The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    The OHIXIOrT STATESMAN. Sdlexau Oregon, 7dnesdcrr Morclng.
antiary if, 183
Miss Larsen
Now Mrs. Aman
MT. ANGEL The marriage of
Miss La Vera Lars en of Portland
to CpL Gordon Aman of ML An-
gel was solemnized at Holy Re
deemer church Portland, Satur
day. January 20, at 9:30 ajn,
with Rev. Vincent Koppert of
Mt. Angel officiating. The church
was decorated in all white chrysanthemums.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chris La r sen of
Portland and CpL Aman is ; the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aman
. of Mt. Angel.
. The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore" a princess
gown of white satin with' long
train, long sleeves and sweet
heart neckline. Her fingertip
veil fell from a coronet of seed
pearls and she . carried white
roses and gardenias.
Miss Jeanette Larsen was her
sister's maid of honor and Miss
Robinette Aman and Miss Vera
Larsen were bridesmaids. They
wore taffeta gowns in princess
style of old rose and blue re
spectively - and .- headdresses of
sweet v peas. All three carried
bouquets of daffodils and gold
enrod.' - ' ' s v: j
CP.M. Donald Aman of As
toria, brother of the groom, was
best man, while Leroy Aman -and
Ronald Espe acted as ushers.
xwo nepnews, uonaid and
Teddy Espe wasre altar boys and
a niece,1 Dolores Espe, sang Ave
Maria. 1 Mrs. Lloyd Wilkes pre
sided at the organ. ;:,;
: ini - wedding breakfast was
served to the immediate iamilies
and Father Vincent at the Mai
lory hotel, and a reception was
held at the bride's home during
the afternoon.
J CpL and . Mrs. Aman left for
the coast for a short honeymoon.
t For going away, the bride wore
a beige suit with brown acces-
. sories and gardenia corsage,
3 Mrs. Aman attended ML Angel
academy and Normal school and
for the last three years has been
teaching at the Concord school '
near Milwaukie. ' CpL Aman is
a graduate of ML Angel Prepar
atory and left for the service
soon after graduation. . He has'
been in Iceland :for 21 months,:
returning home on a furlough on "
. January 3. ' He is scheduled to
report at Fort Bragg, North Car
olina for reassignment ort-Janu-ary
30., . .. "-V"
MT. ANGEL From Wenat
. ehee, Wash, comes word of the
wedding of AI. J. Bialy, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bialy of ML
. Angel and Miss Wilda Hutchin
- son, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L
K. Hutchinson on Saturday, Jan
' uary 13 at 10 ajn. Be v. Eugene
' Duffy officiated at the double.
Salem Misses
Blood Quota
By Six Pints
Lo trains To Mr. and Mm. Allen K. I
Lorraine. 453 South Cottage street, a I
on. Oerald Allen, born December 28, 1
Deaconess hospital. h - I
Can To Mr. and Mrs. Donald IV 1
Cass, 1488 South Commercial street.
a son, Donald. Anthony, born Decem
ber 37, Deaconess hospital -
Bjmnta To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K.
Fop 4 Via flrct tlm U . 1
.cZTTvT " By num. Scto, son, Richard Mark,
Mlem missed making a Capacity born January t. Deaconess hospital.
donation, 200 pints, to the Red I ,,Muker To Mr. and- Mrs. Claud
. w iwu I Miinlrm T7 Mill
Mae. bora December 17. Deaconess
visit here Tuesday. Eighteen out nospiUI-
Of the 194 who Hnr,atrf Kov. : Sehartaete To Mr. an Mrs. Sylv
. . . VI I xer m. scoarbacn. 790 iiighland ave-
wuii via io pints vnemseives. I nue aaugnier, unaa ivay, Dora
This is mors than the Salem week- kTJZ". clSSt v.
ly quota and almost as Tnuch as I Jette. AumsvUle. a daugttter. Maurince
the previous capacity of the mo- P&Thr
uue UIUU ' , . f- , I Cooae To Mr. nif Tr Arlia W
Thee IR influx nSn , . I Cooper. Jefferson. daughter. Deloraa
come members or the gallon club, Uche-To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
eieht Who were eivinff tnr I uie erry sireet, a aaugniar.
ti , giving IOT tne I Sasan GU. born December 29, Salem I
uiuiu iiuie ana one ior tne tenui I general Hospital.
