1 PAGE TEN Ths OREGON STATESMAN. SoW Oregon, Friday Morning January 25. 1845 Swcgle Family to Visitin Lbs Angeles With Relatives SWEGLE Mrs. William Biler nd soil John David have gone south o Los Angeles to visit Mrs. Biler'i two daughters, Betty and Ruth Alice who are attending Bible College in the city. Mrs. Glen Utterback is at the Salem General hospital recover ing from a major operation; of last week. " . v, . Mrs. Charles Knight entered Sa lem General hospital for a major. i-peration this week. El don and Lorraine Harms have been among the school children who were quite ill with colds and out of school for some time. Lloyd Nelson has . re-entered 'Swegle school from Parrish jun ior high. , Mrs. Edward 'Denhem attended the Marion County 4-H club lead ers meeting in Salem last Satur ' day when the last week of April was set for the spring show and rally. Also plans for the radio program on KOAC February 26 by the Marion County club. " Thomas Pendergast "Is Very Sick Man" KANSAS CITY, Jan. 25 - (JF) Thomas J. Pendergast, 71-year old former democratic political leader in Missouri, 'is a very sick man," his physician said tonight. Pendergast was admitted to Me norah hospital yesterday for treatment of an ailment, the na ture of which. was not disclosed. He became ill Tuesday. Sailor Entertained - At Falls Gty; Party FALLS CITY D. R Williams, U." S. navy, came home (Friday for a three day. leave; He has been in the South Pacific Jor seven months. He visited hLswife and three., children.- jj.' -!r 1, He was the inspiration for a dinner party Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heed and fam ily of Dallas. Mr. -and; Mrs. Pete Reed and Mr. and Airs. R. Rice and family, Falls City. Mrs. Williams and son Raymond accompanied him to Seattle for a week. Mrs. R. Rice is staying with the children, Joanne and Charles who are in school here. Albany Sets Date Of Radio Try outs ALBANY February .10 has been set as the date for radio try- outs for 4-H club-members of Linn . county,, interested in parti cipating in the county radio pro gram , oveiC KOAC and which tjs scheduled for Monday, Feb. 19. The tryout .will be held in the Lebanon high school. ' The tryouts will start at 9:45 a. m. and continue until noon, ac cording to N.' John Hansen, coun ty club agent. Each club may en ter as many members as they wish, but members intending to participate should notify the club agent as soon as possible. , ' Middle Grove Mission Group Plans Meeting MIDDLE GROVE The mis sionary society met Tuesday at the home of Its president, Mrs. Vera Bassett. Fourteen, members were present and - Mrs. Arthur Case was a visitor. Self denial was the 'theme- of stewardship emphasis in the de votional led by Mrs. Minnie GoodeJA vocal solo, "What Will You Do With Jesus," s was sung by Mrs; Winnie Snyder,? and pray er was by Mrs. Ebba Wagers. Y Mrs. Leona Keppinger directed the lesson study ton I mission work in Indo-Cblna and Thailand, from the text rWesv of the Date Line." - Kentucky missions will be the February; emphasis in offerings of Lincoln pennies saved. Mrs. Clara Malm will be hostess , and Mrs. Ebba Wagers will lead devotions. Falling Limb Kills Man OREGON CITY,' Jan." 23 - () Earl Stilling, 41, Molalla logger, died here last night ; in a hospital after he J was struck b jt a falling limb in the woods. ,i- V ; u ; -f Laura Horn Hostess For: Sewing Society FALLS CITY Mrfc Laura Horn entertained her sewing dub at a 1 "o'clock luncheon Tuesday. The large dining table was covered with a lace table cloth with light ed tapers m either side of a beautiful center piece of Christ mas cactus. , . - j v. Luncheon ' was served i to the following members Mrs. Ira Merr linfc :Mrs.. Ed f White, Mrs. Jack Granf, Mrs:., Margaret Thompson, Mrs. A. Teal, Mabel Teal, Mrs. J. .Strass and .Mrs. E. P. Brown. Guests were Mrs. D. Dailey of Portland and Mrs. Van DeBosch of near Monmouth. The afternoon was spent in, sewing. ; Mrs. Tibbutts Brother " Is Killed in Belgium DAT.T.AR iJTan 9.1Y.4 Knit C. Jones, 26. of Eugene, a broth- j er of Mrs. Ted Tibbutt of Dallas, was killed in action over Belgium T TV? . - . . . J 1 J xscvtowct 