r. rrs r FAGS CCH7 lfc CHSC:i CTATZr L'JL Cdsa. Orea, HJiai tlarelaj, Jssasrr tt. ICS; t a 7r 1 77 ':J roni The Statesman's Community Cjrrez vonih , . i - Polio Dance At Mt. Angel Is Sponsored L MT. ANGEL The Business Men's club Is sponsoring "March of -Dimes" dance lor Wednesday, January 31, in the name of the community of ML Angel. SL Mary's auditorium has been do nated for the purpose. The net proceeds of the dance will be used to help fin the quota of $240 assigned to ML AngeL John T. Bauman, legislative committee chairman, told of the bills under consideration by the the state legislature and the rest of the meeting was turned over to a discussion of the various measures. A. G. Traeger stated that he expected to give a report on the scrap drive investigation mil the next meeting. - - The following committee ao pointments were announced by the presideafc '"'.' By-laws, Leonard; Fisher, chairman, Lee Withers and Louis Schwab; roads and S highways, Alois Keb;r, .chairman, Frank Hettwer and Peter Gores; mem bership, Walter Smith, chairman, Florence Hassing and S. C Schmitt I Entertainment, Ed Stolle, chair man, Louis A. LeDoux and Walter Smith; new Industries, Jim Four nier, chairman, Lee Withers and Tony Traeger; publicity, Ed Stolle, chairman, Francis. Schmidt and Leonard Fisher; legislative, John T. Bauman, chairman, F r e d J. Schwab" and Ed Stolle; sick com mittee, Otto J. Oswald, chairman, Frank Hettwer and Val Eberle. Sports, S. C. Schmitt, chairman; Francis Schmidt and Douglas Karris; grievance, Louts A. Le Doux, chairman, Herman Schwab and Florence Hassing; defense, Jim Fournier, Peter' Gores and Ed Stolle; program, Lee Withers, chairman, Ted Lacy. Ed Dunn, Herman Schwab and Ben Traviss. Executive, William Bean, chair man, Francis Schmtdt and Flor ence Hassing; farm aid, Douglas Harr, chairman, Peter Gores, Leo Schwab and Father Hildebrand; solicitors, -Val Eberie, chairman, Ted Lacy and Clem J. Butsch; war emergency and welfare, Peter Gores, chairman, A . G. Traeger, John T. Bauman, Walter Smith nd Tather Hildebc.J. Settlemiers Bu v Farm Minty PRDJGLE The Minty place on Fabry road, has bean sold to the George Settlemiers of Woodburn, nd they have moed in. They have three children, George jr.. In the sixth grade, Mriljm in the fourth grade and a baby girl at home. i Mrs. Agnes Booth and her as sistants, Mrs. Cacmelita Weddle visited the Pringle school last Thursday and checked the build ings and grounds with the stan dard school requirements. Mrs. Booth complimene4 the district school lunch project as a worthy contribution by -the community group to the settee children. Valley Calendar FRIDAY, JANUARY tf Edin Lane Home Extend on unit. Mrs. T. K. CaspeU, laopjn. Waldo Hills Community club card party. T JO pjn. SATURDAY, JANUARY . Oregon Jersey Cattle club. ' Marion hotel. i SUverton hum community ciuo. Linn Pomona Grange Meets With Santiam Monmouth Community Club. Parties Plcmned MONMOUTH A party will be sponsored as a community feature. at the former PSO bunding, each second ' Monday night of each month. Some individual fraternal. social, or civic , organization will have charge. The next party, to be given in February will be ar ranged by the American Legion nd Legion auxiliary. A nominal charge to cover expenses will be made, any surplus to augment the general; community club fund. Rickarids Purchase rf ouse in Labish ; r. s i NORTH HOWELL Mr. and lrs. Jim Rickard have purchased a house from the Henny family In Labish district and moved it to a location near their own. Mrs. Martha "Vinton will live in the house when necessary adjustments are made, Mrs. Vinton is now tn Vancouver, - New machine sheds have been built on-the Andrew Smith farm and on the A. B. Wiesner farm. Trout Family Goes to Canby LIEIZlTY-rl.Ir. and Mrs. Tru man DeLano of Los Angeles, have purchased the 12 acre farm- and home from. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Trout They will arrive this week to take possession. -j Trouts purchased a 52 acre place in Canby, have enlarged and mod ernized the small house into which they have moved. J ; Joan Trout is spendinf this week with the F.' E. Judd family in or der to finish :the semester at Sa lem high school. Later she win attend the union high school in Canby.: ! I ' Betty, Trout, an "eighth grader, was given a surprise farewell par ty by i thai seventh and i eighth grade girls at the home of their teacher, Mrs. May Lucas. 5 - -.- ' m SSBSlSSBBSiSBSBSSF i i ' mmmmmm .... -,J ....J ' ' ' ' I j L. J-l . L..l..l.. .J"' I) Hi' L . I. U.-J -JJI I WiiLjUMur IUn.i.J.Ju-j.l"W"W '! ' "I"1""1 " " ' 'm'UX I - NAVY 'S ICE MENta destroyer en eonroy dnty wafr of the crew chop aa LYONS Santiam Valley grange was host for Linn county Pomona grange Thursday, January 18. Master Carnegie presided over the meeting. Various legisature mea sures were discussed. A short pro gram arranged by Elizabeth Truax, Pomona lecturer, and by Fern Sletto, lecturer from Santiam Val ley -was given in the afternoon. A no .host dinner was served at noon. . j Mr. and Mrs. OrvilleiDownlng and daughters, Juanita jand Mo- dena and his father,' William Downing attended a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bail ey in Mehama Sunday. It was for Pvt FJdon. Tietze on furlough from Camp Roberts. Other guests were Mr. . and, Mrs. Julias Tietze and daughter of Mehama, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Downing and family from Southerlin and Mrs. FJdon Tietze of Stayton. Pvt TIet2e Is a son -of Julias Tietze and brother Of Mrs. Bailey and the two Mrs. I Downings. ! . Mrs. Helen Bauer and daughter Evelyn Mae of Tacoma were Sun- May guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. I Mr. and Mrs.1 Cecil Houchen were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Grimes. Houchen,! who is a service eningeer for Boeing aircraft was enroutelo Seattle from Texas. He is a sister of Mrs. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. i Paul Johnston, Carroll, Shirley and George were Sunday dinner grafts of her sis ter, Mrs. Mary Applin in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield visited Sunday with his sister. Mrs. v Boyd "Midell of Salem. His mother who is ill; is at the Midell home. ! ! Mr. and Mrs. ' George Clipfell were glad to receive a letter Mon day from their son, Pvt. Clipfell." He stated that he was well and is now somewhere in France. The Clipfells hadn't heard from him for several 'months.! Mrs. Laura Neal; visited Satur day with her husband who is In the Lebanon hospital. Neal has been in the hospital for some time as a result of injuries received while loading piling. He is much improved and expects to' be home here this week, j ! Iter' fflj i S?n FpToPPiWr ;l II I . z.