- : " .- , . .. .. . " - I I "II ! .. t - ,- - . ,m Onqotu Sundor Monilng, Foiniary 23, 1345 ,. --l . ; I r...- i - - . -'- ' f , I I r PAGE SIX Tli OSEGON STATESMAN. Satan. 147Parrisli Students Win Merit Awards . , ,. .,. ,.., ... T .. . - On .hundred forty-seven Par rish junior high school pupils this week received merit awards at a , school assembly. Seventy-seven received their first awards, 42 their . second; II their third and nine theh fourth: ,k : 1: lrirat mward S3 lubth Add1. BttT Baneert, Richard Baitkaton. Susanna Barnes, Buddy7 Barnholdt. Virginia lieaU, VKPW nvrua, wwujb wvat, Wilbur Bower. BrU -Bvoeka, Biltl Brunkal, Stella Buska. John Carson. Fah Jim Cue. Joaeohln CauKhiU. Shirley dark. Marjarto Co. Carolkj Coffey, Sharon coney, moosit tonrao Thai Crandall. Bererly Cruzen; -Mervia Da vies. Baryl Davis, Dorothy DeLapp, Jamea DeLapp, soariene u Witt. Bert Eahalman. Robert ricks, Dick Tutor. Robert Gordon. Una Mae ttraviM. AUm Hadlev. Elizabeth Ham ilton, Zelda Hardy. Leland Harra, Lola Hunt, Gordon Johnson; . Gerald Kelly. Jahala Keys, Glerai Kleen, Jack Kortzeborn, Jerald Langa, Virginia Lewis, Donald Undahl, Glenn Lukinbeal, Sylvia McdeUand. Bruce Mac Dona id. Patricia union, turn Ann Marnn. Barbara Owen. Robert Owen. Jodeile Parker.. Dorothy Pearce, Deryl Peters, Blliie Jean fierce, caroiyn Blngland; Barbara Robins. Betty Ross. Bruce Shafier. Mary Lou Schmidt, Paul ' Schmidt, Jack ' Bea grove. Bonnie Schwartz, Jim Shantx, Ervtn Smith, Chandler Sogge, Barbara Spagle. Doro thT Sturm. Waldo TJnruh, Sanford Weinsteln. Lorraine' Welling. Dick Wenxer, James Williams. Dorothy Zinv merman, afaribrn Kink. Second award Datina Aha It, Beverly Aronson, Vivian . Bartaam, Stanley Bates. Jeanna Buske. Eldon Caley. El ate Cannon, Frieda Carlson. Dave Chamberlain, Shirley Cross, Bill Day, Doris Even, Jane Gardner. Leon Gor don, Jay Harris. Bererly Hofstetter, ; Carlos Houck, crystal Huntington, ue tv Johnston: Lola K earns, John Kennedy, Kenneth Klanecky, Bern ice Kleiner. Michael Love 11, Sue McElhinny, Irene McLeod, Jovce Meredith. Ralph Morgan. Dona Jean Pence, Esther Perkins. Ted Roake. Bill Schieman. Catherine Sie mund, Charles Staab. Shirley Stein man, Jean Tanner. Mary Thomas, Pa tricia UUman, John Westphal. Marjorie IViltsey, Bert Worley. Barbara Zum- watt. i Third award Beula - Arnold. Sarah Jane Backstrand. Bruce Boatman, Ali cia Cover, Lowell Fox, Jeanne Gett man, Marian Giese, Clifford Glrod, Alaurine Jones, Tom Juza. Neil Mc Crary. Jean Pickens, Ann Kligman, Shlrlee Reimann. Clarabetle Roth, Don ri : Savage, Nancy Snyder, Muriel Stewart, Deryl Yooem. Fourth award Dorothy Caspar, Lata Jean Ewaoa. Glenn Garrett. Jeanne Hoffman, Ruth Holtzmaa. Jackie John- Son, Donna Jane Macau m, t am Nies- ander, Delia Saabys. Many Guests Entertained LINCOLN Recent guests at various Lincoln homes were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walling and Gary and Sharol of Vancouver, Wash., who visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walling. Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Stames of Halsey and daughter, Kathryn of Portland were guests at the R. J, Melssner home Sunday. Mrs. Meissner is a daughter of the E. A. Staxnes. Dprothy Walling, an employee of the Portland postof fice visited several daysjwlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Walling. Mrs. Lois Crawford had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Halde man and Kay and Lois, and Wilma Crawford. ' ' Genevieve Ashford is ill at her home here with bronchial pneumonia. rv 4 m -V - " GESVAIS Beulah Laurlnda Barner, pharmacist mat third class, U.S. coastguard women's reserve, has been assigned to the marine hospital, fifth naval district, Norfolk, Va-. for for ther da ty. SPAR Barner at tended. WUlametta university, Saleaa, where she majored in dramatic. She Is the daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Beeeher B. Barner af Gervals and Is the firit from this city to enter the SPARS. District Attorney jTakes Wrong Car for Trip PORTLAND, Feb. 21 (Dis trict Attorney James R. Bain bor rowed a friend's car for a quick trip to Salem. He discovered en route home the garage made a mistake. , The car he was driving carried huge wedding cake obviously not his friend's. The car license didn't check, either. Back in Portland he found po lice searching for the car. is' '-- . 1 $ ' '- s. i -f - " f J it m ' ? r "? C ' - -M !" . W I r , . - : LIBERTY Cecil R. Billings, wa ter tender Jc, was the first of two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther BiUlngs to go Into the navy He enlisted St month ago and is in tho Atlantic. Alvin Bill ,. ings wa home recently. He has a rating of aviation machinist mat second class, and he ha been In the nary SI months. SILVER TON Pfc, Eldon R. Johnson,- son of Mr, i and . Mrs. i Elmer B. Johnson, has been awarded the Purple Heart medal for wounds sustained In .ac tion in Italy. Ho was wounded in the right leg and was hospitalized near Rome. i Since his release h has been transferred to the army air corps headquarters squadron. While sight seeing In Naples he met Erland Anderson and visited with Melvin Gihlstrom at a USO cen ter near his post. All are from Silverton. Capt; W. S. Parker Gets New Medal i- ; - -. . . :-f: ' . Mr. and Mrs. C W. Parker of 505 Rose street, were notified Saturday that their son, Capt Wil liam 3. Parker, has been awarded tho Oak; Leaf Cluster, to go on a previously, aif arded Bronze Star. Tho citation was given to Cap tain Parker, an army dentist, for his part in moving wounded men under a strafing and bombing at tack in September. ; I Captain Parker Is in France, having arrived ther soon after D-day. i 1 -'l '- I". V,- r - r AT FIRST SIGN OF A AO (.666 1 VGotMtn? i Count tk4s a sincere isU tadoaforyourpatrong.If - , yo are a newcomer la our community, we fire yosi a warm welcoiM aod extend the hop that joa wQl iad ... . eierythJag to your liklag. Since yo will sooa be se4- g "something frosa tfce Drug StQttfjyf siacertly iavlce jo to try as firsu t i. Wffltt'i C:pUd Dixj C!:m 0. EUto Libert? tllS i i W.7 1 MT. ANGEL Lt. (Jg) Ivo Bau man Is back In the state after tw years; In the Hawaiian isl ands wher he served on the staff of Admiral Ntmlts. After SO-day leave, he will g to Annapolis ! for a year's further study; In eommunlcations. Lieu tenant Bauman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bauman of Mt Angel. Hi wife. Is the former ThrasiU Barr. She will ; accompany him to Maryland. i ! 'i r - Bpecial i;to The Statesmam A U. S. NINTH AIR BOMBER BOMBER BASE, France fr Cpl. Gerald; E. Williams,! son of Mrs, Mary Williams of McMtnnville Ore Is a clerk typist with the 391st bomb group commanded by Colonel Gerald E. I Williams of Presque Isle, Maine, which has Just been awarded tho war de- partment citation for its devastat Ing attacks against the enemy during the recent German coun- ter onensiv. t 3i SILVERTON Tom Selllnr, U. S. navy In the the South Pa-i ciflc, ii in a navy base hospital with a fractured right wrist, his wife has been