The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1945, Page 12, Image 12

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    Lofty Card No1
. Tnla ' Mcfrk V.lfan flu-en
wasn't . kidding when, he clar-
loned he'd "line up ene of the
greatest rasslln cards ever of
fered in Salem, next Tuesday
night at the Ferry Street Garden.
Owen yesterday annonhced the
card a completed, and take a
look-see for yourself: L
Opening the brawls at 1:30
p. m. will be a session which
could pass as a main event most
anytime Walt Th Sneese"
Achlu against Two-fisted Billy.
McEnin. "Th Sneeze, popular
as they come in tights here and
still battling- to regin the main
event slots he left when he was
injured weeks ago, will travel
the 10-mlnutes or less route with
Texan VFIIlyam, two of three
falls deciding it. ItH be Wal
ter's jn-JMsn against - McEnin's
. flying fists, which should make
for a, lively scuffle.
Then In the semiwindup spe
cial, another two-of-three falls,
30-minuter, Coast Junior Heavy
Title Claimant ' Gust Johnson
looses his swift and brawn
. gainst a rent already noted for
Oninfs Pnisp.d, for
Si irrni'i -11 i '"""""T-iiiih
' Shortie sporties: ' Add to those whoTl definitely see the next and
last chapter of tni's' winter's Oregon-Oregon State basket battle: Mr.
and Mrs. Hunt Clark. Percy Locey & Co. will see to it, you can be
sure, and little wonder. In 10 years of witnessing DuckBeaver binges,
toe they football or basketball, tall "Huntington and spouse have yet
to see the Beavers finish second best! !.They missed seeing every game
won by Oregon. Consequently, an
OSC biggie should not only buy
'em a ringsider for the finale, but
hould also cart 'em down and
bring 'em back AA slyle . . And
to think Clark, the sheet's circula- ,
tion manager, used to call Oregon
his alma mater, too! Tch, tch
Incidentally, we've already heard
Ted Chambers offer to buy their
ducats for the game if they'd be
certain to go ... To baseball: Per-
haps another Willamette valley
youth about to make his debut in
pro baseball along with ML An-,
gel's Joe Bielemeier and Salem's u
Bob Schwartz. This one is all
around athlete Neil Richardson of
Dallas high. Dragons Coach Andy
Anderson is contacting an Ameri
can Association club regarding
Pitcher Richardson, who won't be
18 until next December. Blond-
headed Neil was a capable moundsman for both the Dragons and Al-
: bany's American Legion Juniors last season and can spin up a wicked
curse. ' He does okeh when in football and basketball togs, too . . .
Another Polk county youth, this one
of Gilbert Loy's Independence Hopsters, has already done better than
okeh in basketball this season. Prior to Wednesday night's Villa mix
with Herm Schwartzkopf s Jayvees, well-built Jones caged 250 points
in 19 games for the Hopsters, a new
ketball scoring . Speaking of
White Father" Duke Trotter, the
home the other day with what looked
be that 538 series he bowled in
the Major league Wednesday night
was too much for him ... Trotter
and coaching pal Bob McGuire to
tally agree with us, incidentally,
in that Oregon's basketball band is
one of the most rough and ready
outfits we've ever seen. . , .
What luck! All Bad
News but - not - good -kind-dept:
Those frowns now worn by
Messrs. Tommy Drynan, Frank
Brown, Gurnee Flesher, Herm
Schwartzkopf, et al, at the Vik
Villa were put there all with one
two-handed blow the other day
when the coaching herd was told
they're to lose no less than, three
and possibly more of the shining
junior high athletic lights before
long via transfers. If s a certainty
that football-basketball whiz Bill
Day, outstanding back in the jun-
- tor high loop last fall, is moving
to California soon, 'tis said. And
Carlos ' Houck, promising -baseball
catcher, proven football player
and up-and-coming basketballer
with Day at Parrish is also sched
uled to move to California. So
are' the Bellinger boys Captain
Allan, the varsity basketballer at
Xho .Villa who has another year of
eligibility leftsnd can play a bet
ter than average game as a foot
ball end, and smaller brother
; Hugh, coming fast as a Parrish
- basketballer. Then too, tis- said
that- Ken Gibson, point-pitching
. Parrish' hoop whiz will possibly
follow older brother Doug to Can-
yonville. '
' i Now if that isn't the toughest
.break the Villa sports department
has received j in years 'n years.
