The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 02, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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- Th Wedding of Miss Emma
- Magdalen Fichtner, daughter of
Mr, and Ma August Fichtner
of ' Emerada, N. and Her.
John M. Pike, aon of Mr, and
Mrs. Claud Pike of Kent, Wash-,
wai folemnized at the l1nt
Evangelical church on Decem
ber 2 1 Rv, Kenneth Wishart
performed the double rlii cert-
xnony,- r . .
, The church wai decorated la .
holiday greens and whit chry- '
sanmemumx Tba lighted cathe
dral tapers wera at the altar and.
were also placed at tha aisles. -
Th brida wore a- wedding .
dress ,of white slipper satin, fas
hioned with shirred , bodice,
sweetheart neckline , and full !
court train. Th lace edged veil j
was held by a coronet of orang i
blossoms, she carried a. bouquet 1
ox white roses.
The bride was given In mar- '
age by Mr. Hick LeSud. lone-
rlage by Mr. Kick LeRud. long
time friend of th bride's f am-j
ily. Her maid of honor was Miss
Abigail Miller,! who- wor a j
gown of blue taffeta and carried f
a colonial nosegay. : --. j
'' Miss Grace. Pike, sister of th
groom, was bridesmaid. Sh wor
a pink taffeta dress and carried
a nosegay of old fashioned flow
. The' best man was Rev. Ger
ald Jaffa and ushers Wer Rev.
Xeo Thornton, Rev. Bob Bennett,
Rev William Cooksley and Rev.
WUlard Backer
The candles wer lighted by
Mrs. William Fawk and Mrs.
Gerald Jaffa. Mr. William Fawk
. played th wedding music, lira,
E. J. Kortzeborn was tolofcit.
Th groom's ; mother wore ; a
:j greeti afternoon gown anl1"
gardenia corsages:
. The bride has been employed"
t the J. C. Penney company.
She came to Salem from jKrand
fcorks, N. IX,, in July of 1944.
'.jfoe attended j Mayvill atat
teachers' college, N. D. - I
Rev. Pik la: a graduate of
Cascade college, Portland, and is
now a senior at Willamette uni
versity. He la a member of Tau
Kappa Alpha, houorary frater-
nity. and is servin t
nity, and is sei-ving as pastor of
the Fruitiand Evangelical
church. '.r.;., ,:. ; : 'J '
Following th wedding cere
mony a reception for about 7S
guests was held in the church
parsonage. In charge of the gift
table and assisting in the rooms
were the Misses Elvira Behrens,
I Evelyn. Halverson, Dorothy En
gelbaht, Phyllis Launer and Lu
cille Bair. Miss Helen Bier and
llrs.! Martha" LotUs poured. Mrs.
J. Kenneth ! Wishart cut ; th
ride's wedding cake and r Mrs.
Kick LeRud cut th groom's
cake. Mrs. E, H. Leach cut th
ice cream. The rooms were deco
rated for Christmas and the ta
ble was decorated withlth
bride's andi groom's wedding
( cakes and whit candles. Miss
Joan Wrobleswski was in charg
; .ef th guest book.. '
V - The young couple left - on a
wedding trip to the coast. For
; traveling the bride wore a' smart
black suit with accessories. They
will be at home at 533 North
Summer street
i - - ' '
; Today's Pallen
You don't have to us th bo
dice lacings but they're mighty
smart! Pattern 4700 is so easy
te sew, a schoolgirl can mak it
for herself. - . . . "
: Pattern - 4700 comes f n girls
sizes 8, , 10, 1? and 1L Size 10,
Jumper, takes 1 yards. 54-inch;
blouse, 1 yards 39-lnch.
" Send SDCTEEN CEX1T In coins
.for this pattern t The. -Oregon
Statesman, Pattern - Dept., Salem,
pre. Print plainly SOT. NAME. AD
Send FIFTEEN CENTS more for
the Anne Adams Fait an4 Winter-
Pattern Book. fuiT of semtt, tabric
' savins styles. Free pattern for hat
end muff-bag printed rigUt In ook.
raocEssED rooos:. - w ;
Book 4 Bine strnps -XJ,-:TI,
EJ, A2 and.BJ valid jndefuutely.' ,
-Book 4 Red stamps Q3, ES, -S
valid Indefinitely.
