The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 24, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    -Tit CniGOII CTATEIAIl. Salem. Orn. V7dala7 I-Icna Jcnucrr X 1 1SU
PACS five
. The Oregon Startman Tlpbon 3101 V
Aiwna vottjuus jueev rne Rev. Mix IUrtmans Keslgns Mrs.
6. Raynor Smith, Mrs. ' B r u c e LRoy J. Hartman, assistant for
Epaulding and MravFred-S. By- the past year to Louise Arheson.
ron, Jr., attended m meeting in head of the home nursing and
CorvallU on Tuesday, of the camp nurses' aide training program for
ana Hospital council for this dia- Marion county-chapter of the Red
trict to discuss with the camp and Croes, has resigned and Tuesday
hospital service representative completed her services - with the
from Pacific coast offices of the Red Cross here. She plans to join
Ked Cross in San Francisco and her husband, a signalman third
Red Cross representative from class, who is now in the United
Portland plans for serving . hos- States for training as an aviation
pitals in this area.', " pilot after three years of sea
. Wanted Real . Estate Salesman.
Experience desired. Box 961, Arky and the Jolly Cowboys,
Crystal Garden, Wed. nite.
Ferry Operator County Engi
neer Nathan C. Hubbs and Coun-
Pelio Dance 'Dated Command'
ty Commissioner James Smith re- 7M ' 1 .rjr
ported Tuesday that the Wheat- ZZtZ
w" . u0n would sponsor a "March of Dimes'
JZ operations jsev- dance Wednesday night, January
cral days due to high water. They ai. atth Vfwlhafi ah f,,rwi
iso inspecxea wotk on a Dnag cepting the government tax are to
which is being built to replace a
12, foqt span on Market road No.
7, jnearSt. Louis.
Due to shortage of points Steven- j
son's Restaurant : will be closed
. until Jan: 31. : '' '
v Dr. Purvine to Speak The Les-
be turned into
! VFW. members
launch a ticket
Veterans Needs Ontllned-lw"il-
liam Croghan,' commander 'of Sa
lem Chapter No.! 6, Disabled Ame
rican Veterans, says there are five
things every veteran should know
and do, as follows: record his dis
charge in I the county recorder's
office and obtain a photostatic
copy : apply , for his former I Job
within 90 days after his discharge;
submit to a complete medical ex
animation by a private physician
immediately after being discharg
ed; determine eligibility for gov
ernment sponsored vocation train
ing and take advantage of it at
once; . those with disability should
file a claim at the earliest date
possible with the'nearest veterans
administration office. Inquiries
may be addressed to A. L. Brew
tier, service officer of the Salem
chapter. .. m
For home loans see Salem Fed
the polio fund.
and auxiliary will
selling drive soon.
Every form oi insurance.- R. G.
Severing 212 H. High. Tel. 4018.
Constant, dependable service.
Km j k , m . r, , T l kictuuu x lie vuicia
ZllT ,7:, , " 2f VSr Pamphlets for the special city elec
4uu,- .iotcv vii uic yuuw 9U1UU1 TpL ft i, ...... u
activities calendar for today, wiU J""' TZTXE:
W fc IV 1-11. XliUajr WIIU
Dr. Ralph Purvine the speaker.
Nominations for league officers
for the second semester will be
made from the floor.
Due to illness j the office of W. C.
Dyer and Sons Insurance Agency,
will be closed! this week. Please
call 2-1402
Mifhdt announced Tuesday. Voters
will ballot on the question of pur
chasing Bush's pasture and wheth
er a franchise shall be granted the
Salem Electric, ! cooperative.
Due to shortage of points Steven
son's Restaurant will be" closed
until Jan. 31.
Road Inspected Preparatory to
taking final action on a request
of residents that the county take
stmhr i " lover an undedicated road, mem-
uary 20, age 67 years. Survived by "yet:ia uie private mgnway east
of the North Santiam school prop
erty. Four or f ! homes are serv
ed by the road.
Dorothy Tucker Stewart is now at
the Vanity Box Beauty Shop.
wife. Mary, of Salem; two daughters,
Mra. Velma Krjapke of Salem, Mrs.
