The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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? , j; ;
Baxter Says
Oregon Church
" CiHICAGO Methodist denomi
national papers are carrying an
- announcement from Bishop Bruce
R. Baxter of Portland, that the
Oregon Conference has pledged
$165,000' .to the" denomination's
Crusade for Christ relief and re
construction fund, against an ask
ing of $138,000.
When Bishop Baxter's telegram
to headquarters was filed Janu
ary 18 collections had amounted
to i$70,000, although subscribers
are! given a year to pay. The fund
wil be used for post-war work
- at home and abroad.
According to Bishop J. Ralph
Ma gee of Chicago, chairman of the
Crusade, Oregon is the fifth of the
114 Methodist annual conferences
to report success.' ' Bishop Magee
is well-known in the Northwest,
having served both as pastor and
district superintendent in Seattle.
- 1 ; -
New Grangi ; Organized
' At Lacomb, Linn County
new grange to
be known as
mb grange, has
been organized
Meetings will be
held twice a m
nth on Tuesdays.
Officers elected
at the meeting
this: week will
le installed at the
next meeting: m
ister, J. C. Raines;
secretary, Mrs.
C. Raines; treas-
,ure?i Ernest He
; lecturer; Mrs.
Ernest Heath:
overseer, Frank
' ' Peoples: stewar
Edward McKin-
rieyj assistant st
ders; lady stew
iward, M. B. San-
rd, Mrs. Edward
McKinney; chap
In, Mrs. Dorothy
Vanaerburgr g
tkeeper, John
Johnson; Ceres,;
Pomona, Hilma
Freda Johnson;
Peoples; Flora,
Lonnie Bartruf
executive com-
mittee, Charles
Hildebrand and
"E. W. Bartruff.
"She Sure Was a
Welcome Sight"
Piivats Fust Class Eowub Stiktzlk
f Brooklyn, one of Merrill's Marauders
. ' ' - '' - - '
,7 was a scout on intelligence recon.
naissanee with MerrilTs Marauders. for
twelve days tlte Japs kept hi trapped
in the jungles of Burma. They had m
regimtent and mo were fighting them
utth m bnttalion. It teas on the ninth
day ihat I got hit. I was in my fox hole
and tea scare holding back a charge,
A Jap machine gunner blasted ma
front cloe up. Three bullets scent right
through my helmet on tha left side,
but the steel deflected the bullets and
they: fust creased my skulL I teas
Itnotkod doven and I lost my speech
temporarily, but I got up again mighty
quick and finished off that Jap. Three
daft later another battalion came up
and freed us. They flew me out of
Burma. The nurse on that plane she
euro was a velcam sight. I still get
terrific headaches. But there's always
an Army nurse nearby to give me the
hypos that make them beer able.
AIL Woman Cam Help!
; If yon are., nntrained take a heme
nursing or nurse t aide coarse.
' II yon are a senior cadet nnrte servo
our final six months in an Army
hospital. . i
"If yon ar a registered nurse join
the Army Narse Corps. Yon may mean
' the difference between life and death
to oar wounded men. Visit or writ
your local Red Cross chapter for fall
information and application blank. Or
communicate with the Surgeon Gen
eral, U. S. Army, IFiuhington 25, D. C
Nurses Art Heeded Now!
S Army Nuns Coras
nassJ eoMiers,
I am a loaiassrosl nurse . . . O
I am a ssnior caort wms .
I am aasralnosl out want t mam Q
OI unc)
rt out this eoooao an4 sen4 H to the
yraasw SMsnL US. Army. sVashiimtM
S3, B. or t your local at! Cross ajocruifc-
U. $. Army Nurse Corps
Tko aadrssa of irour local Roa Crosa
enaassr mi
- 1
1 r ' i '
: if M
- :f i
( i b I ' y aurt Ueise
( j H rre
pzzzrrr?r""r "r' 'A ! rTl
1..- ;'i . :- S'.".. '.
