J i.5 Th OBEGON CTATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Morning. January 24. 1915 . PAGE ELEVU7 For Convenience and Profit, Read and Use Statesman Classified ids! For Sale Miscellaneous 1 Wanted Misccllancons For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For rSale F arms .Wanted Real Estate Wanted Used Cars , WE Buy A seU furniture, tools. ItovM, dishes, motors, radios. Electric Appliances, household goods. KLIG- mans, zai ti. commercial, ph. 9885. 1 1000 BOTES Good Cooking Apples from our own orchards. Choice of sev eral varieties, 7Sc box and up. Better . trades 11 IS and un Rrlne hntM SjSeA."16 mad (n PURITAN CIDER WKS. West Salem. ' WE Buy and tell furniture, ant-1 tiques. household goods, lugeaee. tools, ' Moves, guitars. Sundale's, 293 N. Corn'L . Phone 96VB. . . . . .. v . GOOD Delicious applet. .' ph. 7000, BICYCLE: Reasonable. 1954 Ave. Ph. 5810 after .6 P.M.. Hazel FOR SALE: Hot Point electric range. Mil no. cottage.- WOOD circulating heater, like new. Med size. Ph. 1-1142. PRE-WAR. wine chair. Phone 8060. davenport and j COAL or wood circulating heater ......; $89.73 i GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 278 ;N. Liberty . Ph. 4615 MAN'S pre-war light blue gabar- cine tu size 39. $12. i860 rredrick St. Ph. 3640. OIL circulating heater. 4 to 5 r. 'capacity $79.93 Others at $68.75 i GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Ph. 4613 PUPPIES: Thoroughbred Collie and Shepherd. Park Lane. Phone 9416. FULL White Enamel wood range $79.00 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Ph. 4613 I LARGE oil circulator, trade for mall -one or will seU. 3 miles West on Dallas Highway. Box 469. KITCHEN heater, white enamel Circulating type $71.73 ' GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 TROPIC-AIR under seat car heater. Phone 5961. PHILCO radio: fine oak buffet; brass bed. coil springs: .pictures; other ar ticles. 1430 McCoy. t 30 GAL. automatic gas water heater .' $8323 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty i , Ph. 4613 PRE-WAR davenport 09 N. Front. and chair. : WOOD circulating heater. 3 to 4 room capacity j. 356.85 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 273 N. Liberty. Ph. 4615 Valentine greeting cards. The Apron Shop, 679 n. High, Phone eww. SAND. gaaveL crushed, cement, con crete pipe, tile. ' septic tanks. Oregon Gravel Co. Phone 3417. I FOSTER'S Extracts. 344 N. 23rd. I BABY Strollers, all metaL.. $11 AS t ! GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, 273 N. Liberty . . Ph. 4615 7-FT. SPLIT CEDAR posts. 30c each at Fred Smith Lumber Yard. ph. asiS. 3815 State St.' i APPLES. 830 Breya Ave. Ph. 4277. ; LARGE assortroent unpointed fum.. with prime finish for easy painting. Pickett's Co-op Furn.. 13th A State. PIANO BENCHES. $12. Tallman'a. avs . uu. . ' . FULLER Brushes. 1743 Grant P S3S1 ATMORAYS "oZONE." MdiT and "resit B. C Push Ph 2-3458 PO Boa 463 TRAILERS for rent Woodry Auction I Mkt 1603 N Summer., OVAL Braided Rugs ..- s GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, S2.9S I 275 N. Liberty i Ph. 4615 4 WHEEL- trailer chassis $15. Hale Mickey. 815 S. 12th. A. B. Dick mimeograph No. 78. Halo Mickey. 815 S. 12Ui.Fh. lWSO. i" " NEW SPINET PIANOsT - Onlv 12 f 1941 production allowed by W.P.B. In 1945. Few buyers win get kw Spinets. Act now U you want one. Tanman s, n a. uin. near a-. lepot. ' BOY'S pedal fire truck, newly paint- ad. excellent condition. 1899 ft. istn. - DEEP well water pumping system, complete with motor and pipe. Rt. 4. Box ) SOS. uoum Anaerson. ' 1041 DKMOINES trailer house, like lew.i 1162 Edgewaterf ' I LATE Model cabinet radio, good ond $73. 351s S. ' 19th. axis BLUE Wool rug. 4ix6 green wool, rug. inner spring- mattress., all pre-war. I pr. floral drapes. Ph. 8652. GAS Range, smooth top. 3 burner wnh broiler and pilot light Ph. 7009 after! f PJA. LARGE boV's bicycle. Ph. 3024 after P.M. or Sundays. Howard Plumbing & j.. Sheet . Metal Co. Phone 2-1443 1520 Jefferson Plumbing and heating, furnaces, gut ters. ! filters. smokestacks, blowers. , Fully equipped repair truck. Prompt dependable service. WRINGER Rolls for all makes of washing machines. See Mr. Ellis at Kelson Bros Furn. Co., 315 N. Lib erty jSt r Wanteti Miscellaneous WANTED: 30 or 40 cords 4 ft end growth wood. Ph. 3013. ; wanted: t ice b03e-, F: Jrl IRONING done, my home. Ph. 9068. POP-UP toaster. Small right foot roller skate. Consider pair. P. F. Craig. Valley Motor. OIL Circulator with - fan.; Ph. 2269. CASH for household goods, appli ances and radios. Huss, 415 Ferry, ph. 2-1029. : - WANTED, PIANOS. Will pay cash. Wills Music Store, 432 SUU St. I ADVERTISING , Western Advertising - ! Representatives ' Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. , San Francisco - . Eastern Advertising Representatives ; Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. Chicago; New York. Detroit .j , .Boston, Atlanta- . . . . ! MBWSSSBSSSSB v 1 ! Member " ! Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising' mmrA . at the Portoffice at Salem Oregon as Second Class Matter. Pub t.k.A mm mornina Except Monday. R.iiun office 215 South Commtf ciml rreet, ' SITBSCRIPTION RATES ' tf.ii suKcrrmtlon Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Ma Jl . S.1O0: 1 veer. 84.00: lUsewhere 60 cento per mo. or $7J for 1 year in aavance. rw h V r.rrier. 73 cents a month. td oo a year tn advance in Marion and We Buy- Furniture TRADE WITH A ml OF SO TEARS REPUTATION Or BUSINESS INTEG RTTY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HIGHEST PRICES PAID rOB USED Pianos Furniture and Appliances Can 9149 tor appointment, HOGG BROS. 260 State St CASH - far used piano A other mu sical Instruments Call 464l days ot 8527 evening or send deecrlptjon to Jaquith Musie Cow HI S . Hlgb- WANT TO Bus. trsea cameras at tens MrEwart Photo Shop 433 Stala WANTED. Pianos. Tallman'a, Ph. 8T0T USED rURNITURE Ph tltt Wanted F arnitnre D You have furniture to sell, call or see Buss Bright Ph. 7311 or 5862. Miscellaneous VETERANS' Information Service. Chamber of - Commerce, 1 to 4 pjn. Sponsored by Distabled Amer. Vets. A. L. Brewster, Service Officer. Ph. 4339, PLASTERING? Ptaming a"specialty! L. F. Kilfoil. 543 S. Com'L STOVE narts and repairing. Woodry mm. 1 fins N summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening and adjusting, continued Dental Plate Renair CASES Bring or Mai! Ywr Plates for Repair AdolDh Bldg State A Com. Ph. 3311 FREE crutches. Woodry Auction Market. 1605 N. Summer. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING rms. 555 Center St. Tim ROOM with kitchen privilege, to working girl. Nice clean place. Call bet. 6 and T PJK. arc . Toni, Furn. base. H-K. rm. 160 Division, Furnished sleeping room. Ph. 8923.' LARGE bed rm. 7 blocks Capitol Bid. Ph. 7694. For Rent Apartments FURN. APTS. 253 Division. For Rent Bouses a BU. house. 1 bed room, oil stove, ,W wt heater. 3 ml. S. Salem. 2nd house front 99 on Pringle road. Rt. 4. Box 113. i 3 RM. unfurni house, except cook stove. 2635 Portland Rd, w rear. For Rent FLOOR SANDER tor rent Mont eomery Ward TRAILERS for rent Weodry'a Mkt. 1605 N. Summer. Ph. tin TRUCKS for tent You drive 3fc Cune Lovetl obooe sooo GOOD Used Piano. H L. Stiff. Wanted to Rent FURNISHED 4 or 3 rm. house. Per- manent rehable couple.' Ph. 21944. FURN. or urifurn. he.. 2 or 3 bdrm by Feb. 18. Guarantee good care. tm. HOWS. - atwit ts- nuable. local family want $ bdrm. bouse, kxcci. rex. rn. For SaleReal pstate bv nwwTH- l 'bdrm. furn. Basement. Call evenings 833 Gaines. Business Accounting Service . rOMPUTf ! accounting service., In- miM ts- returns, rarna I Morton. Phone .22659. nrnL Mnvtisne- Exo. tax acct. 1610 E. Turner Rd. Ph. Helton 2-1295. INCOME tax returns from $3 up. O. J. Greer 180 N. Com'i. uoom iu. . fiv nrrapuiL RiMlness Account- f fn See Cain. 531 court, m. mw. Res. 6217. : . Airplane Riddels KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry Model Aircraft 21st & Market aty Alterations ALTERATIONS, i sewing, .fur 180 N. Commercial. Room 2. Art Tile ratr Roam- drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 9964. 1143 N. 13th. Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. ComX Mlka Panek T7! 8. Com'L Ph. 8161 Brake and wheel ; aligning specialist Auto & Truck Serrice MARION MOTORS NASH SALES At SERVICE Experienced mechanics. Otto Buff, foreman. 375 Center. : Ph. 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 8. Com'L Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott, 147 S. Com'cL P. 4516 Body & Fender Repairs Salem Body and render Works. Frsme and wheel alignment radiator repair - and painting. 219 so. HlgB at. Phone 8S9S. .:--. - HERE AT I .-OWENS CO. 239 S. ComX Bnlldoiing f Contracting LAND clearing, road const. Glen Stevaneon. 934 . Judson. Ph. 8030. Cement Contracting CEMENT Ph. 407L contracting. C. R. Ellis. Chimney Sweep .OU, cnteULATOR. furnaces, chhti nevs cleaned repaired. Vacuum 8t steel brushes. Enstey. 771 8 21st P. T178 Florists- FLOWERS; funeral sprays: gardenias; 242 N. Commercial. Phone BJm. DONT MISS OLDER WELL BUILT HOME Living room, dining room. -1 bed room, . kitchen and bath , down, 2 bed rooms up. ail nice largo rooms. Fire place, full basement with sawdust furnace, garage.. All in excellent con dition, i , , .. : ITS ONLY $3000 A small country home, with 2 acres land right on the bus line. The house only a i years old and has lights. water .