The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 28, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN,! Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning. January 23. 1845
The Oregon Statesman Telephone 9101 - r
New. Potentate Greeted A
large delegation of nobles attend
ed Friday noon's luncheon ' meet
ing of the Salem Shrine club to
tvelcome the new potentate of Al
. Kader temple, George W.--Joseph,
and a portion of his official fam
ily from Portland. Herman John
. aton, president of the club, served
as chairman of the meeting and
presented the guests. Joseph In
troduced Nobles Harvey Wells,
director of Al Kader temple; Ken
neth Hall, outer guard, and Fred
Petersonj -all of Portland. New
members of the. club were intro
duced." Music was provided by
Frank Sanders of the school for
the blind. ;' :7 :. v 7 ." .
10-year guarantee bond with every
- Pabco Welded -Roof: applied" by
Elf strom's: "Application , immedi-r
ately, right over your worn roof.
Call 9221 for free estimate.
Vets Service Popular A. L.
Brewster,; service officer here for
Disabled American Veterans, said
Saturday that the veterans' infor
mation service at the Salem
' Chamber ; of Commerce sponsored
by DAV and its auxiliary, is prov
ing most successful. Many veter
ans seem very appreciative of the
service, he said. It is offered
daily except Saturday from 1 to
4 pjn. . - - ;
Furn. apartment house, $242.50 in
come plus own apt. 760. N. Church
Get Scout Training A scout
master's training course, which
started Saturday, will be com
pleted today at Smifi Creek; camp.
About 35 scoutmasters are taking
part in the course. Representatives
from Marion, Polk and Linn coun
ties are attending. As an added
feature to the 'school Ted Roake,
sr., and members of Scoutship 12
are at camp and the Scouts are
preparing the meals for those tak
ing the training course.
Every form of insurance. R. G
Severin, 212-N. High, Tel. 4016.
Constant, dependable, service.
- Ship Being Overhauled Mem
bers of the crew of Scoutship 12
have taken the boat from the Wil
lamette river and put it into "dry-
dock" at the Hague Tractor Com
pany plant on the Silverton road
where 'it is being completely over-
; hauled. Before It is put back into
service a reconditioned motor will
be installed. The boat, 30 feet in
length, tested the strength and in
genuity of the boys during the
Peaches, Crawford, Hale and im
proved Albertas at Doerfler sale
yard and nursery. .1 '
- Company Incorporated Paul B.
Wallace, W. L. Phillips and Ralps
W. Johnson have filed articles of
Incorporation with the county
clerk for Ralph Johnson Applian
ces. The concern will have head-
. Quarters in Salem and, start bus
' iness with; capital stock of $10,000.
The firm "Will conduct an electrical
. business. ' - '-
; . - ?: ':."? " -
... Furn. apartment house, $242.50 in-
come plus' own apt. 760. N. Church
t ' ' ' .- ,;; ' -
Hot Cmta Nose Donald Ruth,
10, 666 . Thompson street,' cut his
i nose Saturday with a table knife
; with which he and several small
: companions were playing. He was
given ! emergency treatment by
i first aid. ,
1 mCjnm CronJse Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bid.
1 Removed From Hospital Mrs.
i hot . jjaviason ana lniant son,
I 2020 Liberty road, were removed
i from Salem peaconess hospital to
: their home Saturday.
Boy Disappears Clyde Jackson,
14, disappeared Friday evening
from: I; his .home at 1495 Marion.
street his -grandmother,1 Mrs. Cora
Auman, .reported to police Satur
ated Cross .Worker Hugo VI- day. i The grandmother reported
nal, a returned: director of the the youth's mother lives in San
American Keo; cross overseas cmo Francisco Calif.
In England, will be the speaker
Tuesday at j the Kiwanis
luncheon. Local Red Cross
cials will be
eon and the
club wedding pictures taken at the
nffl- church. 520 Ktat Ph 5722. -
Gra-Y Boys Camp West Salem
Gra-Ys members,, accompanied by
Vernon - Merrick of , the Salem
YMCA staff 'and 'the Rev. Ridell
nal served as dub director in Kelsey, are spending the weekend
England and! other parts of the " "ver creea: recreational area.