notified. Mrs. Reil ing is the former Lorraine Zollner and ah, with her two small sons, are living at the horn of her par ents, Mr. arid Mrs. Ben Zollner. I LYONS Marjory T o o to r a, daughter of Mr ; and Mrs, Jack Teeters of Mehama, has enlisted In tho United States Marino Corps and left last week for Camp Le Jeune, N. C, for hr boot train ing. Sh Is tho third membor of tho Teeters family to enter tho serviced Her sister, Dorothy Teet ers, aviation machinist mat Sc, is stationed at Boris Field, Pen- sacola, Fla and brother Pvt. Don ald Teeters, army air corps, ia stationed at Gila Bend, Aria. ' : - i I- . iff - -.MMaaSaWaasWaWaawaWasWawaBSSSaaawa Edith Wclborn InWAC-Tecli. Service I ' . " , i . Edith M. Welborn 'of 042 North Simmer is the first woman to en list for duty with! tho Marion County hospital platoon now being formed to alleviate th shortage of nurses at army general hospitals, t" - Bethel Women Return From Klamath Falls BETHEIr Mr. J. A. Hain and daughter Jean Hain are home from r four day visit In Klamath Falls where they were guests of their cousins Harriet Redden and Lawrenco Leo both , well known here ' Jean Hain is a member of tho office force of the Dairy Co operative Association. r 1 Glessnor D. Brundidge, aviation metalsmlth 8e, has been as signed to an aircraft carrier. He graduated front Salem high school In 1944 and was em ployed at Boeing' In Seattle and ; enlisted la the navy last Jon.; He took! boot training at Farragut and has been recent ly at Pasco, Wash. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bran didg. 760 Brey ave. :, t . V SILVERTON Capt , Oscar Henry Specht lust homo from eight months in Iran, Is stationed at Hamilton field, Calif, f Captain Specht was married February 11 at Wynne; Ark- to Esther Maria Proctor. ; Photo by Bishop's Pvt EDITH WELBORN j Lt Edith Di Re, WC recruiter, announced Saturday Because an acute shortage of help exists In all general hospital in the ninth serv ice command. Miss jWelborn was given tn prerogatii or cnoosmg the hospital where she would most like to serve. ! The new army medical depart ment enlistee is well known to em ployes of the State Department as staff member of the accounting de partment In the secretary of state's office. Harold F. Phillippe, man ager of the accounting department said at the time he; presented her with a leave of absence, "Although we are losing, for a time, a very efficient and capable employe,, we are all proud to see; Miss Welborn enter the service of her country. I know that no greater service can be rendered that that of help ing to bring our wounded soldiers back tf health." 1 Private Welborn, who has three nephews in the army, all serving overseas, requested; duty at Tor ney general hospital," Palm Springs, Calif. After her army basic training at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga- and her medical technician's course, the WAC medical technl dan will be prepared to assist wounded soldiers how returning from the war theaters numbering 30,000 pertmontlL, j , Hazel Harper of. the office of civilian 'defense made known to day that many hospitals In Wash Ington and California are in need of trained army technicians, and tilt local OCO has taken it upon themselves to fill the quota desired from Marion county.