PAG2 TWELVE Tlit OniGOII STATESMAN. Salem Oregon. Tuesday Morning, December IX 1SU v - I , " - " - - ' t .v 1 ; IrJ i Jn( n Plj 1j Hp i II I II I . mmmw , . II II I I :.' V S I I V 1 V . V ,111 I I I I II II I m m . . ........ -'.. -r m m m m ad vmm .v fc. him 111 II I . T". , T7 - I II II , - II II V Close-Onl All Broken Lines in the Shoe Department One lot black . and brown suede pumps,, regular $10.95 "to to One lot black patent and gabardine pumps ! One lot odd sizes In brown suede ties regu- lar $10.95 (, at To Be Complelely Closed On! Regularly sold at $3.95 to $25.00 to go at .95 . $ to .95 COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST laitsfill Waa8e3 Colors ii Beautifully tailored. Good range of sizes. Regularly priced at $29.95 to $69.95. Will be priced at ; . - - m : i i 3 JJ tO '95 This is your chance to wear one of the fine suits at ridiculously low prices.'. . . Conplele dose-onl on all liar: ccals. Only about 75 to offer in in Will mmm I 111 1 1 v v : v. I PES IBD i!1 If yon are conlonplaiing a coal, nou is yonr lime. Broken lines and odd lots come and get them while they last si A C lil .uu Zfor . Beautiful suede-cloth draw-string bags in black and i brown colors. A limited number to be closed out at onljr S).95 Gfeester . Berry : Soafis and-; Suits English imports exclusive to our store in the Willamette v valley. We have only a limited number to offer. This line carries the finest garments known to the industry. Priced jgggjj $EjC3 $QQS5 $Qg95 Shod Selection ol f5?e&iece Jails Beautiful all-wool fabrics in a good STi Vl 195 run of sizes. Exertional! v fine lal. JJ fww lorinjsr. Remilar $35.00 to $495 ' f ? ' to each, to go at.r .. :, ; You will have to come early to get one of the&e beautiful costumes, as the line is very limited. M J S 95 mm In black and colors. All sizes, kinds and patterns from the finest re sources in the trade. Regularly priced $59,95. Tbey will go quick- ly at Only a limited number to offer. Come in early as at this exceptional price they should go almost instantly.1 ) VEDY SPECIAL CLOSE-OUT ,7fMIffl!r&filWC Sy priced $9.75 and $12.. M . 1,1 v " MI,w"tbese special coats at only . 9) 3 .95 .siiflnii. im EflSiaiL VMM Black and colors. Yon nasi see these fine coats to fully appreciate the exceptional values. Degnlarly priced to $S3.G5 to go I at. only - V jv Cone in early if yea arc aitfiripiiHrj tavicg a new ccat f:r the balance cf iho riinler or if yon lay Izt next winter. Group of blouses - - cotton and ray ons. Ranging in price to $6.50. All new patterns and styles. Come and get them while they last at only j $2).95 DnrTcrcbicf Special Twenty-five dozen imported hand kerchiefs. White with colored ed ges' and beautiful prints. Regularly sold at $1 and up. Come and get them j while thev last ' At Only 1 12 Close out long sleeves and short sleeves in jersey blouses. Come and get them while they last. Regular ly priced up to $9.95 , : ; Beautiful fabric with hand-stitching j and leather ! trim. , Regularly sohl at 95c. You must come ear- ly to get them At S'H .00 (Mr . t 5 Special .50 Sfir $10 All the' finer wool and rayon fabrics beautifully, styled. Regularly priced from $19.50 to $35.00 while they last. Will be closed out at. . I rJ T T L-J C5 to Only a limited offering, so If you do cot want to be disappointed you must come now. 1 j ... -Z 1 A; rT jo) -cr.' V4 wwww 5 M mtm mm mm i - ( . Only twenty-five coats left to be closed ouU Ont group Ct I X nq regular $79to I (O go at . urC Plna " i '; - One group regu- CTN- krlv prUedtat ,o $165.00 to go at - KK fins, numbers, 1 VLC lias . - - : tax These are some of our epeclal offerings from the better resources at cnusual savings. " ? ' D ! I