I ' i V- ! ; pxGESlXTEni " " M' . ' ' '" Hi OUTGO!?! STATESMAN, SalBW. Oregon. Sunday rnlng, Icmoary 23. XSiS . ' ,;' ""' t.m I ; , Stock Market Extends Gains Over 2 Points NEW YORK, 'Jan. 27.-(ff)-The stock market today extended Its recovery by fractions to more than ; 2 points after a week devoted ; mainly to erasing a sizeable por i tion of its recent substantial reac 'j tion.! ;. : Steels, rubbers and low-priced ! industrial specialities took over i leadership at the start of the short : session. ; Extreme advances were trimmed in the majority of cases and at the -close. Montgomery Ward was the high - light of the proceedings. Following a federal court decision at Chicago ruling that the government's sei zure of this company's properties was Illegal, transactions in -the stock: were suspended for a brief Interval so that heavy orders could be' balanced. Dealings soon were resumed on a 5000-share block, with the issue up more than a point It finished ahead 2 at 52. ' Prominent on the day's push were U.S. Steel, Bethlehem, Good year, Goodrich, U. S. Rubber, ' Westinghouse, General Electric, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, Sears . Roebuck, Armour, Interna tional Telephone, Kennecott, Radio Corp. and Eureka Vacuum. Motors, rail, aircraft and oils were nar ' , row.j The Associated Press 60-stock average was up .3 of a point at 59 .and; on the week showed a net : advance of .7 where it was only .9 under the 7-year peaks of early , January. Transfers totalled 743, 300 shares compared with 829,020 last Saturday. i I READY TO SERVE : i -. . .: ' ; I j ; -. I "l fiflht poin ond suffering ond deoth wherever! Amerkon soldiers hove need of my oid . . . in field surgeries, convos wolled ! evocuotion ' hospitals end flying ombulonces, on hospital ships ond hospitol trains. To help me core for the sick ond wounded, I hove the latest miracles of medicine ond surgery, the finest of equipment. I wilt go anywhere I'm needed . . but I con't be everywhere. Morei nurses ore needed." ALL women con help to fill this need. Soldiers will tell you that It's the touch of a woman's hand, th presence of on Army nurse, thot often means the difference between life -ond deoth. If you are untrained, take o home nu sing or nurse's cide course. If you are o senior cadet nuric, serve your final six months of training In on Army hospital. If you ore a registered nurse, Join the Army Nurse Corps NOW. rwv tnrougn your local Ked witn tne surgeon fceneral, U. ; NURSES ARE Md m InfarmatiM mm haw kl the V. .Army Nwne Cwm art for eur wenni taMiws, re. am at this a and aand M S tha SV C r yaw ami Mad t U.'S. ARf.lY W It mn et tmt -s. 435 STATE STREET SALEM ' r This Message Sponsored by 3 J-S? ECS j&f&E Tractor ond 2i3 C L!brtr t'r ' t BELCIAN LANDSCAPE - Cows move peaeefnUyi threat h snow-covered fields o the First Army f rent In Belsiom. f Whtu this picture was made American troops were fighting to dislodge German troops entrenche4 en bill In background. Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ori. Jan. (API Butter AA prints 4-',Vc, carton 4i-47'tc; A grad prtnU - 49-46c cartons 45'-46c;i i B grade prlnU 45,s-45ie: cartons 4-46ic. Buttrfat First; quality, maximum of . of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland 82-52ic; premius quality, maximum of J3S ot 1 per cent acidity 53-53! ic: valley routes and country points 2c less than! first or 60-50' ic. Eggs To retailers: A A extra large S2c; AA large 50c; A large 4Sc; A mediums 45c; small (pullet) 40c. . Live poultry Buying prices from producers: Broilers; up to 2 lbs. 30c; ANYWHERE tress Chapter or communjote 5. Army, Washington 2$, D. C NEEDED NOW I am a mtmd iMamw I am MNtraiMd waattolearN Q I . -Uta U. S. An. WaiimM SS UPB-SA-N-a NURSG I CORPS laaaj Bad Oaaa ak. b. Equipment Co. Calem. Orecon Portland fryers S 9 to 3'4 rbs. ',ic; roasters over Zk lbs. 2',ic; Leghorns 26c; col ored hens au weights 28c; roosters ana stags 16c lb. Country meats koumck prices to retailers:- Country killed bogs, beat butchers.! 