J." T1 i I (AGS FOURTEEN TI OHDSON CTATESMAIL Saltan. Oregon, Sunday Morning. Fobniary 25. 1315 Quotations at Portland Produce ' -PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 24 AP) Butter AA prints 4-46ic: cartons 46.-47 ic; A grade prints 45fc-46c; cartons 45fc-46c; B grade prints 45i-45c; cartons 46-46,c Butterfat First quality, maximum of of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 52-52 ,ie; premium qual ity, maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity 53-53" ic; i valley -routes and country points 2c less than first or SO-SlViC i - . Eggs To retailers: AA extra large . 47c; A A large 4Scs A large 43c; A med ium 39c; small (pullet) 36c dozen. Live poultry i. Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 31c; fryers 2 to 3', lbs. 29,c; roasters over 3'4 lbs. 31c: Leghorns n'tc; colored hens, all weights 27c; roosters and stags Mc lb. Country meats Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-19'iC; dealers AA 22 lie; A 21 lie; B 19-19'zc; C 15 17ic; culls 12-lSc; beef AA 21.c; A 20c: B 18ic; C l4c; canner cutter cows 13-1c; bulls, canner-eut-ters 14-lic; lambs AA 2c; A 14' ic: B 22',ic; C 10-20c; - ewes FS 131.C. M 12c; R 10c. ' Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 28.3c; daisies 29.9c; loaf 30.2c; triplets to wholesalers ' 27c; loaf 27,ic FOB. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c; live price to producers 22 -24c lb. Turkeys Selling prices to retail ers: Dressed hens and to mi 43',c lb. Turkeys: Alive: Government ceiling 'buying prices: Hens and toms for government sales 3920; for civilian .trade 38.20 lb. Onions Green. 80c dozen bunches. Onions Idaho 3-inch 235; do No. 1 local Oregon 2.00-2.29 per 60-lb. bag; boilers 10s 34c. Potatoes Deschutes culls 3.60; Klamath rails culls 3.65 centel; No. 3 and culls 1.60 per 50-lb. bag; locals .Is. 100s. 3.50. .. Potatoes New Florida reds 3.03 per 50-lb. bag. , Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1944 -peel 15c lb. Mohair 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops Normal contracts: 1944. 85c up: 1945, 75c; 1946. 55c; 1947. 50c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Al falfa No. 3 or better 134-36; oats-vetch $23 ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon) 835-36 ton; clover 823-23 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 24 -AP) ( WT A 1 Salable cattle for week 3450; calves 275; compared week ago. market strong to 25 cents higher, many dairy type cows 50 cents up, bulls and veal ers fully 56 cents higher; good fed .steers 15.00-18.25; common - medium .11.00-14.50; heifers 10.00-13.50; good fed heifers 14.25-15.1 J, few head 15.50. and . load 15.60; canner-cutter cows largely ; 7.00-9.50; shells down to 8.00 and un- - der; fat dairy type 10.00-11.00, few ., above; medium- good beef cows 10.50 f 13.00; bulls 10 50-12.50. few to 13.00. one head to 13.50; good-choice vealers 14.00-15 50. few 16.00; heifers, bulls and vealers at new highs for season. Salable hogs for week 1180: un changed on 170-270 lb. at 15.75, the ceiling: other weights and sows 25 . cents and more higher; light lights and above 270 lbs. largely 15.00: . good sows 14.50-15.00: good-choice feeder pigs largely 16.25-50; extreme top 17.00. new high; good stags' 12.00-50, few 13.00. Salable sheep for week 425; top 25 - centa higher on fat lambs and 50 ; cents up on ewes but quality improv ed; good-choice wooled lambs 13.00-50; Salem Market Quotations The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY Androgen's Buying Prices (Subject to chant without notice BUTTERFAT Premium No l J4 M No. 2 BUTTER PRINTS A .4(5", .45',', 464 .40 .35 .35 .22 B Quarters EGGS Extra large Mediums Standards Pullets Cracks .24 .27 ,23 .31 Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 colored hens Colored frys Rakes . 29 Marion fmmrrv'i Rnvin (Subject to. chants without notice! Fryers , Jl Hens .27 LIVESTOCK i Spring lamb 13.00 Yearling lamb .700 to 7M DRESSED Veal and Hogs Vanied! Top Prices Paid! Prompt Remittance ; Ship to Fred Ileyer Heal Division 444 8. W. Yamhill SL or ft. E. 82nd A Fester Blvd. TTaIa w cn Pt only II UIC animals killed la compliance with O. P. A regulations. 'mm Hemlock, Utile Fir, Spruce or Iloble Fir - 2 Fi. to 8 Fi. Present delivered price is established OPA ceiling price of $12.00 per cord 128 en.' ft. stacked for logs with bark on ; $2.00 additional if peeled. Minimum top diameter of six inches unpeeled or 4 inches peeled. iWe can supply trucks to haul, if other trans portation not available. , - . . . Fcr fcrlicr p:rlicalars f lease call car cHcj. Tclcp!:::.3 293, Ilewterg. ;"f IT Spaiilding Pitfpi PaporCo.. ; " - . .. ..pest Cc:Eox 70 :. ' v ' 2wberg. Oregon -.: - . ; Portland " No. 1 pelt shorn lambs to 14.75; com mon down to 11.00; culls down to .00; good ewes 7 JO; one good-choice 180 lb.