The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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    The OHEGOaI STATESMAN. Sedan. Oregon. Friday Morning. December 22. ISM
.11: ; -'
4 Special Off cr Buy Nov.
Arthur Murray
j K
.-... I
If; W, - 1
When You Duy the
4-ox. Tube of
$1. 75 Value
Doth for
Brylcreem for smart hair grooming tfie amazing new cream that
.. instantly impcoves the appearance of your hair. Not tricky or greasy.
With the purchase of Brylcreem you receive free an Arthur Murray
Dance Book containing all the latest dance steps. . .
Tkh h m Xeaf Vo.ef
Vrisley Douqaet
Dusting Powder
Delkatfly tcenied fa attractive Corel
ran bar. Bay several tor tfaoM
"nick fa" gifa. -
Gforois, Perfeaa i
. Fregraaces by
Z $3.50
For true loY.'a oak. Tender, Insist
ent perfum. -
Poetie Dream
For sheer enchantment. Incred
ibly aauve.
For the daring echoes the love of '
We... - -.
Heartbeat :
Intoxicating ' acta
Beauty at Your Finger Tips 1
Revlon Mcnicuro Sols
Revlon 5-Piece -Set.' 1.75 V jr-
Nail enamel, polish remover, cuticle remover, cuticle stick and emerjr
: boards. Toe perfect gift for the ladies on your list, j " . 1 .
Revlon C-Pc. Manicure Set, 2.C5
AH recruirements for a perfect manicure .and a makhtng lipstick.
la a lovely dota case. - -
Revlon Color Set, s1.50 ' '
5 small bottles of beautiful shades of nail enamel and a bottle of ;
adherer la a colorful box. ' 1 ' " " " i
Revlon 3-Pc. Set, 51.50
Nail enamel, polish, remover and adheron m a satin rayon case.
Assorted shades. . j
Want to Sofve Your Gift Problem?
' Boxed Gift Seep
Perfumed Floating Soap, box of 3, $3.00
Skylark, box of 3. $1 .00
Mf. Heather, box of 3, $1.00
Cathaswee. box of 3, $1.00
Luxor Savon, Box of 4, $1.00
V ' ' Tussy Safari, box of 3. $1.00
Luxor Rose Bud, box of 4, $1.00 ,
Ruf-Cut, for men, box of 4, $2.00 1
When hearU are hlrli joroiuv-r-
i r i
LI; . .
Beauty in a Box
Cchnfel De.7.25
Gift Set
A gib bos contatnuif all ibe
1 requiskts far a beautiful
I ' r II p. Ther are Campui
- -.v,''., '1 bmUup. Rouae. lipKick and
a aiakaup apange. A very
p"fvW gift with the higa
cfaoei studax.
Cc!:r.!:I Ds.t.2s Ccn-js ffcieup, 50 end M.00
Be Lovely and Loved!
Courage Perfume
2-Pc. $
In an attractive cream colored box streaked with red
and goW lined with cream colored rayon silk lining.
Exciting bottles with long, royal blue stoppers.
Courage Perfume, $100 $3.50 and $6.50
Courage Cologne, $2.50
, V . ;
Harriet Hubbard Ayers Presents
"The Aycr Way lo Deanly"
Tie Cafesf Eleplaaf
la Captivity
Manicure Set
SI A flit
Gill S
O Beaulifjriny Face
Special Skin Cream
O Luxuria Cleansin?
Skin Lotion
Known the world over as the creams that are bred of
quality. Excellent gift item for the. traveler or week
ender. Compact.
Open ihe Door and Meet ,
. Set
For rahcr or iuhur. MMn my
uedcf "Cbunk an aisiiicun ptpr
bom for lovely frnferrip By LaCroau
A Jttaf Old Faiafeattf Ofrf
Manicure Sot
pastel $1 orrf1
Colors la9
A daatv china oU tMbnmil prl that
hkW soankura atonaitin nnJcr bar
old faWiiooed akiit. Comet in putcl
shades. By LaGrost.
For f very Faa Lovla f
Y oaagsfer
Teddy Beers
-:..: J :, , ii ,
' Teddys in tttorud pastel shades Pan
das areMed in checks or plaid, 'awfc
and cuddly. What a hit theyll wntku
m Chrtatmat raorninf . They will aih
young hearts glad.
For Him
Lynmark 3-Piece
Men's Set
Hell Uve
A man never has too aaairr shaving
nqutsitct. Give this set, shave lotion,
talc, and av giant atn adavc trick at
tortoiM aheil boUar.
QaeJaHy I offlerff
Xoses for Carfsfaias
Revlon 1
Tcurnzr.ent of Roses'
I Set D
3- pc. Set,
4- pci Set, $2.50
j For Her -
Laurioasfy Defleftffef
'r Luxor o-Piece ;
i Sefc
1 1 .
Complw bathing seqiaaiDM. Bath taaV
bits, bath soap, dusting powder, cologne-!
and body cologne, Aanrtcd fcagtsacts. !
Cosmetic Cases
of la FrtJ great Soffaesa
, Vrisfsy
l"!! 1 2.75 Water Softensr
Lovely assortment in rose-covereci rw. mJi batbar owr-
bozes. This will make her Christ- ajght caae wich fined tray and pad, snir
mil a haoov tm. tap, Awstad color.
V -
Tla 5 wethit Scents TUs Side of $ PA
Heave, fa Stacje-Kxe Settlag 0.3U
.Sada tnect This famous trioy appearing through the courtoj of
D'Orsay, art FicWe, Le Dandy and Trophte. They offer you exciting,
Outing fragrances that spell romance.
