i la. Arrive for Christmas . . . . ., . .. !- r. ..... i ... .. ". .. ; 1 , , .... ...,.., . . ' ' -, ... ... . i f . With the holidays only a week away families are busy malanj preparations" . . f for Oiristmas and -welcoming- Visitors, who will be hers for the occasion! . ,v :u v - ' ! - . f , . Mr3. Louis Hildebrandt (Marjorie Burllngham) arived In the capital this past ."X. it week to be with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Franki url)ngham. Sh& has been living,? . , I in Knnrville. Tenne.se whera -Lt. Hilda hrrmdti is stationed. She meets" to be"' y ... here several months. ; j Society-- Clubs; K-Music i :'. . Mr.and lArsJ Brown EL Sisson and Miss Mary Elizabeth Sisson will return today . - ' iroma several week3 trip which took them to Austin and -Dallas, Texas. They were' .. accompanied home by the bissons doughter-in law, Mrs. William bisson anq son. Billy, -who have been residing'in Austin while Captain Sisson was stationed . Camo SwifL Thev will remain here over the holidavs at the Sisson home. at Statesman K ok. K 1 S fiiilliill To Visit Families . . . I r . "By Jeryme Xnglish ' ' i j Statesman Society Editor . The depot Is a popular place these days, cs Salem folks are leaving for the south to pend .the holiday season with their families. , .tor. Mary B. Purvine is entraining Friday for y ! T ! I " i 1 l- " I VT. I y can rrancisco to spena unnsiraas anu iew ( Year's yith her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. end Mrs. Andrew Hammond . Burnett (Helen Purvine) at their apartment on Telegraph Hill. Dr. Purvine will also visit other" relatives and friends in the bay region j She expects to return -home early in January. ; , I LL;and Mrs. George C. Bliss and dough ters, Martha Jane and Janet, will leave this morning by train for Oakland, Calif, to spend the holi days with their family, daughters j will return on main uhtilme end of the Expected home Saturday from Mus-kogee, Oklahoma are Mrs." Alex - de--.. . ' . SchweiniJz and young sen, Allan, who have been living there, as LL deSchweinitz' . tA J -jfm " ' ents," Judge and "Mrs. Harry H. Belt The Belt's other daughter, Barbara will be home Thursday from Berkeley, where she has been - attending the . University of California to. spend the holidays. : ! , v - ' ; - i- " Miss Rachel Yocum will arrive Thursday from Logan. Utah, where she is head -cf the women's physical -education clepartment at Utah State college, to spend the Wirisimas holidays at th,e home.ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray AYarjm. . x . Mrs. Bliss . and her New Year's and re- school term. Lt. Bliss will report for hisjiew assignment at San Diego. : Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, her daughter, Janet, end her nieces, Shirley Ross and Kfistine Ras- musseh, who have beeni guests at the Rilea home since summer, are jeaving Saturday for Oakland, Calif, to spertdj the holidays. They t will.be guests at the home ofMrs. C. D. Ras mussen. Mrs. Rilea and Janet will be back by "New Year's day. I - r . .- - '! ' -'- i. Miss Frances Virginie Melton will leave today for Los Angeles to spend Christmas. She will be the house guest of an old friend, Miss ( Edyth Myrl Carver, who' studied music in Paris and Berlin at the same time Miss Melton was In Europe. Enroute north Miss Melton will stop in San Francisco where she will be the guest cf her former teacher, Mr.1 Wager Swayne, and Mrs. Swayne. She will also visit Mrs. Theodore Huntley Welch (Elizabeth Boylcrn), who is re tiding there. Miss Melton expects to be away several weeks. - Df, and Mrs. C. L. Blodgett are planning, to leave Thursday for Los Angeles where they will spend Christmas and New Year's with' relatives. Joining them for the holidays will be r their sbrg Private Corydbn t Blodgett stationed at Camp Roberts. - 7 ' Kirs. Robert C. McGuire and small son, Robert; CyriL jr., left Saturday for Sania Qara, . to spend six weeks with her family. Chief Petty Officer McGuire, who is. stationed at' Willamette with the navy V-12 unit, expects to Join his family later. .' ' s 4H 1 'A -,"4v 4 ( 7 7t if j;- l' - r ; - , f .- Cr-.! v Jj rs. Ralph H. Cooley is well known as-a gracious Hostess and entertains . frequently with dinners -in her newly decorated home on North Summer street. Here Mrs. Cooley puts the final touch oni her pre-holiday table decorations. Her selection of red carnations, -greenery, , red candles in silver holders, on a white damask tablecloth carry but the traditional color scheme for the Christmas season. - n , . . V ItM f . -' 1 i .'"