The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    I : Tho Orocjon kxtaman-Tle?honr 1101
tt vrm Hot Rep. Lfrlej
D.i Thomas, chairman, of , th house
education committee : and " prin
cipal of Dallas junior high school,
wUl i address Eniewood Parent
Teachtr aaoeiatioB at its monthly
meeting at i pja. Tuesday. Tht
singing will be provided by a trio
of: senior high school students
Kaettal Teday -Ralph Dobbs of
th Willamette university school
ol music will appear in a short
piano recital today t the regular
chapel assembly in Waller halL
His program will feature a group
of dances of the nations and will
include "Scotch Dance by Bee
thoven, "Mazurka" by Chopin,
under the direction of Lena Belle I "Irish Dance" by Stanford, "Ame-
Tartar. Classrooms wil be opened
for inspection at 7:30 pjn., and re-
' freshmen ts win be served after the
Mail Bex Ketaraetf Fred E.
Birch, 260 Fairview avenue, found
the mail box which ha d been sto
len at the home of Mrs. L. . Da-
jyis, 290 Fairview avenue, and re-.
; turned it to her, it was reported
i at the sheriffs office. The box and
the standard to which it was fas
tened had been thrown into a
ditch. , . -.Vj - . ' - -jT',;v-
Wedding pictures taken at the
4tnrfh K?fl Kta Ph 1711.
Tee la Disappear W. R. Straight,
who drives a Bend-Portland truck,
reported to police that while his
truck was parked at 99X and 12th
atreetj someone- entered, the cab
and stole box of mechanic toolJ
' valued at $30.
Peaches, Crawford, Hale and im
proved Albertas at Doerfler. sale
yard and nursery.
: ! Car Broken Open A box car
on the Southern Pacific switch in
Salem was i broken open and a
number of cases of beer removed
and seen- bottles broken, John H.
Leslie, yardmaster, reported to
I police. . '
Every form of insurance. R. G.
Severin. 212 N. Hi Eh. Tel. 4016.
f Constant, dependable service.
I CI a thing fitelea Police were
- notified that . apartment No. 12,
Central apartments, had been en-
rican Clog" by Hanson and "Se
guidllla" by' Albniz.
Wanted 39 or later car by re
turned Naval service man. Cash.
Bremer, 2328 State street ;
Child In jared David Wise, aged
two, was taken to Salem Deacon
ness hospital Monday at 11 a. m.,
after catching bis arm In a wring
er in the family home. -The child
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
G. Wise, 2070 South High street.
Wise Is district manager for the
Union Oil company.
7 nr. developing St printing service
at i Burke's Camera Shop. 174 N,
ComX : "
Ferry Isapends High water
again has forced the Wheatland
ferry to suspend operations tem
porarily, it was reported at the
county court Monday.
Frames. 1st Natl Bank BIdg. , '
Badness Name Filed A certif
Icate of assumed business name
filed Monday in the county clerk's
office by- W. J. Roberts, Auma
ville, and A. J. Frank, Stayton, for
the A. J. Frank Lumber Co, at
for home loans see Salem Fed
eral, 130 South Liberty.
Parse Steles Mrs. A. L. Iind-
beck, 975 Rose street, reported to
police that her purse had been
stolen from the "bill room" of the
senate. . The purse she reported,
Cascade 'Area
Scout Council
Elects IHeads
Cascade Area c o u n c 1 1, Boy
Scouts of America, meeting In Sa-
include: William Phillips, presi
dent; Ralph Johnson, ' Carl . Con-
CISCUIT COURT ' i Union street; charge illegal muff-
James ' Hendrkkson vs. Ruth ler; bail $2.50. -
Lorraine Bendrickson; divorce de- WaraichiR. Foster, 1330 .State
cree granted. 1 j . - street; charge fall to stop.
Nancy L Ramey vs. Fred W. j Iila K. Shipley, 663 dina lane;
Ramey; divorce 1 decree granted; charge violation of basic rule; fined
plaintiff awarded custody of child: S7 JO; ! I ' V ; !
lem, Sunday elected officers- for I property .settlement improved."1 J Iloyd Ai Pool, route-three, Sa-
the year and conferred two Silver Annie Gaete vs. John Gaetz; di- lem; charge violation of basic rule;
r,MLvm. rifK -i- vorce decree;1 plaintiff awarded fined $25.
Beaver award. Officers elected .t.lL. . r.nT.