120-140 lbs. l-20c; vealers AA S2sc A Jlic; B 19-19'Ac; C 15- n,c; cuiis iz-isc; Deer aa nw; a 20c; B'lS4c; C 14c; canner-cutter covin 13-l4c; bulls, cannen-cutters 14- H'c; lambs AA 26c; A 24ie: B zzac; C 10-20c; ewes fS 13'c; M 12c; R Cheese Selling price to Portland retailers: I Oregon triplets 29.Sc; daisies 29.8c; loaf 30.2c; triplets to whole salers 270 loaf 27ac lb. FOB. Rabbits Government celling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 35 -44c; live price to producers 22-24C lb. Turkeys, selling prices to retail ers; Dressed hens and tarns 43ic lb. Ttirkeys Alive: Government cell ing buying prices: Hens and toms for government sale 3.zuc; tor civuian trade 38.20c lb. -: Onions- Green 90c dozen bunches. Onions ! Idaho 3-inch 1 M: locals. Oregon 1.85 per SO-lb. bag; boilers 10s, 34c. I ; m ' Potatoes Deschutes No. 1. 3.54; KJamath Falls 3.54 cental; No. 2 and culb 1.53 ; per 50-lb. bag; U local, Is, 100a. 3.50. ft;-- Potatoes New" Florida reds 3.17 per 50-lb. bag. K Wool Government control. Cascara bark 1944 peel lie lb. ' Mohair 3 1942. 12-month 45c lb. Hops '-4 Normal contracts:. 1944. S5c up; , 1945. f; 75c; 1944, 55c; 1947, 50c lb. Hay Wholesale prices nominal: Alfalfa No. 2 or better 34-36: oats vetch $25 ton valley points; timothy (eastern i Oregon) $35-36 ton: clover $22-23 ton.' r,. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 27 (AP) (WTA) Salable cattle for week 2575: calves 240; market active.? generally steady but good cows and medium-low good teers as much as 25 cents high er: few toads strictly good fed steers 19.5a-16.0a; medium-good 13.50-15.25; compnon down to 11.00: cutters to 9.00: common-medium . heifers 9.50-13.00; strictly good fed heifers up to 14.50-75; medium-good beef cows 10.00-12.75: fat dairy - type cows around 1 8.50-10.50; cancers -cutters largely 6iM-S.00; med ium-good bulls 10.00-11.75: odd head to 12.06 and 12 J5; good-choice vealers I3se-is.oo. Salable- hogs for week 2165: market unchanged: supply inadequate to fill existing .orders; good -choice ; 170-270 lb. barrows, and guts 15.75: 257-300 lb. 15.06; heavier and lighter weights 14.M: good sows , 13.75-14.60 mainly; good-choice feeder Digs 15.00-25; good stags largely 11.00-50. . - ? -' Salable sheep for week 1475: fat lambs -generally steady but late top iq cents aoove jasi weex; ewes arouna 50 cents hither: ood -choice trucked- m lambs 14.50-15 00; few head and one car 13251 two cars fed 94 lb. Canadian Iambs 15.50. new recent hleh: common lambs down to 10.00: culls down to 8.00 3 good yearlings up to 12.00; i good slaughter ewes e.ao-T.uu; cuiis aown to zja or below. . Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore Jan. 27 AP) Wheat futures unauoted. - Cash grain Oata No. 2-38 lb. white 48.00; . oats No. 2-38 lb. gray 48.75; parley ko. 3-43 lb. BW 47.80. i Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 14 soft) white (excluding Rex) 1.54; white clubi 1.54: western red 1.54. . Hard red winter: -Ordinary 1.54: 10 per cent 1.55; 11 per cent 1.59; 12 per cent - -,) Hard .white Baart: I Ordinary ! 1.54; 10 per ent i.84; ll per cent ij is per cent l.ra. . t , . Todav's car raceinta: Wheat 14. bar ley 14. flour 4, corn , , nay 7. mm teeq 3. ' - ! Salem Market Quotations eal grocer are Indicative of the daily melrt nriltmm 9miA 4 MMt h C rem Buyers out are not guaranteea BUTTER, EGGS AND -POUt,TRY (Soajert to chaag without aotkt) BU11UWSI S-ii -. .i Premium - - ; No l : 4 aa N. 2 . t M butter prints a ; B : AS Quarters .! 