Tt OZIGOII STATESMAN. Sclaa. Oregon. T'dary Morning. IcmriarY PAGE ELEvnr I. . For Convenience atidPsbfit- M.dd f v. i i 1 For Sale Miscellaneous I 4 PR. child's abees. galoshes and fcousesuppers sties 6 to good con dition, jail tor $3.00. 1055 Judm.i - ii0SassSwnBSisNi''s M FURNITURE trom 7 room house tot Sale, including electric refrigerator and range. Ph, 2-2811. " i SOO ECO electric incubator. S eiec. battery brooder. 3 rebtot hutches, also 5a lb. tc box. Rt . Box $82. V. Liberty Store, i '; PIANO BENCHES, SIS. Tallman'a. . s s. uth. . j rUlXXKteefcM ATMORAYS OZONE, ecU end rent n c ptMtn Pb F.? j80. yj1 TRAILERS tor rent. Woodry Auction Mkt.. 1(604 N. Smnnier., : ., SHOP CO-OP AND SAVE Oregon made wool blanket have been added to our aaaortment of un painted furniture. Plcketts Co-op Fur niture. 13th and State. WE BUT AND SELL tued Furniture, Sewing Machines, Stove and Anpli-ssjoeajf-Va repair washing machines and etoves.1 We call for and 'deliver. BROOKS TTSEO nrSHITlHUE ISM Jttate Phone iTSOe BAKNYAXD XertOker. Ph. STM. FIREPLACE Phone MO. WE Buy Or aeU furniture, tool, tows. diahea motnra. rartiss. Eectrie appUaewea. hon hold .gsed. eCLIO MAN'. 383 N. Commercial. Ph. tmi. ' WE Buy and sell furniture, ant tiques, household goods, luggage, tool, stoves, guitar. Sundale's, 23 si. Com! , Phone ' WOOD circulating heater, like new. Med. lz. Ph. 9-1142. - Valentine greeting cards. -The Aaron Shop. 679 N. High. Phone 6086. SAND, gravel, crushed, cement, con crete pipe. tile, septic tanks. Oregon Gravel Co. .Phone 3411. FOSTER'S Extract. 344 N. 23rd. 7-FT. SPLIT CEDAR posts. SOc each at Fred Smith Lumber Yard. ph. 82 IS. asi i et. i NEW SPINET PIANOS Only 12 of 1941 production allowed by W.P.B. In 1945. Few buyers will get new Spinets. Act now if you want one. Tallman', 385 S. 12th., near SJ. depot.. . . ; Wanted Miscellaneous Phone WANT board A room for elderly man. Can help with garden. Victory care, lm b. uoerty. LADY'S Bicycle frame balloons. Ph. 2-1295. to fit 26" WANTED: Good used typewriter. L. C. Smith or Royal preferred. Ph. 3171. WANTED: Tricycle or scooter for 3 year old child. Ph.. 3-1506. WANT Late model Electric Ph. 4703 or 31410. Range. WAynCD; Pec. Refrlg. Ph. $-150 WANTED: 2 Ice boxes. Ph. T5M. We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A FIRM OP 30 YEARS REPUTATION OP BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED ; vh Pianos j Furniture and Appliances Call 9140 for appointment 1 HOGG BROS. . l 360 State St CASH for household goods, appli ances and radios. Huss. 41 i Ferry. Ph.. 3-1029. WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash. Wills Music Store. 433 State St. ' CASH ' for used oiano At other mu sical instruments Call 4641 day ea 537 evenings or send deacrtptioo to Jsquith Music Co- 191 S High WANT TO Buy. Osea i lefMes McEwsm Photo Shop ' OS Stale WANTED. Pianos. Tanman. Ph. S707 usifD rURwrruR rn tic - Wanted Furniture IF You have furniture to sell. ' call r' ae Russ Bright. Ph. 7M1 or 606 Miscellaneous LEARN PRACTICAL ,y ? NURSING U : Instruction.' Be a trained practical Burse. Big demand. High wages. Learn quickly at home. Fine extra money occupation. Ages IS to 60. High school not necessary, write for free informs tion. Wayne School of Practical Nurs ing. Box statesman. INCOME TAX Quick Service Rea sonable Rates. Fully equipped to serve all efficiently. Ml -Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 6lL . SEWTNO to my- home. Ph. 9348. VETERANS Information Service, Chamber of Commerce, 1 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Distabled Amer. vets. A. L. Brewster. Service Officer. Ph. 4339. STOVE part and repairing. Woodry MkU: 1603 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening ana adjusting continued assasnseaassasva Dental Plate. Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST:'- J I CASES - '.". Bring of Mafl Tour Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State At Com. Ph. 3311 FREE crutches Woodry Auction . Market, rl6C9 N. Summer. Room and Board WANTED: Cheerful home, room and board for convalescent elderly man. needs no nursing care. Ph. 8470 Sunday . i ADVERTISING " Western Advertising ' ! . Representatives (Watd-Grlffith-Company; Inc. " !. - Baa. Francisco I. Eastern Advertising i . - 1 1 Representalives Wsrd-Grtfflth CMuiaw. Jne. , - ! Cbicafe. New York. JSNnwatt. j , juoston. Ariante 4 t - ' , Hemfmr ' l 'I' YzxZZs. CSaast ISLvMsm I Eutmoi I Adverfisiftl ' wntrrm fls TtHtmffU at tottmrn Oregon wmd Class -Hotter. Pb lilhtd fMiy wonilnj JCxrrpt Monday Busier ice tli South Commer cial Street. