,1 li i TAGS SIXTIHT Grains Have Erratic Day CHICAGO, Jtit!:35.(ff-Crln markets were erratic today, breaking alter an early rally only finish strong with rye in the lead and up as much as 1 cents. Near the end of the session of ferings were light and when a broad short covering move in oats, rye and wheat developed prices turned sharply higher. Trade sources said belief that markets had been oversold on re cent favorable war news account ed for the buying during the final 15 minutes of trading. ContnbUl- in factors were the firm to strong cash: markets and reports on an urgent need for feed grains in eastern states. At the finish wheat was low er to 1 cent higher than yester day's close. May $1.60-1.59 . Corn was ud to , May' $1.11' . Oats were unchanged to 1 higher. May 65 -66. Rye was up to 1, May $1.11 Barley was unchanged to higher, May $1.09. , i In the wheat market the May delivery was under the pressure of selling by local traders and at - one time went to a new low since late November. Stock Market Takes Upturn NEW YORK, Jan. 25HJP)-The stock market reversed its course today and, for the first time since January 17, negotiated an average advance although on one of the smallest 5-hour turnovers of the past two months. ; The comeback was attributed mainly to bidding on the idea the recent substantial reaction entitled the list to at least a temporary technical turn-bout. The forward swing of the allies in Europe still was a cautionary trend influence, however. j IThe Associated Press 60-stock composite was up .4 of a point at 58.2. Of 886 issues registering, 567 were in the plus column. Transfers of 973,890 Shares com pared with 1,012,460 Wednesday and 'Were the lowest for a full stretch since December 21. Blood Donors Service Is At Dallas Today DALLAS, Jan. 25 The Red Cross mobile unit of the blood donors service will be here Fri V. t day on one of its regular trips. With a capacity of 200 pints ad vance registration was far short of needs, Laura Cleveland, execu tive secretary of the Polk county chapter, reported. The unit will be at its usual Station at the Christian church at 10 o'clock and all who are able toj donate are asked, by Mrs. Cleve land and her committee to do so. HAtlY NEVER i SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES I This Old Treatment Often I Brings Happy Relief Many s-ffersn relieve nagging backache : aieUy, sees they discover that the real eause at their tremble mar be tires kidnevs. . TVi kidneys are Nature's chief way of tsk- una; toe esesse acids and waste out of tbe blood. I t"? help moat people pass aboutS pints a day. nbea disorder oi kidney function permita Teiaoaoae scatter to remain in your blood, it .may cause nagzins backache, rheumatic 'Tains. Ie pains, loss of pep and energy, get ug up nights, swelling, puffiness uiKisr tkL T eyes. Deaaaenes ana ausiness. frequent canty passages wttk smarting and burning suawuiiHw soows were m eomeuuag wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Dob's wartl Ask Tour druiopst for Doaas Fills, used successfully by millions for over 40 yew. They sire happy relief and wUl help tbe tn aujes h aianey lunes nuso out poMona waste front -our blood. Get Doaaa fiiaw The , L I ,11 III 1 II 135 II. Ccnnercial Stop that burning pain and t!H,v " 5 t . . ' ie?115' f1 Accurals Dependable . . j lUClXlOy alia , J 0n,y lhe ccitely! tested, iquall- 1 rii j j ' r)a11 -dv7 J! y drags are used. Let us! fill your pre- i UlHuQGr A lllS jOl i scriptions at Schaefer's law, reasonable. ! . ( prices. i u .... I ,;''.-! ' 1 j " r : EveryHiing for ilio Baby IxUUUlJI- ' We have a complete line of medical needs for babiesi GLOVES fet ns f 111 your Prescriptions. ; : : , - . Tbi the official Fensls Kemedi- start for Marion coanty. Tea Dnpllircd? preparatUM i highest quality and guaranteed to . he xvetly for what they aro sold mad represented to b. ' We have a complete modern ' f " T ' ' ' ' " r ' assortment of the newest scien- . . u.