Mary Kime vs.LHoward H. Kime; Gerry Kent Wood, 1, Hubbard,
divorce decree; plaintiff awarded" lend Delores M, Moen, Is, Silver-
net and Ray Giatt, Vice-presidenU custody of two children with $23 1 ton. ;
In central, southern and northern monthlyjor sport of eachi Roy Melvin Frank, 27, route
sections respectively; Lawrence ja.wtlBnj1ri.Mipan. .77 ,:
Fisher treasurer Henry Kropp, Kleizing jr.; divorce decree, restor- born,i24, J245 North Liberty street
rthniJ. erintatiw rarl As- etion of maiden' namejby plaintiff. William C. Cook, 27, Lebanon,
chenbrenner, eWntlssioner; .Gar- foP fZS1?
dher Knapp, war service chairman I BttKt;-UJite i e, piuouu "f
and Floyd Bowers, auditor. : , Jfv nme'
Members at large named to j. ,
chairmanships of special commit- . , nf hnl ' wUh -
monthly for its support. " I 1
Henry Schmidt vsi Ethel Mae
Schmidt; divorce ; decree; plaintiff
given right to maiden name.
Funeral Setv
Car Looting
teet include: Judge Arthur Hay,
advancement; A. & HaagV trust
fund committee; : Loyal' Warner,
Eagle board of review; Robert
Lantz, training; Harry W. Scott,
camping; R. Li Hfstrom, finance;
Investigation was being pressed
AJ J. Siefer vs. Oscar Loe; reply j Monday by police and authorities
of plaintiff to defendant's -answer 1 of the- Southern Pacific into the
!TS!f car Saturday or
i safety; William Balllie, organiza
tion; Wendell Webb, Eagle board
of jreview; Ascnenorenner,
and Frank Bennett and Charles
McUhinny, members at large.
Large Attendance f J i :
Representatives from the five
on trial docket
State, through George -H.!Fla,
fw nuhlici litilitieai immiri0fter v.
nd conmussions, I Gj M&onU: : chanr
defendant owes' $158.85 in contract
Sunday and the disappearance of
an undetermined mimber of cases
of beer.
The car had been opened at
Oregon City where 700 cases of
carrier fees and $4.13 in special! beer had been removed and 740
fees; judgment asked.
Valley Credit Service vs. Clar-
Mistricts in Marion, Polk and Linn ence Harold Smith and wife; sat
icounties attended the meeting, 110 1 isf action of judgment filed. , i
jtakihg part in the afternoon ses- Three trials have been set for
sions and 210 bemg present at tne trial by Judge . M. Page as fol-
idinner given lh th chamber of lows: Patricia Hiday ?s. Nellie A. Hines!street yard office told 'p.
commerce dining; room. O. u. Yana, February 2; .Charles D. I lioe he found two cases of beer
Sharp, regional executive, of Port- JHartwig vs.' Joseph Bonn Jr., Feb- J under! the car and numerous cases
land, representing the five north-1 ruary 14; Vera? Ramsey vs. C. F.I in the car torn open and bottles
cases Should have been in the car,
consigned to the Cascade Distri
buting company at Albany.
When the car was discovered
with the seal broken, John H. Les
lie, yardmaster at 4he 13th and
tered and clothing belonging to contained her car keys, house keys,
Phillip Shobar, taken.
' Walter. Lee Drtntian, former resident
f 753 Trad street. January 11.
father of Stiaa Mary Drtnnen. Dewey
Archie, Jerome and' Hoy Drtnnen, all
of Mountroae Colo.
Green and Mrs. Alta Jonas, both of
California. Announcement of aepvices
later by tne Ctousb-Barnck coanpany.
.... . ;r V
Htrkjaaa N
Eleetrtcian'a Mat Third Class Kus-
all Thomas Hickman of the U. 8.
navy, lata resident of route four. Ra-
ration books and $3.50 in cash. ;
Wanted Young lady for general
office work. Pleasant working
cond. Perm. -no dictation. Box
552, Statesman.