4S EGGS i . Extra large Mediums Standards , Pullets 4.. M M JJ2 . ,i 24 M r. 1.. f IT , 1, Colored nana Nn 1 No 9 GtHarmA hanm Jl Colored frya ! Mm . . . oumjwt w caaajt wiuteai seucei rULl.1 & X .r No. 1 springs j no. i "- ' LIVESTOCK ' Spring lamb " IS 00 Yearling lamb , .7 60 to t M Veal V -4 . , ISM DRESSED s Tcp . Prices Paid! Prompt ReaaJtUac ; Ship t y Fred Ilsycr IIczl Divi:::a 444 8. W. TamhCl St. or S. E. f 2nd V Fostec Clvd. TTla cam accept aly , anlmaJs klel eompllasc with O. P. regsUUama, Jersey Cattle - - t ... . . . -. r- - Club Meets ! At Luncheon Br LI1XIE MAD SEN ' Farm Editor, Thej Statesman E. Martini who i has . been tn Oregon five months studying dairying for the: benefit! of the industry in Brazil, told the Ore gon " Jersey Cattle club Saturday there were "much better condi tions" in Oregon than in his own country. He added that sanitation methods here were far superior, too. I " -Walter C Leth, member of the American Jersey Cattle club board of directors, was toastmaster at the annual : luncheon of the Ore gon club : Saturday noon at the Marion hotel in connection with the state meeting.. ! Dr. James Millar, of the federal council churches, was the featured speaker, talking of- a post war world.' -.s i p .:...- Charles 'A. Sprague, ! special guest of the group, spoke briefly on "some advertising of the dairy industry that it didn't altogether deserve in reference to the un dulant fever turmoil. He express ed belief that the industry would not be injured by legislation cur rently proposed or even,: in the final analysis, by the publicity. Others introduced and who spoke .briefly were Burton Hutton and George Angell of Portland, Harold fwalt of Corvallis, and Ted Warren, former American Jersey fieldman. l On the; resolutions committee, n regard i to the formal) actions taken (see page 1), were Rex Ross of Mt. . Angel, George Horning of a-l a ; a w w W a. - a m onerwoou ana n. tr. wai( oi cor vallis. ? I ' Wanda Cooper, Clackamas coun ty, who has 13 bead of Jerseys, won the 1944 registered calf awarded each year by the club for the champion 4-H club mem ber. This was the 18th calf pre sen ted by the club to 4-H mem bers and V. W. Foster Ac Son of Sherwood was the doner, W. T Putnam of Hillsboro will! provide the 1945 calf. The board of directors was In structed to include as part of its program the selection of a classi fication judge , who is a resident of Oregon. A state Jersey' sale was proposed. M G. Gunderson spoke briefly regarding it and the matter was .left to the directors. . - . J; : Grain Futures Break CHICAGQ. Jan. 27-Iiqul- dation and I denial of rumors that the war food administration had been asked; to i reinstate an order requiring the use of rye in the manufacture of industrial: alcohol caused a sharp break In grain fu tures markets today." ;t All opening . prices were sub stantially j below the previous close. A slight recovery was made near mid-session but the- rally failed to hold. I At the - finish wheat was IYa to 2 cents lower than ' yesterday's close, May ;$1.60-.