-; : ... , . . . r, .... ; , . , tific supporters and trusses, . - r i If ix - ' Bniltl Up! Dhczseilxsa Bcncdy trusses, iLtt vr He finest tonic to buUd up i "A 85?r.tor m : T your body and give you re . Over Fifty Year Protect yourself by usin; sistance against colds and This' Prescription Is Oae th c!J reliable Schsefer'a? cisease. ; .' Bt :, Er pfr-; fnnirfsir M In misery with Neuritlc, -il . - " . n'liilllJIi ' toMty and musclar pains noth- v,wyWkj , inf can equal It ' CZ'ThrZ 70IHC " Sold at Schaefer's . ";y4W wv;-2d fJ 1 Dnir Store Only . "Strictly Private" A 1 W MAUCHS OW v . . . f . -A, m r sr sa. - ' ' ' ' ' I - CJ. '.' ;? ; ' ? ji if PSAR MfiM? flu tra7 vTHV UJVtw wa fS M&r-I VkMnbw BUT G.I ABE iLTrUT mf. TDWT, Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. ( AP) Butter AA prints 6-46'.c, cartons Vt-lkc: A grede printo 45i-46c, cartons 45-4c; B frade prlnte 4S'i-45ic; cartons 4o-4S'C. Butterlat First quality, maximum of . of 1 per centsciaity, delivered in Portland h-3kc; premius quauiy. maximum of JS of 1 per cent acidity 53-53'ic; valley .routes and country poinu 2c less than first or 50-50 ',ic. Eggs To retailers: A A extra large 52c; AA Urge 50c; A large 48c; A mediums 45c; small (puUet) 40c. Live poultry ! Buying prices from producers: Broilers up to 2 lbs. 30' ic; frvera 3 to 34 lbs. 29Vc: roasters over Sk lbs. 29'.ic; Leghorns 28c; col ored hens aU weignts zoc; roosters ana stags 16c lb. 7 Country meats i Rollback prices to retailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. ' 120-140 ; lbs. 19-20c; vealers AA 22ic; A 21ic; B 19-l',ic; C 15 17'c; culls 12-15c; beef AA 214c: A 20',c; B 18c; C 14c; canner-cutter cows 13-14c; bulls, canners-cutters 14 14ic: lambs AA 28c; A MVsc; B 22',c: C 10-20c; ewes FS 13 Uc; M 12c; R 10ic l Cheese Selling brie to Portland retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies 393c; loaf 30.2c? triplets to wnoie salers 27- loaf 27' ic lb. FOB. Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 35-44c; live price to producers 22-24c lb. Turkeys Selling prices to retail ers: Dressed hens : and toms 43' jc lb. Turkeys Alive: Government ceil ing buying prices; Hens and toms for government sale ! 3Mzuc; ior civuian Uade 380c lb. Onions Green 90c dozen bunches. ; Onions Idaho 3-inch 1.88; locals. Oregon 1.65 per 50-lb. bag: boilers 10s, 94C. Potatoes Deschutes No. 1. 3.54 Klamath Falls 3 54 cental; No. 2 and culls 1.55 per 50-lb. bag; local la, 100s. 3.50. ! Potatoes New Florida reds 3.17 per 50-lb. bag. Wool Government control. Cascara bark S 1944 peel 15c lb. Mohair 1942.! 12-month 45c lb. Hops Normal contracts: 1944. 85c Up: 1945. 73C; 194(1. 3SC: 1947, aOC ID. Hay Wholesale prices nominal Alfalfa No. 2 or better 34-36: oats- vetch $25 ton valley points; timothy (eastern Oregon)! $35-36 ton: clover S22-23 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 25 (AP) ( WFA ) Salable cattle 300. total 325: calves 50: supply includes five loads fed steers thought to arrive; market active, steady; good fed steers quot able to lo.oo: common light steers down to li.oo; common-medium heif en 9.50-13.00; cutters down to 8.00 canner-cutter cows 6.00-8.00: fat dairy type cows 9.00-10.00; medium beef cows to 11.50; part load mixed cows and heifers 12.00: medium-good bulls 10.00- it.au; outstanding beef bulls 12.00-25: good-choice vealers more plentiful at 13.50-15.00; medium grades down to 11.00. Salable hogs 500. total 1000; market TO EASE MISERY OP CHILD'S COLD rub on MICKS VVAPOliUB Original "YELLOW FRONT" Druand Candy Spicial p"Ml III I .. Ull II II I II Sol Agents for Penslar j Tit By Quinn Hall vr.S.A2Jf Xri TWE WCA TC&M. . : 4 sW Portland active, steady: good-choice 170-270 lbs. 15.75; heavier werghta 14.50-15.00; few under 170 lbs. 14.50; good sows 18.50 to mostly 13.75; good-choice light sows 14.00-25; good-choice feeder pigs, ac tive, steady 1S.00-Z5. ? i - Salable and total sheen 100: mostly activei steady; one lot choice 112 lb. fail anorn iambs gooa-cnoice wooled salable 14.50-15.00; few medium-good 13.50; culls down to 8.00; good yearlings 12.00; good ewes quot able 1.50-7.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 25 (API- Wheat futures and cash grain un quoted. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.53: soft white (excluding Rex) 1.53; white club 1.33; western red 1.53. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.53; 10 per cent 1.54; 11 per cent 1.58; 12 per cent 1.62. Hard white Baart: Ordinary 1.52: 10 per cent 1.52; 11 per cent 1.57; 12 per cent 1.63. ; . :? Today's car receipts: Wheat 17, bar ley 14, flour 9. com 1, bay 3. mili feed 3. ; J Salem Market Quotations The prices below, supplied by lo cal grocer are Indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not; guaranteed by The Statesman: BUTTER, EGGS AND POVLTRT f '. Andresen's Baying Prices ; L ( Subject to change without aotlce) BUTTI.KFAT Premium ' JH No 1 ; 33 No. S , M BUTTER PRINTS A B ' 54 Quarters KGGS Extra large Niediums . Standards PuJleU , - , .43' J8 : L .38 : i M i , . Jl - JS Cracks Colored hens. No. 1 No. 2 'colored hens . Colored frys Marion Creamery's Burtns Prices (Subject to cbange without notice) ruULIBT No. 1 springs - Jf No 1 hens v , ; JS LIVESTOCK Spring lamb uL 13.00 Yearling lamb Ewef Veal .1 00 to 70 ZZ!!iri3!oo! RATION CALENDAR PROCESSED FOODS: Book 4 Blue stamps X5 through 7.5. A2 through G2. now valid. MEAT. BUTTER. FATS St CHEESES: Book 4 Red . stamps Q5 through Aa now gooa. sugar: m i Book 4 Sugar stamp 34 now good for S pounds, new stamp to be valid t eor. i ana must last 3 months. SHOES: Loose Stamps Invalid: Book 3 Airplane stamps Nos. 1 2 and 3 valid now. - -GASOLINE: ' ; A li through March 11. Each coupon; worth 4 gallons ; - FUEL OILt ? i i Period 4 ec S coupons ! (1943-44 series) and period H2 coupons (1944 45 series) valid through- April JL STOVES t 1 Apply let local OPA board for oil. cas stove certificates. , Kemedies for Marion County OUrGOII STATECMAIl Solera. 1 Smiley (Frog) Burn e 1 1 e, who ' brings a western show and . dance to the Crystal Gardens in Salem i tonight wDl introduce Jiis own version of a pole-vault- ing contest for dancing couples. This time it. will be in reverse. . The " couples will rfstampede' under the pole to dance music while the top bar is gradually , lowered. Any couple that fails to pass under ! the bar . without removing it from its standard is eliminated from the competi tion. Other musical artists in- elude . Ozie Waters,-his Colorado Rangers, Jimmy Walker; the Sunshine Girls of western mo vie fame and Billy Russell of harmonica tricks. , Keizer Men Plan For Turkey Dinner At Grange Tonight KEIZER The men 'of Keizer grange will cook and serve, the women of the grange, a turkey dinner Friday night A challenge was entered into last year when the women bet the men they would make $300 during the year for the; grange and made over $400 in1 various ways.;! Now the men haveplanned the dinner and each has been assigned his part of the duties in preparation for serving about 50. Games and dancing will I be entertainment later. ; '1 !- Chest Mobile Unit at Mt. Angel February 13 . MT. ANGELThe new mobile chest, x-ray survey unit purchased with tuberculosis seals, will be here February 13. The: date was set at a meeting of representa tives of all local organisations and Mrs. Ruby Bergsvik, executive secretary of Marion County Pub lic Health association,' and Mrs. Stanley KruegerJ county chairman of the seal sale i committee at the Legion hall Tuesday night The auxiliary; appointed Mrs Peter Gores, Mr. Fred Lucht and Mrs. Joseph Rosno to help at the clinic. The date for the Marion county assembly has been set for. April 12. . ; ) f ' Stocks and Bonds -.'if Jan. 25 STOCK AVERAGES - H 30 19 t : i Indus Rails 15 60 fJtil Stkl Thursday 33.3 39.8 58.2 Previous day .78.7 Week ago 80.4 330 34.6 : 33.8 24 5 36.7 229 39.3 40.0 38.8 35.2 40.0 35.1 57.8 59S 57.5 502 59.8 49.5 Month ago 77JB Year ago 70.4 1944-45 high 80.4 1944-45 low 69.J BOND AVERAGES: 1 20 10 , 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fon Thursday i , Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1944-45 high . 1944-45 low - 96 104.8 , 107.2 68.7 .104 .8 .-.972 104.9 107.1 107.4 68.7 68.7 68.0 64.0 68.8 632 -96J 104.0 ; 106 9 . .82.8 105.4 ! 