i 2 p !??n nba . iip1 n" a cap BSvl nsrvrev rs2 trr iv n ran rv : in tx n rrsncsin nnftp ; ii -immiL i ' k mm : ' . ' , k. i i w . a a a a. k i v v. r. 9 - m.mm 11 a " 1 1 t 1 1 .1 . 1 - ' - 1 . r 11 m ; 1 1 -v 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 :: .11 1 .1 w t -x : t .. ' 'M -i- -! . : -f ;;. . . . .-.-.,..! .. . ;' " : ; - . , -I - . - V ' " v - - . . f - , ! , -1 -;: , " ;:;r:-W;;t':-K-'SK J ' ..." , IVt. - !:.' , I . 4, t . - i , , - - , - '' i r - - ; - - f t -' F: ; ----v- nr ; . i ' FEEDING TIM Eis. ' .k. ' 1 . " K ' . licHner Snw, lion keeper la San Francisco's Flefsbaftcker too. A j : high chair senres as their pea. CREITINC FROM DUTCH la iht yard ol a plctaresqut notUai farm home, fiitek i nracuu iwn m we m auin aiTHiea h uoeraiora pan crerheM rM M Urcts JAPS FIREU. $. TANKE R-lCrewmrn of a U. S. aircraft carrier watch from flifhl aeck ai USS Miijlwa, a tanker, bumi after a Jap attack somewhtro la tho PaeUie, mmmmmmmmmmmmm minimi ijh.ii iiy w,5p;i::S" .--. j j :::..::::-..:: :..:.. k -1. ' '"1 - j. w - c f . ft I r ' ' 4 1 " :..': : i ISfir::::::; ::'! 4-.. ' j -. if, i - i ,"'-') , , v ": : :';':.:. ::: '. : :" ;:&:'; :' f ' ' ff . , . 4 a 'v r f. 4 5 W? s hi f'.j . 1-;-. VETERAN SHOTGUN This thotgun, heM br Merton A. Robinson, ballistic eaciaeer at Wiacbester'a New Ha Yea, Conn Unt, his beeX flre4 1.31t.72l times In testiac shells over a period t STAR LET Marie MeDea aid, screen player who poses here la sports attire afaiast Hollywood tree, lnraded the film capital several years aco as a slnrer with a danee band. '5 vv" r "V -s-?. yir' wwx '"jrvw- Hywniwyjy GERMANS VORK IN QU ARR Y Somewhere la tbe . Earepeaa theatre, German ctv t'Jaa laborers fce!j bUd a platform for a roe l a aarry, U wU feo ran far U. ft. f'-rjt Ajk,p ' '' ' ' -- irl..5 'pi - - : " 1 '""I7 tt::-. 1 !, - I . i fR., ORJH . FICHTI NC-The IT. S. Coast Guard eombat ttw r.ii-.i weamerswiunroa aortheast Greealandtura. orer captured supplies to Danish sled VaLroL i tits 3 STUDENTS SINC OPERA -Slaw Director Alfredo I Valenti (seated) roes throat h a scene with Annette Burford or Oklahoma City and Henry Clark of Aurora. III4 who sanr in "Doa rasqaalo" at the Jailllard Sehooi of Maste la New York. 4t, 1 n - ywmmwi BiitiiaWHJWtiaiuiijsu mi lilii 1 7 ?i " C A N C E R C E L L SDr. E. V, Cdry (rirtth pro. '"1 w hmjhj waanmrwB (jaiveraiiy, St. Louis, shows liv Inf cancer cells ased la research lata the malady to Senator Ciaode Pepper, chairman f the Semite sabeommUtee oa wartime health od edaeattoa. aeeklw to maintain wartime spoedap la research. 1,,..'. 4 4 CALAVITt VEKOi AWttEf ' t in ktim VrxSSan Jose S.AGUSTJN WHARF 1 20 ifAlUTi Maii 1 LflS AMSUONCAsSl MINDORO ISLAND Closenp map of Rr.aiwe 1Ain 'la tie Phnplaea, toa'Jt cf Lctea as J wl-.!s HI e1!js of rrrrr.s CCpf 4SYAIrlaJ-?i,,B- Ma.net HohenWrtor (left). Hener Gro T. W l PL Oeorrc O. Clark. ArUartoa. Va serab ap la a Dioi; f ranee, path house ran br Red Cross, BUFFALO CRI NCS SUPPLIES - A fcaZl" tTU, ladea wi-i r!;:aa aal . ralloao traTcls tis a riw la itorthera Leym, to do tKirsJsta. to sacply ferwawrl t L:x areas. ! 4