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES -f!ll Subscription Rates in Advance: vUn Oregon; Dallyand Sunday Mo. 1 cents: mo. $3 00: 1 T- ,(: ? I, e where 60 cents per mo. or tlj iilr 1 rear to advance. Per copy cerru Ft City Carrier. 73 cents a month. V 1 a yer in advance in Marion and aujaccbl ao-intlns WANTED r 'Small canttut csoneraC folding type. Ph. 3596. , For Rent Rooms SLEEPING . Rnu one or 89 N. High St. , f SLEEP, rm. 132 N. 13th. Ph. 474L SLEEP. Rm. with cooking privileges. for working CtrL SST Statesman. , - LARGE bed rm. Meek Capitol Bldg. Pn. 7694 ... For Rent- Apartments NEWLY decorated Lis. and t furn. apt. Steam heat. Phone 637L 1 FURNISHED sWsbur ran. and one small furn.- apt on River Boat, Ph. 9072. or Salem Boat Ha. 3 RMS. and Bellevue. bath. fum.. Adults. 310 For Rent FOR RENT: 440 acre in Deschutes ceuntv. 8. miles from nearest town. Mail, aehonl bus. SL 110 e water right bout 85 acres ' in cult. Small houae -Mm wn. necmc inr sa yarm. W. XUlion. Star Rt uoatt, Ure. rux SANDER tor ot Uont garoery Ward i TXAILESa for rent. Woodrrs MkL. USS N. Sunrmer. l .SUA TRUCKS .tor Qui LswviL COOD Caed K. X Stift Wanted to! Rent ELLIS J. DeHart, representative for Toledo Scale company, desires to lo cate in Salem and urgently needs a 3 or 3 bed, room modern house. Can furnish good references. Call me at the Marion Hotel Wednesday. WANT to purchase j small, modern, clean, well built home. Please give full information. Box S69 Statesman. UNFURN. or partly furn. 4 rm. house or apt. by Mar. 1st. by reliable adults. Ph. 9381. Mrs. Morrison. U.S.O. director needs 3 bdrm. un furn. hse close in. Adults. Ph. 3023. WANTED: 3 . or 3- bed rm. Good references. Phone 7793. house. STATE employ wishes 3 or 3 b J. unfurnished house by Mar. IS. Ph. 4387 WANTED to Rent: 3 bed room house, furnished or unfurnished. Will take good care of property. Ph. 3-1409. i- 3 or 3 bdrm. house by responsible young business woman, by March 1st Ph. 23391. I . .. 3 BDRM. furn. bouse, close Adults. Writp Box 56 Statesman. in. For Sale Real Estate 1 B. . South. LJt. with Fireplace La. Kitchen. . Utility i rm. L. Trays. Art. Garaee Auto. Dined oil heater. $5500 with S2800 down. BaL 9100 plus interest every 6 months. RICH L. REIMANN. REALTOR 187 S. High St. Phj 3722 or ve 7063 "fOSOM nV E J tourl yrs. oW. Large lot. 5 rooms down. 1 vnfmisaedr up stair, hwd. floors, oil furnace, eiec, water heater. t Mr. Byrkit with " BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street . Ph. 3310 X B. R. AUrth. Comsletely furnished. TnplndM New Clrc.. Heater. Range. Dav. Dbl. Garage. All oes for 4'50. or unfurnished $4000. i - RICH L. REIMANN, K&AJLTUK 167 S. High St. Ph. J723 or eve 7062 INCOME PROPERTY If vou at looking tor property that brines good returns on investment see ns. Just listed some nice property. - Chas. HudJOns or -Walter Socolofsky 373 State St . " Phone 9494 J & 1b 3outh. Old but good. Lot 75x143 . Price $2909. i v RICH L. REIMANN. RBU.TO 107 S. High St Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 Busine ss Diiec 1 6 ry Accounting Service COMPLETE accounting service, in come tax return. Farris L. Morton, Phone 2265$. i- , " Tsx returns; anytime. Exp. tax sect. 1610 E. Turner Rd. Ph. Helton 2rl299. INCOME tax returns from $3 up. G. J. Greer 180 N. Com'L Room 10. , TAX RETURNS Business Account ing. - See Cain.. $31 1 Court Pb-- 554. Res. 6211. ' I Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft 31st At Market. City Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewinf. fur ISO N. Commercial. Room H ': Art Tile BATH Room, drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 9904. 1148 N. 13th. Anto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 S. Com'L Mike Panek. 27 S. ComT. Ph. 8161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto & Truck Service MARION MOTORS NASH SALES Ac SERVICE Experienced mechanics. Otto Buff, foreman, 375 Center. Ph. , 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 S. Coml. Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 14T S. Cotn'cL-. 4516 Body & Fender Repairs Salem Body and Fender Works. Frame and wheel alignment radiator repair , and painting. 218 So. High at. Phone 8533.