T7in Column Entry Seen by SHS Jiks, Redmond VVie At Villa TdnieHt sophs yuint, rlunbards to Hoop ; 'County Lbop;Tilt, 7 p.m. Prelim ; ; Figuring the time is "ripe for, a recovery, start after coming within whisker of starting in their last two games, Salem high's till-hus-tling hoop-suiters tangle '.with; Redmond high of Central Oregon to night at ihe VillaVxThe battle will, see Coach Frank -Brown's - bas- , keteers attempting to get over the hump .'the - first ; time ' in - seven . starts, the same hump which they Northern Clubs in Preview 'Jam' Beavers Ducks- H uskies M - came so near vaulting in dropping 'a close 33-29 nod to Klamath Falls last Saturday and a closer . 33-31 overumer 10 springneia iuesoay '.night, 1 - . ; 4,' A,"-' 1 .The inexperienced Viks have been overtiming themselves dur-' ing the week's .workouts in a strenuous effort to at last uncover a clicking combination. Still in the f midst of uncovering, Brown may start any five consisting of For wards Al Bellinger, Jack Fitzmau rice, Loren Helmhout and "Pidge", Deacon, Centers , Tom Boardman or Bellinger and Guards Bunny Mason, Frank Bales, Al Gemmell, Bob Howell and Eugene . Lowe. The work of Big Boardman in the past two games has virtually j S . I .1 A . r . 1 !. 2 cuncnea rum a lurung oenn, onu the point-pitching of Mason indi-; . cates he'll see much action. locally than the 8 p. m. scuffle is tonight's seven o'clock prelimin- ary between Frank Beer's scintil lating Sophs' and Coach Jerry t Owen's Hubbard highs. The scrap will be a counting North Marion County. "B" league engagement, and both quints displayed in the county jamboree reason enough to Utile ve Wlutui t , uuJb nm uc - touch-and-go get-together. Beer will probably open with a starting five of Bill Hill and Wayne Hal seth, forwards; Rod Province, cen- ter, and Roger Dasch and Dick Hendrie, guards. . ; ' " ' Not tod much is known of the Redmond .visitors" other, than (1) they beat. Bend's veteran-stocked Lava Bear recently, and Bend bounced Corvallis twice; (2), they 4 are strictly a "road" club since their school gym burned down; (3) Oregon Coach 'John Warren believes their center is the best looking prospect he's seen in prep circles this semester, and (4) they a r e o n a barnstorming tour through the valley. The victory over Bend's state champ runner- up lends good cause to believe the Redmonds have a capable quint. Coasters Hope WILoop Plays SEATTLE, Dec. 21 -IP)- Bill Mulligan' of the Seattle Rainiers of the Pacific Coast Baseball league said today the Rainiers contracts for 1945 would be mail ed out in about a month "and a half, but that Field Manager Bill Skiff would not be in Seattle un til late in February when en 'route south to training camp. Mul ligan said he was advised j the Western ' International league would ; have several representa tives at the coast league meeting January ' 12 . and repeated hopes expressed ; yesterday the WI loop would resume play. The coast league is anxious to have the out let for additional players, he said. A Rival Basketball Fives Tangle V J In Two-night Show at; Astoria - ASTORIA, Ore, Dec. 21P-Four northern 'division teams who seem fairly evenly matched will pair off for ..state honors in the sec ond annual Astoria intercollegiate basketball jamboree Friday and Saturday nights. - i ' 1 . , . " In " the first Jamboree : a year ago University of Washington and Washington State! teamed up to triumph over Oregon and Oregon State college. V " The opener Friday, night - will pit Oregon , against Washington in the first half of the first game. At . half time. Oregon State will pick, up Oregon's total and play WSC. In the second game Friday night Oregon State will tee off against Washington while Oregon will finish j against the Cougars. The same routine will be followed Saturday night' '" . " ' 1 ? - EAST ALL-STAR: Les Horvath, Ohio SUte's All -American here ex amining the Helsman award voted bias as the outstanding college foetba.ll player of the year, will be one of the big gvns In the East attack force daring the East-West Shrine benefit game New Year's Day in San Francisco. . .