-w '- WA Vkjh&--- -a 'and . t' ra i a i m ur - t m m am m i a mm Portland Couple I Visit Relatives LABISH CENTEH Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dow of Portland spent the weekend her vLaitfhg with rel atives, i Mr. and Mrs, have purchased Their son, Jim, Lensch place farmed for some yeers. A. N, Boynton k hima in Salem. wiU eperate the which they have Silverton Cliurcb Has Election of Officers SILVERTON Officers recent ly elected to the Christian and Missionary Alliance church of which Rev. B. A. Franklin is. pas tor, include Gabriel Herigstad, financial secretary; Mrs. JjMarie Ingebresten, Missionary treasurer; Harvey Hallett secretary; August Woelke, treasurer; Paul Herigstad, Fred Towns, elders; Ed Woare, Gabriel Herigstad, Harvey Hallett, trustees; Mrs. A. Pedersen, Sun day school superintendent; Miss Euth Rusted, Young People presi dent. i Returns to Duty SILVERTON jAlthea Meyer, city treasurer, returned to her work at the city offices Wednes day afternoon following several days at home ill with influenza. ""I A Uttv I w i ( r AUSSIE WOBILf CANTEEM iembers of the Australian Womca's Aaxlliary Naval Service prepare to leave Sydney, N, S. 17, far the Blae mountains district te serve food from their mebue caateea to Cre fishters. j yip yob save you money ' i " t etrtTi tVtnea ' nmlnns ivktnftf tiw Vnivfner mftrm ifpm.e that . BfS ration-free therms a wide variety of' them at Safeway! And, too Safewai m then prices reauy stretcix food dollars! uome see iar youxacu "if your radio Is on during the day land whose isn't?) .". you won't want to miss these, top-notch programs, brought to you by Safeway for your enjoyment. I s . Vftiat's Doing, LadTes? wHh Parry Ward I Clever. Inventive Perry Ward moves through a packed studio, mike In band, uklng ' question, : kidding the ladle (they love lt!. and giving prizes. Sponsored toy Kitchen Crsit Flour, Perry provides tun for aiL r KEXMonday Thru Friday-2:00 P. M, If How is ihe yar going? . 'hecnr AValferCompton In a world af war, Wal-" iter Compton's comments and interpretations are a f'musf for millions of lis teners. Tune in . . . J330 on your dial. i KALE-Monday Thru FrliaHf. M;; 5;: - ., jrS News Analyst, Traveler Cedr!c Foster; : For crisp, analytical com ment on the news of the week listen to this re nowned newsman every day. . KALE Mondiy Thru Friday 11iC3 A. K 1 1 ;i BABY LniA BEAIIS LAEGE LIIIA BEAIIS. Drum nunirv Miwy UiUUilil For Sonp,.. IIKED SOUP. STOCK SPLIT PEAS Green and Yellow BLUE DOSE BICE RecleanedU Z-lb. pkr. 2-Ib. pkjr. ..2 -lb. pkf. J-Ib. pkf. t-ib. pkr. -t-ib, pkr. TTPTTI7 CntTDC Veretarian. TereUble, Pea, a ;Bean, Scotch Broth... ... .Ul-es. can RAIICUO SOUPS Tomato and Vegetable. iiusQnoon soup nix De Luxe... SUSAII BAKEB SOUPS 3 Dehydrated thicken Noodle, Pea STEEBO BOUILLON CUBES JELL-WELL DESSERTS JIFFY LOU PUDDINGS Assorted I IBS. WRIGHT'S BBEAD RAISIII CREAD ..22-ox. can I 4-ea.j pkf. 2-ox. pkss. lie 25c 18c 21c 23c 19c 14c He 5c 5c Pkr f f cnbM Assorted . 9c 5c 5c Pkr. Enriched. lU-lb. loaf 12c Julia Lee Wright's ...1-lb. loaf 12c niTCHEli CRAFT FLOUR 11. SUZAIUIA PANCAKE FL0UQ... Pte. DUFF'S IIUFFm IB GINGERBREAD UK 14-ea. pkf. Dromedary..;. 14-. pkr. i io mniiG glory oats Pk ALBERS OATS S! ?"' t i I - Instant Cooklnr- Real Roast. FISHEn'S Z00II PEANUT BUTTER DEXTERS CHEAIIED HONEY RED HEN IIOLASSES i SL51S?Y H01L0W SYIHJP IIAKA IIK i ke Tour Own Syrnp SNOW, FLAKES CRACKERS ni-no CRACKERS imiSPY CRACKERS $1.C5 lCc 22c ICc 12c 31c 19c 35c 7V ,llx. cirtoa x4 5c lSs. ,las. 21c ..Ctn. of S env. 23c KO-ez. pkr. .2 -lb. Jar Batter Wafers, Mb. box ,1-lb. box Canned Jelly Guava Fruit ' i Grape Jan Ferre Brand i tin 25c Old Manse Brand 2-lb. tin 39c EGG NOODLES and FRILLETS 1-lb. pkr. into s iSedaau Jt-Ib. bex 29c 19c 29c 6pts. s59c Black, ; i- 48 Count!....... vC Canlerbnry Tea Dags r I Old