T Th OSEGOIl STATESMAN. Salenu' Oregon. Tuetday Morning. Januarr 2. 1S45 PAGE ELEVEN Convenience and BzoBi, BsacS :) and'l Use Statesman' Classified jicls! F62 r3 1' S"1 Classified AdverUiiiiif Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 . Three Insertions per linn .... 25c Six Insertions per Une40c One month per line ,1 $1.23 Minimum charge 25c; 3 U. jnin- imum 35c; 6 tL rnin. 45c No ;, refunds. .... ;; - Copy far this pag accepted un til :30 the evening before publica tion for ciewif icat ton Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Lata . to Classify." .. ' . ' The Statesman assumes no flnan clal respoiisibUity for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished in its- columns and to cares where this paper is at fault will .reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake accur. The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to .place all advertising under, the i proper classification. . A "Blind" Ad an ad containing -a Statesman box number tor an ad dren is for the protection of the .advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman to not at liberty to divulge Infor matton as to the Identity of as .advertiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock and Poultry ORDERS taken for broad breasted bronze poult. Ph. 901 Jeuerson. RABBIT rRYEBSlTihir TtTlwSJ . WANTED: Beet and canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm X. I Snethen. 8570 E. Turner Road Ph. 21343k. Morna or eves. Auctions THIS WEDNESDAY Across from fairgrounds on -Silverton - Road. -Brown pre-war davenport and chair. Blue upholstered chair. Nice piece dining room set. Radio. Eiec. appli ance. 13x17 linoleum, like new, rugs, library and end table. Rockers, beds, dressers, big lot misc. furniture. Livestock of all kinds. Cattle, hogs, horses, poultry and rabbits. 1928 Essex coupe, very good pre war 20" tires. Motor good. Some farm implements and tools. GROESBECK AUCTION MARKET 20 Silverton Rd. Phone 6098 IXeJplWanled WANTED: Kitchen helper, day shift. Blue Bird Cafe. NIGHT clerk wanted. Marion HoteL Help Wanted Male Workers now employed In war pro duction should not apply and will not be considered for employment by em : ployers advertising in this section WANTED: Man for delivery f and Stare work. Model Food Market, 275 N.JIigh. i BODY and I sheet metal man.. Our business- requires additional help, i HERRALL-OWENS CO. 235 S Coiri'Li St Ph. J169 GENERAL Garage work. Perm, po- stUon. Night jman. . jrrereraDiy univer sity student I Herrall-Owens Co. ' 2 MECHANICS. Permanent positions Excellent wages. Herrall-Owens Co. Help Wjanted Feraalet ' Burroughs bookkeeping machine ope rator, for permanent position in local business office. Box 543 statesman. v HOUSEKEEPER with nursing exper ience. 2 elderly people, one wanting home preferred. Good wages. Ph. 2-4064 WAITRESS j Shop. , J Senator Hotel Coffee EXPERIENi ENCKD waltri waitress. . Marlon. Hotel. WANTED: Experienced woman gro- 1 f". f3frn3f -"-" LAUNDRY telp wanted. No experi ence necessary. Apply Salem Laundry . Co. 269 S. IMgh . r - EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift ' No. Sun. r ihotiday work. Court St Dairy Lunch; 347 Court. , WANTED Girl or woman for gen- oral housework.. Phone 7949. LADY TO db housework for a family ef 2. No laundery. Pleasant surround - IngS- Ph. 21588. Situations Wanted ORRIN S. PINNEY. contractor, j ' Desiming and remodeling homes. Ph 9498. Km. 220 Oregon Bldg i , BE WISE MODERNIZE Preschool Playschool: 1381 State Ages 2-8. Part or all day Ph 8430. Salesmen Wanted DETTMAJTS long wearing typewrit er ribbon inducement' proposition amazing details write. H. Dettman, 245 9th si, Ricnmona, vui. For Sale Misc rllaneoni S PC dining set Waterfall style. Pre-war brown davenport and chair, Blue upholst chair; radio. To be sold - wed. tiroes Dec k Aucuon mm. BRAND new stock trailer, rood rub ber. Will hold two cows. i4l McCoy Ave.... - v-'.f ADVERTISING Western Advertising . - Representatives i i ' Ward-Griffith Company.' Ine. San Francisco y-, Eastern Advertising ; ! - Representjltives " " ' Wsrd-Griftith Company . Ine. Chicago, New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta i . ' JJember Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising" w-t-mA el tha Posfoffice at SaUm, mm Saetmd. Clast Matter. Pub- Ushed very morning -fxpt Monday. eial SITttt, . RUESdUPTION RA' .., e..K.M-intlnn Rates in Advance Within-Oregon Dally .nd Sunday Mo. a mn 13.00: 1 year. 8S 00; r.sewhere 60 cents per mo. or 87f0 for 1 rar In sdvn nee. rer copy a cen r.t c,r Carrier. 