The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 06, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    i i i
Second Half Spurt Pays Off
Fast-Breaking Jones Grew Shows
Power; Juniors Still Undefeated
.I ,
A typical Dan Jonesj Oregon City basketball band, passing and
shooting on the dead run ind tirelessly, gave off with one of the class
iest prep exhibitions of'the local season at the Villa last night in top
pling, as expected. Salem high's hustlers, Ai-i 5. wo question nut wnai
the tall and veteran Pioneers are one of the hest teams to show nere
to date, and since they are in the
.same hoop district with the Vik
ings things don't look tod promis
ing" for an SHS entry in tljie March
classic. . - ' V ' J . .
I The largest mob of the season
showed up to see the preview
tussle nearly, all seats were filled
and-even the band blared in full
" force the first time this season
and all were treated to the hot
test opening minute and a half of
action seen on village courts in
years. . " .
Both quints, exponents, of run-em-to-dfath
caging and anxious
for this No-Name league win,
started out with all cylinders fir-
Polio Fund Benefit Battles
'Cat's, li-FallsGIs 1
Hoop Here' Tonight
Doiibleheader Starts j7:30 p.m.;
Frosh vs. Mt. Angel 6:30 Prelim
lit -.p -Hifiii.
I m Surprise, surprise! .Not one, but two games tonight at Willamette
U when Navycats nd "All-American Klamat t Falls Marines hoop
off their date, the GI quints to eommence the doubleheader firing at
7:30 o'clock. ) Admission prices for a single garhe will prevail, however,
and the net proceeds gathered will be turned over to the Marion
wounty fcppru - rouo xund as
WUV contribution.' Making it a
three-pronged program, .; i Coach
Tony Fraioja's Frosh chase with
the Mt Angel Preps of the Dura
tion league In a 6:30 p m. prelim
inary, j" I ; -
Since both main event .quints
ing. And before they were through
90 seconds later the Viks were
out in front 8-4, their eight mark
ers made with straight hits by
Bunny Mason, Al Bellinger! and
Tuffy Helmhout and the Pioneers'
four via two casts by Keitlf ,Bak
kum and Art Jones. Six straight
hcits and six straight baskets to
start .things off! ;"
Pioneers Catch Up
Although neither side could
,keep such a roaring pace the
feather-footed clash failed to
. slow in tempo; however, and
midway through the period the
sharpshooting Northerners pulled
astride Coach Frank Brown's
troupe. Arnold Thomas looped
the 8-8 deadlocker and saw 'mate
Jones flip in a free one to shove
OC ahead. But just . before the
buzzer brought the rip-snorting
period to a finish Bellinger drove
in for a lay-up to give SHS a
10-9 lead.
Jones , bulls-eyed with another
from a corner to start out the sec
ond canto and then Bakkum and
Jim Sonderen pitched true With
gifters to push the OClead to
15-10. Bellinger counted a free
toss and Big .Tom Boardmah bat-
ted in a follow-up to slash the
margin, but . Dick Larson, one of
many sparkling reserves for the
Pioneers, made good? with a lofty
try from a corner and the half time
bulge rested 19-14 for the visitors.
It was actually one of the siz
zlingest .top, halves of any ball
game here this year. . ; '
Whammy Strikes
Salem's third-period whammy,
a devastating scoring " drouth
which has seen the Brownies stag-
. ger and fall too many times after
the -halftime rest, was again
largely responsible for her ulti
mate defeat That and the fact
that the fast-breaking Pioneers j
started Jo roll pell-mell during
.the frame. The Viks managed six
points for the period on field hits
by Boardman and Helmhout, and
. gifters by Boardman and Bellin
ger,, but , Jones, Sonderen, Bak
kum and Rinearson took turns at'
the Vik basket for 10 markers to
hold a 9-point advantage going
into the final frame. j
More of this . super fast-break
basketball turned it Into a rout
after Boardman tipped in a deuce
to start the final stanza, and the
Pioneers began impressing the
gallery as being a ball club to be
reckoned with oyer the state. Lit
tle wonder their unbeaten record
s to date. -
Thomas' 10 markers led all
scoring. Boardman for Salem and
both Sonderen and Jones for the
Pioneers were a step behind at
nine. In all the, OC's looped 16"
field goals in 59 casts to Salem's
10 in 56.'