--.- , ..; , i. f - ! ' " f.- " I ' $ ' - . 1 - ! ; - 1 ' i " ' . V, . t ' t - t f ' 1 . - f ' 1 : 1 'PH.' i I ? 1 :! - f f R 1 NT ill L. ! ' i , I . i m 5 : H I". ' w vr '..! .... a: " ... 1 -I ,t- r- t .., iy,...: -4 j j !'. - ' ; - ' ' : 1 1 - -; rT.;'':'3f Ivl rs. Villiam J. Busick, a- bove, loyas to, decorate Christmas pa9kages ' and is known for her plever wrapping ideas. Here she!siis,in'hef .at tractive livingxoom, ' wrapping ' gifts, and on the table are some examples of her talent She ' uses bells, .holly 'and Christmas tree omamehts to supplirrient : the ribbon , bows on the pack-. ages. The small Jigure of Santa Clous in the center of the tabp, . has topped holiday gift pack ages in the Busick family 'for several years. . - Ivl rs. George Alexander ' her ; front door decorations at, -Christmastime. Garlands of fir I- ' or cedar, and perhaps a swatch - -. of native evergreens will be used. Here she puts out a holly wreath to begin the decoratioh, v but will later add other colorful i decorations, which show; up so - well against the white" of the colonial frontdoor. (All photos by Oregon : Statesman). . t : -'V ,t 4 r s " ii'iiii I v m. "... t - . ' : vr 1 ( I . r - mI,.--".:;. : . . s .if 1 f m . ;u U- " , ' -I I : : v v. , I -,; ;rr - . , . V t..' : ' J - v:rr:-;:rir.i M ' .'). " . . . V I- V I ' I J niversity House on Willamette University campus will be . a gay place i V-' at holiday time. Hanging the mistletoe on the canhdelier in the hallway always causes much merriment, and her tho Sihiths are doing , that important task. An tici oating te fun are Mrs. G. Herbert F-nith and daughter SiHv, as tWey give advice to Mary, who li&as ha Gzenz.. ... - j Holiday: Entertaining ... . I The Yuletide season is me occasion for much entertaining with many hosts choosing 'tru;tima'ofJlhe'ye:'hba luncheons, teas; ; , dinners and at homes, v ' T . j T " ' ' I . i."..-;-, ; -;"' ::?-?7'':--v4 Lieutenant Colonel, and Mrsu Carleton Spencer will be hosts fpr, an informal holiday "at home" late, Monday afternoon at their Royal Court apartment Guests have been! Invited to call rafter five o'clock, v Bidden are the officers and their wives of . the state selective service J headquarters. Greens, holly and canctles will be used about the rooms. ; "!"." ' f 1 - : .r-- ;; , "-'. ': .-t r- . . , . ' . . - ' . Mrs. William McGilchrist Jr. and her daughter, Mrs. Peter Buck, have invited guests to a holiday luncheon Wednesday -afternoon- at their North Summer street residence, the affair is being arranged honor of Mrs. H. H. Marsden, who is visiting here from Los Angeles, , and her daughter-in-law; Mrs. Henry 4 H. Marsden, jr.; who has " come here to reside. - " -V - - - ',''-.' r Judge and Mrs. George Rossman will preside at dinner 'Wednes- . day. night at their North Capitol street residence for a group of friends. Covers will be placed for sixteen at jthe long dinner table, which will,., be centered -with roses and tall tapers in 'silver cnndelabras. Tha evening hours will be spent informally. , . " ' , A " Younger Set to Dance.. . . -' y-'-M"" : ;-- . "A . - - i-...!J ' Members of the younger set are looking forward . to the tenth . crnnual -Rainbow formal dance1 on Saturday' night December. 23 at th Armory from S( to 12 o'clockl Glenn Hoar's orchestra' will pkjy 2ct dancing. ' , ' - - i j .- . . " - 'v . - ' '" '. ... .'v- -i'Ci- . . I . - ; "Heavenly. Holiday"..-is the theme of the dance - with clouds, trees, snowflakes and angels j to be., used hr the acorations. At iner mision there will be a -spedaT number,' "The. Merry Widow Wilb.' The programs will be white designed with silver angels. Punch wi 1 , p4. served at a decorated table during thg evening. ' , Patrons- and patronesses' for -the dance include. Mr. .and Mr, .WUliam Merriott, Mrand Mrs Albert Gragg. Mr. and Mrs. WgyM Henry, Mn and Mrs." Glenn Paxson,' Mr. and Kirs.- A&ert" A. Cohen, ; Mrs. Zona Allen, Mr and Mrsl J.'E Van Wyngarden. Mr. -and Mrfc , Fred Keeler. Mr. and" Mrs. Mem Pearce.-Mr, and Ivlrs. Addi3on Uma, . ) Mr. and Mrs. C. L Carson, Mi and Mrs. Walter Lukinsi Mr. -and Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mr." and Mrs. Tweedie.. ".,, : EL A. Burris and 14r. and Mrs. U JL ' Aitn AvTmvrfrriliv" advisor of tha Rainbow -Girls, head '---the dance directorate. Her committee headsare Miss Shirley Lukins, . - decorations; Miss Carolyn Carson,- ' tickets and program; Mis3 Loii ; Burris. refreshments; and Miss Beverly Donrsnport-ronessesv