. we've" yet to hear of a worse one.
; 'Every one of those mentioned
have displayed in junior high ath
letics good-reason -to believe they
wul be strictly on Ihe terrific side
when decked out in senior high
duds. . "
It shouldn't happen to a dawg,
says the adage, but It's happening
to the Villa athletic chiefs. And
right when it begins to look like
; Viking teams are ready to. shake
? loose the awful and win! ess slump
Vrhich has blanketed them the past
iinle Tears. A few more preaxs
like these and1 Messrs. Drynan,
Flesher & Co., will be pulling out
- nr California also.
Ye Gods," they chime, ''Don't
they ever transfer in at fcaiem?
; Must if always be ouu
' inAianiT Still Sunning
' ! Regaining their : place In the
state crep athletic sun is niint!
Chemawa's Indians did it in uto
lh k cnntrhir.2 off the state u
it fall, and now darned u
i J'oesn'f look like they're on their
Set for Armory Mat Tuesday
In Tuesday's mat party '
his . muscles and strength,
Georges Dusette. Both of 'em
cleanles, lithe Johnson and the
"fan Londos of the Iightheav
lea" should whale off a touch-
District 11 Meet Tuesday:
; r i-,
; J -j ;
L4 ,
all-around athlete Rodney Jones
school record for individual bas
all - around athletes, 'tis said "Great
coaching navy chief specialist went
like a case of the mumps. Meb-
No-Name Ball
Schedule Set
The baseball schedule for the
No-Name league campaign the
coming spring was announced yes
terday by Coach Earl McKinney of
Corvallis high, who drew it up by
request of league officials. A
round-robin home-and-home ser
ies will be played between Eugene,
Corvallis, Albany and Salem, same
to start Friday, April 20, and fin
ish Friday, May 18. Meanwhile,
Corvallis is attenmptin to line up
a jamboree for April 14, all teams
Salem Schools Athletic Director
Gurnee Flesher, who is to coach
the first Viking baseball team, in
three years at the Villa, announced
yesterday baseball practice would
be started in about two weeks fas
soon as basketball is out of the
way," Flesher expects a large
turnout which will include a num
ber of outstanding players in last
summer's Salem Junior circuit and
the American Legion Junior nine.
The schedule is as follows:
Friday. April 14 Jamborc at Cor
vallis (tentative).
Friday, April so Salem at Xugene,
Aioany ai uorvtnis.
Friday, April 27 Xugeno at Al
bany, Corvailia at Salem.
Friday. May 4 Corvallis at Xu
gen. Salein at Albany.
Tuesday." May S Albany at Xu
gen. Salein at Corvallis.
Tuesday. May IS Eugene at Cor
vallis. Albany at Salem.
Friday, May IS Eugene at Salem,
v-otyiu at Aioany. ; :
Medford Cops
District Title i
ASHLAND, Feb. 24. -iJP-Medford
became' district 4
champion here tonight by beat
ing Ashland In the finals. 46-3$.
Last night the Black Tornado
.barely edged ont Klamath Falls,
ZS-25, in an overtime period.
Medford will now play the dis
trict 3 champ (Redmond, Bend,
Prtneville, Lakeview) for a
berth In the state torney at Sa
Amity Tops Willamina
AMITY Coach George Bailey's
Amity Blues toppled Willamina's
cagers Fnday night 29-24, at
Willamina after training by a 2?
16 conut at half time.