-: ( f , t if Surprise, surprise: And don't think the "East" Shrine grid team wasn't" when it arrived in San Francisco Wednesday and. heard what "West" Professors Babe) Hollingberry and Percy Locey have done. Unable to find suitable talent in the western collegiate rank and file, Director Percy P. and Coach Orin L. "borrowed" players' from the Fourth Air Force (March Field), Second Air Force and Randolph Field to fill out the West team pigskihners like Glenn Dobbs, In dian Jack Jacobs, Hank Norberg, Woodrow Wilson Strode, Bill Dudley, et al, were included in the loan, but last time we heard they were touchdowning for the mentioned air elevens .' . . All of which will bring a loud and long, but. fruitless, bleat from one Coach Andy Kerr of the East. . . But then with more modern All Americans like Les Horvath, Bill Hackett and Bob Kelly around, Kerr shouldn't bleat too loudly. . . At any rate the California scribes rbrand WSC's. Hollingbery as "up to his old tricks." He "borrowed" a few March Field fill-ins during the eleventh hour last year, sprung 'em on Kerr's clan and swore1 to high Heaven he was driven to it through scarcity of) At this writing we don't know if - i - i t - ,; -' ) ( -r L 1 Duration 'Jan? ReadyToraght MT. ANGEL The- annual Du ration league basketball jambo ree, featuring all six' members of the league in action, is ready for the Mt. Angel college gymnasium Friday, night,' o'clock.- The six teams to take part art j Wood burn, lit Angel, Savertbni Che mawa, Motalla and ;Canby.H Wood burn was league champ last year, but Mt Angel won the aub-dls-trict.' playoffs:?-yiX".- A, drawing will be held before the program starts to determine which clubs play against each other,' and' then ' the quints will engage in three "games" of two 8-minue quarters in length each. A trophy will go to the team scor ing most points, it has been an nounced. Meanwhile, respective rooting ' sections will engage In yelling competition. ; Dopesters point to the Wood burn, Silverton , and Chemawa teams as the league strongies this season. The ; league -play official ly opens .on Tuesday, January 2. A crowd of around 1000. includ ing Molalla's 50-piece band, is ex pected Friday. MAJOR BOB DUFFY eyen halfway good collegiate eligibles . . . Seems Mr. Hollingbery, by one means or another, still likes to win his football games . . . To baseball. Wood burn Junior Legion Coach Pete DeGuire sees nothing but nothing for his nine nTt mmmpp tmiv that TfthnnHep Al Ofcnni reputedly as good last summer as was Joe "Red" Bielemeir according s?n' S!rtzkopf! to many, has up and reportedly joined the navy. DeGuire was countr "u" ,,ie? " xo n nairame. ana in on Olson to offset somewhat the loss of such ranahlM a Riol. " "ic uuceunrwr rw meier, Charley Sauvain, Babe Reed, Twenge practically his entire 1944 Mrs. Bob Duffy reveals hubby Robert C, the former California Bear ickett (At and business managered their fine baseball club here two! summers Alberts no) back, is now Major Bob Duffy with his 104th somewhere in Europe. Duffy was but a second looey when he organized and fielded his star- llrfitaGSI flf-tfS Fees Outfit Wins Over Husky Quint . PORTLAND, Dec. 2 l--Fee's Music Makers, Portland independ ent basketball team, added a third college squad to their list of vic tims tonight when they easily de feated University of Washington, 60 to 40. Fee's previously defeated University of Oregon and Oregon State college. Top-scoring was by Chuck Pat terson, former University! of Ore- gon negro star, who accumulated 14 points, j. : King 3) 8) Ray ley Jorgenson (5) G :. (5) Garber Substitution Washington: Blow era 4). Anderson (2), Mann (2), Dow . 