The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1944, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 -r-
Th 0GOn STATES2XAXL Scdcza, OngoB; Friday Horsing. Dcmber 22. 1S14
4 '
S i
4 '
i :
Of Tree Pest
Will Be Made
Investigation of the so-called
hemlock looper miller which was
reported to . have . damaged more
than 60,000,000 feet of timber. In
Clatsop county, was ordered by
the state board of forestry here
Thursday. . "
The infestation covers more
than 15,000 acres.
The investigation will be con
ducted by the land owners, in con
nection with the state forestry de
partment and federal agencies,
Nels Rogers, state1 forester said.
The control area will be set up by
the state forestry division with the
land owners shouldering the cost
of the probe.
The board approved a number
of minor changes in the , timber
classification code. Bills propos
ing these changes will be present
ed at the 1945 legislative session.
"active Arty
er s'srsllial Omt assort wtfl noi
If I" ftpttf thtpt.-1 wiQftflwt It to
Ml iMmn. Ose wrtmhlsi b
teJ hi ssisy far n mny asvief
lo Everyone
Our Store Will Be
I Christmas Day,
Troco Holds ... :..Each
Dude Ranch Apricot-Pineapple r
Preserves .lib. 270 490
Kerr's Apple Duller 28-oz. jar 300
Haraschino Cherries 290
Deeville Pure Honey 2-lb. jar 540
Vanilla Extract ZL 350
Doyal Gelatin Dessert 3 200
" Assorted Flavors I
Dahing Powder 290
Van Hoatens 's
Dnlch Processed Cocoa Sb. 370
i n 1 i l-i c- , srjrzs u ! n vi" i ;
v.i 7rAr - i is v
( L . ,i ' . -J ? ti :
C - - ..... i v, u -
Western garden Champion" ,
Receives4 $203 Scholarship
S1:..,. 4 V
Champion Junior vegetable grower In western states. Reed
Vollstedt (right) IS. of Albany, Ore, plans to use $209 scholarship
check in entering winter term at Oregon State College. Check was
presented daring junior growers 10th annual convention at
Rochester, N.Y by Earl R. French (left) New York, national
marketing director for produce-buying affiliate of AAF Food Stores,
which presented $(,000 in scholarships to winners. Center Is II. C.
Seymour, Oregon state 4-H Jeader, Corvallis,
- - - - - - -; - ' : " -r-i v ' :
Holiday Program
To Be on Sunday
At Turner Church
TURNER The children's de
partment of the Christian church
Sunday school wiil have the
Christmas treats and program in
the assembly room Sunday morn
ing- .
Christmas music will be fea-
tured at the; morning and eve
ning services of the church. Pearl
lodge will attend morning church
services in observance of St
John's day, Sunday, Dec. 31.
Miss Katherine Douglas of Eu
gene spent Sunday with her cou
sin, J. R. Ellis. '
Mrs. George B rower has been
on the sick list for the last two
Ninth Birthday Party
Honors McAlpin Girl
McALPIN - Shirley Doerfler
was- honored on her ninth birth
day Wednesday afternoon 1 when
her mother, Mrs. Alex Doerfler,
brought a birthday cas;e and ice
cream to the school.
Closed All Day Monday, m
December 25th I
1 lb.
Seven Convicted on i
Movie Extortion Charge
NEW YORK, Dec. 21-iffV-The
convictions of seven men charged
with attempting to extort more
than $1,000,000 from the motion
picture industry under threats "to
close every theater in the United
States' was upheld yesterday by
the US circuit court-of appeals.
I Six of the defendants, sentenced
to 10 years imprisonment, and
fined $10,000 each, had been de
scribed by . the government as
members of the old. Al Capone
gang in Chicago. The seventh was
a former Newark, NJ, labor offi
cial, who was sentenced to seven
years and fined $10,000. ! :
Coos Bay Coal Company
Will Use By-Products
COOS BAY, Dec. 21-iJF)-T. O.
Toon, president of the Coast Fuel
corporation, announced today that
the company would be allowed to
use six patents for coal by-products
owned by the American
Lurgi corporation. p
Plans to build a factory utiliz
ing the processes have been drawn
up by Coast Fuel, which owns the
first machine-operated coal mine
in this area. '--.;-
ti Ki aim-
Chrislmas Dinner
For your holiday dinner we have choice turkeys, chick
ens, loin ef pork, leg of pork and delicious Grade A
beef roast choose to your liking. '
Ilerry Chrislmas!