105.5 107.4 ..SS.f 105fl -794 104.0 ;i04.t Store ' i i' iwjs Fhcne 5137-3723 I; Corns... No need to suffer from corns. Schaefer's Corn Remedy re moves your corn ia five; days or money refunded. Sold the Schaefer Way: No Care,' OC-. No Fay. ..Price Mb Always Ask for Special "Directions j Eat anything any time Eat what you like--' SCHAEFER'S . ANTACID POWDER 500 : Sore Muscles? I ; For quickest relief from : sore achinj muscles use Schaefer's liERVE AND BONE , LINIMENT , SdC and Gi.CO , it Penetrates ' : r t nHWMMitS"4feI Don't let the pain from them-1 slow you down get a tube of . Schaef ers "Rectal CITS - Oragcn. tridoy Morslsg. Jcrauoty S3. ISIS Financial CUssifled AdvettlsiaaT i Statesman . Classified Ads 5 1 Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 23c Six Insertions per LinL.40e One month per lineX.4l.23 Minimum charge 23c; 3 tL min imum S5c; 6 tL mini. 45c No refunds. .'.'. 'K- Copy for this page accepted an- tn 6:30 the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to CUaattyr .;. . . Jr;..,.- ...K The Statesman assumes no fman- clal responsibility for errors which may appear in advert iaem en ta pub Usbed in its columns and In cares where this paper ia at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which , the . typograpbJcaJ mistake accura.': - " ' ' - The Statesman reserve' the tight to reject questionable . advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper claasif ieation. - i - . - i A "Bltnd"- Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad drees is for the protection of -the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to- the Identity of an advertiser using a Bundr, ad. , : LivealocW and Ponltry FOR SALE: fresh cow. Phone 11379. RL 5. BOX3 3SS,-.:: -j-. ... ) ',fr 4 FOR S Al:?Totn1no sUWoJ nT. old. J345 Cross- St v ViH CUSTOM hatchma-. Baby ehlcks N.H. sttain, order early for best dates. C. JE. MUton. 85 1 Lansing. rPh. S52S. -, . -:.. RABBITS WANTED, .tbouaanda -of them, too prices, fryers or older stock. Furs also bought Harder Rabbit Farms, 34W Cherry Ave. Ph. J-1I34 or I-1S82. 1 GUERNSEY cow yn. bid. Civmar a gais. zxm uyae ,sl . ORDERS i taken . for . broad breasted Bronze poults. Ph. 902-Jefferson. , -': WANTEUr-. Beet ana canner xows bulls -and veals. Will - call t at farm E -1. Snethen, 3570 E. Turner Road Pb, 21345. Morns or eves.. .- i WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS: Sexed pullets and cockerels. Half mile south of Aurora on Pacific Hiway. S toner's Poultry Farm. Rt. L Bx. 121. Aurora. TURKEY GROWERS ' ATTENTION Increase your turkey production this year by use of ultra violet lamps. See us fori particulars. i Court Street Radio Sc Appliance Co. 35T Court St. Pb. 302S Help Wanted; WANTED; Man with donkey to con tract loading red fir; also experienced hooker, fn. 7113. . j v FIRST 'Class Stenographer for an administration office at Oregon State College. I.: M. Clifford. Room 111, Agriculture Hall. Corvallis. Help Wanted Male Workers now employed In war pro duction should not apply and: will not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising in this section. : SAWYER for 15M cap." circular tnilL Burkland . Lmbr. Co, .Turner.? SER ' Sta. I Opr, lull or- part .time. 9W MO. Hlgm . f PRODUCE Man wanted. Will teach business to iionest, steady man who wants 1 to get ahead in a new and aggressive concern. Saving! Center Markets. Salem and West Salem. ; . Exp, I milker.. Schindler , Bros. Dairy. Help Wanted -Female EXPERIENCED egg candleri North west Poultry; and Dairy Products Co., 1505 u front. , EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted. The Meadows. 34Q State. t WAITRESSES and woman cook wanted. Comet . Cafe. 1204 Leslie. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for Leonard Stlpper Club. Call . at La bor Temple, s r . . f HELP WANTED: Energetic I women 18-45 yrs. in eood health and inter ested ia retail business. Full training opportunities with good pay from the day you start. Apply today Room zoe, McGilchrist Bldg.. Safeway District oicce. .... , .. Situations Wanted' Willi! care for children in my home during the day. Ph. Z1803. . ! EXPERIENCED practical nurse now available. Box 563 Statesman. ; WTLLi care fori 1 or 2 children in my home. 341 N. Church before FJd. , WANTED: ; Carpenter ' and ! repair work. Also painting. Rt 4, Box 69 on drowning ; ave. i . i . CHILDREN j Cared for. Ph. 8645. Preschool Playschool; 1381: State Ages 2-s. Part or au day. Pb4 8430. ' ORR1N S. PINNEY. contractor.. Desienina and remodeline homes. Ph. 8493, - Rm. 220 Oregon Bldg BS WKI-aiUUKNL6S; Money to Loan , You' Get CASH PLUS With a loan from us Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan will solve a problem, consider these S extra advantages of borrowing crora 'Personal -. : s ' . 