The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Hit OHrG ON STATESMAN. Calenv Oregon, &xturd,cry Moraine- January 27, 1S45
pagz nv2
M(ByS. .DBn'UeffS Eugene Man
I To Head New
Forest Group
The Oregon Skrleamrrn Telephone 9101
Goes te Boise Helen living- j School Entered Leslie Junior
ton, who ha been a member of high schoc was entered forUhe
ine stall ol the Salem Credit Bu- second time by prowlers, police
reau lor several years, left yes-lwere notified Friday The first
terday for Boise,' : Idaho, " where time it was entered about a week
ahe will work in "the Credit Bu- aeo theft of never! article vai
reau office with Judd Davis, for
merly associated, with the local
office. Miss Livingston was at the
Salem Credit Association lunch
eon briefly Friday . noon to bid
friends among the members good
t Farm Work Starts Mrs. Gladys
Turnbull, who is in charge of the
farm labor Office on Chemeketa
street, said Friday that seasonal
farm work was getting under way,
the first call being for 15 to 20
men to work in the hop yards.
Five high school Naoys are also
needed at the West mushroom
farm- and some pruners are also
needed. v: j- : - '-j. - ' ;
- Every ' form of insurance. R. G.
Severin, 212 N. High. Tel. 4018.
Constant, dependable service.
, i Road Eepairs Mad Log haul
ing over the road on the north
fork of the Santiam by trucks
', from Frank's mill caused some
damage to the highway and this is
being repaired by a country crew
with a grader. County Commis
sioner Roy J. Rice said Friday.
Extension A p p r v e d The
county court has approved a line
i extension proposed by the Port
land. General Electric company on
i county road SSS north of Silver 1 Phone 9203:
alls state park. The extension
wHl cover the road running west
from its intersection with the mar
ket road and also the portion run
ning north and soath.
reported. In the report Friday -po
lice were told a window had been
opened and a ; door unlocked to
permit easy entrance.. Nothing
was missed the second time.-:
Jewelry Stolen Mrs. Revs. Da
vidson, 499 North 24th street, who
reported to police several -lays
ago the theft of .a man's wrist
watch from her home, which "'had
been ransacked : during her ab
sence, .Friday reported , she had
discovered ;the loot also included
a wedding ring - set with green
agates, a string of crystals and a
man's ring.! .
. j '- ' .
7 hr. developing & printing service
at Burke's ? Camera Shop. 174 N.
ComTL i
Realtor Returns William .E.
Moses, Salem realtor, has returned
from a six weeks business trip to
California, jdur in g whicfihhe Vis
ited all of the large cities Includ
ing San Diego, Los Angeles, San
Francisco and way points. White
in San Francisco ha was the guest
of insurance- men whose compa
nies he represents in the Salem
area. ' ' J-
For sale vertical grain fir floor
ing. Reimann Supply company.
The forestry products founda
tion, a non-profit corporation. in
corporated here this week, Friday
held its organization meeting, in
Salem and elected Herbert J. Cox
of Eugene as . president,
Other officers include Dr.- Paul
M, Dunn, Corvallis, f vice-president,
and B. T. McBain, Miwaukie,
secretary-treasurer. . '
At another meeting the founda
tion will outline - a campaign to
provide funds for the building of
a j forest products! laboratory at
Oregon State college. McBain said
hej expected that the' industry at
large, timber owners, loggers and
lumbermen would finance the
project., . i , I
? we- need proper research so
that waste in the industry can be
stopped," McBain declared. ; -
Foundation members said that
not to exceed 35 per cent of the
original tree cut in the woods
actually becomes lumber and that
more than half of the logs supplied
to the pulp mills for -chemical pulp
now go to waste.
fit is the purpose , of the new
organization to check all waste
and at the same time help icien
tists at the college to carry on the
work that is started," McBain
averred. "II . :
Buildings required will be built
on; the Oregon State college cam
pus and the work thereafter will
be carried on by the forest prod
ucts laboratory there. '
Peaches, Crawford, Hale and im
proved Albertas at Doerfler sale
yard and nursery. ; .