time. - I Mlnen To Mr. and .Mrs.' Bernard
New momW nn J- ""WJe". Sublimity, j? a daughter,
ew memoerS Of the , gallon Constance Theresa httrri TWmhF. M
club were Mrs.? George ,Rebo, I De,coness hospital. j
Aumsville; A. W. Foglesong, Pub- Ro'lndependericef ..onSooerl
lie utilities commission Mr. and I Harold, born December H, Salem Gen
m.'iieiiueu, ieaaeiL o lay ion. I CouttUTo Mr. and-Afrs Johri 1
T. L. Kisther, 1940 Maple: Amy I Counts. Xa Mason, a daughter. Vera
Jar-ohRrtn KS 0.rA-n m. -anuary a. ueaconesa nos-
T vw vw jkf Axes w. i pixai." r . - p "
leen Us borne. 1577 Court: Enffpnpl steward To Mr and Mr. Floyd W,
I Cta.aJ aaaA T a ...a.aA
"CAijoin Elaine, born January 3, Deacon-
Kimmell. 1861 Stat Ktrt ; 1 esa hospital - 1
Wine time donors were E. Burr I w. Nicholson, miu cit.l man. mthee
Miller, 450 North 19th; Kathryn J WUliam, born January tij. Deaconess
v... men r-..i. i . I hospital. is
auuxib, u ouum uoeny; ijmer Washburn To Mr: and Mrs. Phllln
Terrell, 390 Fisher road: Mrs. Earl 1 3- Washburn. 234 North i Fourth
Barham, 865 North Winter; Doro- K'ffi
thy Vieria. route four, box 303: 1 Garden To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Got
Street; Paul Rasmussen, 340 East I Bungalow Maternity home.
Twelve Tallcs
Scheduled for
Dr. J. Millar
These Blue players, traveling together in Walter Wanger's spec tac alar
adventure film, "Stagecoach." e-statrtBg Claire Trevor and Jahst
Wayne.: aren't smiling wheat they get late a desperate battle with
Apache; Indians. This thrilling hit has beef re-lssved by popular
request, and starts tomorrow at the Grand., 1 : '
Mfller street, Charles Mink, 1235 Botd!g Unit
bOUtn latn. , I daughter, carol lxuie, born Decern- I CtMcsM Vnliiak
ner za. saiam General khdiui. ws.
Boomer To Mr. and .Mrs. Howard
Sf Hn U ta j v. 1 B,lem wnerai nosp i iai.
iwara I w - r -m "
of the local marine corps recruit-1 Boomer, 349 Beiievue. js son, John I In UOp o III (lies
ing office, was a tenth time donor. I
Linn County MayHavei
PUD Election in 1946
Richard, born December 25. Deacon
ess hospital. Is i ' -
Riley To Mr. and Mr Patrick D.
Riley, 3155 Portland road, a daughter.
famcsa- Anne, born December 23, SS'
lem uenerai hospital. ie 1
Burke To Mr. and Mrs. Harry X.
Burke. 2482 Walker street, a daughter.
Ruth Ann. bora December 28, Deacon-
- l : .
ALBANY, Jan. 23.-(&)-A. L. Garrlsotv-To Mr. and Mrs. Billv I.
Carnegie, Li n n county Pomona Gr?n' 2605 f01 " tIet'
, ; I son. Billy Leonard. bornSsDecember, XI.
grangemaster, is heading a drive j Deaconess hospital. v s
to form a rwinle's utilitv Hicfriot I 'HoltTo Mr. and Mnli Kenneth E.
m Linn county. A PUD election born December 27. Salem General I vo ;;
if nlonnul 1Q1X i I hosoitaL - ss umraH Fiy. ""f
a MaiUVW AVa A V a w
Reducing losses, and Increasing
wealth in excess of $2,000,000; an
nually, are the dividends returned
to the state from its investment
of legislative funds In research
during : the past four bienniums,
the state ' agricultural department
reported to the legislature Tues
day. Hh-:' ".. - - '!
The report said more than 100
Credit Women's
Breakfast Held
gated,' affecting crops that have
an estimated annual total value
of $300,000,000.
Miller To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V.
Miller," Stayton. a son. ames Ernest.
born December 27, Deaconess hospital.
- Christopheraon To Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Christopheraon, 445 , South
16th street, a daughter, -Marcia Ellen,
born December 28, Salerrt General hos
DitaL i. '
tt-nrsTO Mr. and Mr. Kichard c I rr U T Tk 1
Chrz, rouU five, a son, Ross Charldon, I WOUld 1C UptlOUai
tvTl naVmhar 9fi Tlatsatnnaacai ltnai. I
vwm avvvaiw . awasvik. va a0 mw
Party : Succession
shop for breakfast on Tuesday I oitaL r ; .
ntm-nirMt nvm.K .u oi I CeTBT To Mr. and Mrs. Louis W.