. V-; - : I
Lee 4 ... ..,-." 1ft Buswell
Johnson 7 . . T , ' . . 0 Sack
liseUe 11 ,"7 ; . Bainter
Watts.S - G Ri(?gs
and-go sizzler. i ' ;
The main event needs no for
tho Introduction other than Gor
reous Georrie Wagner vs. "Gregr
Mask." This one, presented last
week and winding- up; with a
wild and bloody climax, jammed
the bleep bin at the same time
and sent the clients home con
vinced they's seen a duly. Us
ually unllked Georgie won it, but
only after a stormy ending; in
which Referee Tony Soss and
, "seconding: McEuin be e a m e
whole-heartely Involved all
against head-bonking Mr, Stone
face. Naturally, Mr. Mask had
a squawk leomlna-and squawked
It. lie threatened to pull out of
the circuit entirely If Owen didn't
rematch htm with his pet enemy.
Blusterous Wagner, almost over
whelmed at his conquest of the
hooded hoodlum, gladly accepted
another shot at hint, for it seems
the Bathrobe Kid Isn't yet con
vinced he's "even"! with the guy
wtt6 handed him a first-class bat
tering some months ago. -..Indica
tions point to another 'fall house
for the star-studded party.
Battle Feature
The blue chips iit the middle
for district ll's five state tourney
aspirants Tuesday .night I on spa
cious ML "Angel college's hoop-
way where the double-elimination
derby takes off at 7:30 p.m. Next
Saturday night, or possibly the
following Monday night,- a cham
pion Will be crowned and auali
fied to tacWe Oregon City's Pio
neers ?f or the coveted blue ribbon
classic berth. . f f . ' I
The natural of the district ses
sion Jreserits itself almost right
off the bat Tuesday. Those who
take their; districll basketballihg
seriously point to I Coach Frank
Brown's Salem Vikings and Jiggs
Burnett's Woodburn Bulldogs, the
latter , the undented champions of
the Duration league, as the teams
to beat in the meet And first
round pairings, drawn at the sen
ior high last week toss , the Viks
and Bulldogs together in! the 8:30
game : Tuesday night Silverton's
Silver Foxes, classed as the dark
horse ; entry of thf payoff scrap
since they ire been decidedly "up
m recent s games. I take on tiny
Stayton's Packers pi the opener.
Coach Paul Reiling's Mt Angel
Preps ;! watch from the sidelines
Tuesday via a bye and swing into
action Wednesday! agaijast the
winner of; the Silvertoh-Stayton
beef. I f
The winner of the Salein-Wood-
burn game will take a long stride
toward the eventual title since ,a
victory means a bye rest Wednes
day night while the loser must
battle' the loser of the Silverton-
Stayton tilt I i
Indications point to a capacity
crowd for Tuesday's session. The
Mt Ange) g y m accommodates
around 1000 patrons.
PORTLAND, Feb. 24 ; (A)
Joe Kahut of Woodburn,.
heavier than when he last
fought here, has been match
ed with! Jack Huber, heavy-
weight coast guardsman, in
the 10-rpund main event of a :
boxing card here March X. Ka
hut, now In the navy, report
ed he weight 183 pounds. He
has been-granted a fUrlouglu :
Haber weighs 19 pounds.
Eagle Meet Vangaarda -
h '! t ... 1 ... i
land Eagles win play the Vancou
ver Vanguards in" a northern 'di
vision" Pacific coast ice hockey
league here Sunday at 8:30
scrap signed
Looms Closer Than. First
Their first battle anything but
the ;raniway predicted for the
Parrish Pioneer ' in ' pre-game
prognostications, followers of the
two local Junior high cage quints
are f visualising Ian even ' closer
straggle between the two rivals
next- Friday night when the sec
ond game of the city title aeries
Is hooped off on the Leslie court.
Resorting to a definite slow-
em-down attack and stopping the
Parrish fast break to a walk, the
Leslleites held the point-potent
Pioneers to 19 counters fat the
openev f but dldnt hit - often
enough themselves to win. Play
ing this time on their Own floor,
the Missionaries should be mnch
: more able : to find the range.
