The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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Tea, .at Snell
Home This
1 Highlight on today social
calendar i the largo tea for
which Mm. Earl Snell, . wife of
Oregon' governor, will be host
ess at ber Fairmount " Hill noma
; In compliment to ther wives of
' legislators and wives of supreme
court Justices and state offlQiala.
Guests hava been Invited to
call between the hours of 3 and
I o'clock. Sandra Jochimsen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her
. man . Jochimsen, will open the
. door. Receiving In the drawing
; room with Mrs. Snell will be
Mn. Howard ,C.Belton, wife of
". the president of the senate, and
- Mrs. Eugene E. Marsh, wife of
the speaker! of the house.
Presiding at the tes urns dur
ing the afternoon will be Mn.
. Harry H. Belt, wife of the chief
. Justice of tha supreme court,
Mrs. Charles A. Spcegue, Mrs.
Leslie Seott of Portland, wlfe-of
I the: state treasurer, and ' Mn.
' Robert S. Farrell, Jrv, wife of
the secretary of .state. "
Assisting In tha dining room
will be Mrs. George Flagg, Mn.
Arthur Rahn and Mrs. Elmer
Halsted -of Portland. Mingling
- with guests in the drawing
room will be M. Daniel' J. Fry,
"Jr.,Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs.
: Frederick Lamport and Mn.
: Percy Kelly.
Maccabees Plan
No-Host Dinner
Maccabees 84 d met Wednes
' day! night at VFW hall, with J.
- F.dgar Reay perskling. Mr. and
! Mrs. F. Gephardt were given the
i obligation. A cherk for nearly
(300 wae received a the lodge's
share In the sale of Fraternal
temple. This amount was put
. into the buildiag fund by vote of
the group.
A no-host dinner is set for
February 14, the date of the next
meejting. In charge are Mesdames
Edih Strang, Evelyn Bremmer,
Lucy Parkhurst and Elizabeth
A, discussion of the Fraternal
congress, a meeting of all fra
ternal orders of the city, to be
held March 14, was held.
Farewell Party .
For Wilsons
Mr.; and Mrs. Huh Craig of
the : Brush College district were
hosts at a farewell party on
Tuesday night for Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. VilMn, who are leaving
for Santa Monica, California to
!ive. '.
Forty-two- guests were present.
Games were in play and refresh
ments served late in the evening.
Mr;. Neva Wolfe San Diego
assisted the hostess.- A box of
candy was presented to the Wil
sons; ;from friends, and grange
Mdriaae of
Couple Told
Announcement have been re
ceived in Salem of the marriage
of Miss Hallie Margaret Cham
berlain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Oliver Chamberlain, to Mr.
Louis August Kosbisch, United
Ssates coast guard, on January
13 in San Francisco.
The; bride attended Salem
si hools and was formerly con
. nected with Kennell-EUis studio
here. She has been residing in
Seattle for several yean and
hat been in San Francisco aince
early fall. 1
Today's Pattern
Come but ot the kitchen in this
Strawberry festival" apron)
Pattern 4399; gay for hostess da
V., efficient for work. Small
liie 1 yardi - ' .. : ; ;
Pattern 4589 (cornea in sizes
small "(1I-1S), medium (18-20),
large (40-43),' Small size takes
yard 35-lnch. iSbawberry ap
plique included, i
I . . - . -
Sand SIXTIX CPTS In coins
tfr till, pattern ta Tiio Orenon
l-.ateaman. Pattern JDent.. Sal-m.
Die. Print KA&IS, AD
DRESS, SllVK Nt "t.
and FlfTtEM C, U mora for
tha Anno Adams JaU and v,mtr
Pattern Book, full ot atuart, f abrio
aavtnf Vyle: free pattvrn for hat
and Riuli-kag printed ns'it Ixi book.
fit . . x n
Society ; Clubs
Music . . . . The jHome
Maxine Buren
Wemon'a. Editor
DAV auxiliary an day aewlng
with Mra. Georg Pro. 191S Ma
plm street. no-bot luncheon at
hoon. 'i .
Womin'i Blbla claaa. First
Methodiat church, with Mra. O.
William, 137 uxiora aireei,
X p.m.
Cootiette club
hall, t pjtx.
ijnaat at Veterana
. Salem Womin'i club boar
meeting. 1:49 p.m., rasuiar meet
umkM atudVi
elan. Krat Proa-
bytertan ehurcAi with Mn. J. X.
Anderson, 1M South 14th atreet,
10 a m.
