The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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Chatting about their coming job are captains,
Geft to right). Miss Sybil Spears, Mrs. E. M. Page,
Mrs. George Scfrwarz, Mrs; Frank Healy and Mrs.
. George Alexander.
Bridal Party Told. ...
Miss Amy MacGregor, j bride-elect of Aviationj Cadet
Robert Beil, United States navy, is announcing plans this
weekend for her marriage, j The wedding will take place
In Spokane on Saturday, March 10 at the First Baptist
church at 8 o'clock.
The biide'-tc-be, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
MacGregor of Salem, has asked her three sisters to be
members of her bridal party. Mrs. Frank Vernon of Spo
kane will be the matron of honon Miss Phyllis and Miss
Fem MacGregor will be bridesmaids.
Lt Thomas Beil, who recently received his commis
sion in the army air corps, will stand as best man for his
brother. " .. '
The wedding reception will be held at the home of
the groom-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beil,
in Spokane. ' .
1 Miss MacGregor isjeaving this coming weekend for
Spokane to be a guest at the Beil home. Her family will
go north a few days before the ceremony.
Cadet Beil, who will receive his naval air corps wings
end ensign's commission on February 28 at Corpus
Christi, Texas, expects to arrive in Spokane early in
The bride-to-be is a graduate of the University of Ida
ho and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She is a mem
ber of the Salem Spinsters. . She has been employed at
tate selective service headquarters here. Her fiance at
tended the University of, Washington before entering the
service. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega.
"Washington Coeds Visit
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sisson on Center
street was the scene of a gala informal tea Saturday aft
ernoon when Mrs. Sisson entertained for her daughter,
Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson, and her house guests.
Miss Sisson, who is home from the University of
Washington in Seattle for the spring vacation, has three
of her Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters as her guests for the
week. They include Miss Jean King of Entiat, Wash., Miss
Roberta Huffman of Wenatchee and Miss Juanita Cobley
cf linden, Wash. Miss Sisson was recently elected pres
ident of her sorority for the coming year.
Miss Nancy Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
B. Wallace, arrived in the capital Saturday from Seattle,
where she is a freshman at the University of Washington
end a Pi Beta Phi. . She also will be here for the week
end has several sorority sisters as guests.
A group of Miss Sisson's Salem friends called at 4
'clock to meet the University of Washington co-eds.
' Ringing doorbells will 1
' be the job of 300 volunteer
. workers beginning March
, 1, when women of the city
begin their part of . the
campaign to raise funds
' ,for the American Red
" Cross."
- The Statesman photo--grapher
snapped captains .
as they gathered at the .
" home of Mrs. Douglas Mo
. Kayj on February 16 to'"
talk over, the .campaign, .
' with! the co-chairmen of '
' the I w o m e n s division .
- MrsJ -McKay and Mrs. .;
James T. Brand.
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Tilibits of Kews .
Clubs Music ) Li
Mrs. Prince W. Byrdjis being iwelcomd home from d sojourn of Several weeks in Los Angeles and
other? southern California ports. She was the guest of friends and relatives while in the south, i !
Mr. anH Mrsj Glenn p. Woodry have returned to the capital from a month's trip which . took them
to San Francisco.! Los ijLngeles and Glehdale. In the latter city they were, guests of former Salem
residents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Woodry. ;- . . ' - t ' ; i"
Mr. arid Mrs, Robert Needham will return today from a several days stay in Portland. Saturday
they were the guests of Kir. and Mrs. William' Martin, who formerly resided in Salem, i
-Mrs. William? A. Sisson and s6n, BiUy.'iare spending the week ihBoseburg with her husband's bro-ther-in-law
land sister, Mri and Mrs. Gordon Bennett1 " 1 J t. " ! "
Miss Virginia iCoverti is spending the weekend in Roseburg as the guest of her sister," Miss Grace
Covert who is on the facility of the Roseburg high school. ' ' . j'.
Spending several days at Ocean Lake are Miss Emma Lou East! Miss Olene Mehlhoff, Miss Sally
McCiellanq, Miss Mary McKay, Mrs. Robert rindiey and Mrs. Elmer tiarrold.
Tillicum Dance Slated .
- 1 -. f . r ' . . t . : .