1. Loans made on salary, furniture or auu.: - , ; . . j J. Complete privacy always. '! 1. All 'Personal" employees trained In courtesy and ' efficiency . to give prompt, xrienaiy service. - s . 4. Ixwns made in just one visit.: . Nationwide Cash Credit i Cards Issued and honored here. - t Come in, phone -or write today.. . LOANS 825 to S300 , j , : Personal, Finance Co. Room lis. Second Fir. New Bllgh Bldg. IS sute St, Phone: saiem sisi Lie. S-123 M-165 . j r - Auto Loans I Willamette Credit Co. JTH rLOOR -GtTAROlAN BUILDING UCKNSI N M 151 ; DKS. CHAN . - LAM Dr.y.TX-nsuNJB. , Dr.GXkaavNJ CHLNTSE DerfcallsU T 211 Nortli Uberty j Upstair Portland General Bectric Co O-fle open ' Saturday only n (7 10 a.m. to I p.m.; 0 to ipjn. con sultation. Blood pressure and Brine tests are free ef charge. Practiced since 117. - Farm i- Money to Loan i Quick Gtsh Loans'. On any worthwhile secur ity -Repayable in 12 months- ! Cotnpaay Is locallv ewned and j-y,- , aUnatged. . . GENERAL4 FINANCE ; CORPORATION I - S-13S - . Phone MSB ' - US S.. Commercial St. Saiem ' PRIVATE MONEY Auto And - Track Loans Contracts : Refinanced Money tor -new -mad used cars es trucks - regaidlesa ef age. No de tar- bring ear and title and get the money sou retain possess ton .of ventcM. s t w 11 Jtoouis to repay, t Aftei o'dova tsaooa-SSU or gI14i tor appointment ' i : ROY; H;-SIMMONS . -r " - Rectuated bv state 1" 7 ' 13 S. ,CoraL SV -Pbooe Sltia M 3l 'Money to -Loan j WANTED. REAL, ESTATE mortsare loans, city or farm - properties; - leans made as small as $300. 6ee ua about refinancing yout . present contract or mortgage. . j.; Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344. -State Mt, . Phone ?2tt P$ -x:money ati HEAL' ESTATE ' LOANS I- - - . - 1. PERSONAL ' LOANS - I ' : - - . CAS-; LOANS We Buy Real. Estate -Mortgages amd ri i'v'-'-'jContiswtsv'i . .,- -STATE FINANCE CO. Lie.. S-m M-22X- 313 Guardian' Bldg Loans Wanted I.' Salem Disabled ' Vet needs capital loan 2500 at 8 until money obtained rrom rum xl Kisnu. " box sss states man. .. - . . , . : , For Sale Miscelianeou THE folio wine mdse. has been I in storage, is pre-war ec like pew: i PC Wat, Twin bed set $199.50 6 pc. Duncan Phyf e Mah. Din. set 139.75 4 pc. Blonde Bed set with spg. . -' xi it. matt, at coil spk. ; 159.00 Bungalow style piano 295.00 White enamel gas range Zenith table model radio 69.75 37.50 Bright Furniture Coi 453 Court St f phone 7311 WELDERS New or used A.C.-D.C.. At last a general purpose arc welder, the first practical underwriters approved weld ing machine built to operate satisfac torily rrom no-volt power supply. GAS & ARC OUTFITS-FOR RENT. VALLEY WELDING SUPPLY CO . 197 So. Commercial - NEW mattress full size ea. New mattress twin size, ea. Good used wood circulator 9x12 Coneoleum rues ea. Unfinished chest of drawers usea jnauresses Nearly new pre-war Lange wood range . 59.00 Rocker, -chairs Sc tables. -VALLEY FURNITURE CO, 201 S. High St. Corner High Ph. 3092 Sc Ferry 2 WHEEL trailer, excellent rubber. naii mtcn. io uaa. -. ; SHOP Heating Stove. Sawdust water heater. Ph. 5409. 197 So. Commercial. WyiJTiEDsteeTfrain ped with either 16" or 21" wheels and tires. 1940 Buick Special ; Coupe con verted to s Pass., in perfect conditio. New - Air - Conditioner Heater for 40 Sc 41' Ford DeLuxe and Mercury.- Tire & Truck Chains, Flash Lite Batteries, Tire Pumps. Gas Locks in all sizes. Triple, Dual Sc Single electric Horns. sealed Beam Driving. Passing and Foe Lites. Fire Extinguishers, manual and automatic, cine stocx 01 guns ana some odd size shells. v . 590 No. High. Don Madison. WRINGER Rolls for all makes of washing machines. See Mr. Ellis at Nelson Bros Furn. Co., 315 N. Lib erty St i. PRE-WAR BICYCLE. Ph, 5086. j APPLES, several varieties. 