The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' i I .. .: - : v . -1 - i .
The OEEGOlf STATESMAN; ScJeW Oregon. SoturJay Morning. Jcmuary'27, 1943
1 1 1
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Elmer E. Smelser
Parents Give
Up Hopk for
Elmer Smelser
AUMSVTLLE Hope that their
son, Pfc Elmer E. . Smelser, US
- marine corps, miiht "possibly be
, alive in' some hospital, was aban
coned this week by Mr. and Mrs.
Giiy Smelser wherj two men who
had been with their son in the
south Pacific came to visit them;
and told them of his death on Sai-
' The to marine cbrps men were
Cpl. Stuart Spraguie and Cpl. Ed
win Mendenhall, fom the marine
barracks at Klamath Falls. They
are veterans of Guadalcanal and
Gilbert islands, Tarawa and Sai-
an ! I , v .
i. Elmer Smelser was born at New
Grand Ronde October 28, 1921,
and lived near WilJamina until 14
years old. He move4 with his par
ents to the farm near Stayton and
then attended Staytlsn high school.
He was; baptized in I the Church of
Christ March 26, 1939, and attend
ed Bethel Sunday school in Stay
ton and! was graduated from Stay
ton, high school in jTune, 1941. He
was an Eagle Scout and was as
sistant scoutmaster I when he en
listed in the marine corps in May,
1942. He took boot training at San
Diego and went overseas in the
following October. "After Guadal
canal he was returned to New
Zealand to recover! from malaria
and wounds. . ' j
He was j fatally! wounded June
28, 1944, while on a jirolunteer mis
sion to locate a Japanese machine
gun nest. He lived! ah hour. He
was buried in the Second marine
cemetery on Saiparl. His parents
wees notified of hist death by the
navy department on 'August 2,
Gets Release
' ALBANY Flight Officer Elmo
;Misner, son of W. W. Misner of
Albany, is home from the Euro
pean war theatre, j having been
given a medical discharge. Misner
not only wears the silver, star and
distinguished flying cross, but has
many other awards . and citations
earned hi the 61 combat flight
missions in which he took part. ;
Misner, a graduate of Albany
Hgh school, was twice awarded
the purple heart and was award
ed the air medal 11 times. He, was
-so severely wounded finally that
further service was impossible. He
has just been released from Ft
George Wright hospital, Spokane,
Wash.but will be Incapacitated
f ok six months. Col. C. L. Will
iamsr medical officer at Ft George
Wright, was in Albany Monday to
see Misner, who has been under
Jiis-cmre. j
v Sgt Joseph M. Devers, Jr Unit
ed States army, called his wife,
the former Helen Wiedmer, Thurs
day afternoon from Connecticut
The army sergeant son of Mr. and
Mrs Joseph M. Devers, sr., had
jost arrived from 26 months ser
vice in the European and Mediter
ranean theatres of war. Sergeant
Devers has been on active dutv in
North Africa, Corsica and Italy.
He will arrive in Salem the first
of the week for a 30-day furlough.
Sgt Devers is a graduate of Salem
schools and later, attended the
University of Oregon. - ,'-
Special to The Statesman
Jan. 22 Having arrived at Kees
ler .Field, Miss., Pvt Francis B.
South wick, son of Mr. and Mrs.
TL W. Southwick, 1179 Marion,
Salem, Ore, Is now being exam
ined by the AAF training com
mand station medical and psycho
logical unit to determine his
Qualifications as pre-aviation
cadet : ' .' - . ' " '
Flying officer training as a pi
lot, bombardier , or navigator will
bef given Pvt Southwick upon
successful completion of the pro
cessings he is, undergoing at Kees
ler Field.; , , . .
" LCrSTY Levern 5 C. Eell,
pharmacists mate 1c, and Roy B.
: Bell, seaman lc, are ; spending
leaves with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl E 11, route three.
'"'Arlie L. Dell, a third brother,
has received his discharge from
tbe army air forces and is now as
sociated with the Huff real estate
office in Salem.
. ' i.
' ;
Ralph J.
Special to lie Statesman
IPPINES PFC Ralph J. Harding,'
son . of Mrs. . AnHrew Mauntsch,
Balls ton. has recehtly been award
ed the Philippin
liibertation rib-
This decoration!
is given by the
commonwealth government of the
Philippines to al
troops' actively
participating in.
free the islands.
the. campaign, to
PFC Harding,
member : of .'a
:ry division, has
well known ihf
been overseas for j more rthan a
year. He has served in the, Ha
waiian islands. adi New . Guinea
as well as in the Philippines. .-
Bfargverite L DuRette, dangbter
of Sir. and Mrs D. B. DuRette
of Genrals, has enlisted In the
w omen's army corps in the
army medical department as a
technician. A gradoate of Ger
vab high school and Willam
ette vniTersity, ( Miss DuRette
baa taught six years at Eugene
and has her masters degree in
physical education from the
University of Oregon. She has
been employed recently In the
licence department of the sec
retary of state's! office.
o 1
v J
I- i . i
I'-, 1 f ' -
'' i , 'v.