- Corn was off to 2, May $1.11. . Oats were 1 to 1 lower, May 65- H. Rye was off 1 to 1, May $1.11-Ut Barley was lower, May $1.09. v f, ' .: - - Some buying of wheat for cash Interests developed on the .early break but the demand soon was satisfied, tl: ; r ' . " Valley Births LIBERTYAri eieht and one- Half pound daughter, Lenna May, was Dom xo Mr. ana Mrs. C. I. Custer at $ their , home 1 Friday, January 18., This. Is their fifth child and second girl. u Stocks and Bonds 3mn' 7 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS Rails 34.0 33.9 33.5 34.4 24.9 36.7 22.9 IS trtii 39.8 39.8 39.8 39.1 35.6 40.0 33.1 80 Stks 59.0 58.7 58.3 58.3 50.6 59.9 49.5 Indus -80.5 78. -79.S -79 . Saturday .. Previous day Week o L. Month ago Year ago .70.1 80 8 1944-43 high 1S44-4S low J 69.1 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Indus 1048 104.7 105.0 104.S .105.5 105.7 1048 10 Util 107.1 107.3 107,2 1059 105.S 107.4 104.7 10 fogn HI 68.7 68.7 88.1 64.1 csa 63.2 j Rails Saturday r.e 97.0 ...80.2 .96.5 .83.3 e.7 -193 Previous day ! Week aao Month ago i Year ago .. 1844-49 high . 1944-45 low ... RATION CALENDAR - " PROCESSED rOODS: ' Book 4 Blue stamps X8 through Z5, A2 through G2. now valid. MEAT. BUTTER FATS CHEESES: : Book 4 Red stamps Q5: through . XS now good. j - .-s SUGAR; : j ; . t ' ' " - ? 1 Book 4 Sugar stamp $4 now good . for 5 pounds, new stamp to be valid reor: 1 ana must last a montna. SHOES Laeaa StaaiM tavalid: Book S Air plana stamps Nos. 1. . s ana 3 vaiia aow. GASOLINE: A 14 through March 21. Each eoupoo worth 4 gaUona. WVWL. OIU , : Period 4 i Js eocpons (1943-44 cries) and period HS coupons (1944 , 45 aeriaal valid through April 31. STOTESi I l- .-- V . : . Apply at local CPA boa ft for oO. -gaa stova ceruncatea. v . UiiliTED ''UdkinS,; ; II:rrb'ni:rl:h- Packing Co. t : 4S N Frost St Salem - Phone Sharply Financial "Strictly Private" TXAR MoVt'.- : I j j I WERE TU5Y WDW GOT FIVE-SWR KEEP HAm rr TDWHER . THE TDR-RjR 10t D GOT; TUE AVC VbOR SOU Da9 " taasl Ba aaaw . Class Ifled AdverUsIngr Statesman j Classified Ads1 Call 9101 Three Insertions per line , , 25c Six insertions per line ... . 40c One month- per line . .... $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min : imum 35c; 8 tL min. 45c. No . ' refunds, j . . . Copy tor this page accepted un til 6:30 tha evening before publica tion i for classification. - Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." jj r . ,: ) The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cares Where this paper Is .at fault will reprint that i part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake accura. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reservea the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad conUbstng a Statesman box number for an ad dressla fori the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an Advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Ponllry CUSTOM hatching. Baby -chicks HE strain, order early for best dates. C. E. Milton, 85 Lansing. Ph. 9526. Swegle School Sends $26.10 to March Dimes County Wide Campaign SWEGLE I The school child ren of Swegle school helped in the "March of Dimes" campaign by sending in books of dimes fill ed by the school children, ; their parents and friends to the amount of $26.10. j ' - " Calvin , Kennedy, , Marilyn Frame,' 'DeVoruV Kleemah ' and Marlyn Lorenz were absent: from school all last week because of illness.: ."1-1 .'"'" i : -i ' The program by the sixth grade for assembly Friday afternoon was short The , opening . exercises were led by Deloris Werner and Glen Straw! Members of the class in a playlet "Thrifty Americans." Two pianoi solos by De; yonia Kleeman. The balance of the hour was given to group singing. 