75c and up. Bring boxes. Also walnuts. Ernest Anderson, Orchard Hts. Rd, 1 mi. off Wallace Rd, Box 396. I UNFINISHED kidney shaped dress ing table with 3 drawers and 3 f shelves J Z ....iJ: $12.93 Salem Home Furniture Co. 137 S. Com l 2 WOOD Circulators, range with coils. Wedgewood gas range, small gas heater, combination cooking and heat lng white - enamel oil stove, studio couch. 1293 N. 5th. i n J DAY BED, coil springs. Ph. $310. "'"plANo'BENC-HES 395 S. 12th, v ;J - 1 FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P. 8337 ''ATORAYSOZON-; nT and Tent B. G Pugh Ph Z248 p JO. Box 463: TRAILERS tor rent. Woodry Auctiod Mkt, 1605 N. summer. WOOD clrcuUtor heater $33. Good cond.-; 589 Market St , . 1 -l.t j j STEAM Iron, like new.. Ph. 95Z5. 34 CHEV. coach. Good cond. Plat-i form rocker like new. 1913 N. Uberty SHOP CO-OP AND SAVE I Oregon made wool blankets have: been added to our assortment of un- painted furniture. Picketta Co-op Fur nature, um ana btaie. n ? . .. 1 WE BUY AND SELL "Used Furniture. Sewing Machines. Stoves and Appli ances. We repair washing machines end stoves. We call for and aeuver. BROOKS USED FURNITURE 1900 State --'n. Phone 759$ BARNYARD fertilizer. Ph. 5274. I Apples, good, delivered. Pb. 8298, LARGE: Trunk. Phone $483. 'WE Buy ec sell, furniture, tools. stoves.: dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIO; HAM, Z83 n. Lnmrciu ro. eesj. I 1000 BOXES Good Cooking Apples from our own orchards. Choice of sev eral varieties, 75c box and up. Better grades $1.2 ' and up. Bring ooxes. Pure Apple Juice made fresh daily (no tM-Mienrative.- . - PURITAN CIDER WKS. West ,Salem. Wrsf Rm' irul ull furniture, ant- tiquea. household goods, hiegage. toolsj stoves, guitars. Sundale's, 2i3 V. Com'L Phone 3688. y - - WOOD circulating beater.- like new, ,Meoato.Pb. :uri;;tj.i;;;unnr ! Valentine greeting cards. The Apron Shop. 679 N. High, rnone eosa. SAND, gravel, crushed, cement con crete pipe, tile, septie tacks. Oregon Gravel Co.' Phone 3417. -, FOSTER'S Extracts. 344 M. 23rd. . T-rr." SPIT? CZDaR posts. JOe each at Fred SmUb Lumber Yard. ph. $515. 381S SUte St.- -.. .. : '.-, NEW SPINET PIANOS Only 12 of 1941 production allowed bv W-PJE-Jn 1945. Few buyers will get new Spinets. Act -now if you want 815.75 . 14.T9 39.75 5.95 5.75 ...ea. 3.00 Markets - For Sale MiaccIIxnc on GREEN tapestry davenport and chair i- 669JH Large blue tapestry overstuffed . -v.. 1. . S3BJS0 Salem Home Furniture Co. 131 S. Coml Wanted -Miscellaneous ' WANT adlustabla hospital bed with snrinn. with or without mattress. Ph. 24064. ; 1 WANTEDPecT Ref-ig "PK -l60-WANTED' Ftrenlaee screen and 9x13 rug. Phone 9434. - . h-.t t witrrm- n or u rords ft. sec ond growth wood. Ph. 3013. ' ; WANTED: 1 tee boxes. Ph. T59S. IRONING done, my home. Ph. 9088. CASH for household roods, appli ances and radioe, Huss. 419 Ferry. Ph. s-1029.' r winrrm pianos - Will -oar 'cash. Wills Music Store. 432 State St We Buv Furniture" ? TRADE WITH A ITRM'OF 80 YEARS REPUTATION OF"" BUSINESS ; iNTEO RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR VSS-O Pianos 1 Furniture and Appliances " Call 1149 for appointment : HOGG BROS.i : " 1 -.880 State. St . . CASH for used piano Sr-other " mu sical tnstrumentt CaU 441 days ot 9337 evenings er send ' description to Jaqutth Stusie Ce 111 s ..Bbg-ti . . WANT TO Bur. Usee, -cameras.. tenses McEwan Photo -Shop 435 State 5WjNTRD.'Pianoa. TaDman'a. Ph. 1707 JUSED iFUaUtlTUa-a- Pk -f IWanted -Furnitnre "TJT You have furniture to sell.' call or see Ruse Bright. Ph. 7511 or SSSX. Miscellaneous 'i SEWING in my . borne. Ph. ( 6348. VETERANS' Information - Service. Chamber of Commerce. 1 to 4 pjn. Sponsored by Distabled Amer. Vets. A. L. Brewster. Service Officer. Ph. 4339, PLASTERING. Patching a specialty. L.F. KilfoiL 645 S. Coml STntne urt. aiui Mfuinnt Woadn Ubt Igns N Summer Also lawn mow er sharpen 1b and adjusting, continued Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST . . . CASES ' Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Com. Ph. 3311 TREE crutches. Woodry Auction Market 1605 N. Summer. For Rent Rooms SLEEP. Rm. with cooking privileges, for working girt 620 Statesman. - NICE Sleeping . Rm. In .modern home. Pb. 458L SLEEPING rrns. 555 Center. St - BED ROOM with kitchen privilege, to' working girl. Nice clean place. Call bet 8 and 7 P.M. 653 N. Front u . LARGE.' bed rm. X blocks Capitol Bldg. Ph. 7694. , . -:.;.f ,r For Rent Apartmenla EMP. lady or 2 girls to share apt. Must be neat agreeable. Call after; 6:30 eve. Apt. 2. ou it. capitol. .. 