FAGZCGuXT Miss Tracy To Wed in'' East Entraining lor the east coast on March 11 will be Miss Patri cia Tracy and her mother, Mrs. J. C. Tracy of Dallas. Miss Tra cy's marriage to Mr. Warren Hunter, United States navy, will take place oo March . the day of Mr Hunter's graduation from Harvard naval supply school, at which time he will receive his ensign's commission. - "J The ceremony will take place In Appleton chapel at Harvard Memorial church in Cambridge, Mass, at 4 o'clock in the after noon. Miss Tracy's only attendant will be a friend. Miss Wilms Boesch of Pendleton, who now resides in New York. Mr. Hunter has asked one of his classmates. Mr. William Hutchinson, to be his best man. The couple expect to honey moon in New York and on the east coast before they leave for his new assignment. : Miss Tracy, who has a wide - circle of friends in Salem, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Tracy of Dallas. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Hunter of Shetton, Wash. The bride-to-be is a graduate of St Helen's halL She attended Ore gon State college and later grad uated from Willamette univer V sity.J5he Is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Hunter attended Wil lamette university, later trans ferring to the nary V-12 pro gram. He is a member of Kap pa Gamma Rho fraternity. ' Party at Grider Heeae A large, party being planned in Miss Tracy's honor will be an event of Thursday night at the home or Mr. and Mrs. C X Cri der in Dallas. Hostesses with Mrs. Crkier will be Mrs. Carl N. Retzer and Mrs. William C Ret ter. Seventy guests have. been invited to the informal recep tion and miscellaneous shower. -During the evening a sextette of high school girls from Dallas Including Charlotte Jones. Elvi ra Frey, Mardei Osborn, Kareen Van Den Batch, Rosella Hiebert and Bonnie Fries en will sing. Dorothy Wiens will be the ac companist. Charlotte Jones will also sing several solos. Joseph ine Albert Spaulding will sing two number, accompanied by Miss Darline Gleason. ' Presiding at the coffee urns and cutting the ices will be Mrs. Edward K. Piaseeki of Salem, Mrs. Clint Foster. Mrs. Oscar Hayter and Mrs. Robert R. Van Orsdel. Assisting in the serving will? be Miss Beatrice Benge, Hiss Evelyn Collins, Mrs. Lau ra Linden and Bliss Faith Vine. Miss, Myra Starbuck and Mrs. Tbeone Grenf eil will be in charge of the gifts. The dining room decorations will be all white with an ar rangement of calla lilies and white tapers centering the serv ing table and buffet Bouquets of mixed spring flowers will be used about the guest rooms. Salem branchy Oregon Music Teachers' association will meet on "Puesday at Schmeder's cof fee, shop at 11:45 o'clock for lun cheon honoring . Alfred Miro vitch, pianist, who is here for a two-day stay. Miss Frances Vir ginia Melton will preside at the business. j District Ne. I ef the Oregea State's Nuraes association will sneet at 8 p. m. Monday at the curses' residence. Salem General - hospital. Miss Eunice Tunni eliff, principal of Oregon State School for the Blind, is arrang ing an interesting program. , Board of directors meet at 7:30 p. m, - Girl Reserves' - Corner. Members of Parrish and Leslie eighth grade Girt Reserves vis ited . legislature and- the state . house on Tuesday afternoon. Leslie ninth met without their president, Phyllis Keith and planned a boy-girl party ' for i ' March.- . , -' ! Tri-Y News -" ;,v On Monday. Winifred Heard chapter of Tri-Y worked on ecrapbooks and "planned activ ities, r Grace Elliott and Abbie Graham chapters met Wednes- day and heard Miss M Dierksen, j director of educatien at the state . hospital as speakers. .The speak ! era also appeared before Rhode McCullough and Margaret 4 Meade chapters on Thursday, i and will speak to other groups ' next week. Fourteen girls have gone from Salem to the mid-winter confer ence at Astoria. Jn$t Miller, ' Marjorie Lundahl. Eene Mc- Cune, Marjorie Quamrne, Con nie Cocking, Shlrley.Luidahl, Dorothy Bouffleur, Jeanne Fos ter, Harriet Huston, Jean Swift and Pat Brown. Ilamay ' Borne -from the school for the deaf, la delegate from the group there. . Miss Ethel Pierson and Mrs. Neil Brown are with them. , , ., Salem girls are responsible for the program this morning. ": Persaanesit