British Isles ior four, years. L. . ' j - '
... . i "Doa , welded Roofs ; installed by
fra-cnecK sport snirts $4.83. 100 Juustronrs exclusively. 10 -year
wool Vlacks $8.95. to $11.50. Alex bonded guarantee. - Application
Jones, 121 North High St , immediately . Call ,9221 for 4 Free
guests at the lunch?
! Junior Chamber of
Commerce members will also at
tend. Interested residents" of Sa
lem are also Jnvited to attend. VI-
Helpers Wanted Miss Selma
Hilmer, chairman of the commit
tee on procurement of nurses," is
i estimate.
Luncheon Scheduled ' The
boys? work- committee of the Sa-
appealing- this week for women lem j.YMCA,' of. which Frank B.'
to care lor ;cluldren of inactive Bennett is chairman, will hold a
graduate nurses, so the latter may luncheon meeting Friday noon at
assist at me: nospiiais. miss tin- tne rx".
mer requests that nurses who are
at present inactive, contact - the I Why not apply that new roof now
superintendents of either hospital. 1 while expert workmen and ma
terials 'are available. Free esti-
For Information regarding w a r mates. Ph. 4642 , Mathii Brothers,
dept. surplus from airplanes to 164 S Com!.' !' .
radio tubes, contact war Surplus
W. C Leninger vs. Beatrice Len
inger; order by default -
Adelbert P. Smith vs. . C G.
Hiltibrand; motion by defense to
strike.' . ", ; .'!: '
C E. Pemberton and wife vs. N.
B. Washburn; and others; - order
quieting title."
Patricia Hiday vs. Nellie A.
Yana and Delia IL Burns; satis
faction of judgment filed. ; H
: V. L Maddux vs. . Loren Loose,
doing business as 'Capital City
Transfer Co. and Sears, Roebuck
and Co., a" cprp; answer, o de
fendant Sean; ', Roebuck and Coi
denied 'allegations.:.
Marjorie JiMentzexj vs; MUton
H. Mentzner; stipulation' by par
ties Involved that alliexhibits in
case-may be jreturnedJ' ' : i
Judge E. MV; Page who hat been
absent from . part lr circuit court
or a week will be absent Monday
and Tuesday, again 'presiding in
court at Oregon City." Judge
George R. Duncan ; will preside
Monday when ' a housecleaning
will be : made on the calendar . of
suits whicn- cieimiteiy lack . evv
dence of being prosecuted." 1 ' 1
Reporter, Sui
Alums Get
;e 315, 550 N. Sum-
Charter Phil Delta
Small Girl Injured Sondra
Chastain, aged three years, 325
South Capitol street , fell Satur
Theta Alumni club of Salem met HlZ gash in
ncr iicau. ana iirst aia was capi
at the Golden Pheasant on Wed
nesday night for dinner. The
etoud's national alumni charter
was presented by Prof. Steve
Smith of Willamette. The group
will meet thes third Wednesday of
each month at dinner.
For home loins-see Salem Fed-
ral 130 Smith I.iKrtv
Attend Planning Meet Frank
B. Bennett Bob Bennett Bill
Ready,- Harold Davis, George Bir-
ed to give emergency i treatment
in.-. ' : - v I-". - :,!- ;
Rug and uphoL.cleaned. Ph. 6831
Doctor's Father El Joseph Le-
bold, ML Angel, father of Dr. E.
A. Lebold, who is ; now in the
navy, was admitted to Salem Dea
coness hospital Saturday for an
Collect Waste Paper Highland
school collected 19 tons of waste
rell and Tom Bartlett are going pap? last week. The pupils rjeal
to Portland i today to attend ' a
Hi-Y planning conference with
other representatives of the north
west area of the YMCA.
Furn. apartment house, $242.50 in-
ized; $260 from the sale of the pa
per which will go to the school
library fund.