-, and) part basement. 2 A. are set to cherry, apple and 'walnut trees. It's a grand location, worth seeing. , u MARION STREET , J 4 bed room - house with double plumbing. ! full basement ami - wood furnace. Priced to sell att $4750. LEE OHMART & 164 . S. Ij COMMERCIAL. IN AURORA (pictures). Distinctive setting. Creek, 4 acres Willamette sou, large house. $4950. Abo 2 acres and small house. $2000. Ph. 5128. Owner. . Double garage. Off Capitol on Norway. SJ73U. a room nouse. ngiewooa aisu L E. Meredith,5; Realtor 55 P. Boad ; Phone 4463 IN CANBY. Nice . 3 bdrm. weU lo tted home 84950. Ph. 5128. Owner. 1 FINE RETURN ON INVESTMENT ' a aoanmenx noma on ous tine ana Bat 74x155. j Present rentals $102.00 per month, priced to seU at $5Z50. see 344 state St. Ph. .9261 : i I NEAT 2 room house on full lot has plumbing. Price $1000. See Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig Room i3 .Ladd c Bush uidg. outh Ssalem 5 RM. HOUSE ; HARDWOOD FLOORS. COMBINA TION LIVING ROOM AND DINING RM., 2 BEDRMS.. KITCHEN wired tor elec. range, nook, basement wood furnace. Large corner lot See Glen Fisher , with Mc Real Estate Agency 169 S. High Ph. 5131 Evenings 479f HAVE Buvers for all types of prop er! v. List with us for a Quick sale, i Alfred Dumbeck or W. a. saueressig Room 3 Ladd 8c Bush Bldg. $5800. 3 rm. home, ti acre Just edge of City. Basmt, gas tumace toy. trays. i . i 943 S. ComcL Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538 85500. Nice home South. L. rm. Hwd. Boors. , Fireplace. 2 bedrms. Lively kitchen. Wired tor range, v. punas. Nice lawn and shrubs. Call for apt, . HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. U VtO S. COM'L. ST. 1 Phone 3793 Evei: phone 9441 6000. Large hse.. walking distance downtown, i 1 bedrm. down 2 up. Basmt.. sawdust fur. ldy trays. Ga rage. Paved St. Bus line. OLSON A REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Cornel. Ph. 4590. Eve. 9538 85500) 2 bedrm. late built home South, i Fireplace, hwd. firs., oil fur nace, hot water heater k electric range, Nice yarn witn leneea dbck iawn. OLSON Sr REEVE. REALTORS - 945 S. ComcL Ph 4580. Eve. 9536 - Nine two bedroom- home. : fireolace. carpeted wall to wall. Double garage. lot iUPXIUO. sozuu.ou - BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street i Ph. 3210 SaOM SUBURBAN HOME Lot mpx. 125x22s. House 6 mo. old. L. rm. Large kitchen. 1 bedrm. down, unfinished upsta'rs. Stairway In. Wired for range. Own water system. . HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. i 970 S. COM'L. ST. 's Phone 3793 t . Eve; phone 9441 23800.1 Large 4 bedrm. hse. m good location. Corner lot. Bus line. Paved St. Nice yard with shrubs. OLSON & BEEVS. REALTORS : 943 S. ComcL Ph. 4590. Eve. S53S Bosinen Directory cards nut by the numUt only. Kate $L25 per line per month. Call 1101 today be listed tomorrow! Horists .1 V'- l Breithaupt's - 447 Court i Phone 9193 Funeral Directors ROSE: LAWN. Funeral Home. 2850 S. Commercial. Ph. 55o5.jr ? HOWELL-EDWARDS. Ph. 3672. Insurance Bristol 8c Cook, General Insurance. 403 oreg. Biog. ' rn. zimj -- For. Life Insurance and Annuities see Paul Acton. 408. Masonic Bldg. .; Lawnmower Sharpening GUARANTEED WORK ion special factory grinders by Harry W. Scott "The Cycle Man , 147 s, commercial Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4008. I Music Lessons SPANISH St Hawilan Guitar. Mando lin, Banjo, etc. 1533 Court Ph- Painting PAINTING Ax Decorating. Ph. 7352. Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 4490. PAPERING and painting. Ph. 2724. PAINTING Jt Papering.: Ph. 3629., EXPERT Workmanship iphone. 43?5 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, nroerams. books or in kind of print ing, call The SUtesman Printing De partment 219 8. commercial. Tele phone 910L , . Photographic Supplies HENRY'S PHOTO. 469 SUte St Photography PORTRAITS by Bishop Studibs are guaranteed to satisfy. On the ground tioor at aze sut st. rn. sizz. . Plumbing' Patton's Plumbine & Heatine Store. sjov fairgrounds Rd. ph. 8627, plumb ing ot heating, installing 8 repair won ana electrical appnancea. 1 -j EXPERT SERVICE . . John Fisher. Ph 3019.-63S 8. 12th. A. L. SKEWTS At CO. Plumbing aeauna. n. stu;n, nt, tsa. . Di THESE! 