-' v' HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Com! Bulldozing ; Contracting LAND clearing, road const Glen Stevenson, 534 Judson. Ph. $030. Cement Contracting CEMENT Ph. 4071. contracting. C. R. ZUla. Chimney Sweep OIL CTRCULATOR. furnace, chhn- .1.. JL. MiulrMl Vacuum At steel brushes. Ensley, 771 S 21st P. 7176 Florists . FLOWERS; funeral sprays; rrdenias; . . w -i Dhnn srn u a, w'l'"" " For Sale Real Estate NICE two bed room Cottage North Church, wired for tanse: doe la bus. $3700.00. t J Mr. Byrkit 'With . BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street . Ph. 3210 REMODELED 4 B. R. bit Auto Clan Furn. Near School. Store Jk : bus linet On Creek,: Price- 70. RICH L. REIMANN. REALTOR 167 S. High St. Ph. 2723 or eve 7083 SPECIAL Now vacant a aood 1 mam ham. full basement furnaee, 2 nice lota, good location. Price $5,000. .Term. - 1 acre of bottom land, S roam hmii. electric light plumbing, large chicken nose., some mm, aoout miles north. Price $3,300. Wffl trade tor large house In Salem. i . . ROSTEDI & ADOLPH. nrc.1 1I0, No. Conunerdal Phone: 3030 IF You want tin. old home havtne 1 B. rm. L. rm. D. rm. Kitchen. Utility room, trays Auto, oil heat Elect range and water beater. Att garage. All for $5000. wtth easy termsT flnif Real Estate. Co. 4 . ' i: ;S70 S. "CDM"L. in. ' Pbstss M ! Eve. Mono 2-I7S1 3 B. 2t With LA, EJR, Kltches, Condition iatr. $2200. . l- -RICH L. REIMANN. "REALTOR 187 S. Hiah St Ph. 3722 or eve 70BZ 6 BOOM medevn home, clos In. Jsxge lot, Iruit and nuts, good garden : Cfaas. JBudkins oac Walter Socolofaky v 373 State St Phono 9484 1 B. TU Hardwood Floors. New rage. On bus line; Prioe- O680O. RICH L. REQtANN. REALTOR 1167 S.igh St Ph.J333 or eve 708T EXCEPTIONAL good property for the money: New modern home, 2 bed rooms, living room and kitchen with dinette, 2 bedrooms can be easily com pleted on 2nd floor. Floor oil furnace, garage, lot; 0xl70.5. Different kinds rose and a number of different fruit tree, grapes, etc Can give immediate possession.. See us immediately, JACK HENNINGSEN i 212 Guardian Bldg.' Stat Finance Co. . NEW 2 Room Jiouse, Unfinished. Price $950 JW. RICH L. REIMANN. REALTOR 167 S. HighSt - : 1 Ph. 3723 nr eve 7083 $10,500. Income property, t English type home, fireplace. Hwd. floors, bsmt. furnace, wired for range, garage. 1 blk. to bus. Ha 3 rm. cot tage on lot renting for $43.00. OLSON St REEVE . . 949 S. ComX Ph. 4590. : Eve. 9538 $4750. S B. rm. L. rm. Kitchen. Brkfast nook. Fireplace. Newly deco rated. Range and circ. goes. Call Mr. Bell ' Huff Real" Estate Co. ! 970 S. COMT ST. ! PHONE 3793 gVE. PHQNE 3-1731 mnTro movi into ' ' 4 Rm. Sc nook, 3 nedrms full base ment At furnace. 3 lots & on corner. South com't--f4eoo-ieoo Dn. ; Modern $ bedrm. home. -Fun b ment with sawdust furnace. Hardwood firs. St fireplace, enclosed back yard. Nortn or state bc z -duc. fij&j. : HOME & INCOME ' X furnished 3 rm. apt. St one 4 rm. unfurnished for owner. $ blks. from Ladd it Bush. $6500. 1 - 40 ACRES EAST OF CITY 33 A. in cult. rm. house, barn & brooder bouse. New elect, water sys tem. Hay, wood, elect cream sepa rator & 2 heifers goes at $3790. Good turkey ranch. : , ART MADSENi Ph. 8580 I 1328 State : . ENGLEWOOD i t SfiOOO.' S bedrm. home with- gas auto. furnace. Hwd. floors. Fireplace. Wired for range. ,v"- !- Huff Real Estate Co. OTn S rOML ST. Phone 3793 Eve. Phone 9441 EXTRA good 3 bdrm.- home with unfinished attic, Venetian bunds. H.W. floors, nice fireplace, connecting ga rage. You can have possession at onoe. See MR. Goodwin wim Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtor. After 6. Ph. tTll Business Directory cards . ran by the month enly. Sale 9L2S per line per month. Call 8191 today be listed temorrowi Florists EOLA ACRES. Rt 4. Ph. S730. Breitbaupt'S 447 Court Phone 9199 Funeral Directors ROSE LAWN Funeral Home. 2650 S. Commercial. Ph. 5585.- HOWELL-EDWARDS. Ph. 3672. Insurance Bristol St Cook. General Insurance. 403 Oreg. Bldg. . . Ph. 31S33 Tnr Lif a i Insurance nd Annuities see Paul Acton, 408 Masonic Bldg. Lawnmower Sharpening GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott. -The Cycle Man" 147 S. Commercial St BXattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone Musie . Lessons SPANISH At Hawtian Guitar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc 1533 Court. Ph. 7569. Painting PAINTING St Decorating.: Ph. 7553. Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 4490. PAPERING and painting. Ph. 3784. PAINTING 8c Papering. Ph., EXPERT Workmanship Phone 4329 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, nrorrams. book or any kind of print- big, call The Statesman Printing De partment 119 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L - v,v- ;.. . Photographic Supplies BENRTS PHOTO. 469 State St Photography? . PORTRAITS by Bishop Studios are guaranteed to satisfy. On the -ground floor at 820 State St Ph. $722. r Plumbing Patton's Plumbing A Heating Store. 