75 cent a BMnth, S3 a rear in advance to Marion AUCTION For Sale- Miscellaneous ALL Enamel I trash burner. Phone 5589. 1080 Garnet St. - SMALL Bldgj suitable for chicken hie. 290 Kingwood Ave, W. Salem. Howard Plumbinz & Sheet Metal Co.- Phone 2-1443 1530 Jeffersoa Plumbing and heating, furnaces, gut ters. filters. smokestack, blowers. Fully equipped repair truck. Prompt dependable service. r i ; - i GAS refrigerator ga range. Phone 21497. ? 1 Wheel trailer, good cond. Wra. Tay lor. Taylor's Tsailer Campj 1984 State. OIL Range; bedstead and mattress. Ph. 8079..- .' f : -i ..I. I. GOOD 4 wh. trailer, good rubber Txl3' bed. 575! N. Capitol. ROYAL Charter Oak range 33. 1990 Center, i - !.-: -t W: GIRL'S Bicycle, good cond- 825. 2850 Cherry Ave. . -1 -: i BIKE 830, Will take trade. Heater $12.50, range $10. 2083 N. Coml S PC. bedroom set. new. I Ph. 22894. C. S TO VEX springs, i cupboards. books and . dish tables. Elec. plate. 287 S. Church; . , TOR SALE!:; Gas refrigerator! $7S. Also 88 gaL Butane gas pressure tank St regulator, inquire 3ZS a, . independ MONARCH jjelee. range, davenport, spring 4c mattress, trash burner. Ph. 6211 after S20i. 1429 Fir. Johnston Sheet Metal 1410 S. 12th. Salem. Oregon Phone 5391 Years of - experience enables uS to give you guaranteed workmanship. Air conditioning. Furnaces. - Gutters, Eave. troughs. Skylights. Smoke stacks. Tanks and repairing, free ESTI MATES. i -'4 K' BAB.Y crib. Kantwet mattress, cheap. siigtuiy usea. I ixa ueuevue. CORN or ceo $25 per ton. Hen house 12x20. B. C. Bsughman, Rt. 1. Box 190. Brooks, ore. t J-abisri store, . LARGE assortment un pain ted turn.. with prune finish for easy painting Pickett's Co-op Furn., 13th St State. WILL buy tor cash, sell or trade guns and ammunition.: 590 No; High. 7 -FT. SPLIT CEDAR posts. 30c each at Fred Smith Lumber Yard,- ph. 8513, 3813 iitate St. PIANO BENCHES. (12. . Tallman's. 393 S. 12th. CLOSING OUT all clothing and shoes. Prices reduced 10-50 per cent. Klig- man s, 2B5 N. Co ml. pn. 9385. , FULLER Brushes. 1745 Grant P 8357 ATMORAYS ' OZONE. seU and rent C Pugh Ph 2-2458 P O Box 463 TRAILERS tor ' rent. Woodry Auction Mkt, 1603 N. Summer. WINTER Apnles tor eatlnff St cook lng, 1 to S2-25 box. Ph. 4277 .--Sj? ereys Ave. . j Money to Loan AUTO LOANS Use your cari as security. No long rigamarole. Prompt, private service. $18.08 per mo.i repays in 12 months $180. Come in. or save time Dy pnon- ing in your application, wnen appro vea make Just one trip and pick up your cash immediately. Personal Finance Co. Room 125. Second Fir.- New BUgh Bldg. 518 State St. Phone: Salem 3191 Lie. S-122 M-165 Quick Gash Loans! On any worthwhile secur ity Repayable in 12 months I 1 1 Company Is t locally owned and ' ; .Managed. : GENERAlJ FINANCE r ; CORPORATION ' S-138 Phone 9188 138 S. Commercial St, Salem : Bus i u Accounting Service INCOME tax f returns from 85 up. ',. 3. Greer, 0 N. Coml Room 10. TAXJIETURHS Business Account ing. See Cain. 531 Court Ph, 5564. Res.' 8217. . i ;- -i : j.. I".?-- .. i ACCOUNTINGf Federal h state re ports. 208 N. High. ph. 9678. res, 7923. Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES., Cherry Model Aircraft itlst .at Market Oty Alterations ALTERATIONS, sewing, fur I work 180 N. Commercial. Room 28. - Art Tile BATH Room, drain board fireplace or store fronts. Ph. 8964. 1145 N. 13th. Auto Brakes HERRALL-OWENS CO 238 S Com") Mltr Panak. TJ S. Comt Ph 8161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Auto & Truck Service " MARION MOTORS NASH SALES St SERVICE 1 Experienced -mechanics. Otto Buft. foreman. 