- lot 8 00, new recent high; cuU ewes down to 4.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 34 (API Wheat : No futures quoted. ' Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.53i; oft white (excluding Rex) 1.53ft; white club l-ftSft; western red 1.53ft. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.63ft; 10 per cent 1.55; 11 per cent 1.59; 12 per cent 1.84. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 1.53ft: 10 per cent 1.53ft; 11 per cent 1.59; 13 per cent 1.64. Today's car receipts: Wheat 3, bar ky 3. flour 4, corn 2, oats 4, bay 3, muTfeed 8. Stocks and Bonds Feb. 24 STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 Indus Rails Saturday 82.9 36.7 Previous day 83.1 36.9 Week ago 82.8 36.6 Month ago 80.3 34.0 Year ago 70.5 27.4 1944-45 high . 83.4 37.4 1944-43 low 69.1 22.9 IS Util 41.2 41.2 41.8 39.8 36.3 41.7 35.1 80 Stks 61.4 61.6 61.4 59.0 61.4 62.0 49.9 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rails Indus Saturday 99.1 105.5 Previous day 99.1 105 5 Week ago 98 8 105.4 Month ago ... 97 0 104 8 Year ago 85.9 105.3 1944-45 high X. 99.1 105.7 1944-43 low 79.5 104.6 10 Util 107.4 107.6 107.6 107.2 105.4 107.6 104.7 10 Fogn 71.3 ' 71.2 70.6 68.8 64.1 71.4 63.2 Stocks Slump After Week Of Inflecision NEW YORK, Feb. 24 (JP) Eas ier tendencies continued in today's stock market after a generally in decisive week. The list got off to a mixed open ing but dealings dwindled. While scattered utilities ; and industrial specialties were ahead at the close, losses of fractions to a point or so were well in the majority at the close. Transfers of 620, 000 shares compared with 700,000 last Saturday. The Associated Pres 60-stock average .was off .2 of a point at 61.4 and on the week was un changed. It was the third succes sive dip. Of 821 issues appearing: 400 were down, 219 up and 202 all even. Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads' Call 9101 Three insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 ti. min. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify , The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases Where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in . which the typographical mistake accurs. The Statesman reserves the tight to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by - letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor. nation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch Large assortment on hand at all tims at very attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discourt for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free de livery. Harry Kuehne, Carlton, Ore. Located 6ft. mi. W. of Newberg. WANTED: Seven Hanson strain roosters for breeders. Lee Dow, Ph. 2-2781. Rt. 6. Box 382. Salem. ONLY 4 Pintoes left 4 to 7 years, all gentle for ladies. You may try these before buying. D. D. Delp. Y mi. E. Fairgrounds. Silverton Road. FOR SALE: Jet black gelding. Good cond. Gentle for ladies or children. 875, or with bridle and martingale 895. 63 Williams Ave. Ph. 9397. Wanted: Rabbit skins. Highest prices. West Side . Fur Co. West Salem I i , m - !99l P2AR MDM' 1 60T TOWXWr AEOST NTrE IJSTWB! f WW5THey OC3N6. rr 1 MWQCr i.i.ta.bs. 1 , l-HF' Livestock and Poultry CUSTOM HATCHING. Order early for Best Dates! Small orders, ducks, wild game. ia specialty. Baby chicks, N.H. strain. C. . Milton, 85 Lansing. Ph. 8526. I I I WANTED: Beet aha cartner cows bulls end veals. Will call at farm E. I. Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road Ph. 21345. Morns or eves. I . Help Wanted PARTY to pack strawberry plants. Phone , 4225.1 . WANTED Cook. Senator Coffee Shop wanteddis vice. Phone; 8023. j j WANT a job with a post war fu ture? Inquire at Firestone s store. 