. SCGAK: : -
. Book 4 Sugar stamp M vaKJ la
finitely, S pound.
8MOES: Loose Stanse tarraJtS:
Book S Alrplaoe stamps Nos. I,.
I and 3 valid tndefuuteiy. '
OAsoLtKSt :-"
A 14 throngh- Mardr- It, Euk
eounon worUa 4 faliooa- ; '
I I'LL. OlLt
Pcnod 4 ft f . coupons (1241-44
series i and period HI euupons (1944
4i &eries) valid tfareucu AprU Si.
14V , . .
Apply at locl 0?A aotrl far X -ttove
eeruiicatee. . .
W A W-
Stoytonj WAC .'
Married ' '
STAYTON-isgL Virginia IL
Hecht, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer, a Hecht of Sdo, route 2,
and Robert Ci Davis, PhJT 1a,
son of Mrs. Aldla Davis of Wor
cester, Massachusetts, were mar
ried at high soon on Christmas
at tte Methodist church In
Stayton. ReiVR. T. Cookingham,
pastor of the Ideal church, offi-
dated at th candl light dou
bl ring ceremony.
Th brida,! who was given ha
marriage by her father, wore th
dress uniform nf the WAC. The
coupl wer attended by th
bride's brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hecht H.
J. Row and; I XL Wright acted
as ushers and 'lighted th can
dles. ; , -yj.
Mrs. D. Georg Col sang "Ch
Promise M" and Becausa" pr
ceding th ceremony. Mrs. W.
P. Dunton played th wedding
music. ; i .
' A dinner and reception wer
held at th Hecht home follow
ing th ceremony. Besides lo
cal guests there wer about 23
from Portland attending "the
wedding andrecentiorK Thm t
ble centerpiece Was a three-tier
veacung caKji topped with a
miniature sailor; IMrs. Ida Sand-
ner nad chaFgpf the guest book.
and Mrs-ertha JVIcDaniel and
Mrs. Arthur McKeiizie poured.
i Mrs. ' Davis attended Kansas
state collegeand was employed
by Marining's in Portland before
Joining; the WACsi She Is sta
tioned at Grenieri Field, Man-
STiSe aS.8 i9
' Pubhc 'elaWo'ns offic.
Among ner other duties she
.writes for the "Beacon-, a'maga
aine published at the field. e
I Mr, Davis graduated at Wor
cester city hospital as nurs in
1942 and has been, servintf in the
Aleutians. He is now staHoned
at Klamath Falls Marin bar
Mr. and Mrs. Davis left for
Klamath Falls where th brid
will be with her husband for th
remainder of her (furlough.
. r L': I . ' '
Manions; Hosts
To Brothers
1 Mr. and Mrs. Cectt Manlon
were- hosts oa; Friday night In
their Sunset avenue home, at a
party in honor of Mr. Manion's
brothers, . Ralph Manion, seaman
first class, and Roger Manion,
seaman second class who were
horn on leave, f
J The party was jheld in th rec
reation room, wfth refreshments
served at a lat hour.
Present were J Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Thoroqulsfy Mr. and Mrs. i
John Meyer, Miis Josaphln
Manion and Mrs. R. S. Simon. !
i . ' v " - A
M. Bartlett of 3559 Center-street
will entertain the Brush College
Helpers club at an all day meet
ing January 4. Mrs. F. E. Wilson
was at first announced as host
ess. The group will do Red Cross
sewing and a no hostess lunch
eon will be served at noor j
. v fyJ&tfTl Heeler
Eh wins th hearts of th
, small fry and th admiration of
th. oldsters. Her yarn hxlr, re
novable Sclothei j Intrigue r the "
'youngsterivj --AC.i---'A
- xvice siz toe youngsters t
-"lug around" " she's IS Inches
talll Pattern 6Ti contains paW
tern tor doll and clothes; direc
Send rxrVTTt Crm aefM tut-
this psttern e The Oreron States-,
. 1 1 . . .