00 Fairxrounds Rd. Ph. 8627. Plumb ing 8c beating, installing A: repair wore ana electrical appliances. EXPERT SERV1CR John Fisher. Ph 3019 535 S 18th. K. L. SKEW13 St CO. Plumblcf- acaunx. at . mgn. rn. essi. , ; For Sale Heal Estate today's VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN This X bad room older .style house is in very food eonditiont and has good large room. It loss ted North, close to, and la. an the market for $3750.' I.r -v.- i -!.: r-V - OFF OF SILVERTON HJWAY" Small neat home. ' well arranged and very clean.' nJentr of ssace lor a large ecden. ,$4750. ; , : ONE. TO LIVE XN4-ONE TO SPARE Eaeh has 2 bed rooms with hard wood floor and attached garages and are only s years old. They -can be hr.neht nmv Hrr non vtth- mm Mttlm as $1000 downt Price include ranges and water heaters.: LEE 0HMART.& 164, S. COMMERCIAL, i Cf CANBY. iNlce S bdrm. well lo cated home $4350. Ph. 8128. Owners LARGE botise oi the older type's blocks from P. O. Ten rooms, full basement oil heat. $7300. D. A. XISB , I eTT Court .Ph. S24 THKKK BSD fUXXK tWClWie wim 3 Jots.t Jaesas xacace school mt - Parash Jr9 Xnglewood chonL dist. Can be shown Any -time. Immediate poesassifSn. Priae ndueed to 4H200. -See Mm Needham or Ojouia BechteL 31 State i St -, 'v rxOD 2 bdrm. Jieme. 809 Locust St, will sell furniahed and with 3 addi tional lota it wanted. See MR. GOOD WIN wUh. , -,uH-'ii-Vr---,-:v. Hawlsis'1 & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. TRaaltorsv After . Jh- TI8 4 B.TC home, double plumbing, ele gant location, modern. $6500. LUSX BJALTT. 209 Ore. Bldg- 7932 GOOD lot on South Capitol St Pav ing paid. Title insurance. Price JF250. Term if you want them, i' W. C-KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial r i Ph. 4728 ALMOST Mew home h South Salem. Electric stove sc elect! U. water beater goe wtth property i Oil furnace. Price $5500. I W. G. KRUEGEH. REALTOR 147 pTl : i ; : 47? IN AURORA (pictures). -Distinctive setting. Creek. 4 acres Willamette soil, large house. $4050 Also 2 acres-and small house. $2000.; Ph. 3128. Owner. MODERN HOME j . Located in N. Salem. 1 rm. tome. 4 bdrm. Hardwood floors throughout downstairs. Breakfast nook, nice kit chen with lot of buiH-ins. This is a nice home. Large lot Price $8,700.00. Call G. H. Grebenhorst, Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 413L Eve 3-2948 ' $3230. S Rm. Hse.. unfinished attic, floor oil furnace, chicken hae., good lo cation East. i i OLSON 8 REEVE ' 948 S. Cornel. Ply. 4a&0. Eye. J0536 NEW 3 bdrm. home, NJEaat, H. W. floors. Venetian blinds, unf. attic, nice fireplace, connecting garage. $1,500 wlU handle. See MB. GOODWIN with Hawking & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. ReaKorsI After 6. Ph. 8713 BY OWNER: $100 dn. rm. hse. V. blinds, basem.. auto, gas heat, garage, lot 128x130. $6000. loam. poss. Ph. 5274. 2 . BEDRM. plastered liome, south. fireplace, basement, furnace. $4830, Mr. Gardner with : BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N.. High i i Ph. 3210 $4300. A nice clean two bed room house -with garage! end utility room. acre ground. Onl bu line, close in. R. E.JMeredith, Realtor 31SS P. Road. ; Phone 4463 i 6 ROOM sturdy I constructed older house, clean tt reedy for immediate occunancy. Price 83350. j - Alfred Dumbeck or W. A." Saueressig, Room 3 Ladd St Bush Bldg. FOR an Investment 3 i houses one with 3 apt. Close in. large lot, space far court. Good Income, pace X9,soa. 6 rm. house, upstairs floored, fuH basest, furnace, garage; large lot close in. Price $5,000. Worth? It M. B. STEGNER 520 N. Com'L 1 Ph. 6143 or 7808 Plumbing BO WEN BROS.. Plumbing: and Heat ing. 355 N. Com'L Ph. 7215. , v Rngs & Uphol. Cleaned RUGS and uphoL- cleaned. Ph. 6S3L Shoe Repairing Stubblefleld Shoe! Repairing. 156 8. ComX Shoes ahmed. cleaned ac dyed. Sand and Gravel SAND, gravel. ' crushed reek, ready mixed concrete. Waning Sand and Gravel Ph 8341 f . ; - Sewing Machine Repairing 357 Court. Ph 303$. W. A Buy Septic Tanks Qeaned GET my prices before having work done. Ph. 7404. Permanent resident of W Salem. Kenneth Hamel. U43 8th St Transfer; Lester DeLapp Truck See. Pb. 3-1730. Gen. Hauling. locai at iong uutance. U-DRTVE 1 TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9063 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storaee. burner oiL briauets. Trucks to Portland daily. . Agent Pierce Auto. Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co Ph. 3U1. , Tire Recapping S O. K. Rubber Welders Truck and Passenger, non-dlrectiousl tire treads on all truck tires. 302 S. High. Ph. 354$ Vacuum Qeaner . Service Furnaces reset bricked. Oil heaters, hot air pipes vacuum cleaned. Eavea cleaned.' repaired. &enneoy. ra. eva. CERTTJTED GUAR.1 servJ AQ mages. Vinee's Elestric. 