Luncheon for
Mrs. Wh
Visiting in the capital for a
few days is Mrs. George A.
White of Clackamas, who la tha
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. I..
J. Scellars. j
This afternoon Mrs. Scellars
will preside atj a one o'clock
luncheon in honpr of Mrs. White
and twelve of tier frienda. The
affair will be hefd at the Scellara
home on Fairmount HilL
Guests will be seated at small
tables centeredj with bouquets
of violets and narcissus, carrying
out the purple j jand white color-,
scheme. Contract bridge will be
in play during jlha afternoon.
Patsy Severin a
.Party Hostess
Patsy Severin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Q. Sev
erin, has Inviteld a group of
friends to an ! informal get-together
tonight at the home of
her parents on Tillman avenue.
Refreshments will be served af
ter an evening! of dancing and
Patsy's guests are Diane Per
ry, Joan Smith, Beverly Krue
ger, Barbara Johnson, Lila Par
mentier, Dyle Fussa1!, John Er-,
icksen, Chink Blakeley, Ramla
Cummings, Allan Gilchrist and
Erin Frederick.
Mr. and Mrs, ClaJde Murphy
will be in Eugene: tonight to at
tend the First Citizen's banquet
of the Eugene ii Realty board at
the Osburn hotel.
Mrs. William Deenejr enter
tained members! of her club at a
bridge supper Tuesday night at
her Fairmount Hill home.
Don't let a fuel shortage scare
you. Be warm arid all dressed up,
too, in this quilted weskit. So sim
ple to quilt and embroider in wool.
Quilting and wool embroidery
make a luxurious! weskit Pattern
887 has transfer of embroidery;
pattern; size IX, 14, 19', state size.
Send feLEVEN CENTS in coins for
' tboa pattern to The Oregon States
man, Needlecraft DpU, Salem. Ore.
Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER,
your NAME and ADDRESS. -
Fifteen centa m6re brines you our
New 33-pace Needlecraft CaUlog...
,m unaurauone ot oesixna for em
broidery, knHUnc crocUet, quiits.
. . .
! Jeryme English
V Society Xditor :
Miss Ryan
A Hostess i
Saturday ,
Miss Patricia Ryan has invited
guests to m dessert supper Sat
urday, night at her home ore
North 15 th street io compliment
to Miss , Nancy Stricklln and
Miss 'Susanna Schramm, who"
are leaving the first of Febru
ary lor) Mills college, Oakland,; !' s -California,
to begin their occu-': ' 1 v' i'
pational therapy training. After; Oalem COUpld tO
a four months course they will . ;-
be placed in an army hospital.
Guests win be seated at small;
tablet centered with blue can-'
dies encircled with sprays of ,
acacia. Bouquets of spring Cow
era will be arranged about the
guest rooms. Contract bridga,
, will be in play during the eve- ;
! riog. 'r
Bidden to say au revolr to '
Mass Strteklln and Miss.
Schramm are Mrs. Jame'a J.
Howard Mrs. Norman Yagle,
Mrs. Donald H. Nagel, Mrs. John
I Sullivan, Mrs. Robert Brown- '
; ell, Mrs. James Bennlson, Mrs. "
Victor Collins, Mrs. George La
Vatta, Mrs. Charles Powers, Jr7 .
Miss Dorothy Koschmider, Mi5
l Helen Smith, Miss Ernestine J
; Frederickson and Miss Sybil
' Spears. . ; f
i- :: !
: Mrs.;! Carpenter
Fetes Club '
i 1
Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter will,
entertain her club at a one o'clock f
luncheon this afternoon sat her
Court street home. Contract
bridge will be in play after the
-luncheon hour. j
! Mrs. J. T. Whittig and Mrs.
W. B. Robinson will be additional,
guests. Members are Mrs. Lynn
Purvine, Mrs. Max Oj Buren,;
Mrs. If L. Laws, Mrs! A; F. ;
Marcus.-, Mrs. N. J. Ljndgren,
. Mrs. John W. Harbison, Mrs. R.
T. Boats and Mrs. Carpenter.
i ' ' it" s;; is
.Eolq .Women to
Sew; Tuesday
The ladies of Eola will hold
their next Red Cross meeting. at
the home of Mrs. E. L-tHerrell,
local chairman in the community
January! 30 at 1 o'clock. All
ladies tn the community are
asked to attend, as there will
be Red Cross sewing and other
work. Any one , having: warm
garments for the war relief, are
asked tq bring them at this time.
There will also be a report on
ilast year's activities.