1 S ACRES SMALL HOME r Has hvlr.g room, dining room, t bed room. Jdtchen and bath, lights and water, good-1 barn with Z stanchions. All under cultivation, part in goose berries and youngberries, part open land. Close In. priced at $4500. ! NEW I BED ROOM HOME' Just outside of town oa , acre of land, has modern electric water heat er and good oil floor furnace, garage. Located off of the Silverton . Hiway. will sett for $5375. . A GOOD BUY n-S MODERN : 3 bed room home for only $5500, has living room, dining room, 2 bed 'rooms, kitchen: and bath down and one large bed room up. V.' blinds; nice fireplace, lloor zurnace and water - neater, i. let us show; you this one -f - -' -' - COj ! REALTORS ;; PH. 9C80; EVES 9, SUN. PH.. STTf ' OUR SPECIAL TODAY i 2 bed 1 room bungalow of generous ro portions; completely modern: full asemeart; garage. Well located to downtown and schools. Price $4250. See MR. VOORHEES with LEO N. CHILDS. INC REALTORS 344 1 State St Ph. 9261 - MOD.!3 bedrm. house, fireplace, dou ble garage, wired tor range, hardwood floors Venetian bunds, s DIR. to bus. Englewaod Durt. Ph. 6213. i NORTH CHURCH. Two bed house.- Don't miss this one at $3700, Mr. Byrkit with - BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street ' Ph. S210 $4200. h East Living rm. Dining : rm. Kitchen. : 2 bedrms. Plastered, basmt. rur.. ldy. trays. Attached garage, im mediate possession. OLSON k REEVE. REALTORS 943 S. ComcL Ph. 4590. Eve. 9536 TWO bedroom home South furnished $3750. unfurnished $3500.00. four blocks high school. 10 blocks to grade school. Mr. Gardner with BURT PICHA. REALTORS ! 337 North High Street , Ph. 3210 $5400. an new district ! East L. rm. Dinette, i 2 bed rooms. ; Hwd. floors. Fireplace. V. blinds. Unfinished up stairs. Ldy. trays- Two i lots. Shrubs, flowers and fruit trees. Chicken house. i; HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. ! i 07O s. rOU'I. ST. I Phone 2393 Eve. phone 9441 TMMED. Poss. : Attractive 3 bdrm. mod. home. D. i rm., breakfast rm. Hd firs- V. blinds. Bimt.. furn. Ga rage. Nr. schools, on bus line Ph. owner 8063. -.. I FINE three bedroom home, close in on xorui viurcn. f liwu.uv. j Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS ! 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 . $6300. : 1 acre East with nice home only 4 jr. old. L. rm. Dinette. 2 bedrm. Hwd. i floors. Fireplace; Wired for range. V. blinds throughout. Utility room. Attached garage. Nice lawn and shrubs. ; i ' i i HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. j 1970 S. COM'L. ST. Phone 3793 Eve. phone 9441 ONE ACRE nearly new modern three bedrooms on one floor in Capitola Dis trict. A. very nice puce at $5700.oo. Mr. Byrkit with , BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North) High Street Ph. 3210 5 ROOM home with an acre of round: attached to the house is 2 story garage with wash room and large play room upstairs. Sawdust fur nace which is an conditioned, immea- tat nnssion- 88900. . Here la a well built house. 3 bed rooms, basement furnace. The lot is 100x100. 47500. i j p4 H-BBLL. REALTOR ) 7 RM. Plastered House near Rich mond schooL 50x140 lot. 23500. ' 6 R. Plastered house, near schools. Immediate Dossession. $3750. 1 6 R. Mor. house, walking distance. blks. to banks.! H. P. Grant, Realtor 529 Court St ! J . Salem TTta cHOTri;J i!ofTioir Cozy two bed room cottage. Living room, dining room and large combi nation kitchen, utility room and din ing nook; This one will interest you at $4250. See MR. DANIELSON with LEO N4 CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St ; -Pfa. 9261 j riectSory Plumbing BO WEN BROS Plumbing and Heat ing. 353 BT. Com L Pit, 7Z1S. Roofing Repairtlig, tarring. Kennedy. Ph. 8056 Riigsl & Uphol. Qeaned BUGS Snd -uphoL cleaned. Ph. 6831. Shoe Repairing Stubblefield Shoe Repairing. 156 S. Com'L Shoes shined, cleaned & dyed. Sand and Gravel i SANTJ.I Wavel' crushed i rock, ready mixed concrete. , Walling i Sand and Gravel pp.. 8561 -; -r:S: ! Sewing Machine Repairing 257 Court Ph 2028 W. A Guy. Septic Tanks Cleaned CET m ortees before having work done. Ph. .7404. Permanent resident of W Salem j Kenneth HameL ll sm et Transfer: U-DRTVE I TRUCKS FOB - RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. svsz FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, storage, burner oil. briquets. Truck to Portland daily. Agent Pierce - Auto Freight including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. pn. iim. .r Tire Recapping OK. Rubber Weldersr-Truck and Pnaeneer. non -directional tire treads on all truck Urea,, 202 S. High. Ph. 3548 Vaenum Cleaner Service rontacet reset bricked. Oil heaters. hot i air pipes vacuum ' cleaned, caves deemed, repairea, &enneay rn. CERl'Li'lED - GUAR, serv.' All mages. Vlnce a Elestric. 157 S. Lib. Tel. 8292 FREST inspection ' In" youf home. 'Au thorised Hoover service. We service an snakes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Pb. 9149. Weather Strips Weather strins and Insulation. 