395 N. Liberty. -. , i Help Wanted Male Workers now employed in war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em plovers advertising in this section;:; NIGHT driver 6 P.M. to 3 A.M. 44 nr. wk. 174.50 ;mo. Railway , Express Ag- cjj WANTEDii Brooderl help On poultry farm. Steady inside jwork.iPh. 22861. Lee's liatchery. : 'MAN for I temporary work 'in auto supply- store. Call 362 State. ii- Exp milkier. Schlndler Bros. Dairy. Help Wanted- Female Girl for General i . i; 1 Office Work Typing necessary. Apply fi Dr. Harry Seniler'l Office 110'i N. Cohyi. S Phone 3311 starting salary. Apply; in person. Grand Theatre. , I i ages of 35 and 50. Room, board and iges. cau Hs.ms aays, 6058 eves. ; WAiTHFS5WMTTfnH!.!nKi - 163 S. Com k Apply ir A.M. room k $125t month. Phone 9339. h WAlilTF.nl Vvrr-iTsTL Small ihouse, 2 adultf Ph. 8480. . j WANTF.nl FlnsriotfKul ..UoUH,, dress ;shop. Apply in person. Field's EXPF.RIFNrF.n uktlll . meticst Calls 5157. -. $, g, WArTRESS for nnnn Ms Cuno'w. w nouuays, uneeno s inn. t .. ..... . . .ui. .. uuhic. xji v. r. lent wages. Phone 4tF2. " - ty ' iiviMAnpiu ui modern home. Privat rnnm .nH w.tv. $75 mo. P(j. 5936. jj S i' WOMAN Over 25 yrs. wanted to care for babv and irirl S T)nrm hn.rn ... iiiw. n& nouseworK. fn y-u 49 to Unrk, in Armv Hmnifil. An.t " piog.. oa.em. fn. in9. HELP WANTltD! 18-45 Jrri. tn good health and Inter ested In retail business. Full training opportunities with good pay from the ryv n tu j ;: nuuni aid, McGilehrist Bldg., $afeway DUtrict "WAITRESS wanted! The Spar'-IV Salesmen Wanted FOUR DOLLARS $4 00) AN HOUR That's m-Vi a. livn . ' ....... ear can make Demonstrating Labor www m am orowers. wnte Box 608 Statesman, f ; t. Situations 1 Wanted ' . MTnht ir r:rn in I ' T ' " " K'.vuvuuuiKITlll I .Ma nr.u r - ti n m . . . - T RELtABIJE tniAn'll! silt f.V "CV.t.'il apt house . management hi exchange .ct. wi oiaiesman,- It WAkTTMn....L.fc."'-2LT-2:'"'""'r" -------- r .wi.. ncicn mr- Ing. 401 S. tCottage. s r Experienced. Ref. Ppone 22694. i 3421 after J0 PJkt. or before 8 A.m! - - I-, nL PreSchool PlioVnhMi. ! c... - -vi, OHM ri w m aay trn. hjo. - . . VVflUM.Wri I Ph. 8493. - Rm 220 Oreeon Bide BR ; WIST MODERNIZK - DRS. CHAN ... LAM Dr.T.TXamJJ. i Dr.GXhaawNJ) i' CITLNESE tlerballsta ' i 1 i-J-ltt Nrtli jlibertj f : Upstairs! Portland General Electric Co.i Office 'open Saturday only 10 a nv 40 t pjn.j 8 to Tpmt Con sulUUon. Blood pressure and urine testa are tree, of eherge i Practiced sine. 1917.'. ' -'"J .. J ' - . "Strictly Private .TwES.t jf Bar i ujas - WA.. Vv4 - KD 1 I i: t wt DRESSMAKING. Alterations. Ph. W74 - - - "y By Quinn Hall XT. FT. , B5ROTWtRStSD HAD &A BUT TVEfiOONE VDUfc SOU IS .1 I 2-76 Money to Loan Quick Cash Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity Repayable 4n 12 i months j Company is locally owned and Managed. j GENERAL FINANCE ! CORPORATION I 8 138 ! Phone 8188 138 S. Commercial St-i Salem PRIVATE MONEY Auto And j Truckf Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars 01 trucks regaidless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. ' 1 to 13 jionths to repay. Aftet 8 o'clock! bhone 3361 or 21143 for appointment I j ROY H.j SIMMONS Regulated by state 136 S. Com 1 SVj Phone 9168 M 152) INCOME TAX LOANS Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan for Income) Taxes (orj any other worthy purpose) is to your; advantage, 'Personal' would ilike to serve you. Sensible Payments Sensible monthly payments you can afford are' arranged.! For ex . ample: 810.05 per mo. repays a $100 loan in 12 mos. j Loans $25 to $500 made t4 men and women on salary, furniture or auto. Prompt, friendly attention. Others not involved. f j i Come In. f hone or Write. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Room 125. Second Fir. New iBligh Bldg. 51$ State St. I Phone: Salem 3191 Lie. S-122 M 165i E. Galliriger. Mgr. $ MONEY I $ REAL ESTATE 'LOANS i PERSONAL LOANS f . CAE LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE F Lie S-216 M-22Z NANCE CO. 212 Guardian Bldg Auto Loan! Willamette Credit Co. STH i FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE W M 188 For -Miscellaneous PIANO: Good knar. 1150. 246 Gerth Ave.j West Salem. ENAMELED wtond ranee i with eotln. 2070 Myrtle. Ph. j 6236. f WELDERS New or used AlC.-D.C. At last a gen eral purpose ate welder,! the first practical underwriter's approved weld ing machine built to operate satisfac torily from 110-volt power! supply. GAS 6c ARC OUTFITS FOR RENT. VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. U 197 So.; Commercial EDOMslETOrdinete, dresser, coil springs, heater, 100 lb. ice box, etc. Sat. and Suni 10 to 8. Wallace Road Bo 139 ... i i FLUORESC bed and vanity lamps. Yeater Liberty. tppliance Co., 255 N. - ELEC. RANGE small old' model. $15. Used doors. . 1918 S. 12th. j UNFINISHED J Furniture! at Nelson Bros. Turn 315 N. Uberty. WICKraABUGYT$J0"h. 5909. . J j 30 HJP. Fairbanks Martre Diesel com plete with clutch and reverse: Would make cheap powier for other uses. 1855 North Winters, phone 21938. N- - REGULATION i Boy Scoirt shirt le iA. PhoneTr i -r SOLID Mahogany refectory type din ing table and 6 chairs upholstered in blue frieze $150.00.. Phone 8957. SUITS. COATS. Dresses; 12 to 14. blouses, hats, shoes, very! reasonable. 