' SILVfRTON puns for initi
ation o( members into Ramona
chapter, Ofder ot thai Eastern
; Star, wre made at the Tuesday
; night meeting with Mrs. Lloyd
: Larsen and R. A. Fish presiding
as worthy matron and worthy
patron. Initiations will be held
February 13. .
Mn. i. R. Irish was 'escorted
by Mrs. R. A. Fish, marshal, and
! installe4; organist by M r s .
; Larsen. Decorations for the
Tuesday night meeting were in
charge of Mrs." A; W. WootJ-
; worth, with refreshments ar
ranged by Mrs. Ted Rutherford
iand Mrs. James HollingsworUv
. Ramoiia club will meet Feb-
niary 6 at 1 pjn. with Mrs. W.
R. Tomison. Mrs. Taylor and
SMrs. Hllingsworth will be as
! sistant hostesses.
H-aa. aSi 't inchaa Iq eiroumfafenae
hens are responding to government
appeals lor increased production
aeeordinx to S. A. Cowan. 4430 N.C
Kilu'ngawortk Arenae. As proof ho
displays an egg weighing- well over
a Quarter pound and measurina
eight and one-half Inches in circum
ference from end to end. This over
aised tgg was laid by a White Leg
bora hen only eight and one-half
rnontha eld fed on Triangle X-fcra
Egg Producer and scratch,:
Mr. Cowan not only reports pro
duction of larger eggs by his flock,
but points t a remarkable laying
record as welL One pea of Lf g
horns have bees laying from SO to
90 oggs per day. Another pea cf
229 birds are laying- aa average cf
about 123 e g? per dar.
I feel' states Mr. Cowm. MtLai
Triaaclo X-tra T.g? Prodooee U
reeponsibla for a lry part of this
fiae egg rtodoetioB." . jtAA.)
Xt. Needhanx
'Guest'jatj::;, .
Parties':;. ntX'
' Lt Wlhfield Need ham, 'arnsj
medical corps, is visiting in Cba
' capital at" the home-of his par
ents, Mr. and MJSv-i.-Neeil
ham. Lt. Needham, ' who la sta
tioned at CamplHaan, Calif, is
home on a two -weeks leave.
' Tha young army lieutenant
, was honored at an Informal din
ner party, Thursday night wban
Ills parents entertained at their
' North Capitol street Iresldenct
for a f ew jfrierjds. ;,?.
For Sunday eyening: Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Needhani Jare ar
" ranging an open houai In com-.
s pliment- i-tha former's .brother
at their North. 1 1st street resi
dence. Friends of Lt. -I'Jeedham
hava been invited to eaU be
tween B and 8 o'clock,' -
Lt and Mrs. Ralph K. Pur-'
vine will assist the hosts Jnfor-r
mally. Arrangements lof early
spring' flowers will provide the:
decorative note about the rooms. ;
vvea in juigene
The wedding of Mrs. Freda W. .
Wintersteen and Mr. Paul Nichol-
son will be solemnized In Eugene
on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock
at tha home of tha bride's sister,
Mrsl Minnie Cherry Conley. Rev.
Wesley T. Nicholson of the Con
gregational church will 'officiate.
Tha couple will ba unattended.
The bride will wear a dress of
dark green, self trimmed, and
will carry a nosegay of spring
flowers. - I
After the ceremony, a family
dinner will be served to twelve.
The table will be covered with a
white hand made crochet cloth,
centered with spring flowers in-
crystal, and lighted by white
tapers. 'I . 1 ' n
.For going away , the bride will
wear a two-piece suit; of -gold
wool, a j black coat and white
accessories. Following a short
trip, the couple wil Rive in
Salem , at 1842 South Winter
street ; j; - - . It
Dr. Dillon Will '
Speak Saturday
Dr. Harry S. Dillon, president
of Linfield college, . will be
speaker at the meeting of the
Salem Woman's club on Satur
day afternoon. The I business
meeting ! and . program at 1:30
will follow the "board meeting,
which- is -scheduled" for ' 1:45
. o'clock. i : , .
Josephine Albert Spaulding,
accompanied'by Mrs. A. A.
Schram,!will sing several num
bers. Mrs. Ronald Glover is
: chairman of the tea committee.
Business and Professional
Woman's club Card club will
meet on Saturday night at , 8
o'clock with Mrsj Anna Morgan,
637 North 20Jh street Mis Mary
Sheldon will assist the hostess.