Fash Wave T ( i CoEtplete.. J.w J i n Open Thurs. Eve. .J VI by Appointment . V Theae JS3 Castle Perm. Wavers SOS First National Bank Bldg. t sssstossssM M' L I r S isa Patricia Anne Leary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Leary, who will arrlye Monday morning from Los Angeles, where she is a sophomore at Occidental college, to spend the spring vacation with her parents. Miss Leary was recently elected: president and represen tative of the Forensic club of Occidental. She also won second place honors for humorous reading and acting be fore the University clubs of Los Angeles and Occidental. She is also active in sports and radio. f . ; I Roberta Sears Has Birthday Roberta Sears, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sears, cel ebrated her tenth birthday Sat urday afternoon when her mo ther entertained a large group of her friends at a luncheon at the Sears' country place. Shar ing honors with Robert was Mrs. Herman Schellberg, who cele brated her 78th birthday. The young guests were seated at a large table decorated pink and yellow. Bouquets of daffo dils, forsythia and quince 'were arranged on the tables and about the rooms. Assisting Mrs. Sears were Mrs. Rex Hartley and Mrs. James G. Pate. Roberta's guests were Julia Ann Miller, Marcia Maple, Pat ty Deeney, Irene DeVries, Mary Crane, Ida Jo Henderson, Ruth Hart, Joan NeaL Patsy Snider, Judith Foreman, Astrid Severin, Barbara Franzwa, Barbara Bonesteeie, Judy SchemeiL Clau dia and Clarice Waters, Kay Tomlinson and Beverly Farris. Other guests were Mrs. Her man Schellberg, Mrs. James A. Paty, Mrs Henry Thielsen, Mrs. John Crane, Mrs. H. G. Hender son, Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Rex Hartley and Mrs. James G. Pate. Jewels Complete Visit Here Mrs. Marion C. Jewel and son Jimmy have spent six weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson and left Saturday to spend a few days in Portland with her sister and lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Car ter. They will entrain Wednes day for Champaign, HL, to join LL Jewell who is taking special training at Chanute field. The Jewels were formerly at Hobbs, NM. where Lt Jewel was an instructor in B-17. Fol lowing completion of his special work they will return to Hobbs. Mrs. Jewel is the former Mar garet Johnson and came to Sa lem because of the illness of her father. Miss Henny Will Wed Sailor Mr. and Mrs. John Henny are announcing the engagement of their daughter Roseann Henny to Mr. Richard Evans Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. IL Hart of Portland. Miss Hen y is a graduate of Salem high tchooL In May ahe will be graduated from St Jo seph's hospital school of nursing in Vancouver, Washington. Mr. Hart was graduated from Ben son high school in Portland and prior to his enlistment in the merchant marines attended No tre Dame university. He recent ly received a medical discharge following lt months overseas, . and is now employed in Port land. No date has been set for the wedding. " The Weeaaans association ef the First Presbyterian church will meet at the church on Wed nesday afternoon. The executive board meeting win be at one . o'clock. Mrs. George K. Aiken will give a talk titled "Lincoln TourGeraldine Schmoker will play violin solos. - COS State Street Salem Oregon fh ... 3 cat -i ? CLUB CALENDAR MOVnAT i f Past l President. United Span ish War Veterans auxiliary with Mrs. P. C Petersen. 1823 Souttt Hlgn street. 7:30 pan. j n t Oregon Stat mothers meet at YWCA; S p.m. i i;. i Women of Rotary 8 husbands luncheon. Golden Pheasant, noon. Chapter BQ. PEO sisterhood, with Mrs. Robert WUson. 122? North 6th street. 1:49 pun. if AB of PEO, with Mrs. KOea Fisher; Mrs. H. K. Barrett co hostess, 7:49 pjn. , TUESDAY S ' .11 Daughters of St. Elizabeth meet at Episcopal parish hall. 1 : P.m. i p i . TOE auxiliary card party, t p.m , initiation at S pjn. i i . Eastern Star social afternoon dub. all day meeting. . -n Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliary, covered dish dinner, with Mrs. Clara McDerby, 2011 Trade street, t.30 pjn. ii , AAUW radio group wtth Mrs. H. J. Thomas, 1170 North list street, ' 2 p.m. k - $ - j BPW dinner meeting. Golden Pheasant. 6:30 p.m. 3 i i H WEDNESDAT .' .: . 