suem tr orecon sutes-,
Need3ecsrt Pent Salem. Or,
rolxr sTams V ADDfticss. "
rin a.. a.j u '
-('.. J i
871 Jl t ;
l.ew az-pr.e 'iseeGietrin tawg... 0V! (375 dfrr-i T f-r 3 r-H-1Z3
iUustritlors at desifns for m- r:".-' crg.j j, iwr j Ea
fcraidenr. kniuins. ..crocnet. qtulta, UtM. , ,
V TOSDAT'r."! --V;v -iS'
r- Missouri " auxiliary wlflj Mm. "
it W. HarlatkL 144 South lift
, street, covered j dish dinner.
. Yomxco class. Sirs Methodist
church, with JUrs. 3. Edgar
. Purely, (4f North 22nd street
Salem Central WCTU meet at
hall, a pjn. t
Past President club. Woman's
. Relief Corps, with Mrs. Florence
Sliipp, 674 North Summer streeL
covered dish luncheon. - .
P ' WEDNESDAY i ' 'AirA-"
- Hazel jCreea Sunshine sewing
: club, with Mrs. Rudy WackeaTT
Auxiliary and St Paul's Guild
:., meet st Episcopal parish house,
. no-host luncheon, i an. eles
Sobs of Union Veterans an "
auxUiary meet at Woman's club
, house, open installation, 1 M p.m. ,
Royal Neighbors meet at VTW 1
hall.' S pjn. i
,PKP ,Teachers club saeet at
Blue Bird cafe, pjn. ,
WeddWjHeld ,
Salt Creek
Mist ! Zlsl Glesbrecht, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gles
brecht, became ' th brld : of
Carlton T. Reischke, TJSNB, son
of Lewis Reischk of Salem,
Friday; at 8:30 at the Salt Creek
Baptist church. The double ring
ceremony was1; performed by
Rev. : John i Glesbrecht from
South I Dakota, brother of the
Mr$.i Henry Ratzlaff and Miss
.Lillian Reischke lit the tapers.
Mrs. Norman Classen was the
organist and also slaved ihm
wedding marches. Mr. Nels Frle
zen, (pousin of th bride,-sang
I Ldve You Trulv.w A trio eon-
i aisting of Mrs. I Arnold! Knper,
juissea June and Sylvia Reischke
sang. ! .. v!.i:S'
f Th brid entered on the arm
of hex father; sh wor a white
satinf gowja with a sweetheart
neck inade: In princess lines, long
sleeves and a, fingertip veil fall
ing from sj beadjed tiara. Her on
ly omamept jsViji a three strand
S pearl neckpiec. ! Sh carried a
bouquet of pink rosebuds and
! J bouvardja. 1
Mrs. Ltoyd Stouffer. sister of
f the bride, was matron of hohor.
Misses ; Maudif Jane Reischke
f and Dorothy McCulley. served as
bridesmaids andor pink and
blu net gowns with shoulder
length veils pt contrasting net
All carried arm bouquets of but
ton cbjsanthemums.
Mr. Tom Harmon was th best
man., Ushers were Edward Gles
brecht, Claranc Hildebrand.
Walter Hildebrand and Everett
Sherman. IJttle, Lucille Hilde
brand and Delores Klassen! in
floor-length pink taffeta gowns,
carnea nosegays of button chry
santhemums as the flower girls.