And if forwards; Harry Culbert
son , and Bob .Funk, who 'didn't
score a single field goal between
them last week, are over the at
tack of flu that kept them bed
ridden for almost a week prior
to Thursday's session, and are In
shape to maneuver for a few
more - shots at the backet, Les
lie's offense may give the Pio
neers trouble. i 1 ' V
WSC Pennant
Chances Soar
Red-Hot sVictors Have
Chance for Deadlock
SEATTLE, Feb. 24 (flV-Wash-
ington State college - remained a
potent bidder lor northern divi
sion Pacific Coast Conference bas
ketball laurels tonight by defeat
ing the University of Washington
53-45, after breaking in front from
a halftime 22-22 tie. - j
Vince Hansen, towering Cougar
center, got 18 points to equal the
northern division scoring record
of 224 set in 1943 by Gale Bishop,
then of WJS.C The lead changed
hands : 13 times during the game
and the score was tied four times.
Washington took a 5-1 lead ear
ly in the game, but the. Cougars
soon moved into a tie. The lead
see-sawed for most of jthe first
half, with the Cougars gaining a
deadlock on a long field goal by
Mort Joslin just as the half closed.
The game progressed in the same
dind-dong fashion in the second
half until the Cougars took a 38-37
lead jnidway on a field goal by
George Hamilton. I
At that point Hansen, Hamilton
and Joslin put on a brief flurry
that Wound up with the; Cougars
leading 48-41 and in safe posses
sion of the ball game, j
JoBlin. f
Gregg, f .
Jorrison, t
Hansen, c .
Waller, c .
Rennick, (
Johnson, g
Hamilton, g
Creveling. 1 '
LCarnovale, t
McMillan. 1
Blowers, f
Vandeburgh, c
Anderson, c )
Jorgensen, g . ,;.,,,
King, g 1
Totals i
19 1
Field goals attempted: Washington
67, Washington State 68. Free throws
missed: Creveling 3. Carnovale. Mc
Millan, Blowers, Anderson, ! Jorgensen,
King,- josun z, uregg. jornson, Han
sen 3, Johnson. Hamilton, : Note boom
Hansen Equals
Bishop Recbrd
Scoring 16 points in Washington
State s victorious effort against
Washington's Huskies last night,
Vince Hansen, the Cougars' 6 foot
8 inchcenter, equaled the North
ern Division scoring record for 16
games set by Gail Bishop of the
same club in 1943. Hansen now
has a record-breaking total of 224
points with two encounters against
Idaho yet to play, and Is within
reach of the all-time mark of 249
points set in 1938 by Laddie Gale,
of Oregon. Gate made his record
in 20 games, however, in! a season
when Montana was included in the
division race, j j
Oregon State's Red Rocha tank
ed 15 points igainst Idaho last
night to move within 16 points of
Bishop's old record, but. has only
only game, against Oregon March
3, to reach the: goal.
89 4 33 224
Hanson, WSC J 14
Rocha, OSC i 13
89 1S1
85 las
72 136
64 17
58 ;17
50 19
50 US
39 37
43 jai
40 22
W liking, Oregon . IS
Jorgensen. Washi 18
Hays, Oregon , : ... . 15
Hamilton, Oregon 15
King. Washington 16
Hamilton. WSC i...... 14
Smith. Oregon j -- '
Berteit. Oregon 15
McGrath, OSC - 15
Golden Glove
Tourney Hit
PORTLAND,) Feb. 24-H'P) The
Golden Gloves; boxing tournament
here March 7-9 has run smack up
against the midnight curfew en
tertainment. Tournament officials
pointed out sadly that in previous
years amateur! bouts ran until
or S t, dl j j
With 100 fighters expected to
compete in the nine weight divi
sions, officials decided to cut time
by limiting the first two nights'
elimination bouts to three two-
minute rounds!