1ST S. Lib. TeL 6292 FREE Inspection to your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph, 9149. Weathetf Strips Wnllir arrtaa and Insulation. Pullman. Ph. 5965. free estimates. Window Qeaning ALL work rua ran teed. Windows. (MtMwark cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured ; workmen. - Professional Cleaning Service. Pb, 4457. . . WINDOWS, fioori cleaned. Ph. XlCt Woodsawing JAMES PETERSON. Ph. 2281T. For Sale-Real Estate best; ' . A MONEY MAKER ! ISO acres, best of soil. . 140 acres planted to grain and 80 acres lot pas ture with a creek thru the entire property. Cleared ever $5000 last year. ' : 88, ACRES s, -- - j.... - - An excellent modern ' home, nice large rooira good outbuildings. . 30x30 bam. and a 700 eaoadty hen he e. nr perty is fenced and cross fenced. Nearly all under cultivation, some ror- chard and pasture land. It's buy fox $8500. ' . kPtVZRX NICE LOOKTNO . ? 3. bed room home on a creek lot, exeellent living- room and 1 dining room. -auto. - beat -end - water - beater. single-garage, wui sen xor sstuo. v CO REALTORS - j. ph, maot xves sun. ph. Fm" ' 4 BED Boom , house, nice location. HoUpwDed Diet Basement furnace. handy AUnhen. M Mm with fruit Price $52&a. - - - - . 4 -mom xuaoae wrm unfinished attic, old but in gtwd canditioa. Lot 88x66. Price $2Saoias$ ash. - ! - . : a room houae aesated tt WJ Salem j Some furnituae -goes. Price $1685. See Alfred Dumbeck1 or W. A. Saueressig Koom a una busq flag. -; $4000. "Reduced to sell, i Brm. Hu. wired for ranee. ' cherry ' trees, -elec tric water heater, . t ' OLSON A REEVE . 945 S. Comet i Ph. 4090. SDw& 9526 Rm. 2 bed rm. home on BUrta St. $3700. Mr. Gardner with - ; BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High i 3h. JE210 ATTRACTIVE borne lust remodeled. lot 7Sxl5; Kingwood Heights. $ blocks to bus. Pre-war mum 4 43300. Jhi $413 88700 A BJt Some. mrtri.-' Hdw. floors, flreplnoe, mt.. Tumace, wired' xor range, gewee, xunerts a walnuts, v OLSON REEVE i ! $43 S. Coml. Phone 4590. Eve. 9538 $2500-4 BJt Hse. older type. See this if you want a place to remodel. J OLSON $2 REEVB I 945 S. Coml. Phone 4590, Eve. 9538 $8300. House. 3 lots. LR DRJ. K. and 3 Brm.. fireplace. . wired tor range, Bsmt. furnace, DbL garage. Close to taprtai ana scnooi. - OLSON A REEVE f : ' 945 SV Comcl. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536 $5750. 4 bedrm. home on Market St. Wired for range. Full basement Fur nace. Hwd. floors. V. blinds. Call for appt; -s-.. .-. ' I i - Huff Real Estate Co. ' 970 S. COM'L. ST. ! Phone 3793 Eve. Phone $441 NELSON NEWS ULTRA-MODERN ENGLEWOOD - t - DISTRICT f S Home wanted. Help us find a com- nact one or two bed room home witnin S or 6 blocks of -Hood and Summer Streets, Price range $4500 - to $5500. Comb. LJl.-DJl. with knotty pine bookshelf, banister. Master Bdrm. has 2 dbL door closets. Porcelain pedestal lavatory, in toxurions betbrm. ' Auto matic xas furnace with air condition' ing attachments. Fireplace in LJL and in rm is tied Dasemeni room, iarge ter raced lot Shown by advance appoint' ment only. Price $10,750.00, Some terms. - CITY HOME IH COUNTRY .SETTING Practically new, elegant, $ -bdrm. home all on one floor, on Kingwood Heights. Acre, nook, study, etc oil convertible sawdust furnace. Can be handled , with $6000. Immediately available.. - - j . -close nt !' Six rr4.' sawdust furnace, full base ment laundry trays. Reasonable down payment, balance sjijo montruy. - HOME WITH INCOME . . Nine rm, middle age borne , with furnishings and winter wood. Income from S : rented rms. . Garage; paved trcet. dorm. XC3O0. Xesr terms. . Newly rebuilt 3 unit apartment house, partly furnished ana xuiiy occu pied. Excellent location Price. right. Terms easy. . - - W specialize in .city and. suburban homes and resiaerraai income property.. If we don't advertise what you want ask for it If you want to sell what you have. . teU us toon it. NELSON & NEIS0N- REAL ESTATE LOANS INSURANCE Rm. 300-2 BIOM. 9 State SL Ph. 4419. Eve Ph. 3-1259 or 8280 For Sale Farms HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE FARM, In Hep area North of Brooks. 140 acres wim rm improvesnentsi xns win sen on sight at $100 per acre. See this one. See MR. D ANIELSON with LEO N. CHTLDS.-'INC. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 8261 40 ACRE farm t miles Southeast of Salem, 36 acres in cultivation. 3 acre timber. Good 8 room house with elec tric : water system.; Bern, 2 chicken houses, i Spring water. Price $6000. Terms, - '-'''! " 10 acre, most all la curavauon. Creek. 