Th OREGON STATESMAN, f Jenx, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 2. 1345 PAGE NETS t 11 i i i i i iO 1 ' TTTTT A TI T! .-.' ' TT.Tr 71 yaii'Iefpewi From The Sidie'sriidrirk Community Corresvomlents - f 1 Many Visitors ; At Gage Home Over Holidays MIDDLE GROVE -.Mr. and ' Mrs. John Cage and Mrs. Flor-i- ence Wright had as guests Thurs- - day night, ; to honor Lowell S. Wright, chief motor machinist mate and Mrs. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. August Herr and son ' Gor- , don, of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Emory Goode, Yvonne, Elvin and Wayne. Marvin Cage, Barbara and - Donald Scott were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Wright arrived from San Francisco to spend the Christmas holidays with his moth er and other relatives and will leave Tuesday, January 2, for Cleveland, Ohio, where he will take a course of instruction at General ; Motors. He has served three years in the submarine serv ice of the United States navy. To celebrate the 32nd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Hammer and to bid fare well to Leo Hammer, a family dinner was held at the Lawrence . Hammer home. Present were Leo Hammer and sons, Cary and Ran dy (Mrs. Leo Hammer and a new little son were unable to be pres cent), Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham - loer, Arleta and Bobby, Mrs. Har . ry s Wilson, Mr, and Mrs.,: Jack : :. McNeil, Mrs. Norman Fletcher j and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ham r mer, Marie Ann and Leonard, A family; dinner was also held Sunday, December 24, at the Fred ; Scharf home, to honor Mrs. Kate "Grandma" Scharf and PFC. Dor ! pthy F. Scharf, recently of Brem erton. and who left December 28 J. for San Diego to receive a new asignment. Those bidden were Mr. and Mrs. El J.' Scharf, Robert and Kenneth Scharf of Perrydale, Mr, and Mrs. Erling Thompson, Eldoni t and Carl, McMinnville; Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Jaffe, Portland; Mr and Mrs. Harry Scharf, Harry Lee and Dermis Mr. and Mrs. John v Van Loanen, Norma and Dale; Mr. and-Mrs.; W. H. Scharf, Mrs. Mary Herndon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scharf and Joan and Janice. . , The! women's missionary group ..met Thursday with Mrs. Law I ' rence Hammer. Eleven members S' were present Mrs. Tom Rosi of K Salemi was a visitor. Mrs. Louis I Wampiler led in the study of the i lesson devotionals were led by ; tne president. Airs, raui Bassett. . The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Bassett with . Mrs. Emory , Goode leading the t devotions. Each will bring a self' ' denial offering1: s ,; : i Mr. and Mrs. John Van Loanen, .Norma and Dale, had as Christmas ' dinner guests Mrs. Kate Scharf, Mrs. Wilson Wilt,: Beverly, Helen TUKSDAT, J AND AST t - Brooks Aid society. Duniavy horn. Bed Hills Farmers Union at school- WEDNESDAY". JANUARY "1 i Woodburn Women' club, 1 Miss uauas woman's chid. Mrs. cerunc- er, truest sneaker. Hazel Green . Sunshine : clitb, Mrs. Kuaoipn wacken. , t North Howell Home Ee dub, ban. Valley Calendar Marion Forks Entertains r ors MARION FORKS Mr. and Mrs. Z. Monger and children of Snrin Valley Home Missionary so- Manon Forks enroute to Tilla- ciety, Mrs. k v. carison. Blood donors service. Mt.- Anxel. Silverton Hills Extension Unit, 1 'JO. rruitiand woman's circle. Ketzer Sewinf club, Mrs. Ben Claf- (ett. v t:.- 4 FRIDAY, JANUARY S Central Howell Extension unit, Mrs. Earl Pooler. West Salem Home Ee, Mrs. Sarah Cnamberlaln. Salem Heights Extension unit, com munity halL cleay grange. . -x ' Lincoln Guests Entertained V1S- i Secretary Wickard Will Speak at Farm Meeting CORVALL1S, Jan. l.