Hugh Bellinger, who played
about half, the game (Thorsday,
to replace the Injured; Ken Gib
son, who suffered a broken arm
In the first play of the game
last week. Bellinger, j while not
the ball hawk that Gibson was.
Is a crack shot and! bmt ex
pected to weaken the Pioneer at
tack- much, 4 j ; r
Fana who have watched the
two dabs play all year were
of the opinion that ! the heavily
favored Pioneers were consider
ably off form In the first game
and expect a much better, per
formance from them this week.
TOP -do
Clothiers i
458 State
Salem - N
Idaho. 7? Tie Bucks
ars Wallop Huskies,
Potent Salem Hi
Their opening meet Is a long
way off and the dinger . oval
Isn't quite at present In a e
operative condition, but Salem
lugh's 1945 track and field
sqnad, a potent-appearing pack,
is gradually taking shape. Oach
Tommy Drrnan, whose spike
sters galloped second In the
bine-ribboned Hayward Relays
and State Prep meets last year.
Is at present hustling seme 25
aspirants through preview work-
eats, 19 of the 25 wearing let
ters. ; Another half-dosen hope
fuls. Including three mere let
termen, will Join the squad at
the close ef the basketball sea
son. Also, a handful of bright
junior high lights of
Good reasons why! Silverton's Silver Foxes form the darkherse entry in the district 11 tournament at ML
Angel starting Tuesday night are these three cagers talking it over with Coach Roy Boe. DeWayne
Johnson, Dale Bennett and 6-foot 4-Inch Glenn Nado (left to right) were biggies for the Boemen ever
the season, and could help make It mighty Interesting for Salem,
foes In the tourney this week. (Statesman Sports photo).
Slammin' Sam
Nabs Golf Lead
PENSACOLA, Fla., Feb. 24.-P)
Stocky Sammy. Snead scored a
second round 8-under par 64 to
day to replace Harold (Jug) Mc
Spaden as leader, in the $6,500
Pensacola open golf tornament af
ter 36-holes of play. The -Hot
Springs, Va slammer combined
near-perfect putting with his tre
mendous driving game to bring
his two day total to 131, three
strokes better than McSpaden who
slipped to a 2-under par 64. !
Meanwhile, golfs consistency
man, Byron Nelson, of Toledo, O.,
was getting around in 35-34 69,
three under par, the same as his
first round, and,; stands seven
strokes behind the leader at 138.
Tied with Nelson at 138 are
Leonard Dodson of San Francisco,
Calif, Sgt E. J. (Dutch) Harrison
of Little Rock, Ark., and Fred
Haas,, jr., the New Orleans ama
teur. - ;
Harrison, winner of the $10,000
Miami open, was; 2 under at 70
today, while Haas had a 69 and
Dodson 68. i
BaU Meeting
NEW YORK, Feb. 24-ff)-Minor
league baseball will insist on
checks against post-war major
league expansion: before signing
any new major-minor agreement
it was indicated today as members
of the 10-man revision committee
headed for Chicago to open impor
tant meetings Monday.
Although the Chicago sessions
probably '. wfll : produce nothing
more than an airing of ideas, nam
ing of a smaller sub-committee to
meet with a similar group from
the majors is to be expected. All
recommendations f will be sut Jt :t
to approval at the December: na
tional association; convention.
Promoted and Sponsored
Capital Post No. t
February 27 8:30
Gccrge TTcgnsr
i son-wtsDCP ' !
Georges' Dosette ts. Gust ; Johnson
- J WO OPENER- ' i,
Walt Achia vs. BiUy McEum ,
New nrlces In effect Tuesday night and Jiereafter: Kingaide
SSiGeneral Admission 1.00-Children 50c TkkeU avaU
able at Staple's Sporting Goods Store. Elton Owen, Matchmaker.