3 bed room house with plumb- hnr and electricity. Barn. DouXu ga rage. The buildings alone are worth the price ez srcae, aooux am can. , ROSTEDt at ADOLPH. INC. IlO'.i No. Commercial. . Phone 3030 -GOOD FARM BUY SOS ACRES Over 100 acres In culti vation, balance to pasture and esti mated 2 million ft of timber. Small house, good barn- and outbuildings. Well water, several springs ana s creeks. An ideal stock ranch. Included in price team of horses, harness, nay, 100 sheen, some cattle, hoe, chickens. turkey and furniture. All of this for only $10,009. SEE -LEO N. CHXLDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State St. -v Ph. 9281 KEIZER District $7300.00. Uli acres. New two bed room home. Hwd. floors. bath, auto, water system, - excellent Mr. Gardner ' with " BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street . Ph. 3210 - 175 A., small 'improvements., border' tag WUIamette River, largely pasture land $8,000. See MR. 'McMTLUN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtor After 8. Pa. S1F21 WANTED, FARMS ALL SIZES, KINDS AND PRICES DEMAND IS LOWERING OUR SUP PLY OF FARMS AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. SEVERIN REALTY CO. J 212- N, HIGH ST. TEL. 4016 -- f Acreage ' NICELY located 28 acres, close to east, 6 rm. plastered heme, barn and ether buildings, several acre fm pas ture land, new elec. water system. Price $8500. Ask for Mr. Barrett , SALEM REALTY CO. - REALTORS - i - I2JNew Bllgh Bkif. Phone TWO ACRES si 'rami avt Afti chard, the best of sandy , seU? has ami house 18x20 Ac chicken- house, water At lights, mi. West of Ketzer SChooL $2000. Terms. See Jack Henninjwen - STATt TTNANCE CO REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. - - Ph. 4121 S A, fnrit 3 R. house, elec' pump. Very close eity. $3150. , J -rjiSE REALTY. X09 Ore. Bldg. 7952 ARE You looking far acreage, Large or Small? Can Mr. BelL he ; hat a variety -to. select zranu- t Huff Real Estate Co. 97$ S. COMX. ST. ? Phone 7793 Eve. Phone 2-1731 Acres" S ACRES en- Prinele road wtth young berries - and . gooseberries - and nut. Good barn, chicken - bouse, . ga rage. 4 room houae with a bath roof & lay. trays. $4500. Just past Kruegers store: T,k acres with a good - orchard, chicken house, barn, machine shed. A 6 room modern house. -Shrubbery, garage. $8500. I. acre North with a barn, garage. S room modern house, fireplace, hwd. floors, furneee. Idy. tray.- Utility room. Fruit end shrubbery. STO.. Z, H. BELL REALTOR v 402 Guardian Bldg. t . Phone 4894t $7000. S A, T Rm. hse- bsmt. fur nace, fruit filberts A walnuts, chick en hse. . . ) - - -L'-'.m-.-r i-i OLSON A REEVE - " 945 S. Comet , Ph. 4590, Eve. 953$ "WArrrMONEY B era's 2$ acres with walnuts, filberts A apples, in full bearing. Also 4 A. prunes, lota of wood, springs, en Dave- ment Elec. 9 R. mod. bungalow, u mi. I .1 n . .. mum xr:ik I MUU IWWU. Vm M . W1M.C. . mow, 1U traoe. ' Alfred Dumbeck W. A. Saueressig Room 3, Ladd A Bush Bldg. HAYESVTLLE District five acres. New S room, two bed room home. Hwd, floors, auto, water system,: good aoiL air. uaraner witn. - , 1 BUST PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street , Ph. 321$ NICE two bed room Cape Cod. four yrs. old. Hwd. floors, fireplace, ft acre on Plymouth Drive. $4000.00. tax Byrxtt witn t. i ' BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street . Ph. 321$ ACREAGE $5000.- 10 A.' Nearly new S Rm. Hse- oil heat 3 A. young orchard, creek, ome timber. - - !.: - OLSON REEVE i 943 S. ComcL Ph. 4590: Eve. B536 10 A. tract 12 AC N all in cult $ R. house. Elec. Out bldgs. $2250. . 6 R. mod. home. k A. fruit garage. near school,- close in. $4650, terms. 35 A. 8 M. from Salem. S R. bouse. large henhouse, barn, Cr.. springs, lots of timber. Snap $3000, half down. . -i A. - tract, modern house, near bus line, close in. $4750, terms.; valley una co 710 state st Pn. ssia 1 or more Acres Cleared land. Ex cellent soil. N. of Alum, plant. Terms as. low as $10 per month. g RICH. U. KKUlAiMN. KEAL.TUK 167 S. High St Ph. 3722 or eve 7062 '. r. 1 ACRE v. ' S Neat 2 bdrm. home. 4 yrs. old. HW floors, wired for range, elec water heater, immediate possession. 14 filbert trees, family fruit It all goes at $5500, only $3000 cash required. Mr. Gray , SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS i 122 New BUgh Bldg. : Phone 7660 If You Want a v Substantial Home f And nearly 2 acres of land. North, j oil furnace, double garage, nicely? landscaped grounds. . . i SEE f L ' I C." COONEY BLTVEN, ALDERIN Ac COONEY I REALTORS . I 430 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 790$ Evenings 8918 : " 24 ACRES, close in, view ptopcrty for building houses. - 16V. acres east good soil. ' on paved road, creek, no buildings. Priced to sell. chas. ttuinuns or WALTER SOCOLOFSKY 275 State St - Phone 9494 DUE to accident, owner will sacri fice 5 acres, choice: bldg. site- on Jtiway. Ail utiUUes -available, spring water, cherries, walnuts, pasture. tractor and plow.