: -v- -4
n niiimmwii i minii t a
PFC Mary Duncan, who is with
the third air force at Key field.
Meridian, Miss., is now on fur
lough and. visiting her mother,
Mrs. Maad Duncan, 1149 Sooth
David Van Cleve
Visits Relatives
. AUMSVILLE, Jan. 25 David
Van Cleve, flight engineer on a
B-29 located at Denver, and his
wife, the former Esther Lock
ner, have been visiting "relatives
and friends in Marion and Ben
ton counties while he is on a 15
day leave. They left j for Denver
Wednesday. j
This is his first leave since his
induction in April, 143. He is a
son of Mr. and Mrsjj J. B. Van
Cleve now of Aumsville but for
merly of Salem Heights, where
he attended grade school. He was
an honor student and was a sen
ior at Oregon State college when
inducted. j!
His brother, Merrill, has been
missing in action since June,
1943, when the submarine Pick
erel was declared overdue and
presumed lost -l!
Kenneth Ballweber
Seriously Wounded
St Sgt Kenneth Ballweber was
seriously wounded Injj action on
Luzon, his wife has been notified.
He is the son of D. Vij Ballweber
of Gervais and Mrs. WT. Peeren
boom, 2001Market street Salem.
A graduate of Gefvais high
school he was Inducted October
13, 1942. He has been awarded
the Purple Heart for wounds re
ceived in action. Mrf. Kenneth
Ballweber has been notified that
it was necessary to amputate his
left leg. u:-. ri , ' yj..-,
Knight of Mt. Vernon, Wash., son-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Pow
ell of Jefferson, has corhpleted his
training as a bombardier in the
army air corps at Deming, NJuL,
and has received his wings.
- He spent a 15-day leave with
his Wife and dauehter. Parrv
Lynn, and other relatives at Mt
Vernon, ( Wash. " - - -.
They returned to Jeffrm f
a visit with Mrs. Knight's par
ents, air. ana Mrs. 5 Powell. He
lpft from her Wwlnlj mAm.
ing, driving through to a camp In
Texas, where he will report next
week. - .. '
' "" 1 "
LIBERTYl-Alvin Billings, avia
tion machinist's mate, second
class, his been visiting his
parents,; Mr. and Mrs. Uuther
Billings.! In the navy ' for XV
months be has 'been at ' school
in San Diego, ' Chicago, i Jack
sonville. iFhu. and instructor at
San Diegb and Jacksonville. His
brother. 1 Cecil Billings, i has
been in the navy 29 months and
Is now on duty in the Atlantic
Nav)f Station
Enlists Eight
. Salem nivy recruiting station
has" announced the enlistment of
eight new recruits in the 17year
old bracket bringing the total en
listment figure for the week end
ing January 20 to the record
breaking number of 29. Probable
establishment of district quotas
affecting the enrollment of 17
year-olds in naval ranks has spur
red filing of .applications for po
tential duty with the fleet, ac
cording to A. C Friesen, recniiter
in charge of the local station. ;
Majority bt new recruits to the
Salem navy 'enlistee record break
ing roster will join ranks ( with
their mates I in Portland Monday
to take the oath precedent t$ ser
vice entrance, and will be imme
diately shipped to San Diego; for
approximately 12 weeks of ;: pre
liminary - training before ' being
assigned to A unit of Uncle Sam's
fighting ships.
Latest additions to the navy's
muster list include: Olaf K. Und
seth, Woodburn; Donald D. Myer,
LyleX. Parke, Cameron D. Cam
bell, Salem; Carl E. Landon,
Scotts Mills; Everett L. Hack
worth, Dayton; Charles R. Geil,
Stayton. f
WAVE, arriypd home Friday from
Hunter "college, New -York City,
to spend a short leave with her
mother, Mrs.Elsa Frey. Lt Har-
very Christensen, a son-in-law of
Mrs. Frey, is home now on leave
from the South Pacific.
Sermon Topics
Are Announced
Rev. Dudley Strain will preach
at the morning service on the to
pic iwThe Power to Hold" at! the
First Christian church, Center at
High street ; ' :i
Special music for the morning
by the choir .includes the anthem
"But They That Waif by Rob
erts. : ;: - 1
Rev. Earle Miller, a member of
the church and for a number- of
years an evangelist on the Paci
fic coast, is to preach at night
Mr. Miller has chosen as his to
pic "A Vision J of Encouragement'
This is the last Sunday the Millers
will be here as Rev. Earle Muler
has accepted jjhe pastorate of the
First Christian church at Day:
ton, Wash beginning February 1
"Sun of My SouT' by Parker is
the anthem and the incidental so
loist is Beth : Greenlee. Also the
solo, "Confidence, Rodeheaver,
will be sung ; by Fred E. Bates,
This Sunday i. begins youth week
at the first; Christian church,
when the young people will serve
at the church, night banquet and
take i a definite part in all the
Sunday services next week. ;
Valley Churches
SOSEn ai.c nmini . ;
0cmr N. Brown, minister. Sunday
chool 100 a.m. Paul S. Cammtclt,
UDrrlntfndrnt Tct, n,tu iin.Mit.
tendent. lunior irinrf mnt Hfnraln
erviee at 11:09. Sermon subject. "Can
uruur .orisuaif juiacavor ixw p.m.
vico at S0. Prayer meeting Wednes
adults at :00. ' :i
bene - Robinson, pastor. Sunday
enow maw ajn,"Mornln service at
Haw. Communion. Sermon subject, lf
You Can Say That." Evening service
at 7:45. Sermoni subject. "If God Be
or uav- - ,; ;(i . -1 ' .