Robert Razlaff and Merle
Glesbrecht, nephews of the
bride : m navy blue sailor aiilta.
carried the rings on white sitin
pillows. J j- -.. .-S
For her dauehter's weddin
Mrs. ; Glesbrecht j chose a soldier
blue hat and dress with corsage
of pink rosebuds. Th four-tier
wedding cake with miniature
oride and sailor ; boy groom was
! cut by Mrs. David D. Giesbrecht
I Jr. and Mrs.? Henry Hildebrand
i alter the bride :and groom cut
I the first piece. Mrs. Dick Bar-
tell and Mrs, William Vfllwack
presided at the urns. Serving
! were xne Misses MUdred May,
Verna Hoekstre, Ruth and Elva
Buhler, Mathflda Fast, LUtlan
Kciscruc and Mrs., Ernest Mc
( Culley. Mrs. Henrv ttM
l About 250 guests attended. Miss
3 France McCulley attended the
guesi Doos. I J -
For going away' fh bride
wore a gold crepe dress, brown
lur coai and accessories.
The groom will report back
w Bremerton, Wash, on Janu
ary 15. ' - f
Visitors fat th capital this
: weekend wera Commander and
Mrs. Max Moon and son, John,
, of Astoria. Th Moons lived here
befor h entered th service
rraM ass ' - F " '
Tcxlay s Menu ,
Stuffed onions mak "a spes
lalty dish for dinner today.
r . Head lettuce
I' ' Vpickl dressing ;v
1 . ',' - Swiss steak
." t . Stuffed onions "
Baked potatoes ' " V
; t Fruit cake -:
Chocolate pudding
11 largv onions .".
-v 1' cup sausac meat
M teaspoon salt ,.
cup cracker crumbs (1B ,
, .cup chopped celery ; ,
Peel onions, parboil - la salt
water for 15. minutes. Cut slices
off for ' tops;, remov centers,
leaving ; H-inch shells. Cook sau
tag meat S minutes la frying
pan and mix with chopped onion
: 7
telts, Stuff ffona. cnvF wift
centers ana - remaining Ingred-
sprite wiui fcuttered
animrie i veV kHU 1 S a ,
1 1 1
Young Girls 1
Invited to K : :
Parties ;L
Beverly Jean Salisbury, daugh
ter of Mr, "and Mrs. Clyde Salis
bury was hostess, to 14 girls at a
party held Friday, in J honor of
; her birthday, which waa Janu- -
' ' A A -
' Fink and whit was th color
schematised tn - refreshments, .
and carnations of the same colors
decorated th dining table. .
y '..Guestaj. of Bevtrlr'Jeiut Xra'
' Donna Sacre, Judy Leserer, Joan
King, J Anzt Bicketts; Mary'
Vinyard,! Carolin Geiser, Ear
lea Vernon, Erba Wilson, Judy
Shrockii Sally ; Eggstaff4' Gloriai
Mentzer.t Sandra McMarus, Do-r
lores Salisbury, Mary Salisbury
and Terry Alien Salisburg. .
Beverly Gastafsoa nostess -Beverly
Gustafson, . daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gustafson
entertained on Friday night with
an informal party for a group of
Leslie Junior high school girls. -Games
and danejg occupied th
guest. 5 During the refreshment,
hour th hostess was assisted by
her mother. ?A :"""!: ''A-r'
Present at " th party wera
Donna Whlteiy, Merl j Bhotes,
Frances Baum, Marilyn Beall, ,
Marilyn feurris, ftherln Eliza.
beth Cooper, Jeann ; Thomas,
ill . --. t - - . jl - ! " I n , . II ! i :m it...Ji II ilk ill
. : in hn Simp m t!i uw-
l A" ' A,A ' mi'' U A'r -AA ' '- 'A -A;: AA:V-A; :
- Mil v V,' -TT : ' . ? i .
fxit .tVa si. V. 17, HVZii-AJT 1
m . w ? ' :T
r.iviw r& . & hi j- -A' a' s
III XVJP- -W"r if
III..'- e-y jrj0-.Jr,.-jrMr',M'mr-',,..-i- (:-.'
ifi Va f- iPAsr&sA :; - 'I,--. . r , a:: a i
L h73 II X CayUnhrmalt
, ; DrupDryIalcrial , '.
