Mondng. Merc Scouts-Slate Tree Planting On Sixty Boy Scouts 'representing ouitan s 40 scoui units; wm par ticipate in thehf yearW tree nlant-' ing expedition in the Silver creek burn" next Saturday morning. Trucks from i the state fbrestrv department and officials from the scout omce and .forestry service, will meet the scouts in the Marion county ...courthouse at. 8J07 Salur-' aay morning for. the trip to the tree planting 'area , 7; 7 .This will be the third nlantinz in (the area, .'and to be chosen -to: represent their troops is a coveted honor in most of the" proximately, lp,. thousand' Douglas rirs ana f ort ..oxford cedars will be Sblanted. rBovs will. talr hAir owp- lunches' but ho? cocoa " will be provided jat noon. -They will re turn about 6 o'clock.-V.. - , The project is under the- direc tion ol t Sam r Miller jof the. state forestry . department, 7 aided. , by Louis Amort and Bob Batdorf of the department ind Lyle Leighton of the scout office. A second tree planting ' expedition to the same site will be held two weeks later, March 24, .when' scouts from the Marion district; including Stavton. Lyons. Turner, and Mill atVi-will follow k similar plan, leaving: from aiaytqn.. 1 . 1 - , . . - This tree planting effort not only aids in a small way Ihe for estry service in t their' work' "but aids in the!prpnjotion of conserva- uon ' inrougn f participation and education" of .the 'scouts.- :t - Scott Reports -! - . , XT.- ,..- ? S41,575,229.6C In Treasury t Cash on hand in the state" treas ury; department as. of February Z8,i including, unreceipted items, aggregated'. $41,575,229.60. state treasurer Leslie M. Scott reported here Thursday. Unreceipted items total $8,712,784.07. ; . . . Receipted and unreceinted items include: ; ,7 General fund. $23,100,919.28. land board $442,287,12, Industrial accident mmission $1,706,581.15. board of higher education $395.- 174.95. board of control $45,053.24. state highWy' commission $9,880.- 371.13, : unemployment ' compensa- non commission $176,749.19, vet erans state aid conimission $427, 064.47, public assistance $457,849. 38, liquor . control' commission $828,476.65, miscellaneous $72,868. 12 and state school support fund $2,506,504.30. Unemployment compensati o n trust : funds deposited with the United States treasurer aggregate $64,808,000. Bond investments to tal $36,513,899.70, excluding bond investments of -$14,501,366.10 car ried in the cash account. , Saturday Troco Ilargarihe l-Lb. Troco Holds Baby Food 3 ti-,1230 Sonp I'lix Vegetable Noodle ,Pkg. Preserves Apricot-Pineapple.. 1-lb. 270 Super Suds 4 ... ...Large size I 230 .. SunsWne 'fjh : .-Krispy . 1 1, w. 1 IS Carton . . 7 Crachers 1 I I. 1945 4 " ; ... n - V-li U 7? U PRODUCTJON CHIEFTAINS - High-ranking leaders en the production front gathered at Baynne, N. J.. when the Army-Navy TE pennant was awarded to Hie General Cable Corpwatlon plant Left to risht. Sear Adn. Clark H. Woodward, chief f Naval industrial tneentfves division: Dwlcfct It. G. Palmer, eompany president: MaJ. Gen. Harry C. Ingles, chief of the Army Signal Corps; I I and J. A. Krmg. chairman ef the War Production Board. If - JiiaiiifaC(irterP Voice; O f Unusual Charm in' Concert s ' ' ' :''! - ij ' By Maxlne Buren ; .7-' 't A"" iVoung,' attractive and possessing a voice of unusual charm is Juamta' varter, young American 1 an audience of students and townspeople, at the Salem high, school auditorium Thursday night. Miss ' Carter's j appearance climaxed the Crescendo . club's i series of 'four' concerts given this ' season under local student ' management. . ; Miss Carter's " selections were well suited toi her .feSnging voice, and an occasional desipriptive com ment by the artist showed ! an equally' attractive speaking voice. The first group! was ' three -"Eng lish numbers, in which the singer oospiayea me. iync