4 i ROOM downtown apt, upstairs, Inq. Gilmore Service Sta, S. 12th St 2 RM." furn. apt. It, water. 818. Aauits. losx 7tn. west saiem. . For Rent FLOOB SANDER Mr' rent Mont gomery Ward TRAILERS for rent. Woodry "B Mkt 1605 N. Summer. Ph. 8110. TRUCKS for rent You drive Me Cune LoveO. ohone 9600 . . . GOOD Used Plane, a. U Stiff. Wanted to Rent i 1 WANTED to Rent: 3 bed room house. furnished or unfurnished. Will take good care 01 property. Ph. 2-1409. S or 3 bdrm. house by responsible young business woman, by March 1st rn. zsai. 2 BDRM. furn. house, close in. Adults, write Box S6S Statesman, i WANTED: House in town or out. skirts, by reliable couple. No children. Box sea statesman. ADULTS: Reliable, local family went a bdrm. house. Excel, rei. rn. 3023. For Sale Real Estate IN CHOICE LOCATION Cozy two bed room cottaee. LI vine room, aming room ana large combl nation kitchen, utility room and din' ing nook. This one will interest you ax s4?u. see nut. AiAJNULLSUN with LEO N. CHI 1 .US, INC. REALTORS V 344 State St y, v Ph. 9261 SMALL modern $ room house. Part. ly furnished. Also 3 room house on same lot now renting for $57.50 per mo. Sal price $4500. CaU 9569. H. L. ajargteta. iae ourt St. 1 ACRE Of land with nice lawn and shrubbery, semi-modern house, livine room, kitchen and nook, 2 bed rooms, with bath and Urge sleeping porch and utility room. Price $4750. Located et 250 Evergreen Ave. Terms. Call H. L. Marsters, . 3oa. - .;.-. 2 bed room bungalow ot ceneroua proportions; completely modern: full K-mnt iffans. WH bv. ,4 downtown and schools. Price $4250. aee aan. vuunnus witn LEO N. CHTLDS, INC. REALTORS S44 SUte St Pta 92S1 $4000; near the Aluminum nlant a yr. 01a nome. u.. rm. XSOOK. 2 n. rm. uwa. xioers. nrepiace. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. i 970 S. COM L. ST. EVE PHONE 9441. PHONE 2783 NEW modern six room - Blasters! home . North, oa floor furnace. Large . Mr. Gardner with ' BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337. North High Street . Ph. 2210 KIAT awn nvani fiXAm fvns harvu AA .ImIm m ir .7! rZ" - - - v"irr o lAKiw nario, a ooxms, auto, oil circulator, new DUiu-ins for kitchen oa premises but not Installed. Extra building could be converted into come. Price S60O9. ; SALEM REALTY CO. 122 New Bligh Bldg. Phone TS80 IS AURORA (plcturei). Diitinctive eiung. t.reec. e acres wiuamette sou large Bouse. S495. Aleo S acres a. small house. $2000. Ph. 12S. Owner NEW 2 bdrm. hocna. K Tt tr rir fioori. Venetian blinds, unf. attic, nw fireplace.- connecting rsrsee. $1,500 W1U SSIM1W, e BUI. bUUUWIH Witn Hawkins & Roberts, Inc, Pb. 410$. Realtors. After 0, Ph. $715 Classified - For Sale Real Estate . 1 -. S. - eaiH t KaS-fl Itafllll downstairs and 3 upstairs, fireplace, hwd. floors, basement, furnace ana trays. Venetian blinds. Trash burner. VH. BELL. REALTOR an ..rdian Bktf. Phone 89f . n R Caa ranee Jk waterTbeaten 3800 00. - Pb. W19, . J S6000. Built last summer. L. rm. Xit- f.l.J'L, bTtIM Room for . ' . - . nK imiirv room. more houses, paved sts. Lg. garage. . CALL MR, JU . ; HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. ) e?a s. COU'L T. 1TV1L PHONE 3-173L PHONE 3793 yb (1T C m - um home.1 au except washing maclu radio ek refrig. Basement garage one uafin. bdrrn. Piuirs. s'lg" lou witt this borne, good soil. barn, rabbits ek rabbit Sutcnes. Price , with' GRABiNHORST BROS, R"" 134 S Liberty St. tu iJ1- S347S.0O buys a nice 4 rm. home with bath. I utility room. garage. 4 yrs, on concrete xounaauon. a ere of good garden aoil. 4 bearing cherry trees, nice evergreen shrubs x lawn, f 1400 will handle. E. on bus line. .