MEWONTm Mimavv -
, Wt Salem, Elm street near We
Hy school a jn. TranJc Friesen.
superintendent Mornini? service 10:45.
Evening servie at 75. Messages by
pastor. Wedaesdayv Jao pjn.-. prayer
ucvuiis. mua cnoir renearsai.
Grance haU. Rv. nvl nimn
tor. SundlT B.hiWl 1A AA m M f n. j.
servle at 11 .-00. Rev. H. H. Dick rut
speaker. Eveninc service at f0. Mr.
nd Mrs. Ed Erickson of the 'Salem
Christian youth center will meet with
mi weuer (roup, ''.'"
HinnUla ikn1hitii.. e,...
school am rred Eroer, superia-
Eart SUte and.Elma streets. Sunday
'a mjo. tKQ bwuuoto. super'
Baptism Service
Is Scheduled
A large: number will confess
Christ in believers baptism at the
Sunday night service at the First
Baptist' church.v Dr. Irving Fox,
pastor, will speak on "The Gospel
By Which- We Are Sayed His
sermon theme of .the morning will
be "Dark Days." , :'i-rU'--i'.i
: Tbe youpg people of the church
are beeinnins the ': observance ' of
national t fYouth jYeek Sundar
night with i. Fireside after church.
at the home of Mr' and Mrs. Mil-
on Coe. ' Edmbnd Erickson, direc
tor of the Youth Center, will lead
the singing! and discussionit : W; y&
Wednesday - night ' the young
people will have charge of the
adult prayer meeting.' Rey Zl
Allen wiU,intinue, the; discussion
of personal evangelism by ' pre?
senting the subject, The Inter
view." r 1 : -'i .
r Officers" tor the new year were
elected at the banquet and busi
ness meeting of the Men's, Council
last Tuesday. Dewey , -Davis was
named president; Stanley Morris,
vice - president; Paul Reynolds,
secretary-treasurer. -
Moderator Due
Here Thursday,
Tell Plans
The moderator" of, -the General
Assembly Dr. Roy fEwing v Vale,
will be in Salem as a guest of the
First Presbyterian church, Thurs
day, February I, Rey. Chester W.
Hamblin, jpastor of the ;.S a 1 e m
church, announced this week. ''-'
Dr. .Vale's work is recognized
primaijuy that "of a preaching
and paitomj irditel'.'Dur&f 30
years he has preached in many
sections of the United States, - in
Presbyteries Viand 'sypods - and at
other gatherings, from the Atlan
tic to the Pacific coast and from
the Great likes to lQwer Florida.
In the first world war he preach
ed to great gatherings of soldiers,
and for much of 194? he was the
acting chaplain of art air force
cadet school near Indianapolis.
Dr. Vale will speak at ' a no
host dinner Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
Following j the -dinner 'there will
be a service in the church at 8
pin. when, Dr!. Vale will preach.
Revival End ;
Is Aiinouiiced
The two weeks revival at the
Englewood United Brethren
church ends with Dr. R. G.- Trent
pleaching on," j "The Way Home,"
Sunday night.'; Baptisms will be
held at this 'service for some en
tering the' church membership.
Dr. Trent will preach on, "Sins
Victim and Conqueror at. the 11
o'clock, service. ' The-yested choir
will sing; "O Come Let Us Sing."
The church' doors will be opened
for - membership and baptisms in
this service. v. . .' ,; ;)'.. .
The primary department will be
hdst . to Dr. Trent again Sunday
morning when he gives them a
short children's Vermon. He will
speak to the junior department
later at Sunday school hour.. He
talks to the young people on the
subject, "Wings," at 6:30 pjn4;
The revival resulted in five con
versions and five accessions to
church membership by Wednes
day. The public is invited to at
tend all of these dosing services.
Rev. J. M. Goodheart Is pastor.
Special Music
Program Plaii
Virginia Ward Elliott, director
of : the choir of the First Presby
terian church, will lead the choir
in a special musical program Sun'
day, at 7:30.: j,;j.v--; -4 --
A special "arrangement will be
featured, in this service with va
ried choral effects of three of the
great hymns of the church. These
hymn tunes, Ellacombe, Dundee,
and Munich, represent the devo
tional enthusiams 'of the church
of the past and, are considered to
have an ieternal quality because
they are jitfll popular t with i the
church today.' !-. v v.-
Two of the other numbers to be
presented by .the choir will be,
"The Trumpet Shall Sound ' by
Schojlin and " JoyfuL Joyful, We
Adore Thee, the tunei of which
comes from Beethoven's "Ninth
Symphony." ' , K ' . ' :
The Rev. Mr. Hamblin : will
preach on one phase of music in
the ehurch. : His, subject - will, be.