quauiy 01 ner voice. The second group consisted of three Schubert numbers, sung in German. For i her next selec tions, Miss Carter sang a group of especially beautiful rjumbers from Massenet's "Manon" in which she further displayed her talents as a singer of varied music types. Her operetic numbers were especially appreciated. i jj Miss. Cartels final group, sung in English, included "Oh . Lovely Night," by Ronald, "Deaf j Wom an's Courtship," arranged by Pow ell and "Bird of the Wilderness,' melodic and colorful; I Encores included ai comic num ber, "Look Edwin," y Wagenaar, the singer's own arrangement of "The Harp. That Once Through Tara's Halls' and a German num ber "Shy Lover." 1 ' The Crescendo club is to be con gratulated upon: including Miss Carter in its list of artists for the winter series, for she not only is a singer enjoyable I to listen to, PIGGLY - r- -' - - - X. I I - - - --.r. ---- 7 vV77-: - 7 J .7;-, .:- 11 " 1 L,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, Liplotl ; s Tea .i.ib. i $ 1 .03 II.J.B. CoHee 1-lb. glass ddC . Silex Cloths .....Pkg. of 4 100 Apple aucefer!h. 170 H&D 7 7 4' ! . ' ! .' ." Grapefruit Juice IV140 H&D : I I Blended Juice it'l 190 Creamed Honey u"Srion . 290 mm ! Choice PobiU are down en tteaka. Treat your family ( : delicious, Grade A steak dinner ' ' ; Chickens ta Bake -'- . I 7 I Fresh Fish Fresh Oysters 1 - - - , 5 j . . -.7 ;. .:.;f. L. , -... j ; "it '- 7v': ' "vj ' OPEN DAILY- TILL 7 :00 ! P. JL; For IIcaliTo Eal Ue Ccn'l Uz.Hzz V-5 . . yric soprano;' who appeared before but attracts adult and student aud iences alike "with- her personal charm and graciousness.' R. B. Loreiicc of Moiiiiioiith;Witli Sixtl Army SIXTH ARMY GROUP, Trance The ' American artillery battalion in position just behind the infan try on the : U. S: Seventh army Alsac front had just lost two 105 mm. howitzers in an enemy sur prise attackJ "Can you replace our losses," the 264th Ordnance, com pany was asked. ' 7 V: Three hours later, the combat ordnancemett ; had made their de livery. In a few minutes these new 105's were firing in support -of infantry troops which retook, lost ground and on the next day re captured the two lost howitzers. . The Germans had'thrown phos phorous grenades in the howitzer's barrels in an attempt to : destroy them. Again, the 264th came to the rescue, j cleaning the burning phosphorous out of the barrels and saving the guns from damage. Unusual tasks of supply and re pair have become routine for the versatile 264th ordnance company. WIGGLY Granulated Soap -,.270: PalmoliYeSoap Wax Paper w.i2woot rin 170 Carryall Bags m Steaks w ; 1 W ' ' . a medium maintenance unit which began operation in December, 1944 supporting troops of Lt Gen. Jac ob LTlJevers'1 Sixth army group. Pfc. Robert B, Lorence of Mon mouth is the Oregonian of. the or ganization.' . 1 1 ':"' -: ''.J . " Valley Births WOODBURN Births at the Woodburn hospital include: . VTdMr. and Mrs. Louie A. Han el a' son,' Dennis Xee, Feb. 27. Mr. Hahel is carpenter's mate' 2c in the , US navy. 1 This is their, first child. " 7 V7- J -A' ". : To Mr: and Mrs C. Bean, a daughter, Linda Sue, Feb. 28, first child. :f . -i ; To Mr. and I Mrs. P. -S. Culp a son, Alvin Harry, born March 2, third child third boyJ To Mr. and Mrs. Everett George a- daughter, Corliss ' Lee. She has one brother.- ij ' " ' rr "tin iipiiMiii m .tm - $0 othor HttilAMOt fmit Jutt at C 41 Each 100 7- I Quarts 150 K gal. 250 -t.7 :'Vj; I -. Geo. 7s!i:gloi . Tciscco l-Lb. Carton : 7 71 Old Fashion Iressrag - . S .'..- : , -' t - s i 1 . . " ' ' Bottle. 3)7; I - STOP A COLD IN v , ONE DAY Don't Coddle a Cold Kill It with , - : GoW- . V Price Lr' f C TREAD EASY v hose; DROPS: . mm -'-if Athlete's Foot D M mStlV .tllM Am. tm. : rHo this intnM ttchins SOc I 25c 50 c 3 Ilcrih Capi!:I d Ihrhcl L i I s MM M : At sail J