200 Delegates Attending Frozen Food Conference . CORVALtIS, Jan. 27-)-More than 200 delegates are attending the 24th annual canners and froz en food packers school here an all-time high,' officials reported today. I-! Monday J through . Wednesday next week will be devoted to froz en food processing, since the can ning phase (ended today, j r The attendance record was1 .... - - j achieved because some features of th - cancelled Northwest Canning association convention are includ ed in thec&urse, officials said. - Valley lObituaries DETROIT, Funeral services were held ; Thursday at Stayton for Mrs. Fannie V. Btahlman who died In, ft Bugene hospital Tannle V. Smith was born December 22, 1874 at White Cloud, Mich and came to Oregon at the age of 15 ' She , was married in 1895 to Fred W. Stahhnan, who died five years ago. Survivors are - four sons, Don of Roseburg, Earl and Ward of Detroit, Alfred of Camp Maxeyr Tex:; three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Estey and Mrs. Jiorma Booker of Detroit and Mrs, Naida Booker of Holley, and IS grand children, i ! Mrs. Stablman was a resident Detroit for! SO years and saw many changes in the community, AT FlBST SiOMOFA Gold preparation c$ xincttd 1 r- rN - Farm By Quinn HaU S.XSOKl BEACM.FIA &T0L)CHUL TO GET v Livestock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch : Largo , assortment on band at all times at vet y attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discount (or cash Guaranteed as represented. : Free de livery Harry Kuehne. Carlton, or Locatea ', mi. w. of Newoerg. COWS-COWS COWS fresh and coming fresh. Jerseys and Guernseys. Good ones to let out on terms, one. 6 or more.: Take them and try- them before you buy them. Also some very line neuers. s. uo- erty. Ph. 6685. FOR SALE: Palomino stallion 8 yrs. old. 1345 Cross. St. - FAMILY, milk cow. gentle, easy milker, good producers. E. D. Struck. Rt. T, Box 407, r mi. East Silverton Highway. ' RABBITS WANTED, thousands ot them, top prices, fryers or older stock. Furs also bought. Harder Rabbit Farms. 9403 Cherry Aye. ftu z-izm or z-ibbz. ORDERS taken for broad breasted Bronze poults. Ph. 903 Jefferson, WANTED: Beet end canner cows bulla and veala. Will call at farm E. L Snethen. 3370 K. Turner Road Ph. Z1345 Morns or eves. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS: Sexed pullets and cockerels. HaU mile south of Aurora on Pacific Hiway. Stoncr's Poultry Farm. Rt. 1, Bx. 121, AuroraJ Help Wanted t mmw-nv rrprn .- 1 WANTED -i HOUR AND PIECE 'WORK. MON-i DAYMAN. 29TH. A. Mi,. . Willamette Packing Co. 698 BASSETT AVE. WEST SALEM FIRST- Class Stenographer for an administration office' at Oregon State College. J. M. Clifford. Room ill; a. : ti t stll n..1KH ' - . i afvgracuifurv xiatu rurvaiiua Help Wanted Male Workers now employ ed tn war pro- ductipn should not apply and will not be. considered for employment ty em ployera advertising tn this section I FINISHING CARPENTERS: STEADY tvnn-v - at nn ph nun 's . . -, S , WEN . ' wanted. - essential .' work; Steady jobs: Tho. Kat.Woolen M1U Co; STEADY Work year round lor mldi die aged man. Edwards' Hatohery, Rt s, box si. rn. zzu. u- : . ,.- .3. SAWYER for 15M cap. circular mill Burkland Lmbr. Co Turner. . . Exp. milker.- Schindler Bros.. Dairy. Help Wanted Female REEDS MILLINERY Reouires - assistant manager, also saleslady. Apply in person.-SOS State St WOMAN wanted for "care of baby and 9 yr. old girl. .- No housework. Room, boara ana sou. rn. GIRL for office work.' 18 to 25 yrs Shorthand not necessary. Permanent. (.ail l . v. iiarx, muv, iot ippi. SERVICE -man's wife wants lady to care for small boy In country. Cook 2 meals.- do usual housework. No laundry. Board and room; State wages expected in reply. Write Mrs. W. J. Rolow, 191 s. Church. : REPAIR lady at City 5! Cleaning Works. 