Gay as f Ae Cover in the FieW
Qicl:crd Hdr.ut
- Ycr.!ey ((n1 rll
Yer.W flover has a new dress. It is as syrnbolic of
V American country life as is the name Yariy flow. klj
T crt box vou ul find toilet water, dustmi
fowax, uctxt aiKl sacbet compressea.
Hob Neil" "
In nS lovely Early Anerkaa bobnafl
gla bottle is pastel colored long laa
aagcremecolofneia .ssiaii J iragranoa.
Nothing CoaW le Sweefer
Des.i ue
Thess delightMr sctntad cryiull
aaaka bathing a kizucSout aveat. They'ra
water aortmera, they'ra parfumrd triba
several dmiimiea tngranoa, in a sack
that brings you SS extravagant supply.
iffs for Him!
Woodbury Wooden
A wooden bowl filled with the finest shave soap avail
able. The real favorite of men all over America. Give
him a gift to please. I
Yordley Voodte Shave Cowl, $1.00
Wrisley "SpraceM Shave Mug. $1.00 .
Orwee't Club Shape Hair Crash, $2.93
Amity and Cordaro Unfolds, 97 to $7.50
Twinplex Stropper, $2.00
Tee Most ApproprM Gift
f4 Complete Beatify Kit
-j t-riece
Gi So
Red letter editioo. Ceecorclance with
center colunw reference. Gut edge leaves.
$ - ;
Holy Dible, '1.25 j
Heart aiiteM ! M Qst
New Teataraeat
For Deeerof i
Pine Cones
ICtf 2for
Cones IW 25c
Pedestal Coses, 49 :
String of Coses. $1.59
Colorful pine cones Car tht home, Is
adorn Chtkmat peckaget and to use
at all-out oWnraring.
Ugif aad 4Iry "
Yanky Clover '
Toilet VcJer
1 .
Ideal for That Holiday Trip
Beautiful and Durable
Hand Ilirrors
Travel Barjs
$2.19 !o $7-05
Break resistant washable
and attractive. Double mir
Leather ' trimmed. " Roomy, k rors clear or pastel shades;
J . M 1 " . i .LI J . MA
Reinforced for better wear.
A perfect gift for the trav
eler. .
oblong, round, square
shapes: long and short han
dles. I
Vi Price Sale Coxed; Christmas Carol
1 "
Dewy J1
raniia heautifnDa I
Eaa e CcJoeme, Roee Hani
Rauga and Upick.
in gift bee.
Tm aav
IX- mI i4m lacv bar 3
aakts m one boa and dotting powder
m ancher--bists decorated at gay and
haerf ul at a spring nwrning.
. Frefecflea for e Tear
V..'..?:' .
'US; 1.C0
Cheery Cransrinat gift packed. Prewca
the hano and face agaoM wmi aa4
wetther keep rhess soft and eavef,
- " ; ' At' SW hWe Onrg Setije" : v
Give United States War Bonds - Tht Best Gift of All
T Si:rcs II:irs - ; A -
r. Week Days A. M. to J P. M. , .
Satarttar - f A. IX. to r.'.lL
' . Sunday - t A. M. to 1. 1L "
r Prices Good Friday Through Blonday v .
i ;o ivi f t ji
143 N. Librrtf - Drc- Bdliinj
Ahra. the Crraric. af
tmjwlm. Sa Sragrant.
fa Mi.'y Glass Ctdkw
Uncle Cgrjlcbert
2-Piece - !
Shave ;Se5 ;
A Keaf ' $ il
. Favorite : loO
? -h i L ..V;.-: --S.'V It i.I
Shseiit mug and br tnti. Aa U
tuViBnad Boicrait af UkI. EgUart'
amh hai hmrfUhar untiiLi at g
arJtndor greets pew froea eadb cm-
; For Ucihzr
.Finrsd3-PCa !
- Fre;resce ZZlO
Apple Elosaora Csa dt Cologne, Sorp
and Talc go together te ataka ttttt -lightful
ate Apple Uoecaena am tfie
breath el aprtng. Dainty bathing requi.
sites ia a chsrausj t-h beat. ,4
M Ik
CCirisfnids Cards 495
S5?? J"'!' now scenes to Ta
Ae Vafcode message to all yourjfrieod, aocj r l fljls
The Pen That Never Fails
j' P.:blisca Pcn-h-Iri
iesti Sef 1
, '...:-.- , I ... ..... ' - t" .
Pj cn tl. . a j n
rests! ta adjustable socket and above
ink ieveL , : I .
Secretary Pen, M.00
Socay Corrccf
Four colors in each box. Featherlite de luxe sutkmety. ' 144 sheets of
flat paper and 96 envelopes. I '
Antique Laid Stationery, $2.49
Has Masculine Appeal
Men's set that contains after .shave potion, hatt dress lotion and liquid .
cream lather shave. An ouaratidaf act. with mac.r. appeaL '
For a Merryj Christmas vl
:-Gift Set
Far real beauty. Set ceay
aian elJlalo Face Pmie,
( Phote Finish Make Up, and
: RsU LooW. A delightfui
. gdt iar dW girl fan want
tapteaee. , -
ETS- J1E0 tfcj Sfc. Sst. 2J0
MVF FI - ""l" F 'Powder. Rouge ai
P--d. R F-uh Make Up ad' Oitnatbed IJpiclt toakV thb
Utnaosed Ltfstkk. Makt tat ibat charmiiw (r A. .t.
iaaoothlr J fcafa k-ah-. " ' T
Taa Wi Every tfoa Ceslret j . tfelag fo elax foa
, " Old Spice ; Lcdy Eva '
: vmUVw ;''."! uuwksw LVutial
SI r r 23 Cavelopes -p
leLJ j la tax iV
"Mu2 , i cfelicateljr acentect Re
fresliipj shave sosj .
Everyone enjoys a relaxing bubbla
bath. Lovely assorted fragrances. :