- Herm Schwartzkopf's unbeaten
Juniors are still such after play
ing with' the Pioneer Jayvees in
the prelim, 46-17. Too much
height more than offset the visi
. tors' fast break. Captain Neil
Boehmer, 8-fot 2-inch forward,
looped 16 points to pace the
Salcra Jay-Tees () (17) 6. City Bees
Boehmer 416) F 7) Myers
Herman (4) F ) Ganuns
Hiebert (9) Q J Lambert
Pickett 2) G .......... (2) Martinet
Alberts (U .G r. (2) Kennericlt
Subs for Jayvees Barlow 3, Bouch
er I. Thompson 4. Carroll 1. Decha-
bach S. Cloae 2. Officials: Travis Croas
and Al Lightner
OREGON CITX (42) B Tf Ft Pf Tptff
Thomas, t I 12 4 2 t 1 II
Scoor! Scoop? j ' ?; .ML - - ;,'
What! a belated Christmas gift Slats Gill came up with at Oregon
State! By now at peast one Hec Edmundson and his Washington Hus
kies know what vre mean, for last night at Seattle in the Northern
division Opener State "sprung" his belated present 6-foot 8-inch
"Red" Roicha! Wefd like to have seen Edmundson's face when Rocha,
a brand hew transfer from U of Hawaii, strolled out on the Husky
pavilion! Gill wasted it that way n I ) h
no worjd publicly of Rocha's
presence until the Beavers opened
against the Huskies. We'll bet
Edmundson chewed his gum so
fast he bit his tongue.
Just how good the newy will be
is of course yet tobe proven. But
he impressed Slab enough after
but two days' practice to be taken
along in the 10-man travelling
troupe. Rocha's liability isn't to?
tally unknown at that, for he
played freshman f basketball for
Luke Gill when the latter was at
Hawaii. Those to days of work
ing out did impress goggle-eyed
railbirds thai Roch is exception
ally agile, and he failed to display
the clumsiness generally expected
of a gent reaching 6-8 into the
ozone. i j .
Rocha (first name "Ephrem'
A i V
have been
inactive since before
and that's lionestfto-gosh-no-kiddin' i and undoubtedly j the main red
son for the "Redi nickname) may not be the tallest eager in the Di
vision what with Fashington State's "Dope Book' listing Vince Hanson
at 6-8, but he'll give Gill's gang far and away the edge in all-around
height for member quints. Put him alongside 6-foot 6-inch Ted Hen-
ningsen, 6-foot 3-inch Dick Strait 6-foot 4-inch Hal Puddy and 6-foot
2-inch George Sertic and see what you have! Near as we figure it, a
6-foot 4.5-inch average for the five! Did someone say something about
"tall firs"? j
He's Tall Enough if Not the Tallest
There has been; some doubt as to Hanson's 6-9 at WSC some say
he's only 6-8. Keri Hays at Oregon is listed as 6-7 officially. But
either way, 6-8 Vi Rocha, a quite slender redhead we're .told, isn't far
from being the tallest trouper in the circuit even if he doesn't happen
to be the tallest
We'd still have liked seeing, Edmundson's face when Rocha ankled
out last night. And we imagine UO's John fWarren will read Rocha's
advance notices twice,-also,
. Speaking of Mentor Gill, he has something to say, when asked,
on the recent hub-bub comparing the present-day Gail Bishop of Fort
Lewis Warriors with Hank Luisetti when the latter was in his All
America hey-day at Stanford. Not long agowe printed here that Jack
Friel, Bishop's boss at Washington State formerly, exclaimed:. "Bishop
is the greatest basketball player in America today." ;
Gill suggests: j I haven't seen Bishop play the last two years arid
he may have improved greatly, but I don't think the Bishop who went
to Washington State could come up to Luisetti. I wouldn't have trad
ed 'Johnny Mandic for him ana he (Bishop) couldn't compare with
Wally Palmberg." j ! f
Present Day Competition Big Factor
Slats also reminds that Bishop is bucking lower class competition
nowadays and insists that cagers of the Mandic, Palmberg and Lew
Beck caliber; "or any gopd pre-war basketball player", would be great
against present day competition. Gill okehs the fact that Bishop is a
great offensive ballplayer, but his 17 years at OSC has taught him that
judging a player doesn't merely constitute that player's ability to
score. An all-around ability is best . Fo instance, Mandic wasn't
only a scorerl but was a defensive whiz as well.
in Palmberg
Conference playoffs at Seattle to see whether Stanford, Oregon State
XST 1 ; A. . - ? A. A. ll "V1 1 . r . . . . a -'
or wasiungron went io me Olympics piayons, JraimDerg aia sucn a
grand job of checking Luisetti that formidable Hank canned only six
points for the night Definitely not an example of scoring ability a
la Luisetti. Palmberg had that season scored 187 points in 16 North
ern division games : for the all-time high, but then along came Bishop
in '43 to hoop 224 for the new record which still stands.