-1. ee nwni-uiB CTATE TINANCK CO.. REALTORS ill. Guardian BSldg. - Ph. 41X1 S2850. Imm. Posa. of smalt horn tn N. Salem. L. rm,. nook, l Djrm. a stoves, TUgn go. 1- rm. apt la garage renta for fiSOO per mo. HUFF K-Ab UlAis ww. , Vht S. COHL ST. EVE PHONE 9441. PHONE 3793 TINE RETURN ON OTVESTMENT - e ivaM-Bl AM ! Ktl-I line MIMl af. ISA I UilTIIS IWIli . -mm - .r n.. ati stos.oo oer month. Priced -to seU attasoSej LEO N. Ctui-US, inu n-a-iuw - 344 State fit -. - - - Pb. 9161 : nar sH-trd House near Rich mond achool, 60x140 lot SS5O0 ' i - r Msn.-4KMise. - waUdns - distance Wis, to banks." $8000. - H. P. I Grant, Realtor S2 Court St , I . Salens nv noiMrn. ainim Win a rm baa. V. blinds, i basem.i aruto. gas heat garage, lot 138x150. 16000. Imm. . posa. Ph. 8274. 84250 buys neat 1 bdrm. hse. North. Salem. ; . j r-- ' . . 3 bdrms, Liv. rm, din. rm, kitchen, basem. and furnace. S6500. . ..... n. A, luiuuHui 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 or 7903 TODAY'S SPECIAL " T mm v.iiit a rm. modern home.. 1 bdrm. Auto, oil air conditioned fur- i-.niM Im. tint water and elec.' range go with this home. Hard wood floors, nice yara. met kuu.uw. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Uberty St. fa. 1111. z-vea z-znm A FEW high class residences priced at value. ' LUSE REALTY. 209 Ore. Bldg. 7953 " " NO FXAGRAtlONI Wa have a well located apartment house consisting of 4 apts, total reve nue including owner s quarters siuv per mo. North. Sale price 96300. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 NUvimniix-n -' skniuiy a y w vt OFFERS NEAT CLEAN 2 BED ROOM HOME WITH POSSESSION SOON, LIVING R, DINING R. VERY NICE KITCHEN WITH NOOK. .. ! - SEE MR. HOLMES 1 SEVERIN REALTY CO. 213 N. HIGH TEL. 4010 'TTTchoicevbewH3 One Df the finest in . Kingwood Heights 60x120 ft $850. SALEM REALTY CO. 122 New Bligh Bldg. , Phone 7660 TWO 'bed room bom Kingwood Drive. $5750 00. - Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street - Ph. 3210 NORTH Salem . home, nearly new. Wired . for electric range. Oil beat Leased until April 15th. Price Includes elec. water heater. $4600. , - W. G. KKUEGEK, REALTOR 147 N. Commercial - Ph. 4728 """Tr. now ' vacant"0 " VMM.t.fi.J A' T) . k4W S.AAA rttsrth. BedstJ dressers, rugs; dav, set. eiec. re trig., eiec. range, coiled enamel ed irasn Durner, eu circulator neater. ; etc. j . WlIJLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 71U NICE FAMTT.v nriMir sunn 4 BED ROOM, PLASTERED HOUSI IN VERY GOOD CONDITION (NO BASEMENT). GOOD LARGE ROOMS. w tiici unu3 a ntKjjVjinKjj x . ATTACHED RiMr.t l lDr.I T OT ON PAVEMENT. RANDY LOCATION w n. inn. r . ! SEE MR? HOLMES ! - - ! SEVERIN RF.AI.TV fV. 212 N. HIGH TEL. 4011 1MMED. PMatese. 3 bdrmi all mal em home. Hwd. firs. In 1st class cond. Auto, sawdust 1m Mt .y1-m iM,tii CaU Mr. fin M SALEM REALTY CO. 122 New Bligh Bldg." t Ph. 7660 BUY TODAY MOVE IN TOMORROW New home. Furnished, everything. even tn -,(-,,--. ,v. . . " vu ui waii, lo cated near 17th and Market We have xor an appotnunenu Prl( nnlv 7(M C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5831 r"v "unanea a pea room house. :lvn. ot,Pinint, room, kitchen, bath Utility all m fin rin.. f , . tion off State St t4o.oo 4 rooms. Bath. TJtmty room. rage. Off Capitol on Norway. j iwn uuum, a-agiewooa Out. R. EJ Meredith. Realtor 2153 P. Road Phone 4463 $6800 Includes $250 LJt Rug. 2 BJL Li.B, Kitchen Ac hath V.n wii i- Wood or r.l f.T.Zr 'TT-.r"' iHuli1-. 'Ktrara. New. " sen mis weeK. ; m r nu wir. Bell with . . ... HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. , w v.wi ai,. . tve Phone 21731 , . Phnn. sto BEAUTrriTL "I". '"!'r'i L-rVUvinroo'mr7DX .. . irn noox. two larea ImmI wfirepUce.-U . J -.1. Willi - ' HTTRT BIPU1 T,w .. i 337 Xorm hsrL m. WLndvflrep, C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - $8, YOUR OPPORTUNITY urn acres on paved riil .r'rT Vn north of t.V hr U' " . Plenty shade C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High - S838 T- "m .,. .r-yJJylM- UKTH K "wui sptioL s rrns. with -WW W . a L COMX. -.....,. naoau narowood Ers, base 12 BrDRU nnin. . , ril"l-lltft' fe?T bTk- reptace. .u11, basement with sawdust furnace. Enclosed back yard. $7350 IurB"c iHT 1IADSEN 13-SKTAtE - . PH. 9580 loMTnCUy,B tvom remodeled. 9 BUt, Pre-war Blila at n .... one. latiman a. ja au uuu ctea-- ar, IN CANBY. Nice 3 bdrm. well lo Pt. - . cales nome jum. rn. sua. owner . v-vv r n. eiia