-)-Sec- retary i of Agriculture Claude Wickaxd will address the annual meeting of the -Oregon Farmers Union at Oregon State' college in February, it was announced today. The ; meeetiog will be from February 20 to 23, but the exact date of Wickard's appearance was not announced by. H. D. Ralph, who is assisting President Ammon Grice, Salem, in making arrange ments.: . mook. i Mr. and Mrs. Don Long and son stopped ; enroute to Monitor. Long is on furlough from a camp in Texas and was transferred to Camp Meade in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross of Roaring River spent ; a ; pleasant Christmas morning with the Scott Youngs. The; Ross formerly lived here. j.p.-v ..:r;; i- : f Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schaffer ahd her mother of Lebanon were here enroute; to Pendleton to visit his mother, i I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shepherd LINCOLN Mrs. Leonard uu J Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd of Gates! stopped enrouti to Al turas. i --' ! : . - t iMr. and Mrs. Otis White acd Looney Butte Holds Holiday Partiet " For Many Visitors -: ; LOONEY BUTTE Holiday itors during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Henion axel Vallpv Ornun Duane and rGlenkiKerman, and J Will JWeet bn Thursday mt ana isars. noy nenaerson ana . ZENA Mrs.! R. V. Carlson, daughter Carolee,:Mrs. Tilleyland w Weinberg and, Mrs. Mi Henderson are daughters w t ! x hostesses yL to the! Spring Valley Home Mis- w.u w .u sionary society, Thursday," Janu pany near Snowj Peak and the . , ' v Hendersons r live! v .near Cottage Grove. ' f t f-K ':f:"- 1 J Mr. and Mrs. JiE. Clark and J. i ary 4 at z o'clockv Monmouth Schools to H, Turnidge of Talbot were Tues- Rp - i, Tnwirlav day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tteoPcn on 1 uesaav day dinner guests Fred Royston. MONMOUTH All schools here Hammer, wnose birthday i was Christmas, was guest of honor at a dinner, celebrating both occa sions when Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. UMMaw 4a4aILaI "4Vk mi staAA a-x ""'"-My 0f Detroit were Christina were, Leonard Hammer. Mr. and 2rr . ,r Mr. and Mrs. Royston were New 1 will start Tuesday, Jan. -2, after Year's guests of i Mr, and Mrs. Walter Franz of Talbot a 10 day vacation. Registration' at OCE will -occur, Tuesday, classes to start Wednesday. 'Books I Would Like in A Foxhole' 1 Are Chosen PORTLAND, Jan. 1. -VPH A faculty committee at Reed college has named a list of 20 as "books would most like to have in a foxhole, from which service men may choose. f I ' An anonymous donor has pro vided funds for the college to send a book, to every former stu dent now in the! armed forces.. Rev. Norbert W. Fritz New Assistant Pastor Rev. Norbert W. Fritz Is the new j assistant ! pastor . of St Jo seph's Catholitchurch. Announce ment; was made Sunday by the pastor. Rev. T. J. Bernards. i Father Fritz! is a member of a Stayton family, who was ordained two years ago in June. He later served as assistant pastor at AH Saints church in Portland and re cently he was assistant pastor at ciessea ' acrament cnurcn in Portland. , .'. - 1 ; 1.:- Father Fritz! takes the place left vacant by the resignation of Rev. Bernard J. McDonald, who is en listing in the navy as a chaplain. Vdlloy Births WACONDA Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank . Felton are the parents of .daughter, Ella May, born Tues day, December- 19 at the Salem General hospital. The F el tons have a son, CpL Duane Felton overseas; a daughter. Velle Felton, a student at Willamette univer sity and a son, Larry, at home. Qaxter Holiday Guests Entertained at Harps t CLAXTER; STATION Dinner guests at the W. H. Harpst