i Tw Deaths- Tw fatalities,
2052 covered accidents and 8
claims for occupational disease
disease benefits were filed in the
state industrial accident commis
sion here during the week ended
January 25. . The fatalities involv
ed Iver Johnson, Portland, laborer,
nd Almon Harmon, Carlton, deck
man. -
; Seventh Grade Wins Seventh
graders of Leslie- junior high
school won the annual yell contest
at the school Friday noon, with
the eighth grade placing second
and the ninth grade third. The
winning class was under the di
rection of Harry Mohr, Mrs. Alice
Robe and Mrs. Elaine Fisher. ,
"Cyn" Cronlse Fnotographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Enters Hospital Miss Kather
lne Adlard, 2146 North Church
street, who has been serving in
Salem Deaconess hospital for a
long period as a Red Cross aide,
Friday morning at 6 o'clock was
stricken, suddenly in her home
nd taken to the hospital where
she will be a patient for several
days. . '.-;".-'. ;'.,
Back After Quarter Century
IX CoL James Bell, who is. con
ducting meetings at the Salvation
Army citadel, spent some time in
Salem 25 years ago when he was
In charge of youth work for the
: Salvation ' Army , in the north
! west, he told the Army advisory
board which met Friday noon at
the citadeL
Oskl Tonight End of the term
Oski will be held tonight at the
"VMCiA, 7:30 to 11 o'clock. A can
teen wHl be open. Patrons arid
patronesses will be Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Nickens, Mrs. Marilyn Wil
! liams and Dr. and Mrs. H. A.
Gueffroy. 1
." For home loans see Salem Fed
eral. 130 South Liberty. " ' '
I Money Turned Over Sheriff
Denver Young has turned over an
additional $520.27, collected as
v yield tax for reforestation to the
I county treasurer from the 1944-45
: tax rolL . .'',. ' : . -, :
i - Townsendltes Meet Tonight at
- 8 " o'clock Townsend club j No. 6
will meet at 259 Court street.
1 Monday night at 7:30 o'clock club
: No. 2 will meet in try WCTU hall.
Rep. Joe Harvey will be the
. speaker. .:' ... 1
Two Permits Issaed Two
building permits were Issued
Friday from the office of City
Eniner JJ Harold Tlavi in th
following: H. W. Winkler to alter lVisc TXifli Xlt
Cabinet Fisht
and to A. J. Busick to alter ga
rage at 449 ! North Capitol street
Basin ess Name Retired - Ber
nard B. Cantor, operator of a col
lection bureau under the assumed
business name of Adjustment De
partment, Retail Credit Associa
tion of Salem, Friday filed in the I
onice or the county clerk a cer
tificate of -retirement from the
business. i
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 520 tate. Ph. 5722.
Indian Chief Here Isaac Mc
Kinley, chief of the tribe at Warm
Springs reservation, was a state
capitpl caller for a few hours Fri
day. McKinley, who has twice
represented his people In the na
tional capital, said he believed lit
tle legislation of special .interest
to the Indians would come up at
this session of the Oregon legis
lature. . ; . I ,
Diseases Reported One new
case of scarlet fever, two o
whooping cough, two of . chicken
pox and one of erysipelas were
reported in Marion county during
the week ending January 20, with
60 per cent of the physicians fil
ing reports, I the state board of
health has announced.
n ' ' ' '
Jabco Welded Roofs installed by
Elfstrom's exclusively. 10 year
bonded guarantee. Application
immediately.; Call 9221 for Free
estimate. !
Dr; Pnrrlne Speaker Dr. Ralph
For Spotlight
. Mi- . 13 . '-- f-;-
Most people are more interested
in who becomes secretary of com
merce than in the fact the 38,000
American soldiers lost their lives
last week. This was the opinion
expressed by F. G. pLeserer, pres
ident of the Salem Credit associa
tion at the Friday luncheon meet
ing4 i ' ViH'v it -'
He offered this opinion as his
excuse for taking a straw ballot
on how the 40 persons present felt
about the cabinet controversy; The
vote was 35 to 5 against approval
of Henry Wallace for the post.
