The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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Th OnZGOir STATE2.XAJT, Colesa. Orio, Satarday Morning. January 27. ISiS
Charge Made
Ickes Errors
In Affidavit
CHICAGO. Jan. 28 -WV The
state attorney' office announced
today It would investigate an as
sessor's charge that Harold L.
Ickes, secretary of the interior, ob
tained an $8348 tax reduction on
a building he owned by filing an
erroneous? affidavit.
In Washington Ickes asserted
' that '"Never, to my knowledge,
did I at any time' make an affi
davit to the board of tax appeals."
He described the statement that
he had as' "a strange mixture of
smearing tactics and politics of a
low order"
State's Attorney William J.
' Touhy said he had assigned an as
sistant, Gordon Nash, to investi
gate the tax case.
1 The charge that Ickes had filed
: an ''erroneous" affidavit was made
by John S. Clark, Cook county
(Chicago) assessor, who contend
ed Ickes obtained tax reductions
totaling $8548 for 1943 and 1944.
'Allied Planes
Blast Burma
; Jap Supplies
j CALCUTTA, Jan. 25-jF)-Allied
warplanes attacked supply dumps
and knocked down at .least nine
! bridges in - Burma today in far-
i flung attacks designed to seal off
the retreating Japanese. ;
Japanese lifelines and key tar
gets around Mandalay bore the
; brunt of the storm of bombs and
. machinegun bullets. ' Ground f or-
4 ces apparently marked time to
; permit Ma. Gen. George Strate
. meyer's eastern air command to
(get in punishing blows. " !
(A Tokyo dispatch broadcast by
'Berlin radio said the British were
' steadily enlarging their Irrawaddy
bridgeheads at Singu and Tha
beikJcyin, 80 miles north of'.Man-
-dalay, despite heavy Japanese
pressure, and that a fierce artil
lery battle was in progress.)
:YMCA Leaders
Hold Supper
J. 1 ' t -
j First of a series of monthly so
cial events planned by and for the
Junior Leaders club of the
YMCA's physical education de
partment, a no-host supper was
held Friday night at the "Y." Par
ents of club members were guests.
; Following the meal, the boys,
all leaders in YMCA gym and
awim classes, played a volleyball
game with their fathers and won
it by a narrow margin. A swim
ming exhibition by the boys for
their parents was also a feature
ef the; evening.
". In the group were Bert Eshle-
man, Gordon Sloan, Mrs. Marian
Sloan,1 Sanford Weinstein, Darrell
Lawrence, Don McCracken, Chet
Goodman, Oliver Bollne, John El
liott, Glen Garrett, Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon Garrett, Mrs Mabel Bo-
line, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Lawrence,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bangert, Bill
Bangert, ' John Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Taylor, Bill Olinger,
Mrs. Minnie .Olinger, Jim Dimit
:and A. Fratier. . .
Woodburn Drug
Store Proprietor
Fractures Skull
Attendants at the Deaconess
hospital today described as "fair
the condition , nf TTonnotK vr
G rath, Woodburn druggist who
uuerea iraciurea skuu when he
fell down some stairs at his store
In Woodburn Thursday,.
. .Mrs. Frank Myers, 52, Lyons,
entered .."the Deaconess Friday
morning with lacerations . and
bruises around the face as a result
f an auto collision near'Stayton.
Her .condition was not serious, at
tendants said. ; ;
Monmouth Woman Will
Teach Mehama School
MONMOUTH Mrs. Metz Hub
bard, has accepted a teaching po
sition in the Mehama school, re
placing Miss Frances Snyder, who
has resigned. Mrs. Hubbard will
have the " four primary grades.
Miss Snyder, who has been teach
ing at Mehama since school op
ened in September, lives in West
Salem and was night telephone
operator at Monmouth for a num
ber of years prior to. introduction
of the dial system here.
Too Late to Classify
- WOMAN to itay with elderly lady
purine day. Pboa k&SS.
'm mm m a
ksnrsnf s?5raararrm tat j
Starting at I P. M.