Fall Injures Child Eugene
Neat aged one year, fell Satur
come plus own apt 760. N. Church dayj while visiting at 2425 Center
street and suffered a bad bump
on his head. First aid was called.
Permits to Biuld Three permits
to build were issued Saturday
from the office of City Engineer
J. Harold Davis to the following:
Leonard Capps to alter a . shop at
Mother, Son Home Mrs. Peter
Jensen and infant son, 1890 South
High street Saturday were re-
930 North Commercial street at mrtfrpA
d I --w-v v aavuW UUMl UOiiU
a cost ,oi siauu; xoDies coniec- Deaconess hosnital .v
tionery to alter store at 1709 Cen
ter " street and to Dale Stanley j
to repair a dUrslling at 1665Yew 1
7 hr. developing & printing service
at Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N.
Coro'L 11
DaughterBorn A daughter,
teave iiospiui . Mrs. Craig
Coyner and infant daughter were
removed from . Salem Deaconess
hospital Saturday to their home
at 1694 Broadway street
Patient Recovering Mrs. Fred
! Prediger, who has been a patien
Hatti Charlotte Relschke, at the
residence, 94S Union, January 24, at
that age of 59 years. Survived by three
autcr. Mrs. Margaret Meggers 01 sa
lem. Mr. Jennie EmmeU ot Ken mare,
: K. Mrs. Laura Duerre of Kelso.
Wash.; and two brothers, Leo Reischke
of Seattle and Louis Reischke of Sa
: lem. Member ot the Baptist church
f Miles City, Mont Services will be
held Monday, January 29. at 2 D.m..
in the Howell Edwards Salem chapel
with Rev. Weaver Hess and Revv John
Olthoff officiating. Concluding services
at Belcrest Memorial park.
Barbara Charlene, was bom, in M0 Salem Deaconess hospital for
several weeKs, was removed to
her home at 776-North Commer
cialj street Saturday, -
Indian Girl Missing Martha
Downey, 16, is missing from the
Chehiawa Indian school, police
were notified Saturday.
Salem General hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Henny of Brooks. Mr.
and Mrs John Henny, sr., of GeT-"
vais, are the grandparents of the
child. The mother and baby left
the hospital Saturday.
For sale vertical, grain, fir floor
ing. Reimann Supply company.
Phone. 9203. r n 1
24 Children
Twenty-four, children ' and
young; persons unable to attend
regular public school j classes - be
cause of poor health or physical
disabilities are being: tutored at
home 1 by qualified teachers pro
vided,' by the Salem school dis
trict, W. E. Spyder, curriculum di
rector lor .Salem schools, said Sat
urday. All. grade levels are rep
resented, and the range of sub
jects includes the usual courses of
the school .program. 1 .
The number of such pupils this
year is almost double that oi last
year, the first during .which the
program was ; in operation here.
Rheumatic- lever., patients, those
with low vitality, poliomyelitis.
serious injuries, of various types
rand chronic f ulnesses (are eligible
for the special service"
; Funds for; carrying the school
into the homes of such pupils are
supplied by the state under pro
visions of a bill passed at the 1943
session of the state legislature.
Ruby Flint Hughes estate; order
closing, estate - .
Sarah C. Hawk estate; will ad
mitted to probate shows estate of
probable ' value of $1700; Na
thaniel Sherman Hawk appointed J
executor, and Madonna Prinslow,
Roy Harland and Helen Codding-
ton, appraisers, ' : ,
Howard Hiday estate; order au
thorizing Marion J. Mathers, ad
ministrator, to accept $50 from
Harry . Hiday for a - shotgun, be
longing to the estate and of which
he Is'in possession. . ,
State i vs.' Robert ' Fredericks
Watson; ! charge speeding with
truck; fined i 10 and costs."
charge no operators license; fined
$1 and costs. '-
Bernhard , Hilkf er, route four,
Salem; charge violation of basic
rule. . . I..
Murice Gustafsonl 190 Fairview
avenue; 'charge viola tibn6f basic
ruie."--v:?i ' n
Emmett E. James, 415 N. Cot
tage street; charge violation of ba-
rsicrule.f i ' r".
