PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. iThuradar Meaning. March 8. 1945 i IT- A Yanks at South End or Luzon Toe First Time MANILA, Thursday, March 8 '. -American ground forces on Luzon have penetrated below Ma- ' WU to the south coast for the first time while planes, in attacks along the approaches to the Asi atic mainland, have sunk or danv " aged two enemy warships and 16 ' freighters, some used - as trans ports 1 Oen. Douglas- MacArthur an- . nonnced these successes in his communique today. Eleventh' airborne division Yanks and the 153th infantry reg iment, moving swiftly south below Manila bay, captured two towns on Balayan bay Tuesday. Balayan bay is on the Verde island passage, ' across from American-held Min- doro island. . They seized the towns of Ba layan and Calatagah, which are in . j Batangas province some 40 miles south of Manila. Thus th Yanks were on the south end of Luzon for the first time. MacArthur made the announce ment today in his communique which told of sinking or damaging . nine freighters and a corvette off . Formosa and sending a destroyer to the bottom off Hong Kong. In the stubbornly-held Marikina watershed area east, of Manila, First cavalry ;and Sixth infantry troops "sealed 19 enemy . cave strong points, MacArthur an nounced, as heavy, American fire noticeably reduced the enemy's ar tilleryand rocket barrages. Man Killed, 2 Injured When Train Derails SEATTLE, March 7 -)- One man was killed and two injured, one critically, when westbound Great Northern "train No. 27, a mail train running three and a half hours late, went oft a curve east of SkyKomish today. : , The big mountain-type electric locomotive and eight -of the lt cars left the track on a sharp U" curve In Foss river canyon where the road reverses direction. The locomotive and cars plunged down a 50-foot embankment Fireman Harold Fleming of Se attle was crushed to death as the locomotive rolled over. Head Brakeman Earl W. Kinde, Seattle, was rescued from the wreckage with a seriously injur ed arm and was reported in crit ical condition tonight Engineer Frank demons also was injured but not seriously. The tracks were cleared ap proximately three hours after the wreck occurred. CarbonBlack Shortage Hits Tie Making WASHINGTON, ' March 7-(P) There isn't enough carbon black to permit seven-day manufacture of tires and congress is trying to find out why. Chairman fMead (D-NY) said the senate war investigating com mittee has started inquiry into "critical shortage" of the material which is a prime ingredient of tire making. J For the remainder of this month, tire plants can Teturn to the six-day j week, the war pro duction board and the army an nounced today. Thus the industry was free of ja pledge of all-week operation because high produc tion has speeded past the carbon black supply flow. Individual fac tories will decide when to halt Sunday work. Chinese Troops Close On Pingshek, Rail Hub - CHUNGKING, March 7 - JP) Chinese troops have closed in on Pingshek. 185 miles north of Pan- ton. In continuing attacks designed to break the Japanese hold on the Canton-Hankow railroad, the high (The Chungking radio was command said tonight quoted by FCC monitors as say ing four - strongpoints around , the Japanese-held town of Hochih in northwest Kwangsi province were captured yesterday by Chinese . troops in "renewed activity along : the Kweichow-Kwangsi commu nications corridor" in south China. Too" Late to Classify FOR SALE; Rid in hots S yrs. eld. lots of sty) a saddles and 2-horae vauer. ra. 1787. JIM Portland Bd. i Now! Twe Showings Each evening at 7 and 9X9 : - - IN .TECHNICOLOR - ' -, Irving Berlin's ; i "This Is lis Arny ll Starring Gee. Murphy - Joan Leslie 14. Bonald Keagan ! And All-Star Cast Don't Miss III inr""""""""Ti f" k y f,:.:,.; - ii lit' i - . W ' r i , i i r J- .... ..ia:v4.wfVii-'"-Aav Troops and armor of the Third armored division of the First U. S. army wait in ajde street la the