Leserer, at his first meeting as
president, "re-established a former
custom of each person present
identifying himself by name and
organization. This week the pres
ident, who . is local I manager
Montgomery Ward,; identified
himself as "F. G. Leserer, the war
department"- SI ? I
Pictures of fishing en the De
schutes river from the state fish
commission, were shown after the
brief business meeting.
Derby Estate
Left in Trust
Tcuihs Knocked but on Luzon
CIRCUIT COURT , ! i trix shows receipts of S1530 J3.
Dorothy Virginia Seldeman vs. land disbursements of $861.02.'
William C Seidemah: divorce de-1 JUSTICE COURT
.'4 -
cree granted; plaintiff -awarded
custody of minor child and $30
monthly for its support .
Adelia Mize vs. Harley L. Mize;
amended answer and supplement
i tal complaint filed; answer,' ad
mits. . denies and alleges that
I plaintiff treated 'J: defendant in
cruel and inhuman manner; asks
divorce. ' '":"'
Beryl Halseth" vs. Oregon Motor
State vs. Leonard .Gouge; motion
to dismiss charge of selling in
toxicants without license, the dis-
trkt attorney explaining in his
motion that Gouge was operating
Kelly's place in Silverton with ' .
permission of the . state liquor .
commission pending renewal of 1
his license. . - ,; : -
State vs. Cecil Higmanl; charge .,.
being . Intoxicated on a public
T W t
Stages, a corporation, and Fred C, high way; sentenced to 10 days in
Gearhart: plaintiffs answer ad- jail, sentence suspended.
w1 ,
if -
Wildo Willems, 274 i Center
street; charge Violation of basic
rule, vC;7 i
John Novak, Los Angeles; pick-1
ed; up for loitering on streets, held
temporarily for FBI,; then releas
ed. ! . ::-;r, .J
Alomitain Smile
These two Japanese tanks were knocked eat by Yank tank destroyers near the Lason town of Bins-
lonan. American soldiers are examining tht bodies el two of the crew sprawled: atop the light tank
aearestHaoi camera. The taak la the baekgroaad Is a medium. (AP wlrepbeto)
Property of the late Frank N.
Derby, who prior to his death last
Monday had-been a large owner
of downtown real estate, had been
vested in a trust, and so will not
Purvine addressed the Boys be handled through ; probate pro-
Krisehk "
. Hatti Charlotte Reischke,
League of the Leslie junior high
school Friday. His subject was
"Facts of Health that a Mr. High
Boy Ought to Know."
Boys Nominate Officers Boys
League of Leslie junior high school
in a meeting Friday nominated
Bud Michaels, Ken Adams and
Tom Paulut -.for president of the
League. Candidates will be voted
on Monday morning.
Man Missing Police were no
tified Fridayj that Allen Kautz,
40, was missing from Cottage
Farm. Officials said he probably
would head for Portland, his
; home. . I '
Calls Attention to Day Gov.
Earl Snell Friday called attention
to national public health day."
"Know your health nurse better,
was the governor's advice. j
Trip to Falls Chemeketa ns and
their friends have planned' an
outing at Silver creek falls for
next Sunday. Led by Bessie
Smith, the group will leave Ram-
seyers garage at 9:30 ajon.
Passes Physical James Dimit,
YMCA physical instructor, passed
his army induction physical ex
amination in Portland this week.
ceedings, it was disclosed Friday.
The .United States National bank
is trustee, and the beneficiaries
underthe trust are the widow and
children and grandchildren of the
deceased. . ; , . A -
Business property , owned i; in
cluded the Senator ; hotel block,
the brick building at Front and
State streets occupied by Salem
Seed & Implement Co., and the
warehouse property on Trade
street : occupied by Pacific Fruit
ic Produce Co.
Faculty Given
Added Voice
i '.--" v
Jan. 25 Looking forward-to the
growth of -Oregon State college
and to a broader representation
from faculty members In deter
mining the I institution's educa
tional i policies, President A. L.