4 T- Pullmaa. Ph. 5963. Free estimates. Window Cleaning ALL . Work naranteed. Windows. walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. - wow Cleaning ServiceJ Ph. 4437. WINDOWS. Coors cleaned. Ph. 21458 Woodsawing ' , JAMES. PETERSON. Ph. 22817. CLOSE TO STATE HOUSE NORTH I 3 B. rooms ; first floor, extra large living and dining, full basement, well located for all schools. Price for quick sale xenon. i C H. SANDERS - 231 JJ. High - 5S3S i I KM. home Korth. Has basement garage attached to house. 2 lots. Fruit 4c -nut trees. House needsedecorating. Price $4,(o. - . - s can o. v. tiume - i with GRABENHORST BBOS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. v - Ph. 4131 , FOUR room home South. $3700.00. 1 Mr. Gardner with - - v BURT PICHA. REALTORS - 337 North. Hight Street v - Ph. 3218 .ATTRACTIVE home lust remodeled. lot 75x150. Kingwood Heights, 2 blocks to bus. Pre-war value at $3500.' Pb, 8413 HOUSE in Capitola DisL 8 rms. $3300. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR. -Z i - Phone J 3031 . or 7903 MOVING to Country: Owner Offers rooms 8c nook, modern. S. Salem, for $5500. Call L. it Ellis, PH. 2-123L LATE Built 9 rm. home en East edge of city. Has oak floors, fireplace, elec. ' water - heater, laundry trays. Unfin. attic. Garage. Large lot. Elec. I range goes with house at $5,450.00. with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors j it s. uoeiry ai. - rn. im 2 BDRM. house with ' bath room. wired for elec. ranee, garage, wood shed, also the furniture, small chtcK en house. Only $3,500. located at Lib erty. See MR, LARSEN with InnrKr'unavS Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. trJcS t Ph. ,siub. i tk'-" Realtors I k CHOICE VIEW LOT One .of the finest . in Kingwood Heights 60x120 ft. $850. SALEM REALTY CO. ia New Bligfa Bldg. Phone ,7660 I LARGE bouse for sale, a natural for I vnurinn Inta S anartfnents. Plans i & specifications for remodeling fur-1 nished free. House close in. Excellent I physical condition. When converted j Wlii onng sjou.uo or more monwujr.-. 825 N: th St. Phone 4383 s M. home.' cIom to bus Bne. Has 1 basement garage, corner lot. garden 1 space. Price S4.2ou.uu. - Call O. V; Hume - ' With GRABENHORST, BROS.. Realtors 134 S. Liberty st. -n. w NEAT AND CLEAN L Older type home on choice corner lot 72x140 north, 2 bdrms., auto. oU circulator, new buut-ms ' for kitchen on premises but not installed. Extra building could be converted into in come; Price soooo. SALEM REALTY CO. 122 New BliKh Bldg. I Phone 7860 6 ROOM modern home close in North. Good garden space, variety fruit Price $6250.00. Chas. Hudkins or Walter Socolofskv 273 SUte St. Phone 9494, NORTH 8 laree lots. 3 bedrms.. all first floor. for quick sale only $3500 cash. C HJ SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 - I :SEE THIS Tr house 44 bdrms). LJL. D2 Kit. "Utility Rm., Bath, newly painted. nw ! urif. ) fine location 'east, big shade tree. Its a good buy at $6000. c a Tree ! tit' a T rrrr Sr O AXjU11 1 XrU.fYlj 11 122. New Bligh Bldg. m . mca a RM. nlastered home Close to SUte House. This ia an ideal home to rent sleeping rooms, or remodel- to apts. Price $400. i CaU O. V. Hume with GRABENHORST BROS.", Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. . ui 8 BEDRM. : home. IH., D.R den. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace. ' Ven. blinds. Larse lot Excellent construction A condition. Walking distance. $13,000. Tjirkpn Home & Loan Co. , v. inclusive uiuiui wj ' 783 S. Commercial . Ph. 8389 -"'"l.Xll'rr"''' h . sriunu arj.iAt. ; ' neat uw- huv iwv uvuu, H. W, firs,,' modern kitchen, one one mm, land dark soiL north, new elec. water htr, low taxes. Only $5000. SALEM 4 REALTY CO. 122 New , Bligh . Bldg. Phone 7680 S Rlf HOME NORTH Just off North Capitol. 3 rms. with basement A ; sawdust furnace. Lot 52x170.-84500. ! - 4 rms. A nooV HardVood firs, ba 3UU1 xl wun i,. merit - & furnace. 2. lota, on corner. $4000 $1000 Dn. ' . i 2 BEDRM. HOME North of SUte St 2 blks. Fireplace. Full basement with sawdust furnace. Enclosed back yard. $7350. , ? - RMS. ONE FLR. ' 83300. Old home on cor. lot South. 2 bedrms. on one fir., wood range goes wh P.L. - 1 S . - 2 furnished 3 rm. apts. 8c one 4 rm. ant. unfurnished. Down town between rnml A, Ubertv. North. $6300. 40 ACRES 20 MliS soutn ox city, rmi. house A good large " barn A brooder house, 32 A. in cult Elect water system. 2 heifers, hay ,L wood elect cream separator gees with Dlace.;' K mile to school. $5700. ART MADSEN 1326 STATE ST. tS- Ph. 5580 T7 Tmni imH. Lot 124x150. L. MB. D. rmj comonnaiion. a Dram, ieciuis porch. Wired ; for range. Auto, gas furnace. Ldy. trays, attractive lawn. : HUFF REAL." ESTATE WU. 970 S. COM'L. ST. Phone 3793 t Eve. phone 9441 flWKm teavinc town: 5 rms. and bath. New caroeU and linoleum, 2 large lots with beautiful shrubs. Back yard fenced. dOL. garage, cnoice loca tion. Ph. 9963.; . For i SaleFarms lit ACRES, good soil. 100 A. 