home on Christmas were Mr. and -Mrs. C W. Harpst and daughters Mar ietta and Mrs. Ray Cofert of Nash ville. . - William E. Brown spent a few days visiting his mother,, Mrs. W. H. Harpst' Brown Is employed in the Portland shipyards. . t AT FIRST SIGN OF A o 666 Cold Preparations anldincttd Bentson-Grinde Clan Elects NeV Officers at IVIeeting t- SILVERTON, Jan. 1 More than 100 members of the Bentson Grinde clan . gathered in ' ihe Knights of Pythias hall today for the annual reunion. Bessie Porter was named president of the group. Other officers are Caroline Best vice president; Mrs. Albert Grinde, secretary; Nels Langser, treasurer. A p r o g r a m was presented by . members of the group. -' Mrs. Archie Spittler, Leonard Hammer, jr. and Marie Ann and ianna visitors also also Mrs. M. C. Smith and Miss Audrey Smith of, Eist the Roy E. Hammers.. . House guests this week of Aud- ! Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lantz and family of Tillamook stopped here ly-VjT1?!?? ehroute to Redmond : to see bis in-law, ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomson of Portland. . Leland Mr. and Mrs. Alley Redmond anrl Hanffhtor nf Sister visited Air. .ana jurs: i i. wicKey naa n- rhrisimz as tneir guests Christmas Mr. ana ; A birthday dinner was held for Mrs. Ivan Hadley and Norval of Miss Dorothy Young Dec. 28 at Albany,-Mr. and Mrs. Hale Mick- the , home of Mrs. M. C. Smith ey ana onaron ana iJODDy, &aiem; 8 East Idanha Mrs. leonora Mickey, saiem; Ren a Mickey, Bonneville; Dellie Roderiguez and sons, John and Casey and daughter, Carmen. Mrs. Fred PeVries Is Given Birthday Party PRATUM. i' Although birth- Tnes. KSOI KOIN (1390 kc) (970 kc) :1S t:4S Newt j Music lima News 1:1$ 1:4S News Rise, Shin News Voice of Hope fNews Bill Haworth News PratumWill Reopen Glasses On January 2 5,: ..- - l -' -" ' r -. -1 S -5 PRATUM School will be re sumed Tuesday January 2nd fol- days seem to lollow one another 16wtog.the.10 day Christoas va in such rapid succession it would cation. j j seem desirable? to forget some :of The school's Christmas program them, Mrs. Fred de Vries will not was presented Friday night J be be able to havf her birthday; pass fore, the holidays for j a i capacity unnoticed. Last Thursday a! few attendance. Mrs. Mary Harrison days- before her birthday he r and Miss Lois Riches, .teachers, daughter, daughters-in-law, ; sis- were in charge. The school was ters, nieces, grandchildren and decorated with Christmas scenes friends, 19 in all, gave her real and a large' tree which g reached surprise at the home - of Mrs. td the ceiling. Greetings glistened Arthur de Vries. ' ' 1i over and on the back wall of the When she arrived home another stage. J I surprise awaited her. While she Numbers included readings, had been awaV from home the Dlavs. and , musical selections by young folks had taken away her school and community talent The old rocking chair and put a mod- play "Spirit j of ennstmas ' was em spring roqker in its place. j the main feature of j the upper grade room, while the jexerase "Treasure Box was for the.lower grade room. Instrumental num bers were given by j Lawrence, Evelyn and Helen Fischer. Mrs. James Thompson and Nada White gave a piano duet, Leonard Mosier a violin solo with Mrs. Lena Lam bert as accompanist A vocal solo was given by Henry Buetler; and vocal duet by Mrs. Rudolph and Irene de Vries;. also by Rev. and 1 Mrs. Regar. . ' ' ! ' ! The climax: was the appearance of Santa Claus . who distributed teats to everyone from the com munity club, i f v Yeater Rites Axe Wednesday MONMOUTH Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 pi. m. at he Christian church here) for Helen Margaret Yeater