378 i Center. : Ph. T838. HXRRALL-OWgirS CO, T2 8. Com! Bicycles Rtrvrt M New and reconditioned Harry W Scott. .147 8. -xnd P 48.6 Body & Fender Repairs HERRALL-OWENS CO, 238 S. CMsl Cement Contracting (jCMTjrr coatractlns. C. Ph. 407L . a. cuis Chimney Sweep - OIL CIRCULATOR, furnsees, chfan neys cleaned St repaired. Vacuum & tMi brushes. Easier, 771 S. Xist.P.U Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY Anto An Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money tor new and used ears trucks regardless of age. No delay bring ear and title and get the money Tow retssa possession er vemcJsv - ; to IS ..nonths - to repay Afler S "clock eboaa 3361 or IU3 for appointment . - - - ROY H. SIMMONS I Reculated bv state 138 S; Coml St Phone 8188 (M-1S2) ; :- See Us For , c ,i: ' Attractive Farm Loans Only 4 Interest 8 to 40 yeari sad No Commission LEO N. CHILDS, Inc. REALTORS ! 344 State St i Ph. 9261 $ MONEY $ SEAL ESTATE LOANS i r PERSONAL LOANS - I CAS LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and. Contracts STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S-218 M-222. 212 GuardUsi Bldg i Auto Loans I Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE H U 198 Loans Wanted FARM 4 LOANS A N. Duncan. 10 Ladd & Bush Bldg WantedRIiscellaneous GAS circulating heater, after 11:00 Af. Ph. 8748 WANTED to saw. Ph. S144. Buy; 1 small, band 'CASH for Used oiano at otner mu ileal s instruments Call - 4841 days M 9337 evenings: er .send description to Jaqmth Music Co. 191 S High, We Buy Furniture TRADE WITH A TOTM OF 30 YEARS REPUTATION OF BUSINESS IN TEG RITY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY HI CHEST PRICES PAID FOR USED Pianos i Furniture; and Appliances Can 9149 lor appointment . HOGG BROS. : . 160 State St -l BIKE, any condition. Ph. 2-1985.: WANTED. Pianos. Tallman's, Ph. 8707 USlCD FURNiTUR . Ph 8188 WANT TO I But Dseo cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 1 435 State tWanted- Furniture WANTED: Used furnu elec. t appli ances & tools, 415 Ferry. Ph. 2-1029. IF You have furniture to sell, call or see Russ Bright Ph. 7511 or 5862: Ph. 7511 if you have furniture: to sell Miscellaneous NOW WRECKING HOUSE 7 At 290 N. Front. Windows, lumber, doors, brick furnace and all fixtures. Roy and Buck ! Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST i CASES Bring or Mai Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. SUU Si Cora, Ph. 3311 STOVE parts and repairing. Woodry Mkt 1605 N summer. Also lawn mow er sharpening land adjusting continued For Rent Apartments 1 ROOM and 2 room furnished apt 1620 Ferry. . .; ; ff Room and Board CONVALESCENT HOME Sunny Sisters Home on East D. Hos pital 8c nursing rare, 24 nr. service. Excellent food. Ph. 3484. 4 Corners bus FREE crutches" , Woodry Auction Itoket 16 JN. mmer. ess Directdry Cards tn this directory J nm bn s monthly basis anly. Rates SL2S per Hncrper month. - i . i Florists Breithaupt's .447 Court ; Phone 8185 Insurance Bristol At Cook, General Insurance. 403 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 21533 Lawnmower Sharpening Guaranteed work on special factoi y grinders by Harry W. Scott The Cycle Man 147 s commercial o Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO - Phone 40CS Music- Lessons SPANISH St Hawllae Garter. Mando lin. Banjo, etc-1533 Court Ph. 7568. Painting PAINTING and Kalasmlnlog. PH 8132 PAXNTTNQ : St Decorating. Ph. T332 Painting . & PaperKanging PAINTING St Papering. Ptu 4303k. EXPERT Workmanship Phone ' 4325 Printing FOB: STATIONERY, cards, oamohleta programs books or any kind of print ing, call The statesman Printing De partment 218 S. Commercial. Tele Dhone 91SU , , Plumbiss HOWARD PLUMB TNG S Sheet Metal Co, 1520 Jefferson. Ph. 2-1445. EXPERT SERVICE John Fisher. Ph. 801S- 5i5 S. 18th. A. L SKEWtS A CO. i Plumbing aesung. 48 N. High. Ph. E X. . BOW EN BROS. PtumMng and Heat- ing. M fi. wmi. ro. via. For Sale Real Estate 1945-0UR i CLOSE IN NORTH 3 BED ROOMS Living room, dining :room, 1 bed room, kitchen and bath down. S tied rooms up. good paint and very clean. S excellent lots and a variety of fruU trees all for 8480m, . ( J ONLY T TEARS OLD. ESSO 'f Living room. 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath. A plastered bouse ' and si double garage. Down payment 81450. NICE LITTLE HOMzi 9 ACRES .'J SmaO'neat home with bath. Mshts and water, good barn with S stan chions. 