i ' N l f ! t , l ' ' f ill t ' 1 i i Hi PAGE TWO -T : : , ... Small Nations Voice Demands Through Dutch ;3 LONDON, Feb. 8 P"- I posals for strengtnentng tne po ,! sition of smaller nations in apro- ' Jected world security league were K believed tonight, to be under dls f' cussion by the big three after the ! Dutch government challenged the right of big nations to Judge all ! charges against themselves. -,- Voicing objections, to a Soviet proposal- to enforce a unanimity ? rule among five .permanent mem- - bers of a security council, the : j Dutch were regarded as expressing : i views similar to those held by .ether small nations. Whether the Dutch stand would ( have any weight with the big three was a Question that could be :' answered only after conclusion of the current talks among President ' Roosevelt, Prime Minister Church ' ' ill and Premier Stalin, when they " ere. expected to disclose plans to secure world peace. A reliable source disclosed that ' the Dutch government had dis : ; patched a 6000-word document to ' '" the big three before their Black sea area meeting, hinting that the K AthAflnrla WnietTIT nACITQTA IH lOITl World security organization if the ' Russian, plan was adopted. , r- Although the Dutch cabinet re ' signed today shortly of ter its state ' j ment became known, the two de velopments were not linked, and - the Dutch position on the security 'issue apparently remained un changed. - ,-- ' ! Dutch Cabinet ;To Be Formed : LONDON, Feb. The Dutch cabinet resigned today and Queen Wilhelmina immediately . a-tfced Premier Pieter Gerbrandy ', to form a new government broad ened to include leaders of . the aati-nazi resistance movement. Gerbrandy asked for time to consider' whether he could under take the mandate, which would involve settlement of several in- . ternal conflicts. The government issued a state ment noting that the southern Netherlands had been liberated - since June 19, but that northern portions of the country still were in German hands. Assault Fails ROME, Feb. 8.-(;p)-Prospects of driving, the Germans from their strong defensive positions in the mountains south of Bologna be fore spring faded abruptly today with the official announcement that a three-day attack by the US Fifth army in that area had been halted. The. Americans, after gaining up to 600 yards, ran into withering fire from nazi machinegun nests on Orbega ridge, nine miles south east of Bologna, and were forced to dig in and resist fierce enemy counterattacks, the headquarters report said. Ends Tonihtl Holy Matrimony " Plas Invisible Man Revenge STARTS TOMORROW . . , THEY'RE BACK TO AMUSE YOU! WAITDISNITS Hm KMoout mm V KTMinSf MIMWKIWaiK tarn mm km urns cuns ccsei sua tsn Special . Sat. 1 P.M. Kiddies MaUaee -Cartoons Snow Wnlte and . " Chapter I "King of the Moantles TMf MOtC TKtt Mil iuf tU-lsfaishrVi .- OPENS 6:4S F. M. ' RONALD CLAUDETTE, COLMAN . COLBERT ; Army dm . r"io. Jr. ) :, .1 HIDEO TWO FUiGS' THSHUKG CO-FEATUBEI j- - 'A BOB STEELE ; t-: : HOOT GIBSON Today's Ballot Boundaries i v f : . ; i Ferry -v J iff we' T1! j Above shows the seven wards divided for the Friday vote on proposals for the acquisition of Bush's pasture and the granting of a franchise to the Salem "Electric com pany. Polling places include: ward 1, Garfield school; ward 2, court house; ward 3, city hall; ward 4, state heating plant; ward 5, Si. Vin cent de Paul school; ward 6, Englewood school; ward 7, Leslie junior high. (In ward 1 are precincts 9, 10, 15, ?Z; ward 2, precincts 2, 11, 23, 27; ward 3, precincts 18, 17; ward 4, jprecincts 4, 5, 12;. ward 5, precincts 7, 8, 14, 21, 26; ward 6, precincts 1, 3 19 20, 25; 1 ward 7, precincts 6, 13, 18, 24.) ONtheHOME FRONT By ISABEL GHUDS To those persons who wonder how down through the centuries the Chinese have conquered their conquerors, I cite the wisdom of my friend, Yee Sing. V