who died Fridav numt at aiSalem hospital, i - .. . ,i . Miss Yeater, a teacher of home economics in the Lentz district of Portland, suffered a severe attack of tonsilitis and continued teach ing!: for several days,, endeavoring to defer until va cation started, the rest needed j for recuperation. .She became so ill that jshe was brought from Portland to a Salem hospital by : ambulance. Blood transfusions failed to save her life. She was a memlber of Sunbeam Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft and of the Sunbeam Service club here. Surviving are her ) mother, Mrs. C.'iC. Yeater, 'a lister. Mrs. Ben Pollan, a nephew,? James C. Chat- zauk, A.i A. F., Skux City, lqwa; also several aunts and uncles. Yca'rej IIcI Tea Old To Feci Ycnng This is message for inen who have known life but no longer find it thrill ing because of the leek of certain vita mins end hormones.- Tromone. a re cent medical discovery combining vita mins and hormones may multiply the vtm and sect and enjoyment you one knew. Your i whole approach, your : wholes attitude toward hfe. may Im prove when you begin to use TTomone.' New it may be passible for. middle aged men to again enjoy the same spirit, vitality and pleasure ebaennadt their youth a - thing to remember. Added -years may not subtract from your plea sures when you use Tromone, the new medical formula combining vitamins and hormones. - follow directions on label. Tromone for sate by Perry's Drug Store and druggists everywhere. and Wilson and Mr. art Paul Bassett and Donald. oMrs. iiT. (620 kc) KEX (1190 kc) I News i I Dawn Patrol IMus. Clock: Stars - ' ) Farm, Home KOIN Klock i INews 1 j; . i Jour. Living News. j; I Fletcher! Headline Glen Again Sam Hayes Harmonies; News I James Abbe List'ng Post S:l s:30 :S Haven of Rest leaven of Rest News -Song Today User News Valiant Lady Light World Aunt Jenny Stars Today James, Abbe Mirth, B'fast qiub S:1S :C5 News Pastor's "Call Marine .Band I Kate Smith IBig Sister (Helen Trent 4 Cai. Sunday Voice Nation Larry Smith Personality Glamour j At Sardi'a 1:1S ie:M 1:4S . Newt House Party Paula Stone Woman Jury iLHe Beautiful Mi Perkins B'dlne riynn " IGreidbergs Ruth Iforbes News I - ...i ' Homemaker . Art Baker Tony Morse Jack Bench True Story . n:ie 11:45 Ced. Foster Safety Prog. Open House Orchestra Joyce Jordan Two on- uu Dr. Malone Perry Mason Guldins; Ught Children In What f Hymns IBaukhage Mystery Chef Ladies , i Noon . 1J:1S Top Trades News Hillbilly Music .. News Neighbors t i Horizons 1 Bach. Child's. Women of Am. Ma Perkins Young; family -Happiness M. Downey : Roea . Rio Headlines Corrspdts. j.-te 1:1S 1:M 1:S News Lum 'n' Abner Headlines Music s" Chang. World News Cc. Frontiers t Backs! Wife i Stella Dallas 1 Lorenj. Jones (Widder Br'n Time Views Radio Parade News -. Hollywood ; 2:M 2:IS Z:JS 2:4 News " Music Music Radio Tout Newspaper Mary Marlls Meet Missus Girl Marries Portia Plain BiU , rront Page What's Doing Church: I !, r Stars Today Church Program Held At Turner on Holiday TURNER The'i Methodist church presented a- Christmas play, "The Candle in the Win dow" on Christmas eve with Mrs. Duretta Wheeler' taking the lead ing role. Others were ; Betty and Arlene Bouchie, Wallace Riches and Margaret Prattler. 1 Special music and Christmas carols were enjoyed by the large congregation, under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Nevitt B. Smith. ! - Sunday morning the Sunday school presented annual program and 'treats were distributed to all in attendance. Joe Holt, ' super intendent, and the teachers were in charge of the program, t . Banyard Family Holds Reunion On Qiristnias ELDR1EDGE 4 The Arthur Banyard family had a family! unirm Christmas day at the Fair field grange halt The occasion also observed the 33rd wedding anniversary of M4 and Mrs. Ban- yard, j ; Itflne of the ten children were present, also 13 grandchildren; The table was decorated in: the Christmas' colors! There were place cards for the absent sons and sons-in-law in military ser vice. They are PFC Ernest Ban- i yard, Georgia; PFC Dwight Hult and! CpL Homer Cole, overseas. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Banyard and son, Tommy, Mrii and Mrs. Tdny Lelack and soni G e rry, Mri . and Mrs. 'pM Banyard and sons, Benny and i Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ban- yard and son, Everett, Mrs. Nel lie J. Cole and Shirley and Ron ald," Mrs'. Dwight j Hult and son, Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ban- i yard and daughters, Ila Jean and; ;Irene. , , 1 : Pvt. Robert Heisler spent one dayjiof his five day furlough with his-'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude N. Heisler. He ba4 been in train ing at Camp Hood, Texas for four months. He? was inducted in Aug ust. ;He came home by plane and will report at Camp Meade, Md. after his return, also, by plane.! :3S J:4S News Concert Hour Concert, Hour . Sov? Johnsons News" Stat Tralftc World Today Road tf Ufa David Harum ( Pleas. jTime Aunt Mary . Grace Elliott Newa i : : KoUie Trultt Band I Tulton Lewis ISan: Martin Dr. Kate Symph. Swing 4:1S ; ' Orchestra Show Boat News 1 4:3 Lyrics IMetody Hour Rhyawn Santa Claus- AM Orchestra j Day foster Hop Karrlgan S:M News Wheeler fT "t! "rft!. . 6 .1 J Superman Red a Gang Chas. Barbe , Pick Tracy . S:J Tom Mix' News With Judy Armstrang ' S:4S NewsWire News ? Cap. Midnight t.i G. Heatter Bums. AUen Mystery ' ; Livestock :ts Real Stories l . V, STS- i ' " :J Forum - Music T. MeGee Bands , t-M Torum i . 1 - ''- ' Tree L Forum The rront ! : Bob Hope IGrani 'Swing - T'lS L. Thomas t - A Kusseu i -t 1:M ' Bed. Ryder SpeU'n TeU HiMcgarda. LetGoj !! . t:4J Red Ryder j . - !.- - - .-i -i S:e Orchestra ; J. Kirkwood Supper Club ?L j ' ! I is . Rhythm Tivs , Music , Fleet. Lawton Lum'Abner , S:sa My t traveler Romance Presents . . Alan Young ( :ee News Bia Town ror Boys : IGracie rtelds . VM Orchestra M.ilUon DoUaf HoUyvrood ntMUM 9AS . ,;, Rewi - Orchestra 1 IS,-i: Fultoir Lewis IS Star Final News'- 2", , ' J:U - ' Orchestra War Women Town News HL-t!l ; 18 M News - Mwin C Hul , Barbara fLl 18 :45 reel. Mutual TeK. Rangers j - Orchestra II -.oe Open 'House Tslks Orchestra Concert Hour , 11-1$ . v in, Behind Seen Orchestra li:3 v Air-Flo- - - ; Orchestra - 11:4$ - . Orchestra 1I:M News '-- News- "M 12: Sign ott jMusic. News f War News . anirTrrniT-ui tt w lt-M 4:15 Memorable Music. 4:30 Here Cornea K O A C T VK5 D A - Band- 4 Hi Shall We WaltiT tm On Kews. 10:15 The Homeraakers Hotw. pbeat saO Something for the 110 Inv. to Dance; 11 JO Condert Girls. S:5 London Letter. 6:00 News. HaU. 12:00 News. 12:15 Noon Farm : Evening Farm Hour. er Hour. 10 Ridin' th. Range. i:tS Has- land Smgmg. 735 Listen to fT: ' tl,, riv 1-33 Variety Time. I :O0 T .30 Lift tVoice; 80 Music of no s, AAUW hSI 'Hou3?. 3."Myemo?y-Book S:15 Untvemtv Journal; tao Music; of Music. 3 CO r.'ews, 3:1S Music of the 50 News. tS rve-g i.e-ttons. Masters. 4 :C3 Adveatiirlto nesearci.tl9.CS ira O-i. Mrs. Sally, Esson Rites To Be Held in Albany ALBANY, Jan. 1. Funeral services for Sally Esson, who died last- Thursday in a Salem hos pital, will be held here at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Esson j was the widow of a pioneer Oregon xninister of the Christian church and had been living recently; Turner, tie was at one time pastor of the Silver- ton Christian church. v" - Kings Baby HI : PEDEE Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph King's baby has been very 1H. His mother is staying with them. n n y -4w . . j DUS. CHAN ... LAM Dr.T.TXamJSj. - Or.G.ChaalJ if CHINESE Herbalists 1 1"; 211 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a m. to 1 pxn.; to 7pxtv Con sultation. Blood pressure and urine tests are free of -charge. Practiced since 1917.