-Ideal for chickens or turkeys. $3750. No dealers. Box $64 Statesman, $8000. 1I',4 A 4 Rm. hse.. unfinished upstairs, bsmt., wired for- elec. rge.. fruit: berries A walnuts, bam. chicken hse.. rabbit hutches, spring Water. OLSON A REEVE 945 8. Cosnd. . Ph. 4590. Eve. 9938 FOR SALE or trade by owner, for home In North Salem. 11 acres of fine soil. Paved reed on front and rear of property. Lane chicken house, accom- fmodate 1009 laying hens. Good sized Barn.' one acre cherry trees, also wal nut and fruit trees. 2 blks from Sweate eehoot IK miles from city limits. Bu service wtuun two oiks. Large 7 rm. mod. home. Ph. 2-1269. Rt 6. Box 447 on Garden Koad. .. , -s DELIGHTFUL 3 ACRE HOME aiioo. a A. aloeern a Brm. p tered. hse, bsmt funsace. wired for range, garage, filberts, cherries, apples. perries, grapes. Bern, on Garden Hd. . r- . OLSON A REEVE , 94S 8. CexncL : Ph. 4390. Eve. 10 A, with rood 4 room house. douI- try house, garage' and new barn. 4', ml from Salem and only ',4 ml, from good school. Priced for Quick sale at 83500. - - j D. A JSa 4TI Court - Ph. $32$ Suburban ! GOOD SUBURBAN BUY '-j Good 3 bedroom home en wen lo cated productive acre Northeast Salem. Price $4500. See MR. VOORHEES with 344 State Sti Ph. 9281 COMFOBABLI Tsroom'hmnsCesrtr larae lot, chicken houae A barn for 3 cows, on good highway. Just- outside city limit. $3,540. See MR. McMlLLIN witn :. - - . . . . Hawkins & Roberts, IncJ Ph. 410$ Realtors After $. Ph. $lF2t 4 Wanted Beal Estate WANT TO SELL? t Let us handle your sale. ' ALWAYS - ' i Prompt , courteous service (. and , good sdvertising. LEE OHMART C0. t84 So Coml fit "t - Phone 9680" -- .. Lee Ohmart For Evening " W. L. "Habby" AppointmentSi ' i 1 Rabernicht Phone 3779 ' . Mr. Calaba We" ARE m NEED Or C:ITY PROP ERTY AND. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOB OUR MANY CLIENTS., , I PHONE 3793 I FOR PROMPT LISTING SERVICE j HUFFBREAL ESTATE V COMPANY: PHONE 37J3 - . s EVE, PKONE 9441 WE ARE URGENTLY TN NEED OF MODERN HOMES FROM $3000X0 TO &fr?k ":3210 FOR PROMPT LISTING SERVICE iBURT PICHA, REALT6RS4 v 237 NORTH HIGH STREET' ESTABLISHED REALTORS DESPERATELY IN NEED OF ; HOMES. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 'ACREAGE AND FARMS. TO FILL OUR MANY LOCAL AND OUT OF ; TOWN REQUESTS. CALL 7860, i SALEM REALTY. CO. t Our immediate cooperation assured TIMEIS NOW TO SELL YOUR HOME WE HAVE CASH BUYERS WAITING. PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE STARTS TO OPERATE IMMEDIATELY UPON LISTING WTTH US I ASK FOR OUR LONG LIST OF SATISFIED SELLERS AND BUYERS THAT : SOLD AND BOUGHT THRU OUR OFFICE. A TELEPHONE CALL, WILL BRING A RXPRXSENTATTVE TO APPRAISE AND UST YOUR PROPERTY. - SEVERIN REALTY CO. - . . 212 N. HIGH ST.. TEL. 4016 Waited- Used,Cars SELL your Car Now Before New Car Production Starts.' , : PRICES WILL NEVER BE HIGHER. L ; j ?ErvTIX piY. THE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR " -t-AIX-BLaKIS AND BI0DI2LS.:-: . t 't--iM;u,L0t..:'i .340 CENTER.., For Sale Used Cars BARGAIN ' -. ' 36 Ford coash. Good tires, radio and heater. 223$ N. 3th.' - - U-a PLYMOUTH 4 : dr. overhaul job. new tires. Rt. 7. Box 231E. Portland Rd. to Totem Pole. Inquire Filling Sta. - Always the BEST M"; ;;For less - - PONTIACS 1 . ; 41 Con. Cpe, R. At H. -:39Con. Cpe. R a H. -40 Torpedo Sedan. 1 R A H . 37 D. L. .Sedan . . v -.'. ' FORDS - , 34 D. U. Sedan 37 D. U Sedan 37 D. L, Cpe. 41 D. L. Sedan 35 Tudor Sedan 21 Model A $ Pass. Cpe. j-. " OTHERS 40 Cbev. D. L. Con. Cpe. 24 Stud Diet Sdn. 31 Chev. Cpe. Herrall-Owens Company 23$ S.' Commercial : Ph. 3189 31 4-dr. Chev. DeLuxe Sed. Ph. 9903. FOR SALE: Heavy duty Tim ken Axle with hub and drums. Also Ford 6 Motor, complete, good condition. 1118 N. Com'L St Phone 1-1750. 