Now, so far as I can recollect, Salem never ate sukJyaki, that dish of succulent young vegeta bles and fresh meat (unless it was at Ben's) until the Sukiyaki house was opened on North Commer cial street. About that time, I think, Mr. Yee and his partner of the mo ment put the dish on the menu of the 'Chinese Tea Garden. We Scotch and Jews may learn some small matters of business from the canny Chinese. Though the Sukiyaki house has been closed for years now, and the menus at Yee Sing's are def initely a wartime job of printing, the Japanese dish still appears at the bottom of the list, two varie ties of it, I believe, and all who want such food are told it may be obtained there. . -v- ''Do people still order it?" we isked the Garden's proprietor. He shrugged, smiled and intimated that some who do not know who nationally invented and marketed the meal do ask for sukiyaki But he added, and his merry brown face was creased with lines of laughter, ."Tell um all same's chop suey!" Canadians Push Off Into 'Valley of Hell' LONDON, Friday, Feb. 9-JF) Canadian troops pushed off in their big offensive yesterday through a "valley of hell" in which houses, : German vehicles and even trees were aflame from hours of artillery bombardment, an eyewitness cuspatcn zrom a British correspondent said 'today. Blast Oil Refinery LONDON, Friday, Feb. 9.-JPy RAF heavy bombers, sweeping over Germany in great- strength, blasted a synthetic oil refinery at Politz last night while formations of Mosquitos struck at Berlin, the air ministry announced today. Nov;! A Great PlctUTO Beturnsl j ROSALIND " TICTOR RUSSELL McLAGLEN MndheseJ . I s ? at- A Th - . . O j ' ! i 1 - J ! Map of Qty Voting Wards into which the city of Salem is Burma t 1 'J d-ii t neat uii jap Counterblows . if a - CALCUTTA. Feb. 8-UPV-For- ward elements oi l three British and Indian columns closing in on Mandalay beat off Japanese coun terattacks today while men and supplies for a general assault on the great river port were being drawn up along a 100-mile front By land, air and river , troops were converging on the west and north elbow of the: stream where Mandalay is situated. While the stage was being set for the battle of Manadalay, fierce but small-scale fighting continued on two other sectors inj Burma, The main clashes of the; past 24 hours were on the old Burma road above Lashio, where the. Ameri can Mars; task force and the Chi nese 38th. division are . beating southward. Snell Signs Bill ;l Sign On Driver's Permit The house bill extending for an other two years the expiration date of motor! vehicle operators licen ses signed Thursday by Gov. Earl Snell was the .fifteenth bill passed by both I house and senate and signed by the state's executive. DINING ' NO COVER 0P2II 5:33 r. Leonardos mmm ' f I KEYNOTE TO A JOLLY TIME CoverCharo NO RESERVATIONS Pcrlh-a Lz'A i AI1 prices OXYGON STATESMAN, Salem. Earllxiwry Found iDead oyer. Earl H."Lowry, 42, of route five, was found dead about 6 pi. m. Thursday evening by his employ er V. E. Coates, on the Coates ranch near the Turner , commun- ity. Coates said Lowry apparent ly suffered a heart attack, as he collapsed just lis he was prepar ing to leave for his home and died about 10 minutes later. 5 Lowry' has resided in this com- munity for the past three years, during which time he had been employed on the Coates ranch; He came here from CorvaHis, land had originally come to Oregon from Kansas two years previous. Survivors include the widow, Elsie Lowry; a; daughter, Roietta; three sons, Gaylord, Melford and Delbert Lowry all of Salem; .one sister, Mrs. Mable Burns of. Bates, Ore.; and five brothers, Glen! and Johnnie Lowry of the US army, Bill Lowry of Corvallis and Har ry and Lloyd i Lowry of Alma, Neb.l i I, Funeral arrangements, will -be announced later by the Clough Barrick funeral home. I I- I . Fa rmer Union