1330 Saginaw. Ph. 3505. WE Have a few davenos with plenty of springs. Nelson Bros. rum us r. laoerty. HORSE MANURE 75c ydj D. D. Delp. Vt ml. E. Fairgrounds. SUverton Rd. - GENERAL ELECTRIC i FAN $9.00 Lady's rain coat, size 20. worn twice $10. Metal music sUnd liO. Ph. 9794 CAST aluminum pancake and steak griddles with detachable handle. Yeat er Appliance Ce- 253 N. Liberty. t T WHraLTILERr with" 16 to. wheels, also Oriental rug. $80 Madrona. "fLJ0:" WxTstateSLi" UAIITED Ilcrris Klcrfcia ' VPacWng- Co. -MfN. Front St. . Salem i -. Phone 7S33 I7alna8 Financial For Sale Miscellaneous ESTATE Coal or Wood Heater, eoan plete -with pipe; Ping Pong table; Coleman Gasoline Camp Stove; Weld ed steel frame twe wheel trailer, 90 tires; Steel frame folding leg single cots. Jeep service cans. Hornet muff lers. Flexible tail . pipes. - Rear view mirrors. Single, jDual 8c Triple electric Horns. 40-41 Ford DeLuxe Mercury Condition Air Heater:. 8 Ton Hydraulic Jacks. McKay Tire Chains. Flash Lite Batterie & Fire Extinguishers. 1 each 22 Auto It Pump Rifle. 30-30 Carbln. I each 12 gauge DbL BbL & Single Shot. 1 each 22, 8 shot revolver and 38 Ivor Johnson. 33-20 Colt Frontiers man. 2-08 on Mauser action. Don Madison, 590 No. High Rni n mi. Yeater Appliance Ce. 255 N. Liberty. " RUBBER tired lawn mower for sale. 1680 N. Com j , ELECTRIC heater the Utest in cheap heat. Nelson Bros. Furn- 318 N. Liberty. , , :,; , t TRACTOR OWNERS: GET FINEST QUALITY TRACTOR TIRES. LET US HELP YOU APPLY FOR THEM. ALL SIZES AVAILABLE. 11x38900-36 . . . 358.95 PLUS TAX. . MONTGOMERY WARD. 155 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Heaters, OPA 3365. $4.58 P'" postage. Deposit, required, balance COD. Guaranteed. Hurry. Calif. Carb. & Mach. Works, 834 So. San Pedro, Los Angeles 14. Calif. MODERN Bed Daveno. Phone 6294. HOUSE Trailer. 1730 Water St. DAVENO. pre-war. 342 E. Rd. H. V. Nelson, j Turner DINING rm. set bed. mattress, box springs, Bissell carpet sweeper, youth bed 8e mattress, pre-war collapsible baby buggy, crib 8c mattress, pre-war bathlnette. Teeter-babe. Ph. 6960. NEW 6c Used Davenos. Floor Lamps. Bed suites. Rugs. Wheelbarrows. Lino leum & hundreds j of useful items Woodry's Mkt.. 1605 IN. Summer. "The Place to trade." ) SHOP at KluI ttrtm w 1 vim, ui JJ 1 1 1 furniture, kneehole desks, dinette sets. nampers ana nampers-nassocKs. 315 N. Liberty. j "ALW AYS Wg "stocrr" Woodry's Furniture) Mkt Ph. 5110 JUST arrived from Texas. Crystal Wax (white) Bermuda onion plants. PuritanCider Wks. j W. Salem. , OIL HEATING STOVE and 300 gal lon tank, some other furniture. 328 Gaines St. J DOUBLE BED, single bed complete, shoe makers patching and sewing mch. Singer, in perfect cond. Elec. pop corn Popper, metal panel bed. 1680 N. ComL PRACTICALLY new G. E. 6 W D 34 B 2 welder and one one used Wil son Wasp model G A 20 welder. Write 133 E. - PoweU St., Monmouth. Ore. WOOD and coal ranges and circula tion heaters, also a few oil heaters at Nelson Bros. Furn 315 "N. Liberty. UNIVERSAL Wtrio mn .liV. broils, bakes and roasts. Price $5oI Ph. 442 Monmouth.; WRECKING house 267 S. Church. Flooring and " siding, doors, windows, ceiling, 2x8s 16 to 28 ft long. lath, also 2 trunks, 2 cheap cook stoves. FARMERS! Replace worn-out light plant batteries with ; Montgomery Ward Powerlites. No priority ratings need ed. Lower priced than any other bat teries of equal quality. A 13-plate. 16-cell set ' GUARANTEED for 10 YEARS, is only $119.95 f.o.b. factory! MONTGOMERY WARD. 155 N. Liberty PLASTIC Kote and canvas paint. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 N. Liberty. . LADY'S diamond j ring. Ph. 21443. FARMERS! TRUCKERS Wards Drum-Lot Sale oh Motor Oil and Grease is now in progress: Finest Penn. Oil fifl cral ViMt: rlinri. innpf Paraffin Base Oil 49c gal. In 55-gal. arums pius rea. tax. ioo-iH cup or H.P. Grease1 $8 95. MONTGOMERY WARD 155 N. Liberty PRACTICALLY new Michaels-Stern Tuxedo, double breasted, size 37. $25. Ph. 7944 or call 2090 W. Nob Hill. FLASH Lights complete with bat teries. Yeater Anntinp. Pn ; w Liberty. 3 A-l Cond. 1097 Fir. pre-war - baby buggy. EFFICIENT Twn-lTnit rnnmt. Kan- tiC Tanks. Sewer Pipe. OREGON GRA VEL CO.. 1405 N. Ffont St Ph. 3417. SALE or Trade: Nice breakfast table and 2 chairs, chest iof drawers, cotton mattress like new, .chime clock, 1862 Renter. WOOD range, good cond.. $25. Marlin Voiding. 1 mi. N. j Silverton, Hobart Rd. Box 83. j SUN KRAFT and Krwrti ultra vinUt sun lamps. Yeater Appliance Co., 255 2 PC. living room suite, full sDrine construction, mohair 8c velour. $199.50 i oc .DV. z pc. tapestry suite, open arm. maple finish $134.75. Davenos with eoii springs, velour & tapestry covers. $69.50. $89.50; & $109.50. m'smeFrrn4CQ137 ConM. Johnston Sheet Metal Co. 