Strand bat announced a new plan
of faculty organization that : will
give all members of the staff a
greater voice in the welfare of the
college. f. 1
The new plan is the outgrowth
of nearly a year's study by a fac
ulty committee of 18 members ap
pointed by' President Strand and
headed by Dr. C. V. Langton, di
rector of the division of physical
education. Under the reorganiza
tion, the present administrative
council of 21 members will be re
tained but in addition a new fac
ulty council will be formed con
sisting of members of the admin
istrative council and 29 other fac
ulty members elected directly , by
the various schools and divisions
in proportion -to the size of their
staffs.; i.'-.;, .';;. -r" ... . ij
The function of the administra
tive council will be administrative
and that of the faculty council
legislative. Educational policies of
long-term, general interest affect
ing tne college as a wnoie wiu ne
considered by the faculty council,
which will have complete freedom
in discussing any matter concern
ing the welfare of the institution
The plan calls for a faculty coun
cil executive committee which af
ter sifting proposed " legislation
may report to the council with or
without recommendation.
In announcing the faculty or
ganization. President StrandJC? U " .O a.5
pointed out that the council will OlllUVIli XCi
rt-ftvif!- for nninirms from larrl t h
numoers or iacuity memoers-anai Mnciti An VV ir 11
at the kame time keen th faculty JL UOXHUll ITf X WJ.
better Informed on current devel
opments.;. i
Portland Zoo Receives
20 Snakes, 3 Alligators
PORTLAND, Jan. 28 -(fl5) City
Commissioner Kenneth I Cooper
said today the city zoo would ac
cept some 20 snakes and three
alligators, one five feet long, from
CoL Milton G. Hale, Burns, Ore.
Cot Hale said his collection was
getting out of hand. . '
at the
residence. MS Union. January z. ai
the age of yean, ourviveo oj vnree
Bisters, Mrs. Margaret Meggers of Sa
Jrm, Mrs. Jennie Emmell of Kenmaxe.
H jy Mrs. Laura Duerr of Kelso.
Wash.: and two brothers. Lo Reiachke
of SeatUo and Louis Keischke of Sa
lem. Member of the Baptist church
of Miles City, Mont. Services will be
fcld Monday. January . at S p.m..
In the Howell Edward Salem apel ! s -T
with Rev. Weaver Hess and Rev. John FaDCr LUflCll IMapkmS
t Beicreat Memorial para. v
'Chimney Fire A chimney fire
at 2025
called the
was no
Myikle" avenue Friday fTT'l J0
ie fir4 Bepartment There f w
juii pnnfu. late resident of Rob
erts avenue, at a local hospital Jan
uary 45. at the a of 5S years. Sur
vived by husband, Barney PapeBfus;
two sons, John Papenrus , and Joe
Fapenfus of Salem; a daughter, Mrs.
Vir.ronc Osborn of Salem; two sisters.
X'rt. Arms Sezak and Mrs. Rose SUrk:
and four brothers. Frank, Joe, John
"Iwi kiM ProhaskL all of Chicago
"knd by six grandsons of Salem. Serv
ices wiJl be held Saturday, January
47 aVJ PJ.. in the Howell-Edwards
Salem Funeral chapel with Rev. P.W
trickson otficiating. Concluding serv
ices at Belcrest Memorial park.
Becoming Scarce Items
PORTLAND Jan. 28-(T)-Paper
napkins joined the scarce items
list today as viholesalers told -restaurant
owners there was little
hope of new mpplies soon. Cafe
proprietors sad customers would
have to use th rir handkerchiefs. . J
i ' ' -' -.- .
Good Keady-to-Wear Sales-,
girl, ;re 29 years to 25
years. Atsresslve, reliable,
to work a salary and com
mission or straight salary,
possible to earn as much as
$175 per month.
Writs Statesmen,'
' "Eox Ho. C23
ftOM SfCfflY, irUFFT CSISStt Cf
afwMDvt Not Drsaa A J y
V. Woiks Fast Right Watrs Ni5 J
s TAla tti lSlA (
Instaiitly, relief; frora anKy, aneezy
distraa of head colds starts to come
when you put a: Httio Va-tro-nol up ;
each nostril. Also helps prevent many
colds from developing If used In tone. ,
Just try it! Follow directions in folder.
r! I" " ymT" ..