5 A. under cultivation, part in berries, located about 4 miles from town and priced at 84900. 1 LEE OHMART & CO.. i j: " r' " ' s;-' ' . REALTORS j , (' : ! ' -164 S COMMERCIAL ST. i ' ' " 11 PHONE 8680 PHONE 9680. 5 AFTER 6.00 PM. AND SUNDAYS PHONE 3771 i TODAY'S BARGAIN J 1 large B. R. home, new and Bice, hwd. floors, nice living, dinette 8x8, unfin. attic, oil floor furnace, utility room. k1 55x188. Close to store Sr bus. All furniture inc. electi range. 85300. 7 BLOCKS SOUTH OF BANKS ' 8 B. R. home : In good condition. wired for range, fireplace, sawdust furnace.. Price 8580082300 down, bal ance 6 per cent See Chet Nelson. ! CLOSE TO vE NORTH i V acre: good well built 8 BJR, home. Paved road, close to bus St store. Price 842O0 cash. See Chet Nelson. 1 New small home in West Salem, lot 80x100. Price 82500. Call Chet Nelson With: ' "i : - t : ' . f - h C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 i Imagine Yourself . In this almost new 2 B. R. modern home, s automatic oil -heat large lot Priced for quick1 sale only 84800. . ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ( 3 B. Rj strictly mod. i home in ex cellent Condition, extra nice yard. Well located' for schools, store, bus. Price 86850 S2S00 down. . , i 3 large bed rooms in lovely colonial home, extra large dining, living 16x30 with fireplace, hwd. floors, den. dou ble plumb-, auto, sawdust furnace. See this to appreciate. Price 812.000. C. . SANDERS - 231. N. High h EXTRA rood bur. bearing cherries. close in. : Phone 7894. i , " t COODthree bed roamiwne"dTOble plumbing, hwd. floors, fireplace, base ment : excellent location. Immediate possession. 86500.00. s Mr. Byrmt with ii . ; t I . BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 IMMEDIATE Possession. Lovely Co lonial : three bed room) home, large living room, large dining room and kitchen, full basement, sawdust heat Two acres of ground. Lots of fruit and nuts. 812.600.00. -.1, . Mr. Byrkit with I i ! Burt picha. realtors ! 337 North High Street i . Ph. 3210 ONE ; of the best ' i: bd7m!riew homes in Salem, auto. heat, has every thing a fine home should have. 1 16.000. see MR. cuuuwifl wttn Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 6, Ph. 8719 For ; Rent Rooms SLEEPING room for rent Ph. 5539, LIGHT hskping rm. ph. 4498. SLEEPING rms. for rent 260 Marion For Rent FLOOR SANDER tor rent gomery Ward . ,j ; Mont TRAILERS for rent. Woodry'a Mkt 1605 N,; summer, fh. BUV. TRUCKS tor rent You drive i Me Cune Sr Loveil ' ohone i 8600 1 GOOD Used ' Piano. H U SUM- j ! Wanted to Rent WANTED: furnished 2 bed rm. house. married couple, no children. Perma nently i located. Ph. 9249.. Mr. Harden. 2 OR 3 bdrm unf urn. house by local permanent family. Ph. 4663. LADY desires furn. or unfurn, house, 4 rms. or more, no children. Liberal re ward for information. PH. 8121 or 2-4014 For Rent Hausts FURNISHED trailer hse. 640 Marion. X ROOM modern cottage. P: Roofing Repairing, tarring. Kennedy. Ph. BOSS Rugs & Upholi Qeaned RUGS and upboL cleaned Ph 8831 ; Shoe Repairing Srubblefield Shoe Reoairln. 1SS S Com'lij; Shoes ahined, cleaned tc dyed ;SancJ and Gravel SAND, grsveL crushed rock, ready mixed " concrete. Walling Sand and Gravel Ph 8561 , ; Sewing Machine i Repairing 357 Court Ph 3028 WJ A. Guy j Septic Tanks Cleaned GET: m o rices nefore havtna work done. Ph. 7404. Permanent resident of W Salem. Kenneth riamei. 1143 t Transfer O-ORIVE TRUCKS i FOR REffl Blankets furn 197 s utterly tn w7 ro ixiCAL or DISTANT tranfss taram. burner oil- brlauets Drunks U Portiaaa tuuiy. Agent ? ricroe uia Freight tncluding powu Lsnnei Transfer ca rawsui..; , ; 4 . Vacamm Oeaner Service i-nraacea reset bricked. Oil heaters. hot air pipes vminm cleaned. Eaves CKancd, repatrea. K.enneay. rn. wan. CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. AH makes VlactH, Electric, 157 S iU m kk rcn HmoVM tm irmat kdna - Aa thorized Hoover service We S-irvie alt snakes cleaners uogg orea Weather Strips Weather strint and insulation. - T. PuJiman. Ph S985. pTee estimates. Window Oeanins : ALX. work maranteed. wails, woodwork cleaned Floors waxed Insured workmen Froiessionai ueas Ing Service Ph M5I. j t WINDOWS. Oooni cleaned. Ph. 21458 Wood Sawing T 6. X. S5-SahiUry Fffl Road.: h 4326. ! S J 7- r For Sale Real Estate SPECIALS ACRES AT KEIZER All under cultivation, no buildings. S wells. A good acreage, will sell for 84000. J. cash. - ANOTHER GOOD HOME t bed rooms, 1 bed room down, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath and full basement Hardwood floors, V. blinds, art.