'under cultivation. 10 A. of nice ! walnut. A. pasture as nmoer. woven wns es electric fences, unlimited water, sup- piy, gravity system, pipea to mu uius. Year around creek, springs. Uooa fer.SSr-g.'r. barn, maenme snea, nog nouse, gwu poultry house. , also sheep bam. Also large 3 rm. house with electricity A waters Family , orchard, good honest tenant Price includes interest on livestock. $20,000. Located e. on pavea road. Win take part trade. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Only - 769 Si Commercial St - Ph. 8389 ) TURKEY GROWERS i ATTENTION Fully equipped , brooder house with care taker's home, automa , tic water system, another 3 room -house, 1 acre of filberts. Total acreage five. Price only $6300.00. ", See - BLIYEN-ALDERIN-COONEY, , ,, . j " Realtors v ' " . 430 Oregon Bldg. ! Phone 7908 17 ACRES, 4 mt E. of town. Attrac tive home, on : pavement. $io,ow. Ha P. Grant, Realtor 329 Cburt St ;-sV' " , f Ph. 8744 - RIVER BOTTOM FARM Only 34 miles from city center. Kow ooeratine as a Grade 'A" dairy. 103 acres, about 90 acres in cultivation. Irrigation system, plenty of water, tor Irrigation, i-rm. house, dairy barn A shed, includes it neaa oi oiiry cows, r,i-k-un truck, milking machines and some other equipment. Price 82.5C0 Cash. IT YOU WANT RIVER BOTTOM LAND IT WILL PAY YOU II) IN VESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE. Call GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS , 134 S. Liberty St , Phone 4X31. I INDEPENDENCE ON 28 ACRES fruit nuts, dandy berry ' soiL. own fueL Good bungalow. Garage. Barn 8c sheds, spring water, paved road, near small town. Price $6500. Photos at oun office. - i. - w -. 1 - Alfred DurnbeciS, or W. A. Saueressig . - Room 3 Ladd 8s, Bush Bldg. - WANTED, FARMS ALL SIZES. KINDS AND PRICES. DEMAND IS LOWERING OUR SUP PLY OF FARMS AND SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. SEVERIN REALTY CO, ' i , 232 N. HIGH ST. - TEL. 4016 WELL improved 142 acre farm. Mod ern 11 : room house. Place aU im crop. Land .ia in high itate j of cultivation. Price $24,000.00. , ', ' -..i -vf 5 J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 202 Pearee Bldg. Ph. 8672 HERE IS A GOOD FARM j 50 acres, heart of Howell Prairie, all m cultivation, mostly in crop, fully equipped, 15 dairy cows, some other livestock, large dairy barn, - 2 sUos; strictly modern 3 bed room home with fir.ni. oiv n?onn eo reauired: jbaL 5 yrs. at 5rTotal price $23)00. SALEM REALTY CO. 122 New BlighjBldg; Phone 7660 $5500 GOOD FARM HOME i Modern 2 bed room house wired for milk route. Must be seen to be ao- precUted. See Mrs. Needham or Louis BechteL 241 SUte SL - FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres 4 miles from - .Toledo. Creeks, good sou. timber enough to more than pay for ft. Want small place in or near saiem. Jri. u. baxion, ix Royal SU Salem. .. 14 auus, nice 1 room nouse wiw large bath, fireplace, bsm't furnace, DbL - garage.- small stable.' chicken ibbihc """ wT." . - Price antweo. y ' " WALTER SOCOLOFSKY 273 State St - Phone' 9494 Acreage' $4200. On Lang Ave. ft Acre with 4 room mod. house. $6300. 1 Acre. 2 bed room mod. house, hd. wood floor. Fireplace. V. blinds. $7800. 20 acres. Mod. 8 bed room j house. BsmL Furnace. Wired for range R. E. Mere&tiV'Realtbr 3155 P. RoadU mom 4ra Us ACRES on River Road SonOi. A 4 bed room house, electric water sys tem, place for cow and chickens, good garden spot. $4900. I .-i-r 8,s acres, miles out oq pavement with a 4 room cottage, wired for range, bath room. Water system. Dou ble garage, bam. running water. An Ideal setup for $4500. - : P. H. BELL. REALTOR i 402 Guardian Bldg. I : : Phone 4896 i NORTHEAST Dandr acres aU in fruit located on highly developed road. A good invest- : . . 1 tt . 1.. . .1.4;.. .i.A man. awo chcucui wuuuuu $3500. " v . .L. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 j $3000. 3 Acre, 3 rm. hse. with bath 1 a loneu iocaiea t owcx oix nwj I North. I OLSON A REEVE. REALTORS ma s. womcL ru ro vrw. Acres South, four room house and rarane. Elec water - heater. Cir. ! heat 310 mi. to bus. k mt to grade achoot: 84500.O9. ; :- Mr,. Gardner witn- ''-e--- BURT nuu,iuiu 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 4 ACRES,nlce modem house, paved tad North. 89.500. ' - (.Acreage on Hy. 99 North, good front T r. a. forkner. realtor 1 ii-.i.,mi.i'' 1 I rsa v. a. East. Dandv 2 bedrm. I home with hwd. floors. V. blinds. Va- I riety of fruit trees, immediate iston. - f OLSON A REEVE. REALTORS 93 ggSScL" T Ph. Ever3 homsJiracr-f soil. J'aved road en rront ana rear ox nmnertv. Laree chicken house, accom- mndil T00O lavinf hens.. Good sized barn. One acre cherry trees, also wal- nut and fruit trees. 