Hill Vinegar Cider.l-ral.i jur 52c Nnllade Ilaycanaise 27c Pt 15c Salad Dressing rSat!?ltl3c 7c r 23c 13c Royal Salin Creamy Shorteninr i Vanilla Flavor Also LEMON 8-ox. bottle 1UC Baking Powder i Clabber Girl 2-Ib. can Sno-Uhiie Salt; ; Iodized or Plain ! Pkr. 7c Strained and Jonkr...i.Can Gerlser's Baby Feed WUi-iJJ uips UWVCl Llndsay.PU Ja Libby Dips Olives Lihby Pickles Aherneihy Dill Pickles 24-ox. Ilomemade. Chopped.... can ah .2H' Jar 37c Grade "A" Eggs Meds, dos. 49c Lae do. Copes Corn y ' Evaporated 5-os, pkr. Dry Beans H" ;': Pre-Cooked ; i S-ex, pkr. 51c 10c Cc PRODUCE Toull use less raMoned foods if you take home an extra vegetable FRESH! Carrots Ne tops to pay for! Lb. 60 1 Spinach Clean, broad . leaves, j ; - Lb. j 11 g Cabbage Arixona eolid, crisp heads. . Lb. QVz0 VUlUiy Utah Type, Best Grade.. laUiOUUU Sweet, Not Wood. Sweel Pclaioes Smooth.. Yellow Onions Ne. iL Clip-Top Turnips YAMS, good bakers. .Lb. 13c -Lb. Cc -Lb. lbs. -Xb. ICc Kc 10c EMPEROR HBAPFS - ; jfc. 25c ROME BEAUTY APPLES ..box $3.89: lb. 9 Vic SPITZENBURG APPLES. L.box $39; lb. 9V,e NAVEL ORANGES, sweet ! L.U....5 lbs. 48c LEMONS L. : rlb. lie Diced Deeis Blue Tag Fancy SOS jar He 10c Diced Carrois Blue Tag j ' SOS can Del Ilaiz Corn l,B," Niblets . . 12-es. eaa.lC Ced Tag Peaches , (30 Blue Points) 17-ei. jar 17c Fancy Peas "B""'1 ; Surar Belle t Ne. t can "WC Tuxedo Tuna 1 Re? . Wliite Flake i j eaa Z5C J . " : t - .. . - While Ilagic Lrentle Bleach H-raL jar iPnrex Dlcach ; Whitens Clothes 17c -ral. jar Sirloin Steak! Grade A.; Oniie SOI 11 pta. B, lb. wiw I- Hcsnd Slso! Grade A v ' II pis. Grade . B, lb. w.. Siandhg Ilii TlcasI 7 Inch Vat Grade A, OO- : Grade 7 pts. B, lb. Gr:d BscI 12: -' t - t ; , . Remember, rerardless ef eat er price, at Safeway year every neat purchase U j most please yon er year money will be refunded In fall. - Link' Sassage z pU ib. 41c Pdish Sacsage pte4 id. 32c LL I SAVE POINTS ON THESE I ' Sassrkranl v oaart 15c I lien Turkey Grade a. ib. 51c v Quart Chicken Tanales ? 35c Fresh Snell Ever?2b!b."2Cc Sliced Ualiid 45s !" Freii Oysiers SaIl!CcIish Frosen, lb. Medium, fit plat www 1-lb. pkr. Tcrkey Ukgs 'nT" 32c Tcrbey Legs B"iJSTS- 74:' Bfcclr Ccd iSA"Cs Sliced Disci: Ccd lk 3Zc Nate's' SpiMd Pramz u.ur $1X3 WJM fCNSMTA WAV I HAVEKt BOUGHT MANY H$rMAS.FTS4 MAy, A BUT I LL SWEAA t DONT ,' KMOW HOW XVEt GOtN TO MAKE OUT ! I THOUGHT you WERE CAREFUL WITH MONEyj - VTjtL tl r A - Nil 1 ' i 'as I AM-BUT IT COSTS A LOT TO LlVETHESf DAVS WS'U. HAXOty HAVE ENOUGH TO EAT ON, THIS MONJHJ THAT REMINDS AA6, DOT: MV NEKXaOR AH 3 I.... f Liicinoy i Scaj , : Health : ; Soap 3 bars ZLS . -: . ....... , t .. j Ivcry t w t - Large : ': Bars-" 7'- bars faw 23c Washing Powder Top' Brand 14-es. pkr. Snparh Scap , . ' r Granulatde 24-es. pkr. C ... 1 ' f. .!.- . mm 7 uv ysyr ' CR0UK3 FRESlf Exactly rictt f;r coffee malter! - J - s lAy-Moae ' May pric. nr--ft ifdbia ,;. .HAVE BEEN KEEPtH A KBOORO Or HOW MUCH WE BPCNO FOK X3D. HER METHOO WAS TO 00 SHOPPING AftOUNO AT DIFFERENT STOKER WHILE I BUy ALL OUA FOOO AT ONE PLACe. AFTER , ITS TWO MONTHS. if r . J L.SHE FOUND SHE IMA9 I8PENOING SO MUCH AflOC, FOR THE SAME QUAUT. THAT NOW WE BOTH OO ALLOUB FOOD SHOmNG AT 8AFEWAV 1 y ! : jri . i r wax mm WHX MAVf WHy WONT YOU TEU. ME BEFORE 1 TMwOIN? TO LET SAFEWAY HELP SOLVE MV MCNEy It's Tr-a, Of Court.! Sahwty . Doas Save Yau f .'.amy! Start maklnj the test tbia week: Buy M'the1? Safeway, consistently " C.J .(IrnCldtlUlly'verythinXyou buy at Safeway j, scli ith a money, back ruarantee!) 7 3 L.