Sr - mm iuaij aaAMaam dkam mmmmwmmmmmmm aaLsla -
Ivttp ywm WWmm wm WVWw wWj :
IW lfl AffaHtMl Olff ftKfffi W-sl
flpfXCMto4a Ow SaWaCR ) fWtsVpta -
mmmmmmw -abhKal aaavsk assbasaasBiBhaA atfaaiA aaiamMsa :
fasfVr Tlaaj lsnaTVlsjQasa praftgj aaaaa :
vetdt la IsoWv (or mmf mtj-tav$ .
State Guard
Scliool Raises
S13.01 in Drive
&ixiy-one pupiu 01 naiei ureen
school have raised $13.01 in the
March of Dimes campaign for the
national foundation for infantile
paralysis. The money is in the
form of dimes, held together with
scotch tape with each child's name
affixed to his or, her own contri
bution, j : y, ; i
Mrs. iViolet Dick and Mrs. Ma
rie Stetler, teachers ! at Hazel
Green ichool, have sponsored the
project! The money makes "eight
feet of idimes" toward the Ihile. It J cmp Adair.
was Drougnc to &aiem lasi nigm
by Mrs. Dick and a few of her
pupils. Unable to find anyone at
the local campaign headquarters
to receive the- money, it was
brought to The Statesman office
to: be left in the custody of "Al
Ughtner and Maxine Buran, staff TrnilS Will Ohefrv
HMWV aT w w a wm. j wmw w "sf 1
"march! of dimes" committee. . Self Denial Week
i JKKfc'HRSOM; ThB. Woman's
r m m I m- T r I '
Weliare oroup urge Missionary society of the van
Old Age limit Removal eelical church : win observe self
i 6 -(. denial week January 29 tojFeb-
PORTLAND, Jan. 28 -(flP)- The ruary 4. Rev. A. W Oliver! ler
tat rmh1!r welfare rnmrnissinn mon topic for Sunday morning
today urged passage of the state
mits, denies and alleges. - i ; t
Arthur H. Moore vs. W. F. Per-
: lich and Robert E. Perlich; motion
to continue for duration of war
Because - defendant is in U. - S.
army ferry command, ij I
Earl H. Nelson vs. Lee Blanche
Nelson; motion to ; continue - because-
plaintiff is in armed ser
vices.. -,,:- : 4 r ": t
Herbert L. Stiff, doing business
o XT T. Cfiff Vitniftir Wmranv
ivs. Frank J. Roberts, doing bust- j TP-i j 17iiiTl T"'rllrar
o. C.1W, Tr Ari nlsintlff V J. Ill XCllVVy
motion for continuance for dura
tion of war because defendant is
in armed services. ; .; !
Edith A. Perryvs. Frank E. Per-
ry; divorce complaint; alleges: de
sertion; asks Judgment for $1400
allegedly loaned, to defendant be
fore marriage, $75 per month all'
mony and $150 attorney fees. :
Marion J. Mathers vs. Inez Vir
ginia Mathers; motion to determ
ine value of real property involv
ed in divorce decree. v ;
Edna A. Potter vs. Ernest Addi
son Potter; order of default; ap
plication for place on trial docket
Patricia Hiday vs. Nellie A.
Yana and Delia H. Burns; order
directing county treasurer to pay
suit costs to defendant
Ruby E. Ross vs. Walter Carl-
The adjutant . general's 'office
here Friday was advised that of
the appointment of Frederick C
Sullivan Ralm a fWtrfil tnerww
tor and instructor of the Oregon 100 decree of divorce grant-
state, guard with additional duties
Olga E. Davenport vs. William
R. Davenport and Mae Wright;
amended answer and cross com
plaint filed; cross : complaint ; al
leges desertion of plaintiff; asks
care and custody of two minor
children and that he also be de
clared the owner 'of certain real
property. i
-Valley Credit Service vs. West-
ley L. Imel; satisfaction of judg
ment filed.