"On JWihgs of , Song." , Mrs. Ralph
Dobhs is churcb organist
Sgti 'Commando' Kelly V
3Iollier Has Pneumonia
Sgt. Charles E. Commando' Kel
ly, medal of honor winner, today
was at the bedside of his beloved
"mam, Mrs. 'Irene Kelly, who Is
1111 of " pneumonia ; and pleurisy.
Kelly said he hopes to get anoth
er crack at the "krauts", before
the end of the war in Europe,
FIrslE lollic disl Glmrcli
Down Towd The Tall WThite Spire 1
' v t t - 'i ' - 4
fJ-JTv, Ip.r'i edlsceverinir Llfe'i
iit.Ma AUwJ. Inescapables"
' ;; J A srmon by Dr. J. C Ilarrison. j;
Easiness, and. rrofesslonal
67 Members j
Affiliated in
Church Year i
lie announced that 67 new mem
bers were - taken - into Immanuel
Lutheran "church during- the' oast
year. Announcement ' was made
at the annualj meeting held Tues
day. Rev.; Almlie was also, given
a $500 bonus for the ' past year.'
The" financial jstatus of the church
was, reported very, good with a
surplus set aside in the Improve-'
ment;fund.i "' ,2r
v Plans for co-ordinated improve
ments . to t th j church buildings
were also discussed w ith ' Rev.
Alrnlie -instructed ; to' appoint, a
planning crnmittee , to study
these. Cm -the committee are Jo
nas Byberg, Jlmer Johnson,! Dr.
J. -R. . VanCleave, R.; O. - Solum,
Mrs. Stanley Swanson, Miss Han
nah Olson and' Aage B. Anderson,
f ' A servicemen's . committee to
study the problems of what to do
and what not to do to assist the
returning : servicemen was also
appointed by Rev. Almlie to ; In
clude Arthur j Dahl, Mrs. Bert
Rue, Mrs. -User1 Aarhus, Mrs, R.
H. Foster nd Harold Satern. i "
"Church officers elected lnchide
secretary, H." B. Jorgenson;- treas
urer, Roy Larsen; financial sec
retary, Mrs.' J. iOverlund: trustees
for three years,! Reidar Poverud
and Albert' Tipner; - deacon for
three years, pscar Overlund; or
ganists, Mrs. Arthur Dahl .and
Mrs. Elser Aarhus; Sunday school
superintendent, Miss Hannah' Ol-
sen; ' assistants, M r s ; Stanley
Swanson. and; :Mrs.; J.iR.. van-
Cleave;," ushers ', William Brager,
Anton DahL Eton iAnderson, Er-
vin v Overlund, I Henry Johnson,
Albert Funrue and Arthur Dahl;
cemetery; board t member C ' E.
Jorgenson; fellowship committee.
Mrs.' H. B, Jorgenson, Mrs. Ken
neth Henjum, Mrs. Conrad John
son, ' Mrs. Albert Overlund, Mrs
Harold Loftus, i with Miss Char
lotte Johnson' as. cashier for the
committee. ' I
Service! Man's
Memorial to
Be 6n
SILVERTON 4- Memorial ser
vices for ' Albert . Harlan ' Nerison,
killed in. action pa Guam, will be
held' Sunday morning at 11 o'clock
at the Immanuel; Lutheran church
at Silverton. He was a member
of ' this church while , he was at
Silverton and his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Nenson, sr., are
members. J There! will be special
music lor the occasion.
. Rev. S. I. Almlie of Immanuel
announced that the ' Ladies Aid
will meet Thursday at 2 pjn. with
Mrs.' L. Kindblac .and Mrs. J. H.
Nordstrom as hostesses. Choir re
hearsal will - be held Thursday
night at 8. , Confirmation class
meets Saturday at 9:30. j
Special services' under the .pon
sorship of the Willamette Valley
Lutheran Innermission association
will be held at Calvary Lutheran
church on February 2 to Febru
ary 4 Inclusive. The first session
will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Feb
ruary 2. The Revj R. K. Hoogkon
son of Sandpointj Idaho, will be
here as guest speaker. Rev. O. C
Olson, local pastor, received word
from Hotgkohson Thursday
Li Leroy Rue, i son of Mr. and
Mrs.- K. O. - Rue will be guest
speaker Sunday night i of this
week at Calvary Lutheran church.
Monday night at 7:30,' Naomi so
ciety will meet with Miss Bessie
Gregerson On Oal? street. Calvary
Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday
at 2 p.m. in the church social
rooms with Filing Monson as host
to the wpmen."
Rev. M. J. K.
Fuhr is an-
nouncing Family: B I b 1 e night
Wednesday! night at 8 o'clock at
Trinity church. Choir rehearsal
will be held Thursday at 8 and
confirmation, instruction Saturday
at 9:30 and 11 ajn.
Rev. - O. Leonard Jones, minis
ter at the Methodist church, re
ports the Boy Scouts will meet
Monday at 7 pjn, with the Chris
tian Education Council in the an
nex Monday night at 8.