4), Moslck (4). Music Makers: O'Con ncil (t;, Hollinsiworth (1). Bopp (). Iroiimeii Sign Recruit ' SEATTLE, Dec. 21--The Se attle Ironmen of 'the Pacific Coast ' Hockey league announced tonight the signing of Pete Wywrof right wing of the : Port Arthur, BC, j Bearcats, to relieve Ralph Blyth, i veteran center who pulled up last - Sunday with a charley horse. Giant Grapplcr WeJa REN p, Nev Dec. 21-) - Wladyslow F. Talun, giant Polish wrestler, was married here today to Edith Thomas, 24, Buffalo, NY, woman wrestler,', shortly alter obtaining a divorce from Stefanle Talun. . Basketball Scoros COIXEGB rort Lewis 82. Oregon 48. -- Tillamook Navy 27. Ore. State 47. Music Makers 60, Washington 40. HIGH SCHOOL, a . Moiunouta 22. Salem Jayv 3 Pedmond 29, Springfield 3. Grants Ps IS, Roseburf 24.' - -. - : rr-r - - - ' Iluslia I named after the city Jayvces Annex Fifth Straight MONMOUTH "(Speciai)i-Bounc- ing back from a 14 to 4 half time deficit, Salem h,igh's Jayyees ov ertook Monmouth's Wolves in the final period here tonight and won their fifth game of the season 25 to 22, It was the first loss for the Wolves. - Minus . three regulars Deckabach, Carroll, and Thomp- T l n- m . m.m imi mj jHunimuukn viuo . . . vnrisunas caru irora Bochmer (4) :..r 10) partiow (4) - Petty C L (4) McElvry t iz McLean JGLi.....; (2) rresh suds ior jayvees Barlow 2. , studded ballgamers in Waters park. 1 saar Metsrs. Sebern, Coons, Bowet Still Know How and Navalair Ensign Don Bower, the three ex-SHS hoopsters w S. hm n K-i vivrjiT : , Jl 4l. The major, leagues will, return to NpiernGanro home on leaves, help drub the Vik Villa crew in a scrimmage game the warmer climate for spring base- other afternnnn anri loft cnnviruA olnna mifK nthor. K 1 I . ! V1?1"" 1 umf. ; trainiogjust as soon as they .aawa. wu nan W am V TAM,rn-M !) Coons is stm m demon.on backboard f Xm w to drive a basketball from back court msa v.,i WoakTI ,'t lost the knTck of baU-handling, driv- "ll A "n ??S.5 he made All-State in '39, (2) play and hasn't forgotten how to front, and (3) Bower hasn ing and shooting. ' The GI's weren't razor-sharp, of course, but one Frank Brown would doubtlessly give up most of bis molars to have all or one back in the Vik scan ties. f ' ' ! The gent who got probably more kick but of watching 'em play than anyone else was Lt. Harold Ilauk. He mentored all three in concerned, the Buccos .will train at Muncle, Ind as they have done the last two seasons, he added. It was no secret that the Bucco management was a bit disgruntled Al Al JX a, - A. A a their Villa days, along with pogo-shooting Don Cutler, and grinned p;" k. w oti h.,K i 'V . . Pirate prexy admits the club's au through the workout. Villa Sports Boss Curnee Flesher watched, too. but he wasn't grinning. He's fretting over the crowds which don't attend the Vik hoop sessions this winter and has been anticipating the installation of either Bank Night, Bingo or the free-turkey-with-every-ticket at traction as remedy ... A sudden Vik surge into the win column would do it, Gurnee. ; . r I s Oddly enough, those who snubbed the Villa hall last Saturday and second place finish made him look with much greater favor on the Indiana camp. 'Didn't Come Just for tHe mde' Warns Tennessee Mentor j PASADENA. Callt. Dee, 2L-C&-fW dldat eome eoi her just, for the ride, Coach. John Barnhin told his Tennesaea vnteer grldmea today, as he sent them through twa lour work eats, broken only by light hmch and heavy blaekbeard drilL The Vela, who meet Southern Call fernla'a T r J a n I In th . Rose Bowl New Tear's day; axe' slated f or double I doses v almost dally nntil then to make up f or prae- tleea they've missed doe to rain and snow at K n x 1 1 1 e since . their regubtt season ended. Twin ' workouts are slated ' tor tomor- The poned stodie row and Saturday, bat the Tola will rest Sunday and Monday to celebrate Christmas. ! ' Tennessee coach baa post all sight-seeing; or aoevte tripe until a day er two before the game. Tbe boys hare a lot of gTMind to shako p be fore they