Cancels Meet Directors of the Oregon Farmers Union, announcing that! they jwere acting in compliance with the re quest, of the lof fice Of defense transportation Thursday cancelled plans for the annual state j con vention which had been scheduled at Corvallis for February 21 to 24, inclusive. ' I Delegates will meet here for one day, in lieu of the convention, to handle emergency business and to etect officers, while Farmers Union cooperatives will meet here Feb ruary 22. ij. j , Granting of four charters tJ new locals of the organization in jthree coiunties was announced fhere Thursday by . President Aramon Grice." The new locals include the first three to! be established in central Oregon and local in Benton county. Volcano Isles j Blasted Again UJ S. PACIFIC FLEET HEAD QUARTERS, Forward Area,; Fri day,! Feb. 9.-P)-Army Liberators bombed Iwo Jlma in the Volcano group 750 miles south of Tokyo for the 62nd and 63rd consecutive times on Tuesday and Wednesday, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz annpnuc ed today. S - Tiny Iwo Is midway on the Su perfortresses route ' from Saipan to Tokyo. jf ; Okimura town on Haha Jin in the adjacent Bonin islands wSs hit Wednesday; and three big fires started. g i? Army, marine and navy planes teamed up in far-ranging attacks oik other enemy bases in the Caro line; Palau and Marshall islands. Rota, in the Marianas south of Saipan, also was bombed. All- house bills, they are B, 8, 10, 39, 41, 45, 46, 63, 65, 66, 71, 73, 102 and 119. V 1 ! By Jkmpl DANCING and ENTERTiUNMENT ' "r FLOOR SHOWS WEEKLY ' Ucci: Iligkls . 1 75s, Tax Izz. 6 iialiirtliy Ilinhls $1.C3, Tax fcc. CHARGE TILL 8:00 P., IL P. EL TILL 2:6 Every Nighl, Including Sunday Zzy E!::I: IT:ri!i -dl Uzizrpzi Comply ithf OPA Rcguiatioas ' ' Orecjon. Friday Morning. February 9, 1313 Prison Camp This view of the barracks at Camp ODonneil (top) enlLnxoa alter it was captured by American troops. A Filipino colonel who survived ODonnell estimated 49,010 Americas and Filipino soldiers half of the 8o,9a who were Imprisoned there alter the lnfamens "death ntareh" of Bataan - had died of disease, malnutrition and mistreatment. Filipino survivors were: released and American survivors were moved by the Japanese tome time before the Americaa operation. Below fa a view of the front part of the cemetery labeled "Officers Lot" at Camp 0DonneII as it appeared wheat occupied by the Tanks. Individual (Tare are marked mostly with white-paintedv vmnarked crosses. These, pic tures were made by Carl Mydans, life photographer on assignment with the' wartime still picture pool. Mydaas was among those taken prisoner when the Philippines fell In 1942, and was later re patriated. (AF wirephoto) j Salem Backwaters Recede j As Flood Damage Mounts From Torrential Rains Rains of the past few days were still causing damage Thursday in some sections of the county but the situation in Salem was in the clear as far as further damage from backwater was concerned. City Engineer J. Harold Davis announced. ! Mrs. Ralph Stanley who lives on the south side of the Marion-Linn county bridge phoned county judge Grant Murphy Thursday afternoon and said the flood waters there were higher and more damaging than the waters j jof the 1942-43 flood, j One bridge was washed away, ( one road badly damaged and, farm lands seriously dam aged, she reported. She also said all families living in the area, several in number, Were ma rooned and had no means of reaching solid highway. The point involved in the flood is the same which was visited last Thursday by Judge Murphy and two army engineers. The engi neers propose to start a project there in the near future, informing the judge after inspection, that some remedial Work must be done at once to prevent the river from eating! its. way , through a section of land and into a new channel which would scour