- It was re ported that applicants applying for hospital work can receive Infor mation at 211 Postof flee building or by telephoning 7679. . ' Scholarship Awards Given To 42 Pupils First semester scholarship awards, announced this week at Parrish junior high school, went to 14 'seventh -grade pupils, S eighth1 graders and 20 ninth grad ers. ? ,: v- Pupils eligible for the award must have received for a semester grade;' period no less than six A's, with other marks not lower than B, or S in subjects which are grad ed with the Satisfactory mark. The awards went to: " Seventh grade Margaret Bown. Dor othy Cannon. Pebble DeSart, Nancy Doughton, Janet Gaiser, Helena Klein- scnmiov Nancy Miuer, Jimmy Morgan, Kent Myers. Maureen u Connor, snar on Phinkett, Elaine Stanley, Muriel Steuslou. and Nancy Taylor. Eighth grade Dick Fuhr. Lovera Jackson, Glenn Kleen, Sylvia McClel land. Bruce McDonald, Eunice Miner, Martha Pearcy, and Bruce Shafier. Ninth grade saran Bacicstrana, Marvin Black. Jean Brown, Dorothy Caspar. Shirley Cross, Glenna Dodson, Lets Jean Evans, Donna Jarre II, Mar ian Giese, Clifford Girod, Jeanna Hoff man. Cyril Hull, Ann Kligman. Neil McCrary. Alice MUler. Clara Belle Roth, i Nancy Snyder, Donna Wiedeh kehr, Jackie Johnson, and Ruth Holtz- man. i Lt. Allan C Swoboda, TJ. S. army air corps, has arrived with his squadron in England, his par . ents, - Mr. and BIrs, A. J. Swo boda, (79 1 South street have been notified. Lieutenant Swo boda ; wa I graduated In ; 1941 from Aumsvtlle high school and ha been In th army for two j years. He was graduated June, i 1944. from Stockton army air field. ; ! .-:. Frank Wedel Home From South Pacific A Salem marine, Chief Cook Frank A. WedeL 23, is home on furlough after 28 months! in the Pacific. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Wedel, route two. Wedel last served in the Saipan Tiniah campaign with the second marine division. A former stu dent Of Salem high school,; he en listed in February, 1942. PolklRation Clerk Is On Leave of Absence. v DALLAS Mrs. Ted .Tibbutt, chief clerk of the Dallas war price and rationing board, is taking a month's leave of absence,' which ahe will spend in Eugene at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr. ' F. C Jones. During her absence, Mrs. William Dalton will act a chief clerk. , - , . BETHEL -Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pfennig have received a letter from their son, Fred Pfennig, mo tor machinist's mate gc, who is on a landing craft and took part in the Invasion of Luzon. He has been overseas for 18 month and is in good health. rl ffl for.ftsh, fowl, meats. and economy meals Montgomery: ward : i i - 5 ! : I e ' ! - ;; '. lt I il . i 1mm t'sgood iV'i ; M to see I TM 1 cottons again f Jf ' 'ii r ' - : SAL ' CrtJJ M - ; f ! (f ! TTh lAl-- 1 A sure sign of Spring I And we've l IMj : ! plq..! In n cheeky : l0y?uAd.h Bay; 8oy styles 1 I- I : i ' keep rtghf o kvlng ol ShrougH ; r t I . -iyTT ; I ,i I Simimef, too. Every size 9-15, 12-20 1 " .Wit III .: !;.-TH: .-:Uk::':y -s y .-.. . vfclt r i V.I- Jmvmr- ' r ir'i'H' :.y-t -) ..:" , - .. . i , ', S ' --i - - -t ;;- -f-'--. r--;.- :- ; i TV Y.'rr -I'-M-": ' ' - v - -'. i m j a i m am W Wil ontgomeryVrd 1S5 Hor& I4brrr thona 3184 tyjy 1 (nun ivufflBKi yijkku y&yj 'a 1 ffQi .K ; ii; i I ip :V"v i "I'M DAI 1 j There's nothing like them! They're 1 ; . so smart ; t i so obsoluf of y rijjht day In, ; jl fil l day out I And they're wooderfufly to!- . ;'. Jsflbi VsS. ' bred of fin rayon gabarcllfit. Five '""rlfn ' iww styles to chooMfrm i ticHMl every j J i : brigMSpa color. for Wl,12-20i' j M'Sl 1- - ; I-. N ! j nn , . .II li-.- , l 11 l .,-' ii . 'i ' tf . ', ' : I i: . ; , ' ;;.!" :-,r L I I.I-.-- - , a Mviil I j ' V ' - ! - . - - - ? - . j