U.S. Stamp Stelen A. H.
and Mrs. Annie Kleen, 940 Monroe street, reported
to police that his federal use auto
mobile stamp had been stolen from
his car while it was parked in
the city.
lem. lit Philadelphia January 7. at the
age of II years. Survived by his par
ents. Mr. ana airs, am uicnstn 01
S . I.m thru wnwm9 Mr IT Kl
ey of Seattle. Miss Versa Hickman 1 and private demonstration of new
" ' n m un ... - . i tsmnnnnir Acoumain. xau si ma
Deafened are-finding Salem's new
Hearing Aid Headquarters means-
better service. Free hearing test
and Miss Shirley Hiokman of Salem;
and four brothers. Melvin W. Hickman
of KeUoif. Idaho. Barley' Hickman of
De Moines, lowa, Howard merman
of the U S. navy and John Hickman
f Salem. Also survived by a grand
mother, Mrs. Etta Wiley of Castle
Rock. Wash. Funeral services wiU be
held Wednesday, January 11 at 2 p. m.
from the Cloujfh-Barrick chapel with
; Rev. Bob Neil officiating Interment
' at Belcreit Memorial Park.
tional Bank Bldg.S 1
Yoath Retoraed-Clifiord Lut
man who; was reported as having
disappeared from Fairview home
was apprehended Monday by Sa
lem police and returned to the in'
Werdea -
In this city January M. Zdward Sol
Worden. late resident or lito norm
17th street, at the axe of SI years.
Survived by hia wife, Eugenia Worden
f Saletn: a eon. Soecialist 2c Donald
i W. Worden of the U. S. coast fuard.
: Portland: a crandson. Donald Wor
. dea of Salem: a aranddauchter. Donna
Mv Warden of . Portland: a Sister.
: Mflt. Xffie Wright of Salem, funeral police that a
aervteea wiu De neia xuoaiy, jinu-
ary IS. at IS a.m.. from the W. T.
! Rivdon ebaoeL Elder G. T. Dickinson
i officiatins. Concluding services at
, City View cemetery.
western States and! Alaska, was Jones, February" 20.
sthe speaker. 1 , PROBATE COURT
Planning was5 the theme of the Alice Sarff estate: order author
general sessions hed during the j izinz sale of real property for $275
afternoon. The! Silver Beaver to James J. Burke and wife.
awards, made for 10 years of dis- Evelyn Bales Butts, minor.
.tinguished s e r vlc i to boyhood, J guardianship; order approving sec
went to ArmuriLamka, scoutmas- j ond annual account - i
ter of troop Nou 13 jof the baiem i Anna Marie HerUstad esUte:
IMethodist chuh, and Perry wh- inheritance tax of $7.99 deter-
Hiams, scoutmaster of troop No. w, i mined. ; ' J ' , - j"
Woodburn. Harry Wiedmaier, an j Earl Shank and Bernice Shank.
broken in the car.
jEagle scout, mkde ithe presenta
District reoresentatives named
lo the council executive board in-
YouTl enjoy choosing wa
from Elfstrom's ample stocks.
Mornin ihoppihf is recom
Raid Tf.en Mrs. Helen Jones,
260 Marion street: reported to
radio which she had
stored in a box in the basement of
ner nome naa oeen sioien.
T; Grey . -Mrs.
Delora Grey, ate 92 years, at
the home of her daughter. Mrs. H.
R. Lcep at Turner. Mother of Grace
Hattie Leep. Turner, Gertrude D.
Perry. Portland, Paul E. Boyles, Lake
side, Or., William Boyles. Long Beach,
Calif., Byron Boyles, Boardman, Ore.,
, Ellen. Cundiff. Richland. Ore.. Mary
.Lot Ellis of Fresno. Califr Ahe 23
grandchildren, 39 great grandchildren
and one great great grandchild. Mrs.
Grey was a member of Christ church.
Funeral services were held Monday.
January 13, at 1 p. m. from the W. T.
. Rigdon company chapel with Rev. Gil
atrap. of Turner officiating. Shipment
.'has beea made to Halfway, Ore., for
services and interment .
Tsyler . ,
' In this city January 15, Anna May
Taylor, late resident pt McMinnvlUe,
- at the age of 73 years. Mother of Marie
Hacine of Forest Grove, Merle Thomp
son of Portland and Grace Phenice
of McMinnviUe: and sister of William
E. Phenice of Forest Grove. Harry C.
Phenice of Jennings, La.. Myrtle Co
sad of Prairie View. Kan., and Emma
Qulllen of Pueblo, Colo. Also survived
by IS grandchildren and five great
grandchildren. Services wQl be held
day, January IS at S p. m. with con
cluding service at 'Belcrest Memorial
Park with Dr. J. C. Harrison officiate
n. .u ... ;'' ,
- James W. Riley, lata resident, of
1240 Market street Monday, January
15. at the are of S3 years. Brother of
George H. Riley of Seattle and, Mrs.
Agnes Harrison ot Hollywood, Calif.
- Announcement of services later , by
Clough-Barrick Co. . i v..