For Ileal To Eal V7e Can't Be Deal
Vienna Sansage tj..130
Armour's Star j I
Deviled Ileal V. 60 100
Uihlels Corn,.,..;! J . 140
Soda Wafers gffS5lU33ir
Rilz Grachers. ..Large carton 230
Luncheon nca&SSfc;
IIOSllo's CoilG3 i.i.ib.fja, 290
riayonnaiso Durkee........Pint jar 300
Del Eloni- .3,y.,l 0
Dal Elonlp Spin-ch 2w-J- 230
CUB. Ccchhil Snuco
ci IZiI:;!
Alexander Funeral
To Be on Saturday
At Jeffereon j
JEFFERSON Funeral services
will be held at the Jefferson
Methodist I church Saturday, De
cember 23 at 2 pn, for Mrs. Es
tella Alexander, 88, who died
Wednesday night at her, home in
the south iart of Jefferson..
Rev. N.f Sherman Hawk, min
ister of the ' Methodist church,
will conduct t h e service. Con
cluding servic will be held in
the family? plot in the 'Jefferson
cemetery. f The Fisher H Funeral
Home is in charge. j
' Esiella J, Walter was born Oc
tober 6, 185, on a farm about
six miles northeast of rjefferson.
Her parents, Ralph and Catherine
Walter came across the plains
from Iowa: by ox team. She at
tended school in the, old Jeffer
son Institute, a building -which
still stands at the intersection of
Main' and j Union streets.
November 18, 1880, she, was
married toj Dr W. F. Alexander;
who died many years ago. Mrs.
Alexander j had lived all but six
of her 88 years in Jefferson and
vicinity. She spent six years In
California, j- .--v j
She had several hobbies, flow
ers, fancy Ivork and piecing quilts
and was able to work at them un
til about two years ago when she
suffered a slight stroke. She was
active about her home, however,
in spite of I her handicap !
.Surviving are one son John C.
Alexander 'of Jefferson; step
daughters, Mrs. Susie Garland,
Media, a Mrs, Jennie Rudolph,
San Jose, Calif., and Mrs. Annie
Reynolds, Orient, Wash., also one
brother, Fted Walter of Toledo,
Ore., and several nieces and ne
phews, including Mrs. Catherin
Warner an Mrs. Mattie Vail of
Jefferson i i
Eugene Adds District
To Corporate Limits
EUGENE, Dec. 21-W-Corpor-ate
limits bf the city of. Eugene
now include the Chambers-Westmoreland
area stretching two
miles northf and south and a half
mile east and west, and the old
airport southwest of town,
. The annexation was carried by
only a 15-vote margin in the dis
trict affected, but by 144-vote
margin in Eugene proper.
: i
f S
Dottle r W Vr
Grain Futures
Pripes Close ;
Wiih Advance
CHICAGO, Dec 21-W)-Short
covering strengthened December
grain futures today and prices for
the , current . contracts . closed
sharply; higher. Rye ' was up as
much as five cents a bushel, the
limit for one day's trading.
Trade in December futures end
ed with the close of today's ses
sion and contracts remaining open
now must be settled by delivery
of cash grain on or before the
lst of the month, r vi
1 At ,the finish vwheat, was
lower Jto 2 cents higher than
yesterday's close, December
$1.70 Corn was off V to
up 1 December $1.17-. Oats
were tip M to 2H, December
71-H. Rye was lower to 5
higher! December" $1.16. Barley
was off, to up 1, December
$1.18. .Vi
The new crop wheat deliveries,
July and September, finished on
the off side but at mid-session
held gains despite a government
report of unusually large acreage
sown jto a winter crop that has
made i excellent progress. "
Cattle Ceiling Urged
To Halt Black Mart
WASHINGTON. Dec. 21 -r(Jf)
Trade representatives and govern-
officials talked tonight of
ceilings on live cattle while
senators from livestock states ar
ranged an opposition conference
for tomorrow. . ' f
The ceilings were demanded by
New York City and New Jersey
meat dealers on the contention
tack of such control hassent
into the black market and
made it impossible for dealers to
operite legally at a profit
Extension of Tiraej i
Sought for Dredging
PORTLAND, Dec. 21-(Special)
Application has been made to the
district engineer's office here by
the Independence Sand and Grav
el company of Independence for
an extension of time on the per
mit for their dredging operations
in the Willamette river at Inde
pendence. ; Any V objection from
the standpoint of navigation
should be received at the office
not .later than December 30, it
was announced.