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon Phone) 5391 Years of. experience enables us to five you guaranteed workmanship. Air conditioning. Furnaces. Gutters. Eave troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and repairing. FREE ESTI- ma I 5, PORTABLE fluorescent kitchen unit and fluorescent desk lamps. Yeater Appliance Co.. 253 n. Liberty. RTflVIF.. ranalrifi. 1 X. nmrm Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer St SHOP CO-OP AND SAVE Unpainted furniture, prime coated or with transparent plastic finish that re sists burns, scratches, stains. You'll like it Pickett's Co-op Fum., 13th & State. CO! "dry ce" 4 b. fire extinguish ers $24.50. Chas H4 Fowler. Ph. 8650 WRINGER Rolls for, all makes of washing machines. See Mr. Ellis - at Nelson Bros Furni Co, 319 N. Ub erty St - . . i - TRAILERS for rent 50c per fax. -Woodry's Mkt, 160$ N. Summer. v PIANO BENCHES, $12. Tallman's 395 & UttL. f - ;. y; ATMORAYS OZONE. seB and rent B C Pugh Ph 2-3458 PO. Box 463 OIL and wood circulator heaters. Yeater Appliance Co, 255 N. Liberty, LAWN MOWER Sharpening 8k Ad lusting. '. ' ' 1 Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N. Summer St Lemon JuicoRccipo Checks; Rheumatic "Pain Quickly - atwrttls Mln. trr Uls aiaDta taexpenslva atctpa tha tboiawM U aalBC. G a ScS aa af Ra-Ex Caampoane. a aik aupplr. today. MU It with a eaart af vmtcr. attt Um tales of 4 tenons. It s easy. No trouble at all aae altMMrt. Yoa ftard only 8 tabtaspaoa. taai two (naaa a ar.!Ofta wttbta 4S kows wartimrt avarniglit apieadM results- ant ofctatiwa. U She ata o -ant qatcalr tea aae II yoa aot Wet -Dinar, tmptr ftacftac aaa Ka-kx vui toe So try oa IS to BoM'kT yoar RIVERsUt $7rfyds7"ph 7855. VENTILATING and exhaust fans. Yetttr AppliaJSN. Liberty. an im os roa aota- oroQwacfo, ' . Farm For Salfr Sliscellaneont WILL -Buy tor easn. aeR or trade funs and ammunition. Don Madison. 590 No. High, f ; - v- - BRONZE PouKsS 20e cheaper than market price. Mrs. E. L. Gates. Rt. L Jefferson.. - -: . ; - , , - . WX Buy 8k eeU furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances. ; household goods. KLIG MAN'a, 285 N.Cosnmerclat Ptu 8883. : IRON cords and .heavy duty rubber extension cords. Yeater Appliance Co, 253c N. Liberty. -1 j ; I NEW SPINET PIANOS J Only 12 of 1941 production anowed byjWJ"3- In 1945, Few buyers wUl get new Spinets Act now if you want one. Tallman's, 385 S. 12th. near SJ Wanted Furniture FURNITURE, dothlnf. shoes, house hold goods. Sundale, 293 N. Coml. Phj! 3698.: i j - IF VOTT hiv. m it - Rut Bright Ph.; 751L 453 Court . Wanted Miscellaneous . ELECTRIC MOTOR or Horse power. CaU 5967 after 7 p.m. or eny time Sunday. WANTED? ?noi hmt. 4nv k1a ed r Boston Bull toy dog.' Phone 4424 Sunday only. 12 noon to one. OIL circulator, kitchen sink and Dam room plumbing. Ph. 2-1872. WANTED: Studio couch. Ph. 7944. SONG POEMS WANTED! NEW SONGS IN DEMAND. Send poem for free examination. Eliot Wright. Box 3861-C. Portland. Ore. We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUStNESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED I Pianos -1 , - Furniture and Appliances I CaU 9148 for appointment I HOGG BROS. i 260 State St WANTED Tricycle. Ph. 5909. WANTED Fireplace screen and lawn mower. Phone 21938. CASH Paid for old broken, discarded Jewelry and watches. Ph. 21957. WANTED: One iron or canvas fold ing' bed. also feather bed. H. Major. 898 S. 12th. WANTED: Portable typewriter In good condition. 581 Highland Ave. Household goods, elec. irons, radios, clocks. Huss. 415 Ferry. Ph. 2-1029. WANTED. PIANOS. Will paycash Wills Music Store, 432 State St CASH for used Dino tt other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days ot 9537 evenings or send description tr Jaquith Music Co.. 191 S High WANT TO Rut: Cseo cameras A lenses MrEwan Photo Shoo 435 State. WANTED. Pianos, Tallman's. Ph. 5707 USED rURNtTURR Ph 9185 Miscellaneous Business of Your Own in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Instruction, Male. Opportunity for men interested in going into own business to be trained by large or ganization. Great : need for men to install and repair Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment. Excellent post-war earning possibilities. Train ing' will not interfere with present job. Mechanically inclined men invit ed:: to write for details? and FREE ""Qualification Chart Test." Utilities Inst. Box 600. Statesman. VETERANS' Information Service. Chamber