Hlllnot ' " 'i " '
Mrs. Kate P. Hill pot. late resident
of 155S Chemeketa street, at a local
hosoital January 13. Survived, by her
husband. John HiUpot of Salem: two
daughters. Mist Hester HiUpot of Sal
em and Mrs. Jane McFarland of Port
land: son. Waldron P. Hulpot of Salem:
two listers. Mrs. Frank Grimm and
Mrs, Frank Kliott. both of Fairview. Ill
' and two srandchildren, Waldroa P.
HiUpot. jr- of Salem and Nancy Jane
McFarland of Portland. Services will
' be held from the Cloitgh-Barrick chap
el Tuesday. January 1, at S p. m. with
Rev. Chester Hamblin officiating. In-
, terment la Lee Mission cemetery.
phintps -&
nuieon Newton Phillips, at his rest
dence, -J28S N. Liberty street January
ti at the ace of SO years. Survived
by wife,. Mrs. Rosa Phillips of Salem,
daughters, Mrs. Blanche Oebursi of
w Katem. Mrs. Bessie Rogers of
Mareola. Ore., and Mrs. Rita Rowe
ef Glen wood.. Iowt; sons. Ralun PhU
T lips ef fiheridsn. Ore Id win Phillips
Jt and Rosa PhtUiaa of tha U.
a iia h, 17 erand children
and M ' great grandchildren Funeral
announcements later- by the dough
' Harriet company. -
r"T, a J a v'f
Uiipalntei Furniture:
Chests, Dookca&es,
- Desks, Tables, Deds
is :,K
225 - StS Center
Short lots o E wallpaper at a dis
count Elfitrom's, 375 Chemeketa,
Where shopping is a pleasure. "
i ' 1
Te Underge Surgery - Rudolph
Wacken, route seven, Salem, be
came a patient Monday in Salem
Deaconess hospital where he will
undergo surgery today.
' i - '-
Small Fire The fire department
was called at 9:05 Monday morn.-
ing to 415 Division street where an
oil burner had burst into flames.
Damage was small. "
Indian Girt Miscinr Dorothea
Ketah, student at Chemawa Indian
school, has disappeared from the
institution, police were notified". '
Patient la HespiUl Mis Nel
lie Clark, 156 1 Chemeketa street,
became a patient in Salem Dea-
conness hospital Monday.
minors, guardianship: Marie Mich-
alke, mother of the rnihors, named
guardian.. - '
State vs. Alfred D. SMcPherson:
eludes F. C.- Johnson, Lebanon; cnarge Durriary neld to answer.
)LeRoy Harlow, jSweet Home; Fer- State vs. William Owens Ben-
ks White and Harold Ferris, both son; charge no 1945 sticker and no
pf Albany, all! from Calapooya operator's license; fine $1 and costs
Idistrict; Jack Fish,? John Jordan on first charge, fine suspended,
and Ted Hobari of Silverton, and costs; paid; fined $5 ahd costs on
Rntrfieldi Woodburn. all of second charge, j f
Silver Falls district! Carl Guen- j State vs. Clyde Wesley Panforth;
'-f J - I 1- ' . ' . m- m a
Iber, Revi Durden, Stearns uusn- i cnarge axei overioaa; iinea T3 ana
Ing, Dr. B. F. j Pound and Tom cosxs.
SWindishar, of Salemall of Cherry j State vs. Ernest William Schwa-
City district; Otto Adolf, Walter oauer; charge fail to stop; fined
Craven, Hollis j Smith, of Dallas, 1 1 and costs, fine suspended, costs
land Ivan Milhaus, jjlotimouth, all paid.; '1 ' - !
Jof Polk district Cecil Willardson, MUNICIPAL COURT !
iwryi ejtoi j utjen,j bis Rural
avenue; charge Violation basic rule.
Twilde Selmer, 438 Water street;
charge violation of basic rule.
Gabriel C Samard, Albany;1
charge violation basic rule; bail
Stanley Santos Mendoza, 1S89
Court i street; j charge' disorderly
conduct; fined $15. j
Lucille Schaff,: 565 Highland
avenue; charge disorderly conduct;
fined $50 or 10 days. !
Kenneth Harold Owens, 446
Church Seeking Option
On Chad wick Property
At a recent meeting the parish
of. SU Paul's Episcopal church
gave the vestry power to take an
option' on tiie old Governor Chad-
wick property at Center and
North -Capitol streets. If the option
is taken and exercised the parish
would erect a new church edifice
on the lot some time in the future.
Some months ago the parish voted
to make plans for a new church,
appointing ay committee to under
take the work.