""--M ' - - " 1
$4250 Paid Mother of
Son Killed in Jeep
i-ayment or S4250 to Mrs. Bertha
LeIYanco, Milwaukie, Ore., be
cause ier son was fatally injured
while j riding in an army jeep, is
authorized, in legislation passed
by congress and sent to the White
House. . .i
-Paul Edwin Le Franco, a civil
ian, had been given a riele in the
Jeep when it turned Ovek- on the
if mi - .... r
-i vaiy-uaiias nignway Dec.
22, 1843 en route ot Camp" Adair,
Pvt Virgil . L. Johns, an enlisted
man, also was fatally injured.
Take Low-Cost Shoes v
Off stationing Is Urged
NEW YORK, Dec. 21.-p)-A
temporary end to rationing of
shoes costing $3.50 a pair or less
was urged today by Edward At
kins, secretary of the National as
sociation of Popular Price Shoe
Retailers, an organization of man
ufacturers of such shoes. "
The public has held its ration
coupons for higher priced shoes,
Atkins said, and has "refused to
spend them for the popular priced
Farms, Small Business
Appeal to Soldiers.
One out jof every eight soldiers at
nome ana abroad wants to operate
a little business or farm after he
leaves the army, a war depart
ment survey showed today.
; Under the "GI bill of rights,"
veterans may borrow up to 14,000
or obtain a far mor business with
the government guaranteeing half
of the loan. '
New Stove Causes Fire "
In Silverton Residence t
SILVERTON A large hole was
burned in the living room floor of
the S. Wieby home, 600 East Oak
street - Thursday.- The - fire was
caused by an overheated new
stove. The Silverton .fire depart
ment was called and its members
were able to save the greater part
ol the house.. V
lil.lany Uovc? v
Sucpcct Cauco
Off Bochaclico-
Wboi ordr mt kkUer fuet permit,
no-oaoua ttr o rrauia yew bwod. it
A taAt esuM utf tttcfcarh-, rbeummuc pun,
ttt fiat, leu d pep m uaarr. tUtoog
muchts, vMiiinc puffin f aior tt ay,
fcmlnhn sad tli iiw Fiu mt r aaity
piwM witfe maaroag aad hanxia om-
ibows tbn ia tomeOu-f wrong vdi
jrw kidoeyi orW;. .
J ' Um 15 mil of kidlXfT tubr Bb out P-
Farm -
"Strictly Private"
f .
J rfft WRTrOES A
' XTO eTUfi LlrM MTT
' I ' '
Quotations at
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 21 (AP)
Butter AA grad pruiU 4-4ac.
cartons 46-47fcc; A grtde prints
45'a-46c, cartons 4-46c; C grade
prints ' 4Sy-4SiC. cartona. 4S-4Slac.
Butterfat Tint quality, maximum
of .0 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered
In Portland 52-52 l,ic; . premium qual
ity, maximum of - 3ot ,1 per cent
acidity 63-53',ic; ' calley f routes and
country points 2c less titan first or
50-SUsC. .- 3
Eggs To retailers r AA: extra large
61c; AA large 59c; A large 57c; A
mediums 52c; small (pullet) l-42c dos.
Live poultry Buying prices from
producers; Broilers up ton 2 lbs.. 29c;
fryers 1 to 3'i lbs. 29c; roasters over
3a -lbs. 29c; Leghorns 25ic; colored
hens all weights 25',c; roosters and
stags ' 19c U. :-' S!
. Country meats Rollback prices to
retailers Country killed ? hogs, best
butchers. 120-140 lbs. 19-ZOc; vealers
AA 22sc; C 21 'ic; B l-19'.ic; C 15
174c; culls 12-15c; beef AA 214c; A
2(H4c; B 18; C 14c; canner-cutter
cows 13-14c; bulls, canner-cutters 14
144c;. lambs AA 26c; A 24c; B 22',ic;
C 19-20c; ewes FS 13ic: M 12c; K
104C - I ' -
Cheese Selling price to Portland
retailers: Oregon triplets 29.3c; daisies
29 Sc; loaf 30 J2c lb.; triplets to whole
salers 27c: Joaf 27e FOB.