William Frederick Garnjobst
estate; final account approved.
fc 'Rmma T Rntrhlr Mtat will
Captain Sullivanjis a graduate admitted to probate and Naoma
as .liaison officer1, with the north'
west defense sector and northern
security district 1 - 1 - V
Sullivan will be stationed in the
adjutant general's 'office here.
: Early In the-war Captain Sulli
van was stationed with the Infan
try at Camp Roberts, Calit, and
later was transferred to tank de
stroyers, Camp Hood, Texas, for
18 months, as instructor in rifle
marksmanship; battle conditioning
and tactical training of troops. The
past year ha was stationed at
of the engineers school of camou-
ilage at Fort Belvoir, Va. (Prior
to the war he owned and operated
a decorating business In Salem.
will be, "Practicing Self Denial. "
Flora Ren fuss appointed executrix
without bond; ; estate valued at
$6000 real and $10,000 : personal;
appraisers E. M. Larsen, Edward
O. Stadter and Ed D. Potter; lega
tees include: Naoma Flora Reh
fuss, daughter; Wanda Syrene
Fleet, daughter. Great Falls,
Mont; , Seymour Francis . Fleet,
son, Great Falls, Mont; Rose Max
ine Van Natta, daughter Portland;
Alfred William Fleet, son, Salem
Bernice Loraine Rentschler,
daughter, Portland.
Anna C Stewart estate; annual
account of Sarah Stewart, execu-
Theory True
Indian legend which indicates
Crater "lake lies in a sunken
mountain In the Cascade range!
and not in a blowout of volcanic
origin has been authenticated by
recent scientific reports of Carne-1
tie Institute of Technology, Rev.
E. C Alford told members of the4
Salem Board of Realtors at their -
Monday meeting Friday in Marion
hotel. - ;-
A student of, the lake, Reverend
Alford has written a technical pa
per on the subject The lake was
discovered in 1853 by gold pros-;
pectors, but lost to the world from i
that time until 1874 when a com- :
pany of soldiers from Klamath fe- ;
located it on July 4 and named It
Union peak., .
Geologists figure there are IT
cubic miles of material missing ;
from the mountain. This gap in '
the; content of the mountain ere- .
ates the crater, which is 4000 feet i
from the rim to the bottom of the I
water.The water at one place in i
the lake is 1996 feet deep. , ' j
The speaker called the Crater
lake surroundings the finest piece
of real estate in the world. With-1
out feeding streams, the, lake;
maintains its natural stag at all I
times. In the lake are two small I
islands. One of these, Wizard, ris
es 800 feet above the water and !
its 'crater is filled with perpetual
snow, the speaker said. ;
neck Ucsl Inschlicn
Installed under pneumatie
...'.j and
. letal laterlockinx
Weather Stripping
Saves ee te 41 m year faeL
Free Estimate - Ne ObligaUea
J. D. Canpbll
1119 Reeeevelt rheae 84M
senate bill which removes the $40
a month ceiling from old age as
sistance grants. Payment of assist
ance was suggested on the basis
of individual needs. I ;
- - - : .y
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. -;'''
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ALL vamta eea Mat , .-!. w I i :-- t" i . v -r
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If ym tf wrrm'"4 taka fcan Mrsmfl i mmnm't crM
If v- are e Saaiar Ca4et Nat sarv yaer final sis meetks Ut ea'Army
If ym 'mf m fefiWtstW warse fata tka U. S. Army Man Cars. Yaa aasy
HMaa tka diffarsaca ssrwasa life end dsetli re eav weaaead as a.. Vis t
writ yswr kct Itad Craas Cfeeataf fa hM Infoematiaa aad eaaKcatiaa Waak.
Or camawnicat with tka $artea GaaeraL U. $. Araiy, Waskieftaa 25, 0. C
.Tli mUrtt af yaw lecaf Red Crass Cheater k: ' ;
' ' i' T.435 STATE STREET T - j .
;, . ? Thisynssage sponsored by ' ,
7SR". ..! :.,
L-Jaa4 LA.
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tiiilil.iiia I imma
" 1 -v-.
; ',5.
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423 State St
Salem, Oregon