The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 08, 1945, Page 14, Image 14

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Visits inScio
With Parents
j lit- 9 aiAiLoi-iAH, sxxiexn. Orvcjon, Thundery Morning. March 8. WIS . . ! "
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LYONS Mr. and Mrs. John
Neal visited Sunday with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wes
tenhouse of Scio. Her father is
confined to his home by illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Roes Kellogg and
sons of Redmond were Monday
guests: ofMxand.Mrs. Qrville
Downing and of Mr. and - Mrs.
Merrill Brassfield.
, Lt and Mrs. Fred Lindamen are
tha parents of a son born March 5
at the Salem Deaconess hospital.
Mrs. ; Lindamen is making her
home with her parents while her
husband is overseas The baby
weighed IVt pounds. ; j
- Betty Jean Bodeker, student at
Oregon State college, spent the
weekend ' with her parents,' Mr.
and Mrs. Alex .Bodeker. She is
taking pre-nursing and expects to
rater a hospital training class in
Portland April 1. .
Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Carr and daugh
ters, Gloria, ' Catherine and Na-
dine, and Mr and Mrs. . Roland
Berry of Gates visited Sunday at
the Titus Bierley home in Mc-
Minnville. Mrs. George Berry and
Mrs. Bierley are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Long and
son Dick of Oregon City visited
relatives in Lyons Monday. WE.
Long is a nephew of Amos, Elmer
and Charlie Hiatt.
- Mrs. Daisy Johnston returned
. Friday after a week" with her sis
ter, Mrs. Bertha Woodworth in
Salem. She also' attended the
Women's Society of Christian Ser
vice conference in Salem Friday.
Mai ion Family
Visits Portland
On Holiday Trip
. MARION Mr. and Mrs.. Ezy
Pickard and Mrs. Pickard's daugh
ter, Mrs. William Cline, are vis
iting relatives and friends in Port
land.' : Pickard recently sold his
herd of registered Jerseys and is,
taking a much needed rest.
Mrs. Fred Scharmacher, who has
beeri ill the past month, is improv
ing. ;' " r'
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Archibald,
who have been renting the Bouck
estate the past two years, are mov
ing to the Walton farm. .' The
Bouck farm Js for sale. - --
Mrs. Warren Gray arrived home
last week from Seattle, where she
had been visiting her daughter,
Dorotha, for the past two months.
Mrs. Clyde Dix, Mrs. George
McCoy and Mrs. Warren Gray rep
resented the Marion women's club
at the county home demonstra
tion meeting in Salem Monday.
Scirap Bag Savings
To Be Club Topic
SILVERTON Marjorie ,Tjt,
county home demonstration agent,
will speak on' "Conservation with
a Scrap Bag" at the Monday aft
ernoon meeting of the Silverton
Woman's club- The group will
meet at the home of Mrs. Chris
tian Peterson. Mrs. Tom Ander
son, Mrs. George Jaeschke and
Mrs. George Christenson will be
tea hostesses. Mrs. Jaeschke also
serves as program chairman.
Mrs. Clark Bachman, president
of the Woman's club, has announ
ced a class in flower arrangement
for club members will start March
15 at the Eugene Field school
building. John Metcalf, high
school art teacher, will be instruc
tor. ' More Linn Dogs in 1945
Than for Previous Year
ALBANY To date 1827 dog li
censes have been issued by Coun
ty Clerk R. M. Russell to dog own
ers living outside the city of Al
bany. Within the city limits 340
licenses have been issued from the
office of City Recorder Rice Ash
ton, making a total of 2,167. This
. Is just nine more than were issued
for 1944.
Lyons WSCS fleets
Willi Mrs; Julian
LYONS The j Woman's Society
f Christian Service met with Mrs.
Albert Julian of !c Valley Tues
day. Mrs. George Huffman was
in charge of the! business meetine.
and Mrs. Glen Julian led the de
votions. Plans were made for the
:l .a l! .
iiver mm mt ui community ciUD
'house, and Mrs. Daisy Johnston,
who attended the conference In
Salem, gave the report
Mrs. Julian served refreshments
to " Rev. and Mrs. Cooklngham,
Mrs. Roy Huber, Mrs. Daisy John
ston, Miss Fannie Wilson, Mrs.
George Huffman, Mrs. Paul Smith,
Mrs. Albert; Ring, Mrs. James
Reed, Mrs. Otto Weidman, Mrs. C
Chamberlain, Mrs. Harley Scott,
Mrs. Fred Bassett, Mrs. James
Nye, Mrs. Arthur Bassett and Mrs.
Glen Julian. :- t
ICings in Portland
SCIO Mr. and Mrs. T. B. King
visited relatives and attended to
business errands In Portland few
h( men Kina has for many years
been in the employ of the Boarins;
. River logging company near 'the
mouth of the Columbia until two
years ago, when the company com
menced operations near ocio.
fUipet From Tucson
rrrvwrtmt Mrs. Ted Jones
r arrived from Tucson, Arizona, last
3 r ui " ' i
:"'.(, & i: ' ; '. I; v , , i .
8 i
All over the world . L . to the battle fronts, to enemy prison
camps, to hospitals for the wounded, and to lonely outposts
- - there your Red Cross goes in its greatest humanitarian
work! ";. .-. j J ,. I -f v. . : :.;V 'V Tl''";
cheering word, a cup
trouble. These things your Red Gross gifts
distant lands!
dressings to bind his hurts.; These too go from your Red Cross!
to world battlefields. j ; v ... j
There are no soecial' funds to keen ud this great humanitarian)
work. .The money must come; as "always,
America - - !y oul : ' : '
of American coffee,
-3 V,
assistance in time
bring to your sons
from the heart of
1 .
: week for a visi with her uncie,