College President to
Speak Here Sunday
Dr. C. J. Pike, president of
Cascade ; college, ' Portland, ; will
speak at both services Sunday at
the First Evangelical church, .Ma
rion ; at Summer streets.
These services will bring to a
close the Bible corference, the
1 theme of which has been "The
Holy Spirit" Dr.-Pike will speak
at 11 ajn. on "The Holy Spirit in
Soul Winning," and at 7:30 pjn,
?The Holy Spirit Indwelling the
Believer." He will also speak to
the youth groups at 6:30 pjn.
The Woman's sacred choir of
the church will, sing the anthem
"At Eventide It Shall Be Light"
by Harris. Irs. Edward J. Kort-
xeborn will direcw
Tenth Church and
' Norsery 1X:
People CordlaUr Xaviied
Salem1 Churches
North CotUe at 0 street J. T. Ol-
thoff, pastor. Sunday schoel :43 a.m.
ijeorge !cniniian, - superintendent.
Morn in service at It. hermon sub
ject. i'urnhn Possibilities lati Re-
aliUes." YouUi rellowsnip bour at JO
p.m; Evemnj service at 730. Sermon
subject. "Tairtfan a for God." Bible
sway - ana prayer,. Wednesday at l.U.
COLVAKT BAITirr A 'r:'HV e--; V
South liberty, and Miller streets. Dr.
Charles' Durden, pastor. C. Howard
Smith, - assistant pastor. Blbla school
t :45 a.m. Rev. L. S. Randie superin-
icnaeni. Mornmg service at IL. "ine
Path Throueh Sea." Rev.- J. R.
Turnbull, supply pastor. Youth Fellow
ship J4U p.m. , Kev. John Trachsel,
speaker. At 7:30. Salein Camp ot Gid
eons -(uestSiL . jsermoa topic. 'The Si
lences of Christ" Rev. JumbulL Wed
hesday t:l. pjn. topie.-JKjaculatory
Prayer. - . t,- , : J
rritst, BAPTIST -'-v ' -
Marion afLibertr street. Irvine A.
Tex, DO, pastor, tounday -school S :45
aJn. Ray Cates, superintendent. Morn
ing - service at . ll. sermon subject,
"fark Days. -evening service at :40.
Sermon" subject, "ntie Gospel by
Which We are Saved." Baptismal ser
vice. :30 pjn BYP meetings. 8 p.m.
Fireside Ut young peopleTWednesday
1:30 p.m: prayer meeting under direc
tion of young people. Personal evan
gelism ducuisioo. subject. "The. Inter
view." jea oy Rev. m. u. Allen. :--
Hazel at Academy street. Warren C.
Hale, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 . a n.
Eunice Hart, superintendent. Morning
service at n. JLvening service at 1J30.
Prayer meeting Wednesday ,130 pjn.
17th at Court street. W. H. Lyman.
pastor. Sunday school 9.43 a.m. Morn
ing service at 10:50. Sermon subject.
ine ennsx oi me mgrrwayi. enrtt
tian Endeavor hour S0 p.m. Evening
service at 7:30. Sermon? by Raymond
Armstrong. Mia-week church night
Thursday at S:30 o'clock. -
Center at High street. Dudley Strain,
Dastor. . , Clay . J, Pomerov. -1 associate
pastor. Sunaay school S:4d ajn. Morn
ing service- at . 10:30 Sermon: subject,
ine fower to Hold. Dudley strain.
Youth meetings 0:30 pjn. Evening
service " at Sermon subject, "A
Vision of tncourasement. Rev.-arle
Miller.' Troop 4 meets Monday at 730
p.m. Churcb, night, dinner Wednesday
at siu fa - ; - 'r
jrmsT; congregational' I
! Marion t at- North - Cottari street.
David Nielsen, minister. .-48 - am.
church school. 11, service of worship.
Sermon, "'Some Things That Do Net
Change.' . In recognition of Christian
jouth week, young people will assist
in service. :au p.m. young people in
vited to meet with those ot Knight
Memorial Congregational church, Htta
and Ferry streets.
I9th at Ferry street, wuiara a. nan.
pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning
service at 11. Sermon - subject. "Not
Wandering, but Searching. S:30 p.m.
Pilgrim iouth Fellowship. ;
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swift, rector, Holy com
munion 730 ajn. Junior, church and
classes 9:49 a.m. Prayer service and
sermon at 11. -. f
North Church at Highland avenue.
Herman - H. . Macy. pastor, j Sunday
school 1U ajn. cntton hoss, superuv-
tendent. Morning service at 11. sermon
subject; "Drawing Back to Perdition;
Drawing Near to Salvation. Junior
Christian Endeavor 4 p.ra. Youth pray
er meeting at :00. Senior CE at 6:30.
Evening service at 130. Prayer meet
ing thursday at 730 pxtu
South Commercial at ' Washington
street. John and Laura Trachsel, pas-
tors Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Max Pem-
berton, superintendent. Morning serv
ice at' 11, John Trachsel preaching.
subject, "Seven Letters - to
You." Evening service at 730, Laura
Trachsel j preaching. Sermon subject.
Sanctify "fhenvTnrough Thy Truth.'