of Commerce, 1 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Disabled Amet. Vets. A. L., Brewster, Service Officer. Ph. 4339. ALCOHOLICS AnonVmous informa tion available. Address P.O. Box 726. WANT small established business to take calls for electric ranee repair ser vice, share rent. Harry Berreman, 827 N. Liberty. c Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Reoair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adplph Bldg State & Com. Ph 3311 WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES AND INTERESTS? Write and receive a uni que souvenir, World-Wide, 35 Howard St Trenton, N. J. For Rent- Rooms SLEEPING Room fori gentleman. Phone 5764. NICE heat. rm. Women. 960 Marion. HEATED sleep, room with kitchen privileges, mod. home. Lady. Ph. 24186. COMF. rm. close in. Ph. 7802. SI. rm., prl. home, gd. loc. Ph. 21449 Room and Board EMPLOYED mother & 10 yr. old boy. Private home preferred. Mrs. Fuller. Ph. 8862. FOR elderly lady or gentleman. 495 N. Cottage. j IFor Rent -Apartments ONE ROOM furn apt Ph. 7897. 152 S. Church. I SMALL: furnished apartment for lady. Close in. Phone 6288. XHMuT1heateTBpt 1599 State. S"T)H PTNT 1 I in ' Pullman ant. fnr working girL Phone 8408. . WILL EXCHANGE: 5-room furnish ed flat with bath, upstairs, utilities paid, for care of . my IS months old son and other light duties. I work from 6 - njn. until 2 a.m. and live downstairs. Prefer family with one or two well-behaved children around school age, who are clean, dependable and permanent References required. some pay later u party proves satis factory. Call at 246 South 17th St after 12 P.m. Sunday for Interview, or phone 4713. ( VACANCY. 160 .Union, single front housekeeping aptt Ph. 8048. MAR. 1st 3 rat. furn. apt. refrig. Employed adults 666 S. Summer. t For Rent Houses MODERN 2 Rm Cottage. Castle Hall Auto Court at Junction 3 ml 8. ot Salem on Hwy. 99 : . ..... Fori Rent PARTY now renting S bedrm. furn. house 6 blks. from State St would consider 2 bedrm. -mod. house in rural district with garden spot and fruit In exchange. 22 Division, FLOOR -SANDER , for rent Mont jumry Ward ' ' I :-:-' 4jaooVaaJoaHaaoW8woaaoosWoOWo ITRUCKS for rent too Urtve Me Cunt 4V Lovea obone 8600 - - GOOD Used Piano. H.' U SUfC arkels - i Wanted to Rent UrnvERStrr students; parents INCLUDED, NEED UNFURN. HOUSE. PH., 3516. j . ; - - ; . ; - tta-Dtrrr-v ' u.m'm f.mllv adl 1 or bed j. room tumhe. Permanent. Excellent res.; rn. . WANTED; Small firm, bouse or apt by mother ! with chlioren - j ana II yrs.: Phone 2-1906. wRrrrnPartrv furn. Wt S adults. FBone moo arter six fjo. . - . FURN. HOUSE urgently needed by service maq s wife and 17 yr. ekt eon. References.! rn. w. - " WANTED by April 1st Furn house . . . J,, l D.m, a n.nt In Hm. Oeraon. urana ineatrr. ru. mi w wanted' 4 or 5 rm. mod. unfr. house within 30 days by permanent local adult couple, w. A. luonse. rn 7177 i daytime. j DnuiHT.NT rMldent wants furn Ished house; or suitable living quarters immediately. Have two children. Ph. 21758 after noon. f : is crwmn for s or 3 bdrm. suit able house.! close in. Ph. 21993. MODERN j unfurn. house. ! No child ren. Ph. 8672. FURNISHED 4 or 5 rm. ! house by MiHh s Permanent local resident Good references. Ph. 24487 j before 10 m. j - : : WOMAN with 2 school age children wants one bed rm.. furn. or unfurn. apt or house- Ph. 2-1906. j WANT 2 or 3 bed rm unfurn. bouse by March 5th. Ph. 5207. . L j Acreage S ACRES In crop near Keizer school. fair , building, owner wants to trade for property in town. Exclusive listing. - , ? F. H. WUH . i L -127--!m-!cJf? ' COUNTRY HOME CLOSE IN 88400 IS, Acres. Creek. .Owner going east. About'an acre of timber. 1 Rma. A bath (older type: substantial house.) Large trees. Nice setting. Good barn k chick en house. Some fruit, nuts A berries. On paved rd. Bus service.' Crop. . cut wood and stoves included. : Possession in 10 days. Willamette Real Estate. 172 s. Liberty. jn. 7113. 13 ACRE BARGAIN 12 ac of young filberts. 10 large wal nuts, some open land. Two good drilled wells. Very . nice bldg. snot. Small house now rented for 810 per mo. 4 mi. put on food rd. Price 84,500. ! Call G. H., Grabenhorst. Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eve. 2-2948 23700.00 buys one acre East, three room houses Garage. Auto, water sys tem. Mr. Gardner with BURT: PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street - : Ph.. 3210 10 ACRES Keizer Dist.. choice garden soil: all cultivated. Small new house. good well. 84750. a A. good soil. East a room house, barn, nice creek, paved road. 86000. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Sauereesig Room 3 Ladd A Bush Bldg. ; j ACREAGE j . S A. tract of cherries between Boone A Pringle Rd. Can be subdivided. 2'4 A. tract with good building site. I mi. out with creek on paved rd. 2',i A. tract oiT Glen Creek Rd. Can be divided into lots. 8 A. tract 7'i Ml. out. Creek A SDrine-. 4 A. timber! Rest in cultivation. Small hsc A beautiful spot for summer home. 5 A. East on Monroe Ave. Best of soil. Near school. I Olson Si Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590 j Eve. 9538 NEW HmiSI? wIi-m! rMM T.n Elec. water! system, deep Well." S a! with money? mkg. stumpage. Close in. LUSE REALTY 209 Ore. Bldg. 7952 ; 1 ACRE HOME BARGAIN Located N.E. of Salem, lust outside city limits. Good neat, 4 rm. plastered home. Large Klassed-in sun room, util ity rm. Garage, best of soil, some young xamuy iruie trees, wice 84.750.00. i can Ui H. Grabenhorst. Jr with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors is s. UDerty St. Ph. 4131, Eve. 2-2948 i IMMEDIATE POSSFCCrnitf 5 A. North in Reimann addition with new 5 rm. imodern home in beautiful setting, hardwood floors, elect, water system. Immediate possession. 86500.00. 5 acres with 2 bed room house. South on highway $2700.00. Immediate pos session, j j See me oh other good buys In acre age, j R E. Meredith, Realtor 3155 Portland Road Phone 4463 .34.500.00 BUYS a 5 acre tract aU In berries and; fruit that have been well cared for. 6 room frame house, small barn, and poultry hse. This year's crop will go a long ways toward paying for the i place. See Mr. McMillin. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108 bays Rights 81721 STUMPAGE for sale. About One Mil lion feet of good second growth saw timber 14 miles from Salem. One mile from paved road. i ' ROSTEIN k ADOLPH.I INC.. 110' N. Commercial St Phone 3030 TEN ACRE BARGAIN Has year-round creek. Some land unnr milt Tin! na,i- m. t.i 5 rm. house with dble. garage. Modern Irice t4.75too.,ighU WtM T --- a a . am VTl II JKTt BL gr Wj!ht,G,RABEN"ORS'r BROS.. Realtors 10 ACRES tPTTTf nrtTTCv 10 acres weU drained berry or fruit land, some bearing prunes. 3 room ham. - 4m .kt.k.- i-A n I2Sd-?td 11 mde out- Price 82800. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig i Room' 3 Ladd k Buah Rlria- k Pringle Rd. Can be subdivided . l& A" rwttn 8od building site. 1 iSh l"1?1 creek on paved rd. - . on oien creek Rd. Can be divided into lota. H I t trif4 1ll.nl K. . r . . . - -- v -ivcm. m spring. 4 Ai. timber. Rest in cultivation. Small . ' . "u.llivu Pl ior summer home. n, Monroe Ave. Best of soil. Near school. , Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Core! St. Phone 590 Eve. 8838 NEW modem five room home. North. Hardwood fflnnra lhnilu,i,i a best of soit $6.00. T - '" air. uaraner. . i B1IBT OTZ-tli Hlltniia i j nwia jixisn street "1 Aero . o Acres 4 Acres ...i $1800.00 AffM a rm km,.. .11 . system, cir, heat $4500.00. i asx. oaromer witn i - Jw1!??, !?0!?- REALTORS 337 North High Street ( Ph. io 28 A. a 1mm it half in - " vivimiiu, WBU1UIS prunes and cherries. No bldgs. For rent or sale on easy terms. t P. 'A. FISH 477 Court f Ph. 1524 J - TEN ACRE HOME About 6 'A miles out 4 rooms, modern plumbing. lights, drilled ; weU with gfctwatef ' system, creekj some tim- a 7T-"r' ' V, .Llr umoer. New 8 rm. home never lived in. All -prenrar construction. Hwd. floor. . Att. xarae. nine, rrom saiem. A good buy See or call Mr. Bell. i f nuff real ESTATE CO. i. . OTn a Com'l St Phtme 3793 Eve, Phone 2-1731 -2 ACRES NJLahree bedrooms on ?T f rilvln Jitte; kitchen. Mr. Byrkit with ---,-,. - ; ' t- RTTUf Dirvi . - M ! fa. 3218 P-"" " J, -.8656.00 . i 82500.00 North High Street r Pb, 3210 Classi tied Acreage , SEE THIS TODAY; a modern well-; built 8 bdrm, bom on V acre fertil; oil NX. 36750. , . t j Two acres. Turner Road, large house, ! work shop, garage, fooa corner ioca Uem; $6900. - . : g acres. 4 bdrm. modern, home. ga rage, barn, auto, 'water system. One ot ur finest districts. .Over on and one half acres m cherries and filberts. Bet ter hurry on this one 811300. -. We ihave several good nearby farms let its talk with you about them. Also 87 acres first bench river bottom (no bldgs.) at $150 per acre. .. SALEM REALTY CO. I REALTORS 122 New Bligh Bldg. - Phone 7660 1 A. 8 Rm. House. 1 mi. X. $9500.00. 1 A. Rm. House. I ml. out rsoO.OO. Witt trade for home 14 A. 1 ML I. of city. $8500.00. CaU E. E. Grimm with Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 187 S. High St Ph. 3722 or Eve Ac sun. 7803 FOR 'SALE: Hi acre wooded tract located north of Silverton Road on Turner Road. Beautiful home site. $900. 