- All in all, Luisetti, Bishop, Palmberg or Mandic, well bet there
isn't a coach In the; Division who wouldn't trade any three players he
has right now for my one of those former All-Americans.
Christmas and both boast 15-man
rosters,' it was decided to play a
doubleheader. All members of
both outfits will no doubt see ac
tion in ! the twin-barrelled basket
bee, offering customers one of the
liveliest WU cage parties of 'the
season. I - rr ' ; .
Coach Duke' Trotter, due back
tonight l after a leave, land Assist
ant Bob ;McGuire will probably
call on the "first" five of ! Bob
Tate and Ken Gilpen, forwards,
Paul Stofft, center ; and Marv
Goodman ; and G ibbs Zauft
guards, to open for WU tonight
Marine! Vets Biggies
The Klamath crew, consisting
pf leathernecks now stationed at
the southern barracks after par
ticipating j in. at least one major
engagement in the Pacific, will
present a J tall team averaging
over the j 6-foot mark. Paced ' by
Bob "Red" I Gilbert 6-fopt 2-inch
center, the 'southerners have won
five and lost four to date, all four
losses to the U of Oregon Ducks.
One of these setbacks wound up
68-65, indicating that the GIs lean
romp and toss. Almost all the
K-Falls games have been high-
scoring affairs, another indication
that the inixes with the Willam-
ettes willi be wide-openj basket
for-basket binges. The 'Cats go for
their hooping strictly on a race
horse scale; also.
Liiiksmeii Slate
Weekend Meet
So was Luisetti. Arid
resided exceptional ability in all parts of the game. Slats
sidelight on the controversy: Tn 1936 during the Coast
Molalla Quintet
Top, Can! 34.24
- CANBY-(Special)-Keeping the
advantage throughput Molalla's
Buckaroos .bouncedj over the Can
by Cougars, 34-24, here last night
in a Duration league basketball
game. It was Molalla's second
straight, league win in as many
tries, and the second straight set
back for the Cougars.
1 r- l r i :r i li 1 1 ; jiiiiiiiii jh U,, phihwwm
Sonderen. f
Rinearson, e
Bakkum. g ..
Jones. (
Holman. f
Mills, f
Tuarsoa, e
Peckover. : g
Misiey. (
ToUls -
Bellinger, f
Helmhout.- f .
Boardman, c
Mason, g
Lowe, g
Deacon, I -
Bales, t
Gemmell. f
Howell, t
Wrisley. c
5 IS
Free throws missed: Oregon City 7
Sonderen 2. Rinearson, Bakkum X
Larson; Salem 10 Bellinger 3, Helm-
hout, Boardman, Lowe, ; Bales, Dea
con Z. "
Shooting percentapes: Salem' .17t,
Oregon City OtflcUk: Tom Dry
nan and Al Lightner.
All-America backfield ace Les
Ilorvath was the spark-plug for
Ohio State's undefeated season.
He waa never stopped, scoring on
long runs or short jabs, depend
ing on the need.
" " :
Firearms were introduced into
rurope by the Mongols in the 13th
century. , .
Lieutenant CJg) William B. Sump
ter. United States Navy, of National
City, California, made bombing his
tory when be . sank three combat
Japanese ships on a single flight
The bombs that did. the trick as well
as his plane were paii tor ita
War Bond dollars. -
Redskins Top
, 45-26
CHEMAWA -(Special)- Pulling
away in the third period after a
fairly close first half, Chemawa's
Indians won their basketball tilt
from independence here last night
45 to 26. The Chemawa Bees made
it a double-killing for the evening
by tipping the Indep Reserves 34
to 28 in the prelim.