Portland, Salem Chambers
Ut Commerce blioiua tfacn
V alley Irrigation, Proposal
Funeral services . for Kate P.
HillpotJwho died Saturday alter
lingering illness I will be, held
from the dough BarHck chapel
Tuesday at 2 pm. with the Rev.
Chester Hamblin officJaUng; Bu
rial win De in xjck xhissiou ceme
tery. , .. i ..
Mrs, Hillpot, 70, lhd been serf
ously ill: from a heart ailment for
the past three months. , She : was
born in Fairview, HlL Oct 13,
1875 and in 1895 was Quarried to
John Hillpot," who ! survives. . The
family-has resided tin Oregon for
the past 28 - years and in Salem
for the past 24. .11
Survivors include the widower;
two daughters, Miss. Hester Hill
pot of Salem and MrsJ Jane Mc-!
Farland of Portland; a son, Wal
dron P. Hulpot of Salem: two sis-
ten, ifrs. Frank Grimm and Mrs.
Frank Elliott, both of); Fairview,
HI- and two grandchildren, Wal
dron P. Hillpot, rv; of Salem and
Nancy Jane McFarland of Port
land. - - .! t i
Youth Tries
Extortion Plot
Signing himself as "The little
Big CriminaV' m youth : induced
Mr. and 1 Mrs. Richard jj Notdurft,
220 East Myers street io deposit
15 in an envelope and to place the
note; and money at a given ren
dezvous, but they lirst notified the
police. A; 15-year-old boy, picked
up the bait and police" picked him
up. - :HT , !
The note to the Notdurfts In
formed them that their camera.
which ihad been stolen from their
car, was in the possession of the
writer ahd would be left by the
bicycle rack at the Safeway store
on North Commercial street, pro
vided. $5 was first deposited there
by the victims. . ' M
The money was placed in an
envelope and the police were let in
on the- deal. When a youth rod;
up on a bicycle to get the lodt the
police and Notdurft captured him.
Police said the youth Confessed
He was turned over to juvenile
Among projects which Salem and Portland chambers of commerce
may Join In in sponsoring the mutual benefit of; both cities and tha
areas which surround them, that of bringing irrigation to many acres'
of agricultural land stands out, Frank McCaslin, president of the Port
land chamber, declared as he spoke at Monday noon's luncheon meet
ing of the Salem organization.
"I think tha time will ; come
when the people here will be
everlastingly grateful, to the
chamber for its promotion of ir
rigation,' McCaslin asserted.
Residents of this area, thinking of
it as abundantly ' supplied with
rain, have been Inclined to over
look the drouth season at the close
of summer, the speaker main
tained. He quoted dairymen to the
effect that often two or three
cows could be pastured to the Ir
rigated acre of land where three
res of unirrigated land had
been required to pasture one cow.
Aid Develepaaeat
The purpose of chambers of
commerce, McCaslin said, should
be not Jo enlarge cities but to
aid in the development to support
residents of city and countryside
Winning the war still tops the
list of the Portland organization's
projects, the new president said,
with creation of job opportunities
in factory payrolls, development
of agriculture, and increase in
tourist business.
Chester Sterrett, employed by
the Portland Chamber of Com
merce to make an industrial sur
vey, explained that one of the
purposes of that survey was to
find ways to support many of the
new . industrial workers in Port
land who have come west to do
war work and would like to re
main. Many of these may have to
be in other parts or this area, he
said. Ii 1929, Portland had 20,000
industrial employes, in. 1945 that
number had jumped to 180,000,
Sterrett said.
Tax Cenaeleas
Manufacturers are ' very tax
conscious, he declared, as he con
gratulated Gov. Earl Snell on his
request of the legislature that i
tax study be made by an impar
ual . expert, "l m a newcomer
here and, frankly, know little yet
about the tax situation, but I'd
say any move to better any tax
plan is a move to the good," he
declared, j. " :-.,r : ..
Salem may! hold the key to.
postwar aluminum development
on the west toast, Sterrett said..
One of the needs of industries1
established here for wartime use,
if they are to jsperate successfully
in peacetime, will be an inexpen
sive source of alumina, which the
Salem plant may produce, he as
serted, adding that an expanding
market .would .also be important
TaHey Important
Portland recognizes that her
success as a port has been and will
continue to be relative to the pro
ductivity of thearea that sur
rounds the city. Carter Brandon,
new head of the Portland cham- '
ber's maritime division, declared.