Rabbits Government ceiling: Ave
rage' country killed to retailers 35
44c; live jfrice to producers 22-24c lb.
Turkeys Selling prices to retail
ers : Dressed hens and toms JViC lb.
Turkeys Alive: Government ceil
ing buying prices: Hens and tonis for
government sale 39.30c, lor civilian
trade 38-Oc lb. is .
Onions Green 90c dozen bunchee.
Onions Yakima dry .50s 15; j 3
inch 1.40: locals, Oregon ISO per S0
1b. bag; Idaho whit 1.35 bag; boilers
10s. 25c. - i W
PoUtoes -i Deschutes No. 1. 3.40
30; Klamath Falls No. 2, 1.50 per
M-Ib. bag;- local 2-9 orange box.
Wool Government control. 4
Cascara bark 1944 peel 15c lb.
Mohair 1942, 12-month 45c lb. -
-Hops Normal contracts: 1944. 85c
up; 1945, 75c; 194S. 55c; 1947, 50c lb.
Hay Wholesale prices nominal;
Alfalfa No. 2 or better S34-36: oats
vetch $25 ton valley points; timothy
(eastern Oregon) S35-3S ton; -clover
$22-23 ton.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. jll (AP)
( WF A ) Salable catU 200. total 225;
salable and total calves 25; i market less
active but generally steady; cutter
common steers 8.5 0-11 0; good 1130 lb.
fed steers 145; common-medium heif
ers 8.50-11.50; light dairy type heifers
down to 6.00: few good ;fed heifers
13.50; canner and cutter cows largely
9.00-7.80; fat dairy type i cows 7-0-8.50;
medium-good beef f cows 1.00
11.50; young cows to 1200; common
bulls 7.50-8-5; medium 'sood kinds
t-5-10.00; r few good vealers 12.00;
choice quotable to 14 00 and above;
good grass calves 12.00 d$wn. o
Salable hogs 300. total 12-00; market
active, steady; good - choice 179-240
lb. 15.75; 245-289 lb. light! weights to
13.75; choice above 100 lb. feeder pigs
salable to 14.00. J
Salable 'and total sheep 300: market
active. 25-50 cents higher for two days;
ood -choice wooled lambs , 13-0-14.00;
irge lot good -choice 77 il lb. shorn
lambs No. 1 pelts 13.50; good -choice
ewes quotable 5.00-8.00. m
- (The North Portland livestock mar-
Salem Market
Quotations !
The prices below supplied by a lo
cal grocer are indicative of the daily
market prices paid to growers by Sa
lem buyers but are ' not guaranteed
by The Statesman: -i
Adresea's Baying Prices 1 1- :
(Sabjeet U change wttheut nsttte)
BUTTERFAT - I - - -. i j:
Premium ' ' " 1 ' " U '
No 1 JU
No. 2 - f ; -60
A f
.45 Ui
Extra large
Colored hens, i No. 1
No. S colored hens .
Colored fry s
Martoa Creassery's Baytngi prices
(sssject te caanga wttaoat r aewesi
POULTRY j 1 - -
No. 1 springs i S "
No. 1 bens : i 8
Spring lamb 1 10 08
Yearling lamb ,1.00J to 7-8,
Ewes . f " '
Dairy cows -4.00 to 9 JO
- Book 4 Blue s tamos AS through
K 24. AS through ,, AJ-BJ, A valid
irraeinuieiy. - ! i i '
Book 4 i Red stamps AS through
ZS and A5 through S8 valid inde
finitely. . -.
SUGAR: - V I' '
Book 8 sugar stare p 10 through 24
valid mdefimtely S pounds each.
Sugar stamp 40 -valid through Feb.
28, 1945, for S pounds home canning.
SHOES: Loots sumps Invalid :
Book 2 Airplane stamps Noa, 1.
am S valid indefinitely. s
GASOLINE: - -'if ' -
."A" 13 expires. December H. Each
coupon worth 4 galions. r i
Penod 4 'Ac S . coupons (1843-44
series) and period H2 coupons (1844
45 series) valid through April 31,
1943. Not more than 27 per cent of
season's rations should have been
uxed to date. - ' .. '-
STOVESt r - i- . - . - 4- i'-' -
Apply at local OPA board for oil,
gas stov certificates.
iJJartos -
By Quinn Hall
llkvr, FX nnTnlN - '
ket will be closed Christmas day and
New Year's day.) i j 1i
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 21 (AP)
no wneat lutures or casa grain
quoted. - " ; -i.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.53:
soft white (excluding Rex) 1.33; white
dob 13: western red 1 A3 n
Hard red winter: Ordinary 1.53: 10
per cent 1.54; 11 per cent 1-8; 12
per cent 1.62. ii
Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 1-3;
11 per cent 1-5: 12 per cent 1.61.