George Raft - Vera Zorina
. And 59 Guest Stars
TcUst; iLs Day;"!.
; . Also--
nery AJdrich Plays
- Cupid" -with
Jimmy Lydon T
and Vera Vague -
f swimKLANO fl AU H. Vy Jj HUNG ART AsI.
Arrows lndint action todav on the
threatening Berlin itself from the
fithtlnr alonar the Oder river In
Americans have advanced north
cheeked. Shaded circle centered
W " v.- v. .V )tf -j. .v.". -;. my: V . . .w.'.s. .'.. -J
I r
T ' 1 K
f. ' . t
: i 5 1
. '
- i
- - i , '
J - j . -
. . -.- ..::: -vv r. -y:--.
WAR DAMAGE IN ROUE N This bridge across the Seine
destroyed by Allied bombing. In background b the famous
I -If t J
"' " nwM ...r... - , M a -i ... ' . '
1 1 -
i . -1 1 - i 1
aMaoSMSMMaawstaMato-aos ji iViirfSMjaisiasl,Biira-Masr
C I R L S A I D A I R WAYS Two Sngllsh girls handle i Jab whkh before the war was dene by
men mooring a flying boat's launch to a qoay-at the Poole Harbor aviatien base
2000 New Automobiles
Available in February
: Washington, Jan. 2-jp
Only 2000 new passenger auto
mobiles will be available for ra
tioning in February. t
This represents aj reduction of
one-third from the quota in the
four preceding months.
In announcing the cut today,
the office of price administration
said the estimated supply of new
passenger cars available for ra
tioning now is about 12,000.
American Legation
In Berlin Wrecked ;
y,. . :
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 26-(ff-The
American , legation j , in . - Berlin,
which once before was 'reported
damaged by blockbuster, re
cently was virtuallyj ruined dur
ing an allied raid, a! Swedish na
tional reported tonight opon ar
rival in Mahnoe, the newspaper
Pagens Nyheter,- said,
VJ.W. Victory bub
' Old-Time Dancing
Vclcransl HsII
V Corner Hood and
- 'Chnrch Streets
Ucsie by '-
Club Members Only
on Tivo Fronts
easier and western
area of Posnan. have eat off
German Silesia to the south. On
of Aachen, and a German offensive
on Berlin has a radius of 125 miles.
Oregon Will
Boost Itself
! . I ;Jf . - H I - . V.
; PORTLAND, Jan. ZlJ--The
Oregon Overusing federation to
day mapped a state-wide -organization
to sell Oregon's resort at
tractions' to tourists. i;i
i Lamenting that Oregon is the
Ann Sheridan
"Shine On
Harvest Moon
A 1 f I : f v r
- Ends
Today I
thC moj tmt hits biJTCT
Continuous from
- I'-!
- TYRONE h h
ito Ddns Cano" ,
. .
fronts la Europe (heavy s lines); Bnsslans,
East Prussia in the north and are
the western front British and
north of v Strasbourg haa been
(AP wirephoto)
River at Koacn, France, was .
cathedral of Koten.
least, known of .all Pacific coast
states and that tourists Jiere are
too often going from California
to Washington,' Arden '"X, Pang
born, federation jj president, said
the traveling public must be. told
of our mountains Willamette and
Columbia : valleys , and seashore
resorts. S- , , j .
. Committees of ! the new state
wide group will be organized in
about 15 other Oregon towns. ;
Bill Boyd j ;
Secrets of i
The Wasteland"
Nature Amok!
Passions Loosed!
? IE .
1 4
r : i
A 7, r' l-iUiia
Japs Smash i
Into Sixburbs
- h . ( - ----- - " i
Of Key City
Chinese high command ' an
nounced tonight that a Japanese
offensive In southeastern China
timed at closing the Chinese-held
gap In the Canton-Hankow rail
road had smashed into the su
burbs of I Kukong, provisional
capital of pCwangtung province..
tierce fighting was ' raging for
possession of Kukong, the high
cornmand Said. , - J'
.In a surprise attack yesterday
northern-based Mustangs j of the
TJ, S. 14th air force struck heavily
at the PeiBtog airfield, j ,
- Kakong. is 12S miles due north
of Canton close to the Kwang-tung-Hunan
border. ' ' . ' .