1245 State. Apply in person. , WOMAN to stay, with elderly lady during oay. fnone aaaa. t: - , . HOTEL Maid. Earn while vou leam Middle aged preferred. Box 567 Statesman. i: ' TEMPORARY ' Cook) at Willamette University student bouse. Call Miss Jack at 9289. : P WANTED: Experienced -saleslady Call 4664 afternoons or ''7941 mornings I tnv tn frm far ehildranr wim rm. & board. Ph. 7264 or 1140 S. 15th St EXPERIENCED egg eandler. North west Poultry and Oairy Products Co, 1505 . rront ' EXPERIENCED Waitresa wanted. The Meadows. 340 State. WAITRESSXS - and woman cook wanted. Comet Cafe. 1204 Leslie. HELP WANTED: En erratic women 18-45 yrs. In good health and Inter acted in retail business. Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start. Apply today Room 308, McGUchrtat Bldg, Safeway District Office. . ; i. -..-7. ' .j '.; J f Salesmen Wanted - SALESMAN now calling on contrac tors, jobbers, tractor and equipment owners to add line ox repair parts and tool steel. Pan-American Steel Pro ducts Company. 815 Superior Avenue, Cleveland 14, Ohio. . Situations Wanted ' WILL care for children ra my bom during tn aay. tn. ximo. WANTED: ' Carpenter and - repair work. iao pauiung. ku 4, Bom 89 an Brewnins an. , i -.- - . s SffiSjErTcarfoT. " pk 8649.' Preschool Playschool; - 1381 State Agea 3-e. Part r au day. Ph. 8430. ORRIN S. PIN NET. contractor. Designing and remodeling homea. Ph. 94S3 Rm. 330 Oroa Bldf aa nisa auuuuxu. . Ami Markets i- Money to Loan. Q uick Gash Loans! Oh any ' worthwhile secur ity Kepayabie m ; l-s ; months - Company is locally owaed and . Managed. GENERAL FINANCE -CORPORATION ; S-13S Phone 9168 t ' 13t S. Commercial St. Salera PRIVATE MONEY AntrT'And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced sa dj..' aAa,- aawt . SfSSBdWt ' aSatral ' Ot trucks recarotM Ilv. Kwiaa mm. aiin viream as na bfwk. urw iiiviiaj You retain possession of vehlclo. ; " After 5 o'rtoc uhone S361 or SH for appointment -, ROY H; SIMMONS a.mi.tt hitte . it- US 8 Coml St -Phone 9168 iU 15SI ATITO LOANS . ,. Nn Im USV your W mm rv.M. .j . "T rlgamarole. Prompt, private aervlce. 518.08 per mo. -repays tn 11 months 8180. - Come In. or save time by phon ing in your application. When approved r i . m. mnA ninm tin vaui mill JUH.VUV uif " r w casn uiuneuiaKijr. . Personal Finance Co. Room 125. Second Fir. New Bllgh Bldg 518 State St. mono: aaiem . Lie. 8-123 M-185 a S MONEY $ RIAL ESTATE LOANS ' M Wo Buy Beal Estate Mortgagee and , contracts STATE FINANCE CO. Ue. S-118 ML 118 Cuardlan Bldg Auto Loans . Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H af IW . For Sale Miscellaneous FURNACES I,' Rebuilt, also Replaced FREK ESTTMATES. EAVE TROUGHS. CHIMNEY STACKS Johnston Sheet Metal Co. Ph. 5391- 1410 S. 12th St SIMMONS bed comolete. high chair. iranina- board, lad v a suit lacxet. Utan woolen mills dress, new, size 14. 4321 N. CapitoL Ph. 7333. niVTMPnnr r rhair. riinrttm table & chairs, 9x12 rug. Call evenings or sunaay. o . unuic - 0. -uaM K Strin wrist nfah. lust cleaned. 825. Also blue patent learner pumps, a-,t AMA. rn. S PIECE walnut dining room set like new; also- maple bed room suite, inner spring mattress, . coil springs. 112S s. 14th. ONE Dozen laying hens. 3 pullets. also car radio. 3302 N. .5th. Ph. 4423. HEAVY, also light trailer. 3 miles w. on Dallas Highway. Box 489. PIANO. 1st class cond.. fine tone. Ph. 142W3 or caU at 708 Court St. Dallas. : -V -K DAVENPORT and chair. wine color velour, with material for re-upholster ing. Se Adrians sias, 713 i-ourt si. Ph. KU. Vaiiaa. . - ALASKA WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Year's subscription (52 issues) 810.00. Special rate to servicemen, $5.00. Trial offer, one month, one dollar (Si.00). Business developments and opportuni ties, living costs. Farming. - mining, i fishmg. oil. fur.: travel. - Wrtten by Peter wood, author of "Alaska-Beck ons Or Does It?" in. Liberty maga zine Xec.