The Hopsters, led by center
Rodney Jones, who topped scorers
for both teams with 16 counters.
almost kept pace with the Indians
in the first two periods, and -trail
ed only 14 to 19 at the intermis
sion. However, the Redskins pour
ed it on in the third period and
won going away. Bill Yallup with
14 aijdFChet Ashman with 10 led
the winners. r- , ' i
Yallup 14) :...F 2 Ferris
Picard 3 F (2) Swerlngen
WiUiam it) Cje.; (18) Jones
Minthorn 0 G . (4) Weddle
satiacum (7 O .... (0) Addison
Subs for Chemawa Logan 2. Ash
man jor for inaoenaence Uirsra I
McSjiadeii, Byrd Grab Lead in Loi Angeles LinliJnau
y By Kass NewUndl 1
DefcnslinE ehsirtaM HarwM Me
6s4ei - and the former - New
Yrk Yaakee Baseball . player, ,
Sam Byrd, long sine tamed golf
pro, shot ne under par 7t's to
day to tie for first raond leader
ship of the ISth anansJ 72 hole
Lm ( Angeles. Open. ; McSpadea,
bow registering from ! Sanford,
llalne, coupled a 34 and SC for
the round, Byrd played the 7009
yard Eiriera coarse in 56-34. .
- The ex-ball player would have
enjoyed the top spot to himself
except for bad lack on the first
hole. ' He drove out of bounds. -'
' The below par feats were the
only two racked up from a field
of 132 pros and amateurs in the
. IbOUsJ eAgfctoosi .botes of the f 1S.
JJJ war bwi twit, oowcludtsuj
next Monday. Eight top Botch
ers, inclmfinz .1 tho - tournament
co-favorites, Sam Snead and By
ron Nelson, finished in a tie at
par 7L The others were Toney
Peuns, Chick Kutan, ; John ; Sc
roll, amateur Bruce : McCor-
mkk, Claude Harmon and Kay
. &fU -X. J. Harris o Wrtarht
Field, Dayton. wtoner of too
reoent Miami pen, topped in a
five-way deadlock at 72. Among
the bir ones back in the ruck
were. Sgt. Jin. Ferrler of Camp
Roberts, Calit; : National PGA
Champion Bob Hamilton of Ev
ansvllle. Ind.; Ed Dudley, At
lantic City; and Mike Turnesa of ,
tho famed Turnesa family of
golfing- Brothers. - They potted
75v-oJobt with fifteen others in
that bracket. U;.---J- -,
.Among -the -day's - hlghlighta
were a - hole-ln-ene, - bagged by
George Mclnerney of Hunting
ton Park, Calif and tho blow-op
of Leonard Ott of Denver, whoso
starting tL was far cry from
such such previous efforts as
third round (5, in the recent
Richmond Open. : : ---;
The lone woman entry, Mra,
George (Babe Didrkkson) Zach
arias ' of Leo Asurcles.1 star ath
lete In the 1132 Olymple time
turned in a 37-3 76, better
than many of the men players.
. "" 1 1 1
Scores 1
- ;
Oregon City 42, Salem 28. r
Salem Juniors 4. Ore. City JVs 17. -Woodbura
r45, Mt. Angel 24. t .
MoiaUa 34,1 Canby 24. : f '
Chemawa 43, Independence 28.
Medford 39. Ashland 27. i t
Pendleton 26, MtHon-Freewater 2S.
University I- (Eueenel ,3S. Cottase
Grove 32. I - i ;
Junction Oty 3S, Toledo 29.
St. Mary's (Eugene) 28. UcKenzle 12.
- Parkrose 24. Hill Mil. (Portland) S.
uresnam 3a, catholic Cen. (Port.) 33.
Estacada 29a Sandy 20.
Spi ingf leld ,34, - Roseburg 28L !
' Washington (Portland) 28, Roosevelt
(Portland) 25. f . , i
Grant (Portland) ! 30. Benson (Port
land) 23. ' . I - -m .
Jefferson (Portland) 48. Satalm (Port
land) H, , T i f
Commerce (Portland) 29, Franklin
(Portland) If.
COLLEGE Washington! 48, Oregon Stat 43.
Oregon 42.! Idaho 40.
So. Calif orai 53, UCLA 23. . h
Kansas 45, ! Missouri 28. i
North Carolina 53. Maryland 28.
So. Carolina 60, Davidson 24
Valparaiso 48.- Wyoming 30. !
Drury 42. Westminster S4V. i t !
.Arkansas 94, Baylor 28. I f :
Xhibuque 73. Iowa Wesleyan 42.
Iowa Seahawks 46, Camp Ellis 28. 1
, Lone; Island U 62, Rider SO.