'try-:- i -..ri-. I IJI V s-' " r '
s ' .4"' I I ' v
" F tir AV" s ' ; ' ' ' yal.. . '
ul: ' ' ' Ty"
ukteL,....r: IU ih SJ
Farmers and homemakers of Marlon
aavinr equipment shown above and many more at the farm and homo labor saving equipment
demonstration at the state fairgrounds today. Illustrated are (1 manure loader, (Z) laundry cast,
(S) postpole dirger and (4) kitchen utility table including lap board. The county agent's office has also
rounded up aome labor saving devices used effectively by local v people for display at the all-day
"open house." ! : . ; ' -Wi. -"Jiii y.'h Ilk " ' - '
Ranch Ramblings
By Rural Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Al Pepperling
have bought the 15-acre farm, the
W. V. Sandberg place, just east
of Stay ton on Highway 222. The
new owners are already busy fix
ing up things around the place.
There is an old tale about for
want of a nail the shoe, the
horse, the rider and the battle
were all lost. In so far as farming
is concerned the whle ?war" wilt
be lost if attention isn't paid to
the little things. During the winter
is the time to sharpen up the tools
and replace hinges and so forth. It
is also the time to seei what other
farmers are doing.
The display
to be held at the State fair grounds
Tuesday from 10 a.
m. to 3 p. m.
is a good place to
do the latter.
J. . Inskeep of Clackamas coun
ty is asking his county farmers
vho have a novel piece of labor
saving equipment " to bring it to
their display at Canby Union high
school on February 7th.
- i
It is still the feeling of some
filbert growers that the scaffold
branches on one, two and three
year old trees should be headed
sharply back. They should never
be headed back and this is a hard
and fast rule. At least that's what
Carl Schuster, nut expert at Cor
vallis sasys. - It may be necessary
to remove an excess limb here
and there, but heading back "the
scaffold branches on these young
tiees absolutely np. . This has
been demonstrated throughout the
valley by growers.
o e
Research carried on in 1944
proves that brooding baby chicks
close to older- birds means ex
posure to Leukoais. Brooding
chicks at least 500 feet away from
the older birds villjhelp prevent
contamination. Portable brooder
houses are recommended.
o o ;o
When we were very young, we
recall, a bench outside of a certain
store at Silverton jthat was re
served for retired farmers. Here
. run mm ,
""L Em
,"":iftsf y
Saving Exhibit Here
Tr A
conn ty will have an opportunity
sat all the "old men," regardless
of their-, age in years, who had
farmed, .become tired and moved
to town. Things are different nowi
During the past month Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Lorenzen of Silverton
have "retired" to the farm. They
are back on the old Xxrenzen
farm in Brush Creek, where they
lived 25 years or more-Bgo. No
ticeable is the purchase of farm
land by a number of mill Workers
who say ; they plan to do a little
farming -'if the mill should move
or closej; down- after the war.'
Now you do "defense"? work in
town while you are young and" go
back to the farm to "rest" when
you get older.
Farm Machinery
Repair Started
HAZEL GREEN The Division
of Vocational Education is offer
ing a farm machinery repair and
construction classes to help farm
ers meet repair needs during the
war period. : . $ : j '
Classes will start Tuesday, Jan.
30 and be held each night from
7:30 to 10:30 pjn. except. Satur
day and Sunday, at the Hazel
Green garage. Lawrence' Zielhv
ski will ; conduct the class. The
classes aire free to the public! and
also the use of the equipment in
the shop. y. ' a
Stocks and Bonds
Jan. 29 .