''You'll Be-Sorry"
155 N. liberty
Oregon. Friday Morning, January 23, 1343
'- ! in . i ... i
i VTanej Mra. Franklin Pierc' HiUyer- of; vScmta MixAcd,.
I - Ccdifomiar dr cmnotincing tha marriage' of ihit daught
; Wy Thelma, abov; to Lt (jg) Herbert Perry Grant, IL of 't
' Salem. " : - . . ' ;
f Th Iceremony was performed December 24th in the -r.
First Methodist church in Reno, Nevada.Mr. Grant Is novr
Ui'ilWUlW, YllUt 1191 iyUllU YTilJilW Irib UlUiU 13 UYV10CA19, '
The bridegroom is the son of MfV and Mrs. Herbert P.r : I
Qrcmt of this city. He Is a graduaie of Salem schools and V l
the Unjrsity ol Oori Wherf he .was ciaied Wu.. -
Delia Tail Delta fraternity, u::- .4:
MONMOUTH Miss Marian
fiowman, daughter of Mrl and
Mrs. Charles Bowman, became
the bride of Staff Sgt' WiUiam
F. Warren, in a ceremony read
at the home of the. groom's par
ents, Mr. and Mn. Walter F.
Warren at Arkadelphla, Arkan
sas. The double , ring ceremony
was used, i , j .
A native of Monmouth,; Miss
Bowman was , graduated j from .
'local schools, including Oregon
College of Education,, and is
teaching at Lowell, in Lane coun
ty. Sgi Watren has been in the
service since: 1940, serving in the
Aleutians, Africa and Italy where
he was wounded in action and
awarded the bronze star and
purple heart;
After a short honeymoon Sgt
Warren will jreturn to the North
ington general hospital at ! Tus
caloosa, Alaj, where he is sta
tioned,; and his bride will return
to Lowell to' continue teaching.
t : i :; -..-!
Province Officer
Visits Chapter;
'.; r- : , . '
Visitor in the capital Thursday
was Mrs. Herbert L. Eastlick of
Pullman, Wash., northwest prov
ince president of Alpha; Chi,
Omega. She : was a guest of the
Beta Chi chapter of Alpha Chi
Omega on the Willamette uni
versity campus. . . .
'Mrs. Eastlick was entertained
at luncheon at the chapter bouse
' Thursday noon with the active
'girls attending. Other guests were
Mrs. Burton Myers', Mrs. i Carl
Pope and Mrs. Lewlis Griffith of
fiie Salem - (Alpha Chi Omega
alumnae. ! ; .'. ;
TT7"7 77
Tins iiommiG!
, l
TaWte. VJafiA mfr
1 t?AU.a y5?VVT..r r:-l-
Interests "
From Corpus Christl, Texas, ;
comes word of the marriage of ;
Miss Jeanne Duval, daughter of ;
Mr. Ed Duval of Salem, 'and Or-
villa d. Mull, son of Mr. and !
Mrs. J. O. MuU of Salem. " !
The candle-light ceremony
was.j performed the evening of
January 1 at the Methodist par
sonage. Rev. Richard O. Thayer
officiated. j r ;
!: I'. i
" The bride wore a cedar
brown suit with brown accesso
ries. Her corsage was of orchids.
Miss Arlene Huber, the bride's
only attendant, wore a navy 'blue
suit and accessories and corsage
of white gardenias.
Arthur Lantau served as best
man for the groom.
The young couple graduated
from Salem 'schools. Mrs. Mull
was connected with the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph com
pany prior to her marriage.
They are making their home
in Corpus Christi, where Mr.
Mull is stationed with, the navy.
Good Ready-to-Wear Sales
girl, age 29 years to 35
years. tAssresslve. reliable,'
to work on salary and com
mission or ! straight salary,
possible to earn as much as
$175 per month.
"Write Statesman,
! Box No. 620 rr
a -
Phone 3194
Dance Will
' . A student body dance will be
i -held hi the Willamelt;.univer8-S-
ity gymhasiunt immediately .-fej-lowing
JVeshman Glee this Sat
; urday night Chairs and platform;uor
atte the. singing and formation
pontest and students WU danca
, to the music ot tha nickelodian.
Jackhl Glei manager, has
a 'pt nld Jmt Ayret Mary
charge of the informal affair.
,Zar oieai - - ' - r
- SlwDl'be
Itr toiWital thi. weekend-for
toe' frSmanle. festiviUea.
