3m PAGE SZVOT Th OREGON STATESMAN. Satan, Oragca. Friday Morning. February 2X ISi i - i Labisli Woman IU in South - LABISH CENTER Knowles Tontz received word tliis week that his daughter, Peggy, who has been working for .Western Union in Arizona, has been ill and in the hospital. She has been trans ferred to southern California. His son. Tad, of Tigard, is in a hos pital for treatment V . ( . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aker had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Startin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack EdmundFon, and Mr. and Mrs. Stub Magill and Linda, alt of Mil waukie. fc " Among the Ja test Labish resi dents to set the mumps are Har at ner was vey Akeiy (Gary Lovre, and Janet Pearsall. I Mrs. Wv F. Klampe entered a Salem .hospital Thursday, where he will": undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aktr spent Bunday at the W. J. Edwards home rear Sherwood. Bob DeGross, who has been lerving in the navy, recently re ceived a medical discharge and is now living in Pomona, Calif., with Mrs. DeGross. WOODBURN The program for the -Martha " Washington ' tea Thursday afternoon at the Wood- burn library, will include a piano ' solo by miss ijonna uean; vocai solos by Mrs. J. - Mefvin Ringo," Mrs. Neal Butterjield . and Mrs. Clara Chamberlain; instrumental duets by Mr. and Mrs Kenneth - " Thompson. Dick Moon will also give a vocal selection,- and - the "Saga of the Library" will he. - given by the librarian,' Mrs. L. D." MocheL r i , .-! r Incidental music by the Camp fire girls will be a feature of the tea hour. The clubrooms will be ' 'open at 2:30; the program will begin at 3:00, and tea wijl be served at 3:30. - v. .. 'Mrs. A. E. Austin, senior past president of the club, heads the hospitality committee. Tea will be poured by Mrs. Arista Nen- dle, Mrs. A. G. Douglass, Mrs. T. C. Poorman,- Miss Mary Scol lard, Mrs. Wallace Jones and Mrs. John Muir. , Mrs. Henry Beaman is gener al chairman of the tea and the ; Camp Fire girls will assist as ' pages. This is the 38th consecu tive tea, the traditional book ben efit for the library. Today's Menu A little extraflavor, added" to a ready-made pudding will make the dessert for dirtner tonight, and will follow a meal featuring , fish. 1 Grapefruit cocktail Baked salmon spices Boiled potatoes Creamed onions -Sunset pudding - evt.rT MIDDLE AMERICAN SUNSET PUDDING 1 package vanilla pudding mix cups milk I cup apple sauce j - 1 egg white 2 teaspoons sugar Orange marmalade l cup chredded coconut Empty the vanilla pudding mix Into a saucepan. Add tne miiK gradually and cook over direct . heat, stirring constantly unui the mixture thickens and boils. Remove from heat and stir in the apple sauce. Pour into shallow custard cups and allow to cool. Spread about- a teaspoonf ul of marmalade on each pudding and top with a meringue made of the beaten egg white and sugar Sprinkle with coconut and bake in a slow oyen, J?25 degrees, for 15 minutes or . until lightly browned. Serve cold. ESIere Is Whai lou ve een Wailing For! O Toy Telephones Solid rubber O O Ileial Cars - Trucks - Tooisie Toys O O Blocks Alphabet and building O O Dominoes Double twelves O -O Bow and Arrows With iargels 6 O Ilonopoly Gaines Standard O O Ouija Boards Luminous or plain O O Ilelal Sand Fails and Shovels O O Books Coloring, animated picture O O Faint and Crayon Sets -Pencil Boxes O O Plastic Tea Sets 15, 30, 42 pes. O O Little Ilurse Sets With "uniforms O O Boats - 8-Pc. Tillicum Harbor Sets O O Ualkie-Talkie Sets Beally work! O O Jump Ropes Durable O Onlv a Few of Each. So Just Received for Easter - Lambs Elephants Neighborhood Club Has Meet at Werner Home EAST ENGLEWOOD The Garden Road Neighborhood club was entertained Friday afternoon the home of Mrs. Ralph Wer on Garden road. A luncheon served by Mrs. Werner to the following . members. Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs. A. C. Schaffer, Mrs. Glenn Larkins, Mrs. Frank Ricket, Mrs. R. T. Wicklander, Mrs. Earl Wood, Mrs. Archie Wehtje, Wal ter Swingle, Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. Paul Lynch and a" guest, Mrs. 