Christjani Endeavor f:30 p.m. Thursday.
February 1, church night . supper and
monthly pneeung. r i
343 North Church street, M. A. Get
zendanerj pastor. Sunday i school 9:43
ajn. Moiming service at 11. Sermon
subject. f'The Chief Good in -Life.
Luther League at 7.-00 p.m. Miss Eula
Me Cleveland leader. ,
SUte" street at 18th. F. j H. Theuer.
pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn
ing service at 11. Sermon subject.
"Une Abuse of God's Holy Name.
Confirmation class Saturday 930 ajn.
16th and A streets. H. t W. Gross,
pastor. Sunday school t:30 ajn. Morn
ing worship at 1030.
Church and State streets. Down town.
Dr. - J. C. Harrison. , pastor. Church
school 1 .143 ajn. Preston Dough ton.
superintendent. Worship at 10 S3. "Re
discovering Life's Inescapable, a
aermoh by the castor. Youth church
at. 110. J Theme, "Two Varieties ,of
FoUt. Evening service at 7:43. Ser
mon "Source ot Happiness ' Open $o
North Winter at Jefferson street. S.
Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school
9:43 ajn.- Morning service at It -00.
Sermon subject, "What i Shall .We
Make Of It? ' .Youth Fellowship 630
pjn. Boy Scouts Wednesday evening.
South Commercial at Myers street.
Joseph Knotts. pastor. Sunday school
9:49 a.m. Morning service at 11 AO.
Sermon subject. "New Life." Youth
Fellowship croups at 630 pjn. Even
ing service at 730. Sermon subject.
"Worldly Wisdom and God's Wisdom."
Prayer meeting Thursday at 730 pjn.
wro mtMnvrrjtiAM ''
Chemeketa at Winter street. Rev.
Chester W Hamblin. pastor. . Sunday
school 0:43 ajn. J. J. Fitzsimons, sup
erintendent. Morning service at 1033.
Sermon subject. Two Face A Third."
Evening service at 730. Sermon sub
ject, -"On Wings f Song."i 430 pjn.
Junior High Fellowship. 6:13 Tints and
Business -College Fellowship. Mondsy
at 730 Boy Scouts. Thursday at 630
moderator s Conner. s:uu. popular meev
Ing xor moderator. , 'j
North 17th at Nebraska avenue. J.
M. Goodheart. pastor. Sunday school
a -4 m rta Tr.n naka In the chil
dren department. Morning service at
II .-ou. : Tne cnoir wiu aing w
Let Us Sing." Sermon by Dr. Trent.
"Sin's Victim and Conqueror.'' Classes
wn.mtf nMnk will tur Dr. i Trent on
"Wings, 6:30, adults, Mr. Olson speaks
m orirlet n the American Road."
Evening service at 730. Closing night
of the revival. Classes in npunn ina
membership. Sermon by Dr. Trent.
"The Way Home." Wednesday at 730
prayer meeting, and at JO official
board...; - "": .- ..if v
Hm. em - jnou.Sno.iut anunuM jrv-
pojj soa 7fqns uoaus '9Ct
tnnoA , 1saSueA 'esN "f I1
'irr tionJ3aoo- netlstJUI..
-qns uouuas '0011 sopuas guiajoyj
5K' S toouas nuns Moused ssH 'M
dosing February . Every night Ex
cept Saturday at 7:30. Saturday 1:43
pjn. The Galilean Hour. KSLM.
, . . r --; ....
CotUee and Shipping streets. James
A. Scott, minister. Sunday school 10:00
a rn. Morning service at W.-45. Sermon
subject; "Who for the Joy Set Before
Him." 6:00 p.m. young people's ser
vice ' 6 30-' p.m. - Evening service - 7 30.
sermon subject, ."The simpucity ox
ine uospei." ; - . -
North Summer at Hood street.- Bfler
G. T Dickinson, -pastor.' 'Sabbath
scnoot 9 M - a.m. jars.- a. n. . irr,
superintendent. Morning - service at
UrOO. Younr people's tneeting : p.m.
Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7:30 pn ' -. - ;'.
tRUTH CENTER "-. . -? Y '
336 State street. Olive Stevens. Ms 13,
pastor. Morning service at .11 K)0. Ser
mon subject, 'Man: self-conscibus.'
24S North Commercial street. Serv
ices, at 330 and 730 pjn. Circle iat
6:00. Speaker, Rev. . Mary Grosser
Mann.: Additional evening speaker,
Anthony Hutson. Subject, ' Lost Book
341 State street Mai. F. P. Stevens.
pastor. Sunday school iO:00 ajn. Morn
ing : service at -11 -00. Conducted by
CoL James Bell, territorial evange
list. Sermon subject. "Giving God Our
Best." Evening service at 7:40. Sermon
subject, "Does God' Bless America?"
A spiritual clinic is held daily from
10. -00 to 12.-00 ajn.. Colonel Bell will
advise on matters spiritual, mental and
physical. Revival services led by Col
onel Bell. Friday, 7:45 pjn- "The Re
vival Came." ' Saturday. ."Manifesting
the Lord." Monday. January 29. For-
973 Market street. Paul C. Nerine.
pastor. Sunday school 9:43 Ja jo. Morn
ing 'service at 11 M. Young people's
ervtee-i.-OO pjn. Preaching at T30.