30 - IS 15
Indus Rails Util
Monday 80.4 S3.S - - 39 T
Previous day 80 J 34.0 , 39 .S
Week ago 78 J - 33.S S 39.S
Month ago 79.0 ' 14 4 -: 39.1
Year ago .'. 70.8 13 0 35 S
1944-49 hlfh I 80.S 36.7 40.0
1944-45 low . . 69 1 MJ 3J1
4 60
, 59.0
SO 10 10 i 19
Rails Indus Util rogn
Monday 98.8 104.8 107.3 8.8
Previous day 97.0 ,104.8 : 107 J
Week ago 96 3 104.9 107.3 68.S
Month a0 .. 96.5 -104 104 9 68.1
Year ago . 834 10SJ 105 Jl , . M l
1944-49 high .. 98.7 . 105.7 : 107.4 i 68 8
1944-45 low 79 J 104.S : 104.7 63J
Your travel penny buys far more comfort, safety
and speed on Great Northern trains than it did
during the first World War.! I r
- - '--- "y ' -- y y . ' . ? '
Among the reasons is Great Northern's tradition
of constant improvement of tracks-heavier j rail,
elimination and redaction of curves, signal systems,
stronger bridges and time-saving tunnels. Good
equipment and better locomotives, tool; c j
The teamwork of management, employes and ma
chines is enabling Great Northern to meet wartime
demands for passenger service. The same unbeatable
combination will provide better service for. the
travel penny in the peacetime to come, i . . j
i C ti BISCHOFF, Trav. PasaV AgL
i , 530 American Bank Bldg BEacon 7273
Portland 5, Oregon I
- I ' y . J '
route cL'ia HUPinE DUILDEB
Between PORTLAND a
to see the four i pieces of labor
Grains Finish
CHICAGO, Jan. 29.-(J)-Grain
futures prices dipped sharply at
times today but short covering
and resting 'orders provided
enough support tp halt the breaks
and at the finish: most quotations
were on the upside.
: k - ; - '
All markets were nervous and
prices fluctuated ferratically break
ing after noon only to rally just
before the;closel
'Analysts- saidj favorable war
news continued to check ! any en-1
thusiasm' for the buying side but
the strength ot cash markets was
a sustaining factor. -
Prices moved quickly with the
orders in the wheat pit. ! Firm at
the opening, the market; quickly
fell back when the buying paused.
A rally followed but most of the
gains were wiped out after noon.
Local traders and commission
houses were on both sides of the
market and some of the purchases
apparently were for milling in
terests: it ' : j. 11
The cash wheat market remain
ed firm but trade sources reported
producers were anxious to market
their grain at present prices and
that offerings would increase when
shipping ' facilities become avail
able. 'i . : ":
At the finish wheat was Vs to
higher than Saturday's close, May
$1.60 . Corn was unchanged to
off s. May $1.11 Oats were
up V to May 66-66 Vs. Rye
was unchanged to !4 higher, May
$1.12-1.12 Barley was off Vs
to Yt, May $1.09:. i ;
lOQ Prep Speakers'
To Attend Tournament
. McMINNVILLE, Jan. 2$ f (ff) -More
than 100 high school students
will participate in the 13th annual
speaking tournament at Linfield
college February 9-10. . ;
I ! . ... . . . V
-!. v
fUJ(? ) .
Oregon. Tuasday Horning, JcmcarY S3. 1S45
Peace Stocks
Show j Strength.
Make! Gains I
. NEW YORK, Jan. 29 -(- Vis
ions of peace! apparently prompted
the greater part of the buying, as
well as the, selling, in today's
stock market and, : while many
armament-connected pivotals
backed water, low and medium
priced 'motors, packers and! other
specialties i With good postwar
prospects performed on the up
side. . " j " .. I
Trends . dipped after: a ! fairly
active f and Steady opening. De
mand tor junior favorites expand
ed briskly in the final hour and
gains of fractions to a point or
more were Well distributed at the
dose.,.. ! ' r yAyy-
The ; continued thrust of the
Russians toward Berlin caused
considerable! shifting of accounts
from war-benefitted issues. Rails,
with the exception of Delaware &
Hudson ; which ; jumped 2 .on
dividend hopes, were on the off
side throughout. : ' - 1 ,
' The! Associated Press 60-stock
average was; unchanged at 591 Of
920 issues registering, 400 were
up against S20 down or unchang
ed. Transfers .. totalled 1,374,050
shares compared .with 1,254,730
Friday. ? - j ,.v.:" :.vv;-H -
At tops for 1944-45 were Stude
baker, Hudson Motors,' Wilson' &
Col, Armour, Alleghany, preferred,
Reynolds Spring and Howe Sound.