- u - i Lebanon Elks Join In Providing ; Gifts LEBANON The local Elks lodge cooperated iwith Santiam post of the American Legion and auxiliary in the collection of gifts for service men brA. women ; m Oregon . hospitals over the holi day The Elks gave $35 in cashJ bought gifts which were packed in boxes for the veterans. -Mrs.---Helen; Starr,- president of district 3 of the auxiliary, reported at the last meeting that not only were there enough i boxes, each containing materials ! which cost $5 for every servicf man or wom an In hospitals In 3 this state but that: a surplus had been sent ito ! California where there are more and larger veterans facilities.' i you nm This Great COUGH RELIEF You no If 1 ! W R. Mix at home with sugar and water, corn syrup, or liqnid honey. Makes a full pint ... saves you nearly S2t No more effective , coach syrup at mnf pricm for quick relief from coughs due to colds. Atk your druggist fo PINEX! , J rJCJTHINQvt NO HOME S 1 "nXW:, should be Wmffi&mM BL0ND1E 1 '( NO-NO-J XnoT) BUT THEY JUST 1 ? COST A . " '- Y-ff ; -N- rn&zj just a wg JUquaoter? IT WAS .CHEAPER m r THAN HAVING MV QUIT! . PRESSEO, ....... . ' H1'" 1 WMd I I,;., TK :,. .1 FASTER FOOUSBEV3VI. THE BASagR THKT YANKEE .PILOT MUST NOT TAKE THE WOMAN FKOM-THS tSl v. SCOKCUY SMITn THE JAP MAJOR, RATSIOiAWST be rsothins the mouth now CHECK,' BET VDU HAD A TOUSHTIME : V 1 ESCAPEOI A was A HoeaBLE NISHTMASE ..".EVEN THOU&H II KNEW HS VVOULPNT PAKE KILL ; t aapaw-Lt PV MA fl Ss(SlS--SSawBBSji Ik SSaMSWasaiai TiMr TSMSaasssM.JSsssssa--M THAT'S WHAr5 SO STRANGE ! why Should they keep ycu here?; seems thev WE25 APRAiD TO HAVE ANYTHING HAPP6M TO -X DONY SET IT IV aa . M i i . ( JStTOtfTN ( eUUQEWN V tUCT UJOBTTS?, J , .AtYWSSLE, BARNEY GOOGLE 'mickey.. TrVrA scareq A1SAO.THIKJG ICWEP? KOrV TO CATCH SOU -I DON'T RED-HAdJOED A WHAT IN THIS J X 0O. . , , , V SUPPOSED &j ASIBZP! Sharks vmtr TOO PORTCULfiR X --IV" MICKEY MOUSE LOTS OP UNSOLVED CRIMES IN THERE , LAO. 1 f HATE TD THINK SB J V 1 JALSNT; HAWS DONS SCME OP THSSM J -6tT OffN v WELL... BEST PUT SOU AwAW? VJlU-THElDOCTOri: 7 CAN BKAMlNS I THiS OTHER , SELP" OP ,':-: . ! j KING OF THIS JWJ ' VOLCANO I j pKv 1 PUT NO PSSCHO CASE J - IN Atf CSX? X BEEN J 5r. T" THIMBLE THEATRE EVB3VB0PVS AFEAKEPOPME ANI7 M0U BETTER BE, TOO I BREATHES FIRE 5v I . I VERY riGOTSOMETHW'l FEg MDUH MEgEj Sa m-i-t , is li rwsr- - rwvr- - j v v; ARF-ARP- ARpri it m 5 Mrs. Stafford Is Now Convalescing at Home 1 WACONDA Mrs. Henry C Stafford is ccmvalescing from an operation" she' underwent recently at the Salem General hospital. Mrs. C M.; Hall is slowly im proving after av heart attack a few i weeks ago." ; J.-H "f v MSSLDNcS PROMISED ID VSH HER WORSE AT TEN CfaOC ITS ALMOST TWO MIMUTtS 1 AFTER TEW- at -a4V 'sK-7 s LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY i. HERE COMES MISS LONG NOW MS6UESS SUES WORRiED'BOUrHEA MORS E SUE'S WALKIN K TERRIBLE FASTfj 1 Mm MY GRACIOUS, ZERO1 I THOUGHT MISSIONS WAS WORRIED 'BOUT HER HORSE: S1NBA0MUSTAT0L0HER kTHE HORSE IS BETTER, UUSE NOW SHES ;SMILIN'I ASS.KU slreI how AoxrrTvs VOLfKS ALL r-tfAZVy FAY OCST? rw 1 v7 mmm A, I iV nr.- lllZ LONE RANGEH I FNPS CH SHORE.' WE'LL HAVE TO VAIT FDR A40ThB? SV3NAU V ONE OF OUR SEN TR'SHASTVMD AJvsE5T, CAPTAIN PROwLERS? WHAT CO I MEAN? VrOJ - m 1 iriilVisa BOY AN frJDIAN - 1 ... n f . i