Louisville 41, Depauw 40. i :
T r-"U WW :-
Little flapp
i i n.
,h Anticipating no changes in the
lively tourney program installed
last year,! Men's club members at
Salem golf course will this week
end tussle through an 18-hole
Match vsi Par outing, announces
Tourney Chairman Don Hendrie.
Entry, may; be made either today
or tomorrow, or both, and ofJ
respective handicaps will be in ef
fect All icores must be turned in
on a scorecard, and all putts must
be made, warns the new chair
man. .
The Winter Slicker playoffs
continue to wait on the final
round play in the Federal league,
and until the latter is completed
the finals' battle is impossible.! An
effort toj wind up play in the
Federal circuit will be made this
week end.-:
CHICAGO, Jan. 5 A 10-
member ' committee representing
the American and National
leagues met here today to draft
a new major league agreement
but ostensibly concurred only in
setting a date for another huddle
which will be held in -New York
Feb. 2. ' j - j . -
Whatever! sentiments were ex
pressed by five officials from each
league regarding! a pact to replace
the 24-year-old agreement under
which the j late Kenesaw Moun
tain Lahdi ruled baseball with
an iron hand, were not disclosed
after a three-hour closed session.
BeaversEdged by Huskies;
1T7 11
w auop
Bruins, 53-25
Southern I " California's ' towering
Trojans lifted the lid on the 1945
Pacific Coast conference southern
division i basketball season and
clamped it down hard on UC
LA tonight, handing the Bruins
a 53-25 'shellacking before 6000
Slow to start, the USC five,
three of Whom are 6 ft 4, hit its
stride ins the second half, ram
ming in 20 straight points to con
vert a UCLA lead of 115 into a
sure Trojan triumph.
i Center j Jack Nichols, transfer
from the University of Washing
ton, led; the winners ; with 17
points.' ,: J it .'..:'-:
i ! :
NEW YORK, Jan. 5 Old
Fritzie Zivic of Pittsburgh sprang
a major boxing upset tonight by
handing youthful Billy Arnold of
Philadelphia, the first defeat of his
meteoric career in winning an
eight-round, decision at Madison
Square Garden. i , 1, i.-: h' '
The 31-yiear-old Zavic, a 5 to 1
under-dog jn the betting, stunned
a crowd of 18,923 by outsmarting
the Philadelphia! high school stu-
' dent who previously was unbeat
en in 31 scrapsj. The gross gate
was $57,576. ! ! j
OSCs Pnddy Paces
Scoring With ; Dozen
SEATTLE, Jan. 5 .OP) - In a
tense see-saw battle, the Univer
sity of Washington squeezed out
a 48-45 triumph over Oregon State
college to open the northern di
vision, Pacific Coast .conference,
basketball season before a crow i
of 5500 here tonight Washington
led 28 to 27 at the half, I s ; ;
The Washington .Huskies won
the nip and tuck battle in the last
five minutes f play, j after the
score, had been tied there at 39-all,
on the strength of three successive
field goals by substitute forward
Norman Carnovale, who ran the
Huskies to a 45 to 39 advantage.
Oregon State again closed up
the gap, however, and with a min
ute to go the score was! Washing
ton 47, OSC 45. Don McMillan,
Husky forward, sank a free throw
to give Washington its extra point
and put the game on ice.-The last
five minutes of play was indica
tive of , the entire game. The lead
changed hands five times in the
first half the score was 'tied three
times.' '.'.;: .!':
At one point about two-thirds
through the half, Oregon State led
21 to 15, when the Huskiesspurt
ed to gain their one-point, 28-27
halftime margin. The Beavers kept
up the pressure in the second half
and on the strength of successive
baskets by guard John Moore and
forward Ted Henningson, moved
at one time into a 31-29 lead. The
Huskies recaptured the advantage
at 34-33 and held it until the score
was tied again at 39-39.; j i
Playing under the new confer
ence rules allowing five personals
before a player is benched neither
team lost a man, although forward
Don McMillan of Washington and
forward George Sertic of Oregon
both had four fouls against them.