Cinder Squad Taking Sliape
ago are listed on the squad. :
rA well-balanced scoring - eat--fit
looms for Drynan's seantiea
this year what with - returners T
Benny . Lambert and Bob Macy
for the distances. Bob Weber for
sprints and broad -jump, Lyle
WUliasns for ' hurling and pole
vaulting. Don Wilson for javelin;
Aft Gottfried for discos, Myroa
Ca vender for sprints, Art En
glebart for quarter-mile, Jack
Maple9 s Five Sicamped
By Camp Adair Sailors
-f (Special) The Camp Adair .
Naval unit basketball team;
stocked with seasoned veter
ans, swamped an undermari-
ned Maples Sporting Goods
quint of the Salem City league
here last night, 62-28. 'A re
turn game is planned for two
weeks hence at Willamette
University in Salem.
Bowlers Suffer
Curfew Edict
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 - (JT)
The possibility of bowling alleys
i industrial centers remaining
open after midnignt apparently
was knocked out today by an an
nouncement of how the entertain
ment curfew will be enforced.
The war manpower commis
sion, instructing regional direc
tors on enforcement of the; 12
o'clock closing order today, said
there j will; be only two excep
tions: j entertainment for military
personal and certain resaurants.
Sports arenas also come under
the curfew i order but ' baseball
boxing, hockey, 1 basketball, and
such events will not be seriously
affected since they usually end
before midnight; .
Why Not Enter Leslie J
And Parrish Quints?-";
- I PORTLAND, Feb. 14 -.(ff).
Dates' for the annual - golden
ball eagefesi northwest's largest-boys'
basketball tourney
will be held March It through!
Starch 31, the sponsoring Penin
sols Kiwanh crab said todayj
-Play this year wfll Include
-grade-school age teams. Entries
will be for clippers, ages 17 to
18; Intermediate, ages v 15-17,
and cub, under IS years. .. , . .
vs. "Grey Ilasli
a season ; . -
- f J "V t "
, , j i 1 ' ,::?:?r
. .
Edge Near
Gatke for nigh Jump, Al Bellin
ger for. hurdles, Clyde Janze for
the mile and " Tom Boardman.
Jeep Lowe and Mel Hllflker for
:the -welgiita, "t
Breadjamper Ed Possehl,
Shot-putter Wayne Hoaser and
Sprinter Mel Boggs are three of
the upcoming junior high spike
sters. Another possibility as
point-winner b Miler Gordon
Hewitt, a- transfer from Beaver
ton high.)
Along With those mentioned,
ethers oat or doe to turn oat
inclade: IBob HowelL Webby
Ross, Harold Blair, Dick Harri
son, Daryl Ot jn, Don Pickett,
Don Baal, JE Jones, Hugh
Brykit, Jim Bontell, Jack Lar
son and Jack Peterson.'
Woodburn, Mt. Angel and Stay ton
Probable Soon
, ; - - -
St. LOUIS, Feb. 24.-;pr-The
Post-Dispatch said tonight the
major league advisory committee
which wiu, recommend a .new
commissioner will meet in St
Louis Tuesday. Members of the
committee are Sam Breadon, pres
ident of the St Louis Cardinals,
Don Barnes.- president of th St
Louis Browns, Philip K. Wrigley
or tne Chicago Cubs, and Alva
Bradley, president of the Cleve
land Indians.
The Post-Dispatch said hotel
reservations have been made here
for both Wrigley and Bradlev for
Tuesday, hut the St. Louis mem
bers of jthe committee would not
confirm ori deny that the meeting
was to taa:e place.
House Okehs Licenses .
an i i .
. y insure . uoais ID leet or
longer will be licensed if a bill
which passed the house Saturday
is approved by the senate and gov
ernor. The license will not sddIt
to any craft used for commercial
purposes. ! . . V
. coats from. IS to 20 i feet in
length will pay IS a year and
larger boats will be charred 11
additional lor each foot over 20
feet. I' . " ' A ' n
If the finest availabl gnAt for quality recap.