Brandon, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon, has for a num
ber of years, been engaged in for
eign trade, much of his time hav
ing been spent tin the orient
Fourth Gtj Fatality
PORTLAND, ban. 15-(JP-Frank
H. Broks, 24, who died today of
injuries received yesterday when
struck b an automobile whose
driver was not! apprehended, was
tthe city's fourth traffic fatality
of 1945. ., j ,
Be dy and Fender
Ado !
tt us renew th? appear
ance of yiourjtar. We
jrnarantee all - our work.
542 Ferry St. - Ph. 21534
IWaiter Bell and Lindsay Wright
jof Stayton, aH of Marion district.
r-j r
James Riley
Dies Monday
James W. jRUey, 63, 1240 Mar
ket street died lat the wheel of bis
.car 'Monday morning following a
heart attack:. tie was an employee
lof the Portland Gas and P Coke
Scompany, coming tji Salem from
Portland in 1929.
! RUey was born Feb. 24, 1882, m
Falls Cityy Nebi, and received his
education at Berkeley, Calif. He
became associated with the Port
land; Gas and iCoke company in
1920. as a clerk and when trans
ferred to Saleni was a despatcher
for the company.
i Survivors include a sister, Mrs.
rAgnes Hsarisohf of Hollywood,
jCalif., and a brother, George H.
kiler of SeaW- Waih. ;
j Funeral frrangements will be
announced -later by the Clough
Barrkk cnpany.
Enters Hospital Harry B. Read,
339 North 19th! street was taken
ito Salem Deaconess hospital Mon
day for medical treatment ;
mmmmmmwmr.m- w llll"ii- mm I ulii'i ill ;j I ill 1 ,
r - !
ETanrelUt VulIiam D. Swanson I
i- - - i " " '-1 ' ' ( r i ' i - - t ' t
play his own interpretation of ' a
JlMm'mA'i Tonight at
LawalU ii 14 iwwJ 7:43 P. HI;
Ulh and Ferry St, Sclera, Ore.
E:m:n: "Lzdizs c! G:ry" ? -
Services Nlxktly at 7:45 Except Mehday aad Saiarday
Hear "The Singing Swaasons1 4
KSLM Menday-TTednesday-Frlday at IM p. 3L .
Welcome . Kev Fredericks, Pastor
: '... f ..sir.- ' t.
S.;.v,A.1 1 , . . ' t-' J
, . , .-3
2 - . 1 1 23
sjaasjsxsgtr ' JBSslvZllll
saavaaisr Jmmmmmm
s :
1 , . , 1 r-. : :
i 1
vjm- i, r tyx ' j
Are your range; Itieas
ahead of the times O
Here's another FIRST from
your favorite storcPABCO acw
coloxitioas of richly grained
marbled quarts. Its satin
gloss finish, fartory-waxed,
resists dirt, it a$icr to clean,
. . i
wears longer.- ' -
Export!? Loyed By Salam'a
Fin est Wor3ann .
Soiare.our$!- y J ,
C3CHX. iMnniuTT? TEat-s whetth; -f;
Gas Range shines! From low-tcmpcrature roasting
, to high-speed broiling . . . from a slow simmer to a
ing and roasting operations; It's fuel-saving, too,
' because oven peeking-is eliminated. . f - I
SEPE1 IXnUTlEX? Not just two sides, or four
fmr?f,f,f?,, . sides, but all Vx sides of CP oven are heavily
f -
BEST F81 tMlUS.T None better! Yo get high
speed iostandj. The dean, smokeless, spatterless
iaasaeseals in the natural juices, reduces oren clean
ing to a hare minimum. fj"ir1V;-
'f rr:"ATic cyes ieit c:xr::tT y, of coutki
at low heat or high, only a "CP" Gas Range can
assure yon the utmost ia tttttmt, foil automatic
temperature control . . . pcrf ectioo la all your bak
Insulited to keep the heat r the oven where it
belongs and out of the kitchen. No waste of ba
or fuel here! ; . - Tj
.'ECtH-sT II IFEUnUTMWf be itrav5 -j ;
igmwithawCP"GasRapge.Topbarnersw J
.'are futrtUMt to the most minute degree, ,- .
wasteful reserve of heat. Yon use eaacjlf what jam ,
need, aa esore. -: - !
t -
OTSawi "Certified ferjmittmetT.llt mark sf tftcUifdUjtptminzanrzetmMithj t
b$z grsJe is remit aummfefUirert. Nt iM frpdaciiea but aveUeilttfjU after jtefr
piosn.T l n-n.D
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