start traveling around, be said. It was plain that he . wanted mmt of that tnTeling to be done on the greensward of the Rose Bowl against. the Tra- TakLf ', stock ef his 38 men and finding all In good shape ex ' cept End Key Cross, whose ear- 1 ly-seaaonVroken arm la! knit ting, Barnhlll announced the fol lowing tentative starting lineup for the Vela in the NewjTear'a classic: Baddy Pike and Charlea Wlldman, ends; Bo Stewart 'and Rusa Dobelstein, tackles; Bob DobeUtebs and J. Aifcsry, guards; Rasa Morrow, center; -Capi. E!!ly Bevis, euarter; Bus ter Stephens and Casey (Steph enson, halves; and Mark Major, fullback. Seven of these 111 are freshmen. The Trojans also underwent .double-barreled drill one men-. taL the ether physical. They sat through a chalk talk by Coach Jeff Cravath. outlining defensive maneuvers a gain it the Vols, baaed on films of the lS4t USC Teunesoee Rose Bowl clash. Then the first twe teams went out and belted each ether through an boor's scrimmage la which Cravath laid emphasis en . the passing of George Murfrfv seeoBd-string o.uartorbaek. Cyk vath apparently : was grooming Murphy to be ready Just in ease anything should happen to all- , coast Jim Hardy, ace pitcher and sparkplug of the , Trojans'- T- model machine. . BrmVnies Best ' 'Comebackers' .1 - . -. - - Sam Suead, Grimm Runnerups in AP Poll NEW f YORK, Dec. SlAV5t Louis Browns failed to triumph in their first world series, but they are making a virtual' monopoly of the Associated Press year - end poll. -; Their, nwest honor is the des gnation u as 1844s No. : 1 come back. Previously the American league champions were selected as having given sportdom its No. 1 surprise and also bad shown con siderable strength in the race for the No. 1 flop title because . of their failure in the series. c Eighty - seven sports e di t o r s thoughout . the country participa ted in the. poll-to find the No. 1 comeback team."' " " ;'f ' I Twenty voted for the" Browns and seven others, ranked, the club either second or .third. The voters were , particularly impressed by the Browns' sweep of the season's final four games with the New York Yankees to annex their first title. .,' . Sam Snead's successful . return to the golden coif .campaigns was a' ' . : n l voiea secona piace ana. iwiiariey Grimm'i management of the Chi cago Cubs was third in the opin ion of the scribes. - Battle Royal Set Tuesday : Matchmaker E 1 1 e n Owen's annual Christmas - New Year's lightheavy mat program Is next for theFerry Street Garden come Tuesday night, and this time It's to be a C-manJatUe ; royal. And from the looks"of the "first . two grapplers signed for. the shindig. Village crunch cus tomers are quite likely. In for a hot and heavy program. Owen clarions , VUlager .. Tough Tony Ross and Gorgeous - Georgia Wagner were the first twe signed, which in Itself wttl be a battle royal. There b no mat hostility more fierce than that 3hlch brews between Anthony . and the bathrobe showboat ster. Fans will easily recall the ; tltanlcs - waged' ' between s the -pair here a year ago, same eul- mlnated by a boxing match. n , which Ross kayoed Wagner In 'the -thud heat. The other four ; bleeppers to show ..Tuesday are to - be announced as they're t signed om The winner hi to get a Junior Heavy ; title shot at Champ Gust "Johnson. Tinker "Out of Danger" .ORLANDO, Fla., (Dec. 21 Joe Tinker, one of baseball s all' time great shortstops, tonight was reported "out of danger unless complications develop" at Orange General hospital. The 64-year-old star of the ' famous "Tinker . to Evers , to Chance" double -play combination for the Chicago Cubs shortly after the turn of the cen tury, entered the hospital Tues day after ; suffering from " high blood pressure, , A WASH. (44) - (M) MUSIC MKBS. CreveUng t3) -.r. ) Burch B?SS3)(!irichlJTsvP5aS of ithe Vat missed two ball games of the vcvics wuicu wase ior sweat on ue spectator a orow. rne ii-iV DOW to K-Falls