William E. Sizemore, 185 Sun-1
nyview avenue; charge fail to
stop; ball! $2.50.
3 -
' - f X
' 'I 1 i ;
- OUver
P. Elvigion, Eugene;
basic ' rule;
charge' violation of
bail $10.
Marvin Yager, route ; two, Tur- I
ner; charge fail to stop; bail $2.50.
Eugene P. Tuter, 3215 ' Portland
road; charge fail to stop; 'bail
$2.50. : ; -1
tzi$b wb ;r- y i ' v
Workshops Set
REG. 1.0?
'March of Dimes' Dance
Scheduled hy Veterans
Marion Post No. 61, Veterans
of Foreign Wars, will do their bi
in the current "March of Dimes"
drive i Wednesday night, January
31, with a gala dance at the VFW
hall, Hood and Church streets.
Commander V. G. Bolton is in
charge of the program and will
turn over proceeds toj the Marion
County Sports Polio fund of which
Al Lightner "is chairman.' ' '
:::"Ah.j advance sale of . tickets is
now under way by , the -vets' and
their auxiliary. The' hall is to be
donated along with tbe music by
fThe Chgonians'Korchestra.'
Three language workshops will
be conducted in Marion county the
week of February 12 to 17 Inclu
sive, Mrs. Agnes C Booth, county
superintendent of schools announ
ced Saturday. The workshops will
be held! in Aumsville grade school,
Monday and Tuesday, February 12
and -13; Auburn -schopy Wednes
day. and j Thursday, February 14 j
and 15 and ' in Lincoln - grade
school, I WoodburnJ Friday and
Saturday,! February 18 and 17.
Workshops will begin at 9 ajn.
and teachers have been informed
by the superintendent to "remem
ber you are going to school" and
then lists a number of; items such
as i scissors, modeling clay, cray-
olas and other ; paraphernalia
which children use daily in the I
school rooms. ; ,
Among those who will partici
pate ': in the workshops are Miss
Elizabeth Rader, Miss : Jane Dale
and Miss Emma Henkle, all of the
Oregon, College of Education and I
Dr. Ivan C Milhous, state depart- i
ment of education. ; '.
Hot lunch will be served by the
hostesses at the schools at a small
charge.' ' ; ' i
v 25 bags er morel i
j' Bag Covers 18-Squart Feet Three Inches Deep
. Average 6-Room House Requires Only 46 Bags
Clean, odorless expanded mica. Easy to Install.; Just pour it from
tha bag and 1 level to desired thickness. No hand-packing required.
Flows into spaces where other insulation materials may Jiavs to
be blown. Will not rot. decay, disintegrate or support! vermin. So
completely fireproof, it acts as a barrier to the spread of fire.
. Woman Injored Mrs. Bernice
Moore of Lebanon" was cut about
the head and face in an auto ac
cident Saturday at Chemeketa and
Cottage streets and was . taken to
Salem General hospital by first
aid. ,
t; ... '
Defeaned are. finding Salem's new
Hearing Aid Headquarters means
better service. Free hearing test
and private demonstration of new
symphonic Acousticon. 905 1st Na
tional Bank Bldg.
All Women Cm
Help ... Herft Horn
U y w mttttilmti. you
con Kelp a great deal by
taking a home nursing
er iwm'i oW course.
ODERfl lidtlE
Sealed into One Storm
proof Unit through the
i Magic of Patented
10-Year Guarantee
CaU the
ft J
S7$ Chemeketa . . . . 9221
Eoofinr That Endures ..
tO At
Wftmo a Urnt
mm, serve your final
six months of training
in on Army hospital.
If ywi cm
mono, you an urgtd to
Join the Army Nun
Corps without delay.
Apply for full thformatioit at your local
Red Cross chapter or writ to this Surgeon
Ganerol. U. S. Artny. Washington 2S, D. C
Vwr toeal Rstf Crs diwssr is t
435 Stale St.
This Message
Sponsored By ,
Salem, Oregon
444 State Street
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Apply It directly over your present walls without special preparation.
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