- garage. Very Bice loca tion south. . :. i FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Nice S bed room home with a com bination living room and dining room, kitchen and bath, double garage. Lot 50x100 with a variety of fruit trees. Price 84400 unfurnisbedV45400 fur nished. . . : . -i ' LATE BUILT 4 rm. modern home. Hwd. floors throughout Garage at tached. Small basement with auto, oil air - conditioned furnace St fireplace. Price 85.500 00. Gall G. H. Grabenhont. Jr.. with Grabenhorst Bros Realtors. 134J5. Liberty St Ph. 4131. eves. 2-2948. X BED RM. home. large lot nice oak trees. double - garage. South. 84200. Terms. 1 - .. H. SANDERS X31 N. High - 5838 S BDRM. hse. furnished, elee. hot water- heater, wired for range, double garage. By ; owner. 1841 McCoy Ave. X BED ROOM home neatly arranged and well located. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, full basement. wood furnace, laundry trays, double pramDiag ana garage. A good buy for 17000. See MR. DANIELSON With USO ti. CU1LJ3S, INC REALTORS w state st. ; pn. 9261 BY OWNER: 4 rm. slastered house wired for range, hwd. floors. V. blinds. E. W. heater. L. trays, garage, lawn, cherries, apples, peaches, berries, gar oen. cnicsen nse. - aoxus. 2445 If. Church. s i 4 R. I House-, saraffe St woodshed. E. Salem. Good location. S28O0. Terms. Nice 3 rm house on vros of land. . Has fireplace 8c is furnished very nicely. Has a very nice play yard. very aooa ouy.- met sisuo. - See Jack Henningsen "with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 212 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4121 4 RM. plastered home located In N. baiem. rime location. Paved at. smau tot. Price 82.800.00. Call C. H Grabenhorst, I Jr., . with Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors, 134 S. Liberty St Ph. siM,. evenings z-zws. . - Two bed room home. N. E. Envle- wooa jjistrict. fireplace, gas floor fur nace, hwd. floors,' a 'nice place at 86300. mi, uironrr wiui ' BURT 'PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High , Street Ph. 3210 TWObed" room !housetunJBntehed I upstairs, wired for ! range, cir. heat., j acres. 4000.00. Mr. Gardner with BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337' North High Street . Ph. 3210 EXTRA good 2 bdrm. home on Park Ave., H. W: floors, fireplace, elec. water tank, immediate possession. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors, i After . Ph. 8715 IMMEDIATE Possessionl. only three years old. Five room modern home. Hwd. floors, fireplace, oil floor fur nace, unfinished upstairs, laree lot. fruit and shrubs. $5600.00. , mt. ttyrxit with , BURT PICHAJ REALTORS 337 North High Street Ph. 3210 NICE 5 yr. old home East.' 8 rooms. unf. attic, bsmt., furn., H. W. floors. Venetian bUnds. See MR. GOODWIN with : - 1 , ; . Hawkins & 'Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108. Realtors. After 8. Ph. 8715 rOR SALE: 2 bed room modern house. Paved street. Close to shopping center, schools. 82800. Inquire 32S "E" inaepenaence, uregon. ; : .. , For Sale -Farms 28 ACRES, part in Lablsh bottom. 12 acres in peppermint. Good modern house, plumbing and full basement. garage and onion . house. Exclusive listing. See:'. ;.if f ' I . ;, i F.Hi Weir 463 Center -1 Realtor FILBERT Sr WALNUT FARM Located 8,i, - mi. from 1 city center on ac barn. 40 ac ne wal- sowed. Xiood 2 tun- Miur?dryerwith oil furnace. This fine pace With an orchard wen kept 155 ac. in! all. 25 ac.in pasture oc tiraiDer, rnee m.uw. cau o. H. Grabenhorst! Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131, Eve. 2-2948 60 ACRES unim Droved, west of. Sa lem. Good, orchard . ground. Sell), or raue. -. . es .acres, 58 under plow, good sou. A. mixed orchard. . creek. . sprtnc water., clean . Sroom J house., barn, bklgs. 3 miles west Price 81LS00 U C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 40 ACRES. 