- 9. Airmail money to ALASKA- INFORMATION SERVICE; Fair banks. Alaska. ' PRE-War oil circulator and barrel. table model radio, S unit electric plate, lawn mower, and,- Irons. .1115 ' E.- Rural. ' -, .. . p.-..- v BEER Cabinet-" good condition. 365 S. Commercial. Ph. 9763. - . BABY buggy, pre-war. collapsible. good condition, i860 E. Nob Hill. 3 WHEEL trailer, excellent rubber. Dan nitcn. iuz7 .oax.. SHOP Heatinr Stove. Sawdust water I heater. Ph. 5409. 197 So. Commercial. WELDERS New or used A.C.-D C. At last a general . purpose arc welder, the first practical underwriters approved weld ing machine -built to operate satisfac torily from 110-volt bower auoolv. GAS St ARC OUTFITS FOR RENT. VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO. e .-' 197 -So. Commercial NEW mattress full size ea. 915.75 , 14.75 New mattress twin size, ea. Good used wood ciiculator . . 39.75 9x13 Congoleum rugs ea. . 5 8S Unfinished chest of drawers 5 75 Used mattresses L. ; ea. 5.00 Nearly new pre-war Lange . - wooa . range - - . - - 59.08 Hocker. chairs & tables. VALLEY FURNIT4JRE CO. ,Ph. 3092 zoi s. High st Corner High & Ferry WITT .TIFTl i(m1 fnm, Twallara ped with either 16" or 21'' wheels and 14m .. IMA P.iih Cn.Prm.n. verted to 5 Pass.. In perfect condition. new Air conditioner neater -for 40 St 41 Ford DeLuxe and Mercury. Tire At Truck Chains. Flash Lite Batteries. Tira Pumm. fiaa - I.Mk- 4. ' 11 t Triple, Dual & Single electric Horns! seaieu oemm Arriving, cassmg and rog Lites. Fire Extinguiahers. manual and automatic. - Fine stock of guns and some ooa size sneus. i ! 590 No. High. Don Madison.fi WRINGER Rail nr - .11 wasnuig macnines, see atr. EUis at Nelson Broa Purn. Co. lis M I iv . . eriy ou ; - - r- .. . PRE-WAR T MCTClaC Plu 9088. " UNFINISHED kidnev ihiMA Amm. tng table with 3 drawers . and S . HWIVH . ; . T B Salem Home Furniture Co. 137 S. Coml rCOLLDJ and SHEPHERD puppies. ru urnam - ...-m S ST fnat HlKnlr H.h. v. vlnator unit: 3 horse double duty sin- si law usiksbbbt mornr" rttm erat aiaa - kettle: small sausage stuff er; maat lu1 JEV Ur eoolT; Dayton -TRAILER House with daveno tlnk, f,KU k 4 m . . - . "-"-"-t "s- ia am oi west Salem. .: f -..u-t s.T ...... i. v i. . . ... j " 7- SriSS. "emeketa. DAVENPORT,' cheap. 3 burner elec- WHITE, ..,m.l . . Beater. 3 beds, sanitary couch.-Morris s. a. A3tn. BURBANK Potatoes 12 50 sack. Swe- paw waaaaaiaaact O WSWm JTH. MZmi9l, ' StsT?!:?.. celled I ana rear, lights, good Mrea. top removable. 2545 KazeV AvT YOU will, save money at Durrain'a V ft bhy buggy, baby beds. New ti.3?85JP9rtUnlKd- on. block Classified For Sale--JIiscellaneona . an roltr akatea with metal ease good condition. Call 1074 after SdO PM. - . rmr m ....-1 varlotiM. 75C and I upTBring W Al w. tetsrt Anderson, urxnaiu - - Wallace Rd, Box 398. '- omA , niMuMM. .nM with eoilav Wedgewood gas range, small gas r.ter..cprnbination cooking and heat- nar wnite- mmnxi .. couch. 1293 N.,5th. PIANO BENCHES. $13. TaUman-; sso- sl iztn. " - - r ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent B C Pugh Ph 8-3458 fU box o. ifXnuUJ"Vull.'iw''iriii ' l' " " " Saajaaa'-a mm as. TRinTRS roe rent Woodry Auction Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. . " SHOP CO-OP AND SAVE Mankata nave) , iwun: iiMu " w painted furniture. Picketta Co-op Fur niture. liUl aiivi Aim cnf. iibaH Vumiture. . Sewing Machines. Stovea and Appli- ances. we 1 rju w andov: We call for and deliver. BKOUH.S WStU UIVi nmarn 1900 State Phone 7S9e BARNYARD fertilizer. Ph. SX- FIREPLACE screens made to order. phone 6483. ,1 . stoves, dishes, motors, radios. ffre appliances, household goods KLICi MANX 385 N. Commercial. Ph S885. nra? n, ml a11 furniture, ant- tlquea. household goods. lu,-V!' stoves, guitars. Sundale s, 293 N. Com L Phone Jwa, wrinn 4rnxtatine heater, like. new. Med. sire. Ph. 3-1143.. v.unHn erMtine cards. The Apron, Shop. 879. N. High. Phono 8088. - . ..n . 