Dorothy Nixon lot Salem; five sons,
Clifford Stuhr b Sublimity. Marvin
and Herbert Stuhr of Salem. Leonard
Stuhr with thei U. S. army at Fort
Knox, Kjr., and Robert Stuhr with
the VJS. army overseas: three broth
ers, Henry, Chris and Charles Stuhr.
all of Manning; Iowa; seven sisters.
Mrs. Mollie Bohnsack, Mrs. . Louise
Windish. Mrs. Minnie Frahn. Mrs. Lena
. Coleman, Mrs. TUlie Bahnsack, aU of
Mason City, Iowa. Mrs. Doris Stoeke
Building Entered Police were
notified Tuesday that the padlock
and hasp had been pried from the
f i Manning, Iowa, and Mrs. Eva door of the Farmers Union ware
Eandchudren. Funeral announcements
ter by the Clough-Barrick company.
Mentsehler " I -
. Mrs. Emma Bentschler, resident of
203 Salem Hetgnts avenue, at a local
hospital Sundays January 21. Mother
of Mrs. William! Van Natta and Miss
Be mice Rentschler, both of Portland..
'Mrs. Frank Patter of Great Falls,
v. i ju a tnta. licaiiia la swuiuas vi mym
lem. Lt. Seymour H. Fleet and Staff
Sgt. Alfred W. Fleet, both of the VS.
army, and Robert E. Rentschler of
Worland. Wyo. Also survived by four
grandchildren. Funeral services will be
held Wednesday! January 24. at 3:3
pjn4 from the Clough-Barrick chapel
with Rev. S. Kaynor Smith officiating.
Interment In Belcrest Memorial park.
Edward D. - Brbwn, 49. late resident
Of .630 Marion street, at the Veterans
hospital in Portland Monday, 'January
22. Survived by ihis wife. Margaret E.
Brown: daushtet. Nancy Brown.' and
sister-in-law. Mrs. J. D. White, an
of Salem. Services will be held from
the Clough-Banlck chapel Thursday
Tiaii.n 94 at im-M a tr with ft
house at 444 North Front street.
As far as could be ctetermined
nothing was missing, the report
said.": . .
7 hr. developing & printing service
at; Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N.
Injures Foot Robert Lehman,
manager and partner in the own
ership of the Spa, injured his
ngnt loot wnen ne dropped a
five-gallon can of ice cream on
it .Tuesday.
"Cyn" Cronlse. Photographs and
Frames. 1st Natl Bank Ride
Speaks In Dallas Harry Mich
elson, assistant scout executive for
the! Cascade aj-ea, will speak Fri
end, 130 South Liberty. '
Gun Stolen, Report Charles
Hrudka, 652 N. Front street, Tues
day reported : to! police that tw
boys aged 16, . stole a- .38 calibre
revolver from his home after he
had shown it to them. He said
the youths also took the "belt and
holster. He named the-boysi both
of whom Were , dressed in cowboy
outfits but police refused' to ar
rest them unless the complainant
would swear to a complaint.
Wedding pictures taken at the
church. 520 State. Ph. 5722.
v , - - ! . -
Students to Ballot-Students at
Leslie junior high will cast their
ballots on candidates for: the sev
en student body offices and vote
on ten proposed: changes In 1 the
ASB constitution! during first per
iod classes today.' Immediately
preceding nominees for office Will
rleliver final campaign speeches
in an assembly.
Peaches, Crawford, Hale and 'im
proved Albertas tat Doerfler sale
yard and nursery.
. ' . !
" Cars Tangle owned by
Elroy Nash and (driven by Hazel
Price; became entangled with
parked car at the Midway Cafe
parking strip, according to a po
lice report The report said a hole
14 inches in length was torn in
the fender of. the parked cart
"Smiley Burnette" and his West
ern Jamboree, Crystal Gardens,
Friday, Jan. 26Ul r ,
Writers Meet The writers club
is to have its next meeting Wed
nesday night, JanJ 31, at 342 North
Commercial street. The organiza
tion, as- yet not (formally named,
meets xne second ena jourtn Wed
nesdays of -the month.- j j
Hear Cpl. Clyman F. Patterson, :
former Salerri boy over KSLM to- j
night at 8:15. Cpl Patterson has a ;
message for hist relatives and
friends from the European theatre
Man JlJssinr Robert J. Porter-
field, 2380 Fairgrounds Road, has
been missing from his home since
last Thursday, his wife reported
to police Tuesday. 1 The woman
said When he left home he was
carrying a gray kit of cook's tools.