Quotations at
Portland ; Produce
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan.lM
Butter AA prints 46-46 iic, cartons
4-4Hac; A grade pnnis 45V-4fec,
cario ns uHe-c; B graaa i prints
0U-iSc, cartons 46-46',,c. :i
gutter tat first quality, maximum
of .6 ot 1 pr cent acidity, ucliverea
in Portland 52-52'c; premium quality,
maximum off M ot 1 per cent: acidity
S3-S3VaC; valley routes and country
pointa Zc less man flrat or 50-51'jC.
Es i To; retailers: AA extra large'
51c; AA large 49c; A Urge 47c; A
mediums 44c; small (puiiet sue.
Live poultry Buying prices from
producers:. Broilers up 'to 2 lbs. 30'sc;
Iryers a to a'i lbs. 29'ac; roasters over
3'i lbs. 29'aC: Leghorns 26c: i colored
bens all weights 26c; roosters ' and
stags 16c lb.; I
country meats Rollback prices to
retailers : Country killed hogs, best
butchers, 12(M4U lbs. 19-zuc; ! veaiers
A A 22 lac; Aj21ic; B 19-19'ic; C 15
lTc; culls !l2-iac; beef AA 21c;
A 20i4c; B ltc; C 14c; canner-cutter
cows il-Hc; bulls, canners -cutters 14
14c; iambs AA 26c; A 243c: B 223c;
C io-20c; ewes FS 13',c; 1 1 12c; R
10c. . ?
Cneese Selling price to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies
29.9c; loaf 30.2c; tnpiets to wnoiesaiers
27c; loaf zv.iic I uu. i
. Rabbits government ceiling: Ave'
rage country! killed to retailers 35-44c;
live price to producers u-ik id.
Turkeys' I Selling prices to retail
ers:! Dressed hens and toma 43' ic lb.
Turkeys j Alive: Government ceil
ing buying prices: Hens and toms for
government sale 39.20, for i civilian
trade 31.20c :1b.
Onions Creen 90c dozen bunches.
Onions Idaho 3-inch 2.10; locals
Oregon 2.10 per 50-lb. bag; boilers. 10s
34c t '
Potatoes ! No. and culls 1.55 per
90-lb. bag; local Is, 100s. 3.50.
Potatoes New Florida reds S.11
per 50-lb. bag. - - '
- Wool . Government control.
; Cascara bark 1944 peel 15c lb.
Mohair , i 1942. . 12-month 45c lb.
Hops Normal contracts, 1944. 85c"
up; 194a, 7c; ivw.-aac; vni. avc-io. -,
Hay .' Wholesale prices nominal:
Alfalfa NO. z or better ; .oa
vetch ' $2S ton valley point; timothy
eastern Oregon) S33-36 ton; clover
$22-23 ton.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore Jan. 29 i-AP)
Wbeat futures and , cash grain un-
quoica. i !
r..k nh fKMl' Knft whlta . 1.S4-.
soft white (excluding Rex) 134; white
dub 1.64; western. red 134. 1
pen cent -135; 11 per cent ;1 39;- 12
' M a 1 s
per ecu a.s9.
Ji-a whita - Rafirf rrdinsirv I S4 av mwmm - -
19 per cent 134; 11 .per cent 138:
u per ra .. . , , .
Tnatf'a p, rttvlnti' WhMt 11. bar
ley 39, flour IS, eats 6, hay i, mill-
feed'9, riaat ii.
Portland 'livestock .
- PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 29 AP
(WFA Salable cattle. 210O. total 2400;
aaUble and total calves 200; j market
uneven, strong to 25 cents j higher;
good-choice grades up most; extreme
top fed steers 50 cents higher; at 16.50
for good-choice 1277 lb.; few loads
good steers 1530-16.25; common-med-
lum heifers 930-13.50; few good heifers
. . . . . i J in.
14.0U-O; loau gooa-cnoice inaa
canner-cutter j cows S.00-8.00;! shells
down to 5.00s fat dairy type tows to
10.0012.00; odd head 12.25-13.o0; med
ium-good DU11S lU.UM-l.w, gooo-awncc
vealers largely 14.00-15.00. ' '
. e.i.u. , itM fOnA !mftrlrM
- iMNUIW UU( .fc,"
active, generally steady; sows! strong
ana seeaer pigs u"
higher; good-choice 170-270 lb. 15J5,
the ceiling; 275-350 lb. 140-HDO; few
light lights 1430; good sows 13.75-
14 m t livht rviehta to 1425:i aood-
choice feeder pigs 15.00-25.
Salable sheep 1500, total 2550; mar-
cood -choice fed wooled lambs 15 2S;
f ooa-cnoice iruca-ms jiju-w, w
cluding fall shorn lambs to 14.75; com
mon lambs down to 1030; few good
ewes 30-7J0.S - - ."."("' ;
Wedding Party Finds
Minister in Barber Shop
Ariz., Jan. 29P)-A
St Louis,
couple was mar
ried today in a busy barber shop
because that was the only place
they could find a nunister.j I
Ed Woodruff and Clara Mat
Pushing, had their Ucensf and
witnesses , when they found tjie
Rev. Clarence C. Pobbell in the
shop having his hair cut.' I
Ilcrris Klcrfch -
Packing Cou j
' 468 N. Front St i
Salem. - Phone 7533
- Farm ' -'
uStrfclly Private'
. it
vsas mail : M
CIsssifled Advertbinc '
- Statesman '
Classified Ads
Call 9101
Three Insertions per line 25c
Six Insertions per ";; ; n"
One fnonth per n ; , n m
Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min
imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No
refunds. :' ;. ..- -
Copy for this page accepted un
til 8:30 the evening before publica
tion for classification. Copy re
ceived after this time will be -run
under the heading "Too Late to
Classify'" j ;;i ,
The .Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear jn advertisements pub
lished in its columns and In cases
where this paper is at fault will
reprint that part of an, advertise
ment (n which ' the typographical
mistake accurs.
The Statesman reserves the right
to reject questionable advertising
It ; further reserves the right to
place all advertising under the
proper classification.:
A "Blind" Ad an ad containing
a Statesman box number for an ad
dressis for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
answered by letter. The Statesman
is not at .liberty to : divulge Infor
mation as to the identity of an
advertiser using a "Blind ad.
Legal Notice
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned have f iled in the Cir
cuit Court of the state of Oregon,
for Marion County, Probate De
partment, their duly verified fi
nal account, as executors of the
estate of Etta M. Savage, deceas
ed, and that said Court has fixed
Monday, the 5th day of March,
1945, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
A. M. of said day, as the time,
and the Circuit Court Room in
the County Court House at Sa
lem, in Marion County,1 Oregon,
as the place for hearing said fi
nal Recount and all ' objections
thereto. f y ' f
Dated . at .Salem, Oregon, this
30th day of January, 1945.
'Executors of the estate of
y 'Etta M. Savage, Deceased.'
Ronald C. Glover, i
Attorneys for Executors, ' I
205 Oregon Building, I
Salem,, Oregon. J-30-F-6-11-20-
27. . f
.Emma Rudisha user has been
appointed - Administratrix of the
Estate of John Rudishauser, de
ceased, and has duly qualified. All
persons having claims against said
Estate are required to present
thera ; with proper vouchers with
six months from. January 9th,
1945, to gaid Administratrix at
Suite- No. 412, Pioneer Trust Co.