2 blks from Swegle 4inl 1 li. miloc fram eitv . limits. Bus service within two blks. Large T rra.l,:. . -nnLA QZL mod, home.Ph, 2-1269. Rt 6. Box, 447 on Garden Road. NEW Modern house. Garden Road. 2 to 13 acres. You will like it. Terms. S A. Small house. S. $3000, terms like rent. -" H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Suburban FOR SALE by Owner: 1 rm. modern I home. Hwd. firs- sawdust furnace. V. bunds.- lull basem.. large oeauuiuuy i landscaped acre. 235 fark, Ave. -; - : suburban 2 bedrooms, living: room. - dining room, kitchen. . " -I . .r R. A.- FORKNER. REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol v Phone 3031 or 7903 BY OWNER. Neat home, wett built Ion li A. Ground eood carden soiL i aonie uwcri m uoiks. umm m bath, lge. liv. rms. (hwdi ft), kitchen, nook, utility r glass inclosed porch. Chicken hse. A garage. All for $5)0.00. Ph. ZZ880. -: ,r Wantecl Ceal Estate TIME IS NOW ' TO SELL YOUR HOME WE HAVE CASH' BUYERS WAITING. PROMPT. COURTEOUS SERVICE STARTS TO OPERATE IMMEDIATELY UPON i ToTTwi uirrn irst rk vot oirR I long LIST OF SATISFIED SELLERS I I AND BUYERS THAT SOLD AND i BOUGHT THRU OUK OFFICE. A I j TELEPHONE CALL WILL BRING A I i repRESENTATTVE TO APPRAISE a I AND LIST YOUR PROPERTY. SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 ! N. HIGH ST. TEL. 4016 WANTED by ' private party, best house $2500 will buy. Leave word or write 2293 jLeejst. 2 BDRM. HOME with basem. Prefer Hollywood dist. Ph. 834L, WE NEED LISTINGS on an kinds of I nmnertv in Salem or within 10 miles. Have people ready with, the cash at you want it. ' - - D. A. FISH ATI Court Ph. 524 "wieJ" are"" traGENiY "d NEEi3"cir MODERN HOMES FROM $5000 J8. TO $8000)0. Call . : 3210 t FOR PROMPT LTSTINO SERVICE BURT PICHA, REALTORS JOT 1TORTH HTOH STREET NOTICE: IT your property is sale, rent or exchange, nst tt with We have ail Kindt casn Buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . 218 uuaraiaB tMog. - WANT TO SELL? 1 ., .Let OS handle your sale. -ALWAYS Prompt courteous service and good . aavemamg. LEE OHMART & CO. 184 So. Com'L St - Phone 9628 , . , - Lee Ohmart For Evening W. L. "Habby" Appointmentst Habrnicht Phone 2772 '' " - " Mrs. Calaba I ESTABLISHED- REALTORS "- 1 " S DESPERATELY IN NEED OF HOMES. BUSINESS PROPERTY. ACREAGE AND FARMS. TO FILL OUR MANY LOCAL AND OUT OF .TOWN REQUESTS. CALL 7660. SALEM REALTY CO. : Our immediate cooperation assured WANTED: A house with 2 bedrms, bemt, in good repair, from "D St to 8c incL Hollywood Dirt. $4500. Ph. 6744. Inspect at once. . , i -t. . ' - Hr I?. Grant, Realtor ryy.' r l ? . a 1P1iff7.! WANTED Have 'client with $18,000 cash. Wanto 3 BJt home all one floor. Must be modern. ..-, ; f ; . v . Want also 2 B R. noma, modern, or semi. Has $5000 to $7500.. - Want moderate priced 2-2 BJS. $3000 $4000. - , - , -v ' EDGAR M. SANDERS 2085 Maple - - . -- . Ph. 8858 Business Opportunities t CABINET shop and apts. Corner lot down town. Apts. will net $105 M per month. Shop completely equipped with new- modern saws, lathes, jointers, shapers, band saw, acct. welder, elec. welder. Showing very nice-net Income. Property can be bought separate. For detailed information and appointment caU Mr. Byrkit with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street . ' , Pa. 2216 k. SUBURBAN GROCERY Up-to-date store, doing a good business,- living quarters with basement and furnace heat. Large lot. A Real Store for the right couple. . ; Call O. V. Hume With GRABENHORST BROS. 134 S. Uberty St. - Ph. 4131 BUNGALOW COURT $3550.00 Each for these four bunga lows on two lots. Five years old. Fire place. -Floor furnace. V. blinds. Ga rages attached.- R. E. Meredith, Realtor 3155 P. Road Phone 4463 . APT. house close in; there are 4 com p.' furnished apts house air cond, insulated 4c weather stripped. $199 in come, terms. See MR. GOODWIN witn Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 6. Ph. 8713 2 CHAIR Beauty Parlor. Best of equipment In downtown dist U 70U want a business ot your own, dont fail to see . this. Mr. Byrkit. BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N, High .-Ph. 2210 HOW WOULD YOU LUCE An apartment house with a revenue of 8168.00 a month. Plus owner's apart ment? Utilities only run around 835.00 1 a month and it a completely furnished except owner's apt. All for $7800. LEE OHMART & CO. 164 So. Coral St. . Phone 9680 For Sale; -Used Cars Always the BEST For. LESS. ; ? PONT1ACS " ' 41 Con. Cpe. R. 6c H. 39 Con. Cpe. RAH. 40 Torpedo Sedan. B A EL 37 D. L. Sedan " FORDS 34 D. L. Sedan '' V 37 D. L. Sedan 37 D. L. Cpe. . 