Mr -ind Mrs. RalphNUes-of
gore or th
wilTbe among-thoseparticipat-
mS AcUtpaing lfr.'ud Mra.
mer to Salem will be Mr, and
MrsZGeorge Swafford and Mrs.
- MUdredJBoyington. They will all
be; guests of Mrs. Homer . H.
Smith, JrVi :-j
Charlotte -Kaiianqe
y J ...!- j a-
coming down irom roruanu
the event and Vfll be the week-
:r end house guest of Mr and Mrs.
. Aisjsa vav . - ""11
naroia jsnuxreu. ,
- Mrs. Arnold xarson ;
- 1 m " fL
T, 1t nt. Mm.
tending Willamettrlinder the
Jfte'vF- V-H.prpgranv and will par-
ticipate in the gleeV -
Miss Mary Paranougian ;oi
.Portland will be here this week
end for glee. She will be the
house guest of her sister, Mrs.
Ralph Barnes. sj
Miss Mary Jean Huitoa is
coming from Canby for glee and
will be the guest oj Miss Sybil
.Spears. ; . i;
"They Kept Right
SERGEANT ROBERT COLD, paratrooper irom Floral" Park,,
. -' r . Long Islaod, New York- .
"I tco on m 10-man patrol that penetrated tvro miles behind tha
enemy lines in Italy. Wo walked right into, an ambush. Tha
Jerries opened up oh us from a group of houses. They poured is
into us with machino guns, rifles and mortaru Only fiva of us
got bach.' I was hit in tha right shoulder by a 'burp gun' -m
.German machine pistoL They took me to an evacuation hospital
on the beach at'Antio. Tha hospital teas shelled tha second day
I teas there. Td just been operated on. My tent was full of
amputation cases,' soma of them pretty bad. When tha shells
started felling it was pretty tough. Two nurses wera killed. But
the other nurses - they just kept right oh working through tha
shelling. They wera just kids, most of them, and lAev JMas
. seem to have enough help, but
to make up for anything else
; ALL Women Con Help!
If you are entrained take a home nuralng or mirsea aide course.
-II you are a senior cadet nurse serve your final ax months in
an Army hospital. I
If you are a registered nurse Joist the Army Nurse Corps. Yoil
may mean the difference between life and death to our wounded
men. Visit or write your local Red Cross chapter for full iniorma.
tion and application Mank. ; Or communicate with the Surgeon
. General, U. S. Army, Taahington 25, D. G ' ' j ' -
etaaa mM m infarmatia oa hw
k kal tha W. . Army Nwraa a
ri out ti (
.Carton toTeatlfi iZZLi'
,1 S- ' . ' " i '- ' v-- r'-: ' :-: ,
, THa SMrON of ror Wl 94 etoat aoaator la. t
. ' - . SALKM ;
OF . r -;.
1) Itorlb, Commercial
a v.a . m. Friday the Spa
ish dub will meet at theYWCA.
, Prof. Moellering wUl conduct a
half-hour drill in Spanish. Mr.
Colin Kennedy, who spent six
,yeara in BogoU, Colombia, as.
t district supervisor for the Gen-
. eral Electric company and is
1 now with tha Eoff Electric com
pany, will be the speaker.
.: Neeo" Registrants
rnca ,-
3 1 OT Oia&S , .
; .
, More : registrants , tor in
strition class being held in the
- evenings at the Maric county
- licited by members R"
1 trition committee. , Miss -Rum
j Ann Reed, is Instructor
class, which, is held 1 each Wed-
nesday night from 7:S0Jo :S0
. Miss Reede .-has assured those
who 'adsh to registerjhat she
j dass to gettof the entire course,
S although the flrjt
sten classes have already been
held. -
j ..... At the next session, Mrs. Farm
Dougherty will demonstrate the
f mor nreDaration of vegetables.
. ...
tirh. MiiNt. atates Miss Keeae,
. t -. - . -
is specially vaiuaoie io youua
f women w h o s e nusoanas are
Joverseas and who have done lit-
S tie cooking thus far. ; '
S Women interested in 'becom
ing canteen workers In the Red
Cross, must have completed a
nutrition course. Information
"i may be had from the office,
.telephone 8277.
The Dine and De club met en
Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Lucille Wilson. Guest were Mra.
Kay Sorenson and Mrs. Nancy
Finn. Luncheon was served to
nine members. The table was
centered with a birthday cake
for Mrs. Wilda Lapman. The
group did Red Cross sewing.
On Working .
they had courage and skill enough
they lacked"
I am a'raatatarod i
I am anr aat mir
I am tMtramao hot faat to team