Credit Woman's Breakfast club MarlhTB Jean, bom DeceMber 28. Bun-
Under New HB 145
five years a member of the same
political; party, as the senator or
representative whose place is va
cated. j: ' fc
Senate Commends
Beneficial Bequests
Commending the charitable in
terests of the, late Thomas Rob
erts, long a prominent Portland
merchant, the senate ; Tuesday
adopted a resolution which it di
rected should be sent to Roberts
widbw. Sen. Lew Wallace, Mult
nomah County, who introduced the
resolution," pointed out the merch
ant's i will ' set up an educational
fund in! every coUnty of Oregon
without one. i '
Health Officer Guest
hairf hAip Mtfiilir kiwinac. I salow Maternity home. :
. . .7" 7. . S. I Gandy-To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A,
sion unaer tne airecuon oi SOTS. Gandy, 250 Morgan avenue, a daugh
Louise Jones, the nresidenL A l!er Shirley Ann, born December 28,
pantomime was given as the en
tertainment for the morning.
Mrs. Jones has called an exe
cutive meeting for January 30
A ' bill ! (HB 145) introduced
Tuesday by Rep. John Steelham
mer (r), ISalem, would eliminate
the requirement that a county
Hiram T 1 courx, i wnen niung a vaciuicji iui
Amick, 651 North 20th street, a son, J the legislature, must r appoint f a
Deaconess hospital.
Arnica To Mr. and
i Ronald Thomas, born January 14, Dea
l coness hosnitaL ii
uoraoa to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
person who is and has been for
ALBANY Dr. A. Edward Bos
trom, Linn county health off icer,
will be the guest speaker at the
meeting ; of Morning Star grange
Saturday, Jan. 27. The program
will; also 1 include musical num
bers. A short business session will
be held by the grange and later
there will be dancing and cards.
Dr. James Millar of the Oregon
Council of Churches, and widely
known as a speaker,' will be guest
speaker in Marion county for four
days next week. He comes here
through the Oregon' State college
extension service, to which he
has been loaned for four months.
He is scheduled to speak in Sa
lem, Silverton, Hubbard, Union
Hul and Stayton.
Dr. Millar Is a native of Ire
land,' where be received his early
education. : He holds his master's
degree from Colorado Stale col
lege, doctor's degree from Den
ver and did graduate work at
Chicago university, f Cambridge
and Oxford. universities in Eng
land. Before the war, Dr. Millar
traveled in Europe and the orient
He served as professor' in the
College of Idaho for nine years
and lectured four summers for the
Idaho, university . extension. He
was ' executive secretary for na
tional board of education of Pres
byterian church in the northwest
and he Is a member of the Ore
gon Council of Child Welfare, the
Portland City club, and commit
tee of National Educational asso
ciation. ' 1
His schedule in Marion county
Is as follows: - -
Tuesday, January : 30, Silverton
Eugene Fields school auditorium,
PTA sponsor, 8 pan;
Wednesday, January 31, Pir-
rish junior high school students
and parents, ''Knowing How," at
10 am; for' the Hollywood lions
club at noon, "Dominant Desires
in Europe and Their Relation to
Present and Postwar Problems"
at noon; Hubbard high school, for
that community at 2:30; Union
Hill grange hall at 8 p.m. r
Thursday noon, February ; 1,
Dr. Millar will speak for the Sa
lem Lions club on "America, Yes
terday, Today and Tomorrow; at
the Salem Chamber of Commerce
for the Salem Council of Wom
en's Organizations , at 2:30, "Our
Postwar Problems;"! Salem Zonta
dub at 8 p.m. on "Dominant De
sires in Europe and iTheir Rela
tion to Our Present1 and Postwar
Problems. 1 ' , i
Friday, February 2 at 8:40 a.m..
Dr. Millar will speak at the Salem
senior high school, f Your Imme
diate Problems;" at 10 am Les
lie junior high school, "Knowing
How;" at 6:30 pan. at Stayton,
joint meeting of Lions club and
Women's club, "America, Yester
day, Today and Tomorrow.
. V,', -- , ' '-;-:r -... r , 1 ' :r.
War Chest Increases :
By $20,000 in Year
The financial report of the Ore
gon war chest, as of Dec 31, 1944,
was filed Tuesday in the office of
County Clerk Henry L. Mattson.