Ger man city of Cologne beftfre driving for the heart of the city whose capture was announced March 6. This is one of the first pictures taken inside Cologne and was made by William C. Allen,1 Asso ciated Press photographer with the wartime still picture pooL (AP wirephoto via signal corps radio) r r '-'til'"- ' I Four recent enlistees In the women's putoon are acre seated left to right: Frances Green weed. Dorothy Mlddleton and Edith Welbem. first three women to enlist m the hospital platoon; and Clarice Harms, recent enlistee in the army air forces. Standing left te right are Jafe Fnhrer. Marion county coordinator, office of civilian defense, who is in charge ef reemiUng for the Marion county hospital platoon; LL Edith Di Re, army enlistment officer; Hasel Harper, secretary of Marion county OCD; and Jack Hayes, administrator of the state defense council, who is Governor SneU's appointee as director of the army medleal department WAC recmlt Ing drive for the state of Oregon. The new enlisiees were given the oath of enlistment in the army by Lt. Dt Ke sad were presented with eoraares throsrh the eoartosy of Oscar Olson, flerist Pho by Yanks Score 10-Mile Gain In Italy Push ROME. March 7.WA-The U. S. Tenth mountain division has scored a five - mile advance through some of Italy's most rug ged terrain and against heavy German artillery, machine gun and mortar fire during the last three days. Allied headquarters announced today. Lifting a three-day blackout on news of action in the Apennines southwest of Bologna, headquar ters said the action was "a most successful limited objective at tack" which resulted in the cap ture of a number of dominating peaks-west of the Bologna-Pistoia highway, the town of Castel D' Aiano, 20 miles from Bologna, and 1200 prisoners. The American assault was sup ported by Brazilian troops operat ing on the right flank of the mountaineers. The Brazilians seiz ed Castel Nuovo, three miles southeast of Castel D' Aiano and a mile west of the Bologna-Pistoia highway. Portland Has First Fun Curfew Violation PORTLAND. March lice reported today the 'first vio lation of the midnight fun curfew, discovered by the tunes of a juke box in a bar. " They said they asked the bar tender to close and his early morning patrons left shortly af terward, x Journalism Becomes Major at Pacific U. TORSET GROVE. March 7-ax Pacific university has added enough, courses to its journalism curriculum to make it a major. , Clifford P, Rowe, head of the journalism department, said 10 LEOIIMIB'S SOPPED CL0B Cocktail Bar Opens 5 P. M. Dinner Served from 6 F. M. Floor Shews fl and 10 P. M. Open Every Night Until IS o'clock Pacific Highway North just Beyond Underpass ! Yank Armor Enters Cologne . " it . iVi i"'YH !" - y.iViiVriftai'-fitfr w --v- r ) w TtTi" "itHrffTiTTt" T -,V-'-- v., - 5 " i ll "?:'.-'...... -.'V. . -S?' Z r w army corps and recruiting personnel for the Marion county hospital m . m ONthe HOME FRONT! By ISABEL CFHLDS t Story of the day in Red Cross war fund offices Wednesday waS that relayed inj by Mrs. Douglas McKay, chairman of; the women's division which ii handling residen! tial solicitations; V A woman worker, not auite hao py about a call on a j friend which had netted exactly nothing. wa startled when the not-young resit dent ofj an unpretentious little house handed her $25. I The Igray-haired householdel explained that this was her "amusement fund." She didn't do many of the things which other persons, enjoyed, she said, but be lieved she received more pleasure from the knowledge that the monS ey was going for service and com forts foil he boys- than had she spent it on herself. I How fhisey Hill J Received Its Name J OREGON CITY. March T-UPi The mystery pf Whiskey Hill how th Clackamas county locali- vr aoi mat name has Tn niMd by a resident who remembers ear ly day applejack distilleries in the neighborhood. - ; Mrs. jWilda Elliott Fish, Wood burn, wrote historians that K remembered