Today's car receipts; Wheat 23, bar
ley ii, iiour s, corn 8. oats a, nay 2,
millfeed 13. r H
Stocks and Bonds
A Dec. 21
30 13 19
Indus Rails Util
Thursday 78.0 33.8 38.7
Previous day 78 1 33.7 38
Week ago 78.3 33- . 38.0
Month ago 76.0 78JS 38.1
Year ago 70.0 22 8 35.1
1944 high 79.2 34.4 39-
1944 low.
69.1 22.9 39.1
20 10 10
Rails Indus Util
Thursday 9S.2 104.7 106 S
Previous day 9 104- . 106.8
Week ago 95.4 104 JK 107.9
Month ago 93.7 105.1 107
Year ago 78.S 105t 104.S
1944 high 88.3 105.T " 107.3
1944 low- 79- 104. 104.1
Stock Market
Slumps Again
NEW YORK, Dec' 21-(ff)-Sell
Ing still was sufficient to keep the
majority of stock market leaders
in the losing column today al
though Isolated ' issues exhibited
strength and modest recoveries
were fairly well distributed. i
- Customers generally remained a
bit depressed because of the tin
satisfactory European war news.
' The Associated -Press 60-stock
composite was off .2 of a point
at 57.4. Of 06- issues registering,
against 833 . Wednesday, 426 were
down, 228 up and 210 unchanged.
Tranfers of 951,230 . shares com
pared with 1,482,500 the day be-
iore. . - a "
Checks for $450,000
Sent Wool Growers ;
Highest Prices Paid
v Checks for approximately 9)450,
000 have been mailed to some
1600 wool growers, members of
Pacific Wool Growers, residing in
western, Oregon - and western
Washington, whose wools were
in the association's valley pool
just closed. u
It is believed prices paid were
the' highest received by western
Oregon and .'western Washington
wool producers since 1918. The
wools averaged approximately 50
cents a pound net to the pro
ducer. . j -
Classified Advertising ji
Classified Ads '
, Call 9101
Three insertions per line25c
Six Insertions per line40c
Ont month per Hn , f 1 ?y
Minimum charge 25c; S tL mini
imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c No
refunds. . 1
' Copy tor this page accepted on
to :30 the even in before publica
tion for classification. Copy re
ceived after this time will be run
under the heading "Too Late to
Classify.". ,- ..- , -v
The Statesman assumes no finan
cial responsibility for errors which
may appear in advertisements pub-,
itshed in its columns and in cases
where this paper Is at fault will
reprint that part of an advertise
ment to which , the typographical
mistake accurs. u
The Statesman reserves the right
to reject questionable advertising.
It further reserves -the right to
Place all advertising under : the
proper classification. , ; j
A "Blind Ad an containing
a Statesman box number tor an ad
dressis for the protection of the
advertiser and must therefore be
aiurwered by better. The Statesman
is not at liberty to divulge inform
mtwn as to the Identity of . as
advertiser using a -Blind ad.
Livtsloek and Poultry
dressed or tve, at Pubis
UkU Sat. Union and N. High.
'RABBIT ItXRS - tura. Ph. -
WANTED! f-teet and canner cows.
buus and veals. WU1 call at farm.
E. 1. Snethea, - 2976 E. Turtt sr Road.
Ph. 21343. Morns or eves. .
FAMOUS fast growing ' Christla
broiler chicks.' Free use of else, brood
er with 100 or more. Boyington's
Hatchery. Pea Four Corners. Ph. 66F4.
W1Q remove dead worthless stock
la a moment's notice I SALEM FEB-T-UZEB
4k BY PRODUCTS. Ph. 8006
Collect. 4 No ether Ptaone).