32 -under plow, good creek., springs, family orchard. Good 9 room home, elect water system. Dam. a gooa cows, au xor sosuo.-i NKAKMAKION! 25 A. fir timber for family use. grapes,: peaches, spring water to good sraaU house. Cow and hay. AU S2300 s cash 8 1 " C.; H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5838 LOCATED 1 bedmu homi oii pavement 4V miles out, 10 acres good soil In growing crop, full set of mod era bldgs.. equipped and stocked for a good income. 311.000. terms. See Mr, McMUlin with Hawkins & Roberts,, Inc. Pit.' 4108 Realtors After 8. Ph. 81T21 Exchange -Real' Estate : IF YOU have a house in Salem and want farm or have a .farm 'land want a home, let us know. We have several calls for such trades and can probably match them up. We will be able to finance any reasonable differ ence. 1 '.'.' D. A. FXSH 4X7 Court Ph. 8524 ;, " r '; ! ...ii 'i i, I, i i i Acreage :.- 1 .ACRE' SOUTH ' Cood store building wiut 2 B R, liv qtrs elect water system, bath. Paved road.' school. Price 82250. Good terms. ! 1 AOU MURTH - ' Nice large cherry tree. Small 'but good house This district has a future. Price szsoo. , . . - - . . . - CLOSE TO 89 E NORTH - U acre: sood well built S B Jt home. Pawed road, close te bus tc store.' Price 84200 cash. See Chet Nelson with C H. SANDERS a 231 ;N. HIGH v -""- -ARdADr"'" ' IS sc. of good soil located f ml. out on paved road. ' Good frontage.' City water. S rn house with part baeement. Oil circulator Sx some., furniture go. Barn At chicken house. Some lamiiy fruit Price reduced to ssaom , Call G. H. Grabenhorst Jr with GRABENHORST BROS- REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131. Eve. S-2848 " EUI1J51.'G Lt rmrcl'tO Kel trr school, only S00 cssh. s build m sites 75x125 ft each. Fruft, East Turner road. Hourly bus. : AO for 81050, .. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - S83S J EEAUTirU" SUBURBAN, HOME .t acre of filberts, walnuts and fruit 2 acres pasture. Modern two bed room hom. - Double rarage. Best location snrt productive soil. Price 9000. See UA. DAMF1SON -wltft r-iJEO H CtuLCtSi INC JUTALTOR3 Sit State &W - - "ib. ,SaJL ' ' . :. . n I - .- - - :Acreaget: A comfortable home I i acres of rood land 83500. Sea MR. MC UIIXJN with, - j Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Ph. 4108 Realtors Afiet 8. Phi 81F21 Suburban A f ' ;. (untry-Home f BEAUTTJVL. eompletely modern 8 room house. S room, guest house, fine barn, toot sld and chicken bouse. AH 1941 pre-war construction. Twenty-two and one-half acres cute oroductive orchard: filberts, pears, prunes.; cher ries, appies. etc.. gooa income.. By owner., leaving. 814.000. Terms or will reduce ior cash. Also complete fur- nisnings u mterestea. scated x miles from Albany, route- 4, Gibson Hilt R. H. Scrivner, phone Albany 55F13, Must be seen to be appreciated. Wanted Real Estate WHY, SURE NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY. 1 LIST WITH US FOR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION TO - YOUR CALL. , . . ; ii -: i -- BURT PICHA, Realtors i 337 North High Street! ' Ph.1 3210 ! WAPiTvTO I SELL? ' , Let us handla your sale.! : 4 - ALWAYS ' " Prompt, courteous service and good aavertising.' LEE OHMART & CO. 184 So. Coml. St ' I Pbone 8680 ; Lee Ohm art For Evening - ;W. L. "Habby Appointments: 1 ; Habernicht Phone 3779 i ' ' r ' Mrs. CaUba ! LIST WITH US dont delay.- a buyer for Your city or suburban home, farm or business may- be on OUR WAITING LIST. IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO YOUR CALL, FOR INSPECTION AND LISTING. ! ' r SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 NORTH HIGH ST. PHONE 4018 NOTICE: tt your property Is for sue.- rent or exchange, list it with us We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS j . 212 Guardian Blag.,. LIST with us. Ph. 8708. Estep Real uiaie o sou a. street. . WE Need listings on sll types of city ! property. Prompt ; and courteous serwe. t s C W BARTLETT R, W. BENT 122 New Bligh Bldg. j i Phone Tin WANTED TO BUY Small modern home in suburban area on bus line. Box 10, Statesman. Business Opportunities ' s CAFE St GROCERY STORE i This is located on a good comer tn a growing 'community.: Lots of room for improvements About ti acre of rround Doing a good business. Cafe fixtures and grocery store equipment St stock all go. price 97,000. j 1 Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr.. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty, St Ph. 4131. Eve. 2-2948 INCOME PROPERTY One six room house, one three room house,' one two- room house, 881.00 month income.' 81800.00 down, balance 865.00 per month. 1 Mr. Gardners with j S BURT PICHAi REALTORS ! 337 North High Street - Ph. 8210 Personal LONELY? Descriptions and details free. - Acme; Box 4255, Portland is) ore. . -j .!; it.i ; t For Sale Wood WALNUT SheUs, 84 ton or 12 sacks for $1.00. Klorfein Packing Co 460 n. rronv - ; ; f - . - - ; HEAVY mill wood 84 50 toad: 813 double load 4 n. ; slab for furnace Ph. 7721. f "it ' - - ! IS IN. SLAB 88 per cord Cord. 14 8c 2 cord load. Capitol Lumber 8k Fuel L.O. en 1 tn. 1 ; 1 - IB" SLAB wood and edgings t cord load 814 Ph. 6683 ; . 16" O. G. Dr. H. R. Clason. Mehama Green i old growth ie tn i slab prompt delivery Phone 8444. I Lost and Found FOUND: Black and white pup. 910 Monroe Ave Ph. 2-2791. Wkm3 Sawing Ph. 3523, 960 N. Coml For Sale Used Cars 1928 ESSEX coupe. 5 very good pre war 2v tires, motor good, to be sold Wed. GroesbecK Auction Mkt. - 1942 NATIONAL : Castle hse. trailer Tike new throughout, with douies. elec. brakes. Good tires. 4 ml. tt. of Salem on 99 Hiway. HayesviUe Mkt GOOD clean Model A coach With good tires. - hot water - heater, elec windshield wiper, 15 Park Ave. Wanted Used Cars SEE US FOR YOUR Used Car LWe believe we have one of the finest stocks in town from '29's to 41'8. r. A.-B. C. MOTORS 1295 State 1 is Ph. 9766 WHAT WILL YOUR CAR BE : WORTH ? WHEN THE ETTROPEAN WAS IS FIN ISHED? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CUB- RENT PSiCES. ; , i we pay: CASH A.. ALT. MAKES" - ALL MODELS HERRAL&OWENS -CO. S3S 8. Oxnmerelal ! . . - Pa, SM ':-:: NEW CABS - When the nr It orrf roa mtr vsnt new PONTIAC. THEN -by don't, you tak adTaniage I ciarent high pricey (or your car. W can bandi your car now with the- proceeds to be used to ward the purchase of a new PONTIAC. HERRAmO2?S I CO. 33S S. Caml 'St. i :M - Ph. "8ie WE PAY TOPS! Get ,very dim rour; ear to wortti Cash on the Barrel-Head r ''C' SHROCK SALEM'S eiUest ndepeodent used ei : dealer. W.ET earner Chart 4c Chm " Pb-.133 .Cood citesp car, good tues. Pb. 4271. S(BDvfi(I5e Where They Are What . V Special to The Statesman AN EIGHTH A II FOB CTa? BOMBER STATION, England Earl W. Shreve, son of Mr. and Mrs.. William H. Shreve, route three, box 631. Salem, has been promoted from the rank of staff sergeant to technical sergeant, - - Since bis arrival In the Euro pean ' theatre - of operations on August 17, "1944, SgL Shreve has been serving with the veteran 303th bombardment group as ai engineer on a B-17 Flying Fort ress heavy bomber. Prior to his entrance in the ; AAF on June 12, 1942, he was a student at Salem high school. . WITH THE FIFTH - ARMY, Italy Though fighting in dif ferent divisions of the Fifth army, two Oregon pals . unexpectedly met in an Italian town recently. Pfc. Arthur R. Reeves of Monroe, with the 91st "Powder River" di vision, and Pfc Elmer B. Sells of Harrisburg, had their Thanksgiv ing dinner together. They had not seen jeach other for - two I years. Reeves serves with the wire sec tion, of the. 361st regiment Sells a wireman with another in fantry unit WITH THE FIFTH ARMY, taly CpU Robert L. Monismith, whose wife, Delia, lives in Salem, Orev has been promoted to staff sergeant.. He is a supply sergeant with the 81st Towder River! di vision of the Fifth army in Italy. SANTA BARBARA, CaUL. Jan. 1 -(Special)- Pfc. Roy L. Shaw of 190 :ast Owens . street, Salem, Ore., is vacationing at the spe cious Biltmore hotel section of the army, ground, and service forces redistribution, station, Santa Bar bara, following his recent return from 33 montha (duty overseas. The Oregon veteran served as a machine gunner with the infantry at New Guinea and Biak. A for mer student of Salem high school, Private -Shaw plains to 'continue his education under the GI i bill Of rights after thp war. He j en tered, the armed forces Septem ber 16, 1940. Promotion -of George Elmer Rohde,. 