49. nu wue was tnc former Eleanor Engdahl, daugh ter of State Senator Carl Engdahl of Pendleton. Besides bis parents, bis wife and -his sister in Dallas, a younger brother, Richard C. wones oi JUigene. Sixth Albany Cub Den To 'Be Numbered 1(0 ALBANY Organization of the troop No. 100 rub pack was per fected at a meeting held by parents, of this group of boys this week, and regular meeting dates were set for the first Friday night each month. So far six dens are assured.! Some 40 boys between the ages of 8 and 12 years were tentively en rolled, and four of the five den committeemen have been named. C W. Olson was named as head den chief, while chiefs forthe.six respective dens will be namett later. Committeemen , pointed. are E. TVi yer, Russell Beeves, and G. E Shreve.' . BatliTub Seen Whizzing Along Portland Streets I PORTLAND, Jan? 25 - (fl5)-A bath tub reported whizzing along city streets by astonished Port landers apparently was at the end of a low rope on an automobile, police said today. : ; ' Police said the tub was report ed at several different corners and streets! by passersby,? but squads isent to locate it never caught up. E. A. Britton wUl audition the of KOAC staff numbers to se lect those to appear on the state 4-H radio program, while addi tional numbers will be selected to appear on the Linn county 4-H ra dio program over KWIL. , I ..-..." L - ti -i - - 1 - -sN z'-i . k f - ' ' ' ': ' ' S " J 'j i :;: "' ii M -.. ' .-" ' "... ' i ; . . I h - -. Y i1 i I I : .i ! f- -t : JFi W M K W a I V U ' I ' IIK3aCsZXiC?'ii ; . FASCINATORS 1 AND CTi ". " i ! HEAD SCARFS,; 88c TduM l DV ; 7 ' ' .; - - - M - (i - . -s ' ri i -t" ' ,.. -.1", . ii - . .: 'CANNED MILEAGE Auxiliary fuel tanks like these. attached to wing and belly racks on P-3Ss, P-47s and F-Ss, make It possible for Seventh AAF fichters la the Marianas area to escort bombers deep into Jap defenses, i: t V I ; a 't MADE I N A P A N Bett, Bowen. employe at Good. ?ther Jap equipment tamed over to the factory by the Army-! j4 . life vest, airplane Ures and airplane brake. t -.jr. ... JdS'im "i -J..- , w DRIVE FOR DIMES EUen Woodbury of New Tork snakes a contribution for the ?. larch of Dimes direct to Basil O'Connor, president of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.' - j 100 Pure Wool Worsted EMM :1H: ' " ; 4 Ounce Hank CI , - 11 DICKIES JJii Vcdueato I.98 :;.j. OOV -i- 'v ' - . - - . I 3.98 An-Wool ; . LADIES' SWEATERS j .; - - - ;.ivL. :!.- -i .j-' -.(i-vv. r,.HiJ Boya' white or colored - - fl 4 A DRESS ; SHIRTS ; ..... U A JL S - ! T - - " i ,r -' . - V ar : 'i ; " ' T. .-; ; Reicrulcrr 49c . OT7 BABY BLANKETS 1 '1 4- Recfular 1.00 aatin . 1 "Tr4 PILLOW TOPSU A r i --1 . ".! ! -- - i Men' fancy 1 4 4)t SOX, pair JLgiV Cloaranc of BUTTONS, card 6? No. 1;- Reg. 29c Best Quality - Guaranteed I No ' Holet"" 0) C 32JPiece "I ' 1 ". - '-7;: - - ; . 4 " ' ' j Service for Six - Lovely Floral Pattern . j 7 - ; :. 4Hi 7-Piece , Sparkling Crystal - Fooled Design iC - Complete 'I -. j j ; Valentines i For children,' young folks and grown-ups. Choose from Salem's largest assortment.- 10 ste 5 TO 59 Handy Size Mats of a Dozen Uses -i1 7 Children 1 s HDresses Fast Color Prints - Adorable Styles -Ml - - 1 (o)(o)c: I ;ncoVoIt-Mv::j.:' I! ' . . I- 3 ( . - ;; I 100 Wool Ghilelsren's Sveafiqirs - ; Were 2.19 I u r Tii v vv - s ic ;sn wvcf) ;i if M fv : - V"Ni v ii.-; jrv 5 .... ; : : ; h; ; i.' - v :. ' "f I - - - : - ;;:"T i .." ) I : :;.f: : I. . ' " ; ' i : - h : '. ...f-.. . 'i-. - " : ' : . , u - .- i ; v ' . " :. - ; : . - 1 ! "' v ; ' '.; -if -';:-r" 'r-'" - ::.::- f ' .. - f; i . :;:f::.:- !.:-:' -: .;:.-.---f - .;:v. r i: -:,-L - f' ' . i 5 rUqularlOc -STEEL WOOL HeonryFelt .-f mON: BOARD PADS 2i 20-r4oc Cornla Pottery ' LC?l BREAKFAST SET ; i W HAIR BOWS ' , k fl A Volue to 49c - .iiV . - t . - r.. . - ' - Men's Imott rubber ' O CjOl RAINCOATS : 1- .. i - - --,..!' - - : - - -i S ' ' ''.- .L" , " ""' " ' -: Plastic,' - 1 "Cf THIMBLES : ' 3) lor SV Box of'l2 Mdi x , ! A SANITARY NAPKINS - ... Qulrl-Grlp Hasfic bob pins : : : w r Reg.:l98 Priced tolClear CT7 7 11 iletal Head "'--I":-.- Pre-war Onalitir I.-, v v r3 vy