1 mm.wVkMWlf MIU creU pipe, tile, septic tanks. Oregon Gravel to.; rnow , , .ct s Extracta. S44 W. 83rd. t wr cpr.rr cm Ait nosta. 30c each at Fred Smith Lumber Yard. ph. 8515, 3815 Stat St WW COTVTT PTANOS rta.lv 19ct iiui nrnrfiiction allowed by WJ.B. to 1945. Few buyers will get new spinel, jici now u jtum wii. one. Tallman's. 385 S. 12th. near S.P. depot. ! - GREEN tapestry davenport and : 1 -- AQ aa Large blue tapestry overstuffed i 1 , eHi wu Cfllir . .-.i ..... Salem Home Furniture Co4 137 S. Coml Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: 'Small candid camera. folding type. Ph. 3598. WANTED: Tricycle or scooter for 3 year old . child. Ph. 2-1508. WANT Late model Electric Range. Ph. 4702 or 21410. WANTED: Elec Refrig. Ph. 2-150. WANTED: S Ice boxes. Ph. 7598. We Buv, Furniture TRADE WITH A-FIRM "OF 30 TEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS INTEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR VSKB : i" Pianos . .- - ;r F urniture and Appliances Call 9149. tor appointment. HOGG BROS. 260 State St , . . CASH - for5 household goods, appli ances and radios. Huas. 415 Ferry. Ph. S-1029. i - - .-- WANTED. PIANOS. Will pay cash- Wills Music Store. 433 Stata St WANT-adjustable hospital bed with springs. ; with , or without mattress. Ph. 24064. .;.V . v;. - - " CASH for used piano at other ' mu sical instruments Call 4841 daya or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaeuith Music Co. 191 8 High, WANT TO Buy. Taee cameras 8k lensea McEwan Photo Shop 435 State, WANT tUSKD tFURNITURSt PtA 918 ' . " Wanted Farnitnre IF You' have furniture to sell, can or see Ruse Bright. Ph. 7511 or 5862. j Miscellaneons ' LEARN PRACTICAL NURSING nurse.. Big dciund. High wiges,- Leam quickly ; at home. Fine extra - money . wvupautiu. Ages ia xo eu. ,UXa Kneot ' r w auw AAtivi laoea tion. Wayne School of Practical Nura- dd ina Biaieaman. - "INCOME ; TAX-Oulck Ri-Lt1 sociable Rates. Fully equipped to servo mu. eiiicicnuy.wi nonetr Trutt Bldg. . Ph. 8617.: . SEWPjG la ray home. Ph. 5348. . VETERANS Tnfnrm.Hnn - C.-.,!. . - - . M w . , Chamber of Commerce. 1 to 4 p.m. opunaoreu oy uisiaoieo Amer. vets. A. L. Brewster. Service Officer. Ph. 4339. PLASTERING. Patrhlna' m ml.lh, U F. KilfoU. 545 8. ComX . ?r0Xf. ?f m and repehtng. Woodry Mkt, 1605 N. Summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting, continued. Dental Plate Repair TW0-H0UR SERVIC1 IN MOST - . i . a" a era , BrtSI. T. MaJ?Your put Repair. a-DA HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State 4 Com. Ph.. 3311 FREE ) enitrhM - Auction Market 1603 N. Summer. For Rent Rooms bus 49- wk. Phone 4961. ' 55:. J".,th ong privileges, for ararklnv miri a - " ; Rm. -. in . modem l.A Hr.T WmJt . - w w , 1 , Bldg. Ph. 7684. t blocks Capitol DAT BED, coil springs. Ph. 8310. FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P. 835T Room and Board: V . n? A XI 1 BP I a a a-. av a I " noma, room ana - wmTirKfni oraerry man. needs no nursing care. Ph. 9470 Sunday For Rent Apartments . JITWT V . . . -T . a. ana s room ram, apta. Steam heatTphone 637 L for mnW-H" .. ulPD1f ya. S4QS for appointment. S FTJRNKHvn .1 ' fi I SS, 2mJU-u?-, pt or ver Boat sunn ooai use. .. c. . w rerm. lenani. For. Rent Ilonset .S RM. unfurn. hous. Wired for elec range. In,. I80O H. Winter. "fx