The Beavers, i employing their
set defense and . keyhole-shooting
style of play, used just as many
shots as they made points 45
shots, 45 points, j Washington, free
shooting and fast running, shot 60
times for their 48 points. I
Bulldogs Rap
Angels, 45-24
Ff L M M P
J 0 1.000 97 48
.2 0 1.000 S3 42
.1 I .500 : 61 89
0 1 .000 24 37
0 1 .000 18 19
0 2 .000 48 88
Scores Ust night: Woodbura 48, Mt
Angel 24: Molalla 34. canoy iM. io
night: Silverton vs.- Chemawa at Sil-
Vertoa. . ... : . , :
Mt Angel
Silverton ,
Snead Invite
Aeceptlnx a challenge made by
Sam Snead recently, Byron Nel
son, leading- golfer, money win
ner and low seorer of 1944, an
' nounced ; today be ' would meet
the Hot Springs Va, rack shot
In a match ."anywhere, any
time, ever 36 or 72 holes match
or medal play." -Tournament
Manager Fred Corcoran of the
Professional Golf ere association,
said he) would arrange to have
the match played at some stop
en the twlnter trait
WOODBURN The Woodburn
Bulldogs took a commanding lead
in the Duration basketball league
here last night by outgunning the
Mt Angel, Preps, 45-24. j Off to
an 11-2 first period and 30-7 half
time lead, the Jiggs Burnett bunch
tourned loose the reserves through
half the contest It was 33-15 at
the three-quarter mark.
Woodburn was led by Hal Mc
Kee with 9 and Charley Sauvain
and Bill Copeland with 8 each in
the scoring parade. Turin nabbed
nine for the Preps. It was Wood
burn's second straight win and the
Angel's first setback. The Angel
Bees grabbed the prelim nod, 22
20. ;. ... !, .. h':"
WOODBIRN (45) . (24) MX. ANGEL
McKee (9) I l-'-T- 4) Beming
Reed (4) ...r- (4 Traeger
Austin (6) u C . (9) Schmidt
Sauvain (8) ...G. 7) Bell
Mattison (2) G . Turin
Woodburn subs: Copeland 8, Asper
S, Leighty J. Mason, Zuber. Mt. Angel
senwartzxopi ana ad
NeU. Officials
Henningson, f
strait, i
Sertic. f
Rocha, I
Puddy. e
Ft Pf T
McGrath, g
Simms, g
Moore, g
Labhart, g ; i
McMillan, f
Vandenburgh, f
Carnovale,. f v -
Anderson, e
GUI, g
King, g
1 0
2 1
.. . -
: 0
2 -4
Dubks Nose Out Idaho Five
With 4240 Hit
See-Saw Tilt
' ; "-."'.Mi -:i '
Ends 48 to 45
Calls Meeting
1 I
Bob Hamilton Paces
Win After Rally
W I. Pet. Pf Pa
Oregon f , M :.l 0 1.000 42 40
Washington , , , j.i 0 l ow 48 45
Oregon SUte . 0 1 JX 4S 48
Idaho -i r9 I M0 40 42
Washington State . 0 0 .000 00 00
: lAst night's results: At Idaho 40,
Oregon 42.' At Washington 48, Oregon
State 49.! i Tonight's games: (Same as
last night)
ROBERT B. ABEL, president of
the Western International base
ball league, has called a meet
ing of directors for next Wed
nesday, January 10, In Tacoma,
Whether the circuit will func
tion or not next season b ex
pected to be decided during; the
Searching on
For like Coach
Buck Shaw, formerly of Santa
Clara, and Slip Madigan, former
ly of St Mary's and now of the
University of Iowa, are among
those being considered . for the
coaching Job at UCLA,- vacated
yesterday by Edwin C. "Babe"
HorrelL j
William Ackerman, graduate
manager of athletics at UCLA,
has been! asked to canvass the
field and recommend a successor.
Others likely to be considered
are Ray Richards, who acted as
line coach for Horrell; Bronko Na-
gurski, who was backfield coach;
Marchy Schwartz, Bemie Master
son and Jimmy Phelan, formerly
of Washington.
Church Slate
at HP
- 9
Jorgensen, g
Creveling, g i
Tree throws missed: Puddy 2. Mc
Grath. Moore 2. McMillan 5. Anderson.
Lemman, Shots i attempted: Oregon
Stat 43. Washington SO. Referee: Art
McLarney. Seattle. Umpire; Phil Sar
boe, Tacoma. . f i
Portland Taxi Driver
Loses Money, Then Cab
PORTLAND, Jan. bJP)-T w o
Jtaxi passengers held a! gun at the
back of Driver ; Floyd jW. Myers
neck early, today and ordered him
to hand over his money -'
A little later another ; passenger
climbed in, stuck a khife at the
back of Myers' neck, and demand
ed both his money and the cab.