Provides new, thick tread n :L
! -
j -
Cn ; 1. F. Goodrich
Our skilled recappers use the
B. F. Goodrich method. Ai-
ves quality wocksaanahip
added aafetyt
1ia1?7dly worn tires can't be re
pped. Dnre in tod.j-our expert. wiU tell
you t jour tires need recapping.
7'G0 for 410045 trm usrnnu
198 S. Commercial
uutuUUl 11
Vandals Press
OSC Five Hard
Rocha Paces With 15,
- Nears Scoring Record
! . W L Pet. pr PA
Oregon , t $ Jttn 70S 192
Oregon SUto 10 f. .SOT 77 S05
Wasb.i-Stat 8 JM4 65 S10
Washington 3 11; J13 714 787
Idaho t - J 11 1 JU4 64J S53
Last night's results: At Oregon State
44. Idaho S3. At Washington 43. Wash
ington: Stat SS.
Oregon State Beavers climbed in
to a tie with Oregon for the lead
in the northern division of tho
Pacific Coast basketball confer
ence tonight when "it defeated Ida
ho, 44 to 33. Oregon State and
Oregon are half game ahead of
Washington State, 'which kept
pace by defeating Washington to-.
night! - 1 ; r
. - j
The Beavers found Idaho stern
er competition than last night, tho
Vandals shooting far, more accur
ately; but having trouble, pierc
ing a zone defense. Len Pyne was
top scorer for Idaho with 12
points. Red Rocha was high for
OregOn State with 15, but team
mate : Bob Labhart, tied for top
point; maker the night previous,
was badly off. . j -
The Vandals looked strong at
the start After the score was tied
at '2-2, 4-4 and 7-7, Idaho took
an 11 to 8 lead on a field goal
by Pyne. Strait cut it to 11 to
10, but Pyne came back for 13
to 10. Henningsen a n d West
snagged field goals to put Oregon
State; in-front, 14 to 13, but Jess
Overholsfr caged one to take the
lead -for ..the Vandals, -15 ,to 14,
with seven minutes; played.
At this point Oregon Slate got
?hot"- and three field goals in a
row - by ; Kocha, McGrath, and
Rocha again,- plus Strait's free
throw, gave - the Beavers a 21 to
15 lead. . . '
They stayed in front from then
on, leading al the half, 23 to 18.
At the. 10-minute mark in the sec
ond half, Oregon State .was in
front,! 34 to 28. The Beavers then
put on another scoring spurt arid
made; the count 41 to 28 before
the Vandals could score again.
Labhart, f
1 2 I
Strait.1 I
Sertic.i f
Rocha. c
' S
McGrath, g
West, g
Moore, g
Sirtuns. g
IDAHO (33)
Shifril; f ......
overnoiser, f
Call, f
Brown; f
Taylor, c ,'
Iyne, ; g
Carbaugh, g
Missed free throws Oramn .Ctsta
Henningsen 2, Strait 2. Rocha 2, West;
Idaho.: Call. Brown. Tavlor. Pvnt a.
Carbaugh. Referee Paul Warren.
Umpira Xmil . Piluso. :
Peden Honored
LEBANON Bill Peden. basket
ball and football letterman star,
was the guest of honor Thursday
evening when E. H. Bohle, tnem
ber of; the school board, A. B. Cash,
principal of the high school, and
Lawrence Page, coach, entertain-
ea tne basketball players at a tur
key dinner. A gift of $20 was
presented to Bill by the hosts and
players. He will leave Saturday
morning for Ft. Lewis. .
Bock T7col Insulaiion
Installed under pneumatic
I - - pressure
! -r-ANDi
Metal Interlockinz
Weather Stripping
Saves op U ! la your faeL
Free Estimate - No ObllgaUon
! J. D, Canpbell
HIS Eoosevelt . ' Phone till
ccnlf bo euro
at Elananor
ri . .
; (Continued on page li)
B. iee o -. ; , u , ft aaer
Parrish will probably call on
r none 3156 - R,ipl