many, acres of fine farm lands. The Smith brothers, ranchers on McKee road between Woodburn h. II Wliere M and ML Angel, reported a' heavy drift of logs and brush in the Pudding river was threatening a private drainage project j which they are developing. According to advices given the 'county j court, the farmer on whose farm the drift has accumulated, doesn't want it released for fear of damage to his land by the increased current which would follow. j- , In Salem, where Wednesday the main storm s e w e r on Norway street became . stopped, workmen Thursday were prepared to han dle almost any normal flood by pumping from one side ot the stoppage to the other, City Engi neer Davis said. "The situation Wednesday was even more critical than I cared to admit, Davis said, "because that stopped main was designed to carry part of the flow of another. When it stopped up the plan worked in reverse and some water from the big one began crowding the smaller one. We have it whipped now and will continue to free the big main of the root intrusions. . Ambassador Confirmed WASHINGTON, Feb. 8r-fJP) The senate today confirmed Ed win Jackson Kyle of Texas as am bassador to Guatemala. W5MMOflefl9ff MKpauakHd Leonard's J ; Prcsoiiis IVE AIIDEESbll " Formerly with . Duke EEIiagloa 5 fap Drumminj CSuunpion The -Prince and " Princess of ,. : Dance : : - "IT - "r i- JOHNNY WniTTESIORE AND HIS BAND ! France to Get U. S. Supplies V WASHINGTON, Feb. 8-W-The United States handed : French plenipotentiaries tonight a pro posal for an over-all supply pro- gram i unoniciauy esumatea at about J $2,500,000,000. The' proposal, which was sub mitted to Jean Monnet, top eco nomic: envoy for the French pro visional government, includes lend-lease and " reciprocal-aid agreements.. In a -statement issued by the state department no mention was made. of. how much of the total supply program would be based on lend-lease and reciprocal-aid and how much was to be placed on a. casb-and-credits basis. ' NOW SHOWING Get happy-hearted at M-G-M's glorious romance with music (fea taring the Hit Parade "Trolley, Song) and Techni color! It's a sweetheart of a movie! ' I - CO-FEATURE - : Shadow oi Suspldon" ' ' Marjorie Weaver "- I - PLUS - i DONALD DUCK Cartoon LAST TIMES TODAY Phis BUI Elliott in . TfiddonVoUoY Outlaws" KBaBaaoaoBBBaaai Coming Saturdcry - I PLUS- THRUX-PACKED " TRAILS! zz: II iTfrumrabnail off I7ar! i By Ox Associated Press - Rnsia Russians drive new spearhead within 33 miles of Baltic port of Stettin to threaten scores of thousands of -German troops.. ' I , Western Front Canadian first army opens attack to turn west wall's north flank after 11- 1 hour barrage. : , Italy Three-day Yank at tack in mountains south of Bo logna fails," indicating Germans may hold until spring. ' . - ... i . China Chinese and Japanese In heavy fighting six miles south of important Wolfram mining center of Tayu. Paclfle VS. troops cross Pasig river in Manila to root out Japs who wrecked bridges and kindled fires. ' ' I Church Service' to Honor JJoy Scouts In observance ot Boy . Scout anniversary week, several troops of Boy Scouts will attend the Jason Lee Methodist church Sunday morning. The pastor. Rev. S. Ray- nor Smith, will preach on, "Dreams Come True.' Troop 12, sponsored by the Jason Lee church, will be the guests of honor at the Brother hood banquet oh Tuesday evening at 6:30. Stearns Cushing, Jr. is the scoutmaster. ' -' r CmUb frota 1 r. M. How Stawing!. if mvm BEHDIX fives kl gnmttH ptrfTtmmmttl SUSM QAYW1RD .ffl!3i- riJoiolsyJLtwr Co-Feat are! HE WAS A KING rOI A MOMTI CDANGINGJ (MANMTAN Latest ;News:' Flash! First Pictures of Landings on , Luzon! im rrsn ri a - OPENS :5 P. M. - IIov Playing! TnrQBng Ted of Tin tagbq Olwnyi! "ALICE FA YE TYBONE POWEa o DOM AMECHE EniAl? DOIUJEYY "El OLD CEHCAGO" J. it . urn y Fca!- A J St x "Ths D:::ri Uavk Episode No. if