' Sim I i(g(SVc--i;'-.- ; ?
Ill m si ivy. . . L i , v -: , -i 1 . : .i 1
ill I If I oecruurui au-purpos ; uoworad material.
Ill I if rTS I - Pmru rmA 1. 1 , I l i rj 1 a
III '- Ml V 1 vaiiuui wiuia. ov ; luuies
II h i- i wia. nauy ouaget pnceal I 1-
. WSJ r i ' - i
lit i-- - ;. ., ..
ill-!.- i . - - , - - . .
it -
! "ir
Cild:li Ycrdrja zzl Sqzircs
I ' ifiTS
Cir and tJl J J4.
Tha ideal "wash saverr Triey arev gay and colorful Coral and
fhWTMfclfiaV aumi H . S t s arl
"i .uiUEriu. : vuupitiio EEusnea scfuares au; in eryexxticis
fcTpsttJmj. , ,j DO',7i:5TAn3 5TOZ: ,
Jackie Notick and Roma Nelson.
Party at Johns '
n Elsie Johns, daughter of Mr,
and. Mrs. C B. Johns' waa hos
tess on Sunday night to a group
of high school girls for a New
Tear's eye slumber party. .
Following a few hours of
dancing and games; refreshments
were served and the girls then
attended a midnight show. .
' Present were Shirley iindahl,.
Charlotte Reeves, Arlene Shel
don, Mama Michelsen, Una Ma
GrayleXf. Nancy Farrar and El
sie Johns. -' 1 "' :
Informal, Party-
Honors Couple ,
r ' . , - . ' -., -. i -V"
: An Informal New j Tear'a
party and buffet supper was
given at th horn of Mr. and
Mrs. J( Graham, 1785 North
:20th for Mr. and - Mrs. A. R.
Johnson who will soon b mak
ing their horn In Portland.
' Th guests included Mr. and
Mrs., William iTalbot, Mr.; and
Mrs. Adam Lefor, Mr. and Mrs.
Phil Gflstrap," : Mr. and ' Mrs.
.Johnson and tha beets. ' '
North section f th first Ca-
gregational church will meet oa
Wednesday; at 230 at th home
of Mrs. IU at ' Keer, 78S North
Church street. 'Also meeting on
Wednesday at 20 is th South
Section, which will b enter
tained at I th horn , of : Mrs.
Blanch Allen, 1$30 North 21st
street.' :- - . r .-
Feature! V
.L and J aa.
A Dessert t
Supper. : . .:
Party -: :
j Mr.. . Bruce Van Wyngarden
wis hostess for. smartly tr-
. ranged paarty Saturday night at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H, Holt on North 21st
street.. The honor guests er
Miss Grace Covert, who has been
borne for the holidays from Rose
burg, where sh -1 a member
of the high school faculty, and
. Miss Marcella Weiss, who has
com her from South Dakota
- to live,
A4lessert supper was served
by the hostess with an evening
of contract! bridge following. A
blu and silver tree, silver bells,
holly and white candles provid
ed th decorative not about th
Honoring Miss Covert and Miss
Weiss were Miss Margaret Allen,
Miss Sally McQelland, Miss Mar
caret Swing; Miss Mary and Miss
Stella McKay, Miss Muriel Llnd
strom, Miss Barbara Jean Vincent,
Miss etty Jane Thomas, Mrs. Vic
tor Collins, Mrs. . Adam Diebert,
Mrs. Craig Coyner( Mrs. Sumner
Gallagher. Mrs. Donald H. Nagel.
Mrs. Georg LaVatta and- Mrs.
Van Wyngarden. . . -1
Cotton linters ar an important
Source of chemical celulos.
Youll fhlnk of dozens of
your homa when you sea thes9 bright and chearful pat -
larns, so well adapted to draperies 'and slip! covers. Soiri
smooth, and sleek, some smartly nubby, ail tasy to cut
and work. i - ! .-'--..
Thes car ejray, Informed
mJlr& VSfV AAr,w Si...
iu?n uiwjf
terns ftiat cut to an advantaga.