' The . American fighters de
stroyed 40! Japanese planes! in
cluding five. In air battles, pro
bably destroyed six others and
damaged two. Returning to their
base, the fighters destroyed four
enemy . locomotives nd . damaged
one. Three American planes were
missing from the - Peiping 'and
other raids.
LtBud' Taylor
Dies in Crash
' - -. Si - i b !
, Twenty-six-year-old Benjamin
A. (Bud) Taylor, first lieutenant
in the American army air, forces,
who died in a plane crash in Ehg
land shortly before Christmas, at
tended Parrish junior high; school
and Sacred Heart academy In Sa
lem and . was employed for ; six
years by the Salem Linen com
pany. He learned to fly here and
joined the I Royal Air Force of
England In j the summer of 1941,
trained, at Spartan field,! Tulsa,
Okla, and was last at his home
in Salem early in December, 1941
On the day that Pearl Harbor
was attacked he . was in ' Chicago
on his way to England, where he
arrived the-day after Christmas.
In July, 1942, with, the ; famed
American Eagle squadron ion his
first operational night, he was
wounded inja raid over Germany.
In the fall of that year members
of the Jgle squadron were re
leased, by the British forces to
join the Americans. .j: .
Taylor was for awhile an in
structor: and was. later in admin
istrative work. He had been of
fered opportunities to come; home
cn leave but had expressed; a de
sire to wait until the war had
been won. Members of his family
said Friday that he had continu
ously sought combat duty and
since last April had undertaken
number, of missions of, secret na
ture, often piloting for high; rank
ing officers land on at least one
occasion; carrying Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower. j t,-c - ; j '
The English woman in ! whose
home he lived for two years has
corresponded with his mother. Her
most recent letter brought to Mrs,
Taylor a few of the details -of her
son's last flight, ? : '
Survivors iin addition to Mrs.
Taylor, I include the lieutenant's
father, James A. Taylor, Vancou
ver sisters, Helen Burton, ; Eliza
beth Ricks;! Ethel Marker and
Rosemary Taylor, all of Salem;
brothers, James Taylor of .North
Bonneville, Charles Taylor of Leb
anon and John Taylor of Salem.
Ends Today! j
.) h Cary Grant ';.f V
"Arsenic and Old Lace"
,!. Jane vWyman
"Crime by Nighr:
O ' -is--. . - .1
Continoous front. 1 P. M.
I Tdnorrou! ; 1 "
Joel j
jail ,
"off War! j
. Br tho Associated Press f
Western front .Yanks and
British storm to within 25 miles
of Dusseldorf asnazi defenses
crumple - at - gateway to Ruhr
Valley. y--- t.j t -'YI:
' Kassia . Red army captures
Hindenburg in Silesia and Mos
ina, 138 miles from Berlin;
smashes to Danzig free state
frontier. '
Philippines Luzon- fighting
stalemated as Japanese put up
bitteg .resistance Jen: central
plains 'south of Bamban river.
. China Heavy encounters
rage, at . Kukong, provisional
Kwangtung province capital; as
'Japanese strive to close gap- in
Canton-Hankow railroad. . ;
. Barms Retreating Japanese
bombarded , by allied , planes,
which hit key targets hear .Man
dalay and .destroy nine bridges.
- Italy Snow, rain limit fight
ing put Fifth army patrols start
v clashes at German ' defenses
south of Bologna.
Marsh Will Talk on
Legislative Outlook
At Chamber Monday
Members of the Salem Chamber
of Commerce at their noon lunch
eon Monday
will hear Rep.
Eugene E
Marsh," speaker
of the house.
explain the leg
islative outlook
as he sees It
from the chair
of the presiding
officer. His an
alysis, based on long service in the
house, will be given with the idea
of acquainting chamber members
with the things they might expect
by the end of the session.