1140 South 15th street, to captain was announced Monday by the war department Rohde is In the adjutant general's depart ment SANTA BARBARA. Calif, Jan. l-(Special)-PFC Douglas L. Jones of. 655 North 17th street, Salem, Ore, is vacationing at the Wanted Used Cart SELL Your Car Npw Before New Car Production Starts. f PRICES WILL NEVER BE HIGHER. : WE WILL PAY THE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR -ALL MAKES AND MODELS. NASH USED CAR i LOT 840 CENTER I . AutomobiI Make four Application Now for New 1945 International Motor Truck Come in cr call T;:.' v":-" " James H. CO MX IN OS CALL 44.5flverton Rd.' DAILY, CROSSWORD ACROSS I. NUv rave . of India;; -d. Shrub fede II. Foreign- "K 12. Adage 5. Hot decided 27. .Head 1 covertnf T.Lhrt S.TdUk. LS. Heaped . 14. like tin 15. Moisture . IT. Ovule ot : a plant IS. Topex hum - mlog-blrd IL Outer gariBent 23. KhockuiE1 .Departed . 10. rreeh-water 27 tortoise 16. Gained 18. On top v lS.ChanE ' ' ao.Ttp -, 22.Plexslax 24. rather - 25. Squeezed ' Ughtly ;.,.2.Serf - aa- vAm.L .t .t 2S.Uou&taJa . nymiar .Btlrup tt, Binnacle (nautr 52. Centerpleee ; forta&le i4.Notwortlnj ISPlxce StyExpressioa ? 'ofaorrow 29. Bark. . 41. wind la. v atnunent -4ir Premium 4T. field tlOck . U; Any ' ; SO-Older DOWN .; LQ-.ance . 2. River (Russ. - Turk.)." . ; S.Kcthir.r T 4. Feat . . MCBDD They Are Doing - spacious BUtmore hotel section of the army ground and service fen ces redistribution station, Santa Barbara, following his recent re turn from S3 months duty over seas. The Oregon veteran served as a mortar gunner with the in--fantry int New Guinea and th Dutch East Indies. He entered the armed forces on September 18, 1940. ' I ' j - ' KEESLER FIELD; BUoxI, Mlss Jan. 4-(Special)-Having arrived j at Keesler field. Miss, Pvt Les-- ter M. Piirceu, son or Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Norton, RFD No. ,6, Salem, Ore., Is being examined by the AAF training command ! station, medical and psychological unit to determine . his qualifies 1 tions as a pre-aviation cadet. ', Flying officer training as a .pi,- v ot, bombardier or navigator will i be. given Pvt Purcell upon suc cessful completion of the process- - ing he is undergoing at Keesler field. , , ' , l Sgt Donald A. Yung, hosband of Mrs. D, A, Yung, 533 N. 2lst street Salem, ' has arrived in the United States twv furlough from the European theatre of opera tions where he sefved 18 . months with the army air forces, the ninth service command informed The. Statesman, Monday. . - . , - H Chief Carpenter's Mate R.- A. I Harlan is returning to his - over . seas base after spending ai few days with his wife and daughter at their home, 2165 N. Fourth street Harlan had a seabee gang of stevedores;. Unloading supplies j during the engagement at Leyte fa the Philippines. Their son, PFC Ronald Harlan, was last heard from in Luxembourg. SSgt. Keith B. BaU left Tues- , day for Aberdeen, Mdn after a 15-day leave iwith his mother,. Mrs. Mary Ball. Another son, Rob- ert A. Ball, fireman second class, . at Camp Bradford, Va has been asigned to a repair crew boat ' '44 Traffic Fatalitie Reach 45; in Portland , PORTLAND,' Jan., 1 -iP)-This I city's 1944 traffic fatalities reach ed 45--a 20 per' cent drop from 1943, Traffic Gapt. James Purcell reported today, . " i Last year's jtolal was 54. The December,' 1944 record of 10 deaths was 54 per cent lower than December, 1943. j Wanted rUsed Cars i PHONE TTM Automobiles us for assistance . "x-- Maden Co. US fOK ASSISTANCE. -'ilem, Oreeon Ph. 8590 Encounter - lT.:- :,l ;-, ' i .-.' . - " - -. i ' Bncpvigisi'j-v -eH -oGRjr viZli jiM. ameI TT t . .,s TUorrt. E ' '. tjTljL ELHli A : . A SrV "5 Fm H T ' I StK I Vl ? E N SlF. , -.. .N DgfMtTlf J , SO. Cotd CHer ) S3. To work : -dlllEently v - S4. UtUe island 26. Sleeveless tranneott Good fortune ss.iiocauonor the Taj Mahal 40. Body of water 42. Compass point . T Ufdajfe SMwee'i 45, Employ "I 48.Varytojr - v , weight (Iad.,1 .44. Bend the head , .lnxTeeUn; - i . . . . . . . ,x a., i 4- $. r a . .! j mmm. ' . 4 1: ) wc ; "TT ftfP' -a giiceiJ, 1.-';" V ' ' -I J