Mora fhem ayer wa must protect our clothes from idust,
moth and sunlight. Thesa wardrabea or sturdily !con
atructed and reinforced with a wooden frame. Comleta
and almple instructiona for selling it vp. " ! '
L0Tlyyircnla Eos Pattern
32-Fi::3 Ekzcr Scl
...i -.. . . .... t
pAmr?ali CS1 VlSJ iar 1T fx
pretty as Its narnef . . . A dain-"
; ty, , colorful. Coral epray dec
ratos fh scalloped xig of this
distinctivai aot
Methodists Will j
'r Th Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service of Leslie Methodist
church will meet for a dessert
r liinf-Kort u. the church parlors
at 1 o'clock Wednesday, after
noon. The committee In charge
will be Mesdames Mason Bishop
John Kooreman and C S. Orwig.
For the program hour MtavWil
bur, Ankeny will complet the
review . of -the study book on
the South Pacific, "West of the
i Date line." Annual reports will
be given by the retiring officers
and a brief business session wlBJ
b held. - ' ' y '
Th Installatlan' servlc for
; the new officers will be condurt
ed by Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, sec
retary of organization and pro
motion for the western jurisdic
tion . of the society. Officers
chosen for the new year arc: j
! President, Mrs. Mason Bishop;
vice president, Mrs. C. W. Sta
cey; recording secretary, Mrs.J.
L. Heidler; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Vergil Burson; treas
urer, Mrs. A. W. Metzger; secre
- tary ; of missionary education,
Mrs. H. C Leaven worth; secre
tary of local church activities,
. Mrs. John Kooreman; secretary
of Christian social relations, Mrs.
A- W. ..Caswell; secretary of lit
erature, Mrs. B. F." Orjen; secr-
( tary of supplies, ; Mrs. C F.
j French; secretary of student
Accordmr to busy Miss Careful N. Wise, . .i
The persoa who shops for each thing that she buys
Is really a waster of time, for it's plain!4
She'll always come
z - - A R
Rayon Fabric!
Smarl Floral Draperies
wcrvs. to renovata and radaoorafai
. 1 Solid Color x
Draperies and Slip Coverings
designs that will add lifefcmd
- IS Vj .. b 1 ' . I
wai usui oecruuiui brocad' jat-
:. 15-Garment Capacity!,
Sfardy Wardroba tiosels
A. utSL
"Popular Vn!Iaa StyU
: -Phi? Gb:3 Ilirrcr
Beautiful tidied - ,
mirror F I V v PlQl3 c!as
ICrl" for room.
TliousanJ Tonixnlea
ITnmp nn l urlOOflll -
LONDON, Jan. l-(-A thal-"
sand Tommies returned to Briuin
today on home leav from th
west front Relatives i thronged
railway stations to greet "them.
They win have nine! days In
Britain even with their families
and two for travel to and from'
ports. Todays group waa'cornposed
of veterans of the D-day landings. ;
Other contingents are expected al
most daily under the home leav
rotation plan, announced several
weeks ago. . A ; : :AAA
Police Solve Slvstery
Of Candy-FiUed Bu :
ALBANyJanil-CSVTh fnys-.
tery of th 25-passenger bus
which vanished from a garage and
turned up I at V I th train depot.
strewed with candy was cleared
up today. ---l-H ' ' " '
" Police arrested three boys, aged
14 to 16, who admitted driving th
bus up the highway - and then
abandoning it in town.' V
work, Mrs. Omer Idso; secretary
of girls' work,' Mrs. Emil Strip-:
ling; secretary f of - children
work, Mrs. Guy; Boyce; secretary
of spiritual life, Mrs. S. M.
Laws; chairman of membership, "
Mrs. Alma Barkus; chairman of
fellowship, Mrs4 George Hender
son, and chairman of status of ,
women, Mrs W. S. Ankeny.
straight back to Penney again!
- - .....
'4 " ;
JL i.
J . TA