Bldg., Salem, Marlon County!
Oregon. . . i
. Administratrix. . - i
Attorney. J.9-I6-23-30, F.,
Notice hereby is given! that the!
Final Account of the undersigned
has been duly filed in the Circuit
Court of the State ef Oregon for,
Marion County, and that the
same, and any objections that may
be filed thereto, will be heard be-
ary 28, 1945, at ten o'clock, A. M
and ; at I the courtroom of said.
coun, s
Administrator of the estate;
of Ida M. Brown, deceased!
nu ot ii&nujUiMU, 3
4 1 1 - .a aak 1
- Attorneys zor rotate, j
30-F-6-13-20. '
Book 4 Blue stamps XS through
Z5. A3 through G2. now valid.
Book 4Red stampa Qi through:
X5 now good. - j
SUGAR: - 1
Book 4 Sugar stamp 34 now good
for S pounds, new stamp to be valid
Febr. l an 4 must last a montns. ; i
SHOES: Loose Sumps Lavalia:
Book 3 Airplane stamps Notv t
3 and 3 valid now.
A 14 through March 31, Each !
coupon worth 4 gallons.
Period A at 'coubons (U43-44
aeriest and period HS coupons 1S44
- 45 series) valid through AprU 31,
jiiTrr-r vi""" ,""""' ' lj
ti)i;titsi' j
with ssaddewaa itew wa ."rrt A
"f w . . i . .. ..
mI Mnfct. reduces strain.
..! I - aanlnM. BHIlIf
Uraates awl aoftM. PraMcim aad
aaSVcaamnav se ear om. m a i
Stearf a PvraaaVl Supoaltortaa at yem
4nt atnra witho oeWy-0 aaJ MJ
W Scoaff s
Markets.' -
By Quinn Hall
. ' . r
. mwm.rach,
II aV - ..
I ' i - I
m i l Q-y Um ma M1.iit
' tVLU I
.asa, VA f'tf'M
Asd v PM
Livestock and ' Poultry
crjSTOM hatchln. Babv chicks N.k.
strain, order early for best dates. C X.
Milton, 8S Lansing. Ph. - SS3S.
- - COWS cows cows
fresh and coming fresh. Jerseys and
Guernseys. Good ones to let out on
terms, one. S or more. Take them and
try them before you buy them. Also
some very fine heifers. 1311 N. Lib
erty. Ph. 66S5.
RABBITS WANTED, thousands of
them, top prices, fryers or older stock.
Furs also bought. Harder Rabbit Farms.
3405 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-1234 or 2-1882.
ORDERS taken for broad breasted
Bronze poults. Ph. 802 Jefferson.
WANTED:. Beet and canner cows
bulls and veals Will call at farm
I Snethen. 3570 E. Turner Road
Ph 21345 Morns or eves -
millets and cockerels. Half mile south
of Aurora on Pacific Hiway. Stoner'a
Poultry. Farm. Rt. 1. Bx. 121, Aurora.
Help Wanted Male
Workers now employed In war pro
duction should not apply and will not
be considered for employment by em
ployera advertising in this section
MAN to work night 6 P.M. to 3 A.M.
S174.SO mo. 44 nr. wk. Must be capable
driving truck, know city and able to
do clerical work. Steady Job. Railway
WORK. $1.35 HR. PH. 7487.
3 MEN wanted, essential work.
Steady jobs. Thos. Kay Woolen MiU Co.
STEADY Work year round for mid
dle aged man. Edwards' Hatchery, Rt
5. Box 81. Ph. 32943. v
Exp: milker. Schlndler Bros. Dairy.
Help Wantetl Female
LADY for hskoa. for middle a red
couple. Small ha. Ph. S480 after S PM.
.HOTEL Maid age 40 to SO. full time.
Apply Hotel Salem. ' '
from 20 to .40 to work in Army Hos
pitals. Write or apply 211 P. O. Bldg,
Salem. Ph. 7879.