" Myers, -walking home, estimated
a total loss of $12.70. The cab was
recovered.' I .. , ;'i : ..r
The annual. Church league, A
and B division, schedules have
been announced as follows by the
YMCAthe A leaguers to take off
tonight while the B circuit opens
Monday night:
'A' LEAGUE: Jan. S 1st Evangelical
vs. American Lutheran at 2; Presby
terian vs. First Baptist at 8; Salt
Creek Baptist vs. Calvary BapUst at 9,
Jan. 8 Salt Creek Baptist vs. rtrst
Evangelical at 9.. Jan. 10 Presbyterian
vs. American Lutheran at 8; Calvary
Baptist vs. 1st Presbyterian at 9. Jan,
15 Salt Creek Baptist vs. First Bap
tist at 9. Jan! 17 Presbyterian vs.
rirst Evangelical at 8; Calvary Baptist
vs. American Lutheran at 9. Jan. 23
Salt Creek Baptist vs. American Luth
eran at B. Jan. 24 Presbyterian
Calvary Baptist at S: First Baptist vs.
First Evangelical at S. Jan.: 29 Salt
Creek Baptist vs. Presbyterian at
Jan. 31 1st Baptist vs. American
Lutheran at 9.! Feb. J Calvary Bap
tist vs.. 1st Evangelical at 9. .
,'B' LEAGUE:! Jan. 8 Salem Friends
vs. Congregational at 8, Jan. 11 1st
Meth. vs. lt Christ, at 8; Salvation
Army vs. Presby. at 9. Jan. 18 So.
Salem Friends vs. Salvation Army at
8: Jan. 18 1st Christ, vs. 1st Con ere
at 8; 1st Meth. vs. Presby. at 9. Jan.
22 So. Salem Friends vs. 1st Meth.
at 8. Jan. 25 Salvation Army vs. 1st
Cone, at 8: Presby. vs. 1st Christ, at 9
Jan. 29 So. - Salem . Friends vs. 1st
Christ, at 8. Feb. 1 Salvation Army
vs. ; 1st Meth. at 8; Presby. -n, 1st
Congre. at 9. Feb. 8 So. Salem Friends
vs. Presby. at s. reo. a saivanon
Army vs. 1st Christ, at 8; 1st- Meth
vs.! 1st Congre., at f .
New Pro Grid Loop Certainty; 6 Cities Set
' DALLAS, Jan. 5 (JF) The
Trans -America Professional
Football league Is a settled fact
and already has six cities en
rolled, John F. (Chick) Meehaa,
head or the new circuit, said
today. Meehan annooneed be
: fore departing' for Houston ; to
confer with sports leaders there
regarding a possible franchise In
the league, that Dallas. New
Syracuse, Manhattan "and New
York nniverslty tueh said.
These six cities have already
been granted franchises, have
leased siadhama tn which to play
and are eager to start Two oth-y
er cities Denver and Houston
may be added before the league
begins i operations.' He - added :
that Denver and Houston had
reported prospects good for en-
York. Baltimore,; Philadelphia, tertng the loop.
tios Angeies ana Brooklyn had
completed arrangements and
met all requirements for berths.
"t There . ts . nothing tentative
'aboot oar set-Bp," the former
lie nude it plain that no city
was considered a member of the
leagno nntll It had definitely
landed - a stadium for its sne.
One of; the rales of tho leagne.
which will , begin operations
when the war Is ever, is that one
man can not control a franchise
in any city. A gronp of five or
more nut be interested in the
"In this manner, we believe
wo win have more interest and
better financed clubs,? Meehan
explained. ' ' 1 i
In Dalla the leagne head con
ferred with George Scheppa, one
of the leading hackers of the lo
cal franchise. Meehan said the
Pallas team would play Its
games In the Cotton BowL
Vince's Electric swept three
from Rigdons, the Statesman five
took two of three from Keith
Brown's, and Western Paper Con
verters copped two of their three
games with LaRoche's j Pink Ele
phant in Mercantile league bowl
ing on Perfection alleys last night.