Slated Jfor Tuesday, night is the monthly formal dance for members of the Tillicum club. The affair
will be held at the Veterans hall Ifrbm f9 t? 12 o'clock Guy Albln's orchestra will pkry7 for dancing, j
Several inlormql parties are being arranged to precede the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McBain
and Mr crad Mrs. F. J. Bradshaw will be hosts for a pre-dance - partyj at, the former's home on North
Summer sif eet . j v . j J. ? f . ' . ; ; , . ' . A V . ' ! " ', '
Fifty guests have been invited to call between 8 and 10 o'clock.: Corning from out-of-town far the
affair! will be Commander and Mrs. Perm Crum of Hood River- and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lister! of
Port'-iiid, former Salem residents. IThe hostesses will arrange bouquets of spring flowers about the truest
In the McKay: game room are pictured (left to
right), Mrs. hi McSheny, Mrs. W. L. PhQlips, Mrs.
Russell Pratt Mre4Lewis Griffith
j R. D. W oodrow.
and (seated) Mrs.
Parties For Legislators .
dirinCT parties
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r ' " j By Jeryme EnglUh
- : . Statesman Society Editor
i . i . . ' i i ...
I - Many informal luncheon and
' the social calendar :l or members of Ithe legislative contin
gent I; ' ' - j . -
j- Mrs; Dean H. Walker was hostess for a caarmlngly
arranged dinner at her Independence hone last week
in compliment to Mrs. Marshall "E Cornett of Klamath
Falls, ,Wife oL Senator Cornett Mrs! Comett has been in
the capital renewing acquaintances with legislative
frlendsJ - ' '. .
Schenks Entertain Guests, j
j Mrj and Mrs. Harry Schenk wej-e hosts for a smartly
arranged buffet dinner Friday nighlj ct their Center street
residence in honor of a group tf opt-of-town guests and --
legislative friends. ' j . . ! . 1 ;
Guests of the Schenks were Speaker of the House and
Mrs. Eugene E Marsh and Mr. and Mrs!'' Jack Bladihe of
McMinhville, Mr. and Mrs. Verne! McKinney and.-Sen-"ator
and Mrs. Paul Patterson of Hillsboro, . Senator- and
Mrs. Merle. Chessman of Astoria, Rep. and Mrs. Gile L
French of Moro, Senator and Mrs.! Ernest R. Fatland of
Condon, Miss Alene Phillips, Mr. Ralph Riehs of Portland
and Mrs. Jane Frees.
' Dinner at Carson Home
j Senator and Mrs; John H. arson entertained a
- group of senators and their wives and a few ! Salem
friends at a buffet supper Saturday night at their South
Commercial street residence. j
A yellow color scheme was carried out in the dec
orations with an arrangement of Spring flowers ! center
ing the' buffet table. Covers were 'placed for 30 guests.
;Mrs. Paul Hendricks, wife of Rep. Hendricks, assistod the
hostess informally. I '
Brazier Smalls Are Hosts
Mr, . and Mrs. Brazier Small hpve invited guests to
dinner tonight at their South Church street heme. The
evening hours will be spent informally. Covers will be
placed for Senator and Mrs. John H, Carson, Senator and
Mrs. William Walsh of Coos Bay, Senator and Mrs. Merle
R. Chessman of Astoria and Mr. and Mrs. Brazier Small.
Guests Bidden to Dinner j
j Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter have invited guests
to dinner Monday night at their Court street home in
compliment to Representative and Mrs. V. B. Staples of
Ontario. Contract bridge will be in play after the dinner
hour. Bouquets of spring flowers will provide the decora
tive note about the rooms. ! t ' ,
1 Covers will be placed for Rep. and Mrs. Staples,
Mrs. Ri W. Hicks of Weiser, Idaho, ;Mrs:-Frank S.Oilbert
ir., of Portland, Secretary of State and Mrs. Robert S.
Farrellj jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Taylor, Mrs. Frank Morgan, 1 Mrs. Abner KJ Kline,
Mrs. Vi Shaffer, Mrs. Ransom - Carpenter, Miss Martha
Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter, i
A Luncheon on Tuesday
I Mrs. Charles A. Sprague has invited guest3 to an in
formal luncheon Tuesday afternoon; at her home on North
14th street. Guests will include a 6roup of senators and
representatives wives. " j '
Left another group of captains at the McKay
home, are: (seated in front) Mrs. W. L Osborne, Mrs. -I.
W. Geer, Mrs. Carl Pope, and standing, Mrs. Ralph .
Hein and Mrs. Lee Canfield. i ' ;
Center picture Is Mrs. William Paulus. Mrs. .
F. M. Lobdell. Mrs. Wilson Siegmund and Mrs. Mer-'
: ; t. ....,.: .. .
- h rill Ohling pictured on the McKay terrace.-! -v V--L-.
Four captains pictured right are Mrs. Ray ,Yo- -
com, Mrs. Silas Gaisej, Mrs. N. Lj Michels and Mrs. -A.
C. FleenerJ (All photos by Statesman). ; fl