and the 33-31 overtimer handed to Springfield were good enougn pau games ior anyone's four-bits. The best battles in the eyes of the spectator aren't always offered by unbeaten teamsryou know. The Keglettes spilled Broadway Beauty Shop three .'times,. Millers Furniture fwon three by default from : Nicholson .; Insurance, and Western Paper, Quisenberry's, and Sears-Roebuck won 2-1 decisions over Acklin Bootery, Wool worth's, and Rial to, jrespetvelyAin wo men's bowling on Perfection al leys last night. Xtfelen McRae; RTt alto, rolled high game ' for the night, ! while the. Rialto five was setting a new game record for the season 845. KEGLETTES (3) Mills 15d 13S 161444 Ryt ; 110 129 148 3B7 Kirchner 118 : 123 - 83 343 Anderson ....',.,. ..147 1S3 168468 Garbarlno , 171 177 187 93S Totals . 69 714 745 3175 BROAD WAT BEAUTY SHOP () , ' -Handicap I - - . 23 . 33 23 - E9 McNeil .... , : 133 142 137-412 Welty - U 163 127 147439 C often i 123 Bowter" ; 11 125 135416 138302 141-380 -660 639 723 3013 ARAB GETS A LICIIT-crt J. B. Daniels tt.de &lh . Army lights a cigarette for CpL AbduXla SaVkeh f U10 Arab L t'.un Ja L';e Transjordau area where Crilish anti-task fszzzn ... ' ToUla MUXES S FtlKNnXKE ft) ' Poulin , 146 140 Hubbard J 127 117 Boyd ...,7, ).. r, .,-;.....132 156 Sngley 123.-!07 Meyer . ,, , - - ; ,10S 133 Totals '. .83S 664 KICHOLSONS INSCaANCB r Default. . : ; r ' WESTEKX TATtM XOXY. CO. (t) ; I Handicao , 39 47 31 HI Aadcrcgg A , . 'in 103 so-JM 155450 132376 167453 134463 113356 703 2002 .lit .113 .133 -US 113 131 138 122 Kinrwell Hastings Peavy - Lindsay Totals . ACSXITS BOOTESY (1 Poaschl J "" il31 123- Zimmerman ; 97 100 Flake . -.- ,:; 88 124 " Perrino . - 107 ; 136 McElbancy , 1ft 123 107338 95339 113383 107347 .623 663 534 1809 Totals 168424 98295 127339 111354 109-472 :1- .561 ; 610 613 1784 r.. 71 71 71 213 IfM 11(1 111 I - V 111 1JB tHA I 95 142 118355 1 tM 11a an , lus - n aas ..... j....;. ..'.. ..638 : 664 CZ) WOOLWORTHS Handicap-. jonoson Greene Muelhaupt; Sebon iLeeney Totals QLTSENBERKYS Shriner WhHw&rtn r Evans -.. , I Gilmoro . , i Merritt . i .159 .151 J22 , .109 .123 154 170 187 116 155 843 1945 125438 127448 95404 99324 169-347 Totals .664, 782 615 1961 SEARS, ROEBUCK 2) Handicap ' 0 Aleshir .166 Merry Xmas .. , "... 110 Alien 136 Holt. ,.,. .,;, 123 Thrush .148 1 143 137 118 178 140 4 II 177488 114 31 129383 127428 147435 V Totals'".- SMALT Of (1) Handicap -Dougherty : . Jones 1, McRa Albricn Lloyd - .683 725 701 2109 -'7 -J22 .152 .110" aio J46 -8 137 197 198 1S3 161 9 113-374 126-475 116 11447 189 196 Totals .647 842 CO)2U2 Action Tonight A; H' - ' ;;!:: - r Rival Pro Football Leagues Join Hands for 1945 Season SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21-VPre8ident J. Rufus Klawans of the Pacific Coast Football league announced today "There will be a merg er of the Pacific Coast and American .leagues.1 - j I "W will have a nine' or ten team circuit and play la round robin. This will be a strong league; well financed and we will continue our working agreement -with the Na tional league," he said. ! I 1 : San Francisco will be asked to support two teams,1 the Packers, elder entry of the -Pacific Coast, and he Clippers of the American league. Hollywood Rangers, and the Los Angeles Mustangs are ex pected to get together on a com bination. ' The Los ; Angeles Bull dogs and Hollywood Wolves al ready have merged ' under the Bulldog title. V That will leave one team in. Los Angeles and ' one in Hollywood...' '' ... ' ,j,r.: ' San Diego Bombers, , oldest team in the southmost city, will con tinue as will the Oakland Giants. From the American league will be adopted the Portland and Se attle ' contingenta. The SaA, Jose Mustangs will make up the ninth team. ' There is a possibility; Kla wans said, of Fresno entering the picture. DICK HZNDRD2, former Parrish - star'-jiand5: nowa'ttiarter for Frank Beer's seintllatmg 1 Sophs .. of Salem high. WiU be