Prize Airfield Named
For Ma j. Harold Qark
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 -l
ciars: iieia, prize airdrome of the
Philippines, which was captured
by American 6th army troops yes
leraay, was namea ior xuaj. Har
old M. Clark. v; ji
Army air force records disclos
ed that Major Clark was killed in
a plane accident in the , Canal
Zone May 21, 1919. Biographical
information concerning Major
Clark ,was not available tonight,
the army said. 1 ' "
Ends Today! fi
John .Wayne, "Stagecoach'
y, - . , . - ; U
Bonita Granville U
"Youth Runs WUd I
- "'V - M
k ' ;
mmmmnl i
t - " ' I
I si
t , i
spiiie cciLuna
Coiift Martial
Sentences 9
.... ,
More Yanks
PARTS. Jan. 25-UP-A court
martial trvintf black market cases
sentenced nine more enlisted men
A A.
to five year Imprisonment waay
and heard testimony against nine
others whose wallets bulged with
French currency. .
Tho'walleta were introduced as
evidence along with looted cigar
ettes- and boots to illustrate we
prosecution's contention . of " an
"easy money" hire behind biaat
market deals in supplies stolen
from army trains en route to the
front, A wallet taken from one
defendant at the time of his arrest
contained 21,880 - francs (about
S425)k . :
The nine sentenced on pleas of
guilty of wrongfully disposing of
government property,, and their
home addresses included: .'
Pvt. Raineld E. Lewis, of Brem
erton. Wash.: Pfc. William C. Fer-
lanie, 19, Moscow, Ida, j
Grocers Won't
Be Prosecuted-:
Rep, Angell (D, Ore) said today
the office of price administration
will not prosecute grocers for any
sales made before 5:05 pjn. (east
ern war time) December 26 In
violation of its post-Chrfcftmas re-
rationmg oraer. . . . , . ,. a
Aneell said he had inquired in
behalf of . Portland, Ore, grocers
who had . been threatened witn
prosecution. ". - .... i' L ;
The' order, issued December 25,
and intended to be effective' at
12:01 a.m. December 26, annwal
Iv was not filed with the federal
register until 5:05 pjn. that day.
It restored rationing points to a
large number of fruits, vegetables
and meats which , for several
months had been unrationed.
Belgium Heading Into
Grayest Coal Grids T
BRUSSELS, Jan. 26 Bel
gium appeared tonight to be head
ing into her gravest coal crisis of
the winter with canal ice immo
bilizing freight barges and strikes
breaking out in the coal fields, t
Severe restrictions were I im
posed on Brussels' street car,! gas
and electric systems.
CoDunuoua bhows Daily from 1 P. M.- r
. v. W 1
l.CJc V ...) W,k"i I-,.- ;
if "
I ' III I i I
" i - ; I
tmnresario of the
Spa, dropped a five-gallon can of
ice cream on one of his big toes
and made it bigger the other day;
so he has ordered a new gadget
witb, which to Hit tne nig w
tainers--tossed the other one
away. ;:-; - . -
What we're trying to" figure out
is Just what the old xwenen
rans-e could have done to him
that ; he should go back . on It
There'! a new and beautiful range -
in the Spa's galley now. mb
i..i4nH Kav droD-oed the old one
on his loot Ah, we, have It may-
be he dropped some oi uie dw
cuits baked In It! .
Navy1 in Monmoutlj .
'rMirnjrrff Men in naval
m snnMrin OH rfTMU
here, and sorhe houses and apart-
ments have Deen rejueu uj wjr
officers and their families.
The benefit Building
Fund for Salem General
Hospital and Salem Dea
coness hospital. -
Or at WilTs Music Store
to the
Benno Elahinof
j Concerl
Violinist Wednesday,
January 31st - Salem
High School Auditorium
...(Preview Tonite
After 12 P. M.)
s a
i v..
News .Flashes!
Soviets Take War-
"wt . AlUes
Smash Japs In Bur
! . . Typhoon in
Pacific! , . . Wfnter
in lUly! . . . lleli
tcpter Is Used fca
Cea Eescne!