The report ' indicated a balance
of $224,973.6$ on hand and ready
for distribution. A total of 81,169,
674.46 was collected in the state
in 1944 and a balance of $205,-
1233 was carried over from 1943
to bring the total resources of the
fund in 1944 to $1,374,797.93. Of
this sum $1,149,8244 was spent
Largest single item listed under
expenditures was to the national
war fund $914,325.39. Other ex
penditures included: Boys and
Girls' Aid Society $35,500; Cath
olic charities ' $5300; children's
farm home $19,726; Oregon Pro
tective Society $54,861; Salvation
Army $27,647; Volunteers of
America $467$; Waverly : baby
home $19,00; salaries $7140;
printing and advertising $7878;
general expense $3176.03.
Invited to Meeting
fr . .
Grange members in the legisla
ture and their friends are invited
to ' attend Salem grange meeting
Widnesday, Jan. 24 at 7 JO p. m.
in the Salem Women's club, 468
N. Church street 3rd and 4ttt
degree obligations - will be con
feiTed upon Mr. and Mrs. X. A.
Terrill during a short business
session. JKeiresnmenu - wiu oe
served and all grangers and.
friends are invited. i
Qiieener Dairy Qui - '.
Holds Second Meeting j
QUEERER - The 4-H dairy
club met with Robert Busch for
its second meeting. Kenneth Smith
vice president, , presided. David
Karr, president, was absent The
topic for discussion was "Keeping
the Record Books." -
Those present were Kenneth
Smith, ! vie president; Robert
Busch, secretary; Clarence. Hin
riclCyell leader;. Stanford Smith,
song 1 leader; Rodger Rows and
Carl; M. Busch, local leader. )
m a . m
Davenos, coil spring construction. Bro- OA Cfl
cotelle & relour covers. Wine & bloe. OeVa 3
Daveno, platform rocker & ottoman. A AjQk JSLjtk
Spring: construction.; Tap. cover. A
3 pieces. ;. ; - A"-,
Salem's Homo Furniture Co.
R. H. Ermel Prop. 4 137 8: Commercial
. . " . . . j Gordon. 1865 North Capitol street, a
at her home. The next business j daughter. Pamela Joyce! born Janu-
meetmg wiu oe l ehruary ,
when an educational
will be given.
MT. ANGEL All the children !
of N. B. Traviss joined in ar-
ary 17, Salem General hospital.
Hardmaav To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
R. Hardman. . 230 Garden : road.
daughter, Sheryn Lynn, born' January
i taaaaii To Mr. and Mrs. James tn-
man. Dallas," a daughter. Hazel Irene. '
born ' ecember 18, Salem General
Sunday afternoon in honor of
ring ceremony, attended by rel-. - his eightieth birthday anniver-
atives and a few close friends.
' The bride was attended by her
sister, Miss Virginia rjutchinsbn.
The bride wore, a white wool
dress .with blue accessories and
the bridesmaid a flowered print '
frock with brown accessories;
Max Merryfield was best man
for Mr. Bialy.'
A wedding breakfast at the
Wenatchee hotel followed the
ceremony and in the afternoon a
reception was held at the home
e( the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Bialy will make
their home in Olympia, Wash,
where the groom owns and op
erates Bialy Drugs and Bialy
Cut Rate Drugs. ,
Glass Reunion
At Yuna Home
Mrs. Tom Brantner entertained
a group of her friends from toe
class of 143 of Salem high school
. Friday at the North Jlst street
residence of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy O. Yung. Guests dis
cussed their high school days,
and the past two years.
Mountain laurel and other
greenery decorated the rooms,
end the refreshment table, cov
ered with an ivory lace cloth,
was centered with laurel bios- '- Tinglestad, Miss Florence Lewis,
soms and white tapers in crystal
Guests present were Mrs. Bur
ton Carnegie, (Deen Calloway),
Mrs. Dick Ackley, (Josephine
Winkenwerder), Miss Leon a
ar.; - : i 1 nospiui,
icicyiiuii bi ui uuiTO j gu.hrneTo Mr. and Mm Im H
xuznrue. boo North commercial, a
son, Robin William, born December
16. Salem General hospital.
sary. Those present and acting
as hosts to a great number of
townspeople, who came to offer
felicitations, were David arid
Ben Traviss and Mrs. Lucille
Prosser of ML Angel; Mrs. Clara
East, Percy Traviss and Miss
Marie Traviss of Portland; and
Lawrence Traviss of Salem. Mrs.
Rose Melchior; of Los Angeles
and Chief Petty Officer Leonard
Traviss of Athens, Ga. could not
attend. '""!
Two granddaughters, Lola
Traviss of Mt. Angel and Mrs. T.
Kennedy of Portland, passed the
guest book and received at the
door respectively. Mrs. Leo
Schwab and Mrs. Ted Cotman
served the refreshments.