In action tenlrht at the VUU when his - teamjmeets Habbard In a conn ty loop game at 7 o'clock. The varsity meets Redmond at t. . ers Wind Up Play The Seals, a ninth grade aggre gation, led the American league and eighth grade Panthers topped the National circuit, j as noon league basketball play Wound up until, after the holidays at Leslie yesterday. Led . by Harold Cul bertson, the league high scorer, the Seals have won five of six starts", ' while the Panthers have copped six out of seven tries. George jFrederickson, a seventh grader, tops the National league In scoring with 27 points. Standings: : -H- -V- ' - tn - AMERICAN LEAGUE V - A -v- , w L" Fts."' ft Pa Seals L. I t 18 97 40 Whales ; ..... . 4 X 8 47 46 Gulls ! v 4 4 42 81 Ducks 1 5 0 55 4 High scorers: Culbertson 39, Robert Kleiwer 27. Larry Kleinsraith 21. Bob Twnk 18, Bob Johnston ; 19, Ralph Blakeley 14. Jerry McReal 13, Bill Sproule 10. NATIONAL LEAGUE ' ' 1 ' Panthers : 8 1 Tigers 5. 2 Lions , 3 4 Elephants , . .. . ' 7 12 19 8 11 67 55 34 Hlh scorers: Frederickson 27. Ray Cummin gs 23. Karl Nyberj 21, Ben Pitzer 19. Darlyd DaMoudo 13, Dyle russell 15. ' - i Chambers New Golfers9 Head , Golfers gathered for their an nual election of officers'; and Christmas stag dinner at the Sa lem golf club last night, , unani mously j elected ' Ted Chambers president of the men's organiza tion " for 1945. Chambers;! who served as vice-president during thej past year, succeeds Millard Pekar as the. club prexy. Other offjeeja ' named included j 'Bill Goodwin, vice-president, and Fred Waterman to succeed himself as secretary - treasurer. A tourna ment committee to replace the group of Goodwin, Leo Estey, and Bob Powell, will be named shortly by Chambers. : The large turnout enjoy xi 'j turkey dinner, provided by! Ercei Kay and Pekar, after competing in a "roodles" tournament In the late afternoon hours. ; Waterman took top honors in the contest with 21 points after shooting a 3 5. Pe kar with a 38 copped. 19 points and second place. " The prizes for' the afternoon's play were turned into the kitty for the Marion county Sports Polio Fund. .The golfers contributed $153 for the drive, over double the amount they gave a year ago. 1 ons Defeat Sheridan, 2S-16 DALLAS Coach Andy. Ander son's Dallas Dragons wort their second straight basketball game of the season Tuesday night atj Sher idan, 28-16. V" The Dragons; were out in front 16-7 at halftime; For ward Harry Peters, a new recruit this season, paced the " winners with 11 points. Center Bill Rohrs, a veteran, was next with nine. DALLAS 28 (16) SHERIDAN reiers ui (B) Herron Rummer (0) I.... 0) Lee Rohrs 9) j. C. (0) Brown Richardson (6) ,-Gr. ; .. 5) Brandt Kanler 2) G . . '.. ... (2) ; Elreatb . sncnaan suo: Micaerson l Red Wings Hit Jackpot DETROIT, Dec. 21. - (ff) - The Detroit Red Wings equalled ' the season's high score by a national hockey league club tonight by whipping . fifth place , New York, 11 to 3, before a thin crowd of 7, 253 fans., .. r -..A 3Gri d Heads In New Posts ; Seers Predict Great Turnover Coming By Harold . Claassen NEW YORK, Dec. 21-(flJ)-Three colleges have obtained new foot- VkoYI ositiA in tnm met twn ur1ra but that turnover will be regard ed at strictly slow 'motion if all the rumored' changes take place before the 1945 kickoff. Carl Snavely,' Charles Caldwell and John Degrosa are the trio of tutors Who ; changed ' recently. Snavely left Cornell to return to North Carolina, . Caldwell quit Williams" for'1 Princeton; and De grosa moved up at Holy Cross. Cornell's athletic . board meets tomorrow to start Its hunt for ,a 1 successor to Snavely and names; mentioned included Lefty James, Snavely's assistant, and Elton L (Tad) Weiman, former Princeton mentor. The Williams Job still la open. . The Wesley an position hasn't been filled and neither has that at Fordham where - Lt. Cmdr. James Crowley has entered pro football. Duquesne and Manhattan colleges, two