41 Presbyterian woman's associa tion, 2. pjn. t . s : , Ladies Aid ol Knight Memor ial church, luncheon, 12 JO p.m, speaker. 2:30 p.m. ij I r - I - i! Skating Party I For Lions Club Hollywood Lions club mem bers and auxiliary will be hosts for a skating party at the Salem ice arena Monday night from t to 10 oclock in honor of mem bers of the Salem and West Sa lem Lions clubs and auxiliaries. A program and refreshments tion numbers by figure skaters. Aprogram and refreshments will follow the skating party at the Lions Den. Mr. and Mrs. Al Cross head the committee in charge of arrangements with Mr. and Mrs. Al Barry iiHnt j The iNew Studios i -0?:V:- i:;".T?:'. . : Fpsh and crisp, some, loaded : ; i with f lowers! i ;Come in and miners . w n s 2nd Floor 0ZSG02I STATES2.IA1L Sales. Nuptials to Be Read Today j This afternoon at; 4 o'clcok Miss Helen Fan ton will become the bride of Private James Shel don, United States j: army air corps, in the Carrier room of the first Methodist church. The bride is the daughter; of Mr. Ed win Fanton of Bremerton, Wash, and Mrs. Wynn P. Grler ol Med ford. Her husband is the son of Mr. E. R. iSheldon and Mrs. Glenn Burright I " Dr. J. Cj Harrison will per form the ceremony before the fireplace which will be banked with pink and white; carnations and snapdragons and white ta pers. Miss i Helen Hughes will sing "Always" and Love You Truly. Mr.sthel Benner will play the accompaniments and wedding march. I The bride, who will be given In marriage ( by her father, has chosen a pastel aqua, blue cos tume suit for her wedding. She win wear a white flower hat of gardenias and wear brown ac cessories. She will carry a white bible with al marker of garden ias. .-; j ., I Mist Jean; Fanton, who came north from Palo Alto,' where she and her sister have been resid ing, will be the honor attend ant. She will pear a; mist pink suit with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias and roses. Mr. Donald Cutler j will stand with Private Sheldon as best man. ! . A reception will be held at the home of Mr j and Mrs; Carl ha fei 3612 State street After a wedding trip to the Oregon coast the hewlyweds will leave for Denver to reside while he is stationed nearby at ; Lowry field; ( The bride and her husband-to-be are graduates of Salem schools. She has been a stenog rapher at Dibble General hos pital in Palo Alto. I ! - r Farewell Given Dale Jorys f A farewell party was given to : Mr. and ; Mrs. Dale Jory on Friday night when members of the National association of Let ter Carriers: and auxiliary sur prised them at their North Church street home. The guests brought a covered dish supper. Fallowing the meaL I the group went to the: basement room for . games. S I Mr. Jory lis changing from a carrier to a clerk at the post of fice. . I Guests wire Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Garrett Mr and Mrs. Robert Garrett MrJ and Mrs. Ml W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Yung, Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Wilson, Mrs. Thomas Brantner, Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rock, Mr.!: and Mrs. Ray Crittenden, Mr. 'John French and Mr. Bruce Rothrock. : ! -I Members of the Delta Tau Gamma Mother's club will en tertain the (Delta Tau Gamma members, at a no-host dinner, at the YWCA Monday night Mrs. E. B. Daugherty Is presi dent of the Mother's club. I I . ' Mrs. Carl Emmons and Mrs. Gail Sanders will be hostess to members of chapter. BC, PEO Tuesday night at a dessert sup per at the! f ormera home on Fawk street Shipment of are here "-I select yours. jr jg ,j ( F: mm Orecoa, Sondoy Morning, February 25, 1WI . ' -: -- v : .i. fton't Xook bnt .. Misjudging peopla thing to da jTdka the night dub operator far instancs. we always thought they wanted I to keep open! late, for theirown good. Now we find that it's only because of fee poor ur j derprfvileged swing shift worker and the I soldiers on furlough, feat feey are carrying on into fee early morning hours. r Conreisanon. . . The youngsters in fee front row at fee concert Monday may not be j able to say trjat feey fcflked wife! Adolf Buschi the world famous conductor of ted, but feey ban certainly say! them. Small request . . It would Thimble IClub At Fox Home Mrs.. Conrad Fez. Jr, opened ' her home to members of the Book and Thimble club on Thursday afternoon. . Work on an sighan for Vet eran's hospital was done during the afternoon. ! ' A card party :wiH be given at the Rollin Beaver home on March 3 for club members . and their friends. I The next meeting will be at the home of the president Mrs. Paul Wishart oh March when a spring plant sale will be held. Members present were Mes dames L. F. Brown, Boss Dam rell, Herbert Kane, Charles Schwartz, Paul Wishart, Charles Adams and Fern Morgan. Guests were Mrs. Robert I Adams and daughter Shirley. 