watching steam va pors hiss from the pipes of the distillery located on the farm Of a pioneer whose large apple or chards covered the hill. I t .Y 'i t- . ' it. COOKE STATIONERY CO. sta t 'l Salem,' Oregon 370 MwJaHMitaaSi ! ( - r i 8 it f I. f Slashes Its Personnel At Ward Firm PORTLAND, March 7-;p)-Maj Allen T. Vollmer, deputy war de partment representative in charge of Portland's Montgomery Ward and Company store, said today army personnel at the store is about 50 per cent less than on the day the army took over. "Everything is running smooth ly," Major Vollmer said. He reported O. W. Huddles ton, mail order manager, and E. L. Barth, retail manager, had stopped making regular appearances at their offices. "It's been several weeks since they've dropped in," he remarked. Housewives Warned Of Maple Syrup' Deal PORTLAND, March 7. -(JP)- Oregon housewives were warned today about buying maple syrup in case lots; from a stranger who is hawking a "genuine brand." The salesman offers a sample taste of a J bonaflde flavor, . but when the purchases syrup is serv ed on the breakfast hot-cakes it's something else, said the better business bureau. OPA Price Executives Td Explain Regulation PORTLAND, March 7-(P)-Four teams of OPA price executives will tour Oregon to explain new apparel regulations, OPA Attor ney John G. Barnett told the di vision's labor advisory committee today. Meetings will be held for retailers in 35 cities. GENEROUSLY 4 '1 M "'':"'-' " To keep the Red Cross always at the side of our fighting forces MayLjifa t. .v-. r-wvv-r n iisji Hi i iiiiiMW iihastsi'Tat1fBBlT Army Invesligatioiis Launcliied on Sliipl Explosion VANCOUVER,1 March 7-(CP-Several investigations proceeded tonight into the fire and explosions which wrecked f j the 10,000-ton freighter S.S. Greenhill Park even as rescue workers: still worked on the beached, smouldering hulk for bodies of ! victims.! .... i Three bodies, burned beyond recognition, had been taken out of the freiihtef by late this after noon and a fireman working, on the ;,. vessel, told a reporter that "there were at least nine bodies" in the holds. I,t was hot - dear whether tie meant nine in addition to the three or Including the three Official jj reports had said that eight men six j longshoremen and two crewmen were missing after four , heavy explosions burst the government-owned vessel at noon yesterday just as the adjacent Vancouver; downtown district was crowded with persons on their lunch hour. j The Vancouver Daily Province in a newspagej story said "there were eight tons (one full carload) of rocket flares and 100 tons of sodium chlorate, a chemical used in the manufacture of explosives, aboard the Greenhill Park." Canada Shipping Co, Ltd, op erators of the vessel, in a prepared statement had said that "the bulk of the cargo jwas' comprised of lumber, tin plate, newsprint and miscellaneous i general : with a small amount of distress flares aboard. There were no munitions in the cargo." " ' The shipping company said of ficials are unable to define cause of the explosion which sent 18 persons to hospital .and caused property damage unofficially esti mated at approximately $1,300, 000. Nine persons were still in hospital today but only one was in -serious condition. . Museum Fund Drive Started PORTLAND, March 7-(P)-The newly organized Oregon Museum foundation launched a campaign today for a $200,000 building fund. J. C. Stevens, named president last night at the first formal meet ing, said! the building will house historical display, scientific and Industrial exhibits. Ernest Haycox. Portland author. and Walter W. R. May. Oreeon City publisher, were named first and second vice president; Paul Sv Dick, Portland, treasurer, and George H. Weber, Portland, , sec retary. Tokyo Reports B-29 Raid Against Wake SAN FRANCISCO. March 7.