WnUAV.winll in. mm k k.k.
aiuf O- VI ' alH trirl - Ma Kaimmmm-w
Room, board and 860. Ph. 8338. -
CERJulter Jofflceniitr ' l'a" to s tt"
Shorthand - not' necessary.' Permanent.
uu v. (jiara. stmo. tor. apot.
SERVICE man's wife wants ladv to
care for small boy In country. Cook
3 meals, do usual , housework. , No
laundry. Board and room. State wagea
expected in reply Write Mrs. W. J.
Rolow. 181 - 8. Church.
REPAIR - ladv ; at Citv . mnin i
aimtm. Appiy ui person.
WOMAN tn atav wlH i-j
during day. Phone 5553. -
ROTTX. U.iH Vara ithtU 1
Middle aged preferred. Box - 887!
Statesman. ., , , .. .
TTMPOBABV PmV . 117411
. . 1 1 i.inrm
Univeraitv. atiutnt km.. r.ii ui
Jack at 9265. . . .. .
Call 4664 aftomoona or 7641 mornings.
weal Ptaultrv anri nn. pwi... -
1505 N. rront. - . '
EXPERrs!Nnrrt w.ita. .- .
awwwwa, w suit.
-- - - nautm. im
. . : nicwv women
1S-45 vrt in nwl K.iw
ested in retail business, roll train ine
MlllitflltllltiM . ..a
prMimun .uii in pay- xrom tne
day you start. Apply today Room SOS.
McGilchriat BWg,VSfway lM?t
oixice. t "t
Salem Market
Th BrteM Ks-lATsW MlMMHaJ 8,- - a .
cal grocer are Indicative of the dalhr
market prices paid to growers by &Z art Kuaranteed
a sjv irsi I (BUI
I'SalbitX't ts Stl Mar a eaa.twB.AMA a.a-.a.
Birr-rrnVa m , ce
Premium '"" :: " .
NO: 1 Jl
Nor 3 " ti
. AJ'i
Extra large
, . .43
- . . J
Colored km Mo 1
No. 3 colored hens .
colored frys
Marion rraamar'.
ani'iTBT ' " owtlee)
No. 1 springs " " ; ' - ' m
No 1 hens ' t
spring lamb .
Yearling lamb
Ewes :
. 13 00
.180 to Tit
Cold Preparations as directed
w V
Uelp Wanted Female
Experienced Waitress. Marlon Hote L
'lJi"""ir!! ikiMn! ' waaea.
mtX bVJrd. Ph! 72S4 or 1140 si ISUTSL
. wrgg . Mf woman - eoolC
wanted. Cornet Cafe, 1304 Leslie. . -
Salesmen Wanted
. Ilka work In
auto court. Will rent or manage. H. W .
Soeiiner. utn. u4
woman win do Ironing or house
work, Ph, 3592.; -A
Situations Wanted
xxttt T Y-a nr children in m? bomsj
during the day. Ph. 2103.
uraitrrTTt : rrnntr - and" reoarr
work. Also painting. Rt. 4. ; Box W
on annnuni !
CHILDREN Cared for. Ph. 8S45.
Dohml PlavSchool:' 1381 State.
Axes-a-a.-i Part or. aU: day.-Pb - 8430.
ngora - ptovTY. eontractor.
Desirnine and. remodeling homes.
Ph- 843.4- 1 Rra. 220 Oregon Bldg.
BE. WISE Muumnii . ,
Money, to Loan
Qiuck Gash LDans!
On any. worthwhile, secur-
itv Repayable m 12
. months.
Company is locally owned and
.-i k Managed.' .. .
- y B-IM i Phono SIS -
v 138 a.Cummercial gt, SalOT
Auto And Truck Loans
Contracts Refinanced
- Money for new and used cars o
trucks regardless of age. No delay
bring car and titla and get the money.
You retain possession of vehicle.