3 3 . 1 ilk 1 r I IWT i 3 J t.--s v. a . a- i jp-t m : n -sssssv . ., -"Baeasaeaskv n v n & " ' " v- jl psr : V ' ! . ! ill : SUITS i FROM .MERICA'S FINEST MAKERS Trimly tcdlored wool; Cardigans or soft dressmaker styles, ha Spring's newest hlcjh colors. A 4 $29.75 to $119.50 j Now . . when Mill Qty, Lebanon, Toledo, Brcnms ville. Sweet Hamei and Newport can rurnlsa 70 pints of Wood hi a day that we who live so dose, could scrape jup 130 pints on a Tuesday. i " - S ' - . Oar Day. . .Mrs. j Roosevelt comes forfe wife a suggestion, according to a mag azine story, to eliminate Mothers. Farthers and Children's days, and exeat a Fcanflyday Instead, we can agree wife that maybe, but when she opposes fee creation of an Ola Is an easy Maid's day we think sh is going too pr, w ought to get some filing out of life, even if we tho orches- be spoke to have to buy our a year. seem, feat Women ef Zatary wCl held their annual "Husband's Day" luncheon Monday at 12 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant The guest speaker will be Dean Beu na Maris, dean of women of Ore gon State college. Josephine Al bert Spaulding will be the solo ist All members and their hus bands are invited to attend. - I - . ; S -- . I - Junior Women Meet Monday I The Salem Junior Woman's club win hold a meeting on Mon day night, beginning with a 7:30 board meeting, with the regular meeting at 8 o'clock. " A social night Is being plan ned: by the committee including Mrs. Lee Crawford, chairman, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. A. El Ro ethlin, Mrs. Howard Conkleand Mrs. R. E WorraL rsSCHLESINGER &.COx 3SCHLESINGER & CO, ownselves a gardenia once Maxine Buren Luncheon For Mrsj Mudd I : I Mrs. Clifton Mudd i was hon ored on" her birthday when Mrs. , X N. Chambers entertained a, group of friends at a smartly ar ranged ! luncheon Thursday sft emooD S at her country place, EasterlooaV : .. , .-. j 1 1 Arrangements of heather, da phne and daffodils provided the decorative note. Covers were placed for eight guests. Contract bridge Was In play after the lun cheon hour. j . ! Mrs. H. J. Thomas will open her home, 1170 North 21st street to members of the AAUW radio group Tuesday: afternoon at 2 o'clock. The broadcast will be a round table discussion on some Issues in Poland' case. COATS I- - . ' j FROM AMERICA'S FINEST MAKERS Gabardines, Twills and other fine j fabrics. Dressy and sport styles. : $29.75 to $119.50 -1 Symposium , ' . . i s r Feature of j Meeting j - Public relations commit ee members of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club have arranged a symposium from the division of speech and dramatic arts department at the University of Oregon as a f eat "urs "of tht regular dinner meet- ing of the club Tuesday night at the Golden Pheasant at 0:30 o'clock. . . " - ' j ' I The subject will be Tost War Relations Between United States and Eussli. Winston Carl is chairman of the symposium which is composed of Wllma Foster and Pat McCormack. Mist Joyce Edgell will play a Russian dance, "Trepak," for the guests, Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickel son is arranging the Russian mu sic. Mrs. William Linfoot is chairman of the public relations committee. Members included Mrs. Byron Herrick, Mrs. Win nie Pettyjohn, Miss Grace Gil liam, Miss Irene Hollenbeck, Mist Mabel Savage, Miss Effie Smith, and Miss Carolyn Wilson. Russian decorations will be used on the dinner tables. Miss Phebe- McAdams will preside at the business session. Short talks will be given by Miss Josephine Evans, who will speak on "Child Labor Amendment'' and Mrs. Carmalite Weddle, who will talk oil Tederal Aid for Education." II t ie44sssir.;--eBBSM 4.415 gOURT . . i