- (P)-Radio Tokyo said tonight in a broadcast Intercepted by the Blue network that four Super fortresses raided Japanese - held Wake island today. The report had no confirmation from Allied sources. American Liberator bombers have raided Wake but there has been on of ficial word of any attacks there by B-29s. Yank Paratrooper Will Hang This Morning LONDON, March 7-6P)-Pvt Karl Gustav Hulten. US armv paratrooper, is scheduled to hang at 9 ajn. tomorrow in the court yard of , London's PentonviDe prison. :'' The first American soldier to receive j such a sentence at the hands of British, civil authorities in wartime, Hulten has exhausted his last hope of appeal. Today he was. transferred from Wormwood Scrubbs prison to death dell at PentonViIle. f Crystal Garden f !". -. Presents IO B5SD ma mm Eozchj 0 to 12 mnmm r ' - - . - V , ,iflI- ft General Store Sold After 28 Years of Operation MONITOR After 28 years , In the grocery and drygoods business, L. L. Lenon has sold bis general store to O. . M, Rivenea pf . Wood burn, who will take possession on March 15.-.- ::::Vh,:...:? :;-: r.- ..-: Rivenes has leased the build ing for a term of years and will remodel and , rearrange the; inte rior The Rivenes family if well known in this community, having operated a restaurant in s Wood burn for five years. - j - In 1917 Mr. Lenon bought a half interest in the store ff am J. P. Jensen and it then became Lenon and Cook. Mr. Lenon later purchased the other half interest from Mr. Cook and has operated it by himself since. - ; j " ; There is only one salesman on the road now, with whomjLenon dealt when he first went into the store business, i - . J I ' In 1925, ; Lenon became the off War! By th Associmted Press By the Associated Press Russia Russians hurl j. seven armies into all-out frontal of fensive towards Berlin!; from bridgeheads on Oder 30 to 40 miles east. f ; Western Front American Third army tanks storm,' up to west bank of Rhine north westof Coblenz as Germans reel 50 miles in chaotic defeat. Italy U. S. 10th mountain di vision scores five-mile advance through rugged mountain terrain. China ' American-jtrained Chinese troops capture city of Old Lashio and nearby airstrip. Pacific Ground forces; on Lu zon penetrate below Manila as Japs continue death battle against marines on Iwo Jima. Lord Dawson of Penn, King's Doctor Die B LONDON, March 7.HPr-Lord Dawson of Perm, the king's, phy sician, who probably hid treated more of Europe's royalty than any Other doctor and yet found time for the poor of London's east end, died today at the age of! 80. He had undergone an operation six months ago. . . : j Lord Dawson, made a baron in ,1920 and a viscount in 1630, be came physician - in - ordinary to King Edward VII in 1907 and continued the same duties for George V, Edward VIII and George VI. Cotton Fabrics Allotted For Childrens' Clothes WASHINGTON, March! 7 - ()L The war production board an nounced today that cotton fabrics f or 6,000,000 to 7,000,000 children's garments will be allotted manufac turers within a few days! j The yardage will be inj addition to that previously allotted for low and medium - priced children's clothing, WPB said. RAF Mostruitos Blast Loaded Nazi Barges ; LONDON, March 7. MJP- At least seven heavily-laden self-propelled barges were set afire today by RAF Mosquitos, flying from England, mat mauled a large Ger man convoy moving sooth from Norway in the Kattegat! midway between Denmark and Sweden, it was reported tonight ! Today mad Friday CO-FEATURE. "Overland Mail Robbery" . Wild BQl Elliott George "Gabby Hayes Last Times Today Tin I mm imitoi fttsuua ifktr&, COMEIG FKIDAY ' Yfinae : Yitloiy r w -i dealer for the John Deere line of farm implements and tractors and In 1 1933 he took - the caterpillar line. He Will continue In the ma chinery business which has been moved Into his new " building. : Lenon wishes to thank all ' his customers, many who have traded with him. since, lie ness,,; tor , their , patronage and hopes they win still come to see him. v ," : i' . " " ' , t .. .. 