I to 18 jBonths to repay.
: Aftei : 8 o'clock ohono 3361 or 81143
for appointment , J
ReguUted by state rr (
138 8. Com I St Phone 91 S8 ; M-132)
Dae your car aa security. No long
rigamarole. Prompt, private service, j
$18.08 per mo. repays in 12 months
$180. Come in. or save time by 'phon
ing in your application. When approved
make Just one- trip . and pick up your
casta Immediately. .
Personal Finance Co.
Room 125. Second Fir. New Bligh Bldg.
518 State St. Phone: Salem 3191
j Lie. S-122 M-165
$1 MONEY $
We Buy Real Estate Mortgage and
; j . Contracts.
Lie 8-218 M-22Z 212 Guardian Bldg.
Auto Loans 1
Willamette Credit Co.
For , Sale 5Iisccllanou
Rebuilt, also Replaced
Johnston Sheet Metal Co'.
Ph. S391j
1410 S.12ta St.
DOBRO standard aJectrie mitar asn.
368 So. 16th. : , ,
woolen mills dress, new, size 14. 1331
n. upinu, fa. isj. : .
D AVENPORTac cbau- 'eHne-rta tabio
ac chairs. 9x12 ' rug. Call evenings or
Sunday. 446 S. Cottage St.
MAN'S IS lewel Elm wriat wat-ti.
lust cleaned. ' $25. Also blue patent
teainer pumps, aa AAAA. yti. 127.
S Prnrv lnul lUnhK 'mjuii u.
like new: alaa mania ttl mnm mite
Mnner spring mattress, coll springs.
1123 s. 14UV. - - :
ONE. Down lavin km ' nulut.
also car , radio. 2303 N. 8th. Ph. 4423.
HEAVY, also light trailer. 3 miles
w. on Dallas Highway. Box 489.
PIANO, lal iIim Mn.
Ph. 142W9 AT Mil. m 7A. r...-
Dallas. . I --.c ,,, . . -
8. Commercial. Ph. 8768. ,
BABY I hun. nr.w.r niinKi
good condition. 1860 E. Nob Hill.
WRINGER Knlla n. .n .wu
Naon roa Furn. Co, 318 N. Lib-
COT .I.TTC " ikriA cnmtrnn' 1.1
Ph"84r6- P L.."-" 1,U""
S FX. tnSk4 riinU a-. wa,4w.
- - - -- WW w..Kia W1U1 xa.ra"
tnator una; 3 horse doublt duty in
f 1 phJMe motor; 80 gaU cast Iron u? BIIIMU SLJI iisib a siriirvaae '
block; 25 gal. lard
cooler; Dayton
sucer. fa. S481.
mart w t . . . .
.r, r-" wiin aaveno, suut,
ch,ir 11 8th SU Wes
, . " ourner eieo
trie nlat Cni i.
fie CommuitV strV. ?CSi.T
vow win ....
Spring fUled daveno. break"
1 . ""nu ma, one DlocK
North of underpass. Ph. 5762.
PLVNOL flrtftr1" rnrat " Vr "U"'-1"'';"'-
ton , Way. .77 -xT'"
r P"PPT. maie. moth-
WtnteV: PhV 289."-
-- wiuiniBw oaoy ourtvi
tV' "t' tink .!ecU
control: k vaodm .
v.rrt . . - ttu iron
TAv.!!.:" . kitchen
IT.- i.T 8 airing oanio: wood
Wight heater. Must sin. 1373 Oak
UllR. """"'-"--
didirii ewwr.T: .c?r?.,uon.
Pt Salem GenJ itlL ? Ut trt
r,8,"" whits enamel wood
Phone 47. W rtrav- Av
vSySi.ia? in? Tox Terriers.
SitsSTf"1- Saten -Veterinary
H. Fowler. Ph. 8660.
by private party, ph. 3620. ,j
- SMAST92ioTukT; Ph. si: .
f --"'.A-i t-' ' , ?