Wednesday prayer, meeting 70 p.m. (
Chemeketa and Libert? streets. Sun
day school at 11-00 ajn. Morning ser
vice at ii s. sermon subject, "Truth."
Evening service at 6 .-00. Sermon sub
ject, ."Truth." Wednesday meeting at
3:00 pjn. includes testimonies of heal
ing. Reading room at 143 South High
street. -. - -
Capitol at Marion street. E. A. Ktels-
meier, pastor, Sunday school 1900
a.m. Morning service at 11:00. Sermon
subject. "Under God s Care."
460 North CotUce street. Sunday
school 10 .-00 ajn. Relief society, priest
hood meeting and primary . at 1120.
sacrament meeting at w00 pjn. MXA
Tuesday at 730 pjn.
445 Ferry street. Sunday school 10 "00
ajn. .Morning service at 11-00. Young
people's service 630 p.m. Evening ser
vice at 730. Rev. Ellis Seism. Rupert,,
Idaho, district ' superintendent -. Pente
costal churches, guest speaker. tM
pju. Wednesday Bible study and pray
er service. 3:00 pjn Friday young peo
ple's Bible stuay and prayer service.
Madison and Baker streets. L. L.
Freeman, minister. Sunday school at
10 (DO ajn. Morning service at HrOO.
Evening song practice at 7-00. Preach
ing: at IM. Bible study Wednesday at
730 p.m. -
Corner Marion and Summer streets.
Rev, J. Kenneth W.ishart, pastor. Sun
day school 9:45 a.m. R. H. Ermel. sup
erintendent. Morning service at 11 MO.
Dr. C J. Pike, president of Cascade
college, Portland, speaker. Youth
groups at 6:30 pjn. Dr. Pike speaker.
Evening , service at 730. Dr. Pike,
speaker. Prayer and Bible hour Thurs
day at 730 pjn.
Cottage and Hood streets. Rev. H.
A. Schlatter, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 ajn. Junior church 10:45. Morn
ing service at 11 .-00. Sermon subject,
"The Minister's Calling and Work."
Evening unified service at 7:15. 6-00
pjn.j "The Hope Which Is Laid Up."
940 South 32nd street Rev. G. W.
Cleghorn, pastor. Sunday school 10:00
a.m. Morning service at HrOO. Evening
service at 7:45. Prayer service Wed
nesday 7.-45 pjn. Young, people's En
deavor Friday 7:45 pjn."
13th and Ferry streets. Rev. Walter
S. Frederick, pastor. Sunday school
945 i ajn. Morning service at HrOO.
Sermon subject. "Doctor I Am Sick."
Evening service at 7:43. Sermon sub-
gV "Song ox songs. Rev. wuilam
. Swason, evangelist of San Francisco,
speaks at both services.
1S7S North - Church street Rev.
Claude C and Mary W. BelL pastors.
Sunday school 10:00 ajn. Morning ser
vice at 11-00. Afternoon service at 2:45.
Evening service at 7:43. Thursday
evening 2 service at 7:43. Saturday
Bible study and prayer meeting at
3. -00 pjn. Tuesday through Thursday
2:00 pjn. prayer meeting.
Corner of North Fifth and Gaines
streets. C H. Steinmann, pastor. Sun
day school 9:45 ajn. Morning service
at UrOO. Sermon subject, "The Path
way to Glory." Evening service at 730.
Sermon subject, "Tbe Supply Line."
i-ju weanesqay. xamuy night.
-rotrrkBOtTARE '
North 19th at Breyman. Rev. C X.
Tate.i pastor. Sunday school 9:49 ajn.
Morning service at 11:00. Evening ser-
enttfte Survey of the Bible." Tuesday
' i :a pjn. -prayer ana xsioie STUay. MTi
day 7:43 pjn. note burning service. Dr.
nmrvn (cucno vi rnruuo, apeaaer.
: I : ' r '' -:
Store Gerks Will Learn
How to Say No Politely
PORTLAND. Jan. 26W5V-War
time customers in' this city may
re surprisea at politeness of store
clerks for the duration if a dint c
set for Monday is successful.
Elmer Wheeler, Fort Worth,
Texas, who will tell clerks how
to say "no," disapproves of "Don't
you know there's a war on?" He
says Tderks should take an "hour
to say no If necessary. ?
You are invited to hear
0. J. IIc-iss, D.D.
SUNDAY 11M ajtn.
s "Christian Consecration"
iai pjn.
"Does God Forget?'
Chircii xf
Center at Thirteenth ,
, Weaver 7. Kess. DJ).
:' - . Pastor .
Frcmk V. Wc2dn, Jr.
' Song Director
(Services every nirht except
ing Saturday at 7:30)
T.H. Tiirnbtill l.