Hub Caps Stolen Mrs! E. Claus,
444 Si High street, Tuesday :rei
ported to police that while she
was absent from her home," four
chrome hub caps Were stolen from
her car which was parked in
shed at the rear of her garage.
Sweet Home Man Speaks Rev.
Harold Good, former; missionary
in China and now minister of the
Evangelical : church' f in " Sweet
Home,' will be the speaker at 7:30
tonight at the Bible: conference
being held at the First Evangelical
church, Marion at Summer.
. -'. I ..... :. 1
Why not apply that new roof now
while expert workmen and ma
terials are available. I Free esti
mates. Ph. 4642. Mathis Brothers,
Leave Hospital Mrs. Harry
Barker and infant daughter, -1055
Cross street, Were removed Tues
day from Salem 'General hospital
to their home,
PaiilbniicB nSoeaDPdls -'
City of Salem vs. V. C Post and oth
ers: order directinf service of sum-1
mods in quiet title case. -
Leona lo srancne vs. saner e. May
and others; application for place on
Stat vs. Aloytus Edwin Kflmer;
sentenced by Judge Ceo. R. Duncan,
on conviction of Deing an habitual
criminal, to the state penitentiary. ,
'6tat "VSi Aloysiua Edwin Kilmer;
Judge Geors R. Duncaa sentenced de
fendant "to state penitentiary without
limitation of time, we maximum ox
said sentence being- for the balance of
his natural life"; sentence Imposed up
on defendant Sept. 25. 1S44 of SO years
la state penitentiary on conviction of
assault with Intent to rob was vacated;
defendant was convicted last week by
a jury under the habitual criminal act.
- Howard D. Hunter vs. Blanch Hunt
er: motion for order requiring plain
tiff to return and bring back to Juris
diction of Uie Marion county circuit
court, three minor children; that case
be continued until children are re
turned: that plaintiff be reauired to
show cause why he has not paid de
fendant's attorney fees of $50 as or
dered by court: in -supplemental com'
plaint plaintiff alleges defendant told
him if he did not take- children she
would place them In' an orphanage;
plaintiff asks custody of children now
in care of his mother at' Campbell,
Calif on grounds it -Is for their best
interest: trial due to start at :30 a m.
today before Judge George R. Duncan.
Ci E. Pemberton and .wife vs. N. B.
Washburn and outers: order appoint-
Enters Hospital Mrs. Jessie
Mayes, 340 S. Winter; street, en
tered I : Salem - Deaconess " hospital
Tuesday for. medical treatment ..
To Undergo S.n r g e r y Mrs.
Lawrence Berker, 260 S. 20th
street was ' admitted to Salem
DeaconesS hospital 'Tuesday and
will undergo surgery today.
Lumber Worker Hurt Norman
Bowen, choker setter, was injured
Tuesday in a logging accident at
Valsetz and admitted i to Salem
Deaconess hospital' with a skull
injury. 1
Returns Home William Wheel
er, 95 S. 12th street, . who was
taken: to Salem DeaconesS hospital
January 8 by. first aid, was able
to return to his home Tuesday.
At last, bathroom wallpaper you
cah scrub, because it's triple-coated
With paint! See Duray at Elf
Strom's. ! - '
Patient Convalescing Mrs. Ver
non Hickman, 64Q . Edina Lane,
was sufficiently recovered Tues
day to be moved to her home from
Salem Deaconess hospital.
. Permit Granted ' ' A building
permit was issued Tuesday by City
Engineer J. Harold Davis to A.
Hunt to alter a dwelling at 1040
N. 14th street
For; sale vertical grain fir cor
ing Reimann Supply company,
Phone 8203. ' -
. Bedding Damaged A fire at the
Cody Evans home, 1770 Lee street
Tuesday morning . damaged bed
ding. -The fire was believed to
have started from the furnace.
big Soy Earland attorney for defend
ants pursuant to provisions of soldiers
and sailors civic relief act. . r
WUma Shouenberger vm. Byron i
Shollenbercer: order of . default en
tered. ' . , ... - ' -
Leonard E. Xiehendon vs. Deahra X
"Dchendorf; divorce complaint; alleges
Kathrvn o. Whaicn vs. Thomas J.
Wholes; divorce complaint: alleges
cruel ana inhuman treatment;
custody of two children and - f 100
monthly for their support.