'J. Noble Reid, with Mrs. Charles Siegmund coming in for the afternoon ' bringing her ; new granddaughter, Sharon Hardman. Members of the club voted to send in the annual membership in the Red Cross. ALBANY vSstn Clemen tine, superior of Mary's acad emy, was the guest of honor at a tea given in the music room .of the academy Wednesday cele brating the fiftieth year of her work as a nun. Sister Clementine is a member of the Benedictine order and before assuming the office of superior she was an in structor for many years in the academy. The tea table was centered with a bowl of golden daffodils in a Crystal bowl, flanked by golden - candles ' in candelabra. Mrs Herman Albrich and Mrs. N s. Allard were in charge of the tea table, Mrs. L. L. Cooper 'had charge of the guest table, and assisting about the rooms were Mrs.."J. Goetz, Mrs; H. Cal avah, Mrs? Elmer Mitchell, Mrs. Joseph Aylward and Mrs. Har old Murphy. Mrs. R. A, Talbott and Mrs. C." Huffman1 poured. Forty five women called during the tea hour from 2 until 3 o'clock. . HAYESVIIXE Airs. C. Pas- ley entertained " Monday with a shower for Mrs. Thelma Novicki. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Eleata Brown, Mrs. Lyle Carrow and Mrs. Paul Fuhrer. Other guests invited were Mrs. W. Hansen, Mrs. Eileen Pita ceiato, Mrs. George Kunda, Mrs. George Van Cleave, Mrs. Lloyd West, Mrs. Evelyn Tuers, Mrs. Scott Smith, Mrs. Ona Peterson, Mrs. Berniece Vestal, Mrs. Reva Tibbets, Mrs. Jim Wilson, Mrs. Emma Case, Mrs. B. Ballard, Mi,r Mable Seweit, Mrs. M. Foley, Mrs. Charles Andresen. - Mrs. R. Carston, Mrs. Grace Bol ton, Mrs. B. McCallister, Mrs. B..Ransdell, Mrs. Georgians An dresen; Mrs. : Albert Wulfemeyer, Mrs. P. Nystrom, Mrs. Ronald . Hall, Mrs. Isa belle j Smith, Mrs. W. DeBoer, Mrs. M. Doerfler.l MraJ -I. Slattum and Mrs. Jake "Penrod. RATION CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS: Book 4 Blue stamps X5 through Z5. - A2 through M2 now valid. MEAT. BUTTER. FATS A CHEESES: Book 4 Red .stamps Q5 through X5 ,nd AJ through D2 now good SUGAR! Book i Sugar stamp 34 good through February 28: stamp 35 good turouu June 2. SHOES: Loose Stamps Invalid: Book 6 AirpUme stamps Nos. 2. 2 and 3 valid now, GASOLINE: A14 through March 21. Each, coupon worth 4 gallons , FUEL OIL: twivi 4 Jtr B pourons 1 193-44 series) ,nd period H2 coupons ttortgh April 31, I9s ohhumoa Do Yoa Hate HOT FLASHES? If yea suffer from hot flhes, feel weak, neirotw, a bit Vtam a times aU due to the functional "mlddla ar period peculiar to women try y ic PtnkhanVa Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Made especially lor women ft help Miwif Follow label directions. 1YEIA L PISXHAM'S SSStS Washable Wool Rabbits Dogs Cats Chicks ; - - Recording Studio - Toy Shop . 13G N. COMMERCIAL ST . T p ; I . . s! SALEM, OREGON f :'L !' m ' I " ' f j Si ii" j !! Jersey!, prints, etc in ! bright colors I j. 1 Mil i Half-pound box Fruit and Nut Clusters 3-piece crockery; i mixing bo All three bowls, l! 1 ! Complete with handle: mm if :-.. 4c H ' : ,' ii I i 1; i i IHMifcGs I ".. . 5. - i fe ; . 11 - "' s - i f mm Two sizes of beautiful pastel cuddly Bunny Rabbits. Good any time, but ideal for Easter. i r1Q(0 ; U .n l I i ; Assorted patterns. Regular IDs I I m end ;ii 1 1 i I ll lll " - II II- II ; i; n rtD i-p TR l7v "I i 'r-' 7 INI 1 S , I ! Metropolitan bas this week assembled an outstanding array of special values for ! be here Friday and Saturday and take advantage of these "hard-to-find" items to ! 1 !i 0 .1 . ; I". .11 J - i iiLi . xrn.' . 1j 1 i 1 ureas ot otner items A flll Complete with Thermos Bottle A Large assortment Ladies' Print Hankies i i Large selection. 2 for 250 f Is f Lamp Shades Boudoir. Assorted colors. ! 1 Congolenm not iisiea nere avauaoie. vuy - Helal Easier Cards 50 to 250 Assorted Colors Anklets Cushion sole, turn-down tops. 1 - .: ill -!- -j:. - ' f - J - : I ." V -- I" ;, - i ' i -. ? f ' Y3 : WM aMl isigte i " - S t-M framing IPahls Other panties for tots, toddlers and teens. Hols Sizes 2 to 6 ! . j S - ' s - I j : uui cumc m anu uiuwtc uuuu. 53 j , : - .... r . . 1 i mm Blue Benira Sizes 3 to 10 r Sri Special Garden and Large . ... 5C 1 mm Thermos VACUDII BOTTLES ' ; ASSORTED FLOWERS ! AND COLORS 8eel Uobl the "Early Bird" shopper. So be sold at special prices Hun- -J9 !!- t . ,, , ,- j, - - - PieceSet : Beautiful Floral Pattern in Center With ; Qwnuin ; gold edging band . . for th complete t S3-pic st 1 8-Oz. Tin i; for Flover I! I v Seeds ... 1 assortment. 1 1 and IOC 1 -Pint Size Iron Board Feds Fits any ironing board! c . .; 163 N. Commercial St. .. - Salem fy , f. .. ; ,t .1 -1- i f I - . . ,f- :i . .- ' - r 1 -: .v II jpumww I I..JM'Mw-.wijiy')a.jjM!'T'm!i."!ii!w.i,tP.ii.j'. , v,, w l.JB i 'iiiii1 inm ' 1 ' '" 1 "" 1111 " "'" '' "'r Mi """ ' "" ' "" "" " '' ' ' ..'