'r Scout Honor (Curt is Set F6rMarchl2 The Marion, district of the Cas cade area council, Boy Scouts of America, met Monday at the, Bon Ton cafe, j Representatives were present from Mill City, Lyons, Me hama, andStaytoru : Reports were given from the' six operating com mittee Chairmen, indicating' a def inite upward- trend in scouting in the entire district , All units are active, and considerable improve ment was shown in the advance ment' program. Lindsay . Wright, advancement chairman, reported that the standard procedure would be set up in all communities. A court of honor win be held for the district in the Odd Fellow's hall in Stayton, March 12. Cecil Willadson, chairman, an nounced9 a ' commissioner will be appointed within the next week. Reverend Claude Stephens of Mill City and R. I. Wright of Jeffer son are now serving as commis sioners for their respective " dis tricts. 1 ' ; . y Donavan Kelly,' camping and ac tivities chairman, announced that about SO Scouts from Stayton, Me hama, and Mill City plan to take part in a tree planting project in cooperation with the State For estry department on Saturday, March 24. ; ' " ; : "Virgil TiieL 'finance chairman. reported all communities except Jefferson, completed the 1945 finance campaigns. A total of $1,- 039.50 has been secured to date. Kenneth Childreth, vice-chairman of the organization and ex tension committee, reported char ter review, procedures would be used in re-registration of all units in the district w Seattle Doctor Under Arrest SEATTLE, March 7 DK Frank O. Hart, well known Seat-: tie physician, was. charged in su perior' court late today with pe&. forming an illegal operation and manslaughter- in connection . with' the death yesterday of Mrs. Beat rice EfernjFisher of Edmonds. . Presiding Judge James T. Law ler set bond at $3000 and arraign ment for. 11 aon. Friday Dr. Harl denied in an interview that he performed the illegal ope ration, -which Coroner Harris had reported caused Mrs. Fisher's death. The physician asserted the woman's pregnancy had terminat ed before she called on! him and he merely attempted to check an infection which already had set In. GRAND THEATRE I STARTING SUNDAY! I LjlH4n?irNv. OPENS :45 P. M. - Now! Three Bi? Thrills! Thrill One! 1 1 i n. Thrill Three! "DESERT HAWK" Thrill f J j Two! ; J V.1911L V ELLIOTT Bettis Family Moves to FFA ect . ? AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Bluford Bettis and daughter! Velma Bet tis have moved from the Davis property in Amity t the federal farm administration project north of town where he vvas formerly employed. Bettis has been mar shal at Amity for several months but " has . resigned. " ': . - George Casteel who is with the US navy and his bride are guests at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Casteel, west of towd. Helen Gibbs of Portland spent the weekend here at the home of his father, John Gibbs. - Phyllis Rierson of Portland spent the weekend at thejhome of . Mr. on1 Utrm XI T Bi.uL nrn.. n! a &. . niwKs, iae xvier son family were AnHity residents for a number of ye4rs. " Mrs. H. W. Torbet spent the weekend at Marshfield visiting her son,, Alan Torbet and family. Mrs. Adele Myers of Long She Is a sister of Francis Voll stead of McMinnville. J. W. Walling spent the week end in Portland with relatives and friends. . Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown of Salem were visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. E. Brown, Sunday. jv; ' :l Mrs. Nette Tovey; is visiting in Vancouver, Wash., Jand In Port land this month. 1 Continuous from 1 P. M. How! Thar's Fun and Music for Everybne! . WALLY' v BROUIJ AlAN mm FRANCES I mwm VERA Co-Feature! Hilarious Kill-ossaJ Mystery! . far -wSrff' 1 i I mm tmlm mam tarn I J8SUI KEYES - 6BAPKAI B6CMA1UI LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD! 1 rr T.g ?a . - OPENS C:4S P. M. - r ) How, Playing! IA1M a I VIC won iif f-.-f . -. i Co-Hit! It's Murder! s mm. ' P" IS : 7 9 Proi i, .!