Karen - yossholm - estate: Aurusta
WoeJke, Sigma Woelke and Pete West
by, appraisers, set value ot estate at
Myrtle s. Hndenstan estate; order
approving and allowing final account.
.Mary T. Seitzineer estate; final ac
count settled, allowed. - - .
Wullam H. Mccauley estate: first re
port of administrator, Ray H. McCaul
ey. shows receipts of $lS,44a2a and dis
bursements ot szosao. -
Edwin H. roster, ruardlanship: or
der of citation to Edwin H. Foster to
appear and show cause 'February- 7
why guardian should not oe. appoiniea
of . estate only. v. -
Marvin Mues ceoar. minor; oraer on
netition of mother. Veronica L. Baika,
changes child's name to Marvin Miles
Baska. - '
Charles Gier estate; S order authoriz
ing George Turner, administrator, to
sell personal property of estate; value
of which was set at SI 600 by D. B. Hill.
George H. Bell nd Zeipha Grove, ap-
nraisers. ' i v .
State vs. Sergio A. Re ginaldo; con.
Unued until 10 ajn. today when pre- hnrini rlll torn (tela Oil
charge OI contriDUling u aeunquoicj
Ox a minor, - ..
State vs. wullam noperr ooraes;
continued until today at 10 a.m.
Argel Herman Stanton; cnarge no
motor vehicle license: fined SI and
costs. -I
' w T. oiam. SOS Madronna avenue:
charge violation of basic rule; , bail
$750.. K
Bud Smith, 1464 Gregson street;
charge no driver's license; fined sa.50.
Paul D. Oark, 29. US Navy. Cottage
Grove; and Mary Louise White. 29,
aocrrtarv. Marion hotel. Salem.
Evert M. Ross, S3, logger, and 'lona
Rogers. 20. housewife, Dotu ox leoanon.
IQwanis Ends
' Kiwanians were launched on
their Jlst year today, with the
Salem club celebrating at an an
niversary ceremony Jn the Marion
bot Tuesday whu 7 4 . . f
A cake with - JO candles - was
served to members .' and guests.
Special mention was made of Dr.
Henry Morris long record of at
tendance 100 per cent since or
ganization of the Salem club. j
Principal speaker was .Charles
Howard of Portland, past district
governor, who detailed the history
of .the clubs, and who took as
key' words from TKiwaniswv the
letter k for knowledge, ,in fof
the individual,- "w" for we to
indicate cooperation, "a for ap
preciation of an heritage, n! f or
nature in regard to the club's in-
Moderate price. No Jonk. 1
good. See me. - - i
Doc "The CIcck Doc
252 N. Church, Salem
North Santiam to Be
Curbed bVJJ.Se Action
. t, jr ... (,.. ..:
Action on the flood control pro
ject on the north fork of the San
tiam river is assured, . according
to a telegram received by County
Judge Grant Murphy from. Sena
tor Guy- Cordon, who said that
the ajmy .engineera. contemplate ,
action on the project - soon and
advised the Judge to contact Coh
Ralph A. Tudor. Portland, regard
ing present remedial needs.
- OJnless curbed the Santiam may
cut mto a draw near Stayton,
threatening -destruction of farm
lands : and homes : and possibly
leaving the lnter-county bridge
high' "and 'dry. -v Army I ngineera
once set a cost estimate ot $50,000 .
on the project " " "
terest in the" underprivileged, "i
for integrity, and V for service.
fir':?"! y t r'i tvl f.i y i fywTTTf" 'v.ff f 9m ? v i " w "SJf
dollies zAi
HE idude or dandy of by
gone days so disgusted the he
men that they neglected their
appearance. 'Smart! dress Is
UsUMaV la Laa k.aa laa a-A k-4 saa Ua isist ia IriT
of war, where hisj
nate. I .. .
talk will origi-
Pat S.Sr hTtlrt d5 a toe. luheon o DaUas
In Belcrest Memorial park.
Derby " I "
Frank N. Derby, late resident of 245
Korth , winter street, Monday. Janu
ary. 12. at the age of 89 years. Sur
vived by his wife. Mrs. Marian Derby
f Salem; two idaughters. Miss Ulva
jrby of Salem and Mrs. Nellie Derby
Collins of I Portland: two grandchild-
,fen, Marian Johnston of Washington,
A. U., ana tars, jvauienne wniuiey
chamber of commerce.