Help Wanted
' GROCERY Clerk: State Street Mar
ket. 1230 State. , ,
MAN or Woman cook: Good hours1
and pay. Plain eooklng. Write par
ticulars. Box 834. Statesman, i
Help Wanted Male
- Workers bow employed la war pro.
duction shouid not apply and wiC not
be considered foe employment by em
ployers advertising la this section.
BUS Boy: . Morning shift. Good
wages. Marion HoteL i .
- BODY -and fender man -and - auto
painter. S. P. Motors; 842 Ferry. f
. K-TCHXN v Janitor. ! steady work,
good wages. Marion HoteL.
HANDYMAN at Deaconess Hospital.
Ph. 4127.
BODY and sheet metal man. Our
business requires additional help.
Z3S S. Com 'L St Ph. 3169
XPERIENC D ' dinner and fry
cook. Marion HoteL
MIDDLE - AGED man wanted for
year round work. Edwards Poultry
Farm and Hatchery, RL 5, Box 91,
phone 22943.
AUTO MECHANIC. Exceptional op
portunity for experienced mechanic
Also opening for less experienced man.
Oldsmobiltt Sales & Service r
443 Center St. . Salem. Ore,
TURKEY KILLER, turkey rougher.
Northwest Poultry 4 Dairy Products '
9-! .1??.W ton.
GENERAL Garage work. Perm. -position.
Night man. Preferably univer
sity student Herrall -Owens Co.
2 MECHANICS. Permanent positions.
Excellent wages. H err all -Owens Co.
Help Wanted Female
GIRL for- general office work fey
1st of Jan. Ph. 9441.
.WANTED: X-perieneed beauty ope
rator. Good working conditions. Can
make from $280 to 8300 per mo. Ph.
194, Lillian's Beauty Salon. US S. 3rd,
Corvallis. ; .
RELIABLE girl or woman living
near 21st Ac Center to stay with chil
dren pccasponal afternoons and eve
nings. 2094 Center St, phone 3858. .
' STENOGRAPHER wanted for local
business office. ,40 hour week. State
qualifications and salary expected in
first letter. -Box 932 Statesman.
- EXPERIENCED waitress, day shift
No. Sun. or holiday work. Court St
Dairy Lunch, 347 Court I
STEADY Employment . for full or
part time usherettes. 16 or over. Apply
ta person. Grand Theater. ,
LADY .TO do housework for a family
of 2. No laundery. Pleasant surround
ings. Ph. 21583.
WANTED Girl or woman for gen
eral housework. Phone T949.
Mickey's Sandwich Shop. :
Situations Wanted
ORREN S. PENNEY, contractor.
Designing and remodeling homes.
Ph. 9493. Rm. 220 Oregon. Bldf.
'BE WCE-MODl-TK I . ..
. Preschool Playschool: 1381 Stat.
Ages 3-8. Part or aU day. Ph. 8430.
CHILDCRAFT Nursery We pick trn
sad deliver 1999 Trade Ph. 21829.
Money to Loan
Quick Gash Loans!
On any worthwhile secur
ity -Repayable in 12
Company la locally owned and
S-12S Phone tin
136 S. Commercial St, Salem f
Auto And Track Loans
r Contracts Refinanced
Money for new and used ears ee
trucks regardless of ago. No delay-
bring ear and title and get the money.
You retain possession of vehicle.
i to u -tonths to repay.
After S o'clock anoae 1361 or ma
for appointment '
Seculated by -state
H36 S Com I St Phone 6166. IM 152)
Use your car as security. No Ions?
rlgsmarole. Promnt nrivate service-
$18.0 per mo. repays in 12 months
$180.; Come in. or save time by 'phon
ing in your application. When approved,
make' lust one trip and pick ud your
cash immediately.
Personal Finance Co.
Room 125. Second Fir. New High Bldg.
sis staie s rnone: saiem 3191
Lie S-LZS M-15S
Auto Loins
Willamette Credit Co.
Legal Notice
notice ro CKiorroR3 r
that the undersigned has been ap
pointed Executor of the Estate of
Walter T. Molloy, deceased, by t
Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Marion County, and has
qualified -All persons ha vine
claims . against said estate . are)
hereby notified' to nresent thn
same, duly verified as law re
quired, to the undersigned, - at
Suite 210 Pioneer Trust Building,
Salem, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated December 22d, 1944. -
Executor, Estate of
"Walter T. Molloy. deceased.
210 Pioneer Trust Bid. -
Salem, Oregon. D-22-28-J-5-12-19