Mr. Traviss has been a resi
dent 'of Mt. Angel since 1910
during all of which time he has
operated the Traviss Plumbing
- shop. He was born January 19,
1863 in Ontario, Canada. He
was united in marriage to Mary
Kresser on September S, 1893 at
Orleans, Nebr. They resided here
for five years, returnecLto Can
ada for two years and then came
west . One year was spent in
Corvallis from whence the fam
ily moved to ML AngeL Mrs.
Traviss died on October 20, 1922.
Miss Margaret Henry, Miss Bar
bara Spaulding, Miss Dorothy
Dalton, Miss Pat McCarger, Miss
Marjorie Peterson, Miss Nyla
Phillips, and ' Mrs. Brantner,
(Helen Yung).
Today's Menu
i Parsnips and grapef ruit-an
odd combination,' biit; one we
have liked foryears.i It's on the
day's menu. tl ; '
Parsnip-grapefruit salad
; Lamb patties .. r
; i Pan fried potatoes
' I Spinach with vinegar .-v.-1
Pumpkin pie
i: ' i' ,
Parsnips and Grapefruit! .. -..
l.Jbs. parsnips .' '
1 grapefruit p
t 4 tablespoons butter
i Paprika ' l " -i
Wash and scrape parsnips. Cut
in halves or quarters. - - RAnove
woody i core if present Boil in
boilings salted waterj. until ten
der, i Peel grapefruit removing
- .white membrane with peel. Cut
on each side, of dividing mem
brane and remove section by sec
tion. Place cooked parsnips in
baking dish with grapefruit sec
tions; dot with butter; and sprin
kle lightly with paprika. Bake
in hot oven (450 degrees) 10-15
mins. Makes 8 servings.
yyi' 1 ' """WP-yyi '" "', i ii .... ...n ' ji.i. m i ii in j i. in, l.n.i.ll.1 i i n. .in. inn t,.i i iii.,tii.i, t .1,.11 11 I ' 11 a . 11 . , in
T Oo.
- J t -aaw--
Good Sized .
Kilcben Dczgs
S $20.00
190 S. 14th SaJem
' NET PROFIT S Billion
rOUUUS. .. Under ihe slreMof
wartime) shortage of meat, the
- patriotic (commercial fishermen of
America, working early and late,
cored a rtMrord-breaking w catch
the jpaat year . . an astronomical
total of more than 4,000,000,000
pounds! Hats ofT to tha men who
go down to tht ea In shipsr
I "p,i(S j -sessesal "
." ' ' . f ; -. h.v jSt. Iww.imi' ' w rt. Ami I'M : 1 w
Mcdonald candy co.
444 S. Commercial Street
Salens Distributors
One coat of Sero-Tene gives
dull walls a beautiful new fresh,
nesa. One gallon ef paste
thinned with two quarts ef
'Water makes enough to re-ee
a 10x12x8-foot room. Soft, pas
ta! shades to blend with yeur
room furnishings. Permanent.
a T, V .-
ivwkhkn vwnika eaaciall saslanad
; far water thinned saints, easy to wsft , , ch
i - i r
l!: 1 ' I i
Sturdy and easy to use. Halds lata
vtef Sara-Tana and taavae na iwara.
; Fiber-Trim Vcrnlsh
arlnss eat natural beauty af waed rain.
Lurtraua. ulck dryino. Msttw-mUad ewality
assures lens, eatisfactery aarviaa. ; -r
.:' J i
Color Varnish :
- 69 0 pint
' Stains and varniahea waad
..atMacas. Easy to apply.
-Paint, Varnish
aMta ,rmV.h7?U!!!2
handa. Qt. claana
vooo nou
It grease. Cxnm
1-C3 Iferf!
;!. ... H.Vd.',- i..,J II ' ; I v.-
II 1
m ii i i iii iiiir frrn ' ""' ' "
g ....-nf-,edl A..-"m--: ) '
I -I.,,., -su ,- : . - ,
h i ... - -y
awMSeis&M :aMjJ'
- f ; . - . . .- - -
and Easy to
p 1
tdX rrrr-
3 'Cfdfr'
! Redecorate- your home with these valuable fade
resistant papers. Choose from an assortment of
decorator approved patterns suitable for avery
f room in your home. Striking;, colorful designs both
nodern and traditional, plus groups of harmoniz
ing paper for adjoining rooms. Color-Perfect
qualityl , : ,
' f
nil: 'UMIIW
u: .1 I a a .1 k lv
fir . y 'Ma...
ACMi KWt!S, Sea rrseoM