715 S. 12th or Phone 109F1L 8 A. with 3 A. walnuts and cherries. excellent location on a food highway, water; right from good spring, and tractor and some eouipment all for $3750.1 - . , D. A. FISH 477 Court Ph. 8524 For Sale Real Estate BUILD m Salem select residential district Walnut Park. Lot 3. Block 8. Rose St. price tjiooo. Terms to suit your building program. Box 807 Statesman. 4 Rm. Bungalow with Utility Rm. Deep well, garage, Lg. lot 100x150. Sev eral varieties of fruit. City limits South. CaU Air. Boyd, -i - - . Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 167 S. High St. Ph. 3722 or Eve. 7081 NEW strictly modern five room house. : Large party room in bsmt with fireplace, two bedrooms In bsmt Dou ble plumbing, double garage. $13,000.00. Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street ' Ph. 3210 Special 87000. 1 acre north with completely furnished . hse. even to linen, lawn mower, garden tools, radio, rugs, elec tric refrig., elee. stove, elect, washer, dishes! and bedding. You can step right into this home and start house keeping. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Coml. Ph. 4590. Eve 8536 J I Leaving City Only 84500.00 for auick sale. 6 Rm. house, 3 B Rmi., good bsmt., fur nace, ; Lg. lot. some fruit and nuts. Highland Dist E. E. Grimm with 167 S. High St Ph. 3722 Rich L. Reimann, Realtor or Eves & Sun. 7803 jj See This! Large well built 2 bed room horns with full basement Inspection of this nome win sen it to you. Let us show it to you today. Price $4200. See MR. VOORHEES with i Leo N. Cliilds, Inc. !i REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 Attractive Close In Only 6 blocks South of State, loeat- ed in ; a beautiful district, a 5 room modern home with unfin. attic. You will like the setting among the large oaks. 1 Price 87500 cash. CjHSANJERSjJ83 3 BEDRM. MODERN HOME Large living rm. Hardwood firs, k fireplace, 2 bedrms down stairs A one up. Full basement with sawdust fur nace. Cor lot. South 12th St. $5500. ! 2 BEDRM. k ATTIC S large rms. 8c attic, Large cor. lot w'"1 rden space. 4 blks. from State bldgs, i $5250. H ART. MADSEN " State St. 1 Ph. 5580 . 84S00 3 bdrm home. L.R.. D.R. Nice kitchen with lots of built-ina. hdwd firs. Basemt furn. Wired for rge. On S. High St , Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S. Com! St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 9530 2 STORY 6 Rm. House. 3 nice bed- i rooms up. Oil heater, wired for range. Range, plastered throuehout J blk. to bus. near schools, lot 50x100. East off i State. Price $45O0.m;. See Mr. Rnvri Rich L. Reimann. Realtor SHigh St. 3722 or Eve. 7062 OWNER: 4 rm. modern house at ! 1755 Johns SL, Fairmount, Hill Dist, f house, garage & tolendid lot for gar- den. Bides, recently repainted and a I' new xoof on house. New auto, water f heater. Wired for elec. range. Located ' at 1231 Third St. W. Salem. It there j Is such a thing aa a bargain in these I . times, this is surely It Exclusive list- 1 ing. See ! F. G.; DELANO. 290 N. Church. Ph. 4091 ! 4 Rm. House, 2 Lg. Lots. $4300.00. 4 Rm, & sleeping porch. $2750 00. t Rm. bouse. Income $122 mo. $5750. i 1 Lg. lots 100x300. Price $830.00.. $780o!$0. lmWn 1130 f 0 Wm fad. Call E. E, Grimm with ' Rich L. Reimann, Realtor f 167 $. High St Ph. 2722 ! - - ! 1 Ev Suw- 7808 ' " " FOR SALE: " -" " "1 . ltSwSlr 1th 0001 SU. paved: ? a court. ' 82650. - - . GABEN,H,ii!'r ROS- REALTORS I 134 S S. Liberty St s Ph. 4131 f fiEIi0 Tnod- rm. home.! wiPJSJ furnace, attached garage hd"r- hving and dining rmi: f Lots of builtins. gas range and water heater included. Full basement sunk en back yard.: Close to school, on f o mkto, rnone SZ74.' nw. muuse, 4 bdrms., basem., dMj at5T;iKW ultab, to' home ori boarding house. Price $4750. f Call E. E, Grimm with - Rich hi Reimann, Realtor! High- "iSun. 780$ j f CLOSE IN HOME" -rJi f 1.- fT111- 8as furnace, SV, fpoms. aU nice Urge n:,mC2d,furnitur- hardwood Powcqto hlk- out- IMMEDIATE .9.RABENHORST BROS- REALTORS s. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 tt'ru a m . -a . .wnn umui. at r,HU W:floor- place. Venetian b afUSeC'J"tT.tank- Iwge lot near bus schools. See MR, GOODWIN with, Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. j P-08 Realtors After . Ph. 871S aartil,?'""-. wNo divided Into two I apartments With downstairs apart- rn.hfT"" ;WTr moilth ?PTtX - 4 Your home and $90 per month in- ' " Sf ' WS hovw with 8 room apart ment dowmrtair two apartments up- SiWri i-sssSk - FOR -T w V "' '" '-'. m - r 1 ZZ'y? ""' e1"" , .in V exceuenx . loca- e.n",1'1' " interested - Call ; 2 1631 inv ann 1 :iu - w 1 rr. fww vuo. I i j