Special meeting Pacific
Lodge No. 50 A. F. & A. M.
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 10
a.m. Funeral Bro. F. N. Derby.
ef i Forest I Grove: and three great
grandchildren. Services will be held
- Wednesday. ,
from the Clough-Barrick: chapel with
- Rev. George H. Swift officiating. Con
cluding services !in the Portland Cre
matorium Wednesday, January 24. at
I'M p.m.
i Wnttbv
At the residence on East D street.
January 22, Joseph Robbins Whitby.
age 54 years. Husband of Mary Luanna
j Whitby; father of Lt. (Jgr Robert H..
i Whitby, MC," USN, overseas. . Member
f Capital post No- 9. American Le-
- g ton. Funeral services will be held
'- Thursday. January 25, at 3 p.m.. from
-' the W. T. 1 Rigdon chapel. Interment
- In Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum.
FSA Speakers-Cecil Young-
Strom will meet today with in
terested persons, organization rep
resentatives to outline loans under
the new GI bill. The meeting
will start at 9:30 ajn. in the Salem
Chamber of Commerce rooms.
JP Named Governor Earl Shell i
Tuesday announced the ; appoint
ment of Elmer Fj. Russell, North
Bend, as justice of the peace of
district No. 1. Coos countv. Ha I
succeeds Harold
has resigned.
No shortage of w
A. Olson, - who
allpaper at Elf-
Strom's, 375 Chemeketa. ; Morning
shopping is recommerTded.
Optometrist and
111 Oregon Bldg.
Over Sean Store
January 24th,! 70 P. M.
Dr. 6. JT. Neasc, Pasadena,
Califs Evangelist and -
Bible Teacher
Seeking Only To Glorify
j a The Christ
Center Street at 13th
"4JstA,''A '" -. -
V"" ' "Sl "' ' w vws- i
3flK V' "' v
1 . ye?? : - j '.'V--
- ,1 I':-;
i I E 1 i .. i ' I
Starts to
' 'A "i , "". '' -- - " i - ' if i
via Great DJo&tliem
' ;v,:v::!:'v;.-r:::i'VV'b:i:.
A vast amount of the copper so vital to the produc
- tion of war-wixuung weapons for America and her
allies starts for the world's battle fronts in Great
Northern freight cars. . .
" -:' - '; - J Vf V: " 'I. "J"
From Montana's famed, fabulous copper industry
and from mines and smelters in near-by states, too r
- tremendous tonnages Of the red metal in many forms
. ere moved to distant arsenals, foundries and plants
by Great Northern's supply line. ' i ' -" '
-- - . ' u , - ' " ,
; The Northwest's copper industry relies on Great
' Northern for dependable transportation. And, the
railway depends on copper from its territory to keep
its equipment in shape and the supply line rolling.
IL S. ROPER, Trav. Frt. Agent
530 American Bank Bldg. i ,
Portland 5, Oregon ' i
1 a tho nrjpinn duilddd
-! . , ."-
Piimm hy IMaraati any tumps' waifclwss. the . . Anw asssltat sate Is i
i sarewtli aU watars, ti a i tine ear asyiiiiS bsefc to aeaortas) ie she WmtoS Stasa
.. h atise aM sadi heasital shies, t- v. -----. . . - " --
I m- m - - ,- .
SaeaaV. eeasfeaMe it ensesf aawes earry wsoneasl Amerieao t
kaaattala. and trmm awsmas to she WmM Statoe, aawa wash
lawi earry efneit Army fliiht aiirsi.
overseas, o 6e-
orSdtratns. .rt the ArmY
Corps ... c ArrrY-
e49e the lrtr .
.an ea0 ..... i xvoTUCi
' C . . IUV - , ' VCf B , - S -
Army frXc r ivV Z
435 Siaie
1 HeM mt amy a every rap ml raHraatf Siafcs to the ttoltoi Stato. Amy SiaHil
nielara r aertoe eSartotw aae iarS haitals to tol4 aetota. M. S. I
aatatots m tfeasa test, osasysrtsly oswooei aeasHal trahav
. This Message Sponsored by - . v
febuclde-ICing Company
v taster jfrown Cioe Cicrt 1
1 -J ' . i -1 :.- :yr": Salem: ?;;;f ,:, K, :: --.- -