Speaks hunday
t Rev. J. R. Turnbull of the Ei-
bio Boot house has been supply ;
Ing the pulpit of Calvary Baptl3t j
church in the absence of the pas-
tor. Dr. Charles Durden. - In th 4
morninc his subject w01 be "Tha j
Hijehlights of the Book, of Exo-1
dus and at night "The Christ for
Today," have been a series given :
5 Sunday mominf he will preach 4
on the ubject,- Th Through
the Sea" Salein Camp of Gideons '
wUl participate in the service 'at ; .
night Mr. Turnbull wUl speak or.
e,Suences olf-Christ"! - A
The i three n Vouth f Fellowship :
groups will combine their month-
"missionary meeting at 630 1
pjn. Sunday. Rev.' John Trachsel, :
pastor of the South Salem Friends ,
church will be the speaker. He la ,
well known in local, missionary '
circles. He will tell of his work
in China and of experiences in
the internment camp and the trip ".
home on the Gripsholm. Miss Hel-
en Randle of the missionary com- r
mittee will be in chae. " i
Th Tnastor. Dr. Charles Durden.
is on a six-week leave" of absfcnea
finishing tip two visitation cam-
paigns in southern California. He
will return; the middle Of Febru- ,
ary to lead the churches of Salem ,
In n "city-wide' visitation "cam- .
paign sponsored - by . the f Salem
Ministerial assodation." 'V :
Silverton Churches
....... ... V. 1 . . . Mt 1
- William . Yl . -ung. puwr,. auimui
school Saturday mt S30 a.m.' Worship
at 11A0. YFS at $J30 pjn. ; - ; -- . ; -
FIXGKnC HOLINESS ? " " ' r '
AUJgUW r M. J - -
Fenton, pastor. Sunday school 10:0
ajn. mvin servicea at ii.v. . ;
CHBISTIAN AND '-7 1 '; ?
North Second street. B. A. Franklin.
pastor. Sunday school at 10.-00 a.m. !
Worship at 110. Young people : 45 ;
pjn. Xvangelistie at. 7:45,,
LAim bat iAraii K.-.'' -
Modem Woodman nail, sunaay .
school at t:45 turn. W or ship at 11 :W. '
MIA at 7:30 pjn.
Front street. Omtr yriey, - paor. ,
Sunday school at. S:4S a.m. Worship
at 110. Young peoplene-g:4 pjsw
Evangelistie at :00.
IT. FATJL'l CATHOUC : '- - '
Pine and Grant streets. Father John "
Van Hoomissen, pastor. Sunday' masses :
at 0 and 100. followed by bene- .
diction. Tuesday and Friday at 1:13
ajn. Other days at 700 ajn, ' :
CHVBCH or COD - - - - v - .
North Second street. L. W. Wright.
pastor. .Sunday school at 10-00 a jn. t
Preaching at 11-00. Children's hour at .
7-00 pjn. Bible study at 7.V0. Evan-
gelisUc at S.-00.
South Third' street. Sunday school
at :45 ajn. Worship at 11 .-00. .-
Pierre Smith, pastor. Sunday school :
at 10 .-00 ajn. Mrs. J. L. Jones, super- -intendent.
t - - - .-.
v - 1 . .
Park at First street. Russen Myers. '
pastor. Bible school at t:45 a.m. Ralnh -
People, superintendent. Worship at
iimv. evening service at lliau, . ' -
'. Jermev - etraet. r C rtlann n.iln. .
Sunday school 10r00 ajn. Miss Olga -.
Johnson, superintendent. Divine wor-
ship at 11.-00. Topic, "The Barren Fig
Tree." Luther League at 70 pjn.
Lt. LeRoy Rue speaker. .
North Church streeV S. L. Almlie,
nastor. Sundavi irhMl t lA-nn n
Divine worship at - 11 .-00. i Sermon! "
"Following Jesus Into the Storm." Me
morial services for Albert H. Nerison.
Luther League Fellowship at 7:30 p.m.
Bible aturfv. "H.v. TK(r, rv tb ' .
Lord." ""
TRINITr' . ' ' " " rl i"
: Seoonri mnA A vr Y v
naator. Su-ulav iphnnl lnvt r f
mt ' " J . aw .WW MM ... 1111 y
t?"' "uix-rtntendent. Worship at .
II -00. Topic. "!. Expect aUward. No -
;Main at Fiske street O. Leonard ,
Jones, minister. Church sfihsnl at t:45
ship at 11-00. Sermon, J Jesus Sixke
and DemVbUUony' ' " f. .
Free ; Lecture
i Ghrislian
j Science
" ; Entitled '
"Christicm Science : A
Religion of Answered
! Arthur a Whitney. OS.
' oi Chicago. ELL
j Member of the Board of
lectureship of The Moth
i er Church. The First
,; Church of Christ.' Sclent
i 1st; In Boston. Massachu-
7 1.. ; -y t -.--."'";;: j . .
. . " ) t '; . 'i .
i Monday Evening,
Ixn. 23. ct' pjn.
t: Under the auspices of
; i First Church of Christy
. . Scientist. Salem, Ore.
'-'"'',. .V"""' h'y- r ;.'
S:i:r O-h Zzzl
!; fief i!:ri-n
Hsh 4 D El.
Doer Open ct 7:C3