Woodcock, Keith , Brown's took
high game honors with 256, tfnd
Larson, r Statesman, rolled 5S8,
high series for the night. v -VlNCrt
Handicap , 25 2S 2S 75
J. Albrich 14 163 151-460
D. Duncan 161 158 147-468
Farrar . . ;. ' ' 154 139418
Vince - 133 142 114 390
r. Albrich , US 3 123411
Totals : ;
ftlG DON'S ()
Coker ...
Bastain , ....
Rhodes . i ,
Totals V, ,',
74 812 899 2275
t 168 113-409
.878 711 642 2030
Uacken . , .; 151 150
Larson , 188 180
P. StetUcr 142 200
Bradley .V, , . , 128 133
Hammer ,. ,-- ,. -169164
MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 5-iP)-A
last-minute rally tonight gave the
University of , Oregon a 42 to 40
basketball victory over the Uni-.
versity of Idaho j in the opening ,
game for both teams of the" Pa
cific Coast northern division con
ference schedule, i
Except for one brief tie Idaho
led throughout the game until the
ast minute and a half when Hays,
six-foot seven-inch'center, tipped
in -a backboard shot to put. the
Webfoots ahead 41 to 40. -S .
Guard! Bob Hamilton, whose 12
point total was high for Oregon,
added-the final point with a free
throw , and Oregon "froze the)
ball. With 10 seconds to go Idaho
recovered the ball and forward
Len Pyne dashed to attempt a
field goal but missed.
Except for a 14-all tie with four
minutes to go in ; the first half,
the Vandals held the lead right up
to the end. Returning to start the
second half with a 20 to 18 lead,
Idaho ran up the score to 30 to 22
in five minutes. Center John Tay
lor, who took high ' point honors
with 13, scored eight of them dur
ing this spurt
Hamilton, Wilkins and Hays
paced the Oregon drive to cut
down the Idaho lead. The out
standing shooting of Wilkins and
Hamilton enabled the Oregonians
to trim the margin and pave the
way for the final victory spurt
WUklns, f
Smith, t
Hays, c
Hamilton, g
Bartelt, g
Stamper, t .
Allen, c
Kotnik. g .
Fg Ft Pf Tp
3 1 3 11
IDAHO (40)
O'Connor.1 f -k
Overholser, t
Taylor, c
Pyne, g
Carbaugh, g .
cau. t .-,.:.
Smith, g
10 42
Free throws missed Orwhniw,
Taylor. Wilkins 2. Smith J H...
Referees; Bui Frailer and EOra Hunter.
Portland Puck
in Front
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 5-(JPf
The Portland Eagles stepped out
of a triple tie and took the lead in
the northern division of the Pa
cific coast Ice hockey league her
tonight by defeating the San
Francisco Shamrocks 1 to 4. The
Eagles , have not j been beaten in
their last 10 matches, but were
tied, once. ';
San Francisco! held the lead
only once, and then for 17 sec
onds, before Portland evened the
count In the first period.' The
Eagles made it 6 to 1 In the sec
ond. .. r
Dblan Outbiffs
838 828 2442
Handicap, 70 78 70 210
Iwellen 139 " 142 113 3S4
I'lippo a 154 128 127307
Woodcock 161 137 258554
Alderman -.158 179' 114451
HiUborn I20 129 110339
swa warii c arif aicn s an tt j nuat
Joey Dolan, 125, of Spokane, clai
mant to the Pacific coast feather
weight title, tonight decisioned
Ken Lindsay, 124, of Vancouver;
B..CL, : Canadian j bantamweight
champion, in a 1 10-round main
event It was Dolatfs last fight
before entering; military service.
. 808 779 780 2271
URoche .-12S 130 159 41t
Talbot -.1144 122 ' 108372
Shaw T134 145 108 385
Welch 1 1 ..,- , 208 121 174500
Harr 13 158 .167488
s Totals .:. .754 874 "712 2140
Handicap , 61 81 81 183
Willeckt 173 151 159483
Hclntirt 113 142 111 365
Prey -- SO , 151- 134384
if. Peavy , 96 136 144316
Miller 128 128 168420
-867 769 775 2211
H .: (2)
S-MI I tli t iill I
Df.y.T-LamJiJP. ! DrjO.ChaavNJD
' CmXESE nerballsta
241 North Liberty
Cpstatrs Portland General Cectrlc
Co. Office open Saturday only
18 a.m. to 1 pjn.t 8 to 7 p.m. Con
wltaUon. Blood nressura and urire
testa are ire charge. Pracuccd
since 1917. If
j :
3 li