other schools who lost, their coaches' to the pros, also are in the market : for replace ments. fiumors persist mat An ay rierr and Bill Alexander, veterans at Colgate and Georgia Tech, re spectively, will retire soon and of a possible change at Maryland university where Doo Spears is reported unhappy. ; , Dartmouth will lose Earl Brown to the service before the next grid campaign during which Vander bilt returns to full time southeast conference1, competition' after two seasons of the informal variety. McNeil Bartling tutored the in-, formal Commodores but Lt H. R. (Red) Sanders may be released from the navy in time to guide the 1945 eleven. Warriors Drub Oregon, 52-38 TACOMA, Dec. 2H-Moving ahead midway in the first half and remaining out in front there after, the Fort Lewis Warriors notched their second victory in as many nights oyer a northern di vision Pacific' Coast conference, basketball opponent by spanking Oregon here tonight, 52-38. The army quintet . submerged Wash ington State last night, 63-42. ; The incomparable Gail Bishop, former Washington State star now coaching and playing on the Fort Lewis team, scored 24 points for the high individual total, while Ray Volz of the Warriors, and a, pair of Webfoots, Capi Bob Ham ilton andl Dick WilkenV collected 14 apiece. . - " A1 , c G rOBT LEWIS 24) Bishop 414 1 Vols 3) Dennis (7) Barlur (0) Baird OREGON (38) Wilkins 114) Mays Z) v. Bartlett (8) ... Hamilton 14) SubsUtutes: Fort Lewis Haryie .4. Officials Heinrick and Sorboe. Beavers Down 'Mook Navy ?5' TILLAMOOK, Ore Dec. 21- Oregon State college defeated Til lamook Naval Air Station's bas ketball squad here tonight, 47 to 27., The Beavers led at half time, 22 to 18. Bernie McGrath paced the Collegians to the victory. Pelican state is I name for Louisiana. the popular Connie Mack's Office Veritable Tame' Hall PITlLADELPniA. Dee. ttHJP) Add" postwar plans: a new - baseball mnsetun and hall of faase, in the tower of Shibe park crammed with relics ef THr. B a sebal 1" Connie Mack. Its one' of the musts In the soon-after- V-day program ef Roy Mack, Connie's son and protege. "We hare lot of staff around here that the fans would like to see, and well get more," Key said. 1 hope to get basts made of dad and the greatest players he's had with the Athletics. Did yon ever really get a look around dad's office? Gosh, the staff he : has, and used to have.5 " Connie's ether son and aide, arL opened the door of the old man's sanctum and pointed: there was a cushioned bench made of bats that bear, the sig natures of the treat In baseball throcgh almost 49 years , , , a rack ecr'alslsj baseballs acta- graphed by every player of ev ery club in every leatnae. in the land . . . a tobacco-brown ball sed in a Brooklyn-mataal game en Aug. 19, 1S$2 . . ' . Another made; of coal, a gift front Con nie's admirers In the Pennsylva nia anthracite region . . . Flos 'serapbooks on b a s e b a 1 1 going back to 1871 . I hand-carved canes with the names of A's greats ef , ether y ears ! . . a bound book of letters from for mer Commissioner K. M. Landls, major league presidenfi and all clnb owners, presented to Con nie on Connie. Mack Night last summer . . . and every baseball guide, since the first edition . . . ("The guy who takes one of those guides oat of here 111 shoot on sight," Earl said.) !' : A The office decorations Includ ed, also, framed pictures of ev ery Mack team since IS 31, and the proclamation tLrocih which rornter Governor Arthnr Jamee set May 17 of each year as Con nie Mack day." Connie wasn't around to bear of the mnseuns ' plan.;' The eld gentleman, whoU . be i Saturday, la vacationing lsi California. ' in DRS. CHAN ... LAM Dr.V.TXamJJB. Dr.G.Chaa Jl. . . CllINESE nerbalbts 241 North Liberty, Upstairs Portland General Deculc Co Office open Saturday only 10 ara. to 3 pj.j to. ipja. Coo miuuon. E)ood pressure and urine tests are free of charge. Practiced unco 1817. v WJ. i.iUiui, yii.vi