1929 Model A Ford, good condition. $200. See at once. 261 N. 20th. L0DER BROS. Low Priced Specials 35 VS Ford. Good running cond. $395.00 '29 Chrysler Coupe. Rough but ready, Yes, very, very ready$ 93.00 '33 Chevrolet Sedan. Extra go6d-$395.oe 36 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Extra good $583.00 '40 Ford Sedan. SweU Motor $800.00 79 Model A Tudor (Will cut down to a carry-ail.) , 9 ss.oo T9 Plymouth 4 Door 31 Model A Victoria .S1B3-VB L0DER BROS. OLDS MOBILE SALES Ar SERVICE 45$ CENTER ST. Business Opportunities j BUNGALOW COURT $3333 Each for these four nice bun galows on two lots. These places are about S years old. Fireplace. Floor furnace. V. blinds. All have garage attached. This is a good buy. All for $13,340. v R. E. Meredith, Realtor 3158 P. Road. Phone 4463 FOR SALE Saw MI1L Will . saw 1 about 19.008. Also Hercules stump- pull- w. Diuon. lacomb, ore., star JU. SMALL RESTAURANT in fine loca- Uoa domg good business. - . - OLSON A REEVE --' 943 S. ComcL, Ph. 4590, Ere. 9536 RAlSnRABBri CCMERCLLL, food profits, good local market for f i-vem. furs and wool. Breedine stock. books, courses of study, etc available,' Fmancmg on large projects arranged. Investigate this lucrative business, it has a future. Harder Rabbit Farms, 3405 cnerry Ave. pn. x-ikm or x-isez. FURN. Apt houae.) Income $243 JO mo. plus owner's apt Easy -dn. pay ment bai. out 01 income. ru n. uiurcn after 1 PJa,. Lost and Found LOST Brown ripper billfold. Call 38F13. - , - "LOST: Black leather billfold. Sat Reward. Charles Updegraff. Ph.. 7903. LOST. Brown and white Toy Fox Terrier. Missing since Jan. 18. 385 So. 18th. 1 - -v LCSTTwtowand whiteklttenTrrl. eve. cor. 16th. Ac D Sis. Ph. $129. Wanted Real Estate ' r WANTETJi,TO BUY 1 $ Room, l story modern house with basement. Saiem or West Salem. Give full description and price tor first let ter, x. c unsoy, zsu k, uu. ugene. Ore.- ; - -' -i. - NOTICE: IT -your property Is for sale, rent or exchange. Hst It wtth aa We have n kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. BEALTOKI IB Guerdtaa Bldg. DAILY CROSSWORD . . ACROSS -4. Death 1. Head cook (Scot) " Spoiled child i. SweU up . 9. Angle or fault vein . 10. Coin UL); 11. Excellent al&ngf' f t2. Happen 14. Carou&al 15. Desert -- .(Afr.) lft. King of . . BaahAn -: IT. Project -.' IS. Demand, as 6. Wealthy ,. 7. Per. to . ArcAdiA S. Second sign ' i of Zodiac -1L Movable ' barrier 13. Rave . 15. Source 0 ; light. -It. Arm of crane (So. Am.) T payment lS.SUy - : 22.Fog. , . 23. linen vest- . ment (Cccl.) ; 24. Snake ; "25.Skln -i tt. Sloped " , ' 30. Fortify - 3L Rodent -. 32. Greek letter -33. of 1' -cancer. 35. Projection - of land ' 37 Book of Old: Testament 38. Covered, as . , with wax,- ,39. Compass - point ' 40,OiieftAla (Arab.) . 41. Portico 42. Finest DOWN . . 1. Burden ... ' 2. Suspend : .'.rool " Wanted Used Cars "t PHONE 3734 Wanteii Used Cars ' BUY-SELL YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A BET TER CAR AND MAKE A BETTER - DEAL AT . LODER BROS. YOU WILL GET EVERY DOLLAR YOUR CAR IS WORTH IF YOU SELL IT TO" " - , . , LODER BROS. . IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET TO ' BUY OR SELL WE WILL BE GLAD TO GIVE YOU . ACCURATE AND COMPLETE IN FOR MATTON ABOUT PRICE CEILING REGULATIONS. ' LODER BROS;! Oldsmobtl Sales & Service ' 1 ' Ph. 8133 443 Center St . Loder's Today's Special "TT Terra plane Sedan in exceptionally cood condition. WHAT WILL YOUR . CAR BE WORTH? ; WHEN THE EUROPEAN WAR IS FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUR RENT PRICES. . WE PAY ALL MAKES ALL MODELS HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Commercial Ph. $169 Ssaeaeasesasasaj WANT TO BUY 1941 1 Ford Deluxe Sedan Also in the market for. other bite ; models all makes. MARION V LIBERTY PH. 3158 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dime your ear la worth, Cash ion the Barrel-Head - HCTSHROCK SALEM oldest -ndependenl used car dealer. R JK, Cumet Church A Cher Ph 7923 WANTED Late model, car. prefer ably convertible. From private party. F. D. Palmer. P.O. Box 623. WANTED A- good '41 low mileege car from private party for 1 essential driving. Cash. Liberal -reward. 1311 N. Liberty. Ph. 8885.. USED CARS GASH WANTED: 1937 or 193$ Chevrolet or Plymouth from owner. Ph. 9538. '40 or? '41 Plym. or Chev. 4 dr. Sed. Rt. 4, Bex 83. Arthur Wirth. Will pay cash..: -t i- ..v For Sale---Wood ASH. OAK and Fir. 16 in. Also wood sawing. 1311 N. Liberty. Ph. 6685. UTAH Nut Coal V, ton to customer. Ph. T72L North Cherry Ave. HEAVY mill wood $650 load: $12 double load. 4 ft slab for- furnace. Pn. TI2L . . x : ! 16-- 0. G. Or. H, B. Claaon, Mehama. 18 Ot. SLAB $8 per cord. Cord, lit A 2 cord mad. Capitol Lumber A Fuel Co. Ph rm, j GREEN oltr- growth I Slab, prompt delivery Phone- 44 . $ CDS. 16 in. wood. 262$ S. Summer. WcMMl-Sawing PHONE 3523-980 N. Commerciat Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 A. F. At A. M. Wednesday. January 31, P. C degree, 730 PAt. r iaj , 5 IT L ANKLE l ooSIe pa li 'lib. 2LMAltbever. r" Age 21. Extinct ; bird ' ; 24. Wager 25. Narrow footway j a 26. fiaallo , weapons, 27.100.000 rupees - k 25. Specialist . 29. Perished x 3L Lariat 34.DoHar i (MAX.) I Approached Tssterdsy's Aaswer 3S. Imaginary ; Uneirough -r, center'--34. Network? -.z !iif-i:: --- W y 1 1 1 I m