41 D. L. Sedan 39 Tudor Sedan- 21 Model A 6 Pass, Cpe. X. "OTHERS I 40 Chev. D. li. Con, Cpe. r Lwage, uuee 34 Stude Diet. Sdn. 33 Chev. 4 dr. Sedan. - ; 31 Chev. Cpe- , ' Herrall-Owens Comnanv 233 S Commercial Ph. 3169 at SPECIALS '37 Dodge 4-Dr. Tr. Se- good tires, complete- ly reconditioned, $685. '25 Chev. Pickup, good T a 6"""' A. B.C. MOTORS 1293 SUte Street Phone 9786 Chrysler Imperial 4-dr. Sed. A-l condition throughout Ph. 9537 Sun. or 4841 week days. - Ww1aI A' S.,irf SmIib rTnmnltotv IW, J erhauled. new, tires. 1941 McCoy Ave. 4 noon Packard hi nerfect shape. Call mornings, 779 No. Cottage. Personal r- Palmistry ' Tells your past present and future 173 S. Com! ..-a k Transportation WANT ride to Los Angeles about reb. 6. Auto mechanic. Will furnish references. Box 36, Jefferson. Ore.: DAILY CROSSWORD -i ACROSS Lfeize 8. Fish. r ; t. Tuft of feathers on bird's wing; 10. Oust 12. Deere . (Ecd.) 13. Coronet 14. Flavoring ' alnrp It-Break sharply IT. Property , ' ? -. 3. Genus of lily 4. Tropical i . fruit' 5. Wager j f 6. Imaginary line through center 7. Reach across 8, Blanket i . robes (Sp.) Acidity of ! stomach t (Pathol.) 11. Folded coat fronts ; i 15. TeUurium 1 . (sym.) IS. Born 20. Presiding; , Elder (abbr.) 2L Music note ; a. Inn 25. Auction . IS. Sound of a goose.' ;r 28. Self-esteem 31. Part of "to be- 32. Arrentum : (sym.) 33. Silent ' 35. Edge 33. Quota 41. Pine tree plantations 43. Wicked : things v ' 45. Coins (U3.) 48. Ragout Of 'gam -' 47. Bang : 43. For fear that ' 49. Number DOVN . , LDanng light 2. Rounds, ax of ladder for BUY-SELL USED GARS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A BET TER CAR , AND MAKE A BETTER DEAL AT , . LODER BROS. Y YOTT WILL GET EVERY DOLLAR' YOUR CAR IS WORTH IF YOU SELL IT TO . -.-.w LODER .BROS. . D YOU ARE IN THE MARKET TO BUY OR SELL Wt WILL BE GLAD TO GIVE YOU ACCURATE AND COMPLETE INFOR MATION ABOUT PRICE CEILING REGULATIONS, i -.- i . LODER BROS; Oldsmobtle Sales 443 Center St. .1 . 8c Service - Ph. 8133 LODER'S TODAY'S SPiaAL ' Chrysler Royal Sed. Fully equipped. WHAT WILL YOUR i CAR BE WORTH? WHEN THE EUROPEAN WAR IS FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUR RENT PRICES. , WE PAY CASH ALL MAKES ALL MODELS HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S. Commercial Ph. 2189 Marion Motors : WANT TO BUY 1941 Ford Deluxe Sedan Also in the market for. other late; models all makes. -MARION 6c LIBERTY PH. 3158 WE PA TOPS! Get every dime rour ear la worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head I "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S eJdeat-ndcpendent ased ear NJC Cornet Church 8t' Chem Pb 7222 For Sale Wood GREEN edgings for small heaters and kitchen stoves $8 load deliv ered north of SUte St Oregon ' Fuel Co. Ph, 5533. W COALM48 Hoyt Ph. 6523""- MILL WOOD. 1346 Hoyt. Ph. 8523s OLD s GROWTH FIR. 18 inch, green or dry, 813 and $13.50. 705 W. Main St, Monmouth. Ore or phone after 8, Sa lem 8491. . , UTAH Nut Coal Vs ton to customer. Ph, 7721. (North Cherry Ave. j HEAVY mill wood $6 50 load; 812 double load 4 ft slab tor furnace. ph-. Vi:-t::'J;"'--rKr: -1,-."-"-' - g"' G tlr. H. EL Clason, Mehama. tJvDt SLAB $8 per cord. Cord. Ilk St 2 cord load. Capitol Lumber As Fuel Co. Ph. 772L fj i - ..-51'! GUEEN old growth 10 in prompt, delivery Phone 4444. Lost and Found -LOST: Small green cloth purse be tween Benson's , Bakery and corner Court A Com'L, Tues. PM. Contents of sentimental value. Keep money, re turn purse to Mrs. MandeU, 957. Bel- LOST: String of pearls enroute to high school. Reward. CaU 23402 or 6873. LOST: Lady's Elgin watch move ment. Reward. Ph. 9425. i LOST: 1 shoe for left foot, brown suede pump. Small reward.-Ph. 4670. LOST: Bed and white spotted calf in West Salem. Phone collect Mary Lorett or J. A. Johnson, Dayton. Ore. LOST: , Multi-colored flower pin, English China, in downtown district; reward. Phone 5778... LOST: Shaeffer fountain pen minus cap. Sacred Heart Academy. Ph. 8182. LOST downtown Mon. afternoon; lady's Harman wrist watch. Keepsake. Reward. 480 N. 23rd SU Wood Sawing PHONE 3523. 060 N. CotnmerciaL Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4 A. P. A A. M. Wednesday. January 24, M. M. d-egree. 730 P. M. ! Pacific Lodge No. 50 A. F. A A. M. E. A. Degree Friday, January 26th, m P. M. 19. Expression 21. Nourished 23. Unit of electrical t ; resistance 24. Music note 23.Regions .'. 26. Coming 27. Coin (Chin.) 30. Type meas ure . Si : Imnnv a Yeaterdsy's Answer 39. Piece of ' baked clay . 48. Trees 42. River (Afr.) 44. Perch 34. Aloft- f 35. Equip afresh - with men "i- 38. Articles . 37. Bulk I I "24 Q R A S P . LIE -- f ISlwIEIEITIEINISI sTpio tr IT iaint a jxpjojc OnAjC i -1" - yA v V - h WA l